BNMIT File Structure Lab Manual

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Department of Information Science & Engineering


Vidyaya Amrutham Ashnuthe

BNM Institute of Technology

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to VTU, Karnataka) (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution) Post Box No, 7087, 27th cross, 12th Main Road, Banshankari 2nd Stage, Bengalore-560070 Phone: 91-8026711781/26711782 Fax: 91-80-26710881,E-mail:[email protected] Visit us at:


FILE STRUCTURE LABORATORY Subject Code No. of Practical Hours/Week Total No. of Practical Hours : 06ISL67 : 03 : 42 IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03 Exam Marks : 50

1. Write a C++ program to read series of names, one per line, from standard input and write these names spelled in reverse order to the standard output using I/O redirection and pipes. Repeat the exercise using an input file specified by the user instead of the standard input and using an output file specified by the user instead of the standard output. 2. Write a C++ program to read and write student objects with fixed-length records and the fields delimited by |. Implement pack ( ), unpack ( ), modify ( ) and search ( ) methods. 3. Write a C++ program to read and write student objects with Variable - Length records using any suitable record structure. Implement pack ( ), unpack ( ), modify ( ) and search ( ) methods. 4. Write a C++ program to write student objects with Variable - Length records using any suitable record structure and to read from this file a student record using RRN. 5. Write a C++ program to implement simple index on primary key for a file of student objects. Implement add ( ), search ( ), delete ( ) using the index. 6. Write a C++ program to implement index on secondary key, the name, for a file of student objects. Implement add ( ), search ( ), delete ( ) using the secondary index.

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7. Write a C++ program to read two lists of names and then match the names in the two lists using Cosequential Match based on a single loop. Output the names common to both the lists. 8. Write a C++ program to read k Lists of names and merge them using k-way merge algorithm with k = 8. 9. Write a C++ program to implement B-Tree for a given set of integers and its operations insert ( ) and search ( ). Display the tree. 10. Write a C++ program to implement B+ tree for a given set of integers and its operations insert ( ), and search ( ). Display the tree. 11. Write a C++ program to store and retrieve student data from file using hashing. Use any collision resolution technique. 12. Write a C++ program to reclaim the free space resulting from the deletion of records using linked lists.

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Program 1.................................................................................................... 5 Program 2.................................................................................................... 9 Program 3.................................................................................................. 19 Program 4.................................................................................................. 27 Program 5.................................................................................................. 33 Program 6.................................................................................................. 42 Program 7.................................................................................................. 58 Progrm 8.................................................................................................... 63 Program 9.................................................................................................. 68 Program 10................................................................................................79 Program 11................................................................................................93 Program 12..............................................................................................100

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Program 1
Write a C++ program to read series of names, one per line, from standard input and write these names spelled in reverse order to the standard output using I/O redirection and pipes. Repeat the exercise using an input file specified by the user instead of the standard input and using an output file specified by the user instead of the standard output. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<string.h> #include<fstream.h> class names { public:char name[50]; }; void reverse(ofstream &out,char name[255]) { char *rev; rev=name+strlen(name)-1; while(rev>=name) { cout<<*rev; out<<*rev; rev--; } cout<<endl; out<<"\n";
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} void main() { names n[10]; clrscr(); ofstream out;"file.txt",ios::out|ios::app|ios::trunc); int m; cout<<"enter the no. of names to be entered\n"; cin>>m; for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { cout<<"enter name"; cin>>n[i].name; cout<<"the name in reverse order"; reverse(out,n[i].name); } out.close(); ifstream in;"file.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); ofstream outf;"f1.txt",ios::out|ios::app|ios::trunc); char ch[255]; cout<<"names from files\n"; while(in) { in.getline(ch,255); if(in) reverse(outf,ch);
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} cout<<endl; in.close(); outf.close();"f1.txt",ios::in|ios::binary);"f2.txt",ios::out|ios::app|ios::trunc); cout<<"reverse order from files\n"; while(in) { in.getline(ch,255); if(in) reverse(outf,ch); } in.close(); outf.close(); getch(); } Output: Enter the no. of names to be entered 5 Enter name priya The name in reverse order ayirp Enter name padma The name in reverse order amdap Enter name
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ajit The name in reverse order tija

Enter name sohan The name in reverse order nahos Enter name dilip The name in reverse order pilid The names from files (f1.txt) priya padma ajit soni dilip Reverse order from files (f2.txt) ayirp amdap tija nahos pilid

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Program 2
Write a C++ program to read and write and student objects with fixed length records and the fields delimited by |.implement pack(),unpack(),modify() and search() methods.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> class student { public:char name[25],usn[15],branch[15],buffer[45]; }; student s,s1[100]; char extra[45]; int i,no=0,mode=0; void pack() { fstream app; if(mode==0)"st1.txt",ios::app); else"st1.txt",ios::out); if(!app) { cout<<"cant open the file in output mode";
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getch(); exit(0); } strcpy(s.buffer,; strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,s.usn); strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,s.branch); int count=strlen(s.buffer); for(int k=0;k<45-count;k++) strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,"\n"); app<<s.buffer; app.close(); } void unpack() { fstream in;"st1.txt",ios::in); i=0,no=0; if(!in) { cout<<"cant open the file in input mode"; getch(); exit(0); } while(!in.eof()) { in.getline(s1[i].name,15,'|');
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in.getline(s1[i].usn,15,'|'); in.getline(s1[i].branch,15,'|'); in.getline(extra,45,'\n'); no++; i++; } in.close(); } void write() { cout<<"\n enter the student name\n"; cin>>; cout<<"enter the student usn\n"; cin>>s.usn; cout<<"enter the student branch\n"; cin>>s.branch; pack(); mode=0; } void search() { char usn[15],extra[45]; cout<<"enter the usn to search="; cin>>usn; unpack(); for(i=0;i<no;i++) { if(strcmp(s1[i].usn,usn)==0) {
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cout<<"\nrecord found"; cout<<"\n"<<s1[i].name<<"\t"<<s1[i].usn<<"\t"<<s1[i].branch; getch(); return; } } cout<<"record not found"; getch(); return; } void display() { cout<<"name\t\t usn\t\t branch\n\n"; unpack(); for(int i=0;i<no;i++) cout<<"\n\n"<<s1[i].name<<"\t\t"<<s1[i].usn<<"\t\t"<<s1[i].branch; getch(); } void modify() { char usn[15],buffer[15],extra[45]; cout<<"enter the usn to search\n"; cin>>usn; unpack();no--; for(int j=0;j<no;j++) { if(strcmp(usn,s1[j].usn)==0) { cout<<"the old values of the record are with
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usn"<<usn<<"are"; cout<<"\nname="<<s1[j].name; cout<<"\nusn="<<s1[j].usn; cout<<"\nbranch="<<s1[j].branch; cout<<"enter the new values\n"; cout<<"\nname="; cin>>s1[j].name; cout<<"\nusn="; cin>>s1[j].usn; cout<<"\nbranch="; cin>>s1[j].branch; break; } } if(j==no) { cout<<"the record with usn is not present"; getch(); return; } mode=1; for(j=0;j<no;j++) { strcpy(,s1[j].name); strcpy(s.usn,s1[j].usn); strcpy(s.branch,s1[j].branch); pack(); mode=0; }
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cout<<"record modified\n"; } void main() { clrscr(); int choice; for(;;) { //clrscr(); cout<<"\n0:exit"; cout<<"\n1:write"; cout<<"\n2:display"; cout<<"\n3:modify"; cout<<"\n4:search"; cout<<"enter u choice\n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1:write(); break; case 2:display(); break; case 3:modify(); break; case 4:search(); break; case 0:exit(0); default:cout<<"\ninvalid input"; break;
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} } }

