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Tuesday 7th August 2012

Hosted by: Claire Hughes Chloe Trainer Donna Tindle

A few hints for the young mixer Ice is almost always an absolute essential for any cocktail. Never use the same ice twice. Remember that the ingredients mix better in a shaker larger than is necessary to contain them. Shake the shaker as hard as you can : dont just rock it : you are trying to wake it up, not send it to sleep! If possible, ice your glasses before using them. Drink your Cocktail as soon as possible. Harry Craddock was once asked what was the best way to drink a Cocktail : Quickly, replied that great man, while its laughing at you!.

Taken from The Savoy Cocktail Book Pavillion Books, London 2011 (reprint from original 1930)

Raspberry Mule
A fruity, somewhat sherbet style adaptation of the well-known Moscow mule, which is currently back in vogue. Some say the Moscow mule should have been named the Trojan Horse as its sole purpose in the 1940s was to get the Americans to drink vodka. It was at the centre of a large advertising campaign by Smirnoff. A summers dream of a drink. If only we could order a side of summer for it to go with! What you will need : 12 Fresh Raspberries 2 Shots of Vodka 1 Shot of Fresh Lime Juice/ 4 Lime Wedges Shot of Gomme Ginger Beer

Glass : Collins/Highball Garnish : Lime Wedge Method : MUDDLE Raspberries in the base of shaker, add Vodka, Lime, Gomme. SHAKE with ice and fine STRAIN into ice-filled glass. TOP with Ginger Beer, lightly stir and serve with straws.

In his 1948 Fine Art of Mixing Drinks, David A. Embury writes, It was invented by a friend of mine at a bar in Paris during World War I and was named after the motorcycle sidecar in which the good Captain customarily was driven to and from the little bistro where the drink was born and christened. Embury does not name the bar, however, many assume that he is talking about Harrys New York Bar. A 1933 article in the American Mercury refers to this as a ladies drink which would not be uncommon nowadays, but would be inexplicable then (or rather explicable, but by unsavoury choice words)!! It can be said however, that its a classic drink that did emerge from the prohibition era. What you will need : 1 Shot Cognac Shot Triple Sec Fresh Lemon Juice Splash Chilled Mineral Water (Optional)

Glass : Martini Garnish : Lemon Zest/ Orange Peel* Method : SHAKE all ingredients with ice and fine STRAIN into a chilled glass.

*Those with a sweet tooth can garnish with a sugar rim but fashionistas be

warned, its not so vogue right now! (In my unfashioned state, I can drink it sugary, blissfully unaware of my fashion faux pas)

Ramos Gin Fizz

This used to be the secret recipe of Henry C. Ramos who opened the Imperial Cabinet Bar in 1888. At the onset of Prohibition his brother published it in a full page advertisement. Since 1935 the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans has held the trademark. A perfect balance of sweet and sour this classic cocktail is enhanced by its smooth, fluffy feel in the mouth. For a more traditional drink swap the cream for full fat milk. What you need : 2 Shots Gin Fresh Lemon Juice Fresh Lime Juice Shot Gomme 3 Drops Vanilla Essence (Optional) 1 Fresh Egg White 1 Shot Double Cream Soda Water

Glass : Rocks Garnish : Lemon slice and Mint sprig Method : Dry SHAKE the first seven ingredients until tired/bored well mixed. Add ice and SHAKE again. STRAIN into a glass without ice and TOP with soda.

Ah the mojito! The Cuban cousin of the mint julep. Traditionally a long drink, this can also be enjoyed short by skipping the soda, if you like a strong taste sensation! Hailing from the Collins family of cocktails it can sometimes be referred to as a rum collins though that seems to be quite rare these days. So effortlessly easy to assemble, it is considered criminal among bartenders (or anyone with taste buds) to see pre-made bottles/packets of mojito mix. I insist that you make them using fresh ingredients. Trust me, itll be worth the extra 10seconds! What you need : 2 Shots Rum -1 Shot Gomme (depending on taste) Fresh Lime Juice or 4-6 Lime Wedges Good Handful of Mint Leaves Soda Spoonful of Brown Sugar

Glass : Collins Garnish : Lime Wedge, Mint Sprig Method : MUDDLE Gomme, Limes, and Brown Sugar in a glass. Add some crushed ice. SLAP some Mint Leaves and add. Pour in Rum and PULL everything through. Add more crushed ice. TOP with soda.

Claret Cobbler
For those of you that cannot bear to cheat on red wine this just may get you drinking something on the cocktail spectrum. Then again, if you cant cheat on red wine to begin with youll probably recoil in horror whilst muttering condemnations of the hell were going to for committing such a crime. RELAX, you dont need to crack open the Chateau Petrus, that one great aunt Maude got a good deal on at *insert shop here* will do the trick nicely. Oh, I believe it is widely recognised from the first published bartenders guide by Jerry Thomas published in 1862. What you need : 2 Shots Shiraz (use Claret if you really insist) 1 Cognac 1 Gran Marnier 1 Shot Gomme

Glass : Goblet Garnish : Orange Peel/Mint Sprig Method : SHAKE ingredients in a shaker with ice. Fine STRAIN into a glass filled with crushed ice.

Further Reading and Drinking

Like anything that interests us these days there is a wealth of information to be found on the internet. Take time to read blogs and websites and decide for yourself what particular mixologists you aspire to most. Or even better, get practising. The art of cocktail making is all about the successful combination of flavours and balance. And your greatest critic and fan should be you!!

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