Tiger To Keep Tail in KU Fight Song: The University Daily Kansan

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Volume 124 Issue 57


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


the student voice since 1904

101 reasons

to be

mens basketball blows out fort hays in final exhibition game

paGe 8

Tiger to keep tail in KU fight song

julianna tidwell
[email protected] Im A Jayhawk, also known as the KU Fight Song, changed last year to remove references old opponents who had left the Big 12 conference. This change, which was the first in 50 years, makes students and alumni both question if the lyrics will change again with the recent loss of Missouri. Jennifer Sanner, senior vice president of communications for the KU Alumni Association, said the fight song likely will not change. She said the traditions of the University are what set it apart from other universities, and with conference realignment so shaky right now, it is not likely Im a Jayhawk will see rewrites now or in the future. Although the Im A Jayhawk tune and off-setting claps are familiar to students, many do not know the song has lyrics. Even so, sophomore Jordan Rothschiller said references to Missouri shouldnt be in the fight song. I dont like how theyre leaving. They dont deserve to be in our fight song, he said. If Nebraska was taken out, I think we should take Missouri out too. The changes to the lyrics last year replaced references to Nebraska and Colorado with Texas A& M and the University of Texas. And although the lyrics to the fight song are safe for now, the same cannot be said for the constantly changing conference.

tissue issues
One-ply toilet paper may be cheaper, but rubs campus the wrong way
marshall sChmidt
[email protected]

Im a Jayhawk
By GeorGe DUmpy Bowles
(revised in Fall 2010 due to changes in the Big 12; new lyrics by matt schoenfeld)

Talk about the Sooners, Cowboys and the Bears, Aggies and the Tiger and his tail. Talk about the Wildcats, and the Cyclone boys, But Im the bird to make em weep and wail CHORUS: Cause Im a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk, Up at Lawrence on the Kaw Cause Im a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk, With a sis-boom, hip hoorah, Got a bill thats big enough To twist a Tigers tail, Rope some Horns and listen To the Red Raiders wail Cause Im a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk, Riding on a Kansas gale.

Kansas-missouri game time moved

ethan padway
[email protected] twitter.com/UDK_B12fball The Kansas-Missouri football game time has been moved to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26. The Big 12 announced the time change Tuesday afternoon. Originally, the Border Showdown was to start at 11 a.m., but the Big 12 and Fox Sports agreed to change it to a later time. The game will still take place at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. for a fifth consecutive year. The announcement comes two days after Missouri announced it was switching to the Southeastern Conference. So far, there has no indication that the two schools will continue the nations second oldest rivalry after Missouri leaves the Big 12 conference. Currently, the series is tied 5555-9. Missouri has won three of the four games played at Arrowhead Stadium. Edited by Stefanie Penn

he quality of campus toilet paper is chaffing some parts of the student body. The toilet paper is so thin, it rips and its frustrating as you attempt to tear it off the dispenser, said Michael Garofalo, junior from Libertyville, Ill. I would never TP a house with this stuff. Kansas leads universities across the state in toilet paper usage, consuming more than 100,000 rolls of the white stuff each year. Steve Green, who is in charge of ordering toilet paper for Kansas said KU Facilities and Operations plunges $61,804 into purchasing toilet paper every year. The paper supplied is single ply and 100 percent recycled. Each student flushes away approximately three rolls of

see tissues on paGe 3

photo illustrations By Chris Bronson/kansan


Exercisers find massages, information at Rec

dana meredith
[email protected]

Students stopping by the Ambler Student Recreation Center Tuesday afternoon walked away with more than just a good workout. Student Health Services (SHS) held a wellness fair, offering information on everything from how to improve stress management and eat a balanced diet to preventing back pain and achieving financial wellness. A professional massage therapist was also on-hand, offering free, 10-minute massages, and students could pick up free drawstring backpacks, towels and nutrition bars. Ken Sarber, public health director for SHS, said that a balanced

lifestyle was vital to staying healthy, especially approaching finals time. Just having balance is key, and thats what they can get out of this wellness fair, Sarber said. We have a little bit of something for everyone. Becky Bickel, a sophomore from Topeka, said that the fair was a nice surprise to explore before her workout. She stopped by the table offering information on how to quit smoking. My moms a smoker, and she and I have argued about that a lot, Bickel said. Seeing a years worth of tar from smoking was pretty disgusting. The wellness fair had strong student input, from being organized by an intern in the health educa-

tion office to being mainly staffed by SHS peer health educators. Kat Songer, a junior from Overland Park, was one of those volunteers. She was offering students tips on stress management, a focus of the fair. Her favorite tip for reducing stress? Getting enough sleep. I feel like students always try to cram for tests, but they dont realize how important sleeping is to consolidating all of the knowledge and things theyre learning, Songer said. She also recommended students stay organized by making to-do lists. If you have a to-do list and youre able to strike things off, it makes you feel better to see every-

students who dont think back pain will affect them might want to think again.
Karen loudon, a physical therapist at watkins memorial health Center, said that the health center sees a fair amount of students complaining of lower backaches. she offered some advice at the wellness fair yesterday for how to stop back pain from forming.

When lifting heavy objects, use your legs, not your back. Dont sit in a slouched position for a long amount of time. Wear your backpack on both shoulders. pack the heaviest items closest to your spine. Make sure youre using proper form when weight-lifting.

soUrCe: KU.eDU

thing that you accomplished that day, she said. Students who missed the fair will have more opportunities to attend a fair later this year. SHS puts on four wellness fairs every school year in

an effort to reach as many students as possible. We werent going to be able to reach all of the students with one wellness fair, Sarber said. If they see wellness fair coming up over

and over, then they can start to adapt a change. Edited by Jonathan Shorman


Classifieds 7 Crossword 4

Cryptoquips 4 opinion 5

sports 8 sudoku 4

All contents, unless stated otherwise, 2011 The University Daily Kansan

Dont forget

Attend the internship and summer camp fair today at the Alumni Center from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Todays Weather

Forecasts done by University students. For a more detailed forecast, see page 2A.

HI: 50 LO: 30

Sunny but chilly. Light layers.




Colin Thompsom KU atmospheric science student

HI: 50 LO: 33

Winds 5-10 mph out of the west.

HI: 55 LO: 35

Friday (Veterans Day)

Sunny and cold. Winds 5-10 mph out of the southwest.

HI: 58 LO: 47

Sunny and breezy.

HI: 62 LO: 48

Sunny and breezy.

Put those rainboots away.

And get those sandals back out?

Perfect for the last gameday!

Let the sun shine in.

On Tuesday, the Kansan incorrectly reported the number of firms that bid for a contract to provide internet service to student housing. Two firms bid for the contract, including Apogee, Inc. and Campus Televideo of Greenwich, Conn.