Output: 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 1 Enter the student name Karthik Enter the student USN 1bg09is015 Enter the student branch Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 1 Enter the student name Dhanvi Enter the student USN 1bg09is007
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Enter the student branch Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 2 Name USN Ise Ise Branch

Karthik1bg09is015 Dhanvi 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 3


Enter the USN to Modify 1bg09is007 Record found The old values of the record with usn 1bg09is007 are USN=1bg09is007 Name=Dhanvi Branch=ise Enter new values Name=dhruva USN=1bg09is023
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Branch=ise Record modified 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 4 Enter the usn to search 1bg09is023 Record found Dhruva 1bg09is023 Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 0 Output from text file karthik|1bg09is015|ise||||||||||||||||||||||| dhruva|1bg09is023|ise||||||||||||||||||||||||

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Program 3
Write a C++ program to read and write and student objects with variable length records using any suitable record structure. Implement pack(),unpack(),modify() and search() methods. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> class student { public:char name[25],usn[15],branch[15],buffer[45]; }; student s,s1[100]; char extra[45]; int i,no=0,mode=0; void pack() { fstream app; if(mode==0)"st2.txt",ios::app); else"st2.txt",ios::out); if(!app) { cout<<"cant open the file in output mode";
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getch(); exit(0); } strcpy(s.buffer,; strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,s.usn); strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,s.branch); //int count=strlen(s.buffer); //for(int k=0;k<45-count;k++) //strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,"\n"); app<<s.buffer; app.close(); } void unpack() { fstream in;"st2.txt",ios::in); i=0,no=0; if(!in) { cout<<"cant open the file in input mode"; getch(); exit(0); } while(!in.eof()) { in.getline(s1[i].name,15,'|');
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in.getline(s1[i].usn,15,'|'); in.getline(s1[i].branch,15,'\n'); //in.getline(extra,45,'\n'); no++; i++; } in.close(); } void write() { cout<<"\n enter the student name\n"; cin>>; cout<<"enter the student usn\n"; cin>>s.usn; cout<<"enter the student branch\n"; cin>>s.branch; pack(); mode=0; } void search() { char usn[15],extra[45]; cout<<"enter the usn to search="; cin>>usn; unpack(); for(i=0;i<no;i++) { if(strcmp(s1[i].usn,usn)==0) {
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cout<<"\nrecord found"; cout<<"\n"<<s1[i].name<<"\t"<<s1[i].usn<<"\t"<<s1[i].branch; getch(); return; } } cout<<"record not found"; getch(); return; } void display() { cout<<"name\t\t usn\t\t branch\n\n"; unpack(); for(int i=0;i<no;i++) cout<<"\n\n"<<s1[i].name<<"\t\t"<<s1[i].usn<<"\t\t"<<s1[i].branch; getch(); } void modify() { char usn[15],buffer[15],extra[45]; cout<<"enter the usn to search\n"; cin>>usn; unpack();no--; for(int j=0;j<no;j++) { if(strcmp(usn,s1[j].usn)==0) { cout<<"the old values of the record are with usn" <<usn << " are";
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cout<<"\nname="<<s1[j].name; cout<<"\nusn="<<s1[j].usn; cout<<"\nbranch="<<s1[j].branch; cout<<"enter the new values\n"; cout<<"\nname="; cin>>s1[j].name; cout<<"\nusn="; cin>>s1[j].usn; cout<<"\nbranch="; cin>>s1[j].branch; break; } } if(j==no) { cout<<"the record with usn is not present"; getch(); return; } mode=1; for(j=0;j<no;j++) { strcpy(,s1[j].name); strcpy(s.usn,s1[j].usn); strcpy(s.branch,s1[j].branch); pack(); mode=0; } cout<<"record modified\n";
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} void main() { int choice; for(;;) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n0:exit"; cout<<"\n1:write"; cout<<"\n2:display"; cout<<"\n3:modify"; cout<<"\n4:search"; cout<<"enter u choice\n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1:write(); break; case 2:display(); break; case 3:modify(); break; case 4:search(); break; case 0:exit(0); default:cout<<"\ninvalid input"; break; } } }
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Output: 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 1 Enter the student name Karthik Enter the student USN 1bg09is015 Enter the student branch Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 1 Enter the student name Dhanvi Enter the student USN 1bg09is007 Enter the student branch Ise 0: Exit 1: write
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2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 2 Name USN Ise Ise Branch

Karthik1bg09is015 Dhanvi 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 3


Enter the USN to Modify 1bg09is007 Record found The old values of the record with usn 1bg09is007 are USN=1bg09is007 Name=Dhanvi Branch=ise Enter new values Name=dhruva USN=1bg09is023 Branch=ise Record modified 0: Exit 1: write
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2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 4 Enter the usn to search 1bg09is023 Record found Dhruva 1bg09is023 Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Display 3: Modify 4: Search Enter your choice 0 Output from file karthik|1bg09is015|ise dhruva|1bg09is023|ise

Program 4
Write a c++ program to write student objects with variable-length records using any sitable record structure and to read from this file a student record using RRN. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h>

