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Text is for number 1 + 081332587357 Im at the Juanda Airport. Im having trouble finding a hotel.

Can U come here soon ? Ira.

On Monday morning the students have a flag ceremony. Boys wear white shirt and blue pants. Girls wear white shirts and blue skirt. Teachers and clerical workers are in blue and white uniform. While the flag is being hoisted, all participants are singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya. The students are free after the seventh period. Some go home directly and some practice playing basket ball on the court. 6. What is the text about ? a. Flag ceremony b. Singing a national song c. Rising flag d. Playing basket ball 7. Which statement is not true based on the text ? a. Students have a flag ceremony on Monday b. Student wear their formal uniform c. Students are free after the seventh period d. Students sing a traditional song . Text is for number 8 and 9 The Ahmads family woke up early last Sunday. They wanted to go to Banyubiru. Firman, Anita and Ani were excited. Mrs. Ahmad was busy. She prepared food, drinks and everything they needed such as eating utensil, ma bag etc. They left the house at 06.00. On the way the children talk to another about what they would do at Banyubiru. They arrived there after two hour- drive. They began preparing and put the things on the mat. Then they played together. Finally, they had lunch at twelve. After eating up their lunch, they took a rest and then they decided to go home at four oclock. 8. She prepared food, drinks and everything they needed such as eating utensil, ma bag etc. She here refers to . a. Anita c. Mrs. Ahmad b. Ani d. Mr. Ahmad 9. Farel : The house has reclining furniture and beautiful curtain Fitri : . a. How the house is wonderful! b. What a wonderful house! c. How is the wonderful house! d. What wonderful is the house! Text is for question number 10 and 11 You are invited to the greatest party ever. Please phone if you cant come
YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! For Date Time Place Given by : Diana : May, 2nd, 2008 : 6.30 p.m. : Jl Sriwijaya 45. : Elena

1. What does the massage state? a. a call from the air the airport b. a message from a friend to ask for a help c. a promise to go together d. an invitation to a party Text is for question number 2 to 5 ANNOUNCEMENT The visit to the museum will take place on Wednesday, 26th of May. The bus leaves school at 8.30, and those who want to go must be on time. The visit will last the whole day, and we expect to get back at about 6.30 in the evening. At the museum there will be a brief explanation by the History teacher. This will take about half an hour, and the teacher will then take the group to see the museum. All those who wish to go sign beneath. May Gods love before you 2. Where is the destination of the visit? a. School c. Museum b. School bus d. Special building 3. Which statement is incorrect based on the text above? a. The history teacher will accompany the students visiting the museum. b. There is space for the students to sign in below the text above. c. The history teacher will say nothing before they go around the museum. d. The students who want to join the visit must not be late. 4. What kind is the text above? a. Brochure c. Notice b. Advertisement d. Warning
5. May Gods love before you

What does You here refers to . a. Writer c. Speaker b. Reader d. listener Text is for number 6 and 7

10. Who celebrates the birthday party?

a. Elena b. Elenas friends c. Diana d. Dianas friends 11. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! The underlined word is similar to . a. anxiously and desperately b. warmly and sincerely c. strongly and urgently d. carefully and kindly 12. 1. Jenny : He works in insurance company. 2. Dickey : Where does your father work? 3. Jenny : So does she. They work in the same company. 4. Dickey : What about your mother? A good order of the dialogue above is . a. 1-2-3-4 c. 2-1-4-3 b. 4-3-2-1 d. 3-1-2-4 13. Angie : Can we go out tonight? Mother : No, you cant, and .your brother. Both of you must study hard for the final Examination. a. cant either c. neither cant b. neither can d. can either Tomato Juice 1. Switch on the blender 2. Cut the tomato into small pieces 3. Plug the blender 4. Put them into the container 5. Wait for a few minutes 14. The right procedure of how to make a glass of tomato juice is . a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 c. 2-3-5-4-6-1-7-8 b. 2-4-6-3-1-5-7-8 d. 3-5-4-6-2-7-1-8 Complete the following procedure text of making noodle! 1. Put noodles into two glasses of briskly boiling water 2. Cook the noodles are ready to be served 3. Put the seasoning, vegetable oil and chili powder in a bowl 4. . 5. Your delicious noodle are ready to be served 15. The suitable sentence of the instruction above is . a. Mix the noodle well with all of the seasoning b. Mix the noodle well with the fruits c. Put the noodle into a pan d. Pour the noodle into a bowl 16. Sari : Sheilas got a scholarship to study in USA. Ila : Great! But, she hasnt got the passport, ? Sari : Yes, she hasnt got her visa, either.

