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TEXT 24 TEXT sri-kasyapa uvaca etan me bhagavan prstah praja-kamasya padmajah yad aha te pravaksyami vratam kesava-tosanam SYNONYMS sri-kasyapah uvaca--Kasyapa Muni said; etat--this; me--by me; bhagavan--the most powerful; prstah--when he was requested; prajakamasya--desiring offspring; padma-jah--Lord Brahma, who was born of a lotus flower; yat--whatever; aha--he said; te--unto you; pravaksyami--I shall explain; vratam--in the form of worship; kesava-tosanam--by which Kesava, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is satisfied. TRANSLATION Sri Kasyapa Muni said: When I desired offspring, I placed inquiries before Lord Brahma, who is born from a lotus flower. Now I shall explain to you the same process Lord Brahma instructed me, by which Kesava, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is satisfied. PURPORT Here the process of devotional service is further explained. Kasyapa Muni wanted to instruct Aditi in the same process recommended to him by Brahma for satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is valuable. The guru does not manufacture a new process to instruct the disciple. The disciple receives from the guru an authorized process received by the guru from his guru. This is called the system of disciplic succession (evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh). This is the bona fide Vedic system of receiving the process of devotional service, by which the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased. Therefore, to approach a bona fide guru, or spiritual master, is essential. The bona fide spiritual master is he who has received the mercy of his guru, who in turn is bona fide because he has received the mercy of his guru. This is called the parampara system. Unless one follows this parampara system, the mantra one receives will be chanted for no purpose. Nowadays there are so many rascal gurus who manufacture their mantras as a process for material advancement, not spiritual advancement. Still, the mantra cannot be successful if it is manufactured. Mantras and the process of devotional service have special power, provided they are received from the authorized person. TEXT 25 TEXT phalgunasyamale pakse dvadasaham payo-vratam

arcayed aravindaksam bhaktya paramayanvitah SYNONYMS phalgunasya--of the month of Phalguna (February and March); amale-during the bright; pakse--fortnight; dvadasa-aham--for twelve days, ending with Dvadasi, the day after Ekadasi; payah-vratam--accepting the vow of taking only milk; arcayet--one should worship; aravinda-aksam-the lotus-eyed Supreme Personality of Godhead; bhaktya--with devotion; paramaya--unalloyed; anvitah--surcharged. TRANSLATION In the bright fortnight of the month of Phalguna [February and March], for twelve days ending with Dvadasi, one should observe the vow of subsisting only on milk and should worship the lotus-eyed Supreme Personality of Godhead with all devotion. PURPORT Worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu with devotion means following arcana-marga. sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam arcanam vandanam dasyam sakhyam atma-nivedanam One should install the Deity of Lord Visnu or Krsna and worship Him nicely by dressing Him, decorating Him with flower garlands, and offering Him all kinds of fruits, flowers and cooked food, nicely prepared with ghee, sugar and grains. One should also offer a flame, incense and so on, while ringing a bell, as prescribed. This is called worship of the Lord. Here it is recommended that one observe the vow of subsisting only by drinking milk. This is called payo-vrata. As we generally perform devotional service on Ekadasi by not eating grains, it is generally recommended that on Dvadasi one not consume anything but milk. payo-vrata and arcana devotional service to the Supreme Lord should be performed with a pure devotional attitude (bhaktya). Without bhakti, one cannot worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah. If one wants to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead and be directly connected with Him, knowing what He wants to eat and how He is satisfied, one must take to the process of bhakti. As recommended here also, bhaktya paramayanvitah: one should be surcharged with unalloyed devotional service. TEXT 26 TEXT sinivalyam mrdalipya snayat kroda-vidirnaya yadi labhyeta vai srotasy etam mantram udirayet

