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Lockhart High School

WORLD LANGUAGES: Spanish II PAP Course Syllabus (2012-2013)

Instructor: Crystal Barragn E-mail address: [email protected] Conference hours: 1:15pm - 2:00pm Class webpage: Mission Statement of LISD The mission of the Lockhart Independent School District is to graduate all of its students as citizens who are educated, productive, and self-fullling lifelong learners. The school districts community, parents, trustees, staff and students will provide a safe, caring, and challenging learning environment in which all students develop to their fullest potential. Primary Text for Spanish II: Realidades Level 2 (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005). A class set will be used; it is not necessary for you to check out a copy. Course Description: Level II Pre-AP Spanish focuses on the expansion of the conversational and cultural nodes explored at the beginner Spanish I level. While we begin the year with a brief recap of the language basics, Level II Spanish unfolds into an exciting new journey following the real conversations, the real people, and the fascinating places that make up the Spanish-speaking world. Please be aware that: This course focuses heavily on the production of the language through a variety of formats and mediums, many of which work to enhance our now skills in collaborating and creating through technology. Some computer, Internet or mobile device use may be required. Much of the course will be conducted in Spanish, and you will be expected to communicate in the language as such. Required Materials: One 2 three-ring binder, any color One set of ve tabbed dividers, labeled: 1. Syllabus & Important Info 2. Notes 3. Vocab & Grammar Handouts 4. Projects 5. Assignments One spiral notebook Highlighter Blue or black ink pens Checking pen (any color) Room: 614 LHS number: (512) 398-0436 Google number: (512) 348-6313

Prociency Guidelines: Language prociency refers to how well you are able to speak, write, listen to, and interpret texts in a given language. This year, reaching your prociency goals will play a major role in how your performance is scored. American Council of Foreign Language Prociency Guidelines (
Novice Low Novice Mid Novice High Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid Intermediate High Advanced Low

Spanish I

Spanish II

Spanish III

Spanish IV

The guidelines above will be used to determine your overall grade in a variety of assignments, projects, and categories (such as speaking, writing, reading, etc.) each quarter. Your major goal for this Level II Pre-AP course is to reach and venture beyond the Intermediate Level in Spanish-language prociency. Performance Standards: Your performance will be evaluated based on your prociency level and the overall effort you exert in meeting specic standards and completing tasks at hand. Your grade for each completed task, assignment, and project will be determined as follows:

Spanish II Grading Scale

Prociency Level

Description You add your own ideas, perspective, and style into what you do. You are condent and are reaching for the next level of prociency. You consistently meet the target prociency level, and you are ready to move on.



Intermediate Low (S1) Intermediate Mid (S2)

A (90%-100%)


Novice High (S1) Intermediate Low (S2)

Adapted from Daughertys Bicycles Performance-Based Learning Prezi and Martina Bexs standards-based grading system

B (80%-89%)


Novice Mid (S1) Novice High (S2)

You can meet the target prociency level in familiar tasks and situations.

C (75%-79%)


Novice Low (S1) Novice Mid (S2)

You know what to do to meet the target prociency level, but you need extra help.

D (70%-74%)


Novice Low (S1) Novice Low (S2)

You know what the target prociency level is, but you are confused and probably frustrated. You need some help to get started! You miss opportunities to demonstrate what you can do because you are often distracted, not participating, or absent.

F (69%-50%)

No attempt


F (50% or below)

(S1) = Semester 1, (S2) = Semester 2

Assignments 30% Includes: Homework, interpretive work (listening and reading), interpersonal activities (face-to-face speaking), cultural activities (songs, music videos, current events, history, geography, people), campanadas (warm-ups), participation, etc. Expect homework 2-3 times a week. In-class assignments may or may not be picked up for a grade. Keep in mind that daily practice majorly affects your overall success and performance in the course, and you will be expected to complete all assignments. Class participation will be graded twice per quarter (see Participation/Communication rubric). Projects and Tests 70% Includes: Presentational speaking and writing (projects), prociency progress folder (stamp sheets), ePortfolio (Pre-AP only), scheduled quizzes, pop quizzes, and unit tests. Expect about 6 quizzes per quarter, usually administered toward the end of the week. Quizzes may not be retaken to improve your grade. Expect 2 unit tests per quarter. If you earn a D or an F on a unit test, you can take an alternate version of the test prior to the end of the 3-week grading period to improve your grade. Your retake grade will reect an average of the two scores. Expect 3 major projects per semester. A project may replace a unit test grade (instead of having a unit test, we will work on a project, for example), and will be worth 2 test grades or more. Your Prociency Progress folder will be graded once per quarter. Expect more information on how to track your prociency progress in the coming weeks. Mid-term (S1) and Final exams (S2) count for 20% of your overall semester grade. Each may include an oral interview.

Classroom Expectations: Come to class prepared everyday, and be seated before the tardy bell rings. Delay all personal conversations during lessons and lectures. Expect to contribute to class discussions and answer questions if called on. Make every effort to use Spanish in class. You will be heavily evaluated on your ability to produce the language, so it is best to practice as often as you can. Always be respectful and considerate of others opinions and property. Always try your best and ask questions if the material is unclear. Absences and Make-up Work: Remember: it is your responsibility to pick up any missed work in case of an absence. If you are absent, visit the absent bin to nd extra copies of work completed during that day, if any. You have ve school days (one week) to turn in missed assignments. After the fth day, it will be marked a zero. If you are in class when a test/quiz is announced but are absent the day before the test/quiz is administered, you will be expected to take it on the scheduled day. Missed tests/quizzes must be made up before/after school or during my conference period only. Late Work: Forgot to do your homework? Its due before the tardy bell rings, not during class time. Homework given at the end of a class period must be turned into the assignment tray before the tardy bell rings the following day (unless specied otherwise). If it is not turned in before the tardy bell rings, it is considered late. Late homework is accepted with a 10% grade reduction on each day the assignment is not submitted. You have 5 total days to turn in late homework. After the fth day, it will be marked a zero. Late projects are accepted for up to 80% of the possible points if turned in ve days after due date. If your project is received after the ve day grace period, the most you may earn is 60% of the possible points. Turning In Work: All assignments must be completed in dark blue ink, black ink or pencil on intact, clean-edge, loose-leaf paper only. Do not use colorful ink pens (pink, lime green, purple, etc.) or colored pencils/markers to complete homework or assignments. Your work will not be

