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nassas, Virginia 20109
C E ~ C O _
Brett Kimberlin,
Ron Brynaert,
aryland 20817
York 11215
eal Rauhauser,
Ranto I, Dlinois 61866
COMES OW. the Plaintiff. Aaron J. Walker. pro se. and files his Complaint against
Defendants Brett Kimberlin, Ron Brynaert. and Neal Rauhauser fOT Defamation, Extortion,
. lntentionaJ Infliction of Emotional Distress. Tortious Interference with Business Relations.
Business Conspiracy under Va. Code 18.2-499. and Common La\ Conspiracy. stalking and
harassment. and seeking an injWlCtiOn.
The Parties
1. The Plaintiff, Aaron J. Walker, is an attorney in good standing in Virginia and
Washington, D.C. He lives in Manassas, Virginia, and therefore all of the torts listed herein
were committed at that location, and felt at that location as well as in other jurisdictions.
2. Defendant Brett Kimberlin is a convicted terrorist known as The Speedway
Bomber, Kimberlin v. White, 7 F.3d 527 (6
Cir. 1993), when he set off eight bombs in six days.
Defendant Kimberlin is also a convicted perjurer, Kimberlin v. White, 798 F.Supp. 472 (1992).
He is a public figure. He is a founder of the political groups Velvet Revolution and Justice
Through Music.
3. Defendant Ron Brynaert is a former reporter and now blogger.
4. Defendant Neal Rauhauser is a blogger, who has assumed multiple false identities
including "Gaped Crusader."
5. Upon information and belief, Defendants Brynaert and Rauhauser write together
under the alias "Just Call Me Lefty."
Factual Background
6. At all times relevant hereto, the Plaintiff has worked as a lawyer in Virginia and
Washington, D.C.
7. The Plaintiff has also blogged as Aaron Worthing and AW. at Patterico's
Pontifications, Big Government, Big Journalism, Allergic to Bull and Everyone Draw
I For the benefit of the court each "blog," ;hort for weblog, is composed of a series of posts
which discuss various topics, sharing facts, opinion and analysis. Then, with all of the blogs
relevant to this motion, the post allows a broad swath of the public to compose and attach
"comments" to each post, allowing for praise, criticism and even off-topic remarks. Regular
commenters often even communicate, in public, in this fashion. For more discussion of how
such features of the internet work, see Independent Newspapers v. Brodie, 966 A2d 432 (M.D.
2009), especially starting at 437.
Mohammed. Those blogs can be found at,,!, com/, blogspot. com/ respectively.
8. At all times relevant to these proceedings, the Plaintiff has maintained his
anonymity by the use of the pseudonyms "A.W." and "Aaron Worthing" although the
Defendants have recently determined these pseudonyms belongs to the Plaintiff The Plaintiff
has always made it clear that A.W. and Aaron Worthing is the same person.
9. "Patterico's Pontifications" is, upon information and belief, a blog created by
John Patrick Frey, a Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney. The Plaintiff has been allowed to
post "guest posts" at that blog under his pseudonym "Aaron Worthing," from October, 2010, to
December 2011. The Plaintiff no longer has active posting privileges at this site.
10. "Big Government" and "Big Journalism," are group blogs that upon information
and belief were founded by Andrew Breitbart. The Plaintiff has been allowed to post a few times
on each site under his pseudonym "Aaron Worthing."
11. "Allergic to Bull" is the Plaintiff's own creation using Blogger's free blogging
tools. The tag line of the site is "[IJaw, life and the local spectator sport called politics." It is a
general interest blog with some emphasis on legal issues. He blogs at that site under the
pseudonym "AW. "
12. "Everyone Draw Mohammed" will be discussed in detail momentarily, but it was
founded by the Plaintiff using Blogger's free tools and today is also administered by two of the
Plaintiffs friends, known anonymously as "Dustin" and "J.D." As of Saturday, January 14,
2011, that site has been rendered "private" meaning it can only be viewed by its "oWners:" the
Plaintiff, "Dustin" and "J.D." He blogs at that site under the pseudonym "AW." and "Aaron
Worthing. "
13. The Plaintiff was born with three learning disabilities, and has faced
discrimination most of his life because of them. He has a real and rational fear of discrimination
based on his disabilities.
14. The Plaintiff has spoken openly, under the shield of anonymity, at Patterico's
Pontifications and Allergic to Bull about his disabilities and his experiences with discrimination.