Associated Press

The absolute last day to drop a class is a week from today. Make your decisions as soon as possible, because it can be tricky if you choose to drop a class on the last day.

The UniversiTy Daily Kansan

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Art director Ben Pirotte Assignment editors Ian Cummings Laura Sather Hannah Wise Copy chiefs Lisa Curran Marla Daniels Emily Glover Roshni Oommen Design chiefs Stephanie Schulz Hannah Wise Bailey Atkinson opinion editor Mandy Matney Editorial editor Vikaas Shanker Photo editor Mike Gunnoe Associate photo editor Chris Bronson Sports editor Max Rothman Associate sports editor Mike Lavieri Sports Web editor Blake Schuster Special sections editor Emily Glover Web editor Tim Shedor

Puerto Ricos justice secretary said Tuesday he has opened a criminal investigation against two prison guards who were escorting eight inmates who drowned while shackled in a van covered in floodwaters. Secretary Guillermo Somoza said authorities are reviewing pictures and videos that bystanders took at the scene to determine whether prosecutors should file charges of negligent or aggravated homicide. Ten inmates were being driven back to prison after court hearings in the northern coastal city of Arecibo when the guards apparently took a shortcut to avoid flooded streets, Corrections Secretary Jesus Gonzalez Cruz said. A rush of water toppled the van. Hector Serrano, who lives nearby, said he ran to the van as he saw it disappear underwater and joined another man in rescuing two inmates and the two guards by cutting a hole in the vehicles roof. He said the guards refused to turn over the keys so they could rescue the remaining trapped prisoners.


British Home Secretary Theresa May, under increasing pressure because of an unapproved relaxation of border controls, said Tuesday the changes had not endangered national security. May is on the defensive because the U.K. Border Agency this summer eased controls on people entering the country. May says the agency went far beyond rules she had set out in a pilot program designed to shorten lines at British air and sea ports. But the suspended head of the border force, Brodie Clark, accused the government of misrepresenting the situation and forcing him out of his job. May told lawmakers she would not resign and blamed Border Agency officials for taking unilateral, unauthorized steps that made it easier for people to enter Britain without proper identity checks. She admitted it was impossible to know how many people entered Britain without adequate checks but asserted the practice did not in any way put border security at risk.


An election that was supposed to solidify peace in this nation emerging from war was marred by dismal turnout Tuesday, after the opposition went ahead with a boycott despite last-minute appeals from the United States and the United Nations Security Council. The move guarantees re-election for the continents first and only female president who was just awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but country experts worry that the low turnout could discredit Ellen Johnson Sirleafs victory and delegitimize her government. Its a worrying prospect in the Tennesseesized nation of 3.9 million that experienced one of Africas most horrific civil wars and where a fragile peace is held in place largely by the presence of some 9,000 peacekeepers. Lines were only a dozen or so people deep in many precincts in the capital, and an hour after polls opened, many of the polling booths had no lines at all. Poll workers at several precincts said that voter turnout was as low as 25 percent.


The French presidents overheard remark to President Barack Obama that Israels prime minister is a liar laid bare escalating international frustration at deadlocked peace efforts and left all three world leaders looking blemished. Obama, heard through an interpreter, responded, I have to work with him every day. Some Israelis felt French President Nicolas Sarkozy uttered out loud what many think in private about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Others were shocked, and embarrassed. Sarkozys remarks were especially harsh for a man who has labored to improve French relations with Israel while also using Frances traditional ties to Arab countries to encourage peace talks and whose maternal grandfather was Jewish. Through the interpreter, Obama was heard asking Sarkozy to help persuade the Palestinians to stop their efforts to gain U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.




Election outcomes hint at primaries

Kentuckys Democratic governor won another term Tuesday, and Mississippi voters kept their governors office in GOP hands decisions that suggested many Americans were not ready to abandon incumbent parties, despite the nations economic woes. In Ohio, voters restored the bargaining rights of public employees, and in Mississippi they rejected an initiative that would have defined life as beginning at conception. Supporters of the Mississippi measure had hoped to use it to mount a legal attack on Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the right to abortion. Across the nation, voters last major judgments of 2011 were closely watched for any hints about the publics political mood just two months ahead of the first presidential primary and nearly four years into the worst economic slowdown since the Depression. In Ohio, a new law that severely limited the bargaining rights of more than 350,000 teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public employees was repealed. The defeat was a stiff blow to Gov. John Kasich and cast doubt on other Republican governors who have sought union-limiting measures as a way to curb spending. The disputed law permitted workers to negotiate wages but not pensions or health care benefits, and it banned public-worker strikes, scrapped binding arbitration and eliminated annual raises for teachers. The outcome will no doubt be studied by presidential candidates as a gauge of the Ohio electorate, which is seen as a bellwether. No Republican has won the White House without Ohio, and only two Democrats have done so in more than a century. Elsewhere on the ballot, Ohio voters approved a proposal to prohibit people from being required to buy health insurance as part of the national health care overhaul. The vote was mostly symbolic, but Republicans planned to use it in a legal challenge. The governors races were of keen interest to both parties. Ten states will elect governors next year, and governors can marshal get-out-the-vote efforts crucial to any White House candidate. The first presidential primary is Jan. 10 in New Hampshire. In Kentucky, Gov. Steve Beshear was easily re-elected despite high unemployment, budget shortfalls and an onslaught of third-party attack ads. He became the second Democrat to win a governors race this year, after West Virginias Earl Ray Tomblin.

Kansan positions open for spring semester

General manager and news adviser Malcolm Gibson Sales and marketing adviser Jon Schlitt

Donna McDaniel takes her ballot from an election officer at Precinct 9 in Owensboro, Ky. on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011. Voters chose governors in Mississippi and Kentucky on Tuesday, casting ballots that could foreshadow the publics political mood just two months ahead of the first presidential primary.


The University Daily Kansan is now accepting applications for Spring 2012 news and advertising jobs: editor-in-chief and business manager. These are student hourly positions that oversee the editorial and advertising content of The Kansan and Kansan.com. Experience with The Kansan is recommended but not required. All applications can be found at jobs.ku.edu by searching University Daily Kansan. Applications are due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 13. Interviews will be on Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. in room 2050 of the Dole Human Development Center. Ian Cummings

[email protected] www.kansan.com Newsroom: (785)-864-4810 Advertising: (785) 864-4358 Twitter: UDK_News Facebook: facebook.com/thekansan
The University Daily Kansan is the student newspaper of the University of Kansas. The first copy is paid through the student activity fee. Additional copies of The Kansan are 50 cents. Subscriptions can be purchased at the Kansan business office, 2051A Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS, 66045. The University Daily Kansan (ISSN 0746-4967) is published daily during the school year except Saturday, Sunday, fall break, spring break and exams and weekly during the summer session excluding holidays. Annual subscriptions by mail are $250 plus tax. Send address changes to The University Daily Kansan, 2051A Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue.

