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Hanumant's CJQuest Core - Objective Questions on Uncategorized - Set 16

Hanumant's CJQuest Core - Objective Questions on Uncategorized - Set 16

Q. No. 751 In a first information an offence is cognizable and other is non cognizable the whole case shall be deemed to be :(a) Cognizable (b) Non-cognizable (c) It is to be seen whether it is a warrant case (d) It is to be seen whether it is a summons case Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 752 The court of magistrate 1st class may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding :(a) Three years (b) Five years (c) Seven years (d) Four years Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 753 The maximum term of imprisoment awardable in a summary trial is:(a) Three months (b) Six months (c) One year (d) Two years Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 754 Whenever a magistrate is of opinion after hearing the evidence for prosecution and the accused that the accused is guilty and that he ought to receive a severe punishment then such magistrate is empowered to inflict the magistrate may forward the case to:(a) Session Judge (b) Chief Judicial Magistrate (c) Distric Magistrate (d) Concerned Police Station Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 755 Inherent Powers, under sec 482 Cr.P.C. can be exercised by:(a) Any criminal court (b) The supreme court only (c) The court of session & High court (d) The High court Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 756 When the person who would otherwise be competent to compound an offence under section 320 of Cr.P.C. is dead, then :(a) Offence cannot be compounded (b) Offence can be compounded by any eye witness

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Hanumant's CJQuest Core - Objective Questions on Uncategorized - Set 16

(c) Offence can be compounded by the legal representative of such person without the consent of the court (d) Lagal representative of such person can compound the offence with the consent of the court Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 757 When will proceeding be vitiated if the magistrate is not empowered to do so:(a) To issue a search warrant U/S94ofC.RC. (b) To hold an inguest U/S 176 of Cr.P.C. (c) Tries an offender summary (d) To tender a pardon under sec 306 of C.RC. Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 758 No wife shall be entitled to receive maintenance from her husband U/S 125 of Cr.RC.if:(a) She has obtained a divorce from he husband and has not remarried (b) She is unable to maintain herself (c) She refused to live with her husband on the ground that keeps a mistress (d) She is leaving in adultery Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 759 What is ture abent Court of Sessions :(a) It can take cognizance without commitment (b) It can't take cognizance without commitment (c) It can take cognizance on DM's recommendation (d) It can take cognizance if chalan put up by S.P. Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 760 In relation to F.I.R. which of the following statements is not correct :(a) It is not a substance evidence (b) It merely marks the begining of the investigation (c) It can not be used as a previous statement for any purpose (d) The informant need not be an eye witness Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 761 If a person in Lawful custody escaps the person from whose custody he escaped may, immediately pursue and arrest in :(a) Within Local limits of the police station concerned (b) Within Local limits of the district (c) Within Local limits of the state (d) In any place in India Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 762 In relation to expressions defined in S 3 of the Indian Evidence Act which of the following statement is not correct:-

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Hanumant's CJQuest Core - Objective Questions on Uncategorized - Set 16

(a) Facts includes not only physical facts but also psychological facts (b) Court includes Arbitrators (c) An inscription on a stone is a document (d) A fact is said to be not proved when it is neither proved nor disaproved Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 763 A voluntarily confession is admissible in evidence :(a) When made to a police officer (b) To magistrate having competent jurisdiction (c) To a village sarpanch with request to save him from police (d) Where it leads to no discovery of facts and made to the police officer Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 764 If in a criminal appeal an accused dies and his near relatives wish to continue, within how much time they must apply:(a) Four months (b) Three months (c) Sixty days (d) Thirty days Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 765 Three year period of limitation is prescribed for taking cognizance of the offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding:(a) One year (b) Three year (c) Five year (d) Seven year Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 766 Admissions are :(a) Conclusive proof (b) May operate as estoppels (c) Always irrelevant (d) None of the above Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 767 For proving execution of a registred will :(a) Be necessary to call at least two attesting witness (b) Be necessary to call at least one attesting witness (c) Not necessary to call any attesting witness (d) Be necessary to call the registrar Select this line to see correct answer : b