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#include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> class student { public:char name[25],usn[15],branch[15],buffer[45]; }; student s,s1[100]; char extra[45]; int i,no=0,mode=0; void pack() { fstream app; if(mode==0)"st3.txt",ios::app); else"st3.txt",ios::out); if(!app) { cout<<"cant open the file in output mode"; getch(); exit(0); } strcpy(s.buffer,; strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,s.usn); strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,s.branch); //int count=strlen(s.buffer); //for(int k=0;k<45-count;k++)
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//strcat(s.buffer,"|"); strcat(s.buffer,"\n"); app<<s.buffer; app.close(); } void unpack() { fstream in;"st3.txt",ios::in); i=0,no=0; if(!in) { cout<<"cant open the file in input mode"; getch(); exit(0); } while(!in.eof()) { in.getline(s1[i].name,15,'|'); in.getline(s1[i].usn,15,'|'); in.getline(s1[i].branch,15,'\n'); //in.getline(extra,45,'\n'); no++; i++; } in.close(); } void write() {
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cout<<"\n enter the student name\n"; cin>>; cout<<"enter the student usn\n"; cin>>s.usn; cout<<"enter the student branch\n"; cin>>s.branch; pack(); mode=0; } void search() { char usn[15],extra[45]; int rrn; cout<<"enter the rrn to search="; cin>>rrn; unpack(); for(int i=0;i<no-1;i++) { if(rrn==i+1) { cout<<"\nrecord found"; cout<<"\n"<<s1[i].name<<"\t"<<s1[i].usn<<"\t"<<s1[i].branch; getch(); return; } } cout<<"record not found"; getch(); return;
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} void main() { int choice; for(;;) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n0:exit"; cout<<"\n1:write"; cout<<"\n2:search"; cout<<"enter u choice\n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1:write(); break; case 2:search(); break; case 0:exit(0); default:cout<<"\ninvalid input"; break; } } } Output: 0: Exit 1: write 2: Search Enter your choice
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1 Enter the student name Satish Enter the student USN 1bg09is055 Enter the student branch Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Search Enter your choice 1 Enter the student name divya Enter the student USN 1bg09is408 Enter the student branch Ise 0: Exit 1: write 2: Search Enter your choice 2 Enter the RRN to search=1 Satish 1bg09is055 Ise

Enter the RRN to search=2 divya 1bg09is408 Ise

Enter your choice 0

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Program 5
Write a C++ program to implement simple index on primary key for a file of student objects. Implement add(),search(),delete() using the index. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<process.h> #include<values.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> class record { public:char name[20],usn[20],branch[20],ind[5]; }rec[20]; char st_no[5]; int no; void pack() { fstream fle1,fle2;"i.txt",ios::out);"r.txt",ios::out); if((!fle1)||(!fle2)) { cout<<"cant open either\n"; getch(); exit(0); }
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for(int i=0;i<no;i++) { fle1<<rec[i].usn<<"|"<< i<<"\n"; fle2<<i<<"|"<<rec[i].name<<"|"<<rec[i].usn<<"|"<<rec[i].branch<<"\n";

} fle1.close(); fle2.close(); } void unpack() { fstream fle2;"r.txt",ios::in); for(int i=0;i<no;i++) { fle2.getline(rec[i].ind,5,'|'); fle2.getline(rec[i].name,20,'|'); fle2.getline(rec[i].usn,20,'|'); fle2.getline(rec[i].branch,20,'\n'); } fle2.close(); } void search() { char name[20],usn[20],branch[20],ind[5]; unpack(); for(int i=0;i<no;i++) if(strcmp(st_no,rec[i].ind)==0) {
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cout<<"search sucess\n"; cout<<"\nname="<<rec[i].name<<"usn="<<rec[i].usn<<"bran="<<rec[i ].branch<<"\n"; } } void delete_rec(char rt_no[]) { int flag=1; char name[20],usn[20],branch[20]; for(int i=0;i<no;i++) if(strcmp(rec[i].usn,rt_no)==0) flag=i; if(flag==-1) { cout<<"error\n"; getch(); exit(0); } if(flag==no) { no--; cout<<"deleted\n"; pack(); return; } for(i=flag;i<no;i++) { rec[i]=rec[i+1]; no--;
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cout<<"deleted\n"; pack(); return; } } void main() { char st_usn[20],rt_usn[20]; fstream fle1,fle2; char name[20],usn[20],branch[20],ind[5]; int i,flag,ch; clrscr(); for(;;) { cout<<"1:add\n2:search\n3:delete\n4:display\n"; cout<<"enter your choice\n"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:cout<<"enter the no of records\n"; cin>>no; cout<<"enter the details of students\n"; for(i=0;i<no;i++) { cout<<"name="; cin>>rec[i].name; cout<<"usn="; cin>>rec[i].usn; cout<<"branch=";
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cin>>rec[i].branch; } pack(); break; case 2:cout<<"enter thye usn u want to search\n"; cin>>st_usn; //fstream fle1;"i.txt",ios::in); if(!fle1) { cout<<"cant open the file\n"; getch(); exit(0); } flag=0; for(i=0;i<no;i++) { fle1.getline(rt_usn,20,'|'); fle1.getline(st_no,5,'\n'); if(strcmp(rt_usn,st_usn)==0) { search(); flag=1; } } if(!flag) cout<<"not found\n"; fle1.close(); break;
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case 3:cout<<"enter thye usn u want to delete\n"; cin>>st_usn;"i.txt",ios::in); if(!fle1) { cout<<"cant open the file\n"; getch(); exit(0); } flag=0; for(i=0;i<no;i++) { fle1.getline(rt_usn,20,'|'); fle1.getline(st_no,5,'\n'); if(strcmp(rt_usn,st_usn)==0) { delete_rec(rt_usn); flag=1; } } if(!flag) cout<<"failure\n"; fle1.close(); break; case 4:for(int i=0;i<no;i++) { cout<<"name="<<rec[i].name<<"usn="<<rec[i].usn<<" branch="<<rec[i].branch<<"\n"; break;
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default:exit(0); break; } } } Output: 1: add 2: search 3: delete 4: display Enter your choice 1 Enter the number of records 2 Enter the details of students Name = anu Usn = 1bg09is003 Branch = ise Name= naveen Usn = 1bg09is089 Branch = ise 1: add 2: search 3: delete 4: display Enter your choice 4 Name= anu usn= 1bg09is003 branch=ise branch=ise
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Name= naveenusn= 1bg09is067