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wEDNESDAY, NoVEmbER 9, 2011

Kansas State. Nevertheless, Pittsburg State has recently adopted a new kind of paper. For the past two years, Pitt State students have relieved themselves with the assistance of coreless paper rolls that are made from environmentally friendly recycled fiber. We went to it because of the environmental issue, Kansas said Tonya Pentola, store 12,600 rolls room supervisor for PittsTotal cost: $61,804 burg State. We have had 3 rolls/$2.06 no complaints and its comper student per year fortable to use. We are satisfied with the change. Kansas State The new type runs at a 82,440 rolls higher price. Each year, Total cost: Pittsburg State handles $71,464.80 12,600 rolls at a cost of 3.55 rolls/$3 $22,6943, which unravels per student per year to 1.8 rolls per student and a cost of $3.24 per Pittsburg State student. Pitt State also 12,600 rolls had to retrofit its buildTotal cost: $22,694? ing with new dispens1.8 rolls/$3.24 ers to handle the new per student per year material. After comparing the quality of toilet paper samples from both University of Kansas and Pittsburg State, Garofalo said he preferred Pitt States new toilet paper. I think the answer is clear. The toilet paper from Pitt State is more durable and I would pay a dollar extra to have this type of toilet paper, he said. I use a lot of toilet paper when Im in there. Conor Taft, junior from Naperville, Ill., said he too would pay an extra dollar in student fees for improved paper. For as many trips to the bathroom I take throughout the day, it would be a worthy investment, Taft said. As far as bathroom etiquette is concerned, Garofalo had a few pieces of advice. Its important to fold the toilet paper for conservation efforts and its more efficient for yourself. Thats just good manners, he said. Also, remember to courtesy flush. Edited by Adam Strunk

PAGE 3 acTIvIsm


toilet paper at a cost of $2.06 every year. I think at the very least it could be two-ply, said Garofalo. Green pointed to a few reasons for sticking to the current one-ply paper. Alternative two-ply products would likely cost more, require new dispensers and may not supply enough paper to last between restroom cleanings in the larger KU classroom buildings, said Green. However, other universities use a variety of paper types to get the job done. Kansas State buys a combination of single and double ply material, resulting in 82,440 rolls at a cost of $71,464.80, which translates into 3.55 rolls at a cost of $3 per student. Seven years ago, we had better paper, but paper products were the first thing to be cut, said Kris Fulkerson, procurement officer at

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camps continue throughout world

NEW YORK Some of the latest developments in the Occupy protests: Music and marching orders accompanied election day at the Occupy Wall Street protest at lower Manhattans Zuccotti Park. David Crosby and Graham Nash, of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, brought a little Woodstock to the plaza with an acoustic set for about 1,000 protesters and onlookers. Its wild, how things line up, said Tyler Westcott, 19, a college student from Hunt, N.Y. What you have here is the New Left from the Vietnam era and the new left here now. Also Tuesday, a small group of activists announced plans to begin a march Wednesday from the park to Washington in hopes of arriving Nov. 23, the deadline for a congressional committee to decide whether to keep President Barack Obamas extension of Bush-era tax cuts. Protesters say the cuts benefit only rich Americans. The march idea was inspired by the kind of long-distance walks led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights era. Protesters say theyll overnight by camping or at volunteered accommodations. It was election day in the United States on Tuesday, with many local races and some higher profile races being decided in several states. Across the nation, some protesters said it was important to be part of the process, while others questioned whether their votes mean much and saying the candidates arent saying things they want to vote for. Rhode Islands junior senator is trying to harness anger against big banks with a legislative effort to crack down on sky-high credit card interest rates he calls grotesque. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who this week visited the Occupy protesters encampment in Providence, is introducing a bill that would close a loophole under which credit card companies are effectively able to avoid state-


level caps on interest rates and charge as much as 30 percent in some cases. This is something that has gone unchecked for far too long, Whitehouse said on the Senate floor Tuesday. Whitehouse says consumer anger is a live issue. In an interview with The Associated Press, he referenced the recent backlash over Bank of America debit card charges, a plan that was dropped last week. He also noted Bank Transfer Day, held nationwide on Saturday, an effort to get customers of big banks to close their accounts in protest of high fees and what they call unfair lending practices. Whitehouse is a first-term Democrat from Newport who is facing re-election in 2012. Many managers in Londons financial services industry believe some of their colleagues are paid too much, while a majority say they are motivated more by salary and bonuses than enjoyment at work, a poll says. The poll, commissioned by the St. Pauls Institute at St. Pauls Cathedral, found that 66 percent of the sample thought bond traders earned too much and 63 percent said chief executives of the top 100 British corporations were overpaid. The poll results showed threefourths of respondents saying the gap between rich and poor was too large in Britain, and 70 percent thought teachers were underpaid. Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson granted a temporary restraining order against the state of New Jersey, ordering police to return items confiscated from protesters in Trenton and rejecting some imposed rules. The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey had sued on behalf of protesters, who claim their freedom of speech was infringed on when troopers confiscated items they considered unattended at a memorial across from the Statehouse. The ACLU says the state made up park rules after the protests started. The judge ruled Monday.



Senate preps for Big 12 meet

[email protected] Student senate is in the final stages of preparation for the Big 12 Student Government Leadership Conference which will take place Nov. 17-20. The theme of this years conference is Synergy: A Path Towards Empowerment. Student Senate Development Director and primary conference coordinator, Kris Velasco, created the theme and has been planning the conference since he was elected to his position in April. This opportunity represents the perfect forum for real idea sharing to come about, Velasco said. Numerous ideas Student Senate gets for projects comes about from this conference. The annual event is intended to be a place for student government leaders to collaborate on ideas, concerns and solutions about governance. Velasco said that previous student senates had taken advantage of the conference to learn about ideas for new projects that can be implemented at the University. This opportunity represents the perfect forum for real idea sharing to come about, Velasco said. For example, weve recently implemented the JayLEAD program, which is a Student Senate intern program, after hearing about it from K-State last year. Other ideas generated by past Big 12 leadership conferences also include The BIG Event, a community service organization, based on a similar program at Texas A&M. Velasco said that learning how to run the executive staff more efficiently is another benefit of the conference. Every school currently in the Big 12 will be attending the conference, including Missouri and Texas A&M. Velasco said that Texas Christian University was also invited to attend and will be sending four delegates. The most recent addition to the Big 12 conference, West Virginia University, will not be in attendance at this years conference. Given the time constraint between their admission and the date of the conference, there wasnt enough time to plan for them coming, Velasco said. Originally, Nebraska was supposed to host this years conference, but when Nebraska left the conference, former student body president, Michael Wade Smith, volunteered Kansas as an alternative host. Velasco said that hosting the conference is an opportunity for the University to show off all the things that make Kansas great. In relation to the other Big 12 schools, KUs Student Senate has the strongest voice within the university administration, Velasco said. All university boards and committees must be made up of 20 percent students; thats huge, no other school in the Big 12 has that. Outreach Director Brandon Woodard is looking forward to networking and sharing ideas at the conference. Woodard, along with the rest of the executive staff, will be in attendance. Because Kansas is the host, five senators were selected through a competitive application process and will attend the meeting as well. Velasco said that he is both nervous and excited about the outcome of the conference. Since I am the one planning it, it is my job to ensure that the image of the University of Kansas and Student Senate that comes across to all of the Big 12 schools is a positive image, Velasco said. If the vision I created for this conference isnt what the other schools like, it will be a poor reflection of KU, and a poor reflection of me; that standard makes me very stressed. Velasco has the support of the executive staff, including Woodard. He has every detail planned out, including a wake up call for the rooms of all the other schools coming to the conference, Woodard said. Other items on the agenda include a guest appearance by Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.), who will be discussing his role as Kansas student body president when he attended the University and his work in helping create the Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center as state representative. Chancellor Bernadette GrayLittle, Provost Jeffery Vitter and other various members of the administration will be speaking at the conference as well. Edited by C.J. Matson





