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Understanding Specifications of Fiber Optic Gyros

Steven R. Emge, FOG Principal Engineer 27 March 2012

KVH Industries, Inc.

Fiber Optic Gyro History

Principle used by an interferometric fiber optic gyro (FOG) to sense rotation first demonstrated by French scientist George Sagnac

Invention of laser leads to first practical use of Sagnac Effect Ring laser gyroscope (RLG)

Interferometer fiber optic gyroscope first proposed by Vali & Shorthill Fiber Ring Interferometer Appl. Optics, 15

FOG performance refined through advances in theory & design at universities and by industry

2001-2012 and beyond

Continued technological advances develop higher performance, increased reliability, lower-cost FOGs for commercial and military applications
KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Theory of Operation

The Sagnac Effect

Over a period Dt: CW beam traverses 2 p R + W R Dt CCW beam traverses 2 p R - W R Dt Path length difference = CW path - CCW path = 2 W R Dt Dt = L/c => 2 W R L/c = W D L/c Sagnac phase shift = DS = (2 p L D W)/(l c) (where L is the coil length, D is the coil diameter, c is the speed of light, l is the optical wavelength and W is the input rotation rate)

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Sensor Configuration

Minimum configuration, open-loop all-fiber design
KVH proprietary polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber used throughout Light source: solid state laser; photo-detector used receive signal Directional couplers used to launch light into/ receive signals from the sensor Phase modulator is a fiber-wrapped disc PZT (Piezo-electric transducer) Coil fiber length is 100 to 200 meters wound on a 2.6 (1.4) average diameter Fiber components are fusion-spliced together in just 1 to 3 locations Sensor is 3.5L x 2.3W x 1.3H (DSP-3000) or 1.70D x 0.82H (DSP-1750)

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FOG Signal Processing

FOG coil stationary
When stationary, only even harmonics are present in detector output

PZT modulation

Even harmonics used to maintain laser and phase modulator operating points

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FOG Signal Processing

FOG coil rotating at rate Rotation results in fundamental and odd harmonics proportional to sin

FOG digital signal processor determines rotation rate

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FOG DSP Based Electronics

DSP architecture block diagram for single FOG axis
DSP-based digital pseudo-closed loop electronics allows key sensor internal components to be accurately controlled/monitored and sensor output to be precisely calibrated over temperature DSP-based electronics allows multiple interfaces (i.e. RS-232 async, RS-422 async, 3-wire synchronous, analog, etc.), output data rates (100 Hz to 2000 Hz), and output bandwidths to be offered

RED: KVH-manufactured polarization-maintaining, elliptical core, single mode optical fiber GREEN: Printed circuit boards
KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Performance Specifications

The relative performance between DSP-3000/3100 products and the DSP-1750 sensor
Both sensors are based on a similar optical circuit design & technology with the DSP-1750 having some miniaturization of optical components & improved electronics Note the expanded input rate range & improved ARW & bias stability of DSP-1750

Performance Specification
Maximum Input Rate Bias Offset (25 C) Bias Stability (stable temp) Bias Stability (full temp) Angle Random Walk (ARW) Scale Factor (full temp) Scale Factor Non-Linearity

375 deg/sec 20 deg/hr 1 deg/hr, 1s 6 deg/hr, 1s 4 deg/hr/Hz 500 ppm, 1s 1000 ppm, 1s

1000 deg/sec 10, 2* deg/hr 0.05 deg/hr, 1s 3 deg/hr, 1s 0.8 deg/hr/Hz 300 ppm, 1s 1000 ppm, 1s
* with magnetic shielding

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Performance Specifications

Bias Offset Error
When a FOG is stationary, it can incorrectly register some rotation This is known as bias offset error Its deviation from zero typically given at 25 C for an ideal environment (i.e. no temp change, vibration, shock or magnetic field applied)

Bias Stability (Constant Temp)

This is the stability of the bias offset at any constant temperature and ideal environment Bias stability is best measured using the Allan Variance measurement technique Allan Variance is intended to estimate stability due to noise processes and not that of systematic errors or imperfections such as frequency drift or temperature effects

