Novag Star Ruby English Chess Computer Manual

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a) b) c) d) e)

g) h) i) j)

Making moves Capturing a Piece Impossible and Illegal Moves Castling En passant Pawn Promotion / Underpromotion Stalemate / Draw Check and Checkmate Early Mate Announcements Resignation On key Off key Function key Take Back key Trace Forward Clear ? Hint Colour i Info (= NEW GAME/GO) Key


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.





We congratulate you on your purchase and recommend that you read the instruction manual thoroughly in order to learn how to fully operate and enjoy your new chess computer. The LCD chessboard and the function section at the bottom of the LCD screen are touchsensitive and can be accessed with the special Pen, located on the left side of the unit. Always use this Pen when operating the unit to avoid scratching or breaking of the LCD glass. The LCD screen is protected by a cover. To flip the protective cover back, please pull the black button on the right side of the unit to release it. BATTERIES The chess computer runs on 3 x 1.5V UM 4 type, or size AAA alkaline or heavy duty batteries (not included). IMPORTANT NOTICE Before replacing/ inserting batteries, turn the unit off. To insert batteries, open the battery door on the back of the unit by unscrewing the screw and lifting the battery door. Insert the batteries according to the correct polarity as indicated by the +/- signs and then replace the battery door again. Do not place any other object(s) in the compartment but the batteries as described above. To remove batteries pull each battery out of its compartment. Do not use any objects to remove the batteries and remember, batteries must be removed when exhausted. Always use new alkaline or heavy duty batteries of the same type only never mix old and new batteries or batteries of different type, e.g. disposable and rechargeable batteries. Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteries. Remove rechargeable batteries from the chess computer before charging and charge rechargeable batteries under adult supervision only. Any battery charger (for use with rechargeable batteries) should be examined regularly for potential hazards, such as damage to the cable or cord, plug, enclosure or other parts, and that, in the event of such damage, the battery charger (or any other electrical appliance) must not be used until that damaged part has been properly removed or repaired. Please note that a battery charger is not a toy. If you do not use your computer over a long period of time, please remove the batteries. Never short-circuit the unit or the battery charger or any other electrical appliance. The chess computer is not intended for children under 3 years of age. The packaging must be kept as it contains important information. LOW BATTERY INDICATION When the LCD shows lobatt it indicates that the batteries have to be replaced. MEMORY The computer has a long-term memory and will retain the last board position. However, make sure that there are working batteries in the chess computer otherwise you will lose the memory contents. When you change batteries, the chess computer will retain its memory for approx. 10 seconds.


= White = Black = Pawn = Knight = Bishop = Rook = Queen = King


10 11 12


/ Colour indicator = White = Black

2 = 01 Number of moves Number of moves made (here 1 move) 4 = e2-e4 Move Move indication (here from e2 to e4) 6= Take Back Each time tapped 1 half move will be taken back. 8= Clear Clears the LCD or deactivates chess piece 10 = Colour Change colour 12 = NEW GAME/ GO Key Start new game (1 long tap for 1 sec.) GO function (1 brief tap) 3

3= Chess piece symbols Shows active chess piece (see above) 5= On/Off & Function Turn unit On/Off (1 long tap for 1 sec.) System functions access (1 brief tap) 7= Trace Forward Each time tapped it takes a move forward 9= ? Hint The computer will make a move suggestion 11 = i Info Shows times, number of moves & scores



If you wish a quick game of chess without having to use all the special functions of this model, you may refer to the following instructions. Step l : Insert batteries as described above. Turn the chess computer on by tapping on the (= On/Off & Function) square for more than 1 second (located on the bottom left hand corner of the LCD). The chess pieces will be set up on the LCD screen automatically. Note: Tapping the square (= On/Off & Function) briefly will access the individual functions (please refer to the FUNCTION chapter below). Step 2 : To start a new game tap the (= NEW GAME/GO) symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the LCD continuously for more than 1 second. Three beeps will sound and the LCD will show: 1 . Note: Tapping (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly will activate the GO function and the computer will make the first move for white (see GO function below). Step 3 : To make your first move for WHITE, tap your special PEN on the chess piece you wish to move and then tap your PEN on the chess field where you wish to move your chess piece to (imagine it as picking your chess piece up from one square and placing it on another square). At the same time your move will be displayed on the LCD screen, e.g. if you move the white pawn from e2: 1 e2 to e4: 1 e2e4 Step 4 : Once the chess computer has registered your move it will immediately start computing its counter move. Illegal moves are not accepted and the unit will beep 3 times and show error on the LCD. When the chess computer is ready to move it will make its move on the LCD chessboard automatically and at the same time the move will be displayed c7c5 . Now you on the LCD, e.g. the black pawn is moved from c7 to c5: 1 can make your counter move. IV. GAME FEATURES