bP no longer on hook for beach oil clean up

NEW ORlEaNs Bp will no longer be responsible to clean up oil that winds up on shores of the Gulf coast unless officials can prove it comes from the companys well that blew out in 2010, causing the worst offshore spill in u.s. history, according to a plan approved by the coast Guard and obtained by The associated press on Tuesday. The plan marks the near end of the cleanup phase of the oil spill, according the Nov. 2 agreement. Now, Bp will turn its attention to restoring areas damaged by the spill that began on april 20, 2010, when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded, killing 11 workers. about $1 billion has been set aside for those projects, an official says. about 90 percent of the Gulf coast has been deemed clean, according to officials. The plan spells out protocol for when an area still needs to be cleaned and when Bps responsibility for that ends. louisiana officials wouldnt give their approval because they were concerned about what they perceived as a lack of long-term monitoring in the document, New oil that shows up on clean shores would be treated as any kind of oil response, said coast Guard spokeswoman lt. suzanne Kerver. Officials would try to determine where it came from. If a link to Bps now-plugged macondo well was found, then the coast Guard would ask the oil giant to clean it up. Kerver said the shoreline plan outlines the standard for clean. Bp can now start work on restoring areas damaged by the spill. This is an important milestone in the recovery process for the Gulf coast, said mike utsler, head of Bps Gulf coast Restoration Organization. utsler said Bp has set aside $1 billion. Edward Owens, a technical adviser for Bp, said the Gulf clean up was in its final stages. Associated Press

many students report cell phone addiction

a recent poll done by Hackcollege. com shows that college students use their cell phones more than they think. Ninety-four percent of students who took the poll said they text every day, and 60 percent of students who took the poll said they feel addicted to their cell phones. Eighty-eight percent of students said they text during classes. andrea Exon, a freshman from shawnee, said she checks her cell phone every time she gets a text in class and has already experienced being called out by one of her professors. It was a small class, she said. It was just really awkward. Ryan Tenholder, a freshman from Topeka, said he doesnt have a cell phone and that a cell phone isnt essential to his life. He said hes better off in school without one. It allows me to focus more on the moment rather than someone whos

waiting for texts, said Tenholder. There is no campus-wide policy prohibiting students from using cell phones in class, although professors and graduate teaching assistants have the authority to mandate individual policies in their own classrooms. kameron Mack



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Because the stars know things we dont. aries (march 21-april 19) Today is an 8 it's easy to just bluster through financially. you've got confidence, ambition and power. keep it inside a plan, and don't spend wildly. Make an emotional appeal. Taurus (april 20-may 20) Today is a 9 learn how to be prepared from another's emergency. Friends are ready to lend a hand, and a strong back or two, if you need them. Better safe than sorry. gemini (may 21-June 21) Today is a 6 slow down and contemplate. procrastination is knocking on your door. indulge it productively by cleaning house, but only if you can keep your deadlines. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is an 8 Begin a new project. stumble upon your creative self and make things happen. Accept a generous offer for your work. you can see farther. Focus on abundance. Leo (July 23-aug. 22) Today is a 7 Follow your intuition when it comes to career now. dare for bold and audacious dreams, and go for them. pay back a debt. the money's available. plan your actions. virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) Today is a 9 this could be a lucky break for you. remember that love's the bottom line. Material abundance is nice and could just flow easily. say "thank you." Libra (sept. 23-oct. 22) Today is a 9 what you've learned is being tested now. don't worry about the final score, just enjoy the process. Finances flow for the next few days.



wednesday, november 9, 2011 sudoku

Page 4


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David Carpenter

thE NExt pANEl


Two kings of hip-hop create rap group

Nick Sambaluk

sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21) Today is a 9 Make sure that you get plenty of rest as the action gets more hectic. don't take it (or yourself) too seriously, or you may burn out. pace yourself. you can do it. Capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 you're lucky in love for the next few days, although there may be some competition. Finish a contract or document, and get into a new project. your connections open doors. aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 you have a lot that is hidden from view. Find change by cleaning at home. when everything's in order, new possibilities arise. clean finances, too (and earn gold stars). Pisces (Feb. 19-march 20) Today is an 8 dive into a research project. shut yourself away in a quiet place, and the solutions reveal themselves. you retain the information with ease.

MiNNEApolis he wasnt as cute and playful as paul Mccartney, as sexy and dangerous as Mick Jagger or as handsome and wholesome as peter Noone of hermans hermits. But the kinks ray davies was the most gentlemanly rocker in the first wave of the British invasion, an introspective soul who celebrated whimsy, nostalgia and Englishness. Five decades later, he remains a well-respected man for his sharp social satire and often cinematic songwriting. while critics and fans are fond of his songs (you really Got Me and lola are the best known), hes fond of his travels. in fact, hes writing a book about his good and bad times in the united states.

Kinks english rocker laments on music life

After performing chiefly solo since the mid-1990s, davies, 67, hit the road last week, backed by the 88 a los Angeles rock quartet to promote a new album. on see My Friends, davies revisits kinks songs with the likes of Bruce springsteen, Metallica, Mumford & sons, spoon, lucinda williams and Bon Jovi. the secret of this was that it was collaborations, not covers, said davies, who is proud of the project. Everybody put their 10 cents worth and in some cases even more. his next project could be a kinks musical. he recently met with a writer who might pen the book. No, it wont be a jukebox musical. this is going to be dark, he said. its a mixture of Apocalypse Now and Mary poppins. McClatchy-Tribune


scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21) Today is an 8 your relationships are becoming stronger. take care of others like you would like them to take care of you. Join forces with a master of surprises.