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1: add 2: search 3: delete 4: display Enter your choice 2 Enter the usn you want to search 1bg09is067 Search success Name= naveenusn= 1bg09is067 1: add 2: search 3: delete 4: display Enter your choice 2 Enter the usn you want to search 1bg09is006 Not found 1: add 2: search 3: delete 4: display Enter your choice 3 Enter the usn you want to delete 1bg09is067 Deleted 1: add
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2: search 3: delete 4: display Enter your choice 4 Name= anu Enter your choice 5. Output from Index file 1bg09is003|0 1bg09is067|1 usn= 1bg09is003 branch=ise

Output from Record file 0|anu|1bg09is003|ise 1|Naveen|1bg09is067|ise

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Program 6
Write a C++ program to implement index on secondary key,the name,for a file of student objects.Implement add(),search(),delete() using the secondary index. #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> class buffer; class student { char age[5]; char usn[20]; char name[20]; char branch[10]; char sem[5]; public: void input(); void output(); friend class buffer; friend class primaryindexing; friend class secondaryindexing; }; class buffer { char b[70]; public: void pack(student &s);
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void unpack(student &s); void Read(fstream& fs); int Write(char* filename); buffer(); }; class primaryindexing { char keys[30][2][20]; int size; char *indexfilename; char *recordfilename; public: void retrieveOffset(int i,int &offset); primaryindexing(char *rfilename,char *ifilename,int &offset); ~primaryindexing(); void writeOffset(int &offset); int Insert(student &s,int &offset); void Delete(char * usn); void Search(char *usn); int find(char *usn); }; class secondaryindexing { char keys[30][2][20]; int size; char *indexfilename; char *recordfilename; public: void Insert(student &s);
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void Search(char *name,primaryindexing &p); void Delete(char *key); secondaryindexing(char *rfilename,char *ifilename); ~secondaryindexing(); }; secondaryindexing :: secondaryindexing(char *rfilename,char *ifilename) { indexfilename = ifilename; recordfilename = rfilename; fstream indexfile(indexfilename,ios::in); char usn[20],name[20]; size = 0; while(indexfile) { indexfile.getline(name,20,'|'); indexfile.getline(usn,20,'|'); if(indexfile.eof()) break; strcpy(keys[size][0],name); strcpy(keys[size][1],usn); size++; } indexfile.close(); } void secondaryindexing :: Insert(student& s) { int i = size-1; while(i>=0 && strcmp(,keys[i][0]) < 0) {
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strcpy(keys[i+1][0],keys[i][0]); strcpy(keys[i+1][1],keys[i][1]); i--; } while(i>=0 && strcmp(,keys[i][0]) == 0 && strcmp(s.usn,keys[i][1]) < 0) { strcpy(keys[i+1][0],keys[i][0]); strcpy(keys[i+1][1],keys[i][1]); i--; } i++; strcpy(keys[i][0],; strcpy(keys[i][1],s.usn); size++; } void secondaryindexing :: Search(char *name,primaryindexing &p) { int offset,pos; student s; buffer b; fstream file(recordfilename,ios::in); int flag = 0; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(strcmp(name,keys[i][0]) == 0) { pos = p.find(keys[i][1]); if(pos!= -1) {
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p.retrieveOffset(pos,offset); file.seekg(offset); b.Read(file); b.unpack(s); cout<<"-------------"<<endl; s.output(); cout<<"-------------"<<endl; flag = 1; } } } if(!flag) cout<<" The Record(s) with the given name was not found "<<endl; } void secondaryindexing :: Delete(char *key) { for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) if(strcmp(key,keys[i][1]) == 0) sprintf(keys[i][1],"%d",-1); } secondaryindexing :: ~secondaryindexing() { fstream indexfile(indexfilename,ios::out|ios :: trunc); for(int i = 0; i < size;i++) { indexfile.write(keys[i][0],strlen(keys[i][0])); indexfile<<'|'; indexfile.write(keys[i][1],strlen(keys[i][1])); indexfile<<'|';
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} Indexfile.close(); } int primaryindexing :: find(char *usn) { int first = 0, last = size-1; int mid,temp; while(first <= last) { mid = (first+last)/2; temp = strcmp(keys[mid][0],usn); if(temp == 0) return mid; else if(temp > 0) last = mid-1; else first = mid+1; } return -1; } int primaryindexing :: Insert(student &s,int &offset) { int pos = find(s.usn); if( pos != -1) { cout<<" The Record With the Given Key Already Exists "<<endl; return 0; } buffer b;
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b.pack(s); int add = b.Write(recordfilename); int i = size-1; while(i >= 0 && strcmp(s.usn,keys[i][0]) < 0) { strcpy(keys[i+1][0],keys[i][0]); strcpy(keys[i+1][1],keys[i][1]); i--; } i++; char offstr[20]; sprintf(offstr,"%d",offset); strcpy(keys[i][0],s.usn); strcpy(keys[i][1],offstr); size++; offset = offset + add; return 1; } void primaryindexing :: Delete(char *usn) { int i = find(usn); if(i == -1) { cout<<"No Such Record Exists "<<endl; return; } if( i == size-1) { cout<<"Record With the Given usn Was successfully deleted!!!"<<endl;
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size--; return; } for(; i < size; i++) { strcpy(keys[i][0],keys[i+1][0]); strcpy(keys[i][1],keys[i+1][1]); } size--; cout<<"Record With the Given usn Was successfully deleted!!!"<<endl; } void primaryindexing :: Search(char *usn) { int i = find(usn); if(i == -1) { cout<<"No Such Record Exists "<<endl; return; } fstream fs(recordfilename,ios::in|ios::out); int offset; student s; retrieveOffset(i,offset); fs.seekg(offset); buffer b; b.Read(fs); b.unpack(s); s.output(); fs.close();
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} primaryindexing :: primaryindexing(char *rfilename,char* ifilename,int &offset) { indexfilename = ifilename; recordfilename = rfilename; fstream indexfile(indexfilename,ios::in); char usn[20],offstr[20]; size = 0; if(!indexfile) { offset = 0; return; }*)&offset,sizeof(offset)); while(indexfile) { indexfile.getline(usn,20,'|'); indexfile.getline(offstr,20,'|'); if(indexfile.eof()) break; strcpy(keys[size][0],usn); strcpy(keys[size][1],offstr); cout<<usn<<" "<<offstr<<endl; size++; } indexfile.close(); } void primaryindexing :: retrieveOffset(int i,int& offset) {
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char offstr[20]; strcpy(offstr,keys[i][1]); offset = atoi(offstr); } void primaryindexing :: writeOffset(int &offset) { fstream indexfile(indexfilename,ios::out|ios :: trunc); indexfile.write((char*)&offset,sizeof(offset)); indexfile.close(); } primaryindexing :: ~primaryindexing() { fstream indexfile(indexfilename,ios::out|ios :: app); for(int i = 0; i < size;i++) { indexfile.write(keys[i][0],strlen(keys[i][0])); indexfile<<'|'; indexfile.write(keys[i][1],strlen(keys[i][1])); indexfile<<'|'; } indexfile.close(); } void student :: input() { cout<<"Enter The Usn"<<endl; cin>>usn; cout<<"Enter The Name"<<endl; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter The Branch"<<endl;
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cin>>branch; cout<<"Enter The Semester"<<endl; cin>>sem; } void student :: output() { cout<<"Usn:"; puts(usn); cout<<"Name:"; puts(name); cout<<"Branch:"; puts(branch); cout<<"Semester:"; puts(sem); } buffer :: buffer() { for(int i = 0; i < 70; i++) b[i] = '\0'; } void buffer :: pack(student &s) { strcpy(b,s.usn); strcat(b,"|"); strcat(b,; strcat(b,"|"); strcat(b,s.branch); strcat(b,"|"); strcat(b,s.sem);
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strcat(b,"|"); } void buffer :: unpack(student &s) { char *p = b; while(*p) { if(*p == '|') *p = '\0'; p++; } p = b; strcpy(s.usn,p); p = p +strlen(p)+1; strcpy(,p); p = p +strlen(p)+1; strcpy(s.branch,p); p = p +strlen(p)+1; strcpy(s.sem,p); } int buffer :: Write(char *filename) { fstream datafile(filename,ios::out|ios::app); datafile.write(b,sizeof(b)); datafile.close(); return sizeof(b); } void buffer :: Read(fstream& fs) {
BNMIT/ISE/2012/VI/ File Structure laboratory Page 53,sizeof(b)); } int main() { int choice =1,flag; int offset; student s; char recordfilename[] = "record.txt"; char pindexfilename[] = "pindex.txt"; char sindexfilename[] = "sindex.txt"; char key[20]; primaryindexing iobj(recordfilename,pindexfilename,offset); secondaryindexing sobj(recordfilename,sindexfilename); while(choice < 4) { cout<<"1.Add Record"<<endl; cout<<"2.Delete Record"<<endl; cout<<"3.Search Record"<<endl; cout<<"4.Exit"<<endl; cin>> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: s.input(); flag = iobj.Insert(s,offset); if(flag) sobj.Insert(s); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter The Usn Of Record to be deleted"<<endl; cin>>key;
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iobj.Delete(key); sobj.Delete(key); break; case 3: cout<<"Enter The Name Of Record(s) to be Searched"<<endl; cin>>key; sobj.Search(key,iobj); break;