a. b. c. d.

was she has she didnt she doesnt she

Text is for number 17 and 18 We usually describe a climate by its temperature and by the mount of rainfall it has every year. Near the equator the climate is the hottest. This is the part of the earth that get most sunshine. It also rains a lot there. We call this climate tropical. Other part of the earth far from the equator are also very hot but with little rain. They have a desert climate. Going far from the equator to the south and to the north, the climate gets cooler. Summers are warm but winters are cool and wet. This is a temperate climate. The place around the south and north poles are the coldest. They have a polar climate. 17. What climate do the regions near the poles have? a. Polar climate c. Tropical climate b. Temperate climate d. Desert climate 18. The classification of climate depend on . a. the equator c. the rainfall b. the temperature d. the climate 19. During the day, the plants . in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. The oxygen is then breathed in by humans and animals. a. Take c. are taking b. Takes d. have taken 20. Arrange this procedure of how to plant 1. Paddies are ready to harvest after four months 2. Plant paddies on the rice field 3. Spray them with a fertilizer 4. Cultivate the rice field using tractor or plough a. 2-3-1-4 c. 1-3-2-4 b. 3-2-4-1 d. 4-3-2-1 21. Spray them with a fertilizer . What does the underlined word means ? a. Something to make the plant fertile b. Something to plant paddies c. Something to cultivate land d. Something to make ground infertile 22. Long-long time ago there was a widow, her name was Mande Rubiah. She lived in a small village with her son Malin Kundang. One day he asked his mother to allow him to go to another place to earn money. But her mother did not permit him. Many years later Malin came to his village back with his rich and honor wife. But he did not recognize her as his mother. Finally . Give the suitable ending of the story above! a. Mande Rubiah got angry and said that her son as a stone. b. Mande Rubia felt happy with her son c. Mande Rubiah built a new big house and lived happily d. Mande Rubiah bought a new expensive car


Look at the data below!

c. d.

Own house Sambolo Beach Bungalow

Name: Ms. Laila Age: 35 Job: teacher Children: 1 son, 3 daughters

Name: Mr. Ali Age: 34 Job: Lawyer Children: 2 sons, 1 daughter


27. The bungalow is a perfect place to . a. enjoy many kinds of water facilities b. get along with other beach lovers c. have secret retreat d. take a rest Warning: Keep this product away from small children. This product can cause irritation. Do not get in eyes or in skin. In case of eye contact, immediately rinse eyes with plenty of cool water for at least 15 minutes, in case of skin contact, wash with plenty of soap and water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Keep securely closed. 28. Why should consumers be careful with this product? a. It can be fattening c. It can cause stain b. It can be harmful d. It can soften skin 29. Pino : I must go home now! Reny : But it is still raining. You sick if you walk in the rain. Pino : Yes. I know but its getting darker. Reny : Use this umbrella then. a. Are c. will be b. dont d. was 30. Nena : Wow! He can speak Spanish very well. Mila : Dont you know that he can speak not only Spanish Germany. a. And c. but also b. Both d. only 31. Mr. Anwar : Which of the house needs to be painted, the front or the back part? Mr. Husni : I think the front and the back part should be painted. a. not only c. but also No. 1. 2. 3.

23. Mr Ali has than Ms. Laila. a. Fewer sons c. More children b. More daughters d. Fewer daughters Text is for number 24 and 25
Handy Kencana Electric Warehouse. Jln. Apple 45 Jakarta Barat. Phone: 021-54390169 Three Days Sale. Save Rp. 150.000,- on 14 color television. Regular price Rp. 1.000.000,- now only Rp. 850.000,- Hurry up, stock are limited. Open 10 am 4 pm weekdays only.

