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Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart

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Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart

General Information
Muhammad (623-632) Abu Bakr (632-634) father-in-law (Arabic, khalifah, [successor]), khalifat Rasul Allah, [successor to the Messenger of God]), 1st Caliph Umar I (634-644) amir-al-mum-inin (Arabic, [commander of the believers], 2nd Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (644-656) Muhammad's son-in-law, 3rd Caliph Ali Ben Abu Talib (656-661) a cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, 4th Caliph . .

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(for printing) . (Shi'ites, Shi'a) Ali Ben Abu Talib (656-661) (1st Imam) al-Hasan (661-669) (2nd Imam) al-Husayn (669-680) (3rd Imam) Ali Zayn al-'Abidin (680-713) (4th Imam) Muhammad al-Baqir (713-733) (5th Imam) Ja'far al-Sadiq (733-765) (or Jafar ibn Muhammad) (6th Imam) (Ismailis, Isma'iliyyah) (Sevener Shi'ites) Twelver Shi'ites, Imamiyyah (Ithna Ashariyya) (Kharijites, Kharijiyyah) (Sunni, Sunnites)

Ismail (died before, 760,) Musa al-Kazim (765(7th imam, last for 799) (7th imam) Ismailis) 'Ali al-Rida (799-818) or Muhammad, his son (8th Imam) (either is considered to Muhammad al-Jawad still be alive, hiding) (818-835) (9th Imam)

. (c. 650 - Umayyad Caliphs (661-750) c.720) Often Muawiyah I ibn Abu Sufyan called the (661-680) Puritans of related to Uthman Islam, as they Yazid I ibn Muawiyah (680demanded 683) purity of Muawiya II ibn Yazid (683conscience as 684) well as body. Marwan I (684-685) They tended to Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan brand everyone (685-705) who did not al-Walid I ibn Abd al-Malik agree with them (705-715) as unbelievers. Suleiman ibn Abd al-Malik A sub-sect, the (715-717) Azraqites, Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz (717believed in such 720)


Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart

'ali al-Hadi (835-868) rigid following (10th Imam) of the Koran as al-Hasan al-'Askari to massacre Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi (868-874) (11th Imam) large groups of had student ibn Nusayr Muslims who (909- ) (d.868), began Nusayris, had allegedly Nusayriyyah committed al-Qa'im Muhammad al-Mahdi grave sins. al-Mansur -972) (12th Imam, last) Interestingly, (considered to still be Kharijites were Moizz (972- ) alive, hiding) very tolerant of non-Muslims. Al-Hakim (3rd Fatimid (Buwayhids) Caliph) (Fatimids) (through Ismail) Abu 'Ali al-Mansur alHakim (985-1021) (6th Fatimid Caliph) al-Mustansir ( -1094) al-Mustali (1094- ) began Musta'liyyah he killed brother, Nizar, began Nizariyyah, Nizaris, Khojas ( -1171) (overthrown by Saladin 1171) (but endures as the Druzes) (945- ) Adid ( -1171) (conquered by Saladin 1171) Ayyubids Saladin (1171-1193) al-Adil (1193-1218) al-Kamil (1218-1238) ( -1249) (conquered by Mamelukes 1249) (Babis) (1830- ) Ali Muhammad Shirazi ( -1850), started Babism Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri (c.1863), started Ba'hai

Yazid II ibn Abd al-Malik (720-724) Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (724-743) al-Walid II ibn Abd alMalik (743-744) Yazid III ibn Abd al-Malik (744) Ibrahim ibn Abd al-Malik (744) Marwan II (744-750) (end of Umayyad) (conquered by Abbasids 750) Umayyad Caliphs of Cordoba (Spanish Umayyads) (929-1031) Abd-ar-rahman I, escaped to Spain, 756-788 Abd-ar-rahman III, as caliph, 929-961 Al-Hakam II, 961-976 Hisham II, 976-1008 civil war (1008-1028) Mohammed II, 1008-1009 Suleiman, 1009-1010 Hisham II, restored, 10101012 Suleiman, restored, 10121017 Abd-ar-rahman IV, 10211022 Abd-ar-rahman V, 10221023 Muhammad III, 1023-1024 Hisham III, 1027-1031 Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad (7501258) descendants of Prophet's uncle Abbas Sunnites Abu'l Abbas Al-Saffah 750754



Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart

Al-Mansur 754-775 Al-Mahdi 775-785 Al-Hadi 785-786 Harun al-Rashid 786-809 Al-Amin 809-813 Al-Ma'mun 813-833 Al-Mu'tasim 833-842 Al-Wathiq 842-847 Al-Mutawakkil 847-861 Al-Muntasir 861-862 Al-Musta'in 862-866 Al-Mu'tazz 866-869 Al-Muhtadi 869-870 Al-Mu'tamid 870-892 Al-Mu'tadid 892-902 Al-Muktafi 902-908 ??? (908, one day) Al-Muqtadir 908-932 Al-Qahir 932-934 Al-Radi 934-940 Al-Muttaqi 940-944 Al-Mustakfi 944-946 (by about 950, very little power) Al-Muti 946-974 Al-Ta'i 974-991 Al-Qadir 991-1031 Al-Qa'im 1031-1075 Al-Muqtadi 1075-1094 Al-Mustazhir 1094-1118 Al-Mustarshid 1118-1135 Al-Rashid 1135-1136 Al-Muqtafi 1136-1160 Al-Mustanjid 1160-1170 Al-Mustadi 1170-1180 An-Nasir 1180-1225 Az-Zahir 1225-1226 Al-Mustansir 1226-1242 Al-Musta'sim 1242-1258 (conquered by Mongols in 1258) (Mamelukes) (first Dynasty, Bahri) (1250-1382) 3/6


Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart

(second Dynasty, Burji) (1382-1517) [two Caliphs, but just symbolic] (defeated by Selim, 1517)

From about the 13th century various monarchs throughout the Muslim world, particularly the Ottoman sultans, assumed the title caliph indiscriminately without regard to the prescribed requirements of the caliphate. The title held little significance for the Ottoman sultans until their empire began to decline. In the 19th century, with the advent of Christian powers in the Near East, the sultan began to emphasize his role as caliph in an effort to gain the support of Muslims living outside his realm. The Ottoman Empire collapsed during World War I (1914-1918). After the war, Turkish nationalists deposed the sultan, and the caliphate was finally abolished (March 1924) by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

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Caliphs Advanced Information

Unfortunately, we are not aware of any scholarly texts on this subject which have yet been translated into English. We know that a number of Arabic scholars have written wonderful texts in Arabic, and look for the day when we will be able to add higher quality texts to this presentation. Also, see: Islam, Muhammad Koran, Qur'an Pillars of Faith Abraham Testament of Abraham Allah Hadiths Revelation - Hadiths from Book 1 of al-Bukhari Belief - Hadiths from Book 2 of al-Bukhari Knowledge - Hadiths from Book 3 of al-Bukhari Times of the Prayers - Hadiths from Book 10 of al-Bukhari Shortening the Prayers (At-Taqseer) - Hadiths from Book 20 of al-Bukhari Pilgrimmage (Hajj) - Hadiths from Book 26 of al-Bukhari Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihad) - Hadiths of Book 52 of al-Bukhari ONENESS, UNIQUENESS OF ALLAH (TAWHEED) - Hadiths of Book 93 of al-Bukhari Hanafiyyah School Theology (Sunni) Malikiyyah School Theology (Sunni) Shafi'iyyah School Theology (Sunni) 4/6


Caliph, Caliphs, Imam, Imams, Muslim Early History Chart

Hanbaliyyah School Theology (Sunni) Maturidiyyah Theology (Sunni) Ash'ariyyah Theology (Sunni) Mutazilah Theology Ja'fari Theology (Shia) Nusayriyyah Theology (Shia) Zaydiyyah Theology (Shia) Kharijiyyah Imams (Shia) Druze Qarmatiyyah (Shia) Ahmadiyyah Ishmael, Ismail Early Islamic History Outline Hegira Averroes Avicenna Machpela Kaaba, Black Stone Ramadan Sunnites, Sunni Shiites, Shia Mecca Medina Sahih, al-Bukhari Sufism Wahhabism Abu Bakr Abbasids Ayyubids Umayyads Fatima Fatimids (Shia) Ismailis (Shia) Mamelukes Saladin Seljuks Aisha Ali Lilith Islamic Calendar Interactive Muslim Calendar The individual articles presented here were generally first published in the early 1980s. This subject presentation was first placed on the Internet in December 1997. 5/6


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