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Introduction Aims/Objectives of T&D Training Process Definition and features of Learning Organization Importance of HRD SAIL at a Glance RSP Training at RSP Training Policy Training Process Ideas/Outline Process Taining Methods & Techniques T&D of Human Resources in RSP Development Training Vision & Strategy Training Plan and Calendar Training Infrastructure Alignment of Training Strategies with Orgn. Goals Focus Areas of Training Training evaluation Policy and System Methodologies/chanels for T&D Sponsoring for External/Foreign Training Conclusion Bibliography

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Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training & development is-it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training & development is determined by the employees performance deficiency, computed as follows: Training & Development need = Standard performance Actual performance. We can make a distinction among training, education and development. Such distinction enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms. Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Education, on the other hand, is confined to theoretical learning in classrooms. Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Development refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow. Education is theoretical learning in classroom. Though training and education differ in nature and orientation, they are complementary. An employee, for example, who undergoes training, is presumed to have had some formal Education. Furthermore, no training program is complete without an element of education. In fact, the distinction between training and education is getting increasingly blurred nowadays. As more and more employees are called upon to exercise judgments and to choose alternative solutions to the job problems, training programs seek to broaden and develop the individual through education. For instance, employees in well-paid jobs and/or employees in the service industry may be required to make independent decision regarding their work and their relationship with clients. Hence, organization must consider elements of both education and training while planning their training programs. Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help employees grow. Development is not primarily skill-oriented. Instead, it provides general knowledge and attitudes which will be helpful to employees in higher positions. Efforts towards development often depend on personal drive and ambition. Development activities, such as those supplied by management developmental programs, are generally voluntary. To bring the distinction among training, education and development into sharp focus, it may be stated that training is offered to operatives, whereas developmental programs are meant for employees in higher positions. Education however is common to all the employees, there grades notwithstanding.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT The fundamental aim of training is to help the organization achieve its purpose by adding value to its key resource the people it employs. Training means investing in the people to enable them to perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. The particular objectives of training are to: Develop the competences of employees and improve their performance; Help people to grow within the organization in order that, as far as possible, its future needs for human resource can be met from within; Reduce the learning time for employees starting in new jobs on appointment, transfers or promotion, and ensure that they become fully competent as quickly and economically as possible. INPUTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENTS Any training and development program must contain inputs which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into distant future. In addition to these, there is a need to impart ethical orientation, emphasize on attitudinal changes and stress upon decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Skills Training, as was stated earlier, is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills to operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage or scrap. This is a Basic skill without which the operator will not be able to function. There is also the need for motor skills. Motor skills refer to performance of specific physical activities. These skills involve training to move various parts of ones body in response to certain external and internal stimuli. Common motor skills include walking, riding a bicycle, tying a shoelace, throwing a ball and driving a car. Motor skills are needed for all employees from the clerk to the general manager. Employees, particularly supervisors and executives, need interpersonal skills popular known as the people skills. Interpersonal skills are needed to understand one self and others better, and act accordingly. Examples of interpersonal skills include listening, persuading, and showing an understanding of others feelings. Education The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and judgement. That any training and development program must contain an element of education is well understood by HR specialist. Any such program has university professors as resource persons to enlighten participants about theoretical knowledge of the topic proposed to be discussed. In fact organizations depute or encourage employees to do courses on a part time basis. Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are known to attend refresher courses conducted by business schools. Education is important for managers and executives than for lower-cadre workers.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Development Another component of a training and development is development which is less skill oriented but stressed on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principle sand techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of the company. Ethics There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development program. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses. Unethical practices abound in marketing, finance and production function in an organization. They are less see and talked about in the personnel function. Attitudinal Changes Attitudes represent feeling and beliefs of individuals towards others. Attitude affects motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitudes need to be converted into positive attitudes. Changing negative attitudes is difficult because 1.Employees refuse to changes2.They have prior commitments3.And information needed to change attitudes may not be sufficient Nevertheless, attitude must be changed so that employees feel committed to the organization, are motivated for better performance, and derive satisfaction from their jobs and the work environment. Decisions Making and Problem Solving Skills Decision making skill and problem solving skills focus on method and techniques for making organizational decisions and solving work-related problems. Learning related to decision-making and problem-solving skills seeks to improve trainees abilities to define structure problems, collect and analysis information, generate alternative solution and make an optimal decision among alternatives. Training of this type is typically provided to potential managers, supervisors and professionals.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