SYNONYMS sinivalyam--on the dark-moon day; mrda--with dirt; alipya--smearing the body; snayat--one should bathe; kroda-vidirnaya--dug up by the tusk of a boar; yadi--if; labhyeta--it is available; vai--indeed; srotasi-in a flowing river; etam mantram--this mantra; udirayet--one should chant. TRANSLATION If dirt dug up by a boar is available, on the day of the dark moon one should smear this dirt on his body and then bathe in a flowing river. While bathing, one should chant the following mantra. TEXT 27 TEXT tvam devy adi-varahena rasayah sthanam icchata uddhrtasi namas tubhyam papmanam me pranasaya SYNONYMS tvam--you; devi--O mother earth; adi-varahena--by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of a boar; rasayah--from the bottom of the universe; sthanam--a place; icchata--desiring; uddhrta asi--you have been raised; namah tubhyam--I offer my respectful obeisances unto you; papmanam--all sinful activities and their reactions; me--of me; pranasaya--please undo. TRANSLATION O mother earth, you were raised by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of a boar because of your desiring to have a place to stay. I pray that you kindly vanquish all the reactions of my sinful life. I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. TEXT 28 TEXT nirvartitatma-niyamo devam arcet samahitah arcayam sthandile surye jale vahnau gurav api SYNONYMS nirvartita--finished; atma-niyamah--the daily duties of washing, chanting other mantras and so on, according to one's practice; devam-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; arcet--one should worship; samahitah--with full attention; arcayam--unto the Deities; sthandile-unto the altar; surye--unto the sun; jale--unto the water; vahnau--unto the fire; gurau--unto the spiritual master; api--indeed.

TRANSLATION Thereafter, one should perform his daily spiritual duties and then, with great attention, offer worship to the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and also to the altar, the sun, water, fire and the spiritual master. TEXT 29 TEXT namas tubhyam bhagavate purusaya mahiyase sarva-bhuta-nivasaya vasudevaya saksine SYNONYMS namah tubhyam--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; bhagavate--unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; purusaya--the Supreme Person; mahiyase--the best of all personalities; sarva-bhutanivasaya--the person who lives in everyone's heart; vasudevaya--the Lord who lives everywhere; saksine--the witness of everything. TRANSLATION O Supreme Personality of Godhead, greatest of all, who lives in everyone's heart and in whom everyone lives, O witness of everything, O Vasudeva, supreme and all-pervading person, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TEXT 30 TEXT namo 'vyaktaya suksmaya pradhana-purusaya ca catur-vimsad-guna-jnaya guna-sankhyana-hetave SYNONYMS namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; avyaktaya--who are never seen by material eyes; suksmaya--transcendental; pradhanapurusaya--the Supreme Person; ca--also; catuh-vimsat--twenty-four; guna-jnaya--the knower of the elements; guna-sankhyana--of the sankhyayoga system; hetave--the original cause. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Person. Being very subtle, You are never visible to material eyes. You are the knower of the twenty-four elements, and You are the inaugurator of the sankhya-yoga system. PURPORT

Catur-vimsad-guna, the twenty-four elements, are the five gross elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether), the three subtle elements (mind, intelligence and false ego), the ten senses (five for working and five for acquiring knowledge), the five sense objects, and contaminated consciousness. These are the subject matter of sankhyayoga, which was inaugurated by Lord Kapiladeva. This sankhya-yoga was again propounded by another Kapila, but he was an atheist, and his system is not accepted as bona fide. TEXT 31 TEXT namo dvi-sirsne tri-pade catuh-srngaya tantave sapta-hastaya yajnaya trayi-vidyatmane namah SYNONYMS namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; dvi-sirsne--who have two heads; tri-pade--who have three legs; catuh-srngaya--who have four horns; tantave--who expand; sapta-hastaya--who have seven hands; yajnaya--unto the yajna-purusa, the supreme enjoyer; trayi--the three modes of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies; vidya-atmane--the Personality of Godhead, the embodiment of all knowledge; namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who have two heads [prayaniya and udayaniya], three legs [savana-traya], four horns [the four Vedas] and seven hands [the seven chandas, such as Gayatri]. I offer my obeisances unto You, whose heart and soul are the three Vedic rituals [karma-kanda, jnana-kanda and upasana-kanda] and who expand these rituals in the form of sacrifice. TEXT 32 TEXT namah sivaya rudraya namah sakti-dharaya ca sarva-vidyadhipataye bhutanam pataye namah SYNONYMS namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; sivaya--the incarnation named Lord Siva; rudraya--the expansion named Rudra; namah--obeisances; sakti-dharaya--the reservoir of all potencies; ca-and; sarva-vidya-adhipataye--the reservoir of all knowledge; bhutanam-of the living entities; pataye--the supreme master; namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TRANSLATION

