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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2OO8 MCS-04it: ADVANCEDDATABASEDESIGN

Moximum Marks: 7OO Answer any

Time : 3 hours

Question number 7 is conpulsory. three questionslrom the rest.



What are cursors, stored proceduresand triggers ? Explain with an example of your choice. 5


The concept of "marriage" is identified as a class in first view, as a relationship in second view and as an attribute ln third view, How will you solve this using Viewlntegration problem ? Suggest one good measure. 4


Differentiate between Logical and Physicaldatabase design. How can UML Diagrams help in database design ? 5




Explain how Hash Join is applicable to Equi Join and Natural Joins. Explain the Algorithm and Cost calculationfor Simple Hash Join. How is a database management system different from a data warehouse? When we have sulficient tools and conceptsto developa DBMS, then why do we still designwarehouses ? How does granularity of data item affect the performance of concurrency control ? How are granularityand database securiiy related ?



What are the 'u:ariousproblems that aris in distributed DBMS environment that are not encounteredin a centralisedDBMS environment ?


(a) Distinguishbetweenthe following :

(i) (it) (iit Embedded SQL and Dynamic SeL XML and HTML

2 PC and 3 PC (iv) Data warehousingand Data mining

(b) List all the functional dependenciessatisfiedbv the

following relation :

b1 c1

a1 a1

b1 b1 b1


a2 a2


Write an SQL-Code to identify whether a given functional dependencyholds. MCS-O43

What are Semantic Databases? List {eahrres of Semantic Databases. Explain the process of searchingthe knowledgein these databases 3. (a) What is Data Mining ? How is Data Mining a part of Knowledge Discoveryprocess? What are the goals of Data Mining and lfuowledge Discovery? Create an object-orienieddatabaseusing ODL for the following figure :





? (c) Whatis ODBC? How is ODBCimplemented How on is accessprovidedto Database World Wide Web






What do you understand by Open Source Technologies ? List some open source DBMS. Explain the working and featuresof PostgreSQl. Explain the overuiewof OMCLE architecture.What are the main ORACLE tools availablefor applicaiion development ? Can mobile use of data centric applicationsbe performed b9 ORACLE ?



What is data dictionary ? List some featuresof data dictionary. What are the various approaches to implement a DistributedDatabaseCatalogue? What is shadow paging ? Illustratewith an example. What are the advantages and disadvantagesof shadow paging ?



(b) What are the various reasonsfor a transactionto fail

in the middle of execution?

What is statisticaldatabase? Discussthe problem o{ statisticaldatabasesecurity. What is Distributed DBMS ? Explain its architecture. What are the advantaqesof DDBMS over centralised databases ?




MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2OO8 MCS-O4i|O : AEVANCEDDATABASE DESIGN
Morks: I00 Moxlmum

TIme : 3 hours Note :

Queslion number 7 is compulsory' Answer any lhree questlonsfrom the rest'

Give an example of MVD. Prove how your MVD can act as a functional dePendencY' What is views ? Whai are the SQL command5 to specifY a view for uPdating of views Ior deleHng of views



6 6


Illustrate with an o<amPle. (c) Why was there a need oI Obiect Oriented Databases ? Compare OODBMS with Relational





What do you understand Qu"ry Processing bV and ? Query Optimisation What are Query Trees and Graphs? Explainwith an exampleof your Query choice. Consider the follo,r,ing SQL query on the EMPLOYEE relation: SELECTLNAME,FNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, WHERE SATARY> (SFIFCT MAX(SAIARY) FROM EMPLOYEE WHEREDNO = 5) Is it a correlated nested query ? Suggesta good executionplan for the query optimizer. Give a measureo{ query cost. Explainthe Apriori Algorithm for association rule mining.




