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Mananzala vs Court of Appeals GR 115101, March 2, 1998 Facts: Petitioner Fidela Mananzala owned a parcel of land located in Quezon

City, and in actual possession of the land since 1955 by virtue of a conditional sale made in her favor by the PHHC, now NHA. 1960, however, the PHHC awarded the land to Nestor and Elisea Mercado. Petitioner contested the award in court. She claimed precedence not only in actual occupation of the land but also in application for its purchase. Her right to the land was upheld the courts. In 1984, petitioner paid in full the price of the land. The NHA therefore executed a deed of sale in her favor on January 14, 1985. Private respondent Corazon Aranez brought an action for specific performance against petitioner to enforce a alleged deed of sale covering the same lot in 1960. The contract stipulated that title to the land shall be transferred to private respondent within 30 days after full payment of the purchase price by petitioner to the PHHC. Private respondent alleged that petitioner refused, despite repeated demands made by her, to comply with the stipulation in their contract. Petitioner denied selling the land to private respondent. The trial court dismissed the complaint. Although finding petitioner's signature on the deed to be genuine, it nevertheless ruled that there was no perfected contract of sale because petitioner never really intended to sell the land. Furthermore, the trial court also found the alleged contract to be null and void because, at the time of the sale, petitioner was not yet the owner thereof. The Court of Appeals reversed the decision. It held that there was a meeting of the minds between the parties as evidenced by the signature of the petitioner on the deed of sale which the NBI found to be genuine. The notarization of the deed gave rise to the presumption of its regularity. The Court of Appeals further held that petitioner could validly sell the land even before the actual award to her pursuant to Art. 1461 of the Civil Code, which provides that things having a potential existence may be the object of a contract of sale. Issue: Whether or not the contract between petitioner and private respondent is valid and binding Held: Yes. The SC affirmed the CAs decision. The petitioner's contention that the sale to private respondent is void because it was made within one year after the title to the property was issued in the name of petitioner, while raised by petitioner in her answer in the trial court, was not passed upon and she did not urge it anymore except now. As already noted, the trial court based its decision on its finding that the sale was void on the ground that there was no meeting of the minds of the parties. When its decision was appealed, petitioner did not urge her original defenses to uphold the decision in her favor. She merely relied on the ruling of the trial court. The appellate court, in reversing the trial court, simply considered the issues raised by the trial court's decision, namely, whether petitioner's signature on the deed was a forgery, whether there was a meeting of the minds of the parties, and whether there could be a sale of future property. The question whether the sale was void because it was made within the one-year period of prohibition to petitioner as awardee was never briefed or in any way argued below. For all intents and purposes, therefore, petitioner waived this ground and cannot now urge it as ground for reversing the decision of the Court of Appeals.

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