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Chapter 11 Correspondence Analysis

Bee-Leng Lee

Software and Documentation by:

This chapter describes ViSta-Corresp, the ViSta procedure for performing simple correspondence analysis, a way of analyzing a two-way table of data. ViSta-Corresp can analyze row or column proles, or both. Its visualization includes a spinplot and scatterplot of the row and column points, a residual plot and a t plot. ViSta-Corresp supports model re-vision. ViSta-Corresp does not perform multiple Correspondence Analysis of multi-way data.


Correspondence Analysis

ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

Introduction to Correspondence Analysis



Introduction to Correspondence Analysis

Correspondence analysis is a statistical visualization method for picturing the associations between the levels of a two-way contingency table. The name is a translation of the French Analyses des Correspondances, where the term correspondance denotes a system of associations between the elements of two sets. In a two-way contingency table, the observed association of two traits is summarized by the cell frequencies, and a typical inferential aspect is the study of whether certain levels of one charactertistic are associated with some levels of another. Correspondence analysis is a geometric technique for displaying the rows and columns of a two-way contingency table as points in a low-dimensional space, such that the positions of the row and column points are consistent with their associations in the table. The goal is to have a global view of the data that is useful for interpretation. To illustrate correspondence analysis, consider the multidimensional time series on the number of science doctorates conferred in the USA from 1960 to 1975 that is shown in Table 1 (Greenacre, 1984). Correspondence analysis of these data yields
Table 1: Science Doctorates in the USA, 1960-1975
Discipline/Year 1960 1965 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

Engineering Mathematics Physics Chemistry Earth Sciences Biology Agriculture Psychology Sociology Economics Anthropology Others

794 291 530 1078 253 1245 414 772 162 341 69 314

2073 685 1046 1444 375 1963 576 954 239 538 82 502

3432 1222 1655 2234 511 3360 803 1888 504 826 217 1079

3495 1236 1740 2204 550 3633 900 2116 583 791 240 1392

3475 1281 1635 2011 580 3580 855 2262 638 863 260 1500

3338 1222 1590 1849 577 3636 853 2444 599 907 324 1609

3144 1196 134 1792 570 3473 830 2587 645 833 381 1531

2959 1149 1293 1762 556 3498 904 2749 680 867 385 1550

the graphical display shown in Figure 1. It has two sets of points, as indicated by the two types of point symbols. The points are row points for the rows of the data and column points for the columns. In Figure 1, there are row points for the disciplines, and column points for the years. The distance between the row points is a measure of similarity between the row-frequency proles - the anthropology degree and the engineering degree are far from
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Correspondence Analysis

Figure 1: Correspondence Analysis of Doctorate Data

each other because their proles are different, whereas the mathematics degree is near the engineering degree because their proles are similar. Distances between the points representing years are interpreted in the same way each year point represents the prole of that year across the various disciplines. Note that the positions of two sets of points with respect to each other are not directly comparable and should be interpreted with caution. The interpretation given by Greenacre (1984) for this example is that each discipline point will lie in the neighborhood of the year in which the disciplines prole is prominent. Thus, there are relatively more agriculture, earth science and chemistry degrees in 1960, while the trend from 1965 to 1975 appears to be away from the physical sciences towards the social sciences. Furthermore, notice that points such as earth sciences and economics lie within the parabolic conguration of the years points; this implies that the proles of these disciplines are higher than average in the early and later years. This example illustrates how a low-dimensional graphical representation of what is basically a deterministic trend supports a rich description of the data.

ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

Using the Correspondence Analysis Procedure



Using the Correspondence Analysis Procedure

ViStas correspondence analysis procedure incorporates the traditional analysis methods of correspondence analysis with dynamic graphical procedures (Young, 1994). The subsequent sections provide a guide to the use of this procedure. 11.2.1 Input Datale The data suitable for correspondence analysis is a two-way contingency table, which is represented in ViSta by a multivariate (not a table) data object. The values of the observations specify the cell frequencies and hence must be nonnegative negative or missing values cause an error. The data object can be created by typing data into the datasheet or by using the data function. The data function may be typed in the listener window or entered by an editor and saved as a datale. The doctorates datale, and its data function, is shown Figure 2. The datasheet resulting from this is shown in Figure 3. We use these data in this chapter. The rst argument of the data function must be a string that names the data object. In the example the data are named "Doctorates". The :title keyword, which is optional, has a character string argument that species the title of the data. The :variables keyword, which is required, is used to specify the names of the variables, while the :labels keyword is used to specify the label for each observation. For a two-way contingency table, these keywords are used to specify the levels of each way of the table. Data values are specied using the :data key-