Compare the following : (i) (ii) Bnbedded SQL and DgnamicSQL XML and HTML

(iii) DeductiveDatabase and SemanticDaiabase (iv) Centralised and Non-Centralised Database (b) What is Data warehousing? Where in industry can data warehouse find its uses ? How can one gain competitive edge in warehouse? business by using data



What are the advantages of distributed database ? Gve an example of heterogeneousdatabasefrom the real-world. What is Clustering ? How is Clustering and Segmentation related to daia mining ? Explain partitioning clusteringalgorithms. Explain the signlficanceof creating a datadictionary in a DBMS.





Show typical structure of Datagrid. What are the application areas of Datagrid ? Explain with an example. What is Datagrid ?


(a) Create a relationaldatabasefrom the following class


Name: Sting Type : Sbing ID: lnteger

Code : Sting Name : Sting Details Sting :

(b) What are the goals of Tuning in relationalsystems?

Why is Query Tuning needed and what are its indications? (c) What is SQLJ ? Explain the slmtax of Declarations and ExecutableStatements.Also show that SQLJ uses EmbeddedSQL.




(a) What ls mulflversion concurrency control ? Explain

how multiversion concurrency control can be achievedbasedon Timestampordering. What is mulblevel security ? What are typical security classes? How is daia distribdion performed in DDBMS ? List some advantages and disaduantages DDBMS. of



MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2OO8 MCS-04it: ADVANGED DESIGN DATABASE
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 700

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.
1. (a) Consider the following relation R (A, B, C) : R

A 1 4 5 5


2 2
3 3

3 4

Which of the following dependencies does not hold ? Give reasons.

(i) A+B (ii)A++B

(b) What is a data warehouse ? Describe the processof ETL for a data warehouse. MCS-043 1 5


(c) What is timestamp ordering ? Explain timestamp based protocol for serializable schedule. Consider the following requirements: A A car or truck can be a registered-vehicte. person, bank or company can own a registered vehicle. Model this requirement using EER diagram. Consider the following relations': EMPLOYEE (Eno, Ename, Address,Phone, Salary, Dnum) DEPT (Dnum, Dlocation, Dname) PROJECT (Pno, Dname, Dnum) Find the names of employeesusing relational algebra who work on all projects controlled by Department Number 5. How will you enforce Referential Integrity Constraint in Oracle ? Explain with the help of one example. Create an object-oriented database using ODL for' the following schema. Make suitable assumptions about attributes.

(h) What



common database security

failures ? What are the SQL commands for granting permission ? Why are statistical databasesmore prone to disclosure? Explain with the help of an example. 2. (a) What is the significance cursorsin embedded of SQL ? Explain with the help of an example. (b) What are mobile databases ? Explain the

characteristics mobile databases. of (c) What do you mean by deadlock ? How can we prevent them ? Write an algorithm that checks . whether the concurrently executing transactions are in deadlock 3. (a) What is data mining ? How is it different from OLTP ? What is classification context of data in mining ? (b) What are data-maits ? What is the significance of creating them ? (c) What is XML ? How is it different from 10

HTML ? What are the advantages XML ? of Create an XML schema for list of studentsand their marks MCS-043 70



(a) Compare , and contrast Relational database management systems, Object-relational databasemanagementsystems,Object-oriented database management systems. Suggest one application for each of managementsystems. these database


(b) Explain Join Dependencywith the help- of an example. To which normal form does it correspond ? Functional dependencies and multivalued dependenciesare special type of Join dependencies. Justify. 5.


(a) Explain the centralized Two-phase Commit Protocol in Distributed Environment. Give the algorithm for both coordinaiorand participants. 12 (b) Develop a query plan for the following query and compute its cost : ,SALARY (EMPLOYEE X DEPARTMEM' > 4OOOO

Make suitable assumptions of your own about the relation schema as well as the database statistics. I


MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination


cr) (o


Time':3 hours

Maximum Marks : LA0

f. Note : Question number is compulsory.Attemptany three questions from the rest. t. (u) Write a MDB (MessageDriven Bean) for
news agency that has to capture the data from various news sources. The newly written MDB should accept the XML format of the news. The XML data needs to be parsed and stored in the database. The news format is as follows : <news id> </news-id> <source> </source> <date> </ date>

<type-of-news > </ type -of.-news> <priority> </ priority> (news-content> </news-content> (b) What is Java Servlet ? Draw, to represent the different phases of servlet life cycle.