The Training Process: Needs Assessment Organizational support Organizational analysis Task and KSA analysis Person analysis

Instruction al Objective

Selection and Design of Instruction s Training

Develop ment of Criteria

Training Validity Transfer Validity Inter organiza tional validity Intra organiza tional validity

Use of evaluatio n models

Definitions and features of a Learning Organization. Several definitions and frameworks of a learning organization have been offered throughout the history. A learning company can be thought of as a vision of what might be possible. Authors state that this can only happen as a result of learning on a total organizational level. The nature of a learning organization is defined as: An organization that facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms itself as one, which: Has a climate in which individual members are encouraged to learn and to develop their full potential. Extends this learning culture to include customers, suppliers and other significant holders wherever possible.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Make human resource development strategy central to business policy so that the process of individual and organizational learning becomes a major business activity. A continuous process of organizational transformation harnessing the fruits of individual learning to make fundamental changes in assumptions, goals, norms and operating procedures on the basis of the internal drive to self-direction and not reactively to external pressures. The definitions reveal that a company engaged in improvement processes and which attempts to build in these mechanisms, is not necessarily a learning organization. The essential features in provided definitions of a learning organization appear in Table 1. These elements are, of course, considerably generalized but they nevertheless give an idea of which processes should occur in an organization. Table 1. Key features of a learning organization Feature Continuous learning and improvements Knowledge Generation and Sharing Systematic changes Description Employees share learning with each other and use a job as a basis for applying and creating knowledge. Systems are developed for creating, capturing, and sharing knowledge Employees are encouraged to think in new ways, see relationships and feedback loops, and test Assumptions Learning is rewarded, promoted, and supported by managers and company objectives Employees are free to take risks, innovate, explore new ideas, try new processes, and develop new products and services. System and environment focus on ensuring the development and well-being of every employee

Learning Culture Encouragement of Flexibility and Experimentation Valuing of Employees

A learning organization that emphasizes knowledge management and training is seen as one part of a system designed to create intellectual capital. In a learning organization training processes are carefully scrutinized and aligned with the Company goals. It should be noticed that the essence of the idea of a learning organization is not training, but self-development. A learning organization emphasizes that learning occurs not only at the individual employee level (as we traditionally think of learning), but also at

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP group and organizational levels. If the company aims to place itself in such a position, it needs to have a process by which the Organization as a whole changes its methods, practices and procedures and by these means transforms itself into a learning organization. It shows the importance of human resource development. The importance of human resource development Nadler coined the term human resource development (HRD) in 1970 and offered a model with three components: training, education, and development. Much of the published literature on the definition of the field has been focused in the west originally, in the United States and, increasingly, in Europe. However, human resource development is a discipline that is more developed in Western industrialized countries than in the rest of the world. Therefore, defining HRD is not easy and up till now not a single point of the view or framework of HRD has been predominant. There is no single agreement on the definition of the field and that HRD is rather a mosaic of multiple perspectives. For example Pace et al. (1991) describes HRD as the individual development, career development, and organization development roles to achieve maximum productivity, quality, opportunity, and fulfillment for organization members as they work to accomplish the goals of the organization. Human Resource development is a process, covering training of new employees, their adaptation, professional development, re-skilling, career development and reserve formation, in order to improve and develop personal and team work performance, having combined organizational and personal employees objectives and needs, and allowing employees continually develop, in this way achieving the best possible results of the organization. The purposes for development fall into two major areas (1) the organization and (2) the individual but these need not be mutually exclusive. Indeed, it is desirable that they could overlap, but no attempt should be made to force that relationship. For an organization, there can be several purposes for development. An important one is that organizations are continually changing, and it is not always possible to know the direction in advance. Traditionally, most of the emphasis on development has been at the basic and advanced skill levels. However, it is recognized that many jobs require extensive use of knowledge, particularly as a result of technological change. This requires employees to share knowledge and use it creatively to modify a product or serve a customer, as