} } iobj.writeOffset(offset); return 0; }

Output: 1: add record 2: delete record 3:search record 4:exit 1 Enter the USN 1bg09is002 Enter the name Akshata Enter the branch Ise Enter the semester
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6 1: add record 2: delete record 3:search record 4:exit 1 Enter the USN 1bg09is087 Enter the name sandeep Enter the branch Ise Enter the semester 6 1: add record 2: delete record 3:search record 4:exit 3 Enter the name of record to be searched Sandeep ---------------------------------USN: 1bg09is087 Name: sandeep Branch:ise Sem:6 ----------------------------------1: add record 2: delete record
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3:search record 4:exit 3 Enter the name of record to be searched Anitha Record with the given name was not found 1: add record 2: delete record 3:search record 4:exit 2 Enter your usn of record to be deleted 1bg09is087 Record with given usn was successfully deleted 1: add record 2: delete record 3:search record 4:exit 3 Enter the name of record to be searched Sandeep Record with given name was not found 1: add record 2: delete record 3:search record 4:exit 4 Output from files before deletion Record.txt
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1bg09is002|akshata|ise|6 1bg09is087|sandeep|ise|6 Pindex.txt 1bg09is002|0|1bg09is087|70 Sindex.txt Akshata|1bg09is002|sandeep|1bg09is087 Output from files after deletion Record.txt 1bg09is002|akshata|ise|6 Pindex.txt 1bg09is002|0 Sindex.txt Akshata|1bg09is002

Program 7
Write a C++ program to read two lists of names and then match the names in the two lists using Cosequential Match based on a single loop. #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include<conio.h> class coseq { char list1[100][20],list2[100][20]; int n1,n2; public: void load();
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void seq_sort(); void match(); }; fstream f1,f2,of; void coseq :: load() { n1=n2=-1; while(!f1.eof()) f1.getline(list1[++n1],20,'\n'); while(!f2.eof()) f2.getline(list2[++n2],20,'\n'); } void coseq :: seq_sort() { char temp[30]; for(int i=0;i<n1;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<n2;j++) { if(strcmp(list1[i],list1[j])>0) { strcpy(temp,list1[i]); strcpy(list1[i],list1[j]); strcpy(list1[j],temp); } } } for(i=0;i<n2;i++) {
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for(int j=i+1;j<n2;j++) { if(strcmp(list2[i],list2[j])>0) { strcpy(temp,list2[j]); strcpy(list2[i],list2[j]); strcpy(list2[j],temp); } } } } void coseq :: match() { int i=0,j=0; while((i<=n1)&&(j<=n2)) { if(strcmp(list1[i],list2[j])==0) { cout<<list1[i]<<endl; of<<list1[i]<<endl; i++; j++; continue; } else if(strcmp(list1[i],list2[j])>0) j++; else i++; }
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} void main() { clrscr(); coseq cq;"file1.txt",ios::in);"file2.txt",ios::in); if(!f1||!f2) { cout<<"\n ERROR file dont exist"; getch(); exit(1); } cq.load();f1.close();f2.close();"file1.txt",ios::in);"file2.txt",ios::in);"file3.txt",ios::out); cq.seq_sort(); cq.match(); f1.close(); f2.close(); of.close(); getch(); } Output: Sunil Input file file1.txt contains list1 sunil jyothi pradeep
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Input file file2.txt contains list2 suma avinash sunil kruthi Output file file3.txt contains matched names sunil