I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, Lord Siva, or Rudra, who are the reservoir of all potencies, the reservoir of all knowledge, and the master of everyone. PURPORT It is the system for one to offer obeisances unto the expansion or incarnation of the Lord. Lord Siva is the incarnation of ignorance, one of the material modes of nature. TEXT 33 TEXT namo hiranyagarbhaya pranaya jagad-atmane yogaisvarya-sariraya namas te yoga-hetave SYNONYMS namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; hiranyagarbhaya-situated as the four-headed Hiranyagarbha, Brahma; pranaya--the source of everyone's life; jagat-atmane--the Supersoul of the entire universe; yoga-aisvarya-sariraya--whose body is full of opulences and mystic power; namah te--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; yogahetave--the original master of all mystic power. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are situated as Hiranyagarbha, the source of life, the Supersoul of every living entity. Your body is the source of the opulence of all mystic power. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TEXT 34 TEXT namas ta adi-devaya saksi-bhutaya te namah narayanaya rsaye naraya haraye namah SYNONYMS namah te--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; adi-devaya--who are the original Personality of Godhead; saksi-bhutaya--the witness of everything within the heart of everyone; te--unto You; namah-- I offer my respectful obeisances; narayanaya--who take the incarnation of Narayana; rsaye--the sage; naraya--the incarnation of a human being; haraye--unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; namah--I offer my respectful obeisances. TRANSLATION

I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the original Personality of Godhead, the witness in everyone's heart, and the incarnation of Nara-Narayana Rsi in the form of a human being. O Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TEXT 35 TEXT namo marakata-syamavapuse 'dhigata-sriye kesavaya namas tubhyam namas te pita-vasase SYNONYMS namah--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; marakata-syamavapuse--whose bodily hue is blackish like the marakata gem; adhigatasriye--under whose control is mother Laksmi, the goddess of fortune; kesavaya--Lord Kesava, who killed the Kesi demon; namah tubhyam--I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; namah te--again I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; pita-vasase--whose garment is yellow. TRANSLATION My Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are dressed in yellow garments, whose bodily hue resembles the marakata gem, and who have full control over the goddess of fortune. O my Lord Kesava, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TEXT 36 TEXT tvam sarva-varadah pumsam varenya varadarsabha atas te sreyase dhirah pada-renum upasate SYNONYMS tvam--You; sarva-vara-dah--who can give all kinds of benedictions; pumsam--to all living entities; varenya--O most worshipable; vara-darsabha--O most powerful of all givers of benediction; atah--for this reason; te--Your; sreyase--the source of all auspiciousness; dhirah-the most sober; pada-renum upasate--worship the dust of the lotus feet. TRANSLATION O most exalted and worshipable Lord, best of those who bestow benediction, You can fulfill the desires of everyone, and therefore those who are sober, for their own welfare, worship the dust of Your lotus feet. TEXT 37 TEXT

anvavartanta yam devah sris ca tat-pada-padmayoh sprhayanta ivamodam bhagavan me prasidatam SYNONYMS anvavartanta--engaged in devotional service; yam--unto whom; devah-all the demigods; srih ca--and the goddess of fortune; tat-padapadmayoh--of the lotus feet of His Lordship; sprhayantah--desiring; iva--exactly; amodam--celestial bliss; bhagavan--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; me--upon me; prasidatam--may be pleased. TRANSLATION All the demigods, as well as the goddess of fortune, engage in the service of His lotus feet. Indeed, they respect the fragrance of those lotus feet. May the Supreme Personality of Godhead be pleased with me. TEXT 38 TEXT etair mantrair hrsikesam avahana-puraskrtam arcayec chraddhaya yuktah padyopasparsanadibhih SYNONYMS etaih mantraih--by chanting all these mantras; hrsikesam--unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all senses; avahana-calling; puraskrtam--honoring Him in all respects; arcayet--one should worship; sraddhaya--with faith and devotion; yuktah--engaged; padyaupasparsana-adibhih--with the paraphernalia of worship (padya, arghya, etc.). TRANSLATION Kasyapa Muni continued: By chanting all these mantras, welcoming the Supreme Personality of Godhead with faith and devotion, and offering Him items of worship [such as padya and arghya], one should worship Kesava, Hrsikesa, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. TEXT 39 TEXT arcitva gandha-malyadyaih payasa snapayed vibhum vastropavitabharanapadyopasparsanais tatah gandha-dhupadibhis carced dvadasaksara-vidyaya SYNONYMS

