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The universe is real and in constant change. + rational and moral powers

WHY TEACH? States that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and values. Teachers teach not radically reshape society but rather to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge.

WHAT TO TEACH? Emphasis on academic content for students to learn basic skills (4Rs)--reading, riting,rithmetic, right conduct. These are important to acquire more complex skills which includes traditional discipline like Math, Sci, Hx, Foreign language and literature.

Look at education as life. Not a preparation for life. Students interest and needs= curriculum Problem solving skills Teachers strive to manipulate in the classroom life in outside world.

To develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens of a democratic society. They teach so that learners may live life fully NOW and not to prepare them for adult life. + rational and moral powers SOCIAL ANIMAL who learns well thru an active interplay with others. To develop the students rational and moral powers. Aristotle-if we neglect the students reasoning, we deprive them of their ability to use their critical thinking to control their passions.

Identified with need-based and relevant curriculum. Responds to students needs and relates to students personal life and experiences. Subjects are emphasize on natural and social sciences. Focus on problem solving---uses of scientific method. Universal curriculum. All human beings possess the same essential nature. Humanities on general education. Less emphasis on vocational and technical education. Adler---GREAT BOOKS OF ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL AND MODERN TIMES are the repository of knowledge and wisdom to initiate each generation.

HOW TO TEACH? Emphasize mastery of the subject matter. They are expected to be intellectual and moral models to their students. Seen as fountain of info and paragon of the virtue. Teachers have to observe core requirements longer school day, longer academic year. Use of experiential methods. Believes that one learners by doing. John Dewey---BOOK OF LEARNING is no substitute for actual experience. Ex. Prob solvinguses the scientific method.

Concerned with the study of Great BOOKS. Geared towards GENERAL EDUCATION.

centered around teachers. They do not allow students interests and experiences to dictate what they would teach. They just applied whatever creative methods that are conducive in disciplining the students. Socratic Dialogue based.

Concerned in helping the students appreciate themselves as unique indiv. EDUCATION OF THE WHOLE PERSON Not imposed curriculum===students are given a choice Make heavy use of indiv approach===to allow students to learn at his own pace.

To help students understand and appreciate themselves as a unique individuals who accepts complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions. ===HAS NO UNIVERSAL IN NATURE. Can choose what he can become. First exist; then defines himself. EXISTENCE PRECEDES ESSENCE.

Students are given a wide variety of options from which to choose. Humanities are given emphasis to provide students with vicarious (vivid) experiences that will help enhance their creativity and selfexpression. Focus on actions of historical individuals (vocational, teaching art) ===to encourage individual creativity.

Focus on individual. Learning is self-paced/selfdirected. Includes dealing of indiv with the teacher who relates to each student openly and honestly. Utilize values clarification strategy to remain nonjudgemental===since values are personal.

Conc w/ the modification of students behavior. Teachers spend their time teaching on how to respond favorably to various envi stimuli. Teachers believe that they have control over some variables that affect learning. Teachers believe that their students are a product of their envi.

Concerned with the modification and shaping of students behavior by providing a conducive environment. (-) freewill..

Teach students to respond in a positive way to various stimuli in the envi.

Ought to arrange environmental conditions so that students can make the responses to stimuli. Exlight, temp. furniture arrangement, size and quantity of visual aids.

Mcdmanzano 07012012

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