Making moves

Enter your move by first tapping the chess piece you wish to move. Then tap on the chess field you wish to move to (FROM TO). Your entered move is shown on the LCD together with the colour moved ( = white; = black). If you have chosen the wrong chess piece you can deactivate it by tapping on it again but only if you have not made your TO move, otherwise you will have to use the TAKE BACK function. The computers moves are executed automatically on the LCD chessboard and will also be displayed on the LCD screen at the same time. Once executed a short beep will sound. When the unit is computing it will ignore all inputs, with the exception of the (= NEW GAME/GO) key. Once tapped briefly, it will interrupt the computers calculation process and will force it to make its move immediately.


Capturing a Piece
e5xg7 .

If you or the chess computer makes a capturing move the symbol x will be displayed on the LCD, for example move from e5 to g7 captures a chess piece:


Impossible and Illegal Moves

If you try to make an illegal or impossible move, you hear 3 beeps and on the LCD display you will see the error sign. You can now make another legal move. 4

d) e)

Castling En passant

According to the rules of chess you must first move the King then the Rook to complete this move. The computer accepts and executes castlings in set-up positions. If you make this special pawn capture you only have to tap the from and to squares of this move as in a normal move. The captured pawn is automatically removed by the computer and the LCD shows x. f) Pawn Promotion / Underpromotion If one of your pawns reaches the 8th rank, the computer will prompt you to promote or underpromote it to any desired piece and you will see the symbols for Queen, Bishop, Rook and Knight displayed. Please tap on one of the symbols to enter your choice of promotion and the computer will automatically replace your pawn with this piece. When the computer promotes one of its pawns, it will replace the pawn automatically with the promoted piece and at the same time the move is displayed in the LCD.


Stalemate / Draw

A draw is announced on the LCD with the appropriate message : [ dr Stl ] no legal moves, but not in check, therefore draw [ dr 3rd ] position repeated 3 times [ dr 50 ] 50 moves made without capture and pawn move [ dr ins] insufficient material for either side to check mate the other

h) i) j)

Check and Checkmate Early Mate Announcements Resignation

Check announcements are made with the + sign on the right side of the move shown on the LCD, e.g. g7-g8+ . Checkmate will be indicated on the LCD with mate . The computer will always announce mate if it sees it and will show the number of moves to mate on the LCD. Example: mate 1 . The computer will recognise positions which are lost and will resign the game showing resign on the LCD. You may reject this resignation and play on but please note that the computer will only resign once per game. If either sides time runs out, the LCD display will show flag and you may continue the game by entering your next move. V. A. GENERAL FUNCTION KEYS On key

To turn the unit on, tap the multi-function key (= On/Off & Function) for 1 second continuously. The unit will power on and the LCD screen will be visible. B. Off key (= On/Off & Function) To turn the unit OFF, tap the multi-function key continuously for 1 second.

Note: The SOUND, BOOK SELECT, RANDOM, LEVEL function will remain the same. EASY and REFEREE are turned off.


