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Teaching-Learning Process Definitions Teaching is an active process in which one person shares information with others to provide them

with the information to make behavioral changes. Learning is the process of assimilating information with a resultant change in behavior. Teaching-learning process is a planned interaction that promotes behavioral change that is not a result of maturation or coincidence. Andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn. Teaching-Learning Process Principles of Adult Learning 1. As people mature, they tend to become more self-directed and independent in their learning. 2. An adult's previous experiences may serve as an excellent resource for learning. 3. Adults are more oriented to learning when specific learning needs are created from real life situations and the material learned is immediately useful. 4. Resistance to learning may occur if the adult does not see the relevance in the material. 5. Intrinsic motivation produces more permanent learning. 6. Adults prefer learning activities to be problem centered and relevant to life. 7. Adults learn throughout their lifetime. 8. Positive reinforcement is effective. 9. Material to be learned should be presented in an organized manner. 10. Active participation by the learner improves retention of knowledge. 11. Learning is enhanced by repetition of material. 12. Adults learn at different rates because of individual differences. 13. Trust, support, and a climate of mutual respect are important to the adult learner. Teaching-Learning Process Assessment Specific learning needs for health care providers are determined by: Asking the health care provider to identify his/her perceived learning needs; Consulting with key facility personnel, such as the risk manager, the quality assurance manager, and the infection control nurse; Consulting with facility administrators; and Mandatory training requirements. Assessment of the audience includes: Current knowledge base; Past work experiences; Learning styles Readiness to learn; Level of education; and Reading level Understanding Learning Styles Learning style is a personal biological and developmental characteristic that makes identical instruction effective for some students and ineffective for others. A person's individual learning style explains how he/she processes new information: Learns it; Concentrates on it; Understands it; and Retains it. To be effective in the classroom, educators must understand learning style differences among the learners. Learning styles involve perceptual strengths and processing styles. Perceptual Strengths The 4 major perceptual strengths are: Visual people learn by seeing (30% - 40% of learners);

Auditory people learn by hearing (20% - 30% of learners); Tactual people learn by touch (20% - 25% of learners); and Kinesthetic people learn by doing whole-body or real-life experiences (20% - 25% of learners)

Selected Teaching Strategies: Visual learners prefer seeing new information (overhead transparencies, charts, diagrams, pictures, videos) and study best with visual aids (flash cards, diagrams, posters). Auditory learners prefer hearing new information (lecture, videos) and study best with auditory aids (tape recordings of lectures, audio resources, reciting concepts out loud.) Tactual learners prefer hands-on experience and learn best with manipulative, simulation, demonstration/ return demonstration. In addition, tactual learners learn by writing important concepts down several times. Kinesthetic learners prefer learning by doing and learn best by role play activities, charades, skits, and activities involving movement using giant wall charts and flip charts Visual or Auditory Learner? a. Susie would much rather listen to a tape than look at a filmstrip. She can spell out loud better than she can write words down. She remembers things more when she discusses them in class than reading them from a book. She dislikes copying things from a chalkboard. She prefers jokes and riddles better than cartoons or puzzles. She does not enjoy map activities. _________ b. Jack is always having his teacher repeat what was said. He tunes out his teacher and looks out the window. He often knows what he wants to say during class discussions, but cannot come up with the words. He prefers to demonstrate how to do something, rather than making a speech. Jack likes to have his assignments written on the chalkboard, rather than told by his teacher during class. _____________ Processing Styles Most people use one of two processing styles to learn: Global learner (55% of learners); and Analytical learner (28% of learners). The remaining 17% of learners process information either way and show no preference to style. Global Learners prefer: Knowing what they need to know and why they need to know it, then they will concentrate on details; Introductions to training session that capture their attention, such as a funny story, a short story, a quote, or an illustration; Sound while working and soft lights; Informal seating, such as sofas or chairs; Working on several tasks at one time with breaks in-between; Snacking while working on tasks; Working alone or with someone in authority; Following standard directions; and Assignments that use graphs and illustrations to map out new information. Analytical learners prefer: Having information introduced to them step by step, fact by fact, and will listen to facts as long as they are goal directed; Quiet while working and bright lights; Formal seating, such as hard chairs and desks; Working on a single task at one time, completing it, and then beginning a new one; Snacking after completing the task; Working with peers; Immediate feedback; Having copies of assignments, directions, test dates, and objectives written down on paper and passed out to each student

Male and Female Preferences: Women Tend to be more auditory; Self-motivated; Conforming; Authority-oriented; Are able to sit at a conventional desk with chair with minimal movement; and Tend to need a quieter environment. Men

Tend to be more visual. tactual, and kinesthetic; Need more mobility and have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time in conventional desks and chairs; Prefer a more informal environment; Typically are more nonconforming; and Are peer-motivated.

Understanding Reading Level Educators often teach a variety of individuals with different reading levels. Health care educators and staff development coordinators may be responsible for teaching residents/patients, professional health care staff (nurses, physicians), and unlicensed personnel (nurse aides, dietary aides). Definitions

Literate - a person who can read at or above the 8 grade reading level.
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Functionally literate - a person who can read at reading level of 5 through 7 grades. Illiterate - a person who reads at a reading level of 4 grade or below. Concepts Related to Reading Level The last grade of formal education may not accurately reflect a person's reading ability: Example 1 - a person with some formal education may still be functionally illiterate; and Example 2 - a person with a low level of formal education, yet reads well if she works as a secretary. People who cannot read well or at all may not admit this due to embarrassment. Studies of public and resident/patient populations have found average reading abilities do not

exceed the 8 grade level.


Common printed resident/patient education materials require a 10 grade reading level. Differences between reading ability and reading level required for written instructional materials may result in poorly understood information and a negative learning experience for the individual. In summary, when determining the reading abilities of individuals, the educator should remember two things:

1. In general, people do not read above the 8 grade level; and 2. Individuals will probably read two to five grade levels below the last grade completed in formal education

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