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP well as to understand the service or product-development system. The use of multimedia, the World Wide Web, and other new technologies will increase in the future for several reasons. First, the cost of these technologies will decrease. Second, companies can use technology to better prepare employees to service customers and generate business. Third, use of these new technologies can substantially reduce training costs (e.g., travel, food, housing) related to bringing geographically dispersed employees to one central training location. Fourth, these technologies allow trainers to build into training many of the desirable features of the learning environment (e.g., practice, feedback, reinforcement). Fifth, as companies employ more contingent employees (e.g. part-timers, consultants) who may not work in a central geographic area, technology will allow training to be delivered to these employees in a timely, effective manner. To become a successful learning organization, companies may be required not only to place greater emphasis on training but also to change human resource management systems to support learning. Accordingly, it was decided to carry out the research to find out the approach to learning and development in Lithuanian companies and their possibilities to become learning organizations. Organizations exhibit three different approaches to training and development (T&D): 1. Fragmented. 2. Formalized. 3. Focused. All these three approaches are described below. The first one is fragmented approach to learning and development. Under the fragmented approach, training and development are peripheral rather than intrinsic to the organization. Training (in so far as it takes place at all) is: 1. Not linked to organizational strategies and goals; 2. Perceived as a cost, not an investment, or even a luxury and waste of time; 3. Non-systematic; 4. Directive (participants have little to say about the training they are given); 5. Carried out by trainers and takes place in the training department; 6. Concerned with knowledge-based courses.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Under the fragmented approach, training and development are peripheral rather than intrinsic to the organization. Many organizations are still in the fragmented phase. The focus here is on training (a discontinuous process) rather than development (a continuous process). The organization takes little responsibility for training and expects little in return. Training courses are not linked to organizational objectives and are offered by the training department to the organization (if a training department exists). A common problem is that what learning individuals might experience on the course is rarely implemented back at work. Sending the occasional manager on a team working training program may produce little tangible benefit. The second one is a formalized approach to T&D. Under the formalized approach, Organizations adopt a more systematic approach to training and development. Training: 1. Becomes linked to human resource needs; 2. Becomes more systematic (perhaps by linking it to an appraisal); 3. Still emphasizes knowledge-based courses, but widens the focus on including skills-based programs; 4. Is linked to individuals career development; 5. Is carried out by trainers (but the range of skill demands on trainers widens); 6. Involves line managers through their role as an appraiser; 7. Attempts to link training to the workplace through pre- and post-course activities. This approach is described as formalized because training is linked into organizational systems, which ensure that training activity takes place with some regularity. Individual training needs are identified through appraisal interviews and their manager then directs individuals toward training courses. So, while there is recognition of individuals varying training needs, there may be little freedom of choice. Another problem is appraisals becoming an annual ritual or chore. Managers often dwell on easy issues and do not touch on areas requiring improvement and development. Even though there may be a large investment in training (perhaps with a large training centre and staff), training is still not the organization bloodstream.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP And the last one is a focused approach to T & D. Some organizations have become concerned to link organizational and individual needs more directly and make training and development a continuous activity. Under this focused approach, training and development become intrinsic to the organization. The main characteristics are: 1. Training & development and continuous learning by individuals are perceived as necessary for organizational survival in a rapidly changing business environment; 2. Training is regarded as a competitive weapon; 3. Learning is linked to organizational strategy and individual goals; 4. The emphasis is on through-the-job development, so learning becomes a continuous activity; 5. There is greater willingness to use new approaches (e.g., open distance learning, self-development programs, etc.; 6. Training is self-selected; 7. The main responsibility of training now rests with line managers; 8. There is a new emphasis on learning as a process; 9. The organization tolerates some failure as a part of the learning process. The emphasis in the focused phase moves away from training to personal development. Training and development are driven both by the organization strategic goals and individual need. It represents a switch from a teacher- to a learner-centered approach, from an emphasis on training to learning. Relatively few organizations would claim they have reached such a truly focused approach.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is one of the largest corporate entities in India. Formerly it was know as Hindustan Steel Limited (HSL) and was formed on January, 24th 1973 with an authorized capital of Rs. 20000 Crores. In 1978 SAIL was restructured as an Operational Company. SAIL is India largest steel producers with a turnover of around Rs.16.500 crores. Its four integrated steel plants have a total capacity of producing 12.5 MT of crude steel by the effort of 150000 employees working around the clock. SAIL one of the MHARATNA Companies. Hindustan Steel Limited was set up in 1954 and was entrusted with task of constructing and managing three instigated steel plants of one million ton is at Rourkela , Durgapur, Bhilai. MAJOR UNITS OF SAIL Different Areas of Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) Rourkela 3. Steel Plant (RSP) Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) Orissa 1MT 1.671MT Germany Presents Capacity 3.152 MT

Sl.No 1.

