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Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Templates Alpha Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Commodities and FX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Company Tearsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Data Explorers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Equity Comparables . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Estimates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Fixed Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Indices and Ownership. . . . . . . . . . .11 Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Macroeconomic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Real-Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Training The Street . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Plug-In Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

^Table of Contents

Accessing Templates*
The Capital IQ Excel Plug-In provides a number of comprehensive templates that can be customized. To access templates in the Capital IQ Excel Plug-In, click on the Capital IQ menu item in the toolbar. Go to Templates and select Get/Update Templates. *Please contact your Capital IQ Account Manager or Client Support at US: 888.806.5541 or Global: +44.(0)20.7176.1234 / +1.212.438.1070 to receive the templates not available for direct download in the Capital IQ templates dropdown. All templates are complimentary.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Accessing Templates

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Alpha Models
Alpha Models
Provides a proprietary Alpha Rank from 1-100 for publicly traded U.S. companies. Utilizes four models (Value, Growth, Quality, and Momentum) and various factors in each model to derive a composite score.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Alpha Model

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Historical Bond Graph
Plot the performance of a fixed income security on a historical basis. User also has the choice to plot YTW or STW.

Historical Multiples vs. Price Chart

Plot the pricing history of a company, along with a moving average (user can select number of days for the moving average), overlaying a historical valuation multiple of their choice.

Chart the volume weighted average price (VWAP) as well as a trailing VWAP for a given company.

Individual and Dual Chart Template

Plot two financial metrics on graphs vs. each other or plot financial metrics on the same graph to compare two companies. Graphs include: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Short-Term Liquidity, Long-Term Solvency, Leverage/Coverage, Valuation, Margin Analysis and Growth Analysis.

Yield Curve
Chart various yield curves at a given date.

Shares Traded Analysis

Compares equity trading levels for a company across a range of close prices for a specified time period.

27-11 Chart
Chart recommendations and target stock price information overlayed over a historical price chart. Users can input their own proprietary information.

Stock Price/Volume Chart

Chart a companys stock price (unadjusted, dividend adjusted, or volume weighted average price (VWAP)) and volume history.

Annotated Stock Price/ Volume Chart

Overlay key development inputs onto a historical stock price/volume chart.

Valuation Multiples Chart

Plot various valuation multiples, with the ability to display frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly).

Currency Conversion
Plot historical exchange rates between 180 currencies and compare current exchange rates for up to 11 currencies at once.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Charts

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Commodities and FX
Commodities Pricing Estimates Template
Replicates the Commodities Est. Forecast pages on the Capital IQ website. Allows users to view data on commodity price targets and detail on individual analyst estimates that make up the consensus target.

Futures Template
Replicates the Futures pages on the Capital IQ website. Allows users to view data on futures contracts across 75+ commodity categories and 80+ foreign exchange categories.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Commodities and FX

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Company Tearsheets
Financial Snapshot Tearsheet
Provides business description, key executives and board members, enterprise value build-up, summary historical/projected financial metrics and corresponding multiples. Also includes a second page with a summary income statement, balance sheet and cash flow data, summary profitability ratios, margins analysis, liquidity analysis and leverage multiples. Provides the option to chart Revenue, EBITDA, EBIT or EPS metrics.

Key Developments, News and Events Template

View Key Developments, Events and News data for a selected company. Users can filter Key Developments across 10 Major Categories and over 100+ Sub Types within a specified time-frame. Also allows users to track upcoming earnings calls and dial-in information for a selected universe of companies.

One Page Tearsheet

Provides business description, key executives and board members, enterprise value build-up, summary historical/projected financial metrics and corresponding multiples. Also gives users options of selecting a one-year price volume chart vs. a relative price performance chart. Provides the option to chart Revenue, EBITDA, EBIT or EPS metrics.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Company Tearsheets

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Data Explorers
Data Explorers Short Interest Overview
View summary information on short interest and other indicators for multiple companies as well as detailed data and charts for a single company.

