Report of Internship

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I Palak C Patwa student of the two-year MBA programme at International Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM) hereby declare that the report on summer training and project work entitled HR PRACTICES is the result of my own work. I also acknowledge the other works / publications cited in the report.






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Summer project is a part of the academic requirement incorporated in the curriculum of Master of business Administration Program. For that student are required to undertake industrial training. It helps the students to understand the theoretical knowledge of todays business world. This exercise enables to get practical exposure to realities of corporate world in action and practice. A great knowledge comes from the combination of better book education and a good training. Keeping this is mind, the International institute of planning and management has introduced a Summer Training Program, and thus I got a truly rewarding chance to get the best feel and experience of the real world economic environment in the best possible manner. I have undergone for training at Reliance Industries Limited, Vadodara from 5th July, 2011 to 20th August, 2011. For this purpose, I had undergone a research project work on HR Practices at RIL-VMD. During this project work, students get an opportunity to glance into the real business world. In this reference I had studied the real activities and the bottlenecks come in the progress of corporate while managing HR department. For that primary data has been collected by personal discussion with senior officer of the HR department and the secondary data has been collected from last five years Employees Welfare Facilities and companys website. The importance of HR PRACTICES is understood with the help of my project guide as well as with the help of statistical tools that I used to conduct my research. I have sincerely tried my level best for precise and meaningful report construction.


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I have been able to prepare my report successfully and I acknowledge a special thanks to all those people without whose support it was impossible for me to make the project report. It has been an enriching experience for me to undergo my summer training at RIL-VMD, VADODARA. Firstly, I thank to MR.Bhupinder Singh(Vice-Precident HR) for allowing the students to undertake their vocational training in RIL Vadodara Complex. I would like to thanks the management of RIL for granting me permission to take training in their organization. I am thankful to Mr. B.P.Shah (Manager, Training Centre), for giving me an opportunity to carry out the study and prepare this project at RIL-VMD and also for providing me better co-operation, guidance and other facilities during training period. I express my gratitude to Mr.Sawant(Manager) for his humble and kind support. I have been benefited greatly by knowing of various concepts as I visited various websites for the interpretation of HR Practices. I would hereby take this opportunity to show my gratitude towards my guide for what I have learnt during my training. A good response, feedback and co-operation are given by her. He helped me in gaining knowledge and solving my queries. So, I would like to give my sincere thanks to Mr. Deepak Rao (professor, International Institute of Planning and Management) who provided support in every aspect whenever I felt the need and for providing me this opportunity to work and achieve an unforgettable learning experience.


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51 56 58 59 65 68 70 71 74 77

30 31 32 33 34 35

80 90 110 111 112 113


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INTRODUCTION HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT For RIL-VMD its real wealth is over 4100 employee. The corporation follows a planned approach to human resource development. Training of manpower happen to be an integrated component of the development stratergy. Today VMD possesses one of the best pools of talents in the petrochemical industry in india. Well maintained residential best pools of talent in the petrochemical industry in india. Well maintained residential complexes, school, recreational center, transport, medical and other such facilities ensures a better quality of life for its employee, paving way of healthier industrial relation. Other aspects of its employees related program include: training programs conducted on regular basis. Nearly a third of its employees receives training each year. The program are conducted at three centers: petrochemical management development institute, vadodara, and at training center at vadodara, nagothane, dahej. HR DEPARTMENT OF RIL-VMD HR SECTION SAP HR Department Learning center
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Rural development cell Township administration Guest houses IR SECTION Legal disciplinary department IR department ESTABLISHMENT SECTION PMS Department Advance department Department of promotion cell GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Telecom Canteen Transport Repair & maintenance Liveries Central registry Printing Holiday home


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INFORMATION OF INDUSTRY Indian petrochemical corporation limited (IPCL), a company under the companies act with registered office at jawaharnagar (near baroda) in Gujarat was registered on march 22,1969. It was assigned the responsibility of setting up upstream mother units and two downstream unit near an established public sector refinery, Gujarat refinery of Indian oil corporation on the outskirts of vadodara in Gujarat. The first board meeting of board of director of the company was held on march 26, 1969 at new delhi. The industry was highly capital intensive, involved handling and processing of hazardous material, involved development of nascent markets and managing new technologies with a skill base that was inadequate. Finally , in contrast to the original concept of involving the private sector, the government allocated these six downstream projects also to IPCL, by early 1971. Apart from the aromatics and the mother cracker, downstream plants spread include polyethylene, polypropylene, acrylic fiber, linear alkyl benzene, butadiene rubber etc. The vadodara complex has now grown to house 21 plants over nearly 500hectares, which includes acrylic esters, polyvinyl chloride, petroleum resins, etc. technology management and development has always been an important plant in strategy planning of IPCL. In 2002, due to disinvestment of equity, the management control went in hands of Reliance Petro Investment Company of RIL Group. On 5th September 2007 IPCL got merge with RIL.
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The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932-2002), is India's largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group's annual revenues are in excess of US$ 58 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company in India. Backward vertical integration has been the cornerstone of the evolution and growth of Reliance. Starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy of backward vertical integration - in polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas exploration and production - to be fully integrated along the materials and energy value chain. The Group's activities span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing, petrochemicals (polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics and chemicals), textiles, retail, infidel and special economic zones. Reliance enjoys global leadership in its businesses, being the largest polyester yarn and fibre producer in the world and among the top five to ten producers in the world in major petrochemical products. Accredited earlier for best performance award among petrochemical companies worldwide(CL London), FICCI awards, ICMA awards, National Energy award, several awards from national safety council, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSIS 18001 certificate for all plants and department of all site.


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"Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision.

Only when you can dream it, you can do it."

Dhirubhai H. Ambani
Founder Chairman Reliance Group December 28, 1932 - July 6, 2002 Dhirubhai Ambani founded Reliance as a textile company and led its evolution as a global leader in the materials and energy value chain businesses. He is credited to have brought about the equity cult in India in the late seventies and is regarded as an icon for enterprise in India. He epitomized the spirit 'dare to dream and learn to excel'. The Reliance Group is a living testimony to his indomitable will, single-minded dedication and an unrelenting commitment to his goals.


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VISION: To be amongst the global leaders in Hydrocarbon processing business with at most concern towards ecology, stake holders & society.

MISSION: To be amongst the global leader in Hydrocarbon processing business with latest concern towards ecology, stack holders and society

RESPONSIBLE CARE: Safety of person overrides the entire production target. - M.D.Ambani


We at reliance are committed to meet customers requirement through continual improvement of our quality management system. We shall sustain organizational excellence through visionary leadership and innovative efforts.


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Board of Directors of Reliance Industry Limited

1-Shri Dhirubhai H. Ambani Founder Chairman Reliance Group December 28, 1932 - July 6, 2002 2-Shri Mukesh D. Ambani Chairman & Managing Director 3-Shri Nikhil R. Meswani Executive Director 4-Shri Hital R. Meswani Executive Director 5-Shri PMS Prasad Executive Director 6-Shri P.K.Kapil Executive Director 7-Shri Ramniklal H. Ambani 8-Shri Mansingh L. Bhakta 9-Shri Yogendra P. Trivedi 10-Dr. D. V. Kapur 11-Shri M. P. Modi 12-Prof. Ashok Misra 13-Prof. Dipak C Jain 14-Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar


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Corporate Governance at Reliance is based on the following main principles:

Constitution of a Board of Directors of appropriate composition, size, varied expertise and commitment to discharge its responsibilities and duties. Ensuring timely flow of information to the Board and its Committees to enable them to discharge their functions effectively. Independent verification and safeguarding integrity of the Companys financial reporting. A sound system of risk management and internal control. Timely and balanced disclosure of all material information concerning the Company to all stakeholders. Transparency and accountability. Compliance with all the applicable rules and regulations. Fair and equitable treatment of all its stakeholders including employees, customers, shareholders and investors. Growth through Commitments: We care about Quality Research & Development Health, Safety & Environment Human Resource Development Energy Conservation Corporate Citizenship

Reliance believes that any business conduct can be ethical only when it rests on the nine core values of Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Fairness, Purposefulness, Trust, Responsibility, Citizenship and Caring. The essence of these commitments is that each employee conducts the company's business with integrity, in compliance with applicable laws, and in a manner that excludes considerations of personal advantage.


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We do not lose sight of these values under any circumstances, regardless of the goals we have to achieve. To us, the means are as important as the ends.

For Reliance Growth is care for good health Reliance's occupational health centers carry out pre-employment and periodic medical checkups as well as other routine preventive services. Specialized tests like biological monitoring, health risk assessment studies and audits for exposure to various materials are also performed. Health education and awareness form an integral part of the health care programme at Reliance.

Growth is care for safety We believe that the safety of each employee is the responsibility of the individual as well as of the whole community of employees.

Growth is care for the environment Reliance believes that a clean environment in and around the workplace fosters health and prosperity for the individual, the group and the larger community to which they belong. Environmental protection is an integral part of the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of all our projects. Growth is betting on our people Reliance builds with care a workplace that proactively fosters professional as well as personal growth. There is freedom to explore and learn; and there are opportunities that inspire initiative and intrinsic motivation. We believe that people must dream to achieve, that these dreams will drive the company's excellence in all its businesses. Reliance thinks, behaves, lives and thrives with a global mindset, encouraging every employee to reach his / her full potential by availing opportunities that arise across the group.


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Major Milestones 2010

During the year, RIL and BP announced a strategic partnership in the oil and gas business. This partnership comprises BP taking 30 per cent stake in 23 oil and gas production sharing contracts that Reliance operates in India, including the KG-D6 block, and the formation of a joint venture (50:50) for sourcing and marketing gas in India. During the year, the Company took a significant step by entering into partnerships in the United States of America with Atlas Energy, Pioneer Natural Resources and Carrizo Oil & Gas through three distinctive joint venture agreements. It has also entered into a separate joint venture with Pioneer Natural Resources aimed at addressing the mid-stream opportunity in gas evacuation and transportation.


RIL joins the league of global deepwater oil and gas operators - RIL commenced production of hydrocarbons in its KGD6 block in the Krishna Godavari basin with the production of sweet crude of 420 API. The production of oil in KG-D6 was commissioned in just over two years of its discovery, making it the worlds fastest green-field deepwater oil development project. With the commissioning of the new refinery in its Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Jamnagar has now become the petroleum hub of the world. With 1.24 Million Barrels Per Day (MBPD) of nominal crude processing capacity, it is the single largest refining complex in the world.