NEw york kings arent known for their cooperation. theyre known for their battles. Jay-Z and kanye west, two of hip-hops reigning monarchs, have fostered a new spirit of collaboration with their new group the throne and a massive, extravagant tour that launched last month. Jay-Z and wests joining forces as equals would be like the Beatles and the rolling stones performing together in the same band in the 60s or prince and Michael Jackson teaming up in the 80s. in other words, seemingly impossible yet, here they are. the watch the throne album did not disappoint, proving itself as a true collaboration, with both Jay and ye pushing each other to do better. McClatchy-Tribune

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wEdnEsdAy, novEmbEr 9, 2011


text in free for alls

By Ben Wilinsky
[email protected]

785)( 9 28 1 835

Forecast dark for Penn State

shower looks different to me now. The events that occurred in that locker room are nothing less than horrible; however, the lack of action by the Penn State athletic department and Joe Paterno are even more despicable. The winningest coach in college football history, 84-year-old Joe Paterno, turns a blind eye to the sexual abuse of innocent boys in his locker room. Surprised? Oddly enough, I am not. I am not surprised that the initial witness stayed quiet for so long. I am not surprised that Joe Paterno did the absolute bare minimum and then kept quiet. And I am not surprised that nothing really happened until now. Why? Because the short term is easier than the long term, doing whats right is not easy, and because lying is a poisonous habit to break. If Paterno had stepped forward at the onset, the ensuing storm would have been a category one versus the category five hurricane that looms off the coast of Pennsylvania right now. Now think about our campus. Jayhawk Nation has had its fair share of scandals. Obviously rigged ticket sales and Manginos abuse are only light drizzle in comparison to this Nittany Lion monstrosity. Nonetheless its important to ask the tough questions. Are we invulnerable to this spiral of silence? In the midst of a scandal, would Bill Self, our leader and the face of the University, do the right thing or would he rest on his laurels and reputation? I would like to think that we are a campus of high character and a program of elite ethics and that he would do the right thing. But Ill bet they thought the same at Penn State. What we can learn from this sorry state of affairs at Penn State? That the cover-up is always worse than the crime, that reputation is all we have and that authenticity is crucial to ones ability to ride out the storm. Lets hope for the sake of college athletics and this age-old program out East that someone in Pennsylvania has an umbrella. Because lately for top college officials, when it rains, it pours. Ben Wilinsky is a senior from Overland Park.


free fOr ALL

Text your FFA submissions to 785-289-8351

You bet your ass Im not going to class for a week. MODERN WARFARE 3. There are going to be so many walking zombie men on campus this week. Boys and their games, woof. Thank you hot girl in the white T-shirt while it rains, I get to walk around campus with a boner. Heres an idea, fire Turner and hire Tressel. We can get him for a discount, and he can actually win. If half the class failed, youre probably a bad teacher. I forgot how to throw a boomerang, but then it came back to me. Do the crosswords get harder throughout the week like the sudoku does? Mondays I feel like a genius; by Fridays I feel like a sorority girl. Batman has the best super power money. Vaginas for using umbrellas? Youre the one getting wet. I believe that makes YOU the vagina. No. Guys with umbrellas are guys that get to walk around with beautiful girls without umbrellas. I thought a joint was on the front of the Kansan. I bet more people than usual picked it up. Dear girl trying to seduce me with the sucker while camping, its working. The squirrel article was funnier than all the FFAs combined. Editors note: Ethan Lovell is a pretty awesome columnist, and I only have so much to work with. Apogees servers are only the latest, fastest, highest quality potatoes. To the guy that bumped into me while reading the FFA, youre cute. Lets bump into each other again. Let OccupyAFH begin! Standing in the rain Umbrella turns inside out Cannot catch a bus. My new favorite game: Ninjawalk behind people with umbrellas to each class. I have 100 percent cotton sheets and bitches seem to love them. I dont know why you have to buy silk ones. The earthquakes are all fun and games until one hits Yellowstone. Girls, I get that you want to show off your butt in those tight pants. But stop making it look like your butt cheeks are eating your pants. That awkward moment when you look in the bathroom mirror and make eye contact with the person in the stall behind you.

The forecast for this weekend is sunny here in Lawrence, but I like the pounding rain of the last few days. Rain is cleansing. It washes away the dirt that coats our streets and makes the fallen leaves around us look shiny and new. The forecast is rain in University Park, Penn., tonight. For Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky and the Penn State University athletic department, this could be an opportunity to finally come clean. The pending allegations against Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State defensive coordinator, are atrocious to say the least. My


The epic fail of language

When did Vinny and Pauly D replace Webster and Roget? Popular words and phrases always change from decade to decade and generation to generation. In recent years, however, our generation has contributed to the degradation of the English language. There is a growing push to have more Americans become bilingual, but how can we be expected to do that when we can barely master spoken English? Instead of expanding our vocabularies and aiming for eloquence, our verbal skills are focused on being hip and slovenly. We may no longer use sit on it, necking or daddy-o, but the slew of recent hip terms that have arisen in the past few years would make the script of Clueless sound like a Thoreau poem. Bro, broski or brah If we cross paths out on the town and I do not know you, this is not an acceptable form of introduction; this rule also applies to dude or chief. When I go to Hy-Vee and ask for help, I expect to find a helpful smile in every aisle, not somebody directing me where to go followed by the term dawg. Awesome or sick At some point in time, these became the only two adjectives used to describe anything. Everything you saw, did or accomplished was not sick or awesome. At least awesome was meant to be used in a positive light, but when did something being sick signify glory? Face palm, fail, epic fail Perhaps the slang for which I

Ask Liz: Advice for life

By Liz Stephens
[email protected] I think I might be dating a drug dealer. What should I do? Eryn, freshman First, get the facts before you make any decisions. Im not sure what tipped you off in the first place to his entrepreneurial ventures, but maybe you should bring it to his attention that youre confused about his lifestyle. If you feel uncomfortable about saying anything, that hints already of a shaky relationship. Two things may happen: he deals drugs or he just likes to do drugs. In either case, you need to determine if youre comfortable with these things or if hes better off with someone else. This guy may be someone really special. Maybe you can overlook his wayward lifestyle and accept him apart from his job. Thats cool, but be aware that doing and selling drugs are illegal. If you arent going to dump him, I advise you to keep your body healthy and dont participate in any medicinal recreation. Avoid going on runs or errands with Need some advice? Email Liz at [email protected] to help solve anything from dating dilemmas to roommate troubles. him. Dont touch the stuff. Its important to note that if you get involved with this guy you could be caught up in police business down the line. If you arent into the idea of staying with this guy, break it off as you would in any other situation. Do it in person. Dont give excuses or lie. Let him know that you respect him and enjoyed the time you had with him. Then dont call him again even if you need a favor. Im broke and I want to keep the romance alive with my girlfriend. Can you give me some date ideas that are cheap? Trent, junior Boy, can I. In order of best idea to worst idea: make out, pillow fight, kiss, hold hands, go on a walk, bake bread together, rake, watercolor paint, mend buttons, fist fight, have an eating contest. Stephens is a senior in English from Dodge City.