arcitva--worshiping in this way; gandha-malya-adyaih--with incense, flower garlands, etc.; payasa--with milk; snapayet--should bathe; vibhum--the Lord; vastra--dress; upavita--sacred thread; abharana-ornaments; padya--water for washing the lotus feet; upasparsanaih-touching; tatah--thereafter; gandha--fragrance; dhupa--incense; adibhih--with all of these; ca--and; arcet--should worship; dvadasaaksara-vidyaya--with the mantra of twelve syllables. TRANSLATION In the beginning, the devotee should chant the dvadasaksara-mantra and offer flower garlands, incense and so on. After worshiping the Lord in this way, one should bathe the Lord with milk and dress Him with proper garments, a sacred thread, and ornaments. After offering water to wash the Lord's feet, one should again worship the Lord with fragrant flowers, incense and other paraphernalia. PURPORT The dvadasaksara-mantra is om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. While worshiping the Deity, one should ring a bell with his left hand and offer padya, arghya, vastra, gandha, mala, abharana, bhusana and so on. In this way, one should bathe the Lord with milk, dress Him and again worship Him with all paraphernalia. TEXT 40 TEXT srtam payasi naivedyam saly-annam vibhave sati sasarpih sagudam dattva juhuyan mula-vidyaya SYNONYMS srtam--cooked; payasi--in milk; naivedyam--offering to the Deity; sali-annam--fine rice; vibhave--if available; sati--in this way; sasarpih--with ghee (clarified butter); sa-gudam--with molasses; dattva-offering Him; juhuyat--should offer oblations in the fire; mulavidyaya--with chanting of the same dvadasaksara-mantra TRANSLATION If one can afford to, one should offer the Deity fine rice boiled in milk with clarified butter and molasses. While chanting the same original mantra, one should offer all this to the fire. TEXT 41 TEXT niveditam tad-bhaktaya dadyad bhunjita va svayam dattvacamanam arcitva tambulam ca nivedayet

SYNONYMS niveditam--this offering of prasada; tat-bhaktaya--unto His devotee; dadyat--should be offered; bhunjita--one should take; va--either; svayam--personally; dattva acamanam--giving water to wash the hands and mouth; arcitva--in this way worshiping the Deity; tambulam--betel nuts with spices; ca--also; nivedayet--one should offer. TRANSLATION One should offer all the prasada to a Vaisnava or offer him some of the prasada and then take some oneself. After this, one should offer the Deity acamana and then betel nut and then again worship the Lord. TEXT 42 TEXT japed astottara-satam stuvita stutibhih prabhum krtva pradaksinam bhumau pranamed dandavan muda SYNONYMS japet--should silently murmur; astottara-satam--108 times; stuvita-should offer prayers; stutibhih--by various prayers of glorification; prabhum--unto the Lord; krtva--thereafter doing; pradaksinam-circumambulation; bhumau--on the ground; pranamet--should offer obeisances; dandavat--straight, with the whole body; muda--with great satisfaction. TRANSLATION Thereafter, one should silently murmur the mantra 108 times and offer prayers to the Lord for His glorification. Then one should circumambulate the Lord and finally, with great delight and satisfaction, offer obeisances, falling straight like a rod [dandavat]. TEXT 43 TEXT krtva sirasi tac-chesam devam udvasayet tatah dvy-avaran bhojayed vipran payasena yathocitam SYNONYMS krtva--taking; sirasi--on the head; tat-sesam--all the remnants (the water and flowers offered to the Deity); devam--unto the Deity; udvasayet--should be thrown into a sacred place; tatah--thereafter; dvi-avaran--a minimum of two; bhojayet--should feed; vipran--brahmanas; payasena--with sweet rice; yatha-ucitam--as each deserves.