During the year, Reliance signed an agreement to acquire certain polyester (capacity) assets of Hualon, Malaysia. In the Refining & Marketing business, Reliance took over majority control of Gulf Africa Petroleum Corporation (GAPCO) and started shipping products to the East African markets. Reliance also signed MoU with GAIL (India) Limited to explore opportunities
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of setting up petrochemical plants in feedstock rich countries outside India.


Value creation through integration - A landmark merger of Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited (IPCL) with Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) has been completed. Reliance Retail entered the organised retail market in India with the launch of its convenience store format under the brand name of Reliance Fresh. The worlds largest polyester expansion project commissioned during the year. We brought a Polyester capacity of 550 KTA on stream at globally competitive costs in a record time of eighteen months. With this expansion, our polyester capacity has been augmented to 2 million tonnes per year. Subsequently, Reliance now have 4% of global polyester capacity and 6% of global production.


RIL commences the setting up of a new export-oriented refinery through its subsidiary, Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL). The refinery will have a total atmospheric distillation capacity of approximately 580,000 barrels per stream day with a Nelson Complexity of 14.0 and an integrated polypropylene plant with a capacity of 0.9 Million TPA. The capital cost of the RPL project is estimated at Rs 27,000 crore (approximately US$ 6 billion). RPL completes its US$ 1.2 billion Initial Public Offering of equity shares which received an overwhelming response across different classes of investors.


The Mumbai High Court, shareholders and creditors approve demerger proposal


Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) emerged as the 'Petrochemicals Company of the Year' at the prestigious sixth annual Platts Global Energy Awards ceremony
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in New York, USA

The European Commission approved the acquisition of the German specialty polyester manufacturer 'Trevira' by Reliance. Reliance Industries emerged as the first and only private sector company from India to feature in the 2004 Fortune Global 500 list of World's Largest Corporations.


Reliance announces Strategic Alliance with Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. (BRPL) to restart PSF manufacturing at BRPL. Reliance Infocomm acquires FLAG Telecom, a multinational telecom company providing bandwidth through its undersea cable network comprising of over 50,000 kms of undersea fiber optic cable that spans four continents and connects the key regions of Asia, Europe, Middle East and the USA. State-of-the-art Research and Technology Centre is inaugurated at Reliance's Patalganga complex to develop differentiated polyester products.


Reliance Infocomm to launch various telecom services on 28th December beginning with Gujarat, the Infocomm revolution will cover thousands of villages and hundreds of cities across the country. Reliance Infocomm will become a major catalyst for changing the face of India and improving the quality of life of Indians. Reliance announced India's biggest gas discovery in nearly three decades and one of the largest gas discoveries in the world during 2002. The in place volume of natural gas is in excess of 7 trillion cubic feet, equivalent to about 1.2 billion barrels of crude oil. This is the first ever discovery by an Indian private sector company.


Reliance Industries Ltd. and Reliance Petroleum Ltd. became India's two largest companies in terms of all major financial parameters


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Dhirubhai Ambani was conferred The Economic Times Award for Corporate Excellence for Lifetime Achievement


Jamnagar Petrochemicals complex and bulk of integrated refinery complex commissioned comprising: World's largest grassroots refinery India's largest port with capacity of 50 million tpa World's largest PX Plant of 1.4 million tpa World's largest PP plant of 0.6 million tpa Captive power plant of over 300 MW Dhirubhai Ambani was awarded the Dean's Medal by the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA, for setting an outstanding example of leadership. Reliance completed phase-II expansion of Hazira Petrochemicals Complex including world's largest multifeed cracker, PET plant, MEG plant, PTA plant, PE plant



First corporate in Asia to issue 50 and 100 years bond in US debt market Reliance became the first private sector company to be rated by international credit rating agencies. S&P rated BB+, stable outlook, constrained by the Sovereign Ceiling. Moody's rated Baa3, Investment grade, constrained by the Sovereign Ceilings.


Net profit crossed the Rs 1,000 crore mark (Rs 1,065 crores or US$ 338 million), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector


Reliance offered the second Euro issue of GDR


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Reliance Petroleum Limited public issue - India's largest public offering. Reliance pioneered the first ever Euro Convertible Bond issue by an Indian company.


Reliance raised funds by pioneering foray into overseas capital markets with first ever international GDR offering by an Indian corporate. Reliance commenced the production of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) at Hazira.


Reliance commissioned phase-I of Hazira Petrochemicals Complex consolidated its position in polyesters and entered into attractive polymers business - started VCM and PVC plants.


Reliance started the PX plant at Patalganga


Reliance commenced the Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) plant at Patalganga


Reliance started PTA plant at Patalganga. Reliance commissioned Polyester Staple Fibre (PSF) plant at Patalganga.


Reliance entered phase-II of the Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY) plant at Patalganga.
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Reliance launched phase-I of the Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY) plant at Patalganga.

1977 Reliance went public with IPO-Dhirubhai Ambani introduced equity cult in India, a new model of business leadership from base


Reliance industries limited operates world class manufacturing facilities across the country at allhabad, barabanki, dahej, hazira, hoshirpur, jamnager, nagothane, naroda, patalganga, silvassa and vadodara

ALLHABAD: Manufacturing division is located in allhabad. Utterpradesh. It

is equipped with batch polymerization and continuous polymerization facility

BARABANKI: Manufacturing division is located near lucknow,utterpradesh.

It manufacture black fiber.

DAHEJ: Manufacturing division is located near bharuch, comprises

of an ethane recovery unit, a gas cracker, a caustic chlorine plant and 4 downstream plants, which manufacture plyester chips.

HOSHIARPUR: Manufacturing division is located in hoshiarpur, panjab. It

manufactures a wide range of PSS,PFF,POY and polyester chips.

HAZIRA: Manufacturing division located near surat, Gujarat. It comprice of a

neptha cracker feeding downstream fiber intermediate, plastics and polyester plants.
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JAMNAGER: manufacturing division is located near jamnager. It comprises

of a petroleum refinery and petrochemical plants. The refineries are equipment to refine various type of crude oil and manufacturing various grades of fuel from motor gasoline to Aviation turbine fuel. The petrochemicals plant produce plastics and fiber intermediated.

NAGOTHANE: manufacturing division is located in raigad, maharastra. It

comprices of an ethane and propane gas cracker,fiber intermediates and chemicals.

NAGPUR: Manufacturing division is located in Nagpur, Maharashtra. It

manufacturing polyester yarn, dope-dyed speciality products of different ranges, fully drawn yarn and polyester chips.

NARODA: manufacturing division is located near ahmedabad, Gujarat is

RILs manufacturing facility. This synthetic textiles and fibrics manufacturing facility manufacturing and markets woven and knitted fabrics for home textile, synthetic and worsted suiting and shirting, ready to wear garments and automotive fabrics.

PATALGANGA: manufacturing division is located near Mumbai,maharastra.

It comprises of polyester, fibre intermediate and linear and alkyl benzene manufacturing plants.

SILVASSA: manufacturing division is located in dadra nager and haveli. It

manufacture a wide range of specially product such as recron stretch, linen like, mlange, thick n thin and bi shrinkage year.

VADODARA: Manufacturing division located in vadodara, Gujarat. It

comprices of a naphtha cracker and 15 downstream plants for the manufacturing of polymer, fiber, fiber intermediates and chemical.


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AREA Complex area green belt area Built up area Expansion area Open area 379 HA 70 HA 37 HA 24 HA Reminder

WATER Requirement Installed Capacity Details 9.5 MGD 22.5 MGD 2 wells each of 10 MGD(from Mahi river)


8 Bore wells of total 3.5 GMD. 18 km 36 and 16 km 33

POWER Requirement Installed Capacity Details 55 MW 84 MW 2 Gas turbines generator of 32 MW. 2 Steam turbines generator of 10 MW. Full back arrangement up to 35 MW From each state grid
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Plants at the Vadodara Manufacturing Division

Name of Plant Naphtha Cracker LDPE Mono Ethylene Glycol/Ethylene Oxide Butadiene Extraction Polybutadiene Rubber Plant 1 Polybutadiene Rubber Plant II Benzene Extraction LAB Acrylonitrile Plant Acrylic Fibre Monocomponent Acrylates VCM PVC Polypropylene Copolymer Pant Acrylic Fibre Bi-component Plant Polypropylene Plant

Commissioned Year 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1996 1979 1979 1979 1979 1983 1984 1984 1988 1989 1996


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Products & Brands

The Company expanded into textiles in 1975. Since its initial public offering in 1977, the Company has expanded rapidly and integrated backwards into other industry sectors, most notably the production of petrochemicals and the refining of crude oil. The Company from time to time seeks to further diversify into other industries. The Company now has operations that span from the exploration and production of oil and gas to the manufacture of petroleum products, polyester products, polyester intermediates, plastics, polymer intermediates, chemicals and synthetic textiles and fabrics. The Company's major products and brands, from oil and gas to textiles are tightly integrated and benefit from synergies across the Company. Central to the Company's operations is its vertical backward integration strategy; raw materials such as PTA, MEG, ethylene, propylene and normal paraffin that were previously imported at a higher cost and subject to import duties are now sourced from within the Company. This has had a positive effect on the Company's operating margins and interest costs and decreased the Company's exposure to the cyclicality of markets and raw material prices. The Company believes that this strategy is also important in maintaining a domestic market leadership position in its major product lines and in providing a competitive advantage. The Company's operations can be classified into four segments namely:

Petroleum Refining and Marketing business Petrochemicals business Oil and Gas Exploration & Production business Others

The Company has the largest refining capacity at any single location. The Company is:

Largest producer of Polyester Fibre and Yarn 5th largest producer of Paraxylene (PX) 5th largest producer of Polypropylene (PP)
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8th largest producer of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) and Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG)

Research & Development, Technology Development and Innovation

In order to sustain and enhance profitable growth, RIL aspires to become a developer of leading edge technologies and continues to be an efficient use of technology. RIL intends to create world-class physical and intellectual capabilities, with some of the leading scientists bolstering its innovation agenda. The Company focuses its attention to fundamental R&D for sustainability of its business, advanced technical services, enhancing internal capability to develop basic engineering packages, and in building capabilities. In refining, the focus areas include maximising light olefins yields from the fluidised catalytic cracker (FCC), improving propylene recovery in FCC; advanced characterisation of crude and evaluation of chemicals for desalting; increasing efficiency and reliability of refinery processes and enhancing process capabilities in coking technology to help widen the crude operating window. Some major ongoing/completed projects include:

Selection of cost effective FCC catalysts and additives for improved conversion and yields. Propylene yield improvements. Benzene reduction in refining to promote clean fuel. Upgrading of bottom barrel through initiatives such as carbon black production, reduced conversion etc. De-Salter operation improvements. Computational fluid dynamics for trouble shooting. Molecular compositional blending models. Polypropylene quality control. Polyolefin inorganic precursor technology development. High performance PP homo and copolymers. Development of high performance additives for polyolefins. Development of clarifiers for PP grades. High melt strength PP by post reactor route. Superabsorbent polymers. Bio-filtration process for effluent water treatment. Catalyst for selective dehydrogenation of C11-C14 nparaffins.
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In-house development and utilization of additives for cracker coking passivation. Development of oxygen barrier PET for beer packaging. Productivity enhancement through polymer modification. New co-catalyst systems for bottle-grade PET productivity enhancement.

