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Augustine Girls High School



TERRITORY: Trinidad and Tobago

SBA: Physical Education

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements Introduction History of Badminton -International History -Local History Rules of the Game -Standard Rules -Modified Rules My Role in the Tournament Reasons for choosing Role Other Roles chosen Injury Report Injury Report Injury Report Preventing Injuries Treating Injuries -Soft Tissue -Hard Tissue

Reflections -Overall Reflections -Working with Group Members -Personal Reflections Conclusion References Pictures Appendices


Firstly, I would like to acknowledge our school principal, Mrs. Kathleen Anderson for allowing us to be able to host the Badminton Competition for the S.B.A. Secondly, I would like to thank the Form Two department for enthusiastically taking part in the competition. Thirdly, I would also like to thank all of the other group members for their cooperation and for allowing the competition to be a success. In conclusion however, I would like to thank everyone who assisted me throughout the competition.

The School Based Assessment for Physical Education and Sports instructs that students are to host a competition with each student taking on the responsibilities of one role as an official in the tournament. The students were required to manage every aspect of the tournament such as planning out games, raising money for prizes, advertising, as well as umpiring each game. For the S.B.A., the class was divided into groups and each group was asked to decide upon a sport for which the tournament must be hosted. Each member of the group was responsible for a certain aspect of the tournament. Our group choose the sport of Badminton. Badminton was chosen because the group decided that it would be an exciting sport on which to hold a tournament. Also, the sport Badminton was chosen because each member of the group had prior knowledge of the game as well as experience of playing it. The tournament catered to the students in form one, as they were all eager and enthusiastic about participating in the competition and also it would be much easier for the coaches to train them. Throughout the competition, each student was required to fulfill the responsibilities of their respective role and report on what they had done. My S.B.A. is based on the role of the First Aid Officer.

History of Badminton

Badminton got its name from the Badminton House in Gloucestershire, England, the home of the Duke of Beaufort where the sport was played in the last century. Before Badminton House, there was a game called Poona which was a game played by British army officers stationed in India. The origins of Badminton dated back at least two thousand years. Worldwide popularity for the sport surged only after Badmintons Olympic debut at Barcelona in 1992. The first major tournament was the Thomas Cup (Worlds Men Championship) in 1948. Although the history of Badminton originated in England, this international sport has been largely dominated by Asian countries and Denmark over the last few decades, countries including Malaysia, China, South Korea and Indonesia have all produced world class players. In 1995, Badminton was first played at the Pan American Games.


Trinidad and Tobago is a nation that greatly promotes and encourages sports among all the sports-minded individuals. Badminton is one of the many games played in Trinidad and Tobago, but not many people know the role this game has played over the years, nor even how it first begun. Badminton, first called Poona was played in India in the 1860s. In the 1870s English soldiers stationed in India introduced the game to England. Badminton became a popular sport in the Caribbean through the Pan American Games in the year 1995. Badminton in Trinidad is clearly an outstanding sport played by many people. Many successful and outstanding Badminton players came from Trinidad and Tobago such as Anil Seepaul, Kerwyn Pantin and several others. Anil Seepaul was the only player from Trinidad and Tobago to defeat a top Jamaican in the last decade at the Pan American Games in Winnipeg, Canada. There were also some fine performances from Seepaul at the Caribbean Championship in Barbados. Kerwyn Pantin was the Triple Crown winner at both the 2004 and 2005 Solo Open Badminton Championship in Trinidad and Tobago. He won the mens singles and doubles and the mixed doubles final matches. He has been playing Badminton since the year 1997. Badminton has gained immense popularity in both primary and secondary schools, and there are competitions held every year for the students to participate in.

Rules of the Game


Objective of the Game The object of the game is the hit the shuttlecock back and forth over a net without permitting it to hit the floor in bounds on your side of the net.

1) A player may not hit net with a racket or any body part during play. 2) A shuttle may not come to rest or be carried on the racket. 3) A shuttle may hit the net on its way across during play and the rally can continue. 4) A term of service is called an inning. 5) A player may not reach over the net to hut the shuttle. 6) A loss of serve is called a side out. 7) In class games it will be played to 15 points and a match is 2 out of 3 games. 8) Some types of shots are the lob, drop shot, smash and drive.