Function key (= On/Off

The different functions can be accessed by tapping the multi function key & Function) once briefly (please see Function chapter for further details). D. Take Back key

The (= Take Back) key is located right next to the (= On/Off & Function) key. Wait until it is your turn to move. Tap (= Take Back) and the last move will be taken back automatically. When you reach the beginning of the current game the display will show begin . To exit make your next move or tap (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly to recall a computer move. Note: If you select COLOR or SET UP to alter the position of any of the pieces, all prior moves will be deleted and you may not TAKE BACK moves before the change of colour or position. If no moves are in the game history the LCD will show begin . E. Trace Forward This key is located on the right hand side of the (= Take Back) key and is mainly used for tracing forward all moves after using the TAKE BACK function. If no moves are in the game history the LCD will show end . F. Clear If you start entering a move and wish to cancel it you may press this key to deactivate the initially chosen chess piece. You can also clear the LCD display by tapping Clear, e.g. when in HINT mode. G. ? Hint The computer will suggest a move for you (? on the bottom LCD). To accept the suggestion tap (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly and the computer will move for you. You can also make a move of your choice at any time whilst HINT is displayed. In this case do not tap (= NEW GAME/GO) but just make your move. If you tap the HINT icon whilst the computer is calculating, the display will show the move the computer thinks is so far the best for itself up to 9 ply. H. Colour The computer is generally programmed for you to play White first. If you wish to play Black (Black chess pieces on row 1 & 2), tap 1 sec (= NEW GAME/GO) (for new game) Colour (to change colour) tap (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly and the computer will make its move for White. During a game tap (= Colour) and you will change the colour to move.

i Info I. This key provides information on the current game as it progresses. To exit this function at any stage simply continue with your move and the computer will do the same. First tap on the i Info icon shows the clock of the side to move. Second tap on the i Info icon shows the clock of the side not to move. Third tap on the i Info icon shows the evaluation of the current position adjusted to the number of pawns advantage or minus so many pawns disadvantage for the current side to move, whereas disadvantageous evaluations are marked with a - sign. 6

Example: If the LCD shows 00.41 it means almost half a pawn advantage to the side to move. If the computer sees you or it is going to be mated then the score could be n02 , whereas n02 stands for mate in 2. Fourth tap on the i Info icon will show the current move count for the side to move. Note: Use the CLEAR key to clear the INFO display. When the computer is thinking the display will show either the rotating display or one of the above INFO displays. Once the computer has finished its computing, the INFO display will disappear and the display will show the computer's move. The rotating displays are: The time spent on the current search. The first 3 ply of the best line found so far. The score displayed as above. The current depth of search. The number of legal moves remaining to search and the total number of legal moves. Note: Each display stays for 2 seconds. (= NEW GAME/GO) Key J. The GO key is used in conjunction with many of the computers functions and normally acts as an exit function. To access tap (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly. MAIN USES: To make the unit compute for the colour to move, even if in REFEREE mode. To exit from the SET UP / LEVEL mode. To start the SOLVE MATE search (set the level to Solve Mate Level Setting, set up the chess pieces, tap (= NEW GAME/GO). To start the AUTOPLAY mode. To interrupt the computing time and force a computer move instantly. Please allow at least 5 seconds of search time before tapping (= NEW GAME/GO) in order to let the computer calculate a reasonable move. The evaluations of these moves do not correspond with the evaluation of the set-up level. To change sides during a game. Wait until it is your turn to move then tap (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly. The computer will now compute a move for your colour, and you will play the other colour from now on. To let the computer play against itself. Every time you tap (= NEW GAME/GO) the computer calculates for the side to move. All moves will be computed according to the set playing levels. To accept a HINT. When the first Hint is shown, tap (= NEW GAME/GO) to accept the Hint.



The functions are accessed by tapping (= On/Off & Function) briefly and the display will show 01 Level . To view the individual functions, please tap directly on the function number, i.e. 01. With each tap on the function number the next higher up function will be displayed, e.g. 02 Setup , 03 FlipBD , 04 Restore, and so forth. To access the desired function tap directly on the function, e.g. Level. Please find following a list of all functions: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Level Setup FlipBD Restore Book Ref AClock Sound Easy Rand Auto LCD (Change level setting) (Board setup) (Change colour) (Go back to the beginning of the game) (Opening book function) (Referee function) (Auto Clock function) (Sound) (Easy function) (Random generator) (Autoplay) (Contrast level 1-5) (Level)


The chess computer has different level settings, divided in white & black groups, to choose from. On the LCD you will see the following abbreviations for these 10 level sections: Tr Av Ft Sd Fd = = = = = Tournament Level Average Time Level Fixed Time Level Sudden Death Level Fixed Depth Level An Ea Bg In mate Fn = = = = = Analytical Level Easy Level Beginner Level Solve Mate Level Fun Level