(c) (d) (e)

Explain the different types of Enterprise beans. Explain SessionBeansand Define their life cycle. \A/hat is a custom tags in ISP ? What are the components that make up a tag library in ISP ? What are the different recovery procedures in security implementatron ? What do you mean by sessiontracking ? Also, explain in brief different ways to handle sessiontracking in servlet. Explain SSL and TLS with their working and .security measures.









Differentiate between the following : (i) (tl) (rit) (iv) GET and POST Context init Parameter and Servlet init Parameter Servlet Engines and Servlet Chaining Data Integrity and System Integrity


Create a custom JSPtags named as " Sorted t 0 Iterate Tags' that can iterate or process any java collection. For example it should accept the list of telephone numbers and print them in sorted manner.



Write an application to create a XML document from a telephone directory database. The XML document should contain the name of a customer, address, telephone number and the last twelve months bill payment summary.



Explain database handling in JSP using Vpe 2 and type 4 drivers.



(u) What are the different types of implicit

(b) objectsused in JSP? Explain all in brief. What are the different design and developmentGoalsfor XML and explain the usage of XSD/DTD in XMl.documents.

10 10

MCA (Revised)
CD ()


Term-EndExamination lune/ 2009


Time : 3 hours Note : Maximum Marks : 100

number1-is compulsory. Anstaerany three Question questions fro* the rest.



Consider the following three transactions




read(X) Write (X)


read(X) Y: = X (X) disPlaY

(X) X=X- 1000 disPtaY

Insert shared and exclusive locks in T1, T2 and T3 such that the transactions when executed concurrently do not encounter any concurrency related Problem.




Consider the following EER Diagram

Derive relations from the above EER diagram.


Define simple Hash-Join and explain the process and cost calculation of Hash-Join with the help of example.

Make suitable assumptions of your own about the relation schema as well as the database statistics.


Explain the characteristics of mobile databases. Give an application of mobile databases.



How OLAP support query processing in dataware house ? Differentiate between embedded SQL and dynamic SQL. Give an example of embedded SQL.


Explain the following with the help of an example diagram, if any : (u) (b) (") (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) Semanticdatabases Applications of data grid Security features of oracle Challenges designof multimedia-database in Benefits of data dictionary Stepsof databasedesign Clustering in data rnining Application of data mining




The decision regarding indexing is a trade off between read-only queries and update queries. Elaborate help of example. the statement with the


Consider the following relational schema emp (e-no, e-name, title) pay ( title, Sal) Let P 1: Sal < 3000 and P 2: Sal > 3000 be 2 predicates Perform a horizontal fragmentation of relation pay, with respect to these

predicates, to obtain pay l and pay 2. Using this fragmentation of pay,perform further

derived horizontal fragmentation of Emp based on title "Dr" .


What is ETL ? What are diff erent transformationsthat are needed during the ETL Process?




Given the following semi structured data in XML create the DTD (Document Type Declaration) for it: (document> <employee> <Name> RameshJain </Name> <Address>H-1, 25, Delhi </Address) <Address> B-1, New office, Delhi </Address) </employee> <employee>
<Name> Anuj </Name> <Address> 25, Curgoan, Hanyana< Address) / </employee> </document>


(u) (b)

IuVhatis data mail and how it is different from dataware house. Consider the following query : Select student-id, student-name, subject, marks form STUDENT, RESULT WHERE STUDENT. =RESULT.,Student-id id AND RESULT, MARKS>60 Assume suitable relation and statistics. Createa query evaluationplan for the above.. Student-



II MCS-043 I MCA (Revised) r-cf) C1 CC) CD Term-End Examination December, 2009 MCS-043 : ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number / is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.