TRANSLATION After touching to one's head all the flowers and water offered to the Deity, one should throw them into a sacred place. Then one should feed at least two brahmanas with sweet rice. TEXTS 44-45 TEXT bhunjita tair anujnatah sestah sesam sabhajitaih brahmacary atha tad-ratryam svo bhute prathame 'hani snatah sucir yathoktena vidhina susamahitah payasa snapayitvarced yavad vrata-samapanam SYNONYMS bhunjita--should take the prasada; taih--by the brahmanas; anujnatah--being permitted; sa-istah--with friends and relatives; sesam--the remnants; sabhajitaih--properly honored; brahmacari-observance of celibacy; atha--of course; tat-ratryam--at night; svah bhute--at the end of the night, when the morning comes; prathame ahani--on the first day; snatah--bathing; sucih--becoming purified; yatha-uktena--as stated before; vidhina--by following the regulative principles; su-samahitah--with great attention; payasa--with milk; snapayitva--bathing the Deity; arcet--should offer worship; yavat--as long as; vrata-samapanam--the period of worship is not over. TRANSLATION One should perfectly honor the respectable brahmanas one has fed, and then, after taking their permission, one should take prasada with his friends and relatives. For that night, one should observe strict celibacy, and the next morning, after bathing again, with purity and attention one should bathe the Deity of Visnu with milk and worship Him according to the methods formerly stated in detail. TEXT 46 TEXT payo-bhakso vratam idam cared visnv-arcanadrtah purvavaj juhuyad agnim brahmanams capi bhojayet SYNONYMS payah-bhaksah--one who drinks milk only; vratam idam--this process of worshiping with a vow; caret--one should execute; visnu-arcanaadrtah--worshiping Lord Visnu with great faith and devotion; purvavat--as prescribed previously; juhuyat--one should offer oblations;

agnim--into the fire; brahmanan--unto the brahmanas; ca api--as well as; bhojayet--should feed. TRANSLATION Worshiping Lord Visnu with great faith and devotion and living only by drinking milk, one should follow this vow. One should also offer oblations to the fire and feed the brahmanas as mentioned before. TEXT 47 TEXT evam tv ahar ahah kuryad dvadasaham payo-vratam harer aradhanam homam arhanam dvija-tarpanam SYNONYMS evam--in this way; tu--indeed; ahah ahah--day after day; kuryat-should execute; dvadasa-aham--until twelve days; payah-vratam--the observance of the vrata known as payo-vrata; hareh aradhanam-worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead; homam--by executing a fire sacrifice; arhanam--worshiping the Deity; dvija-tarpanam--and satisfying the brahmanas by feeding them. TRANSLATION In this way, until twelve days have passed, one should observe this payo-vrata, worshiping the Lord every day, executing the routine duties, performing sacrifices and feeding the brahmanas. TEXT 48 TEXT pratipad-dinam arabhya yavac chukla-trayodasim brahmacaryam adhah-svapnam snanam tri-savanam caret SYNONYMS pratipat-dinam--on the day of pratipat; arabhya--beginning; yavat-until; sukla--of the bright fortnight; trayodasim--the thirteenth day of the moon (the second day after Ekadasi); brahmacaryam--observing complete celibacy; adhah-svapnam--lying down on the floor; snanam-bathing; tri-savanam--three times (morning, evening and noon); caret-one should execute. TRANSLATION From pratipat until the thirteenth day of the next bright moon [sukla-trayodasi], one should observe complete celibacy, sleep on the floor, bathe three times a day and thus execute the vow.

TEXT 49 TEXT varjayed asad-alapam bhogan uccavacams tatha ahimsrah sarva-bhutanam vasudeva-parayanah SYNONYMS varjayet--one should give up; asat-alapam--unnecessary talk on material subject matters; bhogan--sense gratification; ucca-avacan-superior or inferior; tatha--as well as; ahimsrah--without being envious; sarva-bhutanam--of all living entities; vasudeva-parayanah-simply being a devotee of Lord Vasudeva. TRANSLATION During this period, one should not unnecessarily talk of material subjects or topics of sense gratification, one should be completely free from envy of all living entities, and one should be a pure and simple devotee of Lord Vasudeva. TEXT 50 TEXT trayodasyam atho visnoh snapanam pancakair vibhoh karayec chastra-drstena vidhina vidhi-kovidaih SYNONYMS trayodasyam--on the thirteenth day of the moon; atho--thereafter; visnoh--of Lord Visnu; snapanam--bathing; pancakaih--by pancamrta, five substances; vibhoh--the Lord; karayet--one should execute; sastradrstena--enjoined in the scripture; vidhina--under regulative principles; vidhi-kovidaih--assisted by the priests who know the regulative principles. TRANSLATION Thereafter, following the directions of the sastra with help from brahmanas who know the sastra, on the thirteenth day of the moon one should bathe Lord Visnu with five substances [milk, yogurt, ghee, sugar and honey]. TEXTS 51-52 TEXT pujam ca mahatim kuryad vitta-sathya-vivarjitah carum nirupya payasi sipivistaya visnave