By Darrin Cline
Iowa State Daily Iowa State University via UWIRE

have the most personal contempt, this collection of terms has become so ubiquitous among young adults outsiders would think all we do is fail. Obamas stimulus plan may have been an epic fail, but an attempt to ride a laundry basket down a set of stairs hardly qualifies as epic in any sense. TXT speak It is acceptable on Facebook, Twitter and in a text message, not during a conversation. A prime example of our current level of laziness, speaking with text abbreviations is an insult to the expanse that is the English language. Is it that much harder to use the full words instead of LOL, IDK or TTYL? Movie quotes Who doesnt love Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman or the Hangover movies? They are comedy staples and some of the funniest films of our era. Nonetheless, no matter how funny Will Ferrell or Zach Galifanakis may be, every one-liner they delivered has a shelf life. Like, um, like The epitome of squalid verbal talent. Not like in the sense of a Facebook status, but like in the sense of every other word of an unprepared class presentation where like, every, like, other word, like comes out minced between likes. Everybody hears it, everybody

hates it, yet no one makes an effort to stop it. Words are beautiful things. They can make us stop and think or motivate us to action. They evoke emotion or anger. Words and language evolve and grow so that we may better ourselves, not so we can relegate them. Unfortunately, our vernacular gives a representation of the time. In 2001, MerriamWebster added bromance and tweet to their official collection, along with the pop culture definition of a cougar. While many remember dictionaries as a reference for expanding vocabularies, their basis for inclusion is usage. Thus, the eroding quality and simplicity of commonly used words has forced the utmost authorities in language to select these putrid terms. The president of Websters even called fist bump as the champion of the group. This coming from the company that previously honored respectable terms such as admonish and insipid among its words of the year. How many times has quixotic or quagmire been used in daily speech by a college student? Slang terms come and go. Some terms are inescapable, and it is difficult to not let a few slip. They may be popular, but does not mean they are fashionable. Take pride in eloquence and use originality in speech.


Nick Sambaluk




If you could fly to anywhere in the world right now where would you go and why?
Follow us on Twitter @UDK_Opinion. Tweet us your opinions, and we just might publish them.

@UdK_opinion The exosphere. I was going to say outer space, but thats not in the world so our outer atmospheric limit will have to do.


@UdK_opinion The Netherlands. thats where my parents currently are... for now. theyre as elusive as Waldo and Carmen Sandiego


@UdK_opinion Middle Earth. Id like some Elijah Wood in my life right now. #thatface

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@UdK_opinion the Canadian Arctic to swim with narwhals #unicornsofthesea #magicaltuskswag

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tHe editOriAL bOArd

Members of The Kansan Editorial Board are Kelly Stroda, Joel Petterson, Jonathan Shorman, Vikaas Shanker, Mandy Matney and Stefanie Penn.


wEDNESDAY, NoVEmbER 9, 2011


Kansas 54| 47 101 Fort Hays JayHawK Stat LeaderS
Points Rebounds Assists

Kansas 101, Fort Hays state 52

24| 28 52

old teammates back in sync

[email protected]






Game to rememBer
Naadir tharpe, freshman guard
tharpe looked just fine in his debut against Pittsburg state, but he surrendered nine turnovers. He gave up only two on tuesday against Fort Hays state, scored 19 points, dished seven assists and snagged five steals. self said that he simply took better care of the ball, leading to easier scoring chances for his teammates. senior guard Conner teahan and junior forward thomas robinson were the biggest benefactors. first guy off the bench in the regular season.

Headlines and highlights from Kansas victories this season look to be fairly predictable. A Thomas Robinson double-double or windmill dunk both of which fans saw Tuesday night in the 101-52 victory over Fort Hays State look to be the norm. However, someone has to get Robinson the ball. Thats where freshman point guard Naadir Tharpe comes in, who finished with 19 points, seven assists and five steals in the win. Tharpe and Robinson were high school teammates for one season at Brewster Academy in New Hampshire and Tharpes produc-

tive night was a friendly reminder of the duos high school days. This is the point guard I had in BA (Brewster Academy) right here, Robinson said, playfully rubbing Tharpes head and smiling. A shooter, passer, a true point guard. All around. Tharpes debut for Kansas was less than successful last week against Pittsburg State. He finished with nine turnovers, and according to him and head coach Bill Self, an extra week of practice did wonders. Tharpe credited fellow guards Tyshawn Taylor and Elijah Johnson for pushing him harder in practice. Self credited Tharpe for not trying to make a spectacular play on every possession.

I thought Naadir did a much better job tonight of just making the simple play, Self said. And a bunch of simple plays added up turned out to be great. Tharpe still found room for a few of those special plays, including a drive halfway through the second half in which he drew a foul before draining a fade-away jump shot, bringing the Allen Fieldhouse crowd to a roar. Tharpe said a lot of tonights success had to do with Thomas Robinson returning to the lineup after missing last weeks game due to injury. It made it a lot easier because all of the focus was on him, Tharpe said. And you can see we played much, much better than we

did the first game. Whether it was not trying too hard, as Self noted, ridding himself of those first game jitters or simply having his old teammate in the lineup, his stat sheet was turned on its head from his first game. When Tharpe and Robinson werent jokingly telling media members to look them up on YouTube for old highlights, Robinson spoke of the chemistry they created in high school and what might be in store this season. We were eye-to-eye at Brewster, Robinson said. Hopefully that will transfer over here. edited by Stefanie Penn


Game to ForGet
Kevin young, junior forward
young was active around the hoop, grabbing nine rebounds and blocking a shot, but the rest of his game was pretty messy. He missed four of his five shot attempts, two of his three free throw attempts, committed four fouls in just 18 minutes played and seemed lost regularly on defense. With such shallow depth in the frontcourt, coach Bill Self will need young to produce. If he doesnt, young may lose playing time to sophomore forward Justin Wesley.


Quote oF tHe Game

Hes a cocky guy, and if you are 5-foot-11 at this level, you better be pretty cocky and tough.
Bill Self on tharpe


Prime PLayS
FirSt HaLF (SCore aFter PLay)
16:11- Jeff Withey finds a wide-open Conner Teahan on the right wing, who connects on his second three pointer of the game. 16-6 Kansas 9:23- Naadir Tharpe grabs a steal from Fort Hays States Jason Ball. He races down court, hesitates, then blows by a defender for the easy lay in. 33-14 Kansas 8:30- Travis Releford steals a pass from Kendrick Morse and proceeds down the left sideline. He then finds an open Conner teahan who finishes with a reverse lay in. 36-14 Kansas 1:45- thomas robinson grabs his own rebound and goes back up with a monstrous dunk, awakening the crowd and giving Kansas a 52-24 lead.