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Progrm 8
Write a C++ program to read k Lists of names and merge them using kway merge algorithm with k = 8. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> fstream file[8]; char fname[8][8]={"1.txt","2.txt","3.txt","4.txt","5.txt","6.txt","7.txt","8.txt"}; int no; class record { public:char name[20],usn[20]; }rec[20]; void merge(char* file1,char* file2,char* filename) { int k=0; record rec[20]; fstream f1,f2;,ios::in);,ios::in); while(!f1.eof()) { f1.getline(rec[k].name,20,'|'); f1.getline(rec[k++].usn,20,'\n'); }
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while(!f2.eof()) { f2.getline(rec[k].name,20,'|'); f2.getline(rec[k++].usn,20,'\n'); } int t,y; record temp; for(t=0;t<k-2;t++) for(y=0;y<k-t-2;y++) if(strcmp(rec[y].name,rec[y+1].name)>0) { temp=rec[y]; rec[y]=rec[y+1]; rec[y+1]=temp; } fstream temp1;,ios::out); for(t=1;t<k-1;t++) temp1<<rec[t].name<<"|"<<rec[t].usn<<"\n"; f1.close(); f2.close(); temp1.close(); return; } void kwaymerge() { char filename[7][20]={"11.txt","22.txt","33.txt", "44.txt"," 111.txt","222.txt" , "1111.txt"}; int k=0,i;
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for(i=0;i<8;i+=2) merge(fname[i],fname[i+1],filename[k++]); k=4; for(i=0;i<4;i+=2) merge(filename[i],filename[i+1],filename[k++]); merge(filename[4],filename[5],filename[6]); return; } void main() { char name[20],usn[20],branch[20]; int i; clrscr(); cout<<"enter the no of records\n"; cin>>no; cout<<"enter the details of students"; for(i=0;i<8;i++) file[i].open(fname[i],ios::out); for(i=0;i<no;i++) { cout<<"name:"; cin>>rec[i].name; cout<<"usn:"; cin>>rec[i].usn; file[i%8]<<rec[i].name<<"|"<<rec[i].usn<<"\n"; } for(i=0;i<8;i++) file[i].close(); kwaymerge();
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fstream result;"1111.txt",ios::in); cout<<"sorted order\n"; for(i=0;i<no;i++) { result.getline(name,20,'|'); result.getline(usn,20,'\n'); cout<<"\nname="<<name<<"\n"<<"usn="<<usn<<"\n"; } getch(); } Output: Enter the no of records Enter the details Name: jyothi Usn: 1 Name: nidhi Usn: 2 Name: ashik Usn: 3 Name: suraj Usn: 4 Name: kruthi Usn: 5 Name: harsha Usn: 6 Name: shruthi Usn: 7 Name: teju Usn: 8
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Name: seema Usn: 9 Name: kavitha Usn: 2 Sorted records are: Name: ashik Usn: 3 Name: harsha Usn: 6 Name: jyothi Usn: 1 Name: kavitha Usn: 2 Name: kruthi Usn: 5 Name: nidhi Usn: 2 Name: seema Usn: 9 Name: shruthi Usn: 7 Name: suraj Usn: 4 Name: teju Usn: 8

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Program 9
Write a C++ program to implement B-Tree for a given set of integers and its operations insert ( ) and search ( ). Display the tree. #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> class node { public: int a[4]; node * next[4]; node * parent; int size; node(); }; node :: node() { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) next[i] = NULL; parent = NULL; size = 0; } class btree { node * root; publicc:
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node* findLeaf(int key,int &level); void updateKey(node *p,node *c,int newKey); void search(int key); void insert(int key); void insertIntoNode(node *n,int key,node *address); void promote(node *n,int key,node *address); node* split(node *n); void traverse(node *ptr); btree(); }; void btree :: traverse(node *ptr) { if(ptr == NULL) return; for(int i = 0; i < ptr->size; i++) cout<<ptr->a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; for(i = 0; i < ptr->size;i++) traverse(ptr->next[i]); } btree :: btree() { root = NULL; } node* btree :: findLeaf(int key,int &level) { node *ptr = root; node *prevptr = NULL; level = 0;
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int i; while(ptr) { i = 0; level++; while(i < ptr -> size-1 && key > ptr -> a[i]) i++; prevptr = ptr; ptr = ptr -> next[i]; } return prevptr; } node* btree :: split(node *n) { int midpoint = (n -> size+1)/2; int newsize = n->size - midpoint; node *newptr = new node; node *child; newptr->parent = n -> parent; int i; for(i = 0; i < midpoint; i++) { newptr->a[i] = n->a[i]; newptr ->next[i] = n->next[i]; n->a[i] = n->a[i+midpoint]; n->next[i] = n->next[i+midpoint]; } n->size = midpoint; newptr -> size = newsize;
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for( i = 0; i < n->size; i++) { child = n->next[i]; if(child!= NULL) child -> parent = n; } for( i = 0; i < newptr -> size; i++) { child = newptr -> next[i]; if(child!= NULL) child -> parent = newptr; } return newptr; } void btree :: updateKey(node *parent,node *child,int newkey) { if( parent == NULL) return; if(parent->size == 0) return; int oldkey = child->a[child->size-2]; for(int i = 0; i < parent->size;i++) if(parent->a[i] == oldkey) { parent->a[i] = newkey; parent->next[i] = child; } } void btree :: insertIntoNode(node *n,int key,node *address)
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{ int i; if( n == NULL) return; for(i = 0; i < n->size; i++) if(n->a[i] == key) return; i = n->size-1; while(i >= 0 && n -> a[i] > key) { n->a[i+1] = n->a[i]; n->next[i+1] = n->next[i]; i--; }i++; n->a[i] = key; n->next[i] = address; n->size++; if( i == n->size-1) updateKey(n->parent,n,key); } void btree :: promote(node *n,int key,node *address) { if( n == NULL) return; if(n -> size < 4) { insertIntoNode(n,key,address); return; }
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if( n == root) { root = new node; n->parent = root; } node *newptr = split(n); node *t; if(key < n->a[0]) t = newptr; else t = n; insertIntoNode(t,key,address); promote(n->parent,n->a[n->size-1],n); promote(newptr->parent,newptr->a[newptr->size-1],newptr); } void btree :: insert(int key) { if( root == NULL) { root = new node; root->a[root->size] = key; root->size++; return; } int level; node *leaf = findLeaf(key,level); int i; for(i = 0; i < leaf->size; i++) if(leaf -> a[i] == key)
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{ cout<<"The Key to be inserted already exists"<<endl; return; } promote(leaf,key,NULL); cout<<"---------------\n"; traverse(root); cout<<"----------------\n"; } void btree :: search(int key) { if(root == NULL) { cout<<"The tree Does not exist"<<endl; return; } int level; node *leaf = findLeaf(key,level); int flag = 0; for(int i = 0; i < leaf ->size; i++) if(leaf->a[i] == key) { flag = 1; cout<<"The Key "<<key<<" Exists in the B-Tree at the level"<<level<<endl; } if(!flag) cout<<"The Key Searched for was not found"<<endl; }
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int main() { btree b; int choice = 1,key; while(choice <=2) { cout<<"1.Insert a Key\n"; cout<<"2.Search a key\n"; cout<<"3.Exit\n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree\n"; cin>>key; b.insert(key); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter The key to be searched\n"; cin>>key;; break; } } return 0; } Output 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 1
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Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 5 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 8 --------------5 8 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 4 --------------4 5 8 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 7
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--------------4 5 7 8 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 11 --------------5 11 4 5 7 8 11 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 2