15. Further, as mentioned before, the Plaintiff is the proprietor and creator of a
website entitled "Everyone Draw Mohammed" The activities of this site, through the exercise
of free speech has, in Defendant Kimberlin's own words, "inflame[d] [the] hostilities of Muslim
hardliners." Further, by the Defendant's Kimberlin's own admission to the FBI, the Fairfax
County Police and the Prince William County Police, the Plaintiff is likely to be the subject of
terrorist attack if they reveal he is "Aaron Worthing," and all three Defendants have, or have
attempted to, reveal it. They have literally tried to get the Plaintiff killed.
16. On or about October 13,2010, Defendant Kimberlin sued Seth Allen, then known
by the pseudonyms "Socrates" and "Prepostericity" in Montgomery County Circuit Court
(Kimberlin v. Allen, case number 339254V), in Maryland, claiming defamation, tortious
interference with business relations, and harassment. The case was frivolous, but due to Mr.
Allen's lack of attention to the case Mr. Kimberlin was able to obtain a default judgment against
Mr. Allen on or about July 7, 2011.
17. On or about August 22, 2011, Mr. Allen contacted the Plaintiff, seeking the
Plaintiff's help in his suit against the Defendant Kimberlin. Because the Plaintiff is not licensed
to practice in Maryland there was little help he could offer. However, without revealing any
privileged communications the Plaintiff offered limited help to Mr. Allen.
18. On or about November 14, 2011, a hearing to detennine damages was held in
Kimberlin v. Allen. Defendant Kimberlin won a nominal judgment against Mr. Allen, as well as
an injunction stating Mr. Allen may not defame or tortiously interfere with Defendant
Kimberlin's business.
19. Defendant Kimberlin had on some date pnor to November 14 formed a
conspiracy with Defendants Brynaert and Rauhauser to stalk, harass, defame, intentionally inflict
emotional distress and commit other illegal and/or immoral acts against any person perceived as
an "enemy," particularly anyone who dared to accurately describe Defendant Kimberlin's
criminal past and any person seen as helping any target of this conspiracy.
20. When Mandy Nagy wrote a post at Big Government accurately describing
Defendant Kimberlin's background, all three Defendants subj ected her to defamation, and
harassment, with threats of suit, false accusations of conspiracy. They also attempted to recruit
hackers to harass her. The Defendants attempted to prevent her from getting and keeping any
21. When John Patrick Frey, a Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles, wrote a post
at Patterico's Pontifications accurately describing Defendant Kimberlin's background, Defendant
Kimberlin himself threatened to sue Mr. Frey for defamation. When challenged to actually name
an example of defamation, Defendant Kimberlin could not name any. This did not stop the
Defendants Kimberlin, and Brynaert from filing numerous frivolous complaints with the Los
Angeles District Attorney's office, and with the California State Bar against Mr. Frey.
Defendant Rauhauser encouraged other parties to do the same. Further, Defendant Rauhauser
published the home address of Mr. Frey and the name of his wife and Defendant Kimberlin has
caused websites associated with his organizations to publish the home address and photographs
of Mr. Frey's home, increasing the chances that they might be subjected to violence by the
persons they have sent to prison as part of their work in the District Attorney's office in Los
22. During the "Weinergate" scandal 0 er the summea- of 2011, Michael Stack
became a target of this conspiracy. The scandal involved tben-Congressman Anthony WeineT
sending an inappropriate message via T Otter to all of his fono :ers when apparently it was only
supposed to be sent to a young woman who was not his rife. Mr. Stack was one of the people
who saw this message and helped preserve and publicize it early in the scandal.
23. Because of this, Mike Stack was picked out as an "enemy" and subjected to
defamation, and harassment online. Members of this conspiracy helped the website The
Smoking Gun obtain and publish personal information about him, including irrelevant criminal
convictions and bankruptcies. Defendant Rauhauser published Mr. Stack's home address and
personal phone numbers. Mr. Stack has been harassed in his business and his parents have been
harassed as well.
24. Defendant Kimberlin learned of the limited help the Plaintiff provided to Mr.
Allen. Therefore the Plaintiff was determined to be an "enemy" ofthe Defendant Kimberlin, and
be directed this conspiracy to focus on the Plaintiff and attempl to ruin the Plaintifrs life and
even possibly get him killed, by harassment, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional
distress, and providing intentional aid to any Islamic terrorists who might seek to harm the
25. On December 12,2011, and acting in furtherance of this conspiracy, Defendant
Brynaert wrote an email to numerous officials at Yale Diversity attempting to obtain the real
name for "Aaron Worthing.' As "Aaron Worthing," the Plaintiff mentioned he had gone 10 law
school at that institution. To the Plaintif'f's knowledge, Yale has n er honored this request
26. On December 12, 2011, Defendant Brynaert wrote to K[] AC"]. an attorney in
good standing in ortb Carolina who works for the law fum amble Caryle. As"Aaron
Worthing" the Plaintiffpublicly mentioned that Mr. Ac=J kne ofbis true identity.