Figure 2: Doctorates datale

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Correspondence Analysis

Figure 3: Doctorates Datasheet

word, where each row corresponds to a label specied by the :labels keyword, and each column corresponds to a label specied by the :variables keyword. Note that the data are organized such that the columns of the data correspond to variables and the rows of the data correspond to observations. Since correspondence analysis treats the rows and columns in the same manner, the data could be transposed and analyzed with the same result. In this case, the names for the levels of the two classications specied by :variables and :labels would be switched. 11.2.2 Analysis Options You can perform a correspondence analysis by selecting the Correspondence Analysis item from the Analyze menu; by using the Coresp button on the toolbar, or by typing the (correspondence-analysis) function in the listener window. In any case, you will see the options dialog box shown in Figure 4 (when

Figure 4: Options Dialog Box

ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

Using the Correspondence Analysis Procedure


typing, you only see the dialog when you use the :dialog t argument). The rst set of options concern three different methods for computing the row and column points. The default is Analyze Both, as shown in the gure. More information on these methods is given below. The options are:
Analyze Row Profile: Row and column coordinates are computed from the row proles. Row coordinates are weighted centroids of column coordinates. Analyze Column Profile: Row and column coordinates are computed from column proles. Column coordinates are weighted centroids of row coordinates. Analyze Both: Row coordinates are computed from the row profiles, and column coordinates are computed from the column proles.

The second option concerns the number of dimensions to use. The default value for this option is 3, as shown in the gure. The minimum is also 3. The maximum dimensionality for an (n x m) table is the minimum of n - 1 and m - 1. Thus, the maximum dimensionality for the Doctorates data is 7. As mentioned above, you can type the (correspondence-analysis) function in the listener window. The entire correspondence analysis method function with its keyword parameters and their default arguments is: (correspondence-analysis :data current-data :title "Correspondence Analysis" :name (strcat "CRS-" (send current-data :name) :dialog nil :profile "both" :dimensions 3 :precision 4) To perform a correspondence analysis on the current data using the default arguments, the user types (correspondence-analysis). Otherwise, any of the following keyword arguments may be supplied: :data The argument to the :data keyword is the name of the data to be analyzed, without quotes. By default, the current data are analyzed. The argument of the :title keyword allows the user to provide an alternative title for the report. The title text is enclosed in quotes. The argument of the :name keyword allows the user to name the correspondence-analysis model object that is created. The default name is created from the name of the data object being



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Correspondence Analysis

analyzed, preceded by the methods abbreviation CRS. The name must be enclosed in quotes. If the argument to the :dialog keyword is t, the dialog box shown in Figure 4 is presented. Normally, when the user is typing directly in the listener window, the dialog box is not needed. Hence the default argument nil is appropriate. :profile The :profile keyword is used to specify the method for computing row and column coordinates. The valid arguments are "row", "column", or "both", which are equivalent to the rst set of options in the dialog box. The default argument is "both". :dimensions The desired dimensionality is specied by the :dimensions keyword followed by an integer argument in the range specied above. The default is 3. :precision The :precision keyword controls the number of decimal places printed in the report (the default is 4). :dialog For example, to perform a three-dimensional correspondence analysis on the Doctorates data using the default normalization method and precision of report, type: (correspondence-analysis :data Doctorates :title "Correspondence Analysis of Science Doctorates Conferred in USA") Note that the keywords :data, :title, :name, :dimensions, and :precision are also the message selectors for the model object, once it has been created. For instance, typing the statement (send CRS-Doctorates :precision) returns the precision of report (which is 4 in this case), whereas typing (send CRS-Doctorates :precision 6) changes the precision to 6. You could also type (send CRS-Doctorates :name "My-ModelObject") to rename the model object "My-Model-Object". 11.2.3 Report A convenient way of obtaining a report of the analysis is to select the Report Model item from the Model menu. The analyst is presented with the dialog box (Figure 5) which is used to control the type and amount of output reported. Briey, the options refer to the following information: The contingency table is the table of relative frequencies, scaled to percentages; The row and column proles are the row and column frequencies, scaled to percentages; Chi-Square statistics are dened for each cell of the table as the observed frequency minus the expected frequency under the hypothesis of row and column independence; the row and column coordinates
ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