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Enter the key to be searched 11 Key found at level 2 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.Exit 3

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Program 10
Write a C++ program to implement B+ tree for a given set of integers and its operations insert ( ), and search ( ). Display the tree. #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> class node { public: int a[4]; node * next[4]; node * parent; int size; node(); }; class linkleaf { public: node * data; linkleaf *next; linkleaf(); }; linkleaf :: linkleaf() { next = NULL; }
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node :: node() { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) next[i] = NULL; parent = NULL; size = 0; } class btree { node * root; linkleaf *head; int flag; public: node* findLeaf(int key,int &level); void updateKey(node *p,node *c,int newKey); void search(int key); void insert(int key); void insertIntoNode(node *n,int key,node *address); void promote(node *n,int key,node *address); node* split(node *n); void traverse(node *ptr); void connectLeaf(node *n,node *newptr); void traverseleaf(); btree(); }; void btree :: traverseleaf() { linkleaf * ptr = head; int i;
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while(ptr) { for(i = 0; i < ptr -> data -> size; i++) cout<<ptr -> data -> a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; ptr = ptr ->next; } }

void btree :: connectLeaf(node *n,node *newptr) { linkleaf *ptr = head,*prevptr = NULL,*p; while(ptr) { if(ptr-> data == n) break; prevptr = ptr; ptr = ptr ->next; } if( ptr == NULL) { cout<<"Unexpected Error!!"; exit(0); } if( ptr == head) { p = new linkleaf; p -> next = head; head = p;
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p->data = newptr; } else { p = new linkleaf; p-> next = ptr; prevptr -> next = p; p->data = newptr; } } void btree :: traverse(node *ptr) { if(ptr == NULL) return; for(int i = 0; i < ptr->size; i++) cout<<ptr->a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; for(int i = 0; i < ptr->size;i++) traverse(ptr->next[i]); } btree :: btree() { root = NULL; head = NULL; }

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node* btree :: findLeaf(int key,int &level) { node *ptr = root; node *prevptr = NULL; level = 0; int i; while(ptr) { i = 0; level++; while(i < ptr -> size-1 && key > ptr -> a[i]) i++; prevptr = ptr; ptr = ptr -> next[i]; } return prevptr; } node* btree :: split(node *n) { int midpoint = (n -> size+1)/2; int newsize = n->size - midpoint; node *newptr = new node; node *child; newptr->parent = n -> parent; int i; for(i = 0; i < midpoint; i++) { newptr->a[i] = n->a[i]; newptr ->next[i] = n->next[i];
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n->a[i] = n->a[i+midpoint]; n->next[i] = n->next[i+midpoint]; } n->size = midpoint; newptr -> size = newsize; for( i = 0; i < n->size; i++) { child = n->next[i]; if(child!= NULL) child -> parent = n; } for( i = 0; i < newptr -> size; i++) { child = newptr -> next[i]; if(child!= NULL) child -> parent = newptr; } return newptr; } void btree :: updateKey(node *parent,node *child,int newkey) { if( parent == NULL) return; if(parent->size == 0) return; int oldkey = child->a[child->size-2]; for(int i = 0; i < parent->size;i++) if(parent->a[i] == oldkey) {
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parent->a[i] = newkey; parent->next[i] = child; } } void btree :: insertIntoNode(node *n,int key,node *address) { int i; if( n == NULL) return; for(i = 0; i < n->size; i++) if(n->a[i] == key) return; i = n->size-1; while(i >= 0 && n -> a[i] > key) { n->a[i+1] = n->a[i]; n->next[i+1] = n->next[i]; i--; } i++; n->a[i] = key; n->next[i] = address; n->size++; if( i == n->size-1) updateKey(n->parent,n,key); } void btree :: promote(node *n,int key,node *address) { if( n == NULL)
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return; if(n -> size < 4) { insertIntoNode(n,key,address); return; } if( n == root) { root = new node; n->parent = root; } node *newptr = split(n); node *t; if(key < n->a[0]) t = newptr; else t = n; insertIntoNode(t,key,address); if(!flag) { connectLeaf(n,newptr);flag = 1;} promote(n->parent,n->a[n->size-1],n); promote(newptr->parent,newptr->a[newptr->size-1],newptr); }

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void btree :: insert(int key) { flag = 0; if( root == NULL) { root = new node; root->a[root->size] = key; root->size++; head = new linkleaf; head -> data = root; return; } int level; node *leaf = findLeaf(key,level); int i; for(i = 0; i < leaf->size; i++) if(leaf -> a[i] == key) { cout<<"The Key to be inserted already exists"<<endl; return; } promote(leaf,key,NULL); cout<<"---------------\n"; traverse(root); cout<<"----------------\n"; } void btree :: search(int key) { if(root == NULL)
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{ cout<<"The tree Does not exist"<<endl; return; } int level; node *leaf = findLeaf(key,level); int flag = 0; for(int i = 0; i < leaf ->size; i++) if(leaf->a[i] == key) { flag = 1; cout<<"The Key "<<key<<" Exists in the B-Tree at the level" << level<< endl; } if(!flag) cout<<"The Key Searched for was not found"<<endl; } int main() { btree b; int choice = 1,key; while(choice <=3) { cout<<"1.Insert a Key\n"; cout<<"2.Search a key\n"; cout<<"3.Traverse Leaf\n"; cout<<"4.Exit\n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice)
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{ case 1: cout<<"Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree\n"; cin>>key; b.insert(key); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter The key to be searched\n"; cin>>key;; break; case 3: b. traverseleaf(); break; } } return 0; } Output 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B+Tree 5 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B+Tree
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8 --------------5 8 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 4 --------------4 5 8 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 1 Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 7 --------------4 5 7 8 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 1
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Enter The Key to be inserted in B-Tree 11 --------------5 11 4 5 7 8 11 ---------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 2 Enter the key to be searched 11 Key found at level 2 1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 3 -----------------------4 7 5 8 11