Each playing level corresponds to one of the 64 board squares (see chart LEVEL GROUP WHITE and LEVEL GROUP BLACK ). To set the desired level, tap on the level square itself. To toggle between LEVEL GROUP WHITE and LEVEL GROUP BLACK tap on the displayed level at the bottom of the LCD, e.g. Tr40mv4. To confirm the level setting and exit this mode tap the (= NEW GAME/GO) key once briefly. Note: You may check or change the playing levels at any time during a game, but not whilst the computer is calculating. If you wish you can interrupt the computing time and call-off a computer move instantly by pressing the (= NEW GAME/GO) key. This will be the best possible move the computer has calculated up to that moment. If you switch the computer off to continue your game at a later time, or start a new game by tapping the (= NEW GAME/GO) key for 2 seconds, the previous set playing level will be retained provided you have batteries in your computer. 8


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tr8 Tr16 At8 At16 Ft8 Ft16 Sd8 Sd16 Tr7 Tr15 At7 At15 Ft7 Ft15 Sd7 Sd15 Tr6 Tr14 At6 At14 Ft6 Ft14 Sd6 Sd14 Tr5 Tr13 At5 At13 Ft5 Ft13 Sd5 Sd13 Tr4 Tr12 At4 At12 Ft4 Ft12 Sd4 Sd12 Tr3 Tr11 At3 At11 Ft3 Ft11 Sd3 Sd11 Tr2 Tr10 At2 At10 Ft2 Ft10 Sd2 Sd10 Tr1 A Tr9 B At1 C At9 D Ft1 E Ft9 F Sd1 Sd9 G H


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fd8 An8 Ea8 Fd7 An7 Ea7 Fd6 An6 Ea6 Fd5 An5 Ea5 Fd4 An4 Ea4 Fd3 An3 Ea3 Fd2 An2 Ea2 Fd1 An1 Ea1 A B C Bg8 mate 8 Fn8 Sd8 Sd16 Bg7 Bg6 Bg5 Bg4
In Fn7 mate 7 In Fn6 mate 6 In Fn5 mate 5 In Fn4 mate 4 In

Sd7 Sd15 Sd6 Sd14 Sd5 Sd13 Sd4 Sd12 Sd3 Sd13 Sd2 Sd10 Sd1 Sd9 G H

In Bg3 Fn3 mate 3

Bg2 Bg1 D

In Fn2 mate 2 In Fn1 mate 1

LEVEL GROUP WHITE : TOURNAMENT LEVELS: Tr 1 - Tr 16 The Tournament Levels require you to make 40 moves within a stipulated time which simulates a tournament game. Maximum time is 150 minutes for 40 moves (= Tournament Level Tr16), e.g. Tournament Level 15 = 40 moves in 120 min and the LCD display will show: Tr40mv120. If you or the computer exceeds the specified time, the game will be declared lost and flag will be displayed on the LCD.