Using the Correspondence Analysis Procedure


Figure 5: Report Dialog Box

are for the rst k dimensions, where k is the dimensionality specied under the analysis options; the inertias and squared cosines are the partial contribution to principal inertias for row points and column points and the squared cosines for row points and column points; and the summary statistics are summaries for row points and column points including the quality of representation of points in the k-dimensional display, the masses, inertias, and the points that contribute most to inertia. Keyboard users can type (report-model) to obtain the dialog box, or can send the model object the :report message followed by the :level keyword. This keyword accepts one of the following arguments: "Brief", to obtain summary statistics; "Normal", to also obtain the contingency table and the row and column proles and coordinates; and "Detailed", to obtain the complete report. For example (send CRS-Doctorates :report :level "Detailed") produces a complete report. 11.2.4 Statistical Visualization The user can obtain a visualization of the analysis results by selecting the Model menus Visualize Model item, or by typing (visualize-model). In either case, a spreadplot of six linking windows will spread out across the screen, as shown in Figure 6. The individual plots that form a spreadplot can be thought of as cells in the spreadplot that can communicate with other cells via equations that dene their relationships. The Spinplot is a plot of the row and column points in the rst three of the dimensions selected in the Dimensions window. The mouse can be in one of three modes: Spinning, Brushing and Selecting. The default mouse mode is Spinning. In this mode the cursor looks like a hand. Holding the mouse button down and moving
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Correspondence Analysis

the cursor around the plot causes the plot to rotate. If you rst hold the shift key down, then the plot will continue to rotate when you let up on the mouse button. You can also make the plot rotate by using the Pitch, Roll and Yaw buttons at the bottom. When you place the mouse mode in Brushing, the cursor looks like a tiny paint brush with a rectangle attached to it. Moving the brush across the plot selects

Figure 6: Correspondence Analysis Visualization ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

Using the Correspondence Analysis Procedure


the points in the rectangle and highlights these points. When the mouse mode is changed to Selecting the cursor looks like an arrow and any points that are clicked on will be selected and highlighted. In addition, if the cursor is dragged across an area, any points inside the area are also selected and highlighted. Labels of selected points will be shown in whatever plots are linked to the spinplot and which have labeling turned on. The Scatterplot plots the rst two dimensions that are selected in the Dimensions window. This plot has two mouse modes Brushing and Selecting which are the same as those modes for the spinplot. The information in the scatterplot was displayed in Figure 1. The Rows & Columns window, which contains the labels for the row and column points, is useful for locating or identifying points in the Spinplot, Scatterplot and Residual Plot. Since each cell frequency corresponds to the intersection of a row and a column in a contingency table, when more than two labels are selected or when the two labels belong to the same way of the table, the points in the Residual Plot will not respond to the selection and the previously highlighted residual point will return to the normal state. The Residual Plot is a plot of the residuals versus the centered observed frequencies. Specically, the residuals are obtained from the rank k least-squares approximation of the centered matrix of relative frequencies, where the value of k depends on the number of dimensions selected in the Dimensions window. Selecting a point in the Residual Plot causes the two points for the residuals row and column to be highlighted in the other three windows (only one residual may be selected at a time). The plot can be used for diagnostic checking as in a regression analysis. The Fit Plot is a plot of the principal inertias against each dimension, showing the relative amount of t for each dimension of the analysis. It serves the same purpose as the scree plot in principal component analysis. The Dimensions window contains a list of dimensions. It serves as a control panel for the visualizations in the Spinplot, Scatterplot and Residual Plot windows. Selecting at least two dimensions will change the current display of the row and column points in the Scatterplot to that formed by the rst two selected dimensions. For example, shift-clicking Dimension 2, Dimension 3, and Dimension 5 produces a display of the points in the second and third dimensions. Selecting three or more dimensions will change the display in both the Spinplot and Scatterplot. In addition, selections in the Dimensions windows are tantamount to a re-specication of the dimensionality of analysis, which causes the residuals to be re-calculated and re-plotted in the Residual Plot.

