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Would you say that the ability to work well with others is something that is needed in considering an applicant for an employment opportunity in your company? How important is it? Answer: Yes. Very important, because our companys main operations involves construction projects. This type of activity utilizes lots of people and working as a team is essential in the success of projects.


What do you do with an employee who turns out to be more of a selfsufficient/independent type than a team player? Answer: We assign them in desk jobs or as inspector or auditor.


In your company, which has more weight individual achievements or group achievements? Why? Answer: We believe that there will be no group achievement if there are no individual achievements. The challenge of the company is how to synergize workers individual efforts towards a common goal.


Competition among individualswould you say it is something that build or break a team? Answer: It depends on the competition atmosphere. Destructive competition would result contrary to the constructive ones.


How do you involve and communicate organizational objectives, i.e., the big picture, to the lower levels of the organization? Answer: Organizational objectives are communicated via formal meetings presided by senior management representative attended by the general workers population.


Would you say that it is necessary to involve lower level employees (like middle management and rank-in-files) with big organizational goals? Why/why not? Answer: Yes, it is important. One of the definitions of management is getting results from people. You cannot accomplish big organizational goals when there is a meeting component, no matter how small that component is. There are some items though that management should be careful in divulging to lower level of organization, like details of sensitive financial issues.


As a leader, what are your strategies for maintaining a strong, well-bonded team? Answer: Leadership by example is always the most proven approach here.


Please give us examples of team-work/collaboration related behaviors that you can observe among your staff/employees. Answer: Supervisors of different shifts meet during change shifts period to ensure activities of their shifts are carried on by the next shift. Setting of work priorities are also discussed among employees from different sections or teams to achieve a common goal.


Do you provide team members with feedbacks for their teamwork-related behaviors? In what ways? Answer: Feedbacks on teamwork-related behaviors are touched during daily toolbox meetings.

10. In what specific ways does your company encourage giving and receiving help so that certain goals will be achieved? Answer: Rewards are given to teams when they hit set targets. Example, extra snacks or drinks for the group. 11. What forms of encouragement do you give team members (or departments) to increase their commitment to a task or a company goal? Answer: We keep them updated on the progress of the project. We tell them that successful projects would mean more jobs for them as the customer would make repeat orders for every good performance that the company will accomplish. 12. Please cite a recent company undertaking, maybe a major activity or project, that required interdependence among various individuals or working units? What were the results? Answer: The kiln bricklaying project in Pangasinan was done in accordance with the set deadline of the customer. This success would not be possible without the effective executions of each project phase. 13. In cases where there are disputes or misunderstandings between team members, what are the best ways of handling them? Answer: Have them talk with each other in front of a supervisor or a mediator (say personnel officer) 14. How do you handle disputes or misunderstandings between one working unit/department and another? Answer: Meeting between department heads, lay-out issues and identify

best solution for those problems.

15. Does your company provide employees with rewards (like incentives or bonuses) for team effort over a successful project? If yes, in what forms? Answer: Yes, through group outings. 16. How does your own unit (or division, department) relate to other units in the company? Answer: Not applicable 17. In your opinion, is there such a thing as too much interdependence? (If the respondent says yes, a follow question can be In what ways can too much interdependence be detrimental to the company/organization?) Answer: Yes. Too much interdependence reduces creativity. 18. Based on your rich experience of working with teams in various company/organizational levels, what would say are the most important elements that should be present for positive interdependence to happen? Answer: Harmony among workers and clear understanding of the companys objectives. 19. In your experience, what are the large scale effects to the company/organization if there is interdependence starting from small teams/divisions/departments (whichever is applicable)? Answer: Effective operations, lower cost, higher productivity. 20. We have been talking about the effects of an individuals willingness to work well with others towards the attainment of organizational goals. How about the other way around: What do you think are the positive effects of team-work to the individual? Answer: The sense of security and belongingness.

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