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Health Teaching Plan Learning Objective 1.

After 5 minutes of discussion the client will be able to state at least 3 out of 4 key areas of prevention of Hypertension appropriately Learning Content Method Rationale Time/Resou rce/venue Evaluation

Key Areas of Prevention of HPN Discussion Proper Nutrition Prevent Becoming Overweight Smoking Cessation Regular Check-ups Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, Non-communicable disease prevention and control, page 186 Discussion

Most often discussion will center on the solution to a problem or perhaps the interpretation of a verse of Scripture. Discussion can also be thought of as an attempt to interact with others toward arriving at a solution based on thoughts and ideas expressed by members of the group.

5:00 pm Recitation Beside the bed Visual aides

2. After 5 minutes of discussion the client will be able to compare the difference of physical activity and exercise appropriately.

Exercise: is a planned, structured and repetitive movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness Physical Activity: is something done at home such as sweeping etc; outside the house such as walking instead of riding a car; at the office such as climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

Most often discussion will center on the solution to a problem or perhaps the interpretation of a verse of Scripture. Discussion can also be thought of as an attempt to interact with others toward arriving at a solution based on thoughts and ideas expressed by members of the group.

5:05 pm Recitation Beside the bed Visual aides

Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, Non-communicable disease prevention and control, page 211 Activities that can be Discussion woven into daily routine: Walk, Cycle, Jog to work, school, store, or church Take stairs instead of the elevator or escalator Take fitness breaks, instead of cigarette or coffee break Play with kids or walking the dog Perform gardening or home repair at home Cleaning the house like sweeping or scrubbing Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, Non-communicable disease prevention and control, page 212 5:10 pm Recitation Beside the bed Visual aides

3. After 5 minutes of discussion the client will be able to incorporate appropriately at least 4 out of 6 recommended activities of DOH to prevent noncommunicable disease on her daily activities outside the hospital

Most often discussion will center on the solution to a problem or perhaps the interpretation of a verse of Scripture. Discussion can also be thought of as an attempt to interact with others toward arriving at a solution based on thoughts and ideas expressed by members of the group.

4. After 5 minutes Studies prove that of discussion following nutrition the client will be guidelines can able to state at prevent major nonleast 3 out of 4 communicable


Most often discussion will center on the solution to a problem or perhaps the interpretation of a verse of Scripture. Discussion can also be thought of as an

5:15 pm Beside the Recitation bed Visual aides

importance of eating a balanced diet.

diseases, namely cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Following the nutrition guidelines of low salt, low fat and ncrease fiber in the diet helps decrease the risk for noncommunicable diseases. Diets low in calories and fats decrease the risk of atheroslcerosis leading cardiovascular disease Diets high in fiber and complex carbohydrates decrease the risk of cancer and diabetes Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, Non-communicable disease prevention and control, page 212

attempt to interact with others toward arriving at a solution based on thoughts and ideas expressed by members of the group.

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