suktena tena purusam yajeta susamahitah naivedyam catigunavad dadyat purusa-tustidam SYNONYMS pujam--worship; ca--also; mahatim--very gorgeous; kuryat--should do; vitta-sathya--miserly mentality (not spending sufficient money); vivarjitah--giving up; carum--grains offered in the yajna; nirupya-seeing properly; payasi--with milk; sipivistaya--unto the Supersoul, who is situated in the heart of every living entity; visnave--unto Lord Visnu; suktena--by chanting the Vedic mantra known as purusa-sukta; tena--by that; purusam--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; yajeta--one should worship; su-samahitah--with great attention; naivedyam--food offered to the Deity; ca--and; ati-guna-vat--prepared very gorgeously with all varieties of taste; dadyat--should offer; purusa-tusti-dam-everything extremely pleasing to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. TRANSLATION Giving up the miserly habit of not spending money, one should arrange for the gorgeous worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who is situated in the heart of every living entity. With great attention, one must prepare an oblation of grains boiled in ghee and milk and must chant the Purusa-sukta mantra. The offerings of food should be of varieties of tastes. In this way, one should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. TEXT 53 TEXT acaryam jnana-sampannam vastrabharana-dhenubhih tosayed rtvijas caiva tad viddhy aradhanam hareh SYNONYMS acaryam--the spiritual master; jnana-sampannam--very advanced in spiritual knowledge; vastra-abharana-dhenubhih--with clothing, ornaments and many cows; tosayet--should satisfy; rtvijah--the priests recommended by the spiritual master; ca eva--as well as; tat viddhi-try to understand that; aradhanam--worship; hareh--of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. TRANSLATION One should satisfy the spiritual master [acarya], who is very learned in Vedic literature, and should satisfy his assistant priests [known as hota, udgata, adhvaryu and brahma]. One should please them by offering them clothing, ornaments and cows. This is the ceremony called visnu-aradhana, or worship of Lord Visnu. TEXT 54

TEXT bhojayet tan gunavata sad-annena suci-smite anyams ca brahmanan chaktya ye ca tatra samagatah SYNONYMS bhojayet--should distribute prasada; tan--unto all of them; gunavata--by rich foods; sat-annena--with food prepared with ghee and milk, which is supposed to be very pure; suci-smite--O most pious lady; anyan ca--others also; brahmanan--brahmanas; saktya--as far as possible; ye-all of them who; ca--also; tatra--there (at the ceremonies); samagatah--assembled. TRANSLATION O most auspicious lady, one should perform all the ceremonies under the direction of learned acaryas and should satisfy them and their priests. By distributing prasada, one should also satisfy the brahmanas and others who have assembled. TEXT 55 TEXT daksinam gurave dadyad rtvigbhyas ca yatharhatah annadyenasva-pakams ca prinayet samupagatan SYNONYMS daksinam--some contribution of money or gold; gurave--unto the spiritual master; dadyat--one should give; rtvigbhyah ca--and to the priests engaged by the spiritual master; yatha-arhatah--as far as possible; anna-adyena--by distributing prasada; asva-pakan--even to the candalas, persons habituated to eating the flesh of dogs; ca--also; prinayet--one should please; samupagatan--because they have assembled there for the ceremony. TRANSLATION One should satisfy the spiritual master and assistant priests by giving them cloth, ornaments, cows and also some monetary contribution. And by distributing prasada one should satisfy everyone assembled, including even the lowest of men, the candalas [eaters of dog flesh]. PURPORT In the Vedic system, prasada is distributed, as recommended here, without discrimination as to who may take the prasada. Regardless of whether one be a brahmana, sudra, vaisya, ksatriya, or even the lowest of men, a candala, he should be welcome to accept prasada. However, when the candalas, the lower class or poorer class, are taking prasada,