RIL aspires to be one of the most innovative companies in the world. The Reliance Innovation Leadership Centre designs, develops and deploys programmes in realizing this vision anchored around this agenda.

The Leading Expert Access Programme (LEAP) created a hat trick of Nobel Laureates' lectures. Prof Venki Ramakrishnane delivered the 13th Reliance LEAP lecture at the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL). In the past, LEAP speakers have included Nobel Laureates Prof Jean Marie Lehn and Prof Robert Grubbs. LEAP has been designed to inspire the RIL family through the life, work and experience of global innovation leaders.

Sustainable growth of any organisation has one important element- generation, exploitation and management of its IP. Last year saw a new energy in this domain through the structuring and institutionalizing of the IP thrust area. The focus of the IP team is to transform the organisation from being an IP user to an IP creator. RIL's patent portfolio is on the upswing, both in quality and quantity terms including protection in overseas markets.

Health RIL focuses on achieving excellence in occupational and personal health of its employees across locations. The Company has state-of-the-art Occupational Health Centres (OHC) at its manufacturing divisions and major offices. These OHCs are
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equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and are manned by qualified occupational health specialists.

RIL's medical and occupational health departments are also in the forefront to prevent lifestyle diseases such as heart problems, hypertension, diabetes and communicable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS through a series of regular health awareness sessions, daily health tips and personal counseling. Health promotional activities are also extended to employees' family members staying at Company townships.

RIL has full-fledged modern hospitals at its major townships at Jamnagar, Vadodara, Nagothane and Patalganga, which cater to curative health services to employees and their family members. In FY 2010-11, new facilities were added to the hospitals including a state-ofthe- art, special burns treatment unit, at the Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Jamnagar.

Started eight years ago as a pilot project at few manufacturing divisions, Change Agents for Safety, Health and workplace Environment (CASHe) has grown and become a movement encompassing the entire enterprise with thousands of improvement projects. The programme has been instrumental in creating a culture of implementing health, safety and environment improving projects at workplace on a priority basis. This programme has also helped the Company improve its performance on the occupational health and safety front. Safety In FY 2010-11, RIL's HSE Management System (HSE-MS) has been further strengthened with new initiatives. The HSE-MS have been institutionalized to establish Company-wide safety management objectives, guiding principles and processes. RIL continues to pursue world class operational excellence through the HSE Management System initiative, in strategic partnership with M/s DuPont Sustainable Solutions. In FY 2010-11, RIL implemented the operational discipline framework of
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11 characteristics to embed operational discipline in the organization in 6 major manufacturing sites. RIL's manufacturing divisions undertook a rigorous selfassessment of operational discipline and they are in the process of implementing improvement measures with total employee involvement. Process Safety Management (PSM) has been further strengthened in FY 2010-11, through strategic initiatives for sustenance. One of the focuses was to conduct self assurance studies for the safety of the community through Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) in plants prioritized on risk basis. Implementation of recommendations emerging from such studies has resulted in evolving inherent safer measures in operations of such plants. RIL's Central HSE audit programme is a critical component of the HSE governance process, which has been specifically designed to ensure that stakeholder expectations, HSE Policy and HSE Management Standards are being effectively implemented across the Group. The HSE Audit Protocol is based on the HSE Management Standards and systems and performance management principles. The process provides assurance to the Group and the Board that the HSE Management Standards are being implemented and it identifies best practices that can be shared across RIL Group. The Company has further reinforced its ties with global institutions such as the Centre for Chemical Process Safety, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Chemical Council and the British Safety Council, which gives access to industry best practices. RIL's HSE systems are aligned with recognized management systems and global best practices. Most manufacturing divisions have been certified to ISO 14001:2004 certification of Environmental Management Systems and OHSAS 18001:2007 certification of Safety Management Systems. Environment In its pursuit of excellence in environmental management towards sustainable business development, Reliance continues to be committed to develop and implement Environmental Management System (EMS) throughout the Group to measure, control and reduce the environmental impact. In this context, during FY 2010-11, Gadimoga and Jamnagar SEZ manufacturing divisions have instituted ISO14001:2004. With this, the international environmental accreditation based management system covers Company's all manufacturing divisions. In majority of


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cases this has been integrated with ISO: 9001:2008 Quality Management System and ISO-18001:2007 OSHA management systems. RIL has also referred Global Reporting Initiative's guidelines 2006 for developing its environment performance indicators. This concerted effort is aimed at developing environmental initiatives to address to RIL's long term target of becoming water positive, carbon neutral and maximizing possible recycling and reuse of wastes. A management framework with defined structures, roles and responsibilities, group standards, audits and training has been further strengthened. RIL is fully compliant with various environmental protection and health and safety laws and regulations. In its constant Endeavour to be fully compliant with all regulatory standards, RIL has instituted a compliance management system, which ensures that the Company is in full compliance to all applicable legal requirements. Prior to the implementation of new projects the potential environmental impacts are assessed. The environment impact assessment and risk analysis are performed for all new and major expansion projects and necessary measures are incorporated to mitigate adverse environmental impacts at the planning stage of project. Further, in FY 2010-11, RIL has updated its group environmental standards and second party audit protocols. In an important initiative, in FY 2010-11, the Company developed 'RIL- Environmental Management Process' with the help of international agencies. The processes include work streams, role and responsibility matrix and performance indicators to monitor the progress. RIL strongly believes that these actions will be the Change Agent for further reducing the Company's environmental risks significantly. In RIL's improvement efforts, audits play an important role. The Company has developed three-tier audit systems. Trained and qualified internal auditors perform internal or first party environmental audits of our environment management system at regular intervals. In FY 2010-11, RIL has developed an environment second party audit protocol for the RIL- Environmental Standards. The high level environmental audit by the external agency or third party is performed for all manufacturing divisions which include annual audit by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) recognized auditors in the State of Gujarat and ISO-14001:2004 audits by the accreditation agencies at regular frequency.


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For those who study innovative organizations Reliance Industries will be a shining example of how innovation is practiced in almost everything that they do. Here are few things that set them apart:

"Impossible is an inspiring word" - Nothing turns on the leadership at Reliance Industries than this magical word. Again to quote the Jamnagar example, it was considered impossible to turn a barren land into a greenbelt. Today mangoes grown in Jamnagar are sold in Harrods London. "Hands on thinking, hands off execution." - It is characteristic of Reliance leadership. They think everything through and meticulous planning is their hall mark. When it comes to execution empowerment delegation down to the last employee in the chain is clearly demonstrated. "First time it is learning. Second time it is a mistake." - Mistakes are never frowned upon; instead they are treated as a learning opportunity. It is one such mistake converted to learning that created the world's largest 'Craft Centre' located at Jamnagar. Cumulatively it has trained 1, 50,000 workmen electricians, welders, carpenters. "Sense of urgency" - Reliance speed is legendary now. Reliance has mastered project management skills and has made it virtually into a fine art. It is this sense of speed that restored operations in record time in Jamnagar, Patalganga and Hazira after being affected by cyclones and floods. "Think. Anticipate. Be prepared." Part of meticulous thinking is the ability to anticipate problems. "Every transformation initiative will face resistance. It is our job to anticipate the resistance, take the responsibility to earn the respect of all stakeholders to create a win-win business model." "Dreams and Vision are the most potent fuels in the world." - This is an unmistakable Reliance hallmark espoused both by the founder Chairman Sh. Dhirubhai Ambani and the current Chairman Sh. Mukesh Ambani. To a question on what would be his next big ambition Sh. Mukesh Ambani answered "Rural transformation. Creating direct employment for half a million people in rural India. Creating a supply chain that the world will envy." "Measuring success differently" - Developing a metric to measure how much money was spent, is just one example of inspiring people to think and act differently and effectively.