24. What kind of the text is it? a. Label c. Advertisement b. Instruction d. Notice 25. How much is the price of the 14 color Television now? a. Rp. 150.000,c. Rp. 1.000.000,b. Rp. 850.000,d. Rp. 1.150.000,SEA, SUN AND SAMBOLO Wouldnt it be a pleasure to have your own house on the beach to get away to at the weekends. But it would really have to be perfect to be worthwhile wouldnt it? A nice, secure, but informal bungalow for a start, right on the beach with loungers, barbecue pit, the whole works! Then the beach gently curving, safe bathing for children, absolutely no jet skis or stuff like that Of course to top it all: no noisy neighbors, just a regular bunch of like minded people to share a peaceful weekends with. Then the beach gently curving, safe bathing for children, absolutely no jet skis or stuff like that Of course to top it all: no noisy neighbors, just a regular bunch of like minded 26. What is the name of the Bungalow offered? a. Informal bungalow b. A second home



Time 3 minutes 2.5 minutes 2 minutes d. both

Sarengat 200 m Supriyanto 200 m Mardi Lestari 200 m and

32. Dini : All the runners were good. Dilla : Thats true, but Mardi Lestar is of all. a. as good as c. the best b. better than d. the least 33. Idham : Did Anton become the first winner in the last race competition? Rozy : No, Budi could run him. a. Quick c. more quickly than

a. b.

: Would you like a room with a bath, madam? 35. Dian : Have you got a plan for this Lady : I a shower to a bath if weekend? possible. Tuti : Yes, I to the new mall in town a. Like c. would rather with Sita. Lets join us. b. Prefer d. find Dian : Thats a good idea. 42. Guide :This tiger delivered a baby last month but a. Go c. am going to it died a week later. go Tourist : Oh, . b. Went d. have gone a. I disagree c. I dont like b. What a pity d. dont say that Dear Betty, 43. What does it mean? Im writing to you concerning my last day a. You are not allowed to keep your class clean in Jogya. I just got back from Borobudur, the b. You should keep your class clean wonderful temple Ive ever seen. The weather is c. You may not keep your class clean fine. We are now staying in a hotel. Its not far d. You should not keep your class clean from Malioboro. We are treated well here. 44. Young man: The bag looks too heavy for you It has many excellent staff who serves the to lift.? customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after Old woman: Thats very kind of you young man. Thanks a lot. taking a short nap. We want to enjoy having a. What can I do for you? Lesehan there. It is a kind of a restaurant but b. Would you like any help? we sit on the ground. c. I would be careful if I were Many kinds of local handicraft are sold you along Malioboro Street. Both domestic and d. How about leaving it here foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to 45. Adi : Sasa is very popular. Every one likes her. buy some souvenirs. Ala : But I heard she was very unpopular and Dont worry; Ill also buy you the most nobody likes her. interesting one. Adi: Who told you that she was unpopular? Love Ala: You shouldnt believe you hear, should Dara you? a. Everyone c. nothing b. Everything d. something 36. Which of the following statements is incorrect? Text is for number 46 a. People sell many kinds of Sports are very important to keep us healthy. Some handicraft along Malioboro street. of sports are volleyball, football, basketball etc. The b. It is not too long to reach simplest sport is walking. It is also the cheapest one because we dont spend a lot of money to do it. Malioboro from the hotel where Dara stayed. Nowadays many people pay attention to this sport. c. Dara hated staying in the hotel They take chance of walking in the morning and afternoon. d. Lesehan is in Malioboro 46. What is the cheapest and the simplest sport based 37. Who receives the letter? on the text? a. Dara c. Tourist a. Walking c. football b. Betty d. Hani b. Volleyball d. Basketball 38. Ani : Jaka, are you sure that we are going to 47. Thermometer is one of the most important tools have English test next Friday? in Medical Care Unit. It used to bodys Jaka : . Mr.Hamid has told it many times. temperature a. I agree with that c. I hope so a. Draw c. operate b. I am certain about it d. I dont think so b. Measure d. bring 39. Mirna : Wow! Look at this . Smoking in public I am Fitri, I work in a area is prohibited. Do you agree with it? company, and I love my Bella : . Smoking is not good for our health. occupation very much. I a. not at all c. always work hard in absolutely agree b. with pleasure d. I am front of the computer stand of it typing letters, proposal 40. Mrs. Anwar: I think you have to buy a tractor so and so on. I always you dont need a hoe your rice field. 48. a. I am a doctor prepared all my director Mr Anwar : . We dont have enough b. I am a secretary needs. Who am I? money and our rice field is not large. c. I am a professor