graded. You may use such pens to write your own notes (not to be turned in) or as checking pens. Do not turn in torn paper. Your work will not be graded. Dress Code, Electronic Devices, and Food: You will be expected to abide by all district- and campuswide procedures relating to dress code, lateness, electronic devices, food in the classroom, etc., as stated in the Student Handbook/Code of Conduct. You are late to class if you are not in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. Three tardies equal one absence. With three absences, you cannot exempt your mid-term or nal exams. Excessive tardies will result in a parent phone call and/or ofce referral. Mobile or electronic devices will be conscated if seen or heard. Failure to comply will result in an ofce referral. Outside food or drink, with the exception of bottled water, is not allowed in the classroom unless otherwise specied. Finish your snacks before you enter the classroom. Failure to comply will result in an ofce referral. Bathroom and Ofce Visits: Take care of personal needs before coming to class. In the event that you need to leave the classroom, Do not make a class announcement during a lecture. I will ignore you. Wait until the appropriate time to ask. You will need to use up an emergency pass (attached). I need to sign your agenda. Not a friends agenda. Academic Integrity: I want to see your ability to use Spanish, not the work of an online translator, of a friend, or of a native speaker. Working together that leads to duplicate work will receive a zero. Use of an online translator is very easy to identify. Just dont do it. Plagiarism (passing off someone elses work as your own) is also very easy to identify. Dont do it! Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and can result in a zero that cant be made up, a phone call to parents, and/or an ofce referral. Questions and Extra Help: Always ask questions if material is unclear to you! Morning and afternoon tutorials are held 3-4 times a week if you need extra help. Please sign up at my desk so that I will not forget. Find me in between classes, e-mail me at [email protected] or message me on Edmodo if you have any questions or concerns. I promise to reply quickly!

Syllabus Agreement and Technology Use: A Letter to Students, Parents and Guardians Dear LHS family, Welcome to Srta. Barragns Spanish class! This year, we will be utilizing an amazing variety of resources, both digital and in print, to ensure that foreign language learning at LHS is both meaningful AND fun! Whether it be through art, music, lm, literature, or web-based technology tools, I am 100% committed to work our 21st century skills in developing and rening our Spanish-language skills. In an effort to make our use of technology as transparent as possible, listed below is an overview of some of tools we may utilize in class. Parents, please read the descriptions and indicate with your initials whether or not your child may participate.

Edmodo provides teachers, students, and parents a secure place to connect and collaborate, share content and educational applications, and access homework, grades, class discussions and notications. How it will be used in Spanish class? Students can ask questions, view assignments and notes, and use Spanish in a fun and familiar setting.

Google Voice provides students a secure and easy-to-use way of submitting oral responses through a virtual voicemail box. How it will be used in Spanish class? Students call a virtual Google number to read a paragraph or speak sentences, allowing for an effective and individualized way of identifying a students level of prociency or areas of needed improvement. My child may participate My child may not participate

(PRE-AP ONLY) Edublogs is an easy, safe, reliable, and feature-rich blogging platform tailored for student use in the classroom. How it will be used in Spanish class? Pre-AP students will be responsible for the creation and upkeep of a course ePortfolio. Students will be given class time to update their blogs in Spanish every week.

My child may participate My child may not participate

My child may participate My child may not participate

Class notes, handouts, and announcements will be made available through our class Edmodo and on my professional website (, both of which are accessible by students and parents. Throughout the school year, I may feature photos, videos, or work of individual students (identied by rst name only) or student group activities on either of those platforms. If you prefer that I not publish your childs photo, video/audio recordings, or school work, please let me know. You may e-mail me at [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the course or information listed on this syllabus, please feel free to call, come by, or email. My conference hours are 1:15pm-2:00pm, Monday through Thursday. If you would like to know your childs class average, please e-mail or visit Skyward Family Access. Im looking forward to a fantastic new year at LHS, and promise to do everything I can to help my students reach success. GO LIONS!

Sincerely, Crystal Barragn Spanish Teacher Lockhart High School 512-398-0436 (LHS) 512-348-6313 (Google number)

Student Agreement:
Read the statements below. Write your initial next to each of the statements, and then sign and print your name. I have read and understood the Spanish II Pre-AP course policies, procedures, and expectations. I understand that: 1. My grade will reect how close I am to reaching my prociency goal for the given grading period; 2. I will ask questions and always correct my mistakes; 3. I must abide by all campus rules; 4. I will be expected to show off my awesome Spanish skills every single day!

Student (last name, rst name):

(student signature)

(printed name)

Student questions, comments, or concerns: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent Agreement:
Read the statements below. Write your initial next to each of the statements, and then sign and print your name. I have read and understood the course policies and procedures: 1. I am aware of the expectations on the student for this course; 2. I understand that I may contact the instructor or access Skyward to view my childs grades.

(parent signature)

(printed name)

(preferred contact number)


Parent questions, comments, or concerns: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Class period:


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