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Performance Specifications

Bias Stability (full temp, -45 to +75C)
The bias offset of a FOG will vary slightly (few degrees per hr) with temperature changes Error is repeatable in KVH FOGs, enabling KVH engineers to build an internal table of bias offset values versus temperature for each FOG An internal temperature sensor compares temperature with values stored in this internal lookup table, and subtracts them from the result to increase the sensors accuracy Note both Bias Offset and Stability depend on the polarization maintaining quality for the FOG optical circuit construction

Angle Random Walk (ARW)

The output of a FOG includes a broadband random noise element Angle Random Walk (ARW) is defined in terms of degs/hr/Hz or degs/hour This describes the average deviation or error that will occur as a result of this noise element Major contributors to random noise are the active elements of the FOG, such as the laser diode, photo diode and the transimpedence amplifier

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Performance Specifications

Scale Factor Non-Linearity Error
Scale Factor is defined as the ratio of FOG sensor output rate to applied input rate If the FOG sensor is rotated at 20 degs/sec CW, does it output a reported rate of 20 deg/sec CW? As the rate of rotation increases from zero to the maximum input rate, the FOG Scale Factor Error increases Scale Factor Non-Linearity Error is the deviation of the output characteristic from a best-fit straight line

Scale Factor Error (full temp)

FOG Scale Factor can vary with temperature due to the change in length and diameter of the fiber coil and the wavelength change of the light source For KVH FOGs, the Scale Factor Error versus temperature is repeatable and can be calibrated using an internal look-up table

KVH Industries, Inc.


Typical DSP-3000/3100 Sensor Performance

Bias Instability = 0.15 deg/hr ARW = 0.055 deg/rt-hr = 3.3 deg/hr/rt-Hz

st dev ( SF_err) 89. 9

5000 4000 3000


p_p 517.3


SF Error (ppm)

2000 1000 SF_erri 0 1000 2000 3000 4000


Bias (Deg/Hr )



0.01 0.01

0.1 1 10 100 1000



20 Ji 8 Temp (deg C)




Time (Minutes)
1 Hz Output -1/2 slope

stdev ( N) 1. 77
100 80

deg/ hr

p_p 14. 52

deg/ hr

SF Linearity Error = 30 ppm, 1s



40 20 Ni ER 0 20 40 60 80 100 40 20 0 20 Ji 8 Temp (deg C) 40 60 80 20

SF Linearity Error (ppm)


Bias (deg/hr)

100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500

Input Rate (deg/sec)

KVH Industries, Inc.


Typical DSP-1750 Sensor Performance

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Thank you

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Applications & Specifications

Tom Suita, Applications Engineer [email protected]

KVH Industries, Inc.


I. II. III. IV. V.

FOG Applications FOG Output Signal FOG Specifications and Allan Variance Analysis Example FOG Specification Summary

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Applications

KVH Industries, Inc.

Rotation Measurement
Why use gyros?
Gyros sense rotation in an inertial reference frame Highly accurate gyros will sense the Earths rotation Unlike GPS, inertial sensor (gyros) are not subject to jamming

Types of gyros
Rate gyros Rate integrating gyros

Other non-inertial rotation sensors

(rotary relative position sensors) Encoders Resolvers/Inductosyns Potentiometers Rotary variable transformers Tilt sensors
KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Grades

Gyro grades are defined by bias stability specifications Industrial/Automotive: 30 100 /hr Tactical: 1 10 /hr Inertial Navigation: 0.001-0.01 /hr Strategic: < 0.0001 /hr

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Grades

AHRS Torpedo Interceptor

Tactical Missile Midcourse Guidance

Flight Control, Smart Munitions, Robotics

SelfAligning Strategic Missile

Cruise Missile Air/Land/Sea Navigation Surveying

Autonomous Submarine Navigation

Courtesy of

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Technology Types

In-production gyro technologies Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG)
Best value performance for price

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Gyro (MEMS)

Low cost, small size, low performance

Ring Laser Gyro (RLG)

Higher cost, good performance

Spinning Mass/Dynamically Tuned Gyro (DTG)

moderate price, high performance, lower reliability

Hemispherical Resonator Gyro (HRG)

High cost and high performance

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Technology Types

Experimental and emerging gyro technologies: Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic Gyro (MHD)
Laboratory proof of concept