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Hanumant's CJQuest Core - Objective Questions on Uncategorized - Set 16

Q. No. 768 Unless non-access is proved, the presumption as to legistimacy of any child born during the continuance of a valid marriage between his mother and any man is :(a) Rebuttable presumption of Law (b) Presumption a fact (c) Mixed presumption of law &fact (d) Irrebuttable presumption oflaw Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 769 Decree shall be deemed to include the rejection of a plaint and the determination of any question within section 144ofC.P.C. (a) Wrong (b) Right (c) It includes rejection of plaint but does not includes the determination of any question within sec. 144 of C.P.C. (d) It includes determination of any question within sec. 144 of C.P.C. but shall not include rejection of a plaint Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 770 Whether an issue heard finally decided by a competent court of limited jurisdiction shall operate as resjudicata in a subsquent suit that the aforesaid court was not competent to try :(a) No (b) Yes (c) Answer would depend upon the nature of the issue (d) None of the above Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 771 A, a sculptor, agrees to sell to B "all my mods". A has both models and tools. Whether evidence can be adduced to show his intention:(a) Yes (b) No (c) Infererence should be drawn to see the agreement (d) Oral evidence is not admissible Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 772 Where the plaint has been rejected the plaintiff on the same cause of action :(a) May file new suit (b) Can't file new suit (c) May present with the leave of High Court (d) None of these Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 773 Where decree is for the partition of an undivided estate assessed to the payment of revenue to the government, the partition of the estate, in accordance with the Law for the time being in force, shall be made by :(a) The Naib Tahsildar (b) TheNazir (c) The collector

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(d) The Commissioner appointed by the court Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 774 Undes sec. 34 of C.P.C. court award interest from the date of decree to the date of payment or such earlier date as the court thinks fit. Rate of such interest shall not exceed....... per annum :(a) Nine percent (b) Ten percent (c) Six percent (d) Twelve percent Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 775 Caveat shall not remain in force after expirty of :(a) Ninety days (b) Sixty days (c) Thirty days (d) Fifteen days Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 776 During service of summons defendant was found absent from his residence & within reasonable time no chance to get back at his residence, service of the summons may be made on :(a) On servant (b) Minor daughter (c) Adult Son (d) Munim Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 777 During the proceeding of execution of a decree, a question arises as to whether any person is or not the representative of a party such question shall be determined by:(a) The court which passed the decree (b) The court executing the decree (c) The appellate Court (d) A Separate Suit Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 778 In a suit which relates to a railway the authority to be named as plaintiff or defendant shall be :(a) The General Manager of the railway (b) A secretary to the central Government (c) The collector of the district (d) The station master of the railway Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 779

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Proceeding in a suit, relating to minor shall not the stayed:(a) On retirement of the next friend of a minor (b) On attaining the majority by the minor (c) On removal of the next friend of a minor (d) On death of the next friend of a minor. Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 780 Cauvery river water sharing dispute concerns the State of (a) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala (c) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Gujarat (d) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 781 Which of the following combination is correctly matched ? 1. Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Art. 136 2. Special leave of appeal by the Supreme Court. Ar t. 133 3. Right to enforce Fundamental Rights only. Art. 4. Ordinance making power of the Governor. Art. 123 Select the correct answer using the code given belo w- Code : (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 782 "A State is and becomes an international person by recognition only" is claimed by (a) Declaratory theory (b) Constitutive theory (c) Evidentiary theory (d) Napoleon Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 783 Rwanda International Criminal Tribunal has been established as per (a) A Resolution of the General Assembly (b) Direction of the Secretary General (c) Ruling of the International Court of Justice (d) A Resolution of the Security Council Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 784 The President of India is elected by- 2. Elected members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. 3. Elected members of the State Legislative Assembl ies including National Capital Territory of Delhi and Union Territory of Pondi cherry. 4. All members of State Legislative Assemblies. Select the correct answer using the code given belo w Code: (a) 1 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 3

