As 4459.2-1999 Methods of Sampling and Testing Ceramic Tiles Determination of Dimensions and Surface Quality

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i AS 4459.

2 — 1999
ISO 10545-2:1995
ISO 10545-2:1995/Cor.1:1997

Australian Standard ™
Methods of sampling and testing ceramic tiles

Method 2: Determination of dimensions and

surface quality
[ ISO title: Ceramic tiles, Part 2: Determination of dimensions and surface quality]
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This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee BD/44,
Fixing of Ceramic Tiles.
This Standard is identical with and is reproduced from ISO 10545-2:1995, Ceramic tiles Part 2:
Determination of dimensions and surface quality, and Technical Corrigendum No.1:1997.
This Standard is the result of consensus among the representatives on the Joint Committee that it be
produced as an Australian Standard.
Technical Corrigendum changes to ISO 10545-2:1995 are shown by a marginal bar set adjacent to the
clause, table, figure or part thereof.
For the purpose of this Australian Standard, the ISO/IEC text should be modified as follows:
(a) Terminology The words ‘Australian Standard’ should replace the words ‘International Standard’
wherever they appear.
(b) Decimal marker A full point should be substituted for a comma where it appears as a decimal
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1 Scope For oblong tiles, each similar pair of sides of a tile

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provides the appropriate average dimension of the tile,

This part of ISO 10545 specifies methods for i.e. an average of two measurements. The average
determining the dimensional characteristics (length, dimensions for length and width of the sample are the
width, thickness, straightness of sides, rectangularity, average of 20 measurements each.
surface flatness) and the surface quality of ceramic
2.5 Test report
Tiles with areas less than 4 cm2 are excluded from
measurements of length, width, straightness of sides, The test report shall include the following information:
rectangularity and surface flatness.
a) reference to this part of ISO 10545;
Spacer lugs and glaze blobs and other irregularities of
the sides shall be ignored when measuring length, b) a description of the tiles;
width, straightness of sides, rectangularity, if these are
subsequently hidden in the joints after fixing c) all individual measurements of length and width;
d) the average size of each test specimen for square
tiles, and the average length and width for each
oblong tile;
2 Measurement of length and width
e) the average size of the 10 test specimens for
2.1 Apparatus square tiles, and the average length and width for
oblong tiles;
2.1.1 Vernier callipers, or other suitable apparatus
for linear measurement. f) the deviation, as a percentage, of the average size
of each tile (two or four sides) from the work size;
2.2 Test specimens
(g) the deviation, as a percentage, of the average size
of each tile (two or four sides) from the average
Ten whole tiles shall be submitted to measurements.
size of the 10 test specimens (20 or 40 sides).
2.3 Procedure

Measure, to the nearest 0,1 mm, each side of the tile 3 Measurement of thickness
under test, at positions 5 mm from the corners.
3.1 Apparatus
2.4 Expression of results
3.1.1 Micrometer screw gauge with anvils, of 5 mm
The average dimension of square tiles is the average to 10 mm diameter, or other suitable apparatus.
of four measurements. The average dimension of the
sample is the average of 40 measurements.

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AS 4459.2-1999, Methods of sampling and testing

ceramic tiles Determination of dimensions and
surface quality
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