Av 1 - Av 16

The computer will use half of the specified time to calculate the counter-move and half of the time to complete the search. Levels reach from Av1 with 5 seconds per move Av5s/mv to Av16 with 220 seconds per move Av220s/mv . The computer tends to play faster in the openings and endgame positions, but in complicated middle game positions it may take longer to make its move. Depending on the position the computer may take up to four times the set time on these levels. FIXED TIME LEVEL SECTION: Ft 1 - Ft 16 The computer will only use the time selected to calculate each counter-move. For example, the computer will use 2 seconds per move in Level Ft 1 Ft 2s/mv, in Level Ft2 the computer will use 4 seconds per move Ft 4s/mv and so on. The maximum is 90 seconds per move in level Ft16 Ft 90s/mv. SUDDEN DEATH LEVEL SECTION: Sd 1 - Sd 16 The game has to be finished within a selected time, from 3 minutes up to 120 minutes. The LCD display will show Sd 3min, Sd 4min, Sd 120 min. If you or the computer exceed the specified time, the game will be declared lost and the side to move loses on time (clocks count down to zero and LCD shows flag ). If you wish you can continue to play and finish the game; in this case the total time will be displayed and will be counted continiously. LEVEL GROUP BLACK : FIXED DEPTH LEVEL SECTION: Fd 1 - Fd 8 The computer will only compute up to the depth selected with a maximum depth of 8 half moves. This provides a means of limiting the computer play to suit a wide range of opponents abilities. Please note that the time the computer needs to reach the set search depth will vary with the board position. As a general rule the computer needs 3 to 6 times as much time to reach the next depth as it is needed to reach the current depth. ANALYSIS LEVEL SECTION: An 1 - An 8 These levels provide deeper searches for more complicated positions starting at 9 half moves. On level An 8 the computer searches indefinitely until a Check Mate is found or you stop the search by tapping (= NEW GAME/GO). If the search is halted the computer makes the move it currently thinks is the best. NOVICE LEVEL SECTION: Ea 1 - Ea 8 The computer restricts its search to 1 half move with limited capture search up to 9 ply. This will force the computer to play weaker, thus giving beginners a better chance of winning. The computer tends to search for more captures rather than trying to balance its game. The LCD will display Ea 1ply2x , Ea 1ply3x , . Ea 1ply9x . BEGINNER LEVEL SECTION: Bg 1 - Bg 8 Same as NOVICE LEVELS, but the computer searches 2 half moves with limited capture search up to 9 ply. 10

Note: All of the above levels can be modified by turning on the EASY mode. This keeps the computer from searching while you are thinking and weakens its play. SOLVE MATE LEVELS SECTION: In mate 1 In mate 8 If you have a position with a possible mate and you want the computer to find it, set the computer on one of the Solve Mate Levels ( In mate 1 , In mate 2, In mate 8 ). The chess computer will search for the shortest possible solution to a mate problem up to Matein-8. If the computer discovers a forced mate it will display a mate announcement. Whilst the chess computer is searching it will show the main variations which it is presently considering and will rotate a variety of information on the LCD display: a) 1st move of main line (e.g. g5-g4, display of the most anticipated move for Black) b) 2nd move of main line (e.g. f3-h4, display of the expected counter-move for White) c) 3rd move of main line (e.g. d6-d5, display of the anticipated counter-move for Black) d) Position evaluation = score from computers standpoint (e.g. 00.21, +0.21 Pawns up) e) Depth of search (e.g. d 06 means now searching 6 halfmoves) f) Moves not searched during current iteration (e.g.: 15/21, means 15 moves out of 21 are not searched during the current iteration) g) Time used up so far (e.g. 00:12:32) h) If there is no solution you will see [none] FUN LEVEL SECTION: Fn 1 - Fn 8

On these levels the computer makes some very human mistakes and plays almost instantaneously with very little strategy or tactical insight. 02 SET UP FUNCTION (Setup)

This mode is designed to enable you to set up board positions to solve chess problems or to set handicaps by removing or entering a piece, as well as changing the positions of pieces. Here the computers legality check as to the movement of pieces is disabled and you can enter, remove or change positions of any piece, but you cannot set up an incorrect position, e.g. play without both Kings or with more than one King for each colour etc. The computer will not let you exit this mode if your SET UP includes an illegal position. The computer will accept and execute castlings, pawn promotion and en-passant captures if you play from a set up board position. Note: All previous stated moves are cancelled as soon as you enter the SET UP mode. A. REMOVING A PIECE / CLEARING THE ENTIRE BOARD To remove a piece, tap the chess piece you wish to remove once in SET UP mode. To clear the entire board of all pieces tap the colour symbol square once briefly. B. ENTERING OR MOVING A PIECE / SETTING UP A BOARD POSITION To set up a chess piece on an empty chess field tap the desired chess piece symbol on the LCD and then the empty field you wish to set it up on. The colour is indicated by for Black and for White. The selected chese piece is indicated by shown beneath the chess piece symbol. To change colours re-tap the chess piece symbol. Note: The computer memorises the last chess piece used for SET UP and will use this piece until you select a new chess piece. To end this mode, tap (= NEW GAME/GO). 11



Entering this function turns the chessboard around and the Black chess pieces will be placed on the bottom 2 rows of the LCD chessboard. 04 RESTORE (Restore)