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Correspondence Analysis



Let X be an (n x m) matrix of observed frequencies of rank q such that the row and column sums are nonzero. Let 1 be a row vector of ones and I be an identity matrix, each of appropriate order. Denote a matrix-valued function that creates a diagonal matrix from a vector by diag(). Dene i. ii. s = 1' X1 as the sum of all elements in X; 1 P = -- X s matrix); as the matrix of relative frequencies (the correspondence

iii. iv. v. vi.

r = P1 as the vector of row marginal proportions (row masses); c = P'1 as the vector of column marginal proportions (column masses); D r = diag ( r ) a diagonal matrix of row masses; and D c = diag ( c ) a diagonal matrix of column masses.

The generalized singular value decomposition (abbreviated SVD) of P provides the required solution to the point coordinates of correspondence analysis: P = AD u B' , where i. ii. iii. iv. A is an (n x q) matrix whose columns are the left generalized singular vectors;

D u is a (q x q) diagonal matrix of generalized singular values;

is an (m x q) matrix whose columns are the right generalized singular vectors; and where
1 1

AD r A = BD c B = I .

There is a trivial part of the generalized SVD of P consisting of a singular value of 1 and associated left and right singular vectors, which is discarded before any results are displayed. The remaining left and right singular vectors dene the orthogonal principal axes of the column and row points, respectively. In practice, the generalized SVD is computed indirectly by performing an ordinary SVD, where the ordinary SVD of any matrix Q is given by Q = U D V ,

ViSta: The Visual Statistics System



under the constraint UU = VV = I . Thus, to compute the generalized SVD of P, we perform the following steps: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Let Q = D r
1 2

PD c

1 2

Obtain the ordinary SVD of Q, giving Q = U D V' . Let A = D r U , B = D c V , and D u = D . Then P = AD u B' is the required generalized SVD. The row coordinates F and column coordinates G are then computed according to the appropriate selection of the formulas in Table 2
12 12

Table 2: Formulas for Coordinates

Formula for Column Coordinates

Dialog Box Choice

Keyboard Argument

Formula for Row Coordinates

Analyze Row Prole Analyze Column Prole Analyze Both (default)

Row Column Both

F = D r AD u F = Dr A F = D r AD u
1 1

G = Dc B G = D c BD u G = D c BD u
1 1

For the various options given in Table 2, the following formulas apply:

Analyze Row Profile: In this case, the row coordinates and column coordi1
nates are a decomposition of D r PD c D r PD c
1 2 1 1 1 1


= ( Dr P ) ( Dc B ) .
1 1

The row coordinates are weighted centroids of the column coordinates: F = D r AD u = ( D r P ) ( D c B ) . The inertias D u refer only to the row points.

Analyze Column Profile: In thiscase the row coordinates and column coordi1
nates are a decomposition of D c PD r D c PD r
1 1 1 1


= ( D c BD u ) ( D r A ) .
1 1

The column coordinates are weighted centroids of the row coordinates: G = D c BD u = ( D c P' ) ( D r A ) .
ViSta: The Visual Statistics System


Correspondence Analysis

The inertias D u refer only to the column points.

Analyze Both: In this case the row and column coordinates are separate
decompositions according to the following formulas: F = D r AD u = ( D r P ) ( D c
1 1 1 1 1 2

) ( Dc

1 2

B ) , and ) ( Dr
1 2

G = D c BD u = ( D c P' ) ( D r

1 2

) ( Dr

1 2

A) .

Neither the row nor column coordinates are weighted centroids of the other set of coordinates. The inertias D u refer to both sets of points, since: D u = FD r F = GD c G . Since D r P is the matrix of row proles, the default row coordinates can be interpreted as scaled row proles (the scaling factor being D c rotated with
1 2 Dc B 1 2 1 2 2

) that are orthogonally

to a principal axis orientation. Similarly, the default column

1 1 2

coordinates are column proles D c P' scaled by the factor D r rotated with
1 2 Dr A

and orthogonally

to a principal axis orientation.