Serving 1) A coin toss or spin of the racket determines who will serve first. 2) The serve must travel diagonally to be good. 3) A serve that touches the net and lands in the proper court is called a let serve and is reserved, otherwise only one serve is permitted to each court until a side out occurs. A serve that is totally missed may be tried again. 4) The racket must make contact with the shuttle below the waist on a serve. 5) The server and receiver must stand within their respective service courts until the serve is made. 6) Points may only be scored when serving. 7) All lines are considered bounds. 8) In singles, when the servers score is an even number, the serve is taken from the right side. When the servers score is an odd number it is taken from the left. (Serving in a doubles game is different).

MODIFIED RULES In the tournament, the smash was eliminated as the game was being played at an amateur level. Footwork is a major part in Badminton as it helps the player to be more accurate at their shot at the shuttle. However, in the tournament, the footwork of the player was not greatly emphasized on.

My Role in the Tournament

I chose the role of the first aid officer. ROLES OF THE FIRST AID OFFICER 1) To maintain a First Aid Kit, and apply first aid when required. 2) To work with relevant personnel to devise appropriate procedures in event of serious of fatal injuries. 3) To distribute information related to prevention and care of sports injuries. 4) To write up reports which detail the cause, and type of injuries and suggest actions that would prevent future injuries. 5) To identify possible hazards on the field and report to competition managers. 6) To supply competitors adequately with water.


First Aid is being able to provide emergency care to a person who is injured or ill until professional medical treatment is available. First Aid is very important as it can even help to save someones life. Since this tournament was school based and was not being played at an international level, the likelihood of major injuries such as fractures and dislocations were quite minimal. I choose this role because I always wanted to get the experience of applying first aid and being able to help injured persons. Also, first aid application was something I understood both in theory and real life situations.

Other Roles Chosen

Competition Director: Competition Manager: Competition Secretary: Event officials: Ayisha Joseph Christine Sankar Jannah Hunt Jemima Robin Jodie Persad Shridevi Mohan Team Managers: Ariesa Du Quesnay Sajida Rampersad Coaches: Felice Bowyer Naomi Roach Nequita Ramirez Kirsty Lourenco Sports Journalist: First Aid Officers: Anu Bissessar Samantha Khan Alexis Prabhudial

Injury Report

A player from Team E fell down and hit her knee on an attempt to hit the shuttle.

INJURY TYPE: Soft Tissue The player was hit on the knee. No discoloration noted, but a lot of pain was experienced by the player.

TREATMENT: Application of the RICE method. Player was temporarily rested wit Ice Packs being applied to the affected area. The area was bandaged, then elevated.

FURTHER ACTIONS TO PREVENT INJURY: Review of the game. Players should be reminded that if they are unable to hit the shuttle, let their partner hit it. Also if they are falling, fall on your behind as less damage would occur.

Injury Report

One of the players in Team A received a minor scratch on the face.

INJURY TYPE: Soft Tissue A small shallow scratch about one inch long seemed to have been caused by contact with a racket. It appeared on the left cheek.

TREATMENT: The cut was washed with disinfectant and covered with an adhesive plaster.

FURTHER ACTION TO PREVENT INJURY: Review of rules. Player should be conscious of their partners at all times and try to avoid contact with them. Also, coaches should go over the rules of the games with the players.

Injury Report


A player in Team E sprained her ankle on an attempt to hit the shuttle.

INJURY TYPE: Soft Tissue The player sprained her ankle. Slight discoloration was noted and a lot of pain was experienced by the player.

TREATMENT: Application of the RICE method. The player was temporarily rested, with ice packs being applied to the affected area. The area was bandaged and then elevated.

FURTHER ACTIONS TO PREVENT INJURY: Review of the game. Players should wear proper footwear so injuries would be less likely sustained.

Preventing Injuries

Safety Precautions 1) Competitors were told to eat lunch at least two hours before their games were to be played so the food would be absorbed by the body therefore reducing the risk of the player feeling upset during game play. Also, by eating before, the players would have adequate energy to play their games. 2) Competitors were encouraged to wear proper clothing (short pants and loose T. shirt) to play their games. This would give the players freedom of movement. 3) Absolutely no jewellery was worn during the games. 4) Competitors warmed up and cooled down properly before and after the games to reduce the risk of a muscle injury.