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Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 785 The theory of basic structure of the Constituion was propounded in (a) Indira Nehru Gandhi V/s Raj Naram (b) I. C. Golakhnath V/s State of Punjab (c) Kesavanand Bharati V/s State of Kerala (d) Maneka Gandhi V/s Union of India Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 786 Which one of the following is NOT the function o f the Economic and Social Council ? (a) Promotion of economic and social development (b) Promotion of better standards of human welfare (c) Supervision and control of the functions of spe cialised agencies (d) Observance of human rights and fundamental free doms Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 787 The International Criminal Court is to be locate d at (a) Rome (b) New York (c) The Hague (d) Geneva Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 788 Jus Cogens denotes (a) Superiority of States (b) Dominance of U.S.A. over other States (c) Premptory norm of International Law (d) Superiority of United Nations Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 789 The right of private defence to the body:(a) Commences as soon as reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises from an attempt or threat to commit the offence and it continues as long as such apprehension of the danger to the body continues (b) Commences as soon as reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises from an attempt or threat to commit the offence and it continues even after that apprehension ceases (c) Commences only when the assault is actually done and continues during the period ofassault (d) Commences only when the assault is actually done and continues even after the assailant has left Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 790 Temporary injunction may be granted :(a) To restrain any election (b) To restrain dispossession from property

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(c) To restrain any intended disciplinary action against public servant (d) To restrain the result of any adverse entry against the public servant Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 791 What is not correct about the self defence :(a) Nothing is offence which is done in exercise of right of private defence. (b) Right of private defence is extended to causing death in the case of robbery (c) Right of private defence is extended to causing death in defamation case. (d) There is no right of private defence, if there is time to have recourse to the protection of public authorities. Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 792 A instigates B to murder C, B refuses to do so :(a) B is guilty of abetment (b) A is guilty of abetment of murder (c) A & B both are guilty of abetment (d) None of the above Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 793 In how much time, respondent may file cross objections from the day of service of the notice of the hearing of appeal? (a) In 15 days (b) In one month (c) In 45 days (d) In 21 days Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 794 What is not movable property under section 22 I.P.C.? (a) Soil (b) Cheque (c) Tree (d) Fish in a tank Select this line to see correct answer : c

Q. No. 795 Which ingredient is not essential for Hoting? (a) Unlawful assembly of five or more persons (b) Common object of the unlawful assembly as specified u/s 141 (c) Accused joined or continued in such unlawful assembly (d) There must be definite disturbance of the public peace on public place Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 796 Y holds Z down and fraudulently takes Z's money from Z's clothes without Z's consent. Y has committed. (a) Theft

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(b) Extortion (c) Dishonest misappropriation of property (d) Robbery Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 797 A without any excuse fires a gun shot into a crowd of persons and kills two of them - A is guilty of :(a) Murder - section 302 (b) Causing death by negligernce - section 304(A) (c) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder -section 304 (d) No offence Select this line to see correct answer : a

Q. No. 798 Minimum sentence for 'Ten years imprisonment' is necessary for which of these offences? (a) Section 326 voluntarilly ccausing grevious hurt by dangerous weapon (b) Section 376(2) g Gang rape (c) Section 395 Dacoity (d) Section 409 Criminal breach of trust by a public servant Select this line to see correct answer : b

Q. No. 799 What ingredient is not necessary for the offence punishable undersection 279 I.P.C. (Rash driving on public way) (a) Driving of Vehicle (b) On a Public way (c) Such driving must be so rash or negligent as to endanger human life (d) Persons were on road Select this line to see correct answer : d

Q. No. 800 A and B agree to fence with each other for amusement. Awile playing fairly hurts B:(a) A is liable for Voluntarily causing hurt (b) A is liable for assault (c) A has committed no offence (d) A is liable to compensate B Select this line to see correct answer : c

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