State Chhattisgarh

Capacity 1.0 MT

Collaboration USSR


West Bengal

1.6 MT








Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP


Indian Bengal.

Iron and Steel Company Limited (ISSCO) in West


Alloy steel Plant (ASP) in West Bengal

Salem Steel Plant (SSP) in Tamil Nadu Visvesvanya Iron and steel Plant (VISP) in Karnataka SUBSIDIARIES:Maharashtra Elektromelt Limited (MEL) in Maharashtra. D. Other Unit: Raw Material Division (RMD) at Kolkata Central Marketing Organization (CMO) at Kolkata Sail consultancy Division (SAILCON) at New Delhi. Research and Development Center for iron and Steel (RDSIS) at Ranchi, Jharkhand. Center for Engineering and Technology (CET) at Ranchi. Management Training Institute (MIT) at Ranchi. Center Power Training Institute. (CPTI) at Kolkata Growth Division (GD) at Kolkata. Central coal Supply Organization (CCSO) at Dhanbad, Jharkhand.


Rourkela steel plant (RSP the first integrated steel plant in the public sector in India. One of the pioneering units of SAIL was set up with an initial capacity of 1.0 million ton to 1.8 million ton between the year 1065 & 1969. With its reputation for continuous innovation process improvement &development RSP has impressive record. This is the first Steel Plant in SAIL where 100 % of the slabs are produced by continuous casting.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Special Feature of RSP: a. It is the first plant in Asia adopted LD process of steel making & implement it successfully. b. It is the only plant producing cold rolled non oriented (RNO) steel sheet for use in the electric industries with insulator capacity of 73000 ton /year. c. RSP is the first integrated steel plant of SAIL. Adopted the cost effect & quality centered continuous casting route to process 100% of steel produced. A versatile flat steel producer having diversified product range, RSPs product comprises of hot rolled coil &plates, electric resistance weld (ERW) piper spiral weld pipes. Electric sheets, coils from its silicon steel mill, armored plate; coal chemical from its coal chemicals plants RSP also has the unique distincion of producing silicon steel for the power sector &state of the art pipe for the oil gas sectors besides tin for the packing industry. Raw material for RSP RSP fully mechanized captives mines: need bulk requirement of Iron Ore, Limestone, Dolomite, Manganese, and Quartzite & Coal. MAJOR UNITS OF RSP


ORE BEDDING AND BLENDING PLANT The raw materials handing system is required centralized unloading blending & sizing facilities. The system includes major installations like wagon handling system. Iron ore crushing & screening system, raw material storage yard. Limestone & dolomite crushing &screening system, conveyors system, proportionally, bon building, rod & roll crushers for flush & feel as well as infrastructure & auxiliary facilities.


Coke ovens The 4.7 tall coke ovens produce metallurgical coke feed the blast furnaces. The coke ovens are equipped with wagon tippers automatic facilities, cost blending, prop vision coal & coke screening arrangement.


Sinter plant


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Sintering is the process of agglomeration of lines by incipient fusion caused by heat available from the glue contained in the charge the lumpy mass thus available / obtained is known as sinter & compresses an effective blast furnace feed. The3 sinter machine with a total capacity of 4000 tones per day.


Blast furnaces The four blast furnaces provide the required hot metal for steel production. A unique feature is internal desulphurization facility which ensure the production of special quality steel.


Steel melting shop RSP is equipped with open heart. There are 5 nos. of LD converter & open hearts furnaces having total capacity to produce 1.55 mt & 0.25 mt of steel per year respectively.


Continuous casting machine (CCM-I) The steel melting shop is designed to produce 574000 tones of liquid steel per year. With the installation of the slab casting shop in the steel melting shop which entire produce only ingots.


Basic oxygen machine shop This is the biggest set up under the modernization program. This shop is provides with state of the art automation through three levels of computerized control. LPG gas clearing & recovery. Power distribution system & utility service are part of this package.

This slab produces shop is SMS-II provided with the latest facilities. Produces 13500000 tones of wide range of steel slabs per year.


Plate mill The main function of plate mill is to produce plates of different size & different qualities. Its 4 meter high averring


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP mill is equipped with on line thickness measurement facilities. A new walking beam type furnace with a capacity of 100 tones per Hr has been installed for slab heating.


