Area of Some Rectilinear Figures

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Area of some rectilinear figures

Area of a Triangle : 1/2 x Base x Heights Area of Equilateral Triangle : Sqrt(3)/4 x (Side)2 Area of a Triangle - Hero's formula : o Sqrt{s (s - a) (s - b) (s - c)} where 2s = a + b + c. Area of Rectangle = Length x Breadth Area of a Square = (Side)2 Area of Four Walls = 2 x height (Length + breadth) Area of Rhombus = 1/2 x (Products of Diagonals) Area of Trapezium = 1/2 x (Sum of Parallel Sides) x (Distance between Parallel lines) Area of Parallelogram = Base x Altitude Somestandards units of Area o 100mm2 = 1 cm2, 100 cm2, = 1 dm2 o 100dm2 = 1 m2, 100 m2, = 1 are o 100arcs = 1 hactare o 100 hactare = 1 km2

Area related to Circles: Circumference of a Circle or Perimeter of a Circle: The Distance arround the circle or the length of a circle is called its circumference or perimeter.

Circumference (Perimeter) of a circle = d or 2 r, where, r is the radius of the circle and 22/7 Circle: If r be the radius of a circle, and its center is O.

Area of a Circle =

r2 r2

Area of a Semi-Circle =

Area of a Quadrant = r2 Perimeter of a Semi Circle: If r be the radius of a circle, and its center is O.

Perimeter of a Semi Circle : r + 2r Area of a Ring: If r be the radius of a circle, and its center is O.

Area of a ring or Annulus : Length of arc:

(R2 - r2)

Length of arc AB = or Area and Perimeter of a Sector :

Area of a Sector OACBO = or (l x r) Area of a Sector OACBO = Length of arc AB + 2r Area of a Segment :

Area of a Minor Segemnt ACBA : Area of a sector OACBO - Area of Triangle OAB

= - r2sin(theta) Area of a Major Segment BDAB : Area of a circle - Area of a minor segment ACBA = r2 - Area of minor segment ACBA Surface Area and Volumes: Cuboid : If the length of a cuboid is l, breadth is b (sometimes we also use breadth as width 'w') and the height is 'h'.

The formula for the lateral surface area, total surface area and its volume of a cuboid are Lateral Surface area of a Cuboid= Area of four walls = 2 (length + breadth) x height = = 2 (l + b) x h Total Surface area of a Cuboid = 2 (length x breadth + breadth x height + height x length) = 2 (lb + bh + hl) Volume of a Cuboid = length x breadth x height = lbh Cube : Basically a cube is a special type of a cuboid in which length, breadth and its height are equal i.e. length = breadth = height and it is also called an edge of a cube.

The formula for the lateral surface area, total surface area and its volume of a cube are Lateral Surface area of a Cube = Area of four walls = 4 (edge)2 Total Surface area of a Cube = 6 x (edge)2 Volume of a Cuboid = (edge)3 Right Circular Cylinder : It the radius of a right circular cylinder is 'r' and its height is 'h'.

Then the curved surface area, total surface area and volume formula is given by Area of the base of a cylinder = r2 Area of curved surface = Lateral surface area = Perimeter of the base x Height of cylinder Total surface Area = 2 rh + 2 r2 = 2 r (h + r) Volume of right circular cylinder = r2h Right Circular Hollow Cylinder : If the radius of internal and external cylinder is 'r' and 'R' respectively.

Then the formula for curved and total surface area, volume of a hollow cylinder is given by Area of curved surface = (Area of External Surface) + (Area of Internal Surface) = 2 Rh + 2 rh Total Surface Area = Curved surface area + 2 (Area of the base ring) = (2 Rh + 2 rh) + 2( R2 - r2) = 2 (R + r) (h + R - r) Volume of a hollow cylinder : Exterior Volume - Internal Volume = ( R2 h - r2h) = h (R2 - r2) Right Circular Cone: If r be the radius, h be the height and l be the slant height of a right circular cone.

Then the slant height, area of its curved surface and volume is given by the formula Slant height (l) = (h2 + r2) Area of a Curved Surface = rl = r (h2 + r2) Total Surface area = Area of a curved surface + Area of a Base = rl + r2 = r ( l + r) Volume of a cone = 1/3 r2h Sphere: If r be the radius of a sphere.

Then the formula for its surface area and its volume is given by Surface Area = 4 r2 Volume = 4/3 r2 Spherical shell : If r be the radius of internal, and R be the radius of external spherical shell.

Then the surface area and volume is given by the formula Curved Surface Area = 4 R2 Volume = 4/3 R3 - 4 /3 r3= 4/3 (R3 - r3) Hemisphere: If r be the radius of internal, and R be the radius of external spherical shell.

Then the surface area and volume is given by the formula Curved Surface Area = 2 r2 Total Curved Surface Area = Area of curved Surface + Area of its Base = 2 r2 + r2 = 3 r2 Volume = 2/3 r3 Frustum of a Cone : Fructum is a latin word and the meaning is 'piece cut off'. If any right circular cone is cut off by a plane, which is parallel to its base, then the portion of the cone between the plane and the base of a cone is known as a fractum of a cone.

Then the formula for curved and total surface area, volume of a frustum of a cone is given by Curved Surface Area = l (R + r) where l = [h2 + (R - r) 2] Total Curved Surface Area = [R2 + r2 + l (R + r)] Volume = 1/3 h [R2 + r2 + Rr] Here : h = Vertical height of the frustum l = slant height of the frustum

R = radius of the top r = radius of the bottom

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