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Poly propylene Tharmo care Keep fresh container Medical wares Small bore tubing Multifilament Raffia Bopp film(lamination) Thin wall container

Liner Low Density Poly ethylene (LLDPE) Garbage Heavy duty film General purpose film Drip laterals Overhead tanks Toys

Low Density Poly ethylene (LPDE) Packs for textiles, milks, detergent Shopping and heavy duty bags Canal lining, Cap covers, Nursary bags Caps and closures

High Density Poly ethylene (HPDE) House wares Storage bins Crates
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STRENGTH Manpower with rich experience in managerial, technical, commercial Fields Plant located on the west-coast, where the downstream industry Is concentrated Both liquid and fire crackers Divorce of product range Network safety and environment record WEAKNESS Commodity business subject to cyclicality Dependence on external sources of feed stokes OPPERTUNITIES High growth potential Indian polymer market Excellent research and development facilities Revamp of old plant Productivity enhancement to global standards Dispute sustained growth of petrochemical units in the country, Still, remains very low on a per capita basis

THREATS High rate of technological obsolesce Environmental concern on plastics


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Aim: - To understand the various functions of CTO. There are mainly 3 type of functions done by the CTO. Attendance Leave Perks (Overtime & Compensatory Off) Shift timings Shift A 6:00 to 14:00 Shift B 14:00 to 22:00 Shift C 22:00 to 6:00 General Shift 8:30 to 17:00

Information: Central time office come into existence in 2007 It maintain record of the employee attendance and payroll, changing shifts, leave records with the use of SAP software No person is permitted to enter the company premises without showing the identity card issued by the company at the time of joining and are responsible to punch their cards at the time of entering and leaving premises The machine of electronic recording system(EARS) is placed in all departments and plants in the company. Every employee is provided identification card for punch which are not only required to punch at the entry/exit gate but also respective departments and plants. Earlier each plant had their individual time office but after IPCL got merged with reliance, all the time offices were combine one and RGSS has been contract basis and they keep on eyes on visitors, vocational trainees etc


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To check schedule To solve problem of attendance Look out the attendance query Employee can change their shift After approval of HOD, one can change their shift In case of employee forget to punch card, to issue the card at the entry gate or being late due to transportation problem, he/she with the help of CTO can regulate the timings. Attendance status Leave application Employee can check leave application balance For encasement to leave, minimum SPL required Only privilege leave and compensatory leave can be encashed Non-supervisors are paid for overtime service The supervisors are paid for their compensatory offs

LEAVES CL(Casual Leave) SL(Sick Leave) PL(Privilege Leave) RH(Restricted Holidays) SUPERVISORY 8 10 24 2 NON-SUPERVISORY 10 10 30 2


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They cant take half day leave They can accumulate 120 leaves as their balance PL and SL are issued at the beginning of every year


They cant take half day leave They can accumulate 300 leaves as their balance Extra overtime are paid for them PL and SL issued at the end of every year CL cannot be combined with any other leave while SL and PL can If work on off than 4 compensatory holidays are given along with amount of overtime 2 hours outgoing leave permitted including in the month Also facilities of leave application


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Employee Self Service (ESS)

ESS is based on SAP software. SAP came into existence in 01-Jun-2004 at VMD. Through it an employee can check his personal information like attendance record, shift timing, apply for leave, check leave balance etc. ESS is the kind of profile of the employee. It help to make any change in the profile of an employee and also helps in resolving any problems related to it HRC directly informs to the central establishment to make any necessary changes in the employess ESS Through ESS an employee can update their attendance with following reason:-

Company bus late Card lost Card not issued Forgot to punch On training Power failure Not swiped worked at other location Name Address Nominees Achievement record


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Keep an eye over each and every employee in context to obeying the rules and regulations or mentioned standing orders of safety. Under the situation of any violent activity, control procedure is been executed. FPUs work is being co-ordinate with the management


It co-ordinates with the control room and hospital and informs the
family of an employee in case of any accident took place

Inquiry each and every small information about the accident in case of
accident take place out of the company premises and send that information to the management

After death of an employee, the legel activities are being done by HRC
department as their prime duty

In the case of mock drill, HRC should be present at the place.


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Aim:-Learning about the activities carried out at the HR group 2. Information:HR in organization has successfully and implemented process that are directly tied to the objective of the company. HR performance ensures that their actions are connected to the stated goals of the company and drives business growth. The first and main aim is customers satisfaction and in RIL-VMD employees themselves are the customers of the company so to satisfy them is important. Information of plant HR 2 RIL-VMD consists of 14 plants working on continuous basis in various shift. To facilitate these plants with the service of HR, all the plant are divided into 3 group and each group looks after their allotted plants which are 4 to 5 in numbers. Moreover, all the group work in identical manner HR is successfully implemented in the company which leads to fulfillment of the objectives of the company. HR performance ensures that their action are connected to the stated goals of the company and drives business growth. First and foremost aim of the company is customers satisfaction. The company assume their own employees as the first customer and hense try their best to serve them for satisfaction, HR group is working as the HRC. They are working as the intermediate between the management and employee. Initially when it was IPCL, it was decentralized but later when reliance took over the company become Reliance


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IPCL, it was totally centralized, but with the passage of time it become de=centralized.

Participation of functional plant units activities

Disciplinary matters IR related matters ISO compliance SAP HR related matters Welfare services ESS related matters Personal file works

DISCIPLINARY A human resource manager normaly faces the task of managing sensitive problems that are related to indiscipline at the workplace. These disciplinary are caused by employees who do not abide by the organizational rules and regulations. The aims and objectives of disciplinary are: To ensure and enable employees to work in accordance with the rules and regulations of the organization. To ensure that employees follow the organizational process and procedures in spite of their different personalities and behavior. To provide direction to the employees and fixed responsibilities. To improve organizational performance by improving the efficiency of the each employee.
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To maintain common feelings of trust and confidence in the employee towards each other and towards the management. Activities under the disciplinary matters. Disciplinary cases stats to legal section. Issuance of notice for absenteeism and advice to resume duty. Issuance of charge sheet. Issuance of advisory letters. Issuance of warning notice. Issuance of punishment/suspension/revocation of suspension letters. Absenteeism report to HOD & details for pasts punishments cases for long service award. Grievance handling. Counseling to absentees and local IR related issues.

Service provider Resolves ESS and SAP related problems Provide welfare services Undertakes performance appraisal Undertake potential appraisal Annual confidential rewards(ACR) Provides emergency service Disciplinary service


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OBJECTIVE To know about how telecommunication and transport department works in this company. INFORMATION ABOUT GENERAL ADMINISTRATION There are six section in this department:

Security section Printing section Holiday home section Repairs and maintenance section Transport section

It deals with the administration of the security in RIL-VMD There are total 7 gates in vadodara complex where each gate has 6 guards There are total 120 guard and 40 security officers in this complex There is RGSS which maintain security department Total budget for this development is rs.5 crores
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PRINTING SECTION Each and every printing items for all the department is administrated by
this section

Printing activities of two different school of RIL-VMD is also been

taken care of it

It is operated directly by ARC i.e Annual Rate Contracts. They give different contracts for different activities to different
concerned agencies

Total budget for this section is rs.1crores

HOLIDAY HOMES There are 8 holiday homes which are the hotel rated 3 and 5 stars
situated in goa, mountabu, diu, Darjeeling, mahabaleshwar, ooty, nainital, shimla.

Employee needs to pay rs.18 per person per day as the room charges. Maximum 7 days stay is allowed


Contract for repairing and maintaining any kind of furniture like table,
chair, cupboard etc are given to the contractors.
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Annual budget for repairs and maintenance is rs.35 lakhs per year.


Total 300 kms or 3424 whichever less is allowed for traveling or tour benefits. All the calculation based on railway charges and only for dependent family members. If employee do not want to go on tour then he/she take cash amount but it is totally taxable. Before the recent settlement in RIL (VML) the bus facilities were provided to all the supervisory and non-supervisory employees. But after the settlement, this facilities has been cancelled and employees are given petrol allowance instead. While the schools have not been denied for providing bus facilities. There are total 13 buses provided to both the mediums yearly. But as the number of student is declining, there is also reduction in total number of buses being provided. The internal shuttle bus facility is there for the employees to commute from one location to another within the company premises


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Aim:-To visit the PMS department and get aware about it. Information:The performance management system deals with appraising the performance of an (i) Individual (ii) Site location. There are different pools of individuals in RIL, which can be classified as under

Supervisor Level

Non Supervisor




Semi Skilled

Post graduate


Promotion Ceiling Point There are altogether 6 grades for non-supervisor level. Unskilled:- Can move uptill 3rd grade. Semiskilled:- Can move uptill 1st grade.
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Skilled:- Can move to Supervisory level.

PMS for Supervisor and Non-supervisor level. Non-supervisors Non-supervisors are promoted every 5 years according to pre-determined criteria. The promotion criteria are different for skilled, unskilled and semiskilled. The process of transfer and promotion are co-ordinated quarterly in a year. Promotion of the nonsupervisor are based on their Annual Confidential report (ACR). Supervisors Performance appraisal is done for mangers in forms of setting KRA (Key Result Area

KRA (1000 Points)

Site Performance (600)

Individual (400)

Safety (150)

Function (450)

Project (200)




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Aim: - To visit canteen and get the information. Information: Canteen is the basic requirement of every industry. The rules may provided for the standards in respect of construction, accommodation, furniture, and other equipment of the canteen Canteen coupons are provided at subsidized rates to employee There is a central kitchen where the preparation of all eatable items are done 70 gms packed dry breakfast is provided to the employees in mornings breakfast. Tiffin services is provided to those worker who are engaged in the plant areas while others have their meals by physically present in the canteen area in the prescribed timing Food is prepared through steam, water and gasline MIS information is also prepared regarding this area 10 satellite dining halls are available for lunch and dinner Daily testing food is done by the supervisor to maintain the taste, quality, and removing the detioration if any Food is prepared by the contractors as the company engages with the agencies on a contract basis for food preparation and supplies There are fixed timings for snacks according to the shift timings these are 7 am, 9 am, 6 pm, 1 pm & 3 am. Wet and dry snacks are provided alternatively. For these there is no booking system.
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There is booking system for lunch. It is prepared on the basis of the consumption on the earlier week. All the food items tea, coffee & snacks are prepared at the central kitchen of RIL-VMD complex. Before IPCl took over by Reliance permanent staff of canteen was 550 and right now it is 350. The quality and quantity of food to be served has been decided by the mutual consent of the management and the union. In all the dining halls, 2 sets of complaints books are available for the employees to write down their complaints and bring out the issue in the eyes of management,. And these complaint book consist of 4 different colours copies as follows:1st copy for record 2nd copy for contractor 3rd copy for the complainer 4th copy for office purpose Timetable for meal and snake are allowed There is a canteen committee which includes Medical head Account head Operation head HR head Canteen head There are 3 unions. Menu change over inevery three month with a meeting being held in presence of 12 people in which 6 supervisory level and 6 non supervisory level and who are part of trade union name-INTUC,ITUC And BMS There are wastage of food is not done in the company in case of surplus food or for any other reason by using BIO GAS PLANT where all the food related garbage is dumped The company has attained certificate if ISO 9001 for customer satisfaction and ISO 18001 for hygiene food issue
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Budget for central kitchen is rs.300 lacks per annum Food Vouchers Non supervisors -525 Supervisors 1300 Types of coupon There are two types of coupons provide like RIL coupon It is for the permanent employee Contractor Coupon this is on the cash basis. Brand for food articles are decided before in hand. For eg; milk is procured from Baroda Dairy. CANTEEN COMMETTEE In canteen committee there are 6 representatives of Trade Unions, as there are 3 unions. 2 from each and on management side also equal representative from HOD, accounts, plant administration, HR. They meet Quarterly Every 3 months menu is being changed. Require manpower is 140 including sweepers. They are providing 7 transportation vehicles, as there are 90 distribution points. There are 10 dining halls in Baroda Complex. Canteen is divided in 2 points.


