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The following is a list of verses that where either added or removed form the Renewed Covenant by the catholic

church within their Greek texts

1) Matthith-YaHu 12:47 Someone said to Him, "Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak to You. It's in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), It is in the Greek Majority Text, Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) it is in Archelaus book Disputations with Manes(277 A.D.) and in Jeromes Latin Vulgate translation(385 A.D.). 2) Matthith-YaHu 17:21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Its in the Greek Majority Text, Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) Tertullians translation(190 A.D.), Origens translation(240 A.D.), Jeromes Latin Vulgate translation(385 A.D.) 3) Matthith-YaHu 18:11 For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century) and in the Greek Majority Text, The Old Latin Vulgate translation(c. 90-150 AD), Tertullians translation(2nd century), Ambroses translation(4th century), and Augustines translation(5th century), The Ancient Coptic translation(5th century), The Armenian translation, The Ethiopic translation, The Georgian translation, and The Slavonic Versions of The Re-Newed Covenant. 4) Matthith-YaHu 23:14 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour widows houses, and for a pretense you make long prayers; therefore you will receive greater condemnation. Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) 5) Matthith-YaHu 27:35 (b) [Only the second half is omitted in the Peshitta Re-Newed Covenant] (Peshitta) -"And when they had crucified Him, they divided His clothes by casting lots."[that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted My garments among them, and upon My vesture did they cast lots.]" 6) Markos 7:16 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.- Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) 7) Markos 9:44 Where their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched.- Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) it was in Ireneaus translation(180 A.D.) as quoted in Against Heresies Book II: 32 8) Markos 9:46 Where their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched.- Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) 9) Markos 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive your trespasses.Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) 10) Markos 15:28 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "And He was numbered with transgressors." Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.). The verse is translated in the KJV, NKJV, and NASB. 11) Loukanus 9:55-56 Partially omitted in text in brackets: (And he turned and he rebuked them) and He said, you do not know of which spirit you are. For the Son of Man has not come to destroy lives but to give life. (And they went to other villages.) Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) Jeromes Latin Vulgate translation(385 A.D.). Verse 56 was in Cyprians translation(200-258 A.D.)

12) Loukanus 17:36 Two will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left. Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) 13) Loukanus 22:17-18 (Not in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta Re-Newed Covenant) ["And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide [it] among yourselves: For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of Alaha shall come. "] 14) Loukanus 23:17 Now he was obligated to release someone for them at the festival. Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), 15) Yo-Khawnawn 5:4 for a Messenger of Mar-Yah went down at certain seasons into the pool and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in, was made well from whatever disease with which he was afflicted. Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), Tatians Diatessaron Gospel Harmony(160 A.D.) Tertullians translation(190 A.D) 16) Yo-Khawnawn 7:53 (Not in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta Re-Newed Covenant) ["And every man went unto his own house."] 17) Yo-Khawnawn 8: 1-11 (Not in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta Re-Newed Covenant ) 18) Acts 8:37 And Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." And he answered and said, "I believe that Yehoshuah The Anointed One is the Son of Alaha." Its not in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st Century). Its in the Old Latin(157 A.D.), Ireneaus translation(185 A.D.), Cyprians translation(250 A.D.), Pontius translation(270 A.D.), and the Western Syriac Peshitto version(5th century). 19) Acts 15:34 But it seemed good to Silas to remain there. Its not in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), or in the Alexandrian Greek text(4th century), the Arabic, or the Coptic versions; but is in the Western Syriac Peshitto version(5th century), the Latin Vulgate translation reads, "It seemed good to Silas to remain, but Judas went alone to Jerusalem." 20) Acts 24:7 But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands, Its in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), and in the Western Syriac Peshitto version(5th century) 21) Acts 28:29 When He had spoken these words, the Yehudeem departed, having a great dispute among themselves. Its not in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st Century). Its in Jeromes Latin Vulgate translation(385 A.D.) Its in the Western Syriac Peshitto version(5th century); its in the Majority of Greek Manuscripts. 22) Romans 16:24 The grace of our Adon Yehoshuah The Anointed One be with you all. Awmain. The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century) and Western Syriac Peshitto version(5th century) both have this verse at the end of the chapter. 23) 1st Yo-Khawnawn 5:7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Consecrated Spirit: and these three are one. Its not in The Eastern Aramaic Peshitta(1st century), and there is no ancient Greek Manuscript Support for this verse, its not quoted by any Greek, Latin, or Syriac Church fathers, is not in the Western Syriac Peshitto version(5th century) and not in Jeromes Latin Vulgate translation(385 A.D.) It is not in the ancient translations of the Coptic, Armenian, Slavonic, Ethiopic, or Arabic Re-Newed Covenant.

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