Data Explorers Portfolio Dashboard

Provides a detailed aggregation of Data Explorers data for portfolio managers. Provides the ability to import portfolio holdings and analyze short interest, sentiments, and other indicators for individual holdings and the portfolio as a whole.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Data Explorers

^Table of Contents

Equity Comparables
Detailed Comps
A more detailed version of the Summary Comps. Includes capital structure breakdown, ratings information and historical valuation multiples. target companies (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Multiples, Ratios and Market Data). Once the user selects a category, another dropdown will allow them to choose a financial data item under the category to display.

Industry Summary Comps (Airline, Cable, Healthcare, Home Builder, Hotels and Gaming, Internet Media, Metals and Mining, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals and Biotech, Restaurant, Retail, Semiconductor, and Telecom)
Compare companies in a specific industry based on industry specific valuation metrics.

Bank Comps
Compare banks, thrifts, and other depository institutions using industry specific metrics.

Profile and Comps

Includes a financial statements tab (with historical income statement, balance sheet and cash flow data) and a summary one-page tearsheet for the subject company. Subsequent tabs display summary and detailed trading multiples output sheets.

Screening Template
Import screening results directly into a spreadsheet and then choose the financial metrics to display for the

Comp Set
Replicates the comparable company set downloaded from Quick Comps on the Capital IQ website.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Equity Comparables

^Table of Contents

Detailed Broker Estimates
Template displays summary estimate information with broker by broker detail and allows for the creation of custom consensus estimates. Data includes contributor and analyst names, historical and forward estimates and multiples from individual contributors, and broker specific surprise, among other data.

Export of the Estimates tab from the Capital IQ website, but with Excel formulas driving the data.

Intelligent Estimates
Capital IQ has developed a robust approach to forecasting company earnings. Rather than focus on the most accurate analyst, the Intelligent Estimates template focuses on the attributes of an accurate forecast. These attributes provide a more accurate estimate over the traditional equal weighted consensus forecast.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Estimates

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Fixed Income
Credit Comps
Compare the credit statistics of various companies against each other. Includes items such as ratings information, leverage and coverage ratios and a full capital structure breakdown.

Credit Default Swaps and Index Template

View historical pricing and perform comparable analysis for Credit Default Swaps and CDS Indices. Includes items such as CDS name, type, term, restructuring type, pricing, ratings and leverage and coverage multiples.

Fixed Income Comps

Input fixed income security tickers for a comparable fixed income security analysis. Includes items such as issue size, coupon, maturity date, rating, price, YTW and leverage and coverage multiples.

Fixed Income Tearsheet

Replicates the Fixed Income Summary page on the Capital IQ website. Provides both book and market value debt overviews.

Barclays Capital Indices

Displays 975+ Barclays Capital Fixed Income Indices. Users will have access to a tearsheet of popular indices as well as a chart that graphs up to 10 indices and various pricing and fixed income related data points.

Securities Summary
Export of the Securities Summary tab from the Capital IQ website, but with Excel formulas driving the data.

Structured Securities Analysis

Provides a comparable overview of up to 5 structured securities.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Fixed Income


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Indices and Ownership

Institutional Crossholdings
Provides ownership data for the top 100 institutional holders of a company and displays those institutions crossholdings in up to 10 additional companies. Data can be viewed by percentage owned, number of shares held, or market value.

Public Holdings
Replicates the Detailed and History Public Holdings pages on the Capital IQ website. Allows users to view the current and historical public holdings of a selected private investment firm. Data includes portfolio composition, share count, value, investment type and position date.

Mutual Fund Tearsheet

Replicates the Tearsheet for a Mutual Fund on the Capital IQ website. Allows users to pull pricing data, investment criteria, investment style, holdings data by industry, geography and company, advisors and sponsors, and key professionals.