Nuclear Magnetic Resonant Gyro (NMR)

Laboratory proof of concept

Cold Atom Gyro

Early experimental stages

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Technology Types

Gyro fundamental operating principles Sagnac Effect: FOG & RLG
Utilize counter-propagating optical beams and interferometry No moving parts

Mechanical Coriolis Vibratory: MEMS & HRG

Based on vibrating mass and Coriolis effect resulting from rotation

Mechanical Spinning Mass: DTG & NMR

Based on conservation of angular momentum of spinning masses

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Applications
Land Navigation
Integrated land navigation High performance FOG and accelerometers with aiding sensors

TACNAV II used in Bradley Fighting Vehicle

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Applications
Tightly coupled INS/GPS Mobile mapping Airborne augmented reality 6-DOF IMU (3 FOGs) with GPS

CNS-5000 Integrated INS/GPS

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Applications
Gun platform stabilization Low FOG ARW and high bandwidth improve stability

DSP-3100 used with CROWS II Remote Weapons Station

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Applications
Airborne/land camera gimbals Low FOG ARW reduces image jitter effects

Dual-axis DSP-1750 for EO/IR camera turrets

KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Applications
Cameras, lasers, antennas FOG scale factor linearity key performance specification

Single-axis DSP-3000 for diverse pointing applications

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Output Signal

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Signal and Noise

FOG output comprised of a number of elements Gyro rate output
Degrees per second

Bias offset
Fixed offset from zero, specified in deg/sec

Earth rate
Earth rotation in deg/sec sensed by gyro and dependant on Latitude Input axis orientation (east/west, north/south, up/down)

Present in all gyros Both high (ARW) and low (bias instability) frequency components

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Signal and Noise





Noise 1 Signal offset including: bias offset & Earth rate




Gyro output with Earth rate, bias offset, and noise components
KVH Industries, Inc.

Gyro Signal and Noise

Earth rate contribution
True North
Earth rotation rate = 15 /hr At 45 N latitude = 10.6 /hr

Earth rotation contributes to the output of the gyro - this effect is dependent on: Orientation of the gyro input axis relative to the earths axis of rotation Latitude Earth rate = -15.04 sin(latitude)
FOG input axis

East/West = 0 /hr

at Equator = 0 /hr

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Specifications and Allan Variance Analysis

KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Specifications
Basis for FOG specification is IEEE std 952:
IEEE Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Single-Axis Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyros

Allan Variance (IEEE std 952) analysis is a fundamental method of deriving performance specifications for all major gyro types (FOG, RLG, and MEMS) FOG packaging specifications
Shock & Vibration Thermal Power Data

KVH Industries, Inc.

Allan Variance Analysis

Allan Variance (AVAR) Extracts contribution of different noise sources from combined signal and noise gyro output AVAR concept assumes each noise source has a Power Spectral Density ( ) with a unique slope in Allan deviation log-log plot AVAR based on cluster analysis where the variance of the difference of two sequential data clusters is plotted; a data cluster is rate output data collected over time period

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Allan Variance Analysis

Log-Log Allan Deviation Plot from IEEE-std-952

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Allan Variance Analysis

Angle Random Walk (ARW)
Quantum limit noise with significantly higher frequency than data sampling frequency Variance: Deviation log slope: -1/2

Narrow ARW bandwidth limits attitude control systems Integrated angle error increases over time (~1/hour) for navigation systems

Bias instability
Lower frequency 1/f flicker noise
Variance: Deviation log slope: 0 Zero slope minimum on Allan deviation curve

KVH Industries, Inc.

Allan Variance Analysis

Quantization noise
Result of discrete/quantized sensor output Variance: Deviation log Slope: -1 Minimal impact on systems due to short correlation time

Rate random walk

Long correlation time random process not prevalent in FOGs

Rate ramp
Long correlation time deterministic process not prevalent in FOGs - Sometimes associated with environmental changes

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Example FOG Specification

KVH Industries, Inc.

DSP-1750 FOG
The DSP-1750 is a small high performance tactical grade FOG

Single-axis with Magnetic Shield

Dimensions: Sensor: 1.81 dia. x 0.9 PCB stack: 2.28 dia. x 0.55
KVH Industries, Inc.