Quickly d. the most quickly Do you remember the day we first met? Who c. when Whom d. where

a. idea

I disagree Of course

c. Thats good d. Would you

like to buy it 41. Hotel receptionist

d. I am an office boy 49. Arrange the word to make meaningful sentence! keeper a the ball caught goal has 1 3 4 5 6 2 well 7 a. 3,4,2,5,7,1,6 c. 2,5,1,6,4,3,7 b. 2,1,6,4,3,5,7 d. 3,6,4,2,1,5,7 50. It is our duty as a good citizen to help the government carry out these program successfully. The underlined word means a. to loose c. to do b. to get d. to bring Mr. Wahid is an English teacher. He can speak English very fluently. His wife, Mr. Wahid, is a nurse. She can help sick people. She cannot speak English but she understand it a little. Mr. Wahids children, Jelita and Gahara are SLTP students. They learn English at school. They can speak English a little. They can also write and read English. They are good students. At home, their father always teaches them how to speak English. And they are happy to learn it. 1. What is Mr. Wahid? a. He can speak English b. His wife is a nurse c. He understands English a little d. He is an English teacher 2. How are Mr. Wahids children? a. They are SLTP students b. They like to learn English c. They are good students d. They can write and read English 3. .their father always teaches them.(paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to a. their father c. Jelita and Gahara b. Mr. and Mrs. Wahid d. good students 4. The plane will depart at 7.30 a.m. The underlined word means. a. arrive c. take b. leave d. land DECADRYL EXPECTORANT DECONGOSTANT, ANTIPASMODIC AND DEMULCENT Decadryl expectorant cures quickly Coughs, colds, flue, asthma, gastritis, stomach disturbances in cases of tightness in the chest, Parkinsonism, allergic disease, etc. It dilates tenacious secretion, facilitates expectoration and relieves pans Decadryl expectorant has a nice flavor is refreshing and gives satisfaction to use Dosage: Adults : 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls every two or three hours Children: 3 or 4 teaspoonfuls every three hours KEEP BTLE TIGHTLY CLOSED Reg. No. D. 2018068

5. What illness can decadryl cure? a. It can cure a cough, flu, and asthma b. It is for stomachache and fever c. It can cure us for cold and sore throat d. It is for a headache and flu 6. What does decadryl taste to the users? a. It tastes nice and refreshing b. It has bad flavor c. It taste sweet and fresh d. It is bad but satisfying 7. The label informs you that Decadryl can be. a. Antiseptic cream c. Cough medicine b. Healthy food for children d. A disease 8. How many dosage does an adult drink decadryl at the maximum a day? a. 16 teaspoonful c. 18 teaspoonful b. 17 teaspoonful d. 19 teaspoonful 9. Flu has the same meaning as a.. a. chest disease c. sudden, harsh noise b. paint in the stomach d. bad cold 10. Endi : Whats wrong with you? You look so pale Adrian : Yes, I have a little headache. Endi : Certainly. a. Will I get an aspirin for you? b. Can I help you? c. Will you get an aspirin for me, please? d. Can I check your temperature Text for number 11. Dear Anita, If you have had lunch, please, give the cake on the dining table to grandma. And dont forget lock the door if you leave. Your Mom 11. What does the message state? a. a promise of mother to buy her cake b. asking for a help c. a message from grandma to ask help d. an invitation from grandma The text is for number 12 and 13 The most common way for people to travel is by road, especially for short distances. It is cheaper than by air. There are many kinds of vehicles on the road such as carts, becaks, bikes motorcycles, cars, buses and trains. We can choose one of them if it necessary. Or we can go by our own vehicles

a. b.