Freshman guard Naadir Tharpe keeps his eye on the ball during defensive play against Fort Hays State Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011. Tharpe finished the game with seven assists while scoring 19 points for the Jayhawks.



section behind him and raised his arms for more volume. You cant simulate that in practice, Johnson said. After surrendering nine turnovers in his debut, Tharpe was cautious with the ball and gave his teammates more open opportunities. Senior guard Conner Teahan, who led Kansas with 21 points against Pittsburg State, hit all five of his shot attempts and was uncontested for most of them. Tyshawn and Elijah, they really got after me, Tharpe said. I felt like I was really hungry to play in this game because of practice. Robinsons knee held up and so did his team. Coming off a sluggish first half in its debut against Pittsburg State, Kansas dominated Fort Hays State from the start. Johnson said that Robinson has changed since these teams last met on Nov. 3, 2009. I appreciate the compliment but theres a lot more to be done, Robinson said. edited by rachel Schultz

15:11- thomas robinson seals off off his defender as the ball is reversed along the perimeter. He then receives a short pass from Conner teahan and finishes with an easy dunk. 65-33 Kansas 11:30- after a missed three-point attempt from Fort Hays state, naadir tharpe drives to the basket from the left wing. He draws the foul and finishes with a fade away jump shot off the glass. 71-38 Kansas 9:57- Naadir Tharpe grabs a steal from Jason Ball and rushes down the right sideline before finding a streaking Justin Wesley for the easy dunk. 79-38 Kansas 8:17- Another steal by Naadir Tharpe, this time at mid-court from Karron McKenzie. tharpe passes down court to a wide open thomas robinson who finishes with a windmill dunk. 83-41 Kansas students in the student section reading the paper as part of the pre-game tradition before the mens basketball team faced off against Fort Hays State University at Allen Fieldhouse on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011.


The 101-52 victory is the 39th consecutive exhibition win for Kansas, dating back to 1995 Kansas improves to 8-0 all-time against Fort Hays State Bill Self is now 25-0 in exhibition games while at Kansas Kansas grabbed 14 steals, the most since collecting 18 against UMKC on Jan. 5 of last season. The 101 points scored by Kansas were the most in exhibition play since tallying 103 against Pittsburg State on Nov. 10, 2009


See exclusive basketball photos at

Key StatS

Dont forget to follow

Dr. James Naismith was born 150 years ago from Sunday. If he was paying attention, naismiths former team didnt disappoint. Teahan hit all five of his shot attempts exactly one week after he led Kansas with 21 points against Pittsburg state. If teahan continues his torrid pace, his playing time will only increase. Robinson played 28 minutes in his first game back from a hyperextended knee. The injury seems like a thing of the past after his 22 point, 12 rebound outburst.

150 5-5 28

on Twitter while youre at it.

Coach Bill Self has a laugh with one of his players late in the second half Tuesday against Fort Hays State. The Jayhawks won the game 101-52.


A: 409


WEDNESDAY, NoVEmbER 9, 2011 MornIng BreW


QUotE of thE DAY

Theres no individual in the entire 120- or 130-year history of the University that has had a greater impact on the institution than Joe Paterno. Larry Foster, a former trustee and a president of the alumni association at Penn State, in 2004

Paternos inaction destroys legacy

n case you missed it, Penn State University is in the midst of one of the worst sports scandals in recent memory, and it never should have reached this point. Former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky was indicted Monday with 40 counts of various sex crimes against young children. Sandusky had been with the Penn State football program for more than 30 years, and he is accused of using his leadership position in the Second Mile charity program to prey on and victimize at least eight young boys over a 15-year period. The most disturbing aspect of this whole ordeal is that not only were Penn State officials, including legendary coach Joe Paterno, aware of Sanduskys unthinkable wrongdoings, but the University took no legal action whatsoever against Sandusky. The blame has been placed all around the Penn State admin-

fAct of thE DAY

By Andrew Joseph
[email protected] istration, even resulting in the ousting of Athletic Director Tim Curley and VP for business and finance Gary Schultz, but the responsibility has to fall on the shoulders of Paterno. According to the grand jury report, when a graduate assistant walked in on Sandusky engaged in sexual acts in the shower with a young boy, he reported it to Paterno. The coach decided, as professionally obligated, to report the incident to his superior, Athletic Director Curley. Paterno would have acted completely in the right if the authorities had actually been notified they were not. Sandusky was still per-

At age 84, Paterno is in his 46th season as coach at Penn State. gopsusports.com


Q: Paterno is the all-time winningest

coach in Division I history. How many victories does he have?

Football Soccer Cross Country


mitted to have access to Penn State football facilities, and he even held football camps (for more children) on Penn States campus. Although Paterno did not violate any laws, it is appalling that the coach sat idly by when he realized Curley was not going to contact the police. Yes, I realize the 84-year-old coach held loyalty to his friend of 32 years, but Paternos actions, or lack thereof, directly resulted in the ruined lives of innocent children. The bottom line is that Penn State chose to value its football brand more than the safety and well-being of children. Paterno can say that he was acting according to protocol all he wants, but what would he have done if the alleged victim was his grandchild? I guarantee that Paternos first phone call would not have been to Tim Curley. The degree of selfishness exhibited by Paterno and Penn State officials will forever tar-

nish the once-proud tradition of football in Happy Valley. If the college footballs winningest coach has any compassion for the children he indirectly victimized, he should step down from the position as Penn State football coach immediately. However, it does not end with Paterno. Everyone who helped cover up Sanduskys actions

needs to tender resignations if the school has any chance of restoring any semblance of its image. Joe Paterno has done more for the benefit of Penn State than any individual, but it only took one terrible decision to erase it all. Edited by Jonathan Shorman


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Volume 124 Issue 57



Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Brew: Scandal hits Paterno

After success, upgrades wanted
read the story online at Kansan.com: http://udkne.ws/vIaIgr

Coachs inaction erases long legacy

PaGe 7


Penn state football coach Joe Paterno addresses supporters from a window at his home Tuesday in state College, Pa. Paternos support among the Penn state board of trustees was described as eroding threatening to end the 84-year-old coachs career.