(a) Consider the following query : SELECT ENAME, PNAME FROM EMP, ASG, PROJ WHERE PROJ. TITLE = "Comp Engg" AND ASG. ENO = EMP. ENO AND ASG .PNO = PROJ.PNO Assuming that the size of EMP relation is 400 tuples, PROJ has 100tuples and ASG has 20,000 tuples. There are no indexes. Derive a query execution plan for above. Make suitable assumptions.



Two-phase locking protocol uses waiting, time stamping and optimistic methods use restacting, to avoid nonserializable execution. Justify the statement.

What is the difference between document type definition and XML schema ? Explain using an example. What are the differences between datamining and knowledge discovery in database (KDD) ? Can these two techniques be used alternatively. Justify.

What is a join dependency ? Explain with an example. When a join dependency is referred as trivial ?


Consider a small institute in which students register for programmes run by the institute. A program can be a full or a part time program or both. Every student necessarily registers in at least one programme and at most three programme. Assuming suitable attributes, design an EER diagram for the same.


What are the different types of index implementations available in POST gre SQL. Explain each one of them. What are triggers and what is their use ? Explain with the help of an example. 2.

(a) Why is query expressed in relational algebra preferred over query expressed in SQL in query optimization. Explain this by taking a suitable example Determine all 4NF violations for the relation schema R(X, Y, Z, W) with multivalued dependencies X > >Y and X > > Z. Decompose the relation into 4NF. The 3-phase commit protocol increases the system's availability and doesn't allow transaction to remain blocked until a failure is repaired. Justify the statement. (d) What are cursors. Explain with an example.


(a) Create an object oriented database using 10 ODL for the following scheme. Make suitable assumptions about the attributes


Answer the following query using OQL list all the account of a customer whose name is 'Q' "XYZ". "A linear join help to exhibit parallelism in 4 query execution". Is the statement correct ? Justify your answer. 3 Explain the "Deferred database modification" approach of log-based recovery. 3 (d) Define Multi-Version two-phase locking. 4 P.T.O. MCS-043


(a) What is semi-structured data, explain with example. What is the difference between a well formed XML document and a valid XML document ? What are views and what is their significance. How views are created in SQL explain using one example. What is data warehousing ? Discuss various characteristics of Data warehousing ? (d) Define multimedia databases and challenges in designing them.

5 5


(a) Differentiate between star schema and snowflake scheme using the same example. (b) Differentiate between : Data-mining queries and data base query Clustering and classification approaches in data-mining. (c) How does Oracle manage database security ? (d) What are deadlocks ? How are they detected ? Explain with the help of an example. -o0o-


MCS - 043

No. of Printed Pages : 4



MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2010 MCS-043 : ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN

Time : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the. rest.


(a) The ABC. Bank offers five types of Accounts : loan, checking, savings, daily interest saving and money market. It operates a number of branches within the country. A client of the bank can have any number of accounts. Accounts can be self or a joint account. Draw an EER diagram for the ABC bank identifying various entities, attributes and cordinality. Show meaningful relationships that exist among the entities. Translate the EER diagram to schema Relational Model.




(b) Explain the following protocols for 10 concurrency control in transactions with the help of an illustration for each : Tree - protocol Timestamp - Based Protocol. (c) With the help of a process diagram, explain 10 the various tasks involved in the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process. Explain the role of ODBC and JDBC with the help of an example. Is the following XML document well formed ? Justify your answer : ?xml version = "1.0" standalone ="yess" ? > employee > name > Amit </name > position > Professor </position > </employee > employee > name > Sumit </name > position > Reader </position > </employee> . (a) What are multimedia databases (MMDBs) ? 10 List some of the applications of MMDBs. Describe various contents of MMDBs. Also, mention the challenges in designing of MMDBs. MCS-043 2 6 4

Define Multi - valued dependencies and Join dependencies. Give an example of each. State fourth and fifth normal form. Consider a relation R (A, B, C) with functional dependencies AB - C and C --> A . Decompose the relation R into BCNF relations. 3.