especially the motorized ones, it will cause traffic problems/jam. The government suggest the people to use public transportation to avoid traffic jam in may big cities. Now the city bus fare is only Rp. 3000,- for one trip. And of course everyone must obey the traffic regulation. 12. Traveling by road is cheaper than by. Plan c. ship train d. bajaj 13. It is cheaper than by air. It refers to 1. traveling by bus c. for short distance 2. raveling by road d. nothing 14. Novi : .? Andi : I live in Semarang Arga street, number one. a. What is your address? c. How are you? b. Where are you from? d. Where do you go? 15. Who usually serves you for breakfast? a. mother does c. she does b. mother did d. she is The text is for number 16-18 Hello my name is Magic Sloane. I live with my cousin, Donny and Bryan, at 60 Hyde Park Street. It is near Lakeland street. This is my new neighbour. His name is Vicky Martinez. He lives on the same street as I live. I like to have a friend like him because he is very clever and kind. 16. Where does Vicky live? a. Near Hyde Park Street b. On Lakeland street c. On Hyde Park Street d. Near Lakeland Street 17. Who is Magic Sloane? a. Donnys brother c. Vickys Cousin b. Bryans nephew d. Bryans cousin 18. because he is very clever and kind (line 4) What does he refer to? a. Donny c. Magic Sloane b. Bryan d. Vicky Martinez 19. Tina : Its you birthday, isnt it? May I..? Dony: thank you a. congratulation on your birthday b. congratulation your birthday c. congratulate your birthday d. congratulate on your birthday 20. Fany : Well Im afraid its time to say goodbye. Have a good journey Deddy Deddy: Goodbye Fany Fany : See you later a. apologizing c. thanking people b. greeting d. leave taking 21. Iqbal : Hello, Im Iqbal

Hadi : Oh, Hey Im Hadi, how do you do? Iqbal : ? a. Fine thank you c. How do you do b. Nice to meet you d. Im quit alright This text is for number 22 26 Ethnic Group Indonesia consist of more than 300 ethnic groups. They speak more than 500 regional languages. Each ethnic has its specific culture which is related to the way of life and to the death. Ceremony Before a mother give first birth, the family hold a sacred ceremony when the pregnancy is seven months old. Its hoped that the mother and the baby be safe and healthy. Its called mitoni comes from pitu which means seven. Dance If you are interest in dancing, you can find hundreds kinds of dances. Some of them are Gambyong, in Central Java, Ngremo in East Java, Lilin Dance in West Sumatra and many others. 22. What does they in they speak more than 500 regional language, refer to? a. 300 ethnic groups b. Approximately 300 ethnic groups c. 250 ethnic groups d. 350 ethnic groups 23. The culture which is related to the. a. mitoni b. the birth and ceremony c. the birth, the way of life d. the birth, the way of life, and to the death 24. How many kinds of dances are mentioned in the text? a. Four c. six b. Five d. hundreds 24. What is the synonym of healthy? a. Weak c. well b. Wealthy d. good 26. The suitable title of this text is. a. Indonesian Culture c. The culture of tribes b. Many kinds of culture d. Regional Culture 27. Mrs. Eny : Where do you want to work, Ersi ? Ersi : Mrs. Eny : Why? Ersi : Because I have a relative there. a. I think Jakarta is easy to get job. b. Id like to work in Jakarta c. I dont care where I can get a job d. I think I can work anywhere 28. Ade : How does Mr. Ardiansyah sew the clothes? Tri : He always sews his customers clothes.

Ade : Thats why all people like him a. Slowly c. carefully b. Carelessly d. leisurely 29.Mrs. Karim : I dont see your medicine here. Heny :, Mom Mrs. Karim : Thats good. a. will like c. I am taking b. have taken d. take 30. She realizes that everything is hard to do right now. The word realize has the same meaning as. a. to get will c. to see well b. to find d. to know well The text is for number 21 23 Indonesia is located between two continents, Asia and Australia. It is also located between two oceans, The Indonesia and The Pacific ocean. It extends to the north until 11 degrees latitude and to the south until 11 degrees latitude. To the east it reach until 95 longitude and to the west until 141 degrees. Indonesia is 5.120 kilometers wide from west to east, and 1.770 kilometers from north to south. Indonesia consist of 13.667 islands. Some of the islands are on the equator line. They Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Himalaya. The five large islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian jaya. 31. What are the two continents near the Indonesias archipelago? a. Asia Australia c. Asia-Afrika b. Australia Eropa d. Afrika-Eropa 32. What is the meaning of continent above? a. Selat c. laut b. Benua d. samudra 33. How many seasons are there in Indonesia? a. two c. four b. three d. five 34. Ive never been to Bali before,? a. havent you c. havent I b. have you d. have I 35. She doesnt think that Im alright,..? a. arent I c. does she b. am not I d. doesnt she 36. Anto : Indonesia has to import rice. Mike : How come? Indonesia is an agricultural country. Anto : There are some reason for that Mike : like what? Anto : The harvest failednatural disasters occurred. a. Although c. but b. because d. and 37. My mother cook in the kitchen. a. spoon c. hammer b. stove d. basket