Kansas 101, ForT Hays sTaTe 52

Two weeks, two games, two teams

[email protected] As the final seconds of Tuesdays first half ticked away, junior forward Thomas Robinson charges down James Naismith Court at Allen Fieldhouse, stops at the left arc of three point line, band side, and throws up a shot. The Jayhawk faithful held its collective breath, the ball rattled around the rim, then it popped out of the hoop and on to the hardwood. Robinson smiled, the fans sighed and the half was over. The shot didnt drop, but it didnt matter much. The Jayhawks were up by 30 points and their leader was back, catalyzing Kansas en route to a 101-52 victory against Fort Hays State. Thomas being out there makes the game much easier for us, freshman guard Naadir Tharpe said. You can see that we played a lot better than last week. Robinson was sidelined in the first exhibition against Pittsburg State on Nov. 1 after he hyperextended his left knee a few days before. With a flexible black brace strapped to the same knee, Robinson returned to the starting lineup and wasted no time establishing his prowess down low. Maybe our guys need to get injured like that, Fort Hays State coach Mark Johnson said. He looks like a different player. Seconds after Self screamed at him for lackluster defense late in the first half, Tharpe stalled an opposing fast break with a steal and lobbed the ball downcourt. Waiting there for the catch was a wide open Robinson, his former preparatory school teammate at Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro, N.H. Robinson stopped, set his feet and hammered the hoop with a windmill dunk. The Fieldhouse burst with noise; Tharpe turned to the student

By C.J. Matson

[email protected]

t is amazing the difference a week can make for the Kansas mens basketball team. Even though last weeks game and last nights game were merely exhibition games against Division II teams, dont take them with a grain of salt. The absence of Thomas Robinson in last weeks game was a primary reason for the Jayhawks struggles against the Pittsburg State Gorillas. With Robinson in the game, the Jayhawks drastically improved against the Fort Hays State Tigers. The Jayhawks possessed more vigor, confidence and poise against the Tigers. The players fed off Robinsons energy and capitalized on his presence. Offensively, Kansas was judicious and methodical, establishing an adequate front court offense with Robinson, Jeff Withey and Justin Wesley. Wesley drastically improved from last weeks game, scoring 12 points, recording four rebounds and blocking two shots. Wesleys athleticism was conspicuous. If he can duplicate or build on his efforts, he can be a huge bonus for a thin front court that will be playing against teams with strong, talented post players. I felt like tonight I did a better job of using my athleticism, Wesley said. I saw a lot of stuff I wanted to work on in order to play better this game and I felt like I did that. The back court, led by Naadir Tharpe and Conner Teahan, was able to create offense on their own. Robinsons passing was a key reason for that. His passing has improved immensely, which is important because opponents will pester him down low in the paint, leaving guards open on the perimeter. Tharpe said that playing with Robinson made it much easier for him and others. In 29 minutes, Tharpe scored 19 points and had seven assists. It made it a lot easier because all of the focus was on him this week, so it gave Justin and Conner a chance to show up and knock down shots, Tharpe said. The back court will be the Jayhawks strength when Tyshawn Taylor and Elijah Johnson return to the lineup. Tharpe and Teahan will provide valuable minutes and make key contributions. Defensively, the team played well. The front court defense was stout with Robinson inserted in to the lineup. The defense yielded only 11 offensive rebounds and made life very difficult for the Tigers front court offense. Perimeter defense also forced 22 turnovers and accumulated 14 steals. Great players are players who make the rest of their team better. Robinson has already demonstrated that he is capable of doing that. If Taylor and Johnson can enhance the rest of the teams performance as well, then depth wont be an issue. The Jayhawks will only get better the more minutes they play together. Edited by Adam Strunk


Junior forward Thomas robinson shoots a short range shot in the first half Tuesday at allen Fieldhouse. robinson finished the game with double double with 22 points and 12 rebounds.


Team prepares to face speedy Griffin

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Trailing by four with 31 seconds left in the game, the number one team in the nation was in grave danger of losing its perfect season. And thats when Iowa quarterback and Heisman Trophy candidate Chuck Long further cemented himself into the memories of every viewer, every Iowa fan and every Michigan State fan watching the game on Oct. 19, 1985. The Hawkeyes were two yards short of the end zone when legendary Iowa coach Hayden Fry shocked everyone in the stadium with his play call. No one from the Hawkeyes opponent, Michigan State, and even Long, the current offensive coordinator for Kansas, saw it coming. The call was a naked bootleg run, a fake handoff to the running back followed by a quarterback run to the outside for Frys pocket passing quarterback. I tried to talk him out of that play, Long said. I said, Im not that fast. Yet when Long turned the corner after faking the handoff to his running back, now eight yards away from taking the lead, all he saw was open space. By the time he reached the six yard-line he raised his hand holding the ball straight up in the air and ran untouched into the end zone. Iowa won, much to the surprise of Long, who at first did not think the play would work. I thought I was too slow to get around that corner, Long said. On Saturday, the Jayhawks will

try to stifle a quarterback that has no issues with speed. Junior quarterback for Baylor, Robert Griffin III, will be a handful for Kansas come this weekend. For three years now Griffin has had the spotlight at Baylor. In high school, he was the number one 400-meter hurdler in the country and the top ranked sprinter in the 110-meter dash. In fact, Long has been so impressed with Griffin that he compared him to Texas football legend and national champion, Vince Young. Hes the best quarterback that Ive seen this year, Long said. He reminds me a lot of Vince Young to be honest. Vince Young was a special player and I think he even has a little bit better of an arm than Vince. Those guys are few and far between. Its often normal for a scrambling quarterback to lack the same kind of passing accuracy as a quarterback who prefers to stay in the pocket. But with Griffin, normal is not a word that ASSOCIATED PRESS comes into play. This season he has completed 74 percent of his Baylor quarterback robert Griffin III (10) is defended by Missouri defensive back Kip edwards, right, sheldon richardson (34) passes and thrown for 26 touch- and Luke Lambert (33) in the first half of an nCaa college football game, saturday, nov. 5, 2011, in Waco, Texas. downs with just four intercepdefensive coordinator Vic Shealy times they have to run to where touted quarterback, but made it tions. Last season in Waco, Texas, said of Griffins performance last hes going to be, rather than his clear that he is not afraid of him. The way I take it is, hes anGriffin dismantled the Jayhawks, year. He is so fast into the heart of actual location on the field. We know it much better, ju- other human being that wakes up as Baylor defeated Kansas 55-7. It your defense. And Kansas hopes that Griffins nior cornerback Tyler Patmon said just like I do: prepares, lift weights was the first of the blow out losses big performance last year will help of the Baylor offense. We know during the week and goes to class, that have become commonplace under coach Turner Gill. In that the Jayhawks slow down the elec- the concept of the offense much Johnson said. Its just whos going game, Griffin threw for 380-yards tric quarterback. Shealy said when better, so I think were going to be to be the tougher man that day. and ran for 64 more, totaling four taking on a quarterback like Grif- ready. Edited by Josh Kantor Senior linebacker Steven fin, the defense has to take a great touchdowns on the day. Oh, I remember all to well, angle against him. He said some- Johnson gave respect to the highly

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