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Title: Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Name: School Affiliation:


Cultural diversity in the workplace The workplace is the main place where people from different backgrounds and ethnicities meet and interact. This is a blessing in a way because it helps people to learn to accommodate each other and be able to learn from each other. The diversity in culture in the workplace is a most welcome aspect because it brings to the table different perspectives and ideas for doing things. It also helps the people to interact and be able to brainstorm with great respect for each others ideas. Some of the advantages of cultural diversity in the work place are outlined below. It gives diversity of perspectives People from different backgrounds and places have different ideas. This in a company can be taken advantage of in order to achieve the common goals of the organization. The way one person solves a problem is not the same way another person will do it. A good manager at a company will be able to collect all these views and make them to work for the company, always choosing the best idea and having an alternate in case that one fails. It avoids monotony A collection of people from the same ethnicity and social setting ca be too boring. It is the variety that is the spice of life and this applies to the workplace too. People from different places will dress differently, talk differently, eat different foods and talk in different languages and this makes it worthwhile to interact and network with them. This makes waking up and going to the workplace ever morning a worthwhile venture as compared to just staying indoors. Disadvantages

CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE It takes a longer time to make decisions In making major decisions in the company, the top management have to take care of all the cultural backgrounds in the workplace. This will make the process slower since one has to weigh the pros and the cons of accepting a certain idea and how it will affect everyone. Very few policies will be good for every one concerned and certain compromises may have to be made and this is normally not easy. From time to time, cultural diversity in the workplace may pose a problem because the people may have poor communication and some may be victimized or left out in major decisions. This problem is very prominent to managers of big firms because each time they make a decision they must be able to weigh its advantages and disadvantages and its effect on people of different cultural backgrounds. When a manager forms a team of employees to perform a certain task, they must be sure to include a healthy balance of people from different backgrounds to create a dynamic team and to gets variety in perspectives. Communication within the team and with individual members will be encouraged thorough the set up of a feedback system where the employees are asked to air their views and grievances without being victimized. This will be the most effective way to ensure all employees are safe from victimization and petty quarrels and ensure more productive ventures (Pronovost, 2007 p.59-68). This is because there are always people who perceive themselves to be more popular or more deserving of opportunities than other people. This will in turn help in the improvement of working conditions and discourage the undercurrents that undermine teamwork. Communication will also encourage the airing of ideas that will help all the available resources to be utilized to the common good of the company rather

CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE than letting the company run at losses because there are no ideas on how to use all the resources(Madison, 2005 p.71). Most of the time people keep on arguing about things that do not even make sense at all and never get any work done. Effective management and the consideration of different cultural affiliations in the workplace will avoid having these problems. A strict set of rules will be effective in enforcing all order in the workplace. Forming a common platform for all employees regardless of their religion, ethnicity and other affiliations will help to be able to avoid fruitless conflicts. In case there arises conflicts of interests, a higher authority will be consulted rather than bickering that does not have any outcomes. All employees will be encouraged to abandon useless and non-profitable quarrels with their colleagues and suitable sanctions and punishments will be put in place to discourage this form of behavior (Armstrong, 2011 p.89). The decision making process will be the most crucial in the avoidance of disputes. This is because all the stakeholders will be included in the process to ensure they have been catered for effectively. This will ensure they do not feel left out and so they will not be subject to any form of bias. All the members will have to be trained to be aware of their duties and to have high levels of accountability to that which has been assigned to them in order to encourage responsible behavior. The main thing each individual needs to uphold even as they embrace the issue of culture diversity in the workplace is personal ethics. Personal values dictate various issues in the workplace. First it determines how one relates to others in the workplace. Personal value system directs one on how to deal with clients, colleagues and the employers. It guides such relationship with such elements as honesty, integrity, loyalty, reliability, truthfulness, loyalty. Secondly they

CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE affect how one conducts his professional work and relates to others of different cultural backgrounds (Warren, 2002). Personal values while at the same time been galvanized by professional ethics give direction on how on carries out their specific jobs in relation to what others have been assigned. Personal values influence how one charges fees on the clients, the time spent in the office, abuse of office and the quality of service offered among other issues. Personal values enable one to find a balance between his work and their family as well as social life aspects. It also helps an individual to accommodate people of different backgrounds even if they have different points of view from that which he has and helps them to interact well. If everyone in the work-place held high standards of work ethics then it will be so much easier to avoid disputes and increase high performance. Cultural diversity is the most beautiful things and it should be embraced in every workplace. This is because it ensures that all the people have a say and it encourages well rounded leadership skills as compared to authoritarian and self centered leadership. In order to run an organization that has a great cultural diversity, one must be able to embrace democracy and make communication the pillar of all that is done in the company. Getting ideas and feedback from all stakeholders is very important because it enhances goodwill and cooperation from all the members (Brislin, 2008). Diversity in culture is the spice of life. It introduces different views and ways of dong things and solving problems. It is more important to embrace than the knowledge gained in books. It helps a leader to be great and to attain respect. The workplace should be a place to meet people from different cultures, interact with them and learn different things from them.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE References Armstrong M., (2011) How to Be an Even Better Manager: A Complete A-Z of Proven Techniques and Essential Skills, Kogan Page Publishers, London. Brislin R., (2008) Working with Cultural Differences: Dealing Effectively With Diversity in the Workplace, Westport: The greenwood publishing group. Madison D., (2005) Practical Guide for Enhancing Work and Information Flow, London: Paton Professional. Pronovost, J. et al (2007) A Model for Safety Improvement: Joint Commission Journal of Quality Improvement. 23.7, 34-78. Warren R., (2002), The Purpose Driven Life: what on earth am I here for? New York: Oasis International Ltd.

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