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Australian Standard

Dean and Stark apparatus

AS 4333—1995
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee CH/1, Laboratory Glassware and
Related Apparatus. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia
on 19 July 1995 and published on 5 December 1995.

The following interests are represented on Committee CH/1:

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Australian Government Analytical Laboratories

Environment Protection Authority of N.S.W.
National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia
National Standards Commission
Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
Scientific Suppliers Association of Australia
University of Sydney

Additional interests participating in preparation of Standard:

Independent consultant

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new edit ions as necessary. It is
important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edit ion, and any
amendments thereto.
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This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 94445.

AS 4333—1995

Australian Standard
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Dean and Stark apparatus


ISBN 0 7337 0018 7
AS 4333— 1995 2


This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee CH/1, Laboratory Glassware and
Related Apparatus, to supersede the 1962 edition of AS R25, Dean and Stark apparatus . It is based
on BS 756:1952 with amendments.
The objective of this Standard is to provide a specification for the Dean and Stark apparatus used in
laboratories for the determination of the water content of a sample by the method of distillation with
an immiscible liquid.

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1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... ............ .. .. .. 3

2 REFERENCED DOCUMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3
3 ASSEMBLY OF APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ... .. .. .. .. ... . 3
4 MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ... ........... . ... 3
5 DESIGN AND DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. 3
6 DISTILLATION VESSEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ... .. .. .. .. ... . .... 3
7 CONDENSER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. ... ... ......... . ... 3
8 RECEIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ... ........... . ... 4

Originated as AS R25— 1962 (being BS 756:1952

endorsed wit h amendments).
Revised and redesignated AS 4333— 1995.


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3 AS 4333 — 1995


Australian Standard
Dean and Stark apparatus

1 SCOPE This Standard specifies suitable apparatus for the determination of the water
content of sample by the method of distillation with an immiscible liquid.

2 REFERENCED DOCUMENT The following document is referred to in this

2409 Interchangeable conical ground glass joints
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3 ASSEMBLY OF APPARATUS This apparatus shall consist of the following

components, assembled as shown in Figure 1:
(a) Distillation vessel.
(b) Condenser, including spray tube if required.
(c) Receiver.

4 MATERIAL The receiver and condenser shall be made of borosilicate glass as free
as possible from visible defects and shall be well annealed.

5 DESIGN AND DIMENSIONS The general design and dimensions of the apparatus
shall be as shown in Figure 1 to Figure 12. The only dimensions that are mandatory are
those given in Clause 7 and Table 2. The remaining dimensions are given for the guidance
of manufacturers.

6 DISTILLATION VESSEL For different purposes a flask made of borosilicate glass

or a metal flask or pot is suitable. If a glass flask is used, the connection to the receiver
shall be made by means of a cork or by a ground glass joint complying with AS 2409, as
specified in Table 1. If a metal vessel is used, the connection shall be made by a cork or
by other suitable means such as that shown in Figure 2.

7.1 Design and dimensions The condenser shall be a glass water-cooled reflux type,
of the design and dimensions shown in Figure 3. The only mandatory dimensions (see
Clause 5) for the condenser are the external diameters of the inner tube and of the jacket,
which shall be 16-17 mm, and 23-25 mm, respectively.
7.2 Construction The following features should be incorporated in the construction of
the condenser:
(a) The joints A and B should be neatly finished as shown in Figure 3; in particular, the
bore at B should have the minimum disturbance.
(b) The shoulder above the cone of the k6 Series, 18.8 mm diameter joint at C should
be elongated as shown in Figure 3, thus avoiding a sharp re-entrant shape which
may restrict the free flow of liquid down the inner wall.

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AS 4333-1995, Dean and Stark apparatus

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