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INTRODUCTION SAP is an ERP software which was found in 1972 by a group of former IBM employees. SAP is the worlds largest inter enterprice software company and the fourth Largest interdependent software supplier, SAP is develop at over 22,000 companies in more then 90 country world wide. Wellknown companies like Microsoft, ibm, Exxon, shell and many more of the fortune 100 companies use SAP software currently In india, in additional to RIL, Mahindra & Mahindra, siemans, telco are implementing SAP ADVANTAGES No change of duplicacy No communication gap It is flexible and comprehensive Dynamic information management The information is centrally available As it is an electronic software with its computerized nature, it has easy access to all the literate and trained users.

DISADVANTAGE It is not user friendly software It is costly affair In reliance SAP is been introduced since 2004 and the contract is given to SAP INDIA


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PERSONAL ACTION Many information or data can be stored in the form of table like Employee s personal data Employees department data Employee s basic data Employees housing data Employees provident data Employees loan data Employees D.A. data Employees credit soc. Data Employees organizational data Employee s time data



- To understands that which kind of policies are prevailing in the organization.

Information:The various kinds of policies are as follows. GAPI (Group personal accident insurance) -In this policy all the regular employee are covered.. -It is 24 hours policy i.e. on the job and off the job risks and only accident claim are covered.


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-Insurance company will issue the cheque to the reliance & then company will give it to the employee. -Employee disability is counted. When employee is announced as totally permanent disability they are given 50 months salary or Rs.40 lacks. -This is annually renewal policy. At the time of renewal total no. of employees are estimated and their salary will be given to the insurance company. -This policy is covered from HDFC Ergo general insurance company. -The information of accident should be given within 7 days of the insurance company. -All the documents must be presented to the company. Company pays premium for the non supervisor but for the supervisor they have to pay premium by their own. This insurance benefit starts from the very moment when the employee is the member of company Mediclaim Policy o It is covered from oriental insurance company. o All the supervisors and officers are covered and for non supervisors, companys internal Mediclaim policy. o Supervisors are divided under 2 categories. Executive Manager Family -Self, spouse and there dependent children and parents are covered. -It is annual renewal policy. -Premium amount is Rs. 5 lacks for a family. After discharge from employees within 90 days, employees have to inform


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Leaders Family All president & general manager are covered. -Self and their parents are covered under this category. -premium amount is Rs. 2697 & total policy amount is Rs.3 lacks. -It is only for hospitalization.

Mediclaim policy for VRS employees -This policy amount is Rs.5 lacks. -Policy is for Self & spouse. -Only once employee has to pay the premium in lump sum. -The validity of this policy is till either the death of the employee or absorption of the fund or till the employee attains the age of 60 years. -After VRS no maternity charges paid by the company. -The policy amount is only paid in the case of hospitalization.

Post Retirement Policy -This policy is covered under Oriental Insurance Company. -Here pre existing diseases are covered. -It is only for supervisors. -After retirement self, spouse & handicapped children are covered. -Earlier the policy amount was Rs. 5 lacks for a family but now, the policy amount of Rs. 5 lacks for every member of the family. -Company pay premium for the family. -Here the policy continuous even in the case of death of the employee.


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Group Term Insurance Scheme This policy is covered from LIC. -It is for regular employee. Every new employee is covered. -Policy amount is Rs. 5 lacks. -50% premium amount is paid by the company and rest is paid by the employee. -The VRS employee can also take this policy and the validity of this policy is till the employee affairs 6o years ago. -If the employee dies the family will get 5 lacks. In case of VRS undertaken, the same case applies Mortgage Redemption Policy This policy from LIC. -This is an annual renewal policy. -Here employee bears the premium.

Group Savings Linked Insurance Schemes -Employees are divided in three categories. A: Salary limit is RS. 1.6 lacks B: Salary limit is RS. 1 lack C: Salary limit is RS. 60,000 In case of death of employee, the nominee will be paid for the insured amount plus saving amount plus accrued interest on savings In case of separation of employee other then death, insured amount will not be paid but saving amount and interst will be given Mediclaim should be approved with in 7 days of discharge from the hospital or else the mediclaim can be rejected.


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Third Party Insurance Policy -It is sponsored by ICICI Lombard. -Under the provident fund act, 1952 the insurance scheme which was introduced in 1976,the employee are covered by insurance policy and they get maximum benefit up to RS. 10,000. -In RIL-VMD there are 7-8 policies which cover employees and family on the job and off the job. -Because of this policy saving of employees increase, they pay premium so it is beneficial to them after retirement & during old age. -In this company the non supervisors have no knowledge about these policies & benefits which are provided by the company to them so HR person make.

Workman compensation policy it aims to provide sure prompt income and medical benefits or work related accident victims or the depertments regardless of fault. Every state has it own workers compensation law and management commission while some runs their own insurance programs . all the non-supervisor trainees are covered but some senior executives are also covered on the contract basis. It is on the job policy Only leave is covered not medical treatment. RIL pays premium for this policy


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OBJECTIVE: To know about the industrial relations of the company

INFORMATION: Industrial relations deal with maintenance of harmonious relationship between the management and the workers along with the trade union so that smooth, efficient and accurate production activities are carried on

ROLE OF IR In every industry, IR plays a very important n continuous role Solving routine problems Provide better working condition For forecasting the future problems and situation Try to understand the trade union Making human relation approach Development leadership approach Maintaining group discipline approach Maintain harmonious relationship between employer and employee Reduce absenteeism rate and resolve the grievance of the employee


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A) Documents required at the time of issuance of gate pass. Copy of worker is issued by Reliance Industries Limited, VMD. Copy of PF registration certificate along with original for verification. Copy of insurance coverage under workmen compensation act. PF nomination form that is form No. 2 If more than 10 workers are engaged then labor license has to be obtained by contractor. Medical examination and fitness report of all the contract labor from the designation/specified medical officer. B) Procedure to be followed by the contractor during the work period. Wage disbursement- minimum wages as notified by state government from time to time are required to be implementation. PF is required to be deducted on 15th of the month. Record under contract labor Act will be verified by contract labor cell. C) Documents required for issuance of clearance certificate. Clearance will be issued on monthly basis upon submission of following. Copy of all the work orders Copy of monthly wage register. Copy of monthly PF challenge along with receipted copy of monthly PF returns that is form 12A, form 5 & form 10.


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Aim: - To get the information about various activities performed by the legal department. Information:There are two sections in legal section: One is only for labors related matter cases like termination, misconduct and suspension. Another is for civil criminal act their activities are done in PMDI. As all industry Reliance also has a legal department. The major activity of legal consists of: Coordinates with lawyers for litigation in various courts legal section provides co-ordination between HODs and advocates. Internal consultancy is another role played by legal department in legal section provides advice for legal matters in internal department. Legal section also handles all the disciplinary cares the action will be taken step by step. A legal department does the activities regards to various acts like: Industrial dispute Act, 1947 Gratuity Act, 1972 Bonus Act, 1965 Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 Factories Act, 1948 Minimum Wages Act, 1948 Payment of Wages Act,1936
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Aim:-To visit learning and understands the various activities of the Learning centre.

Information:Learning centre with training and development of non- supervisor. It deals with both individual needs as well as group needs on the other hand PMDI are concerned with the training of supervisory. It focuses on individual need but as this process group needs are also identified. The company gives training to the people of various other countries, Iran, Oman. Both learning centre and PMDI comes under HR and it is headed by Senior V.P. HR. Learning centre conducts in-house training programmes for non-supervisory employees Technical program: This includes technical programme for all employees including Khalasi. It is conducted by internal faculties. Non-technical program: This programme includes behavioral since subjects. This training progremme includes all the employees except Khalasi. This is conducted by external faculty only. Statutory training: Statutory training is done according to the apprentice act. Government authorities fix the no. of apprentices in a particular organization.


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In the above said training, the non-supervisor trainees are divided into 3 categories: Skill employee- 1400, Semi-skill employee- 800,Unskilled employee- 200


Decide the trainer Uniform transportation of knowledge by ppt, fixed presentation material, module Send all the information to the site president for approval Meeting with the president and foreman Approval in the present of forum

IMPLEMENTATION SOP- Standard Operating / Procedure

Each and every thing related to the particular activity have represented in the written form. Its main objective is that everyone can easily understand it

The whole perform of the training is sent to the respective HODs and then

and then he informs his employees to be present during the training During the training it is also necessary to provide proper infrastructure facilities available for particular time Reminder of all the thing before the training is also one of the job of the learning center Co-ordinate of the training center are responsible


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HSEF TRAINING HSEF- Health Safety Environment and Firing Training Training related to health, safety, environment and fire is given to the employee during the training by showing utmost important of them

BEHAVIOUR TRAINING The training regarding the skill, their behavior, attitude etc. covering under this training

VOCATIONAL TRAINING It is also regarded as the part of CSR of the company towards their employees. Mostly the wards of the employees are taken as their vocational trainees in the company and by open heart they serve them efficiently.


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Aim: - To know the various functions of PMDI Information: PMDI involved in Baroda, Gandhar & Nagothane complex. There are various major functions run by the PMDI which are as follows. Training program conducted for the supervisory employees. There are basically given two types of training as follows; MAIN FUNCTION OF PMDI ARE: Giving training to the supervisory employees Engagement of FOPEs Data management Industrial visit Library management INTERNAL TRAINING: The faculties are selected among the internal members that are presently working within the organization. The most remarkable part of internal training is that the trainee feels free and comfortable enough to ask and argue queries under the sun, but the dark side of this method is that the knowledge giving process is restricted under boundaries of the organization and the global knowledge is scarcely imparted.
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In-house or internal training within the organization is divided into two types of program: o Technical program o Non-technical program

Technical programme includes process, mechanical, civil, electrical departments. Nontechnical programme includes behavioral aspect, managerial aspect and soft skills and here also compulsory aspects of plant are considered for the training which are related with information about safety, fire, health and environment. EXTERNAL TRAINING: Some deputation is made outside the organization for workshops or seminars. The most remarkable part of external training is that the trainee from the very beginning is under the notion of some newness in the teaching of the external faculty and that makes him or her to concentrate on the teachings of trainer.