this does not mean that they have become Narayana or Visnu. Narayana is situated in everyone's heart, but this does not mean Narayana is a candala or poor man. The Mayavada philosophy of accepting a poor man as Narayana is the most envious and atheistic movement in Vedic culture. This mentality should be completely given up. Everyone should be given the opportunity to take prasada, but this does not mean that everyone has the right to become Narayana. TEXT 56 TEXT bhuktavatsu ca sarvesu dinandha-krpanadisu visnos tat prinanam vidvan bhunjita saha bandhubhih SYNONYMS bhuktavatsu--after feeding; ca--also; sarvesu--everyone present there; dina--very poor; andha--blind; krpana--those who are not brahmanas; adisu--and so on; visnoh--of Lord Visnu, who is situated in everyone's heart; tat--that (prasada); prinanam--pleasing; vidvan--one who understands this philosophy; bhunjita--should take prasada himself; saha--with; bandhubhih--friends and relatives. TRANSLATION One should distribute visnu-prasada to everyone, including the poor man, the blind man, the nondevotee and the non-brahmana. Knowing that Lord Visnu is very pleased when everyone is sumptuously fed with visnuprasada, the performer of yajna should then take prasada with his friends and relatives. TEXT 57 TEXT nrtya-vaditra-gitais ca stutibhih svasti-vacakaih karayet tat-kathabhis ca pujam bhagavato 'nvaham SYNONYMS nrtya--by dancing; vaditra--by beating the drum; gitaih--and by singing; ca--also; stutibhih--by chanting auspicious mantras; svastivacakaih--by offering prayers; karayet--should execute; tat-kathabhih-by reciting the Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita and similar literature; ca-also; pujam--worship; bhagavatah--of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu; anvaham--every day (from pratipat to trayodasi). TRANSLATION Every day from pratipat to trayodasi, one should continue the ceremony, to the accompaniment of dancing, singing, the beating of a drum, the chanting of prayers and all-auspicious mantras, and

recitation of Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way, one should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. TEXT 58 TEXT etat payo-vratam nama purusaradhanam param pitamahenabhihitam maya te samudahrtam SYNONYMS etat--this; payah-vratam--ceremony known as payo-vrata; nama--by that name; purusa-aradhanam--the process of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead; param--the best; pitamahena--by my grandfather, Lord Brahma; abhihitam--stated; maya--by me; te--unto you; samudahrtam--described in all details. TRANSLATION This is the religious ritualistic ceremony known as payo-vrata, by which one may worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I received this information from Brahma, my grandfather, and now I have described it to you in all details. TEXT 59 TEXT tvam canena maha-bhage samyak cirnena kesavam atmana suddha-bhavena niyatatma bhajavyayam SYNONYMS tvam ca--you also; anena--by this process; maha-bhage--O greatly fortunate one; samyak cirnena--executed properly; kesavam--unto Lord Kesava; atmana--by oneself; suddha-bhavena--in a pure state of mind; niyata-atma--controlling oneself; bhaja--go on worshiping; avyayam--the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is inexhaustible. TRANSLATION O most fortunate lady, establishing your mind in a good spirit, execute this process of payo-vrata and thus worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kesava, who is inexhaustible. TEXT 60 TEXT ayam vai sarva-yajnakhyah sarva-vratam iti smrtam tapah-saram idam bhadre