This function allows you to restore the board position to the very beginning of the game. The computer can store 104 halfmoves in its memory which normally will allow you to go back to the new game position. If, however the game was started from a SET UP position or if more than 104 halfmoves have been played the game will not be at the new game position. After pressing the RESTORE key the moves will be taken back automatically and the display will show begin and then 01 ----- to indicate the beginning of the game history. Note: You may use the complementary function key (= Trace Forward) to replay through the entire game. Should you enter a move for your colour you will erase all of the game history and the computer will treat this as a new game. 05 OPENING BOOK (Book)

When the LCD displays 05 Book = it means that the opening book function is enabled. The chess computer will then choose moves from the pre-programmed opening book. To turn the function off tap on the word Book and 05 Book will be displayed. To exit tap on the (= NEW GAME/GO) once briefly. 06 REFEREE FUNCTION (Ref)

This is a toggle function which allows the user to play a game on the computer with the computer only checking the legality of the moves and declaring DRAW, CHECK MATE, and STALE MATE. The LCD display will show 06 Ref when REFEREE is off and 06 Ref = when REFEREE is on. The REFEREE mode may be selected at any time during a game except when the unit is computing. To exit tap (= NEW GAME/GO). Note: Following functions will work whilst in REFEREE mode: TAKE BACK / HINT / SET UP / COLOUR / SOUND / GO/OFF. 07 AUTO CLOCK FUNCTION (AClock)

When this function is activated 07 AClock = the computer will automatically display the elapsed time during each move after approx. 3 secs. To turn disable the Autoclock function tap on AClock and 07 AClock will be displayed. To exit tap (= NEW GAME/GO). 08 SOUND FUNCTION (Sound)

The sound can be turned on or off. When the sound is turned on 08 Sound = will be displayed. Re-tap the word sound to change. To exit tap (= NEW GAME/GO).




The computer always uses the opponents time to compute its best response. To disable this advantage switch the display from 09 Easy = to 09 Easy by tappingon the word Easy. To exit tap (= NEW GAME/GO). Note: Each time you start a new game the EASY function will be turned off. 10 RANDOM FUNCTION (Rand)

Every time you switch the computer on, the move with the highest rating is automatically chosen based on the depth of search which is determined by the level. This is always the case after the opening is finished. However, this may not always provide the desired variety. There are 4 options with RANDOM. The default is Rand 0 which means little randomness and will generally make the computer play its very best. The next options designated as Rand 1 , Rand 2 and Rand 3 make the computer vary its play more and more. To change the RANDOM level, please tap on the word Rand. Each tap will change to the next higher level and when the highest level Rand 3 is reached it will go back to Rand 0 . To exit tap on the (= NEW GAME/GO) square once briefly. 11 AUTOPLAY (Auto)

This function allows the computer to play against itself. There are two options, either the computer will play up to the conclusion of the game = Auto 1 , or the computer will play against itself continuously until you stop it = Auto 3 . With each tap on the word Auto you can change the setting from Auto 0 (= AUTOPLAY off) to Auto 1 to Auto 3 . If either Auto 1 or Auto 3 mode is selected, tap the (= NEW GAME/GO) square once briefly and the computer will begin to play against itself from the current position and at the preset level. Note: Tapping any function key during the AUTOPLAY mode will stop the repeat cycle. 12 CHANGE CONTRAST (LCD) To change the contrast tap on the word LCD when in the change contrast function. Each tap will change the contrast level. Levels range from 1 (low contrast) to 5 (strong contrast). VII. EXAMPLES & EXPLANATIONS The computer is ready and it is your first move or the move for White (01 for 1st move and for White). Display after input of 1st half move of White, indicating chess piece (here Pawn) and where you moved FROM. Display after input of the destination square that you wish to play TO (from E2 to E4). Display of the computers first counter-move (Black [ ] Pawn from C7 to C5). COMPUTING INFO-Display: Shows the total time used so far for Black, while the computer is computing. 13 The following are examples of the most important displays of the NOVAG chess computer.