-----------------------1.Insert a Key 2.Search a key 3.traverse tree 4.Exit 4

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Program 11
Write a C++ program to store and retrieve student data from file using hashing. Use any collision resolution technique. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<iostream.h> //Record specification class node { public: char name[15],usn[15]; node *link; }; node *h[29]; //Array of record pointers equal to size of hash keys 29 void insert() { char name[15], usn[15], buffer[50]; fstream out;"student.txt",ios::app); //opening student.txt in append mode if(!out) { cout<<"\nUnable to open the file in append mode"; getch(); return; } cout<<"\nEnter the name = "; cin>>name;
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cout<<"\n Enter the usn = "; cin>>usn; strcpy(buffer,name); //Packing the record onto the file using | as a delimiter strcat(buffer,"|"); strcat(buffer,usn); strcat(buffer,"\n"); // \n delimiter for the record out<<buffer; // appending the packed record onto the file out.close(); } //Insert record into the hash table void hash_insert(char name1[], char usn1[], int hash_key) { node *p,*prev,*curr; p = new node; //dynamically allocate space using new

strcpy(p->name,name1); strcpy(p->usn,usn1); p->link=NULL; prev=NULL; curr=h[hash_key]; if(curr==NULL) { h[hash_key]=p; return; } while(curr!=NULL) { prev=curr; curr=curr->link; } prev->link=p;
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//getting the hash pointer location Case: No collision

// Case : On collision Insert at rear end

} void retrive() { fstream in; char name[15],usn[15]; int j,count; node *curr;"student.txt",ios::in); // open the record file in input mode if(!in) { cout<<"\n Unable to open the file in input mode"; getch(); exit(0); } while(!in.eof()) { in.getline(name,15,'|'); //unpacking the record in.getline(usn,15,'\n'); count=0; for(j=0; j<strlen(usn); j++) //Calculate sum of ascii values of USN { count=count+usn[j]; } count=count%29; //Hash Key = ASCII count% 29

hash_insert(name,usn,count); } cout<<"\n Enter the usn = "; cin>>usn; count=0; for(j=0; j<strlen(usn); j++) // Calculating Hash Key
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count=count+usn[j]; count=count%29; curr=h[count]; if(curr == NULL) { cout<<"\nRecord not found"; getch(); return; } do { if(strcmp(curr->usn,usn)==0) //When the record is found, retrieve { cout<<"\nRecord found : "<<curr->usn<<" "<<curr->name; getch(); return; } else { curr=curr->link; } }while(curr!=NULL); //Search till end of list

if(curr==NULL) //End of list reached with no record found { cout<<"\nRecord not found"; getch(); return; } }
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void main() { int choice; clrscr(); fstream out;"student.txt",ios::out); if(!out) { cout<<"\nUnable to open the file in out mode"; getch(); exit(0); } for(;;) { cout<<"\n1:insert\n 2: retrive \n3:exit \nEnter the choice \n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: insert(); break; case 2: retrive(); break; case 3: exit(0); default: cout<<"\nInvalid option"; } } } Output: 1: insert
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2: retrieve 3: exit Enter your choice 1 Enter name= sanjay Enter usn=1bg09is056 1: insert 2: retrieve 3: exit Enter your choice 1 Enter name= ashish Enter usn=1bg09is006 1: insert 2: retrieve 3: exit Enter your choice 1 Enter name= shreya Enter usn=1bg09is056 1: insert 2: retrieve 3: exit Enter your choice 2 Enter usn= 1bg09is056 Record found 1bg09is056 1: insert 2: retrieve
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3: exit Enter your choice 3

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Program 12
Write a C++ program to reclaim the free space resulting from the deletion of records using linked lists. #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> class node { public:char name[20],usn[20]; node *link; }; node *first=NULL; void writefile() { fstream out; node *p; char buffer[500];"a1.txt",ios::out); if(!out) { cout<<"cant open the file\n"; getch(); exit(0); } p=first;
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while(p!=NULL) { strcpy(buffer,p->name); strcat(buffer,"|"); strcat(buffer,p->usn); strcat(buffer,"\n"); out<<buffer; p=p->link; } } void display() { node *p; if(first==NULL) { cout<<"the list is empty\n"; return; //getch(); //exit(0); } p=first; while(p!=NULL) { cout<<p->name<<" "<<p->usn<<"->"; p=p->link; } } void insert() {
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node *p,*q; char name[20],usn[20]; cout<<"name="; cin>>name; cout<<"usn="; cin>>usn; p=new node; strcpy(p->name,name); strcpy(p->usn,usn); p->link=NULL; if(first==NULL) { first=p; writefile(); display(); return; } for(q=first;q->link!=NULL;q=q->link); q->link=p; writefile(); display(); return; } void del1() { char usn[15]; node *prev,*curr,*del; //char usn; //int del;
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if(first==NULL) { cout<<"list is empty\n"; return; //getch(); //exit(0); } cout<<"enter the usn u want to delete\n"; cin>>usn; if(strcmp(first->usn,usn)==0) { del=first; delete del; first=first->link; writefile(); display(); return; } prev=NULL; curr=first; while((strcmp(curr->usn,usn)!=0)&&(curr!=NULL)) { prev=curr; curr=curr->link; } if(curr==NULL) { cout<<"the rec with the usn "<<usn<<"did not find"; getch();
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exit(0); } prev->link=curr->link; writefile(); display(); } void main() { int ch; clrscr(); for(;;) { cout<<"1:insert\n2:delete\n3:quit"; cout<<"enter your choice\n"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:insert(); break; case 2:del1(); break; case 3:exit(0); break; default:"invalid choice\n"; break; } } } Output:
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1: insert 2. delete 3. exit Enter your choice 1 Name=menatha Usn=1bg09is048 Menatha 1bg09is048 1: insert 2. delete 3. exit Enter your choice 1 Name=subash Usn=1bg09is067 Menatha 1bg09is048 subash 1bg09is067 1: insert 2. delete 3. exit Enter your choice 1 Name=ayush Usn=1bg09is005 Menatha 1bg09is048 subash 1bg09is067 ayush 1bg09is005 1: insert 2. delete 3. exit Enter your choice 2
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Enter the usn you want to delete 1bg09is048 subash 1bg09is067 ayush 1bg09is005 1: insert 2. delete 3. exit Enter your choice 1 Name=Samarth Usn=1bg09is063 subash 1bg09is067 ayush 1bg09is005 Samarth 1bg09is063 1: insert 2. delete 3. exit Enter your choice 3

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