danam cesvara-tarpanam SYNONYMS ayam--this; vai--indeed; sarva-yajna--all kinds of religious rituals and sacrifices; akhyah--called; sarva-vratam--all religious ceremonies; iti--thus; smrtam--understood; tapah-saram--the essence of all austerities; idam--this; bhadre--O good lady; danam--acts of charity; ca--and; isvara--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tarpanam--the process of pleasing. TRANSLATION This payo-vrata is also known as sarva-yajna. In other words, by performing this sacrifice one can perform all other sacrifices automatically. This is also acknowledged to be the best of all ritualistic ceremonies. O gentle lady, it is the essence of all austerities, and it is the process of giving charity and pleasing the supreme controller. PURPORT Aradhananam sarvesam visnor aradhanam param. This is a statement made by Lord Siva to Parvati. Worshiping Lord Visnu is the supreme process of worship. And how Lord Visnu is worshiped in this payo-vrata ceremony has now been fully described. The ultimate goal of life is to please Lord Visnu by varnasrama-dharma. The Vedic principles of four varnas and four asramas are meant for worship of Visnu (visnur aradhyate pumsam nanyat tat-tosa-karanam). The Krsna consciousness movement is also visnu-aradhanam, or worship of Lord Visnu, according to the age. The payo-vrata method of visnu-aradhanam was enunciated long, long ago by Kasyapa Muni to his wife, Aditi, in the heavenly planets, and the same process is bona fide on earth even now. Especially for this age of Kali, the process accepted by the Krsna consciousness movement is to open hundreds and thousands of Visnu temples (temples of Radha-Krsna, Jagannatha, Balarama, Sita-Rama, Gaura-Nitai and so on). Performing prescribed worship in such temples of Visnu and thus worshiping the Lord is as good as performing the payo-vrata ceremony recommended here. The payo-vrata ceremony is performed from the first to the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of the moon, but in our Krsna consciousness movement Lord Visnu is worshiped in every temple according to a schedule of twenty-four hours of engagement in performing kirtana, chanting the Hare Krsna mahamantra, offering palatable food to Lord Visnu and distributing this food to Vaisnavas and others. These are authorized activities, and if the members of the Krsna consciousness movement stick to these principles, they will achieve the same result one gains by observing the payo-vrata ceremony. Thus the essence of all auspicious activities, such as performing yajna, giving in charity, observing vratas, and undergoing austerities, is included in the Krsna consciousness movement. The members of this movement should immediately and sincerely follow the processes already recommended. Of course, sacrifice is meant to please Lord Visnu. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: in Kali-yuga, those who are intelligent perform the sankirtana-yajna. One should follow this process conscientiously. TEXT 61

TEXT ta eva niyamah saksat ta eva ca yamottamah tapo danam vratam yajno yena tusyaty adhoksajah SYNONYMS te--that is; eva--indeed; niyamah--all regulative principles; saksat--directly; te--that is; eva--indeed; ca--also; yama-uttamah--the best process of controlling the senses; tapah--austerities; danam-charity; vratam--observing vows; yajnah--sacrifice; yena--by which process; tusyati--is very pleased; adhoksajah--the Supreme Lord, who is not perceived by material senses. TRANSLATION This is the best process for pleasing the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Adhoksaja. It is the best of all regulative principles, the best austerity, the best process of giving charity, and the best process of sacrifice. PURPORT The Supreme Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (18.66): sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." Unless one pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to His demand, no good result will come from any of his actions. dharmah svanusthitah pumsam visvaksena-kathasu yah notpadayed yadi ratim srama eva hi kevalam "The occupational activities a man performs according to his own position are only so much useless labor if they do not provoke attraction for the message of the Personality of Godhead." (Bhag. 1.2.8) If one is not interested in satisfying Lord Visnu, Vasudeva, all his so-called auspicious activities are fruitless. Moghasa moghakarmano mogha-jnana vicetasah: because he is bewildered, he is baffled in his hopes, baffled in his activities, and baffled in his knowledge. In this regard, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti remarks, napumsakam anapumsakenety-adinaikatvam. One cannot equate the potent and the impotent. Among modern Mayavadis it has become fashionable to say that whatever one does or whatever path one follows is all right. But these are all foolish statements. Here it is forcefully affirmed that this is the only method for success in life. Isvara-tarpanam vina sarvam eva viphalam. Unless Lord Visnu is satisfied, all of one's pious

activities, ritualistic ceremonies and yajnas are simply for show and have no value. Unfortunately, foolish people do not know the secret of success. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum. They do not know that real self-interest ends in pleasing Lord Visnu. TEXT 62 TEXT tasmad etad vratam bhadre prayata sraddhayacara bhagavan paritustas te varan asu vidhasyati SYNONYMS tasmat--therefore; etat--this; vratam--observance of a vrata ceremony; bhadre--my dear gentle lady; prayata--by observing rules and regulations; sraddhaya--with faith; acara--execute; bhagavan--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; paritustah--being very satisfied; te-unto you; varan--benedictions; asu--very soon; vidhasyati--will bestow. TRANSLATION Therefore, my dear gentle lady, follow this ritualistic vow, strictly observing the regulative principles. By this process, the Supreme Person will very soon be pleased with you and will satisfy all your desires.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Eighth Canto, Sixteenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled "Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship."

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