Treating Injuries

Soft Tissue Injuries 1) Bruises: A bruise happens when capillaries under the skin break, causing bleeding. Usually, the area becomes discolored, swollen and painful. Apply a cold compress to the affected area. Elevate and support the bruised area. 2) Cuts and Abrasions: An abrasion happens when the top layer of the skin has been removed due to friction with a rough surface. Clean with soap and running water. Pat the cut dry, then cover with an adhesive bandage. 3) Stitches: A stitch is a sharp pain caused by the sudden contraction of the diaphragm in the abdominal area. Treat by resting and sitting down. 4) Cramps: A cramp is the sudden, painful contraction of a muscle. Massage and gently stretch the muscle. If cramps occur after intense activity, in which a lot of fluid was lost, drink fluid as well.

RICE Treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. The RICE treatment is for sprains, which is the over-stretching or tearing of a ligament, and strains which is the tearing or pulling of a muscle or tendon. Rest- Movement keeps the blood leaking. So stay still. Ice- Apply an ice pack around the injured part for 20-30 minutes. The cold makes the blood vessels constrict, and this therefore reduces internal bleeding and pain. Compression- Bandage the injured part firmly using a crepe bandage. This also reduces internal bleeding. Elevation- Support the limb in an elevated position. This reduces blood flow to the limb because the blood has to flow against gravity.

Hard Tissue Injuries

1) Fractures: A fracture is a break in the bone which is of two types. Simple fractures do not break through the skin, whereas compound fractures break through the skin layer. Compound fractures often damage nerves and surrounding muscle tissue. The casualty is kept still, while the injured part is supported, and if necessary, bleeding should be stopped. Urgent medical help should be sought immediately. 2) Stress Fractures: A stress fracture is a common overuse injury. These are small cracks on the bone. The area is usually tender, swollen and painful. Use ice treatment and get rest immediately. To prevent, check footwear, and running action for problems. Also, running on very hard surfaces for prolonged periods of time should be avoided. 3) Dislocations: A dislocation occurs when a bone at a joint has been forced out of its normal position. The area looks deformed and the player experiences severe pain. Dislocations should be treated as a fracture. The player should be kept still while the injured part is supported. Medical help should be sought immediately.


Our badminton tournament turned out to be quite successful despite a few problems. As the First Aid Officers, I didnt have much to do unless someone got injured. Throughout the Badminton tournament, only three persons were injured. After ensuring that the team members warmed up properly, and were wearing absolutely no jewellery, I had the chance to observe each player on court, and generally watch the game. Tournament game play turned out to be quite aggressive and competitive as each team really wanted to win and be on top. However, there seemed to be some bias to some teams by the officials, who were umpiring the games as the teams were sometimes awarded a point, even though there was a fault in their service. Also, even though the shuttle sometimes hit the ceiling which was however an obstruction, the team was sometimes awarded a point if the shuttle happen to land on their opponents side. That was somewhat unfair to the other teams because there was obstruction in the service. Honestly, I felt that the tournament could have been better organized, and fair to all the competitors. It could have been better organized in that the umpiring being less biased and by both the officials and competitors having a better understanding of the rules of the game.


Honestly, I do not particularly like to work in groups, but I always give my full cooperation whenever I have to work with others. In our group, most of the members cooperated while quite a few did not. Aside from doing first aid, I also decided to help out in some coaching sessions before the tournament. I did this because some of the players were having difficulty mastering a certain shot and they needed someone to slowly go through the steps with them. However, considering the number of people who genuinely helped, the tournament was a success. It ran rather smoothly except for a few minor glitches.


It was really a great experience to work on this S.B.A. it took me a while to gather all the necessary information, and guidelines to write up this S.B.A. It also took me a while to get the appropriate pictures to include in the S.B.A. This S.B.A. was somewhat fun because we, the members of the group got the experience of hosting a sports tournament. I really enjoyed doing this S.B.A. because we were allowed to express our opinions which I liked a lot. A few recommendations would be better organizational skills at the management level, more consistency among the group members even though they may not totally agree with each other. Also, if you want the tournament to run perfectly without any glitches, all the group members must do what he/she was assigned to do.

At the end of the tournament, our group as well as the form ones gained an overall better insight of badminton through the badminton competition. The competition was a great success in that everything ran rather smoothly. I believe that everyone who was a part of the competition both management and participants enjoyed it immensely.


* Gallagher R.M., Fountain S., Gee L. (1997). (Physical Education through diagrams). (2nd Edition). (Oxford University Press.).

* Beashel P., Sibson A., Taylor J. (2001). (The World of Sports Examined). (2nd Edition). (Nelson Thornes ltd.).

* Lai G. (Caribbean Physical Education 1-2-3)



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