27. When Mr. Ar=J rebuffed Defendant Brynarert's request for information,
Defendant Brynarert threatened to file frivolous reports of misconduct with the orth Carolina
bar and to send an email complaining abom his refusal to every lawyer in Mr. A[==rs ftnn.
Defendant Brynaert did eventually call the finn's human resources department and lodged a
frivolous complaint
28. The next e emng, on December 15, 2011. just after midnight Defendant
Kimberlin contacted the Plaintiff via email. He stated remarkably that he wished for the Plainti ff
to reveal to his real name and testify against his client, even asking the Plaintiffto ask Mr. Allen
to waive attorney-client privilege. And if the Plaintiff did not comply voluntarily, he would
subpoena for his information.
29. After only two business days and the weekend before Christmas, Defendant
Kimberlin did file a subpoena of Google, Inc. and a motion to compel against Google, seeking
the Plaintiff's true name on or about December 19, 2011, providing the Plaintiff with notice of
his action. Then on December 22, 2011, he subpoenaed Comcast, Inc. seeking the same
infonnation, but without providing the Plaintiff notice ofthat subpoena
30. On December 29,2011, the Plaintiff filed a response (along with a motion to file
that response anonymously or under seal), in Montgomery County (Maryland) Circuit Court,
opposing the motion to compel, moving to quash the subpoenas. The Plaintiff argued that
Defendant Kimberlin bad an improper purpose in seeking that discovery-that he \V"3S not trul
interested in the Plaintiffs testimony at aU, but only wished to identify the Plaintiffso he could
be exposed to stalking and harassment.
31. The Plaintiff also moved that the underlying injunction be dismissed because the
Defendant Kimberlin's misconduct, including the fact that Defendant Kimberlin had lied to the
court at the ovember 14, 2011 hearing. Specifically in the ovember 14 hearing, Defendant
Kimberlin stated that he never had his parole revoked, which is contradicted by Kimberlin v.
DeWalt, 12 F.Supp.2d 487 (D. Md., 1998). The Plaintiff also recommended that Defendant
Kimberlin be investigated for potential perjury charges.
32. The Plaintiff further published a copy of this filing on the web, with only slight
redactions, thus informing the world about Defendant Kimberlin's possible perjury and related
33. These actions further infuriated Defendant Kimberlin, fueling his desire to harm
the Plaintiff
34. The Plaintiff had retained Beth Kinsley, Esq. as local counsel in Maryland to help
with the procedural issues related to filing anonymously.
35. In an email on December 30, the Plaintiff Kimberlin threatened both the Plaintiff
and Ms. Kinsley with frivolous ethics complaints.
36. On January 7,2012, Defendant Kimberlin sent a notice to the Plaintiff that he had
filed a motion to withdraw his subpoenas as moot, attaching a copy of the motion itself. The
basis of this motion was that he had obtained the Plaintiff's identifying information by other
means. While it was not necessary to even provide the Plaintiff's name, he not only provided the
Plaintiff's name but also provided: 1) the Plaintiff's home address, 2) his birth date, 3) where he
went to high school, 4) whether he graduated from that school, 5) where and when he obtained
his undergraduate degree, 6) infonnation contained in a lawsuit the Plaintiff once filed that was
supposed to be under seal, 7) where and when he went to law school, 8) his current position, 9)
his current employer, and 10) that employer's address.
37. Upon information and belief, this was done intentionally so that his filing would
be part of the public record, to give his co-conspirators the fig leaf that they were just
reproducing court documents when they released this information into the world.
38. On or about January 6, 2012, Defendant Kimberlin emailed the FBI, the Fairfax
County Police, and the Prince William County Police, and other law enforcement officials or
agencies informing them that he had filed this document with the court, revealing the Plaintiffs
identity as Aaron Worthing and his addresses to the world, specifically stating to them that he
believed that "Muslim Hardliners" (his term) would seek to harm Mr. Worthing, or any person
who happened to be near him, due to his filing.