FOPE Management:-

In Field Operation Panel engineers management in each and every training 12 months are compulsory. The new recruited persons are given first 4 months training of like classroom training and then 8 months training of on the job training. After providing training to them for the assessment of training written test, viva, interviews etc are taken. If their performance is not getting satisfactory then training period can be extended.
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Data Management:Previous year records are to be kept. For enhancement of skill and updating the knowledge the past data and present data should be needed. In Reliance all the old and new data are available of all employees. In PMDI HR related books are available. In research & development centre in which all the technical books are available. In Safety Department in which safety related or technical books are available. INDUSTRIAL VISIT One of the prime responsibilities of PMDI is to arrange and co-ordinate various industrial trips and to get oriented and acquainted them with various petrochemical products through plant and class room training.

LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Here, over 4500 books, reports and journal are kept RIL, VMD have 3 libraries. Library management is also one of the task under the HR department


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Aim: to understand the functions of the fire department & its role in reliance. INFORMATION:The medium through which fire can caused are, wood Hydrocarbons Chemicals Electric

Fire glasses are installed at each and every important places. Each of these fire glasses are connected with the control room. In case of fire emergency a person just has to break the fire glass and the indication is directly sent to the control room. The person sitting in the fire control room and accepts the call and immediately makes the announcement and through this the fire fighters come to know that there is a fire emergency in the complex. There are two fire sections in VMD. o Main fire station o Sub fire station. So when the fire is caused the fire engine is sent from main fire station and another from sub fire station. The maximum time for approaching the affected area is 3-4 minutes.
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There are 3 mediums through which fire can be extinguished water Foam dcp - dry chemical powder Water is considered as the best fire extinguisher and as the best cooling medium. IPCL being a petrochemical complex the fire is mainly caused of hydrocarbon so mainly foam and DSP is used. All the recruited fire fighters are qualified fire engineers. Regular training is also given to them. First aid fire training is also given to the employees. They are also informed and taught about the fire precautions. There is a separate fire training ground for training purpose. The fire tanks that IPCL has can continuously fight for 6-8 hours. Usually 8.5-10 kg pressure is maintained but in case of fire the pressure is increased to 17 kgs. Fire fighters work round the clock in 3 shifts. When fire is caused along with fire engine a RGSS office and a team of a doctor also accomplish.


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The indication of emergency is seen directly in the control room and the supervisor of this room accepts the calls if any. As soon as the emergency is noticed in the control room all the actions are taken immediately in fractions of seconds. RIL-VMD has done agreement with the IOC that in the case of any emergency they are ready to help them and vice-versa. After VRS there are 64 employee left for the matter of major emergency. They fulfill the requirement with IOC. The insurance is rs.3 crores rebate per year. BS SET is always kept ready. There are 27 mock drills and 2 evocations drills every year. After mock drill they prepare reports and evaluate it and takes corrective actions. Site president approves the fire polices.


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OBJECTIVE To know about RGSS system and medical facilities of RIL.

INFORMATION ABOUT RGSS SECURITY RGSS RELIANCE GROUP SECURITY SYSTEM RGSS is the supporting system in Reliance Industries LTD. It is for the security purpose and provides security to each RIL all over India. In reliance there are various activities related to security like they issue 2 different entry passes namely: Green pass for non-plant area red pass for plant area FUNCTION OF RGSS RGSS check the visitors very precisely along with the regular employees Passes are made and issued at dhanora gate. For entry photo id is permitted for the validity of 3 months and without it, it is considered as a temporary pass for 6 days which is without photograph or it may be also for one day. Gate no.5 is only for the shift employees, materials issue and for receiving the scrap yards. Gate no only for the liquid transfers and receiver. Material of contract is only dispatched through non-contractible basis Key control : the head of the department issue the pass and gives authorization of transferring the matirials. Traffic control : speed limit in RIL-VMD area is 30km per hour at VIP gate and south road speed limit is 40km per hour.


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One control room is also there in security department for the co-ordination between the various sites of the plant area. RGSS hire their employees from other securities agencies by keeping in mind their qualification, which should be either the x service man of the army, NCC certified person or other related suitable qualification. It takes care of unwanted rush of the people in case of emergency and accident. Total budget for the security department in RIL- VMD is approximately rs.7 to rs.8 crores per annum.

Prompt occupational health of its employess. Implementation of employee assistance program Undertake all statutory requirements concerning health, safety and environment. To bring awareness about the diseases. Identification of physical hazards such as ergonomic heat, hazards and corrective actions to minimize the adverse effect. ACTIVITES Treatment of routine illness like fever, cold, infection and skin problems. Treatment of job related illness and injuries. Reference of higher medical center where specialists intervention or opinion is require. Full fledged laboratory and x-ray department are there with the latest equipments to carry out all the necessary operations.


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OBJECTIVE To know about the management systems and activities of reliance school. Reliance English medium school and Gujarati medium school ADMINISTATION There are total 400 students including std. 1st to 12th including science and commerce stream. There are 15 teacher on the permanent basis while 25 teacher are on contract basis. The teacher are provided uniform, shoes, bonus, medical facilities, petrol and salary from the school. 2 assistance head master are there in both the school. 1 clerical staff for administration is there in both the school. Studies are free of cost while students have to manage their uniforms, book on its ow. There are facilities like 1 computer lab and 3 laboratories for chemistry and biology along with playground. There is no canteen facilities provide by the company but it is on the contract basis. All the festivals, annual days, sport days, are being celebrated. The employee who has taken VRS, their children are also provided the study facilities Outsiders are not allowed to take the admission Teacher gets promotion after 9 years not before that. Safety committee is also there in school. Bus facility is provided to the student. A particular budget is provided by reliance industries ltd. Annual expenditure is rs.3 lakhs.


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OBJECTIVE To know about various pension schemes.

INFORMATION ABOUT PENSION CELL Pension act came into existence in the year 1995 As RIL-VMD in 1995 was IPCL, a public sector unit, it adopted this scheme in the same year. There are minor difference between pension polices of RIL and IPCL When reliance merged with IPCL, it was decided that no changes will be made regarding pension scheme after being merged. The pension is paid on the basis of PF amount of the employee, 8% PF and also deduct their EPF as their pension amount rs.541 per month.

TYPE OF PENSION Reduced pension Super annual Widow pension Nominee/orphan pension Withdrawal benifits


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REDUCED PENSION It is provided to those employees who have taken their VRS or resigned from the employment The employees age must be more than 50 years and also worked with the organization for more than 10 years. Returns of capital is paid to the nominee.


The heading itself depicts that there is no deduction in the amount of pension of the employees and is been paid the full amount of pension. The employee must have completed 58 years of age to enjoy this benefit


The pension is paid to the widow of the employee. In such case, the duration of the period of service of the employee in the organization is not considered but he should be the member of the company for at least 2 years. In case of death of the widow, the nominees receive the pension amount Maximum amount paid is rs.2000 The employees children who is of age less then 25 years are supposed to be paid 1/4th pension of the widow pension


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In case of employees children become orphan, they receive this pension In the case, employee working duration is not considered


This benefit is given in case of VRS or resignation from the employment Moreover, it can be paid if the employee has worked in the company for 10 years


This benefit is received if the employee has worked in the organization for more then 10 years or in the case of VRS or resignation. Certificate is been provided till he/she attains 50 years of age. After the age of 50 years, he receives the pension same as other It is as per old regulation


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OBJECTIVE: To have glance of the activities performed by rural development cell, corporate communication cell and sports complex


Information: As RIL-VMD is engaged in the activities of CSR, it takes care of the surrounding villages and rural parts around the company Various activities such as agriculture, education, employment, women development, health and sanitation, help to handicapped person etc is been carried out in the interest of rural development and country at large. The gram panchayat member, sarpanch and people of village are source of inspiration to them for carrying out about the activites It is providing training to 10th pass boys and girls or more people. Selected person are provided with loans, the management gives 30 lacks Rs for the budget to use all types of activities such as


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Motor driving training to village youth and 20 youth proper trained. Dress making training. Basic computer training to the village youth and also give certificate. Waste land development through 1500 tree plantation. Plumbing training giving to koyli village for self employment and this training by the gov. of Gujarat and 20 youth participate. Computer provided to village Undera and Dhanora. Helpers for hospitals and nursing home. Beauty culture and health care for village women like undera and koyli and 40 women benifited . Fruit sapling was provided to the farmers of koyli village Jewellery making training was held at bajwa village in which 20 women took part enthusiastically. Tailoring training was held in bajwa village in which 20 women are benifited.


Sports is the part of welfare activity in RIL-VMD. Every year, several sport events are being organized by the department. The main aim of this department is to keep organized by this department. The main aim of this department is to keep the employees health and fit. The total area of sport complex is 1,00,000 sq meter.
RIL-VMD Page 75

There are separate courts and lawns for different games like

Cricket Lawn tennis Football Swimming pool Basketball Hockey

A health care center like gymnasium is also there in sports complex In 1993, the 1st international cricket match was held in the cricket ground of IPCL itself In 1988, the media tower was encounter. Till now total 14 international matches have been held in this sports complex. Tournament for the school children are also organized here and the winning team is awards with different awards with different awards, scholarships, playing kits etc.


Page 76


OBJECTIVE: To know about several activities performed by township, medical unit and guest house department

TOWNSHIP ADMINISTATION INFORMATION: Housing facility is provided to the employee of RIL depending upon their cadre. The township contains about 2312 quarters for its employees. Presently only th of it are occupied. The township consists of 4-5 types of quarters called as A, B, C, D & E. These are spread in three sectors. The quarters are allotted on the basis of the designation of the employees while allotting first the eligibility is decided i.e. whether any house loan is taken by the employee etc.. The availability of any quarter is also considered. Besides the quarters, the township also has community centre for marriage, a shopping centre which shall all types of requirement. The shops are given on rental basis. There are 42 shops each having a license, which has to be renewed every year. Post office and banking facility is also available in the township premises.