Plotted Values: Once the row and column coordinates have been calculated by the formulas given above, they are plotted in the spinplot and scatterplot. The spinplot shows the rst 3 dimensions, whereas the scatterplot shows the rst 2. The squared singular values (i.e., the square of the diagonal entries of the D u matrix) are plotted versus each dimension index in the t plot, to produce a plot of the goodness of t. The residual plot displays residuals versus the centered frequencies. The centered data are calculated by the formula P rc' . The residuals formula subtracts the expected relative frequencies from these centered frequencies, by the formula: ( P rc ) A D u B The superscripts k in this equation refer to the fact that only k of the dimensions are involved in the calculation. The specic columns of A and B and the specic diagonal elements of D u that are involved correspond to the specic dimensions selected in the Dimensions window, which may not be the rst k dimensions.
k k k k k k

Several summary statistics which pertain to the default coordinates are available to aid the interpretation of the resulting graphical display. These statistics, which can be printed by the Report option, are summarized in Table 3. In these formulas, T denotes the total inertia given by the sum of squared (nontrivial) generalized singuViSta: The Visual Statistics System

Statistical Revision


lar values. The partial contribution of a point to the inertia of the ith principal axis (dimension) is a measure of the inuence of the point on the nal orientation of the principal axis. Normally, the principal axis tends more towards the higher mass points. The quality of representation of any point in a k dimensional display is given by the sum of its squared cosines over the k dimensions. The squared cosine of a point in the jth dimension is the contribution of the jth principal axis to the points inertia. Usually, high contribution of a point to the inertia of an axis implies a high relative contribution of the axis to the inertia of the point, but not conversely.
Table 3: Formulas for Summary Statistics
Summary statistic Formula

Row mass Column mass Row partial contribution to inertia Column partial contribution to inertia Row inertia Column inertia Row squared cosines Column squared cosines

r c D c sq ( A ) D c sq ( B ) ( 1 T ) D r sq ( AD u ) 1 ( 1 T ) D 1 sq ( BD u ) 1 c diag [ sq ( AD u ) diag [ sq ( BD u ) 1 ] sq ( AD u ) 1 ] sq ( BD u )
1 1 1 1 1


Statistical Revision

Statistical revision permits the user to move row or column points to new locations which may be more interpretable, but which no longer satisfy all of the characteristics of the correspondence analysis equations. When the user moves a point, the software responds by adjusting the positions of the other points so that they approximate the correspondence analysis equations as well as possible, in a specic sense. In particular, when row points are moved by the user, the software calculates new positions for the column points, and conversely. The calculations of the new positions of the other set of points is done so that the basic relationship P = AD u B' is maintained. This is done by noting that: P = AD u B' = D r FGD c ,

ViSta: The Visual Statistics System


Correspondence Analysis

when the normalization is either row or column. However, the relationship specied by the equation does not hold when the normalization is both, which is why point-moving is not possible in that case. If we move one or more row points we change F to, say, F , and we must calcu late a new G such that P = D r F G D c . We note that
1 1 F G = D r PD c ,

and we solve for G by the equation

1 1 1 G = [ ( F F ) F ]D r PD c .

While the basic relation P = D r F G D c is maintained, the orthogonality constraint of correspondence analysis is violated because the equations F D r F and G D c G are no longer diagonal. In fact, we even see that their equality is lost. That is: F D r F G D c G ! Thus, when a row point is moved to a new location in the scatterplot window, the new column coordinates G are calculated. Then, the new column coordinates are displayed in both the scatterplot and spinplot (the new location of the moved row point is also displayed in the spinplot). The residuals plot is then updated using the new values in F and G . To obtain an approximate measure of the goodness of t after point moving, we solve for the new D u matrix by the equation
1 D u = ( AA ) AD r F ,

and then plot the squared diagonal entries against each dimension as a dashed line in the t plot window. Note that since the orthogonality constraint has been violated, the squared diagonal values will overestimate the true inertias. Finally, note that the row points are plotted in their principal axes, while the column points are plotted in their standard axes. A consequence of this asymmetry is that the row points will often form a small cluster around the origin, making it difcult for you to move a point. In this case, you can use the Hide Column Points menu item in the Scatterplot menu to mask column points and rescale the row points.
ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

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