Public Ownership
Replicates the Public Ownership pages on the Capital IQ website. Allows users to view summary ownership information by owner type, top buyers and sellers, crossholdings, and detailed ownership historically.

Private Equity Tearsheet

Profiles a selected PE firm and provides data on their current, pending and prior investments, as well as co-investors and investments as an LP. The template also displays specific fund level data, such as the size, date launched, and stage. Lastly, the template shows a funds investment criteria on a geographic, industrial, and financial basis.

Index Summary
Replicates the Tearsheet, Constituents, Analyst Coverage, and Key Stats & Ratios pages for Indices on the Capital IQ website. Allows users to view aggregate data on indices as well as its individual constituents.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Indices and Ownership


^Table of Contents

Includes Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, supplemental line items and ratios for a selected company, with a dropdown to choose period type and order of periods (most recent on the leftmost or rightmost column). On subsequent tabs, it allows users to view common size Income Statement and Balance Sheet data, input company comparables and provides summary and detailed outputs for valuation multiples and a variety of other financial metrics. The line items provided in the templates will vary by industry. Standard Banks Bank Regulatory (US) D&B Standard Airlines Brokerage Financial Services Healthcare Home Builder Hotels and Gaming Insurance Internet Media Metals and Mining Oil & Gas Pharmaceuticals and Biotech REIT Restaurant Retail Semiconductor Telecom, Cable and Wireless Thrift Regulatory (US) Utility

Key Stats
Export of the Key Stats tab from the Capital IQ website, but with Excel formulas driving the data. Available for both the Standard Template and Industry Specific Templates.

Download Financials*
With one formula (CIQMATRIX), users can retrieve the Standard, Industry Specific or As Presented Income Statement, Balance Sheet or Cash Flow Statement of a company.

Toyo Keizai
Six Industry templates using data from Japanese data provider Toyo Keizai as well as a robust Estimates template using Toyo Keizai estimates and guidance data.

* Requires Version 8 of the CIQ Excel Plug-in or higher. Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Industry 12

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Select a country to view 30 historical and 9 forecasted Macroeconomic data points associated with that country. Most metrics also have the ability to show not only the value but various growth rates, dates, footnotes, and other useful data. For Macroeconomic data associated with the United States, there are over 575 data points, which also have the ability to show growth rates, etc. United States Macroeconomic data groups include GDP, Balance of Payments, Corporate, Government Receipts, Consumption and Investment, Labor and Unemployment, Housing, Manufacturing, Retail and Wholesale, Industrial Production, Money Supply, Inflation, Consumer and Business Sentiment, and Energy.

Macroeconomic Events
Retrieve past and upcoming macroeconomic events for both countries and the world as a whole. Provides dates and times for the events, as well as forecasts, actuals, and previous results.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Macroeconomic


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View qualitative data on the top executives and board members of a selected company and its peers. Available data includes background, education, present and past board and professional relationships, age, compensation, and contact information.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: People


^Table of Contents

Real-Time Full Quote Tearsheet *
Allows users to display summary data on a selected company in real time as provided by Capital IQs RealTime Application. Data includes pricing, volume, summary financials, multiples and news. If the template is left running during trading hours, data on intraday trading will be recorded for covered companies.

Real-Time Market Tearsheet *

Allows users to display data on global indices and a universe of companies of their choosing (via Capital IQ Screening) in real time as provided by Capital IQs RealTime Application. Data includes pricing, news, and daily gainers and losers. * Requires Version 7 of the CIQ Excel Plug-in or higher

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Real-Time


^Table of Contents

Business and Geographic Segments Template*
Provides operating statistics and revenue contribution charts for a selected companys business and geographic segments.

Key Stats (w. Segments)*

Export of the Key Stats tab of the Capital IQ website, but with Segment data and Excel formulas driving the data.