There are three clubs.1) Employees club 2) ladies club 3) office club. Events like Independence Day Celebration, Navaratri are organized in the township area. Vendors are given gate pass to sell their items.
RIL-VMD Page 77

Outsiders visited due to company purpose are allowed to live on rent basis. Electricity supply, water supply and other infrastructure amenities are provided by the company while their charge are directly deducted from the employees salary. All festivals are celebrated in township for which the finance department coordinate Earlier bus also provided but now not provided. Swimming pool facility is provided to the employee of the company in the township for which issuance of passes is done from this department at subsidize rates follow: For the employees above 18 years of age Rs.250 per annum Rs.165 per annum occupational For children below 18 years of age Rs.135 per year Rs.110 per six month For any grievances or discontentment, civil department is approached. Passes for several vendors is been issues it self This department co-ordinate with RGSS Only site-president or higher authority person, outsider are permitted to stay in the township

GUEST HOUSES AT RELIANCE GOKUL o It has 18 air-conditioned rooms. o These guest houses are only for the top level management
RIL-VMD Page 78

VRAJ o o o AMBA o It has 20 air conditioned rooms. All cards of employee can stay here It also consists of hospitals and cafeteria services. It has 33 non air conditional rooms

MADICAL UNIT AT TOWNSHIP A medical centre is also provided at township which looks after the employees family and guest visited in the township. o Madical services to the families of township and also to the outsiders as a CSR activity. o It is primary health care center for the medical service o All the facilities like x-ray, ECG, laboratory for various tests are facilitated. o Moreover, physiotherapy center is also placed. o Medical store is also provider in the township itself. o 8 wards, beds, full technologically well equipped operation theater for surgery is also there o Specialists are called for various emergency from city. o Doctors are available 24*7 and the whole medical staff also present round the clock o Ambulance facilities are also provided o Various vaccination session at regular interval are conducted. o Periodically examination of the employee, once in a year is mandatorily done o Employee of 40 to 50 years of age are checked through ECG too.


Page 79


In reliance industries limited, Vadodara manufacturing division they provide following welfare facilities:ITEMS Uniforms Man: 4 shirts And 3 trousers Female: 4 Kurtas, 3 Pyjamas or Else 4 sarees Safety shoes ELIGIBILITY Every year SCOPE All employee including trainees and retainers TENTATIVE DISTRIBUTION August

Every year

All employee


Before the recent settlement of RIL-VMD the employees are also provided sweaters, aprons, Turkish towels, soaps, napkins and steel SS mugs. But after settlement they are only given cash on behalf of those things. The total budget for this welfare section is RS.10 crores Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety.


Page 80

These include provisions provided in industrial acts like Factories Act 1948, Dock Workers Act (safety, health and welfare) 1986, Mines Act 1962. The non statutory schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to industry. It is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits, the employer makes life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended by in addition to normal wages and other economic rewards available to the employees as per legal provisions. The significance of welfare measures were accepted as early as 1931 when the Royal Commission on Labor stated, the benefits are of great importance to the worker which he is unable to secure by himself. The schemes of labor welfare may be regarded as a wise investment because these would bring a profitable return in form of greater efficiency.

The term welfare suggests many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of well-being, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. As a total concept of welfare, it is a desirable state of existence involving physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being. The social concept of welfare implies the welfare of man, his family, and his community. Welfare is called a relative concept, for it is related to time and space. Changes in it have an impact on the system of welfare as well.


Page 81

Welfare is also a positive concept. In order to establish a minimum level of welfare, it demands certain minimum acceptable conditions of existence, biologically and socially.

EMPLOYEES WELFARE It means the adoption of measures to promote the physical, social, psychological and general well-being of the working population. A significant definition describes labor welfare work as the voluntary efforts of the employer to improve the living and working conditions of his employees; the underlying assumption, of course, being that the first essentials to the welfare of the employees are steady work, a fair wage and reasonable hours of labor. Labor welfare is also understood to mean such services, facilities and amenities, which may be established in, or in the vicinity of, undertakings to enable persons employed therein to perform their work in healthy and congenial surroundings and to provide them with amenities conducive to good health and good morals.

SIGNIFICANCE OF EMPLOYEES WELFARE Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial
RIL-VMD Page 82

harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families.

Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. Labor welfare has the following objectives: To provide better life and health to the workers To make the workers happy and satisfied To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the workers. The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows: Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining Labor welfare schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New welfare measures are added to the existing ones from time to time. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency. The purpose of labor welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the workers to make a better workforce.


Page 83

The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows: They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity. Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation. Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies.

WELFARE ACTIVITIES Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety.


Page 84

These include provisions provided in industrial acts like Factories Act 1948, Dock Workers Act (safety, health and welfare) 1986, Mines Act 1962. The non statutory schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to industry. It is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits, the employer makes life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended by in addition to normal wages and other economic rewards available to the employees as per legal provisions. The significance of welfare measures were accepted as early as 1931 when the Royal Commission on Labor stated, the benefits are of great importance to the worker which he is unable to secure by himself. The schemes of labor welfare may be regarded as a wise investment because these would bring a profitable return in form of greater efficiency. The working environment in a factory adversely affects the health of the employees. This has to be contained through preventive steps aimed at improving the lot of workers. An important reason in favour of welfare work is called the "social invasion of the factory. Workers face lots of adjustment problems when they take up factory work. These changes call for extra inducements in the workplace in addition to normal wages, so that the worker begins to enjoy a fuller and richer life. The Labor Investigation Committee reads thus: "The provision of canteens improves the physique ; entertainment reduces the incidence of vices; medical aid, maternity and
RIL-VMD Page 85

child welfare services improves the health of the workers and bring down the rates of general , maternal and infantile mortality; and educational facilities increase their mental efficiency and economic productivity."


(Within the establishment)

Drinking water Toilets Crches Washing & Bathing facilities Uniforms and Protective clothing Recreation facilities Subsidized food at canteens Medical Aid Rest shelters

(Outside the establishment)

Housing Education facilities Maternity Benefits Transportation Sports facilities Leave travel Holiday homes Cooperative stores Social-Insurance, Vocational training

STATUTORY WELFARE SCHEMES: The statutory welfare schemes include the following provisions: Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be provided.


Page 86

Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories, suitable seating arrangements are to be provided. First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily assessable so that in case of any minor accident initial medication can be provided to the needed employee. Latrines and Urinals: A sufficient number of latrines and urinals are to be provided in the office and factory premises and are also to be maintained in a neat and clean condition. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees. Spittoons: In every work place, such as ware houses, store places, in the dock area and office premises spittoons are to be provided in convenient places and same are to be maintained in a hygienic condition. Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely during the night shifts. Washing places: Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, wash basins with tap and tap on the stand pipe are provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work places. Changing rooms: Adequate changing rooms are to be provided for workers to change their cloth in the factory area and office premises. Adequate lockers are also provided to the workers to keep their clothes and belongings. Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are provided to the workers with provisions of water supply, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc.


Page 87

NON STATUTORY SCHEMES Many non statutory welfare schemes may include the following schemes: Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Some of the companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up Flexi-time: The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide opportunity to employees to work with flexible working schedules. Flexible work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments while supporting employee personal life needs Employee Assistance Programs: Various assistant programs are arranged like external counseling service so that employees or members of their immediate family can get counseling on various matters. Harassment Policy: To protect an employee from harassments of any kind, guidelines are provided for proper action and also for protecting the aggrieved employee. Maternity & Adoption Leave Employees can avail maternity or adoption leaves. Paternity leave policies have also been introduced by various companies. Mediclaim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme provides adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy.


Page 88

IPCL (RELIANCE) EMPLOYEES WELFARE CO-OPERATIVE SCHEME An Employee who is confirmed or has completed one year of service in the corporation may become a member under this scheme. He is required to pay an entrance fee of Rs. 1/- and should pay for one share of Rs. 10/-, which is refundable on cessation of membership. Effective July 1975, the rate of contribution is Rs. 10/-p.m. In the event of death of an employee while in service, the society shall pay to the legal family members of the deceased employee a sum of Rs.750/- per month for a period of 5 years. Scheme for making ex-gratia lumpsum payment to an emplotee suffering death or permanent total disablement due to an accident arising out of and in the course of employment Upon an employee suffering death or permanent total disability due to an accident arising out of and in the course of employment, a compensation equivalent to 100 months pay (BP+DA) is payable. The compensation payable under the scheme is exclusive of any other legally admissible benefits.

LONG SERVICE AWARD The RIL gives a long service award to its regular employee on rendering good and satisfactory service in the following manner: Period of Service Award 15 yrs - An item of value of 100 gm Silver coin + spouse gift 25 yrs - An item of value of 250 gm Silver coin + spouse gift


Page 89

Research is essentially a logical and an organized enquiry seeking facts through objective verifiable methods in order to discover the relationship among them and to refer from the broad principals or laws. It is really method of critical thinking. Research may be defined as a systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observation that may be lead to the development of generalization of principle or theories resulting in prediction and possibly ultimate control thinking. Methodology is often used in a narrow sense to refer to methods, technology or tools employed for the collection data as well as its processing. This is also used sometimes to designate data collected to arrive at the conclusion. In fact, it describes that what should have been done? It provides answers to some of the major questions while research like what must be done, how it will be done, what data will be needed, what data gathering devices will be employed, how source of data will be analyzed to arrive at the conclusion. For systematic research scientific approach is necessary. It is, therefore, essential to follows systematic methodology to arrive at a proper conclusion.

RESEARCH PROCESS Research process consists of a series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and desired sequencing of the steps. The chart given below illustrates research process. The chart indicates that research process consists of number of closely related activities as shown through.


Page 90

But such activities overlap continuously rather than following a strictly prescribed sequence.