COMPUTING INFO-Display: The computers counter move. COMPUTING INFO-Display: The chess computer expects this move after the previous b8 c6. COMPUTING INFO-Display: On c1 e3 this would be the computers reply. COMPUTING INFO-Display: Score for Black currently being computed. COMPUTING INFO-Display: Number of half moves the computer has searched so far. COMPUTING INFO-Display: Out of 43 variations there are still 39 to compute. INFO-Display: Shows the total time used by White so far. INFO-Display: Shows the total time used so far for Black. INFO-Display: Shows the total number of moves made so far. The piece on square d4 gets captured by the Black Pawn in the second move from C5 to D4. Blacks Pawn move was from h4 and captures on the square g3 and announces check. The computer announces a mate-in-1, the game is lost for you. The announcement of a checkmate. Time out. Any illegal move or input will be indicated by the ERROR message. The chess computer resigns the game. Shows the announcement for a draw, due to stalemate. Shows a draw with 3 time repetition of the position. Shows a draw according to the 50-move rule. Draw due to insufficient mating material (see F.I.D.E. rules). The computer asks into which piece your pawn will be promoted/underpromoted. The chess computer promoted its pawn to a rook which moved to square a1. Shows that the game is set back to the beginning of the game by activating the Take Back icon or the RESTORE function. 14

The last move of the game has been made, there are no other moves stored in the memory. The SET LEVEL function has been chosen. You will see the selected level when tapping Level. Tournament level 1 has been selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Average Time playing level 1 has been selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Fixed Time playing level 1 has been selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Sudden Death playing level 4 has been selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Clocks will count down to zero time. Fixed Time level 1 has been selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Analysis level 3 is selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Easy level 1 has been selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. Easy level 1 is selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. A mate-in-4 is entered by using the SOLVE MATE Function. Fun level 1 is selected and will be effective after tapping the NEWGAME/GO key. In SET UP you may remove or add any chess piece to make up a new position. By tapping the On/Off & Function key the chessboard will be cleared. Change Colour. Restore board position. The chess computer will consult the opening book. The REFEREE-Function is activated . Auto clock function is turned on. The SOUND is switched on. Easy mode is activated. The RANDOM Function is deactivated. RANDOM level 1 is activated. RANDOM level 2 is activated. 15

RANDOM level 3 is activated. The AUTOPLAY function 1 is on and the chess computer will play 1 game against itself. The AUTOPLAY function 3 is on and the chess computer will play against itself continuously. The AUTOPLAY function is turned off. Contrast level 5 has been selected.

VIII. CARE OF THE NOVAG CHESS COMPUTER: Dirt and dust can be removed with a soft slightly damp cloth (please remove all batteries prior to cleaning the unit). Do NOT use any chemical solvents or other fluids or solvents on the unit or expose it to rain or moisture (it is not water proof!). Any damage caused by their use/ exposure invalidates the warranty. Always keep the chess computer in a dry and cool place (normal room temperature). Avoid exposing the computer to heat, e.g. spot lights, radiators, sunshine, etc. as this may lead to permanent damage caused by overheating which is not covered by the warranty. Be careful not to scratch the LCD screen and only use the supplied Pen, or specially designed pens for touch screens. Also be reminded that the LCD screen is made of glass and therefore the chess computer should not be dropped, exposed to any impact, or sat on as the glass may break! Breakage or scratching of the LCD screen is not covered by the limited warranty. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING WARRANTY:
For details regarding the warranty of this product and how to obtain warranty service please refer to the enclosed Warranty Card. In addition, Perfect Technology Ltd. or the Distributors of Novag branded products shall not be liable under the products warranty if its testing and examination disclose that the alleged defect in the product does not exist or was caused by Customers or any third persons misuse, neglect, improper installation or testing, unauthorised attempts to repair or modify, or any other cause beyond the range of the intended use, or by accident, fire, lightning, or other hazards or acts of God. The products warranty does not cover physical damage to the surface of the product, including cracks or scratches on the LCD touch screen. The products warranty does not apply when the malfunction results from the use of this product in conjunction with accessories, other products, or ancillary or peripheral equipment and Perfect Technology Ltd. or the Distributors of Novag branded products determine that there is no fault with the product itself. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. To the full extent allowed by law Perfect Technology Ltd. also excludes for itself and its suppliers any liability, whether based in contract or tort (including negligence), for incidental, consequential, indirect, special, or punitive damages of any kind, or for loss of revenue or profits, loss of business, loss of information or data, or other financial loss arising out of or in connection with the sale, installation, maintenance, use, performance, failure, or interruption of this product, even if Perfect Technology Ltd. or the Distributors of Novag branded products have been advised of the possibility of such damages, and limits its liability to replacement or repair of the product or part at the option of Perfect Technology Ltd. or the Distributors of Novag branded products. This disclaimer of liability for damages will not be affected if any remedy provided herein shall fail of its essential purpose. GOVERNING LAW: The products limited warranty shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region unless otherwise specified.