One Page Tearsheet (w. Segments)*

Provides business description, key executives and board members, enterprise value build-up, summary historical/ projected financial metrics, corresponding multiples and segment data. Also gives users options of selecting a one-year price volume chart vs. a relative price performance chart. Provides the option to chart Revenue, EBITDA, EBIT or EPS metrics.

Segment Comps*
Provides a comparison of segment operating statistics for selected companies and business segments. * Requires Version 6 of the CIQ Excel Plug-in or higher

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Segments


^Table of Contents

Transaction Comps
Analyze transaction values and multiples for precedent deals in order to arrive at a valuation for a future transaction.

Transaction One Page Tearsheets

Analyze a company transaction with a detailed breakdown based on each individual transaction. Users can dig deeper into a specific M&A, IPO, Private Placement, Buyback, Bankruptcy, Spin-Off/Split-Off, and TARP transaction by viewing information such as: General Transaction Details, Transaction Valuation, Important Dates, Pre-Deal Share Performance, and Target & Acquirer LTM financials.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Transaction


^Table of Contents

Historical Beta Calculation
Calculate historical beta on a weekly or monthly basis (up to 5 years back) against various benchmarks.

Analysis at Various Prices

Analyze how various premiums on a target companys share price will impact the companys valuation multiples.

Projections Model
Project a companys financial statements, including an Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement and debt schedule.

Quick Merger
Perform a quick and dirty merger analysis with accretion/dilution analysis and pro-forma financials and multiples.

DCF Model
Calculate the discounted cash flows of a company, including WACC and exit multiple sensitivity outputs.

Share Repurchase
Provides Accretion/Dilution, Cash Flow, and Capitalization statistics for various share repurchase scenarios. Also compares Accretion/Dilution at various Prices and P/E multiples.

WACC Template
Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) with cost of debt and cost of equity sensitivity analyses. Allows users to input comparable companies to determine subject companys beta. Other user inputs are required to output subject companys WACC.

Dupont Analysis
Provides an analysis of where return is derived for a company by breaking down Return on Equity into three parts: Net Margin, Asset Turnover and Leverage.

Treasury Method Calculation

Compute fully diluted shares using the Treasury Method. Displays tranche by tranche data for warrants and options outstanding and exercisable.

IPO Valuation
Provides an implied IPO valuation of a private firm using the median P/E and Net Income Margin of comparable public companies as a benchmark. Output provides Equity and Enterprise valuation and multiples, potential share count, and per share price for a range of P/E premiums.

Accretion/Dilution Comps
Compare different companies against each other, highlighting the accretion/dilution that would occur if a buyer were to purchase the company on a pro forma basis.

Weighting Template
Weigh a financial metric by using Share Price, Market Cap, TEV or Equal weights as a weighing method. The user can see the actual value compared to the adjusted weighted value side by side.

Analysis at Various PE
Analyze how various premiums on a target companys P/E ratio will impact the companys valuation multiples.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Valuation


^Table of Contents

Training The Street Templates

TTS DCF Template
A basic Discounted Cash Flow model designed by Training The Street and powered by Capital IQ. The template covers the three major concepts of a DCF: calculating WACC, projecting Free Cash Flows, and determining a terminal value.

TTS LBO Template

A basic Leveraged Buyout model designed by Training The Street and powered by Capital IQ. The template introduces the basic concepts behind an LBO, the common underlying assumptions, and the steps required to construct a simple functioning LBO model.

TTS Merger Model

The template introduces the basic concepts behind a merger model, the common underlying assumptions, and the steps required to construct a simple functioning merger model.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Training The Street Templates 19

^Table of Contents

Plug-In Tools
Excel Plug-In Formula Index
A comprehensive directory of all Capital IQ Excel Plug-In formulas.

Capital IQ Ticker Convertor

This utility allows a user to input company names and/or raw tickers to retrieve the Capital IQ ID for use with the Capital IQ Excel Plug-In.

Excel Plug-In Template Guide: Plug-In Tools


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