39. This act had the effect of confessing that he had intentionally exposed Mr.
Worthing to the danger of terrorist attack.
40. On Monday, January 9, 2012, the Plaintiff obtained an order sealing Defendant
Kimberlin's Motion to Withdraw on the premise that it was filed for an improper purpose.
41. On that same day was the hearing where Defendant Kimberlin claimed he wanted
the Plaintiff s testimony. Although the Plaintiff was present and made his presence known, the
Defendant Kimberlin declared that he was not interested in the Plaintiffs testimony.
42. After the hearing, the Plaintiff challenged the Defendant Kimberlin saying, "the
truth is you never wanted my testimony, you just wanted my identity." Defendant Kimberlin
replied, angrily, "andI got it!"
43. Later that day Defendant Kimberlin filed false charges of assault against the
Plaintiff and filed for a Peace Order based on those false charges.
44. On Saturday, January 14, 2012, Ron Brynaert revealed to the world that Aaron
Worthing was Aaron Walker.
45. The Plaintiff incorporates as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 44 above.
46. The following statements of Defendant Brynaert constitute defamation:
a. "Even hateful trolls like @AaronWorthing deserve lawyers, but Beth
Kingsley is helping him attack the Plaintiff, menace & break ethics rules." available at!/ronbryn/status/155333422087290880. "@AaronWorthing" is the known
twitter profile of the Plaintiff.
b. "Real lawyer Beth Kingsley forwards private emails to fake lawyer and
menacing troll @AaronWorthing who publishes:
kimberlin-convicted-terrorist-and.html" available at!/ronbryn/status/155329376152596481
c. "@AndrewBreitbart @Patterico Please tell @AaronWorthing @TRPWL
@Dust92 to stop menacing my sister. She has private # because she was stalked. " Available at!/ronbryn/status/151852560452550656.
d. "@Patterico @AndrewBreitbart and @Libertv Chick can ask @TRPWL
@AaronWorthing and @Dust92 to stop attacking my rape victim sister but won't." available at!/ronbryn/status/151848573481394177.
e. "Did fake lawyer using fake name - wearing real Star Wars pajamas - use fake
UPS? @aaronworthing
pleading.html exp/operation.html"
available at!/ronbryn/status/151717954633994241.
f. "@AaronWorthing It's hysterical that you're leaking court docs and making
Patrick Ewing predictions while still claiming to be a real lawyer." available at!lronbryn/statlls/150020345657696256.
g. "Aaron is playing games with hackers." Available at blogspot. com/2011/12/pattericos-deleted-weinergate-post-part. html.
h. 'Worthing deleted a comment I left at his blog an hour ago, asking for his real
name and the state he practices law so I could sue him for lying about me in a defamatory article
and report him to the barIT' This statement was contained in an email from Ron Brynaert to
numerous recipients of Yale University. on December 12, 2011.
i. "Unlike Aaron Worthing... you appear to be a real lawyer." This statement
was contained in an email from Ron Brynaert to Ac=::J, on December 13. 2011.
j. "Any..."ay, [the Plaintiff] is libeling me on his Allergic blog." This statement
was contained in an email from Ron Brynaert to Kc:::l on December 13.2011.
Ie.. "@AaronWortbing I would consider attacking someone in a courthouse an
actual terrorist act but you can keep accusing me of paranoid fantasies". Available at
1. "I'm DO lawyer like @AaronWorthing but 1 doubt creating a blog to offend
Muslims eams you an FBI pass to slander people online anonymously". A ailable at !lronbrynlstatusl159471180024262658.
m. u@Liberty Chick To figure out why liberals obsessed with
@AndrewBreitbart ignore @AaronWorthing arrest, swattings & your tweets to RW hackers".
Available at!Ironbrvnlstatusl159748171407429632." Later Defendant
Brynaert admitted that was to say the Plaintiff bad been arrested. and that he had relied
on the word of' hoaxer @NealRauhauser."
n. <@AaronWorthing actually did punch someone in the face & faces 10 ears
fOT it but @Patterico @Dust92 @Libertv Chick con .ct me for a tweet." Available at!lronbrynJstatusl161555050546737152.
47. Each of these statements contain falsehoods published to third parties, that harm
the reputation of the Plaintiff. These statements were made with malice_ Further, even when the
comments are directed at his pseudonym "Aaron Worthing," the Plaintiffs reputation is harmed
because Defendant Brynaert has identified "Aaron Worthing" as the Plaintiff.
48. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Brynaert's defamation.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
49. The Plaintiff incorporates, as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 48 above.
50. The following statements of Defendant Kimberlin constitute defamation:
a. "1 want to memorialize my concern about Mr. Worthing's violations of the
Rules of Professional Responsibility"
b. "Mr. Worthing... [is] now threatening to present criminal charges to obtain an
advantage in a civil matter[.]"
c. "Mr. Worthing... [is] making false statements about me."
d. "[The Plaintiff] has... urged others to attack me."
e. "1 want to be left alone. That's what Judge Jordan told Seth Allen to do, but he
refused to comply with that order or the permanent injunction. Mr. Worthing has egged him on
and advised him to violate the order."
f. "[The Plaintiff] is urging criminal prosecution of me for what he frivolously
argues is perjury."
g. "Maybe [the Plaintifl] has a First Amendment right to blog anonymously, but
he does not have a First Amendment right to violate the Rules [of Professional Conduct]. And I
don't believe that any Court or Bar will allow Mr. Worthing to remain anonymous after violating
the Rules so blatantly."
h. "[The Plaintiff] is publishing attacks on me personally in order to defame me
and interfere with my business."
i. "I am a stalking victim and Mr. Worthing is continuing the stalking."
51. Each of these statements were made in a December 30, 2011 email to Beth
Kinsley and contain falsehoods, published to third parties, that harm the reputation of the
Plaintiff These statements were made with malice. Even when the comments are directed at his
pseudonym "Aaron Worthing," the Plaintiffs reputation is harmed because Defendant Brynaert
has identified the Plaintiff as Aaron Worthing.
52. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Kimberlin's defamation.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
53. The Plaintiff incorporates, as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 52 above.
54. The following statements of Defendant Rauhauser constitutes defamation:
a. "Cyberbully John Patrick Frey, who lost contributor Lee Stranahan this
summer, has also just lost the offensive, 1s1amophobic Aaron Worthing[.]" This was posted on
the now-withdrawn website Gaped Crusader in a post entitled "Regarding Cyberbullies" posted
on or about December 16, 2011.
b. "Fake lawyer & newly regretful Muslim baiter Aaron Worthing[.]''' This
was posted on the now-withdrawn website Gaped Crusader in a post entitled "The Great
Lolzcow Stampede Of 2011" posted on or about December 22, 2011.
55. Each of these statements contain falsehoods, published to third parties, that harm
the reputation of the Plaintiff. These statements were made with malice. Even when the
comments are directed at his pseudonym "Aaron Worthing," the Plaintiffs reputation is hanned
because Defendant Brynaert has identified the Plaintiff as Aaron Worthing.
56. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Rauhauser's defamation.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
57. The Plaintiff incorporates, as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 56 above.
58. On January 3, 2012, Defendant Kimberlin wrote an email to the Plaintiff's
attorney, Beth Kinsley. He attached a "settlement offer" in which he threatened to file "bar
complaints, sanctions, civil suits, criminal complaints, peace orders and other administrative
actions" if the Plaintiff did not withdraw his pleading of December 29,2011 and remove all blog
posts about Defendant Kimberlin.
59. Thus Defendant Kimberlin threatened to accuse the Plaintiff of a crime with the
intent to extort a thing of value.
60. This communication was transmitted in interstate commerce.
61. Such conduct is in violation of 18 U.S.c. 875.
62. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Kimberlin's extortion.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages for Federal extortion of no
less than $2,000,000.00, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just
and equitable.
63. The Plaintiff incorporates, as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1 .
through 62 above.
64. On January 3, 2012, Defendant Kimberlin wrote an email to the Plaintiff's
attorney, Beth Kinsley. In the form of a "settlement offer," he threatened to file "bar complaints,
sanctions, civil suits, criminal complaints, peace orders and other administrative actions" if the .
Plaintiff did not withdraw his pleading of December 29,2011, and remove all blog posts about
Defendant Kimberlin.
65. Thus Defendant Kimberlin threatened to falsely accuse the Plaintiff of a crime or
of anything that, if the accusation were true, would tend to bring the Plaintiff into contempt or
disrepute with the intent to extort anything of value.
66. Thus Defendant Kimberlin threatened to inflict emotional distress on the Plaintiff
with the intent to extort anything of value.
67. Thus Defendant Kimberlin threatened to wrongfully cause economic damage to
the Plaintiff with the intent to extort anything of value.
68. Upon information and belief, this extortionate threat originated in Maryland and
therefore Maryland law would apply, too.
