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The practice of chanting is the practice of manifesting the same life-state as the Daishonin within us, so we should chant

with the resolve to embody his state of life. For example, if weve done something we regret, we can chant with a determination never to repeat the same mistake, making our prayer the first step toward a new and better future. When we face a decisive challenge, we can chant strongly and courageously with the firm resolve to win. When battling the three obstacles and the four devils, we can chant with the heart of a lion king,filled with confidence that well vanquish those negative functions. When were faced with the opportunity to transform our karma, we can infuse our prayer with an unwavering resolve not to be defeated. When were happy about something, we can chant with a deep spirit of appreciation and gratitude. What matters is that we continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo throughout all, regarding both suffering and joy as facts of life, as the Daishonin teaches. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the only way to truly polish our lives at the deepest level. Those who put chanting first can thoroughly polish their lives that have been clouded by darkness and make them shine like a bright mirror, reflecting the Dharma nature. Chanting is a process of polishing and forging our lives, which is why our faith is so important. Consequently, the benefit of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is absolutely not dependent on the amount we chant. What matters is that we chant to our own hearts content,the amount that feels right and satisfying for us. Nowhere in his writings does the Daishonin say we should chant a specific quantity. The efficacy of our prayers is influenced by the strength and depth of our faith, and by our determination and attitude. At the same time,sincerely resolving to chant a specific amount is also an expression of faith. We can chant the amount weve decided on each day, while continually renewing and deepening our resolve. Faith that ignores the importance of self transformation; faith that lacks clear focus and determination, merely waiting for salvation from some external source; faith that abandons all striving and challenge out of fear and a desire to escape reality; faith that expects benefits to magically appear without making any personal effortsuch faith is completely contrary to that which is taught in Nichiren Buddhism. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is our fundamental Buddhist practice for carrying out our human revolution,or inner transformation. To chant with a strong vow or commitmentthereby deepening our own determination and conviction, activating the protective functions of the universe and achieving absolute victoryis the essence of chanting in Nichiren Buddhism.

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