(a) With the help of a diagram, explain the 10 reference architecture of Distributed DBMS. How is this different from component Architecture of DDBMS ? (b) Explain the following two ways to 10 implement the object - oriented concepts in DBMS: To extend the existing RDBMS to include object orientation. To create a new DBMS that is exclusively devoted to OODBMS. What is a (DW) Data Ware house ? Explain the basic components of a DW. Consider a Supply Data of an organization having three dimensions as Supplier, Part and Project. Draw a star schema with supply as the fact table. Make suitable assumptions.




(c) Explain the following in the context of ORACLE/ POSTGRESQL : Triggers Security Data Dictionary Indexing 5. (a) With reference to special Databases and GIS explain the following : Application of Geographic Databases Requirements of a GIS Operations on the data captured in GIS Consider the following query : SELECT Empld, EmpName, DeptName, DeptLve FROM Employee, Department WHERE Employee. DeptNo = Department. DeptNo AND Employee, Salary > 10000 Create a query evaluation plan for the query given above. Make suitable assumptions about the relation and statistics. Explain Cursors. Explain the role of cursors in Embedded SQL with the help of an example. (iii)

3 4 3 5


No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCA (Revised) C\I CO If) 0 .. CD Term-End Examination June, 2011


MCS-043 : ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Question number one is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest. 1. (a) Which MVDs (multivalued dependency) hold for the following table : P-No. Pi P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 Colour Ci C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 C3 C3 Size S1 S1 S2 S2 S3 S3 S1 S3 5

Each product (P) comes in a range of colours (C) and sizes (S) MCS-043


(b) The organization called ABC undertakes several kinds of projects. Each employee can move on one or more projects. Each project is undertaken on the request of a client. A client can request for several projects. Each project has only one client. A project can use a number of items from different manufacturers and an item may be used by several projects. Before delivery of items to a client, it is tested by testing group in the organization. Draw an E-R diagram and convert it into a relational schema. Also identify primary key in each relation. (c) Discuss the shadow paging recovery scheme.


5 4 6

(d) Describe object definition language with the help of an example. (e) How does embedded SQL differ from Dynamic SQL ? With the help of an example, describe the implementation of cursors and triggers. How does oracle manage database security ?


5 5

(g) When is it useful to have replication or fragmentation of data in distributed system ? Explain. MCS-043 2


(a) Distinguish between the followings with examples. (i) (ii) Time stamping and Two-Phase locking. Data mining queries and database queries.

(b) Consider the following relations : Teacher (T#, T Name) Practical-Paper (P#, P-Name, Tname) Conducts (T#, P#) Write the relational algebra expression for the following queries. (i) Get those teacher numbers (T#) who are not conducting practical number P2. (ii) Get details of those teachers who are conducting practical numbers P1 to P4.

(c) What problems occur in the database system when transactions do not satisfy ACID properties ? Explain explicitly using suitable examples. 3. (a) What is ODBC ? What are requirements of ODBC ? Describe the components required for implementation of ODBC.



(b) (c)

What are the different types of index in PostgreSQL ? Explain each one of them. What is the difference between document type definition and XML schema ? Explain with an example.

7 6


(a) What do you understand by query optimization ? What are query trees ? Explain with an example. (b) What is multiversion concurrency control ? Explain how multiversion concurrencey control can be achieved based on time stamp ordering ? (c) List steps involved in building of Dataware house.

5. (a) What are views ? How are they implemented can views be used for data manipulation ? Explain with help of an example. (b) (c) Describe normalization using join dependency with the help of an example. Explain the following terms in the context of DBMS : (i) (ii) Multilevel Security Auditing and Control (iii) Redo log files (iv) Characteristics of DBMS

6 8


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