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supplied with Mastercam

Do you ever find yourself wondering, Gee, it would be nice if Mastercam did ____ ? [fill in blank some feature that would be really handy] Well, theres a good chance that it already doesand the answer is that the feature is available as a C-Hook. For those of you who dont know what a C-Hook is, it is a utility program that is designed to extend Mastercam. C-Hooks are basically apps for Mastercamexcept weve been doing it since the 1990s. There are many C-Hooks available from 3rd-party developers, but Mastercam also includes a large library of C-Hooks when you install it. Mastercam even lets you add your favorite C-Hooks to the right-click menu or a toolbar (choose Customize from the Settings menu). To run a C-Hook, just press Alt-C, or go to the Settings menu and select Run user application. Then, select the C-Hook you want to run. The following table lists the C-Hooks that are supplied for free as a standard feature with Mastercam. Check out the online help inside Mastercam to learn more about each one. Input utilities DXFRescuer MCDigitize Mits8to9 Loads and converts non-standard DXF data from AutoCad files. Enters points, lines, and splines from a digitizer. Converts Mitsubishi power settings libraries from Mastercam Version 8 to Version 9. Once the Version 8 libraries are converted to Version 9, they can be imported into Mastercam X Wire. Converts 3D (XYZ), 5D (XYZ AB), or 8D (XYZ AB UVW) probe center data into splines. Used for reverse engineering of machine probe position data. Converts drill blocks, aggregates, and multiheads created in Version 9 into the Machine Definition Manager so that you can assign them to your router machine definitions.

Prob2Spl HD9toGMD

Wireframe geometry Align Asphere BreakCircles Drawpock DrillPt FindOverlap Fplot Aligns notes or labels. Creates the geometry for an aspherical lens. Breaks full circles into smaller arcs. Draws geometry for a 2D pocket or slot. Draws point entities at the center points of your arcs. Finds and deletes overlapping entities. Plots a mathematical function.

Gear Gridpock HoleTable MedialAxis PullUp Rmnodes Sprocket TxtChain Untrim WholeSpline Surfaces and solids ConsToSpline CoonsSurf CreateBoundary CreateFillets FlattenSurf Map NoHist Rev2Rev Rev2STL STLHeal Toolpath utilities Agie, AgieReg Arc3D Automatic Toolpathing Add-on (XATP)

Creates one tooth or all teeth of an involute spur or internal gear. Fills a pocket with points or circles or draws points along its boundary. Creates a table which categorizes, counts, and labels holes or circles. Generates geometry on the medial axis of a closed pocket boundary. Repositions nodes of a parametric spline in positive Z direction. Removes nodes from splines or NURBS surfaces. Creates the geometry for a sprocket. Creates single lines of text on lines, curves, and other geometric entities. Untrims all selected splines and NURBS curves to their original extents. Converts a trimmed spline into an untrimmed spline of the same shape. Converts surface curves to parametric splines. Creates a surface from a grid of curves, called a Coons surface. Creates a 2D or 3D boundary curve around a set of surfaces or around the theoretical machined area for specific tool sizes. Creates fillets at surface and solids intersections. Produces a planar surface from a 3-dimensional non-planar surface. Maps a surface curve from one surface to another. Removes the operations history from a solid and transforms it into a "brick." Converts a surface to a new surface based on a specified number of U/V patches. Converts a surface to an STL file based on a specified number of U/V patches. Repairs gaps in an STL file. Provides data entry for AgieVision controls. Converts linear moves into 2D or 3D arcs. A NET-Hook that imports part files and automatically assigns toolpaths to the geometry and nests the toolpaths. This is typically used for cabinet applications.

Comp3D FilterNCI MCLatheQ2r Mirror Toolpaths PlotRest Rolldie SectionNCI Swept2R Tpcfg Tool holders Check holder HolderASCII HolderLib

Adds surface compensation vectors to 3-axis surface toolpaths to support machine controls that have 3D tool compensation. Lets you apply the toolpath filtering function to an NCI file. Converts quick toolpaths in Mastercam Lathe to regular toolpaths. Mirrors and copies operations selected in Toolpath Manager. Displays the stock remaining for a restmill operation. Creates toolpaths around a rotary axis. Converts a single NCI file to a series of smaller ones. Adds roughing passes and a choice of one-way/zig-zag cutting to a swept 2D toolpath. Configures certain surface and multiaxis toolpath options. Tests tool holder against part geometry for clearance. Converts holder libraries between binary format and ASCII text files. Creates holder definitions and manages holder libraries.

Multi-axis toolpaths Contain5 Floor5ax FloorNCI Focus5ax Project5 Contains the shank of a 5-axis tool inside a chained boundary or to a point. Projects and compensates 5-axis toolpaths along the tool vectors to a set of floor surfaces. Projects and compensates 5-axis toolpaths from an NCI file to a set of floor surfaces in the current part. Modifies the tool axis of a 5-axis toolpath so that it points through either a line or a single point. Projects a 3-axis toolpath to a set of surfaces and converts the toolpath to a 5- axis toolpath using the surface normal of the contact point as the tool axis vector.

Posts, machine definitions, control definitions UpdatePost Upgrades post processors from Version 9 or earlier to work with the current version of Mastercam. Optionally creates machine and control definitions from earlier posts. Defines boundaries for a steady rest component that has been defined in a lathe

Steady Rest

Component Boundaries Control Definition Compare Screen and views BlankDuplicates Metafile Trimetric V7Colors Support utilities Zip2Go

machine definition. Compares two control definitions (or their post text) and highlights the differences. Locates duplicate entities and blanks them, instead of deleting them. Saves the contents of the graphics window to an .EMF file. Changes the Gview to a trimetric view and adds it to the named view list. Resets the Mastercam palette to the colors used in Mastercam Version 7. Gathers and compresses the open (current) Mastercam part data into a .Z2G file. This file can then be opened and viewed with most zip/unzip programs such as WinZip. Use Zip2Go when you need to transfer a part file to a technical support contact.

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