Hot strip mill. The facilities 1440 MT /annum will were augmented during modernization with the installation of Two new walking beam type R. furnace (225TPH) Roughing / sizing stand. PLC controlled coil box. Quick roll system in RI & finishing mills. Coal masking sampling & conveying stems.


Cold rolling mill

Cold rolling mill produces cold rolled coils & sheets. This features a modern 5 stand tandem mill & a high 1700 mm reversing mill. XII. Electrolytic tinning mill The continuous Electrolytic tinning line produces a shining tin coated surface in a variety of coating thickness.

XIII. Galvanizing lines

The main function of this unit is to produce zinc coated galvanizing lines are equipped with jet coating facilities there are 2 multirole corrugating machines. XIV. Silicon steel mills The unit produces steel for the electrical industry through various operations carried out in supplicated continuous / semi continuous processing line & 4 high reduction mills.

XV. Pipe plants

RSP has two pipe plants, Spiral Welded Pipe Plant and Electrolytic Reduction Welded Pipe plant, both of which prduce ISO as well as API certified products.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge & skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge & skill for a definite purpose. Training is aimed at improving the behavior & performance of a person. It is a never ending and continuous process. The annual training plan of RSP is based on the training need assessments, which is carried out every year with the active support of all heads of department along with the help of training engineers & training coordinators. The annual training plan has been divided into two parts. Training programs where the duration of the program is two days or more. Awareness program is of one day duration. A number of efforts have been made to improve the quality of programs. A workshop is conducted to review the contents of the basic reengineering skill programs which is attended by some key mechanical engineers of works area. After training & discussion with the instructors, some suggestions have been made to improve the quality of programs. Based on the feedback received some new programs have been designed. Some modified & some totally changed. Training Policy: Every organization needs to have well trained & experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. Employee training & development is not only the activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to it to maintain a knowledge workforce. Training is a means of preparing rank & fills workers for promotion to supervisory position & for improving their competencies. Training provided by training department of any organization can be successful if it is tailor made according to the overall attitude & behavior of the employees.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP After selection of a candidate, it is the duty of an organization to put that candidate at right job as well as to provide him with training & development facilities so that he can bring improvement to his present and future assignment. Training enables all the employees to get acquainted with job & also increase their aptitudes, skills & knowledge. Training enables the employees to get acquainted and it serves as an important means for the development of effective work habits & methods of work & thereby improves job performance, reduce waste & accidents, prepare individual for modified jobs, avoid unnecessary turnover, and improve the quality of product. Thus training of human resources in industry has been recognized as tool for development. Training needs to be imparted to all levels of employees. Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, effective from 1st October 2006, make it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age. This has several implications for training, documents used, and the training of trainers and facilitators. Objectives of Training: (1) To impart to new entrain the basis knowledge & skills required for efficient performance of definite tasks. (2) To assist the employees to function more effectively in their present positions. (3) To broaden the minds of senior interchange of experience. Importance of Training :

managers through

Higher productivity: Training helps to improve the level of performance. Trained employees perform better by using better method of work.

(ii) Uniformity: Better Quality of work in formal training the

best methods are standardized & taught to employees.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Uniformity of work methods & procedures helps to improve the quality product of service. Less learning period: A systematic training program helps to reduce the time & cost involved in learning. Employees can more quickly reach the acceptable level to performance. (iv) Reduced supervision: Well trained employees tend to be self reliant & motivated. They need less guidance & control. Therefore supervisory burden is reduced.

Low accident rate: Trained personal adopt the right work methods & make use of prescribed safety devices. Therefore supervisory burden is reduced. Health & safety of employs can be improved.
(v) (vi) Personal growth: Training enlarges the knowledge & skills

of the participants. Therefore, well trained personnel can grow faster in their career. Benefits of Training to employees:(i)

Self-confidence:- Training helps to improve the selfconfidence of an employee. It enables him to approach & perform his job with enthusiasms. Higher earnings: Trained employees can better & thereby earn more. perform


(iii) Safety:

training helps employees to use various safety devices. He can handle the machines safety & becomes less prove to accidents.

Adaptability: Training enables an employee to adapt to changes in work, procedures & methods.

Promotion: Through training employees can develop themselves & earn quick promotions.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP New Skills: Training develops new knowledge & skills among employees.

