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Match the headings (A-F) with the paragraphs (1- 4). One heading has been done as an example. There are TWO headings which you do not need. You Are Driving Me Crazy EXAMPLE: A. Small Problems With Serious Consequences Without doubt, there are big problems that afflict relationships; but it may be the petty problems that destroy love completely. The dirty socks on the floor. The way our partner chews so loudly. Such trivial problems may erode the goodwill that underlies all relationships. Before you know it, you feel unloved, unheard, and unappreciated, if not criticized and controlled. 1. My boyfriend throws his dirty socks on the floor when he gets to bed, says Victoria, a legal recruiter in New York. Once a man is living with a woman, he doesnt really see the need to clean up after himself. He assumes Ill just pick them up in the morning. He will never clean the way you want him to, says family therapist Cloe Madanes Jolla, California. I cannot tell you how many couples are going to divorce over this. 2. When our efforts in a relationship are noticed and acknowledged, it makes us willing to do things to please our partners. But if we feel our efforts are not being noticed or, worse, that our partner notices only what were not doing we lose interest in performing those generous acts that help the relationship develop. The feeling that our spouse takes us for granted is one of the commonest complaints. 3. A young couple decided to try living together and bought a house. One day, early in the relationship, he perched on the sofa to read the newspaper after work while she went to the sink to prepare dinner. Hey, could you get me a glass of water? he said. Get your own glass of water, she replied and that was the end of the relationship. Shes grown up with a military father who was always trying to control people, and she was not about to enter such a situation voluntarily. He was astonished by her refusal. We human beings dont like to be told what to do, says John Jacobs. And when we feel that we are, it gives us reason to go away. 4.

One of the toughest aspects of a relationship is diving the chores and responsibilities between the couple. Who does the household cleaning? Who pays the bills? Who picks the children from school? Such issues often make the one partner feel that the other is just not doing enough and they are common causes for conflicts.

Questions 1- 4 Match a heading (A G) with a paragraph (1 4). There are TWO headings, which you do not need to use. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Small Problems With Serious Consequences (EXAMPLE) Feeling Controlled Lack of Fairness New Responsibilities Messiness Feeling Unappreciated Getting a Divorce

Questions 5- 10 Read the text above and choose the correct answer for each question (A, B, C, or D) 5. The dirty socks in the first paragraph are mentioned A. B. C. D. as an example of a problem of most relationships as an example of a trivial problem which may destroy a relationship as an example of a problem which should not be taken seriously as an example of a serious problem that afflicts relationships

6. The word petty in the first paragraph means A. unexpected B. unimportant C. serious D. unusual 7. According to Victoria, once a man is living with a woman A. B. C. D. he thinks he doesnt have to be clean any more he never cleans the house he thinks the woman will clean his mess he throws his dirty socks on the floor

8. Why did the couple in the fourth paragraph break up?

A. B. C. D.

because he didnt help her to prepare dinner because he was rude to her because he wanted to be able to tell her what to do because she thought he wanted to control her

8. . When the woman refused to bring him the glass of water the man felt A. B. C. D. desperate furious surprised unappreciated

9. In the last paragraph the word chores means A. B. C. D. things the couple has to do things that belong to the couple the money the couple earns the problems the couple has

1. 2. 3. 4.

E Messiness F Feeling Unappreciated B. Feeling Controlled C Lack of Fairness

5. B 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A

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