69. Such conduct is in violation of Md. Criminal Law Code 3-704 and 3-706.
70. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Kimberlin's extortion.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, coUrt costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
71. The Plaintiff incorporates, as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 70 above.
72. On January 9,2012, Defendant Rauhauser wrote an email to the Plaintiff in which
he threatened to reveal the Plaintiff's real name and identity as "Aaron Worthing" unless the
Plaintiff would "remove anything you've ever written about me [Rauhauser]."
73. Thus Defendant Rauhauser threatened to injure the reputation of the Plaintiff with
the intent to extort a thing of value.
74. This communication was transmitted in interstate commerce.
75. Such conduct is in violation of 18 U.S.c. 875.
76. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Rauhauser's extortion.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
77. The Plaintiff incorporates, as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs I
through 76 above.
78. On January 9,2012, Defendant Rauhauser wrote an email to the Plaintiff in which
he threatened to reveal the Plaintiffs real name and identity as "Aaron Worthing" unless the
Plaintiff"remov[ed] anything you've ever written about me."
79. Thus Defendant Rauhauser threatened to inflict emotional distress on the Plaintiff
with the intent to extort anything of value.
80. Thus Defendant Rauhauer threatened to wrongfully cause economic damage to
the Plaintiff with the intent to extort anything of value.
81. Thus Defendant Rauhauser threatened to cause physical injury to the Plaintiff
with the intent to extort anything of value.
82. Upon information and belief, this extortionate threat originated in Maryland and
therefore Maryland law would apply, too.
83. Such conduct is in violation of Md. Criminal LawCode 3-704 and 3-706.
84. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Rauhauser's extortion.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
85. The Plaintiff incorporates as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 84 above.
86. Defendant Kimberlin has threatened to reveal the Plaintiff's true name to the
world and to connect that name to the online pseudonym Aaron Worthing.
87. Defendant Kimberlin's conduct was intentional.
88. Defendant Kimberlin's conduct was outrageous and intolerable.
89. Defendant Kimberlin's wrongful conduct caused the emotional distress.
90. The Plaintiffs emotional distress is and was severe.
91. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Kimberlin's intentional infliction of emotional distress.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
92. The Plaintiff incorporates as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 91 above.
93. Defendant Kimberlin has threatened to reveal the Plaintiffs true name to the
world and to connect that name to the online pseudonym Aaron Worthing.
94. Defendant Kimberlin's conduct was intentional.
95. Defendant Kimberlin's conduct was negligent.
96. Defendant Kimberlin's conduct was outrageous and intolerabale.
97. Defendant Kimberlin's wrongful conduct caused the emotional distress.
98. Defendant Kimberlin engaged in this conduct in Maryland.
99. The Plaintiffs emotional distress is and was severe.
100. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Kimberlin's intentional infliction ofemotional distress.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
101. The Plaintiff incorporates as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs I
through 100 above.
102. Defendant Rauhauser has threatened to reveal the Plaintiff s true name to the
world and to connect that name to the online pseudonym Aaron Worthing.
103. Defendant Rauhauser's conduct was intentional.
104. Defendant Rauhauser's conduct was outrageous and intolerabale.
105. Defendant Rauhauser's wrongful conduct caused the emotional distress.
106. Defendant Rauhauser engaged in this conduct in Maryland.
107. The Plaintiffs emotional distress is and was severe.
108. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Rauhauser's intentional infliction of emotional distress.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
109. The Plaintiff incorporate as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 108 above.
110. Defendant Rauhauser has threatened to reveal the Plaintiffs true name to the
world and to connect that name to the online pseudonym Aaron Worthing.
111. Defendant Rauhauser's conduct was intentional.
112. Defendant Rauhauser's conduct was negligent
113. Defendant Rauhauser's conduct was outrageous and intolerable.
114. Defendant Rauhauser's wrongful conduct caused the emotional distress.
115. Defendant Rauhauser engaged in this conduct in Maryland.
116. The Plaintiff's emotional distress is and was severe.
11 7. The Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages as a direct result of
Defendant Rauhauser's intentional infliction of emotional distress.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests an award of damages of no less than $2,000,000.00,
punitive damages, attorneys' fees, court costs and any and all relief this Court deems just and
118. The Plaintiff incorporates as if fully stated herein, the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 117 above.
119. Defendant Brynaert actually revealed the Plaintiffs true name to the world and
connected that name to the online pseudonym Aaron Worthing.
120. Defendant Brynaert's conduct was intentional.

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