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CAPIZ NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Through the Years Nestled on top of a hill, Capiz High School really lived

up to the name of a hig h school high quality education, highly qualified teachers and administrators, h as had always maintained high expectations and goals thus, has been highly regar ded since then Capiz High School now Capiz National High School grew as a nucleu s of education in Capiz. It developed as a prominent institution of quality educ ation in the province and among the best in the region. It has also made a name in the national level. .With the re-establishment of civil government during the American Occupation, t he Americans opened public schools as part of preparing the Filipinos for self-g overnment. In 1914, Capiz High School was completely organized. It became the only complete general secondary public high school in the province, making it the major insti tution of learning in Capiz. From among the first batch of the so-called Tomasites (term used to denote Ameri can educators), three were assigned in Capiz. With Mr. Robert Clawson, Capiz Hig h School became the nucleus of education in Capiz. Its teaching staff was compos ed of Americans. Basically, education was patterned from the American system. Te xtbooks and other school supplies were American. English was of course the mediu m of instruction. The principal at that time was Mr. Jacobson whose American wif e is also a teacher. Mr. Jacobson was replaced by Mr. Merit. During his term, th ere were already Filipino teachers wearing Filipino costumes as uniform. The first Filipino Principal was Mr. Delfin Reinaldo. In 1925, the school offere d two courses : normal and general. The general course offered History, Science, Biology, English, Mathematics and Physical Education. The normal course had His tory, Biology, Science, Reading Methods, Arithmetic Methods and Music. In 1933, the normal course was abolished. Feeling the need for vocational enhancement , vocational courses were offered in 1935. First and Second Year students took exploratory training in vocational co urses. The Third and Fourth Year students were asked to specialize in their chos en vocational course, however, they were allowed to take one vocational course o nly. In 1939, ceramics was added as a vocational offering. Sports and athletics became part of the curriculum. Games were then played at th e foot of the Capiz High School. With the outbreak of the Second World War on December 8, 1941, classes were susp ended. The school was made a garrison of the Japanese Imperial Army. A week afte r the occupation of the Japanese, the school was burned down by the Allied Force s, creating a great damage to the school building. After the liberation in 1946, Capiz High School was repaired and classes resumed despite the lack of chairs and safe floors. The school was closed in 1957. It then became part of the Capiz School of Arts a nd Trades (CASAT), now Panay State Polytechnic College Roxas City Campus. In 1960, the school reopened through the initiative of Atila Balgos, former gove rnor and head of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NA RRA). Ex-Governor Balgos was also supported by the former Asst. Superintendent o f Schools, Jesus D. Meez and Miss Socrorro F. Mejorada, then assigned principal o f the school.

Through the effort of Gov. Balgos, the Carabao Court was developed. More classro oms were built and a small playgound was made. Enrolment increased which forced the first year students to hold their classes a t the Villareal Stadium. To cater to the demands of a growing school, a school c anteen was constructed. Buildings for the Home Economics and Practical Arts were also constructed. Peace corps volunteers also form part of the teaching staff. In 1964, with the promotion of Miss Mejorada as Academic Supervisor in the Divis ion Office, Mr. Jose Cordenillo became the acting Principal until Mr. Federico R oldan , a principal from Dumalag, assumed office as Principal of Capiz High Scho ol. With the proclamation of Martial Law in 1972, changes were made in the school. M ore improvements were made in the school. The transfer of Mr. Cordenillo as Principal to the City of Roxas High School, no w Congressman Ramon A. Arnaldo National High School, elevated Miss Josefa V. Arg os as Assistant Principal of the School. At this time, department heads were ass igned to aid the Miss Argos and Mr. Roldan. With the retirement of Mr. Roldan in 1977, Miss Josefa V. Argos became principal and Mr. Antonio Amoroso, assistant principal. Their tandem plus the support of the late Assemblyman Jaenito Madamba, Representative of the First District of Ca piz, Capiz High School was converted into a national high school. With Parliamen tary Bill No. 229 presented by Hon. Madamba at the Batasang Pambansa on December 11, 1981, and later signed into a law by former Pres, Ferdinand Marcos on Febru ary 8, 1982, CHS became CNHS Capiz National High School. Miss Josefa V. Argos be came the first principal of the newly nationalized Capiz High School. The conversion of the school into a national high school brought more improvemen t to the school. With its efficient administrator and support staff, it has cont inually risen to prominence as a prime school in the province as well as in the region. 1988 brought retirement to a pillar of the school, Miss Josefa V. Argos. Mrs. Re medios B. Piansay, then Department Head for English acted as OIC Principal. Mrs. Narcisa C. Artates, principal of Roxas City School for Philippine Craftsmen, ca me in as Principal of the school. Under Mrs. Artates, a lot of changes occurred. Through her effort and with the s upport of the Science Department Head, Miss Elsa T. Perez, now a school Principa l, Capiz National High School offered a Special Science and Technology and Mathe matics Class in 1989. In 1993, Capiz NHS produced its first graduates. The school continued to grow as a Division Leader School as well as a recipient of the DOST-ESEP Program in 1993 As pioneer school of the Department of Trade and Industry Personal Computers for Public Schools Project, the School Of the Future a computer-based literacy prog ram was introduced in 2002. In 2007, an Administration Building was constructed at the vacant lot beside the Main Building. In response to the challenge of excellence in national culture , the Special Pro gram in the Arts was offered in 2008. In May 2009, the rein of leadership from Mrs. Narcisa C. Artates was passed on t o Mr. Nestor A. de la Cruz. His leadership was welcomed with international and n

ational feats, especially in the field of science. The school pioneered the ct Citizen in the Visayas.


Not only did the school gain academic heights, teacher welfare was also improved through position classification which further inspired the teaching staff. Through the years Capiz National High School, with the help and support of its s takeholders, continues to offer premium education to its clienteles. It has neve r ceased to improve its curricular offerings to keep attuned to the challenges a nd call of the time.

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