Dual-axis Unshielded
Dimensions: Sensor: 1.7 dia. x 0.82 PCB stack: 2.85 dia. x 0.55

DSP-1750 FOG Specifications

Maximum input rotation rate: 490 /sec standard rate 1000 /sec high rate
Maximum rotation rate that can be detected and output by FOG 1000 /sec high rate device requires export license 22 bit binary output data word with LSB scaled to 476.8 /sec Standard rate device clips at max binary output of 490 /sec

Bias instability: < 0.05 /hour

Includes design margin; testing has demonstrated bias stability at < 0.02 /hour Lower performance MEMS gyros often specified in deg/sec

Angle Random Walk: < 0.013 / hour or 0.8 /hour Hz

Specified in degrees/hour and degrees/hr/Hz (PSD); Conversion: /hr x 60 = /hr/ Hz
KVH Industries, Inc.

DSP-1750 Allan Variance Analysis

DSP-1750 8 hour Allan Variance test at 25C ARW = 0.009 deg/ hour Bias Instability = 0.02 deg/hour
KVH Industries, Inc.

DSP-1750 FOG Specifications

Bias Offset: 10 /hour max unshielded

2 /hour max shielded

Fixed bias associated with all calibrated gyros (RLGs, FOGs, MEMS) FOGs bias offset due to 0.3 to 0.6 gauss Earths magnetic field (Faraday Effect) Magnetic shielded version of DSP-1750 recommended if high magnetic fields are near the FOG

Bias Over Temperature: < 3/hour

Tested with 1C/minute thermal ramp rate Very flat for FOGs over temperature range -45C to +75C Lower performance MEMS gyro experience extreme bias variations over temperature

KVH Industries, Inc.

DSP-1750 FOG Specifications

Scale Factor Non-Linearity: < 490/sec: < 100 ppm; 490 to 1000/sec: < 500 ppm
Specified in % or parts per million (ppm) Root variance deviation from least squares estimate of gyro scale

Scale Factor Temperature Variation: < 300 ppm

- Specified in parts per million (ppm) or % over the operating temperature range of -45C to +75C

Bandwidth: 440 Hz
Output bandwidth is the 3dB roll-off of the output signal Acutronic Lab verified DSP-1750 -3dB bandwidth was 475 Hz

Misalignment: < 4 milliradians

Misalignment between gyro coil input axis and gyro mounting case Test results: 1.44 milliradians average 3
KVH Industries, Inc.

DSP-1750 FOG Specifications

Data Output:
RS-422 1000Hz asynchronous; 22 bit twos complement rate data

Initialization Time: < 3 seconds

Time after power-up at which output data is valid

Misalignment: < 4 milliradians

Misalignment between gyro coil input axis and gyro mounting case Test results: 1.44 milliradians average 3

Reliability: Single axis: > 36,000 hours dual axis: > 22,000 hours
Specified in hours MTBF

Electromagnetic Compatibility:
Comprehensive conducted emissions and susceptibility testing per MIL-STD-461F performed.
KVH Industries, Inc.

DSP-1750 FOG Specifications

+5VDC and 8 to 15VDC; total power 3.0 W

Sensor: 45 g unshielded, 65 g shielded PCB stack : 45 g

Operating temperature: -40C to +75C Shock (functional): 25 g, 11 msec (sawtooth) Shock (gunfire): 55 g, 1 msec (1/2 sine) Shock (endurance): 40 g, 11 msec (sawtooth) Vibration, Random (operational): 8 g rms 20-20,000 Hz Vibration, Random (endurance): 12 g rms 20-20,000 Hz Altitude (operational): -1,000 to +40,000 ft Humidity (operational): 95% at 35C , 48 hours

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KVH Industries, Inc.

FOG Specifications Summary

Fiber optic gyros support numerous applications
Navigation Stabilization Pointing

FOG output signal includes

Rotation rate data with earth rate component Bias offset and some noise Key FOG specifications are derived from Allan Variance analysis Angle Random Walk (ARW) Bias instability

Comprehensive FOG specifications cover a wide range of performance features

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KVH Industries, Inc.

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