VIX. TROUBLE SHOOTING All NOVAG computers are extensively tested before leaving the factory to ensure trouble free performance. However, if you encounter any problems during play, please check the following list first before calling your dealer or sending it in for repair or contacting us at our website: 1. The computer does not work and the LCD is blank: Check if your batteries have sufficient charge, always use heavy duty or alkaline batteries for reliable performance. 2. The letters on the LCD display are faint and get dimmer as you use the NOVAG computer: The batteries might be run down, please change them. Change the contrast. 3. The computer locks up and will not respond to any icon tap: Please reset the computer by switching it off and removing the batteries. Then press the RESET button on the back on the unit below the back label with a pin like object. You may set it up again after a few seconds and continue using the computer normally. X. I.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) b) c) 6.


The two players must alternate in making one move at a time. The player with the white pieces moves first to start the game. With the exception of castling (section II.1.), a move is the transfer of a piece from one square to another square which is either vacant or occupied by an enemy piece. No piece, except the Rook when castling and the Knight (section II.5) may cross a square occupied by another piece. A piece moved to a square occupied by an enemy piece captures it as part of the same move. The captured piece must be immediately removed from the chessboard by the player making the capture. When one player moves a piece into a position whereby he can attack the King, the King is in Check (announced by the LCD display) and must either: move the King, block the path of the attacking piece with another piece, or attack the attacking piece. The game is over when there is no escape for the King from an attacking piece. This is known as Checkmate (the CHECK & MATE on LCD display).

II. 1.


Except when castling, the King can move only one space to any adjoining square (including diagonally) which cannot be attacked by an enemy piece. Castling is a move of both the King and either Rook which counts as a single move (of the King) and is executed as follows: a) The King is moved from its original square two squares toward either Rook on the same rank, and b) The Rook is moved to the opposite side of the King.


Castling cannot occur if:

a) b) c) d) the King has already been moved. the Rook has already been moved. the Kings original square or the square which the King must cross or the one which it is to occupy is attacked by an enemy piece. there is any piece between the King and the Rook.

2. 3. 4. 5.


The Queen can move to any square along the same rank, file or diagonal on which it stands (except as limited by Article I.3). The Rook can move to any square along the same rank or file on which it stands (except as limited by Article I.3). The Bishop can move to any square along the same diagonal on which it stands (except as limited by Article 1.3). The Knights move is in the shape of an L, moving two squares horizontally vertically, and then one square at 90 angle from the first move. These two moves can be reversed (one square and then two) if desired.



The Pawn can move either one or two squares forward on its original move, and then one square forward at any time afterward. When capturing, it advances one square diagonally (forward). When a Pawn reaches the last rank, it must be immediately exchanged for a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or a Knight of the same colour as the Pawn, at the players choice and without taking into account the other pieces still remaining on the chessboard. This exchange is called a promotion. En Passant: A Pawn can attack a square crossed by an enemy Pawn which has been advanced two squares in one move from its original square as though the latter had been moved only one square. This capture may be made only on the move immediately following such an advance and is called capturing en passant. (When your computer makes an en passant capture it will display the icon ep.)



Get a feel for the values of different pieces, which will be useful when making decisions on captures and exchanges. In general, try to capture the more valuable pieces. Some important principles: Castle your King into safety as soon as possible. If you control the centre squares, this will give you the advantage. To do this, move your centre pawns and develop your Bishops and Knights early in the game. Take advantage of capture situations, particularly if you will gain material. Concentrate dont be caught off guard by your opponent!



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Hong Kong.
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Copyright 2004 Perfect Technology Ltd., Hong Kong.


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