38. Susi always types some letter. She is a secretary. She works in. a. school c. a hospital b. an office d. a post office 39. Dewi usually goes home from school at..
1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 1 2 1 2 3 4

a. b. c. d.

a quarter past one a quarter past twelve a quarter to twelve a quarter to one

40. A..serves the passenger in the airplane. a. pilot c. waitress b. stewardess d. co pilot 41. The children of the age of five must pay..if they ride a bus a. fare c. something b. fine d. thing 42. If someone have to take his medicine, he should pay attention to its.. a. prescription c. doctor b. receipt d. dosage 43. Read this table and answer question 43 N Appliances Price o 1 Microwave Rp. 2 Vacuum Cleaner 1.950.000,3 Washing Machine Rp. 4 Refrigerator 2.750.000,5. Electric Coffee Maker Rp. 1.250.000,Rp. 2.010.000,Rp. 237.000,43. The list shows that a washing machine is.a microwave a. the most expensive c. cheaper than b. the same price as d. as cheap as 44. A person who catch fish fir living is. a. fisherman c. tailor b. sailor d. fireman 45. Which hobby do you like singing or dancing? a. I like singing better than dancing b. I better singing than dancing c. I want singing better than dancing d. I better than singing or dancing 46. Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph! 1. Start to speak 2. Pick up the telephone receives 3. Insert an appropriate coin 4. Put back the telephone 5. Dial number you want

a. 2-3-5-1-4 c. 5-3-1-2-4 b. 1-5-3-2-4 d. 4-3-1-5-2 47. Sardi : How is your mother, Marina? Marina : She is not well, she is seriously ill. Sardi : Im sorry to hear that. Have you taken her to a hospital Marina : Yes, we have. The underlined sentences a. Agreement c. apologizing b. Sympathy d. suggestion 48. Rearrange these jumbled word into a good sentence! a a racket a shuttle cock uses player
1 2 3 4 5

to beat badminton
6 7

c. 1-7-5-2-4-6-3 d. 1-7-5-4-2-6-3 49. In subtropical countries there are four seasons. Then thecomes, the weather is very hot and people always spend their holiday in this season. a. winter c. summer b spring d. Autumn 50. The sky is cloudy. Im sure it.rain a. was going toc. is go to b. is going to d. is gone to

a. 1-7-5-6-3-4-2 b. 6-3-1-7-5-4-2

41. X : Can I help you? Y : Yes, of course. I want to eat Chinese. Can you bring it? X : Sure From the dialogue above, we know that dialogue takes place in. a. a restaurant c. a bank b. a supermarket d. a hotel The text is for number 42 45 On Monday we have an English class in the second period. This morning, when we were studying. Mr. Johan knocked at the door. He came into the classroom, then he said to Mrs. Linda, my English teacher, Mrs. Linda this is Marry. She is a new student in this class. Shes from Yogyakarta. After the lesson, I talked to Marry. She is beautiful. She has long hair and she is a tall girl. Her shoes are black. She has a red jacket and a brown bag. 43. Who is Mrs. Linda? She is. a. an English teacher b. a new student c. a new teacher d. the headmistress 44. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? a. We have an English class on Monday b. Marry is the new student in the classroom c. On Monday Mrs. Linda introduce a new student d. Marry comes from Yogyakarta 45. Her shoes are black. (paragraph 2) What does her refer to? a. Mrs. Linda b. Mr. Johan c. Marry d. The writer 46. .is the student. a. Mrs. Linda b. Johan c. The writer d. Marry 47. Tour Leader : The C bus gets a problem on its engine Driver : Oh, no. Is it serious? Tour leader : .let me get further information a. Im so sorry b. Im not sure yet c. Im not serious d. Im surprised 48. Gunawan : Where is Monica? Ardila : She is flying to Singapura Gunawan : Ardila : Five hours. a. How long does it take to go there?

b. What time will she arrive there? c. How far is it from here? d. What does she want to visit? 49. Ardy : Hi, Faiz, how are you? Faiz : Hi, Ardyand you? a. Im fine b. I am find c. You are fine d. Its good 49. Mr. Tom : Excuse me, can you show me the way to the post office? a. here you are b. thank you very much c. certainly d. good 50. It is our duty as a good citizen to help the government carry out these program successfully. The underlined word means a. to loose c. to do b. to get d. to bring

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