Data collection: PRIMARY DATA

Questionnaire- Primary data has been collected by preparing questionnaire. The

questionnaire contained questions on dimensions viz; 1. Organizational culture 2. Monetary benefits 3. Non-monetary benefits 4. Superannuation benefits 5. Work-life balance 6. Job security 7. Employees satisfaction SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data has been collected by reviewing different literatures like books which are published, articles, internet, magazines, and website of the company. Sample Size: Sample size for this Research is near by 30 samples. Sampling method: Convenience sampling


Page 91

Departments Finance HR Materials Electrical Total

Frequency 10 10 10 10 40

% 25

Finance HR Matirial Electrical

25 25 25 100

From the above table it can be seen that 25% of sample is from Finance, 25% is from HR and 25% is from Materials department and 25% is from Electrical.

Gender Female Male Total

Frequency 12 28 40

% 30 70 100
30% Male 70% Female

From the above table it can be seen that percentage of sample of male and female are equal i.e 70% of sample are having gender as male and 30% of samples are having gender as female.


Page 92

Age Less than 21 21-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Above 56 Total

Frequency 0 7 5 9 16 3 40

% 0 17 13 23 40 7 100

5% 0% 19% 40% 23% 13%

< 21 21-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 >56

From the above table it can be seen that 17% belong to the age group of 21-25, 13% fall into category of 26-35 , 23% fall into category of 36-45, whereas 40% lies in the category of 46-55 and only 7% of the sample is aged above 65 years.
Experience Less than 1 12 25 510 More than 10 Total Frequency 4 1 4 4 27 40 % 10 3 10 10 67 100
67% 10% 10% 10% 3% <1 1--2 2--5 5--10 > 10

From the above table we can come to know that 10% of the sample size have experience of less than 1 year in the current organization, 3% are having experience of between 1-2 years, and 10% are having experience of 2-5 years. 10% are having experience of 5-10 years, whereas 67% of the sample size has an experience of more than 10 years


Page 93

Q1. I am satisfied with the social security provided by the company (pension, insurance etc.) PARTICULARS STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 11 27 1 1 0 40 % 27 67 3 3 0 100



0% 27%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


From the above table it can be seen that 27% of the sample strongly agree, 67% agree, 3% are neutral and 3% disagree that they are not satisfied with the social security provided by the company in terms of pension, insurance cover etc.


Page 94

Q2. Medical and health care facilities cover up my familys well being PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 23 16 1 0 0 40 % 57 40 3 0 0 100



40% 57%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 57% of the sample strongly agree, 40% agree, 3% are neutral and none disagree as well as strongly disagree that medical and health care facilities cover up my familys well being.


Page 95

Q3. Organization provides quality food at a reasonable rate. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 11 21 8 0 0 40 % 27 53 20 0 0 100

0% 20% 27% Strongly Agree Agree Nuetral Disagree 53% Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 27% of the sample strongly agree, 53% agree, 20% are neutral and none disagree as well as strongly disagree that organization provides quality food at a reasonable rate.


Page 96

Q4. The sanitary facilities provided in the organization are good enough. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 8 22 7 3 0 40 % 20 57 17 7 0 100

0% 7% 17% Strongly Agree Agree Nuetral Disagree 57% Strongly Disagree 20%

From the above table it can be seen that 20% of the sample strongly agree, 57% agree, 17% are neutral and 7% disagree that the sanitary facilities provided in the organization are good enough.


Page 97

Q5. Working conditions are safe and secured enough in the organization. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 7 27 5 1 0 40 % 17 67 13 3 0 100




Strongly Agree Agree Nueutral Disagree 67% Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 17% of the sample strongly agree, 67% agree, 13% are neutral and 3% disagree that working conditions are safe and secured enough in the organization.


Page 98

Q6. Company provides housing and vehicle allowances. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 24 14 1 1 0 40 % 60 33 3 3 0 100



33% 60%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 60% of the sample strongly agree, 33% agree, 3% are neutral and 3% disagree that company provides housing and vehicle allowances.


Page 99


Q7. I find a work life balance with my job FREQUENCY 8 23 9 0 0 40

% 20 57 23 0 0 100

0% 23% 20%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral 57% Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 20% of the sample strongly agree, 57% agree, 23% are neutral and none disagree/strongly disagree that they find a work life balance with their job.


Page 100

Q8. Organization provides superannuation schemes for my post retirement life PARTICULARS FREQUENCY STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL 9 27 4 0 0 40

% 23 67 10 0 0 100

0% 10% 23%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 67% Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 23% of the sample strongly agree, 67% agree, 10% are neutral and none disagree/strongly disagree that Organization provides superannuation schemes for my post retirement life


Page 101

Q9. Salaries/ wages are threshold motivators to me. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 11 21 7 1 0 40 % 27 53 17 3 0 100

3% 17% 27%

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 53% Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 27% of the sample strongly agree, 53% agree, 17% are neutral and 3% disagree that salaries/ wages are threshold motivators to them.


Page 102

Q10. Rewards and Incentives are excellent motivators to me. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 9 11 10 0 0 40 % 30 37 33 0 0 100




30% Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 37% Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 30% of the sample strongly agree, 37% agree, 33% are neutral and none disagree/strongly disagree that Rewards and Incentives are excellent motivators to me.


Page 103

Q11. There is a sense of job security provided in the organization. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 16 20 3 1 0 40 % 40 50 7 3 0 100


3% 40% Strongly Agree Agree


Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 40% of the sample strongly agree, 50% agree, 7% are neutral and 3% disagree that there is a sense of job security provided in the organization.


Page 104

Q12. Organization provides an institutionalized learning culture. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 7 17 13 3 0 40 % 17 43 33 7 0 100




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral 43% Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 17% of the sample strongly agree, 43% agree, 33% are neutral and 7% disagree that organization provides an institutionalized learning culture.


Page 105

Q13. There is a job rotation policy provided in the organization. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 7 19 11 3 0 40 % 17 50 27 7 0 100

7% 27%


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral 50% Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 17% of the sample strongly agree, 50% agree, 27% are neutral and 7% disagree that there is a job rotation policy provided in the organization.


Page 106

Q14. I get to choose from the flexible benefits policies of the organization. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 7 17 13 3 0 40 % 17 43 33 7 0 100




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral 43% Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 17% of the sample strongly agree, 43% agree, 27% are neutral and 7% disagree that they get to choose from the flexible benefits policies of the organization.


Page 107

Q15. Company offers a viable career path for me. PARTICULARS STONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL FREQUENCY 4 19 16 1 0 40 % 10 47 40 3 0 100




Strongly Agree Agree 47% Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the above table it can be seen that 10% of the sample strongly agree, 47% agree, 40% are neutral and 3% disagree that company offers a viable career path for me.


Page 108

67% (majority) of the sample agrees that they are satisfied with the social security provided by the company (pension, insurance etc.) Also 57% (majority) strongly agree to the fact that medical and health care facilities cover up their familys well being. 53% (majority) agree that organization provides quality food at a reasonable rate. There are coupons costing 60 paisa for breakfast and 90 paisa for lunch/dinner. 57% also agree to the fact that the sanitary facilities provided in the organization are good enough. The washrooms are clean and well maintained. 67% agree to the fact that working conditions are safe and secured enough in the organization. 60% of the sample agrees that the company provides housing and vehicle allowances. 57% also agree to the fact that they find work-life balance with their job. There are facilities like club-house and other recreation facilities. 67% of them agree that organization provides superannuation schemes for their post retirement life. There are schemes of Superannuation, Ex-gratia, etc provided to the employees after retirement. 53% of the people agree whereas 20% of the sample strongly agrees to the fact that salaries/ wages are threshold motivators to them. 37% of the sample agrees whereas 30% of the sample strongly agrees that rewards and incentives are excellent motivators to them. 50% of the people agree whereas 40% of the people strongly agree to the fact there is a sense of job security provided in the organization. 43% of the sample agrees whereas 7% of the sample strongly agrees that organization provides an institutionalized learning culture. 50% of the people agree and 17% of the people strongly agree to the fact that there is a job rotation policy provided in the organization. 43% of the sample agrees whereas 7% of the sample strongly agrees that they get to choose from the flexible benefits policies of the organization. .


Page 109


The company should give more attention towards the sitting arrangement within plant area. The company should make the employee aware about the welfare services provided to them. The company should avoid over staffing of fopes. Not only HOD but direct supervisor should involve in the fillings of employees welfare activities or facilities which offered to employees. They should be understood with the employees experience with grades.


Page 110


Reliance Industries Limited is a company, wellknown not all over india but throughout the world for its best performance and stable growth. And IPCL, was one of the leading company in petrochemical industries which was merged with reliance industries limited in the year 2004. Being a barodian, i am proud to have such a leading company in my city which not only is popular for its products and high growth but has become one of the landmark for baroda city itself. Secondly, i express my gratitude towards each and every member of RIL VMD (RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LIMITED AND VADODARA MANUFACTURING DIVISION) for supporting me by providing the information of the company whole heartedly. This opportunity of getting training as a vocational trainee has not only lead me to get sufficient information about HR department of the company being HR student but has given me an opportunity to work in a practical way in an industry before actually been placed into a job during my ongoing studies itself, which i believe will be very fortunate for my career.


Page 111


Human Resource development :Werner and desimone Human Resource and personnel development :K. Aswathappa



Page 112

QUESTIONNAIRE HR PRACTICES IN WELFARE ACTIVITES Respected Sir/Madam I, an MBA student from INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, AHMEDABAD. It undergoes project work in RELIANCE IND. LTD .Your co-operation will help to complete this study successfully. Thanking you Personal Details: A) Department: B) Gender: C) Age: __________________ Male: ___ < 21:___ 36-45:___ D) Education: E) Experience: Female: ___ 21-25:___ 46-55:___ 26 -35:___ >56:___

___________________ ____ Years

Please put a tick mark in appropriate column below:Sr. No. 1 Particulars I am satisfied with the social security provided by the company (pension, insurance etc.) Strongly Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Disagree


Page 113

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Medical and health care facilities cover up my familys well being. Organization provides quality food at a reasonable rate. The sanitary facilities provided in the organization are good enough. Working conditions are safe and secured enough in the organization. Company provides housing and vehicle allowances. I find a work life balance with my job. Organization provides superannuation schemes for my post retirement life. Salaries/ wages are threshold

motivators to me. Rewards and Incentives are excellent motivators to me. There is a sense of job security provided in the organization. Organization provides an institutionalized learning culture. There is a job rotation policy provided in the organization. I get to choose from the flexible benefits policies of the organization. Company offers a viable career path for me.

14 15


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