Advantages of Training Program: A systematic training program offers the following advantages to a company (i) It enables the workers to make the most economical & best use of Material & equipment. (ii) It helps in improving the quality & quantity of workers output. (iii) It develops in the workers effectives work habits. (iv)It instructs the workers towards better job adjustment & reduces the rate of labor. (v) It helps the bright employees to formal his goals. (vi) It facilitates promotion of workers to higher jobs & increase their market value & earning power. (vii) It makes the works committed & levels to the organization by education him about culture, philosophy & policies of the organization. It leads to job satisfaction & heighten the morale of the people. It leads to the prevention of accidents. It also contributors to considerable saving in breakages & wastages in several form. (xi)With the trained personnel available it can have both stability & flexibility. (xii) It is a process that improves skills & abilities related to performance. Types of Training:
1. Orientation Training:-

(viii) (ix) (x)

This seeks to adjust newly appointed employees to the work environment (job, Superior, Subordinates, rules & regulation).

2. Job Training : Refers to the training provided with a view

to increase the knowledge & skills improving performance on the job.

of an employee for


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

3. Safety Training :- Training provided to minimize accidents

& damage to machinery.

4. Promotional

Training: - Involves training of existing employees to enable them to perform higher level jobs. Reference training : When existing techniques become absolute due to the development of better techniques, employees have to be trained in the use of new methods & techniques. training : Such training overcome the shortcomings in the Performance of old employees. is arranged behaviors to &


6. Remedial

Training Process Ideas and Outline Process: The group selection recruitment/assessment centre design guide also contains extremely relevant information for training and assessment design, especially the need to establish a clear specification (development/assessment criteria) before beginning to design training concepts, content, delivery and methods of assessment, illustrated by this outline process: 2.Create 1. Assess and training or agree training development needs specification Conduct Having training needs identified analysis. what you want to train and This commonly develop in happens in the people, you appraisal must break process. down the or Involve the training people in learning identifying and requirement into agreeing manageable relevant

3.Consider 4.Plan training 5.Design learning styles and evaluation materials, and methods and personality deliver training People's Consider Consider modern learning styles evaluation innovative greatly affect training methods what type of effectiveness, training they which includes Presentation is an important will find before-andaspect to easiest and after most effective. measurements. delivery. Look also at personality types. People have feelings The Kirkpatrick model especially helps to structure Learn about meetings and workshops. Good writing

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP aligned training. elements. as well as skills and knowledge. training design. Consider Bloom's theory to understand what sort of development you are actually addressing. techniques help with the design of materials. So do the principles of advertising - it's all about meaningful communication.

Attach Consider standards or organizational measures or values and parameters to The Erikson aspects of each element. model is integrity and wonderful for The 360 understanding ethics, and degree spirituality, more about process and this. So is the love and simple Johari Window compassion at the work as well as training model. planner are skills. useful tools. Consider the Look also at team and the Revisit the group. Adair's your 'skill-sets' and theory helps. recruitment processes - training needs So does the there is no analysis tools - Tuckman point training they can help model. people if they organize and are not the training right people to elements assessment on begin with. a large scale. Why people leave also helps identify development needs.

Consider team activities and There is a useful exercises. training providers selection template on the sales training page, which can be adapted for all sorts of providers and services.

Training Methods & Techniques: There are many different training methods. On-the-job training organizational training needs, informal training, classroom training, internal training courses, external training courses, on-the-job coaching, life- coaching ,mentoring, training assignments and tasks, skills training, product training, technical training, behavioral


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP development training, role-playing and role-play games and exercises, attitudinal training and development, accredited training and learning, distance learning - all part of the training menu, available to use and apply according to individual training needs and organizational training need.
1. On the job Training (OJT) : In this method the trainee is

placed on a regular job & taught the skills necessary to perform it. The trainee learns under the guidance & supervision of the superior or an instructor. The trainee learns by observing & handling the job. Therefore, it is called learning by doing. Several methods are used to provide on the job training: a. Coaching b. Under study c. Job rotation etc. A popular form of on the job training is job instruction training (JIT) or step by step learning. The JIT involves the following steps. (a) Preparing the trainee for instruction (b) Presenting the job operations or instructions in terms of what the trainee is required to do. (c) Applying & trying one the instructions to judge how for the trainee has understood the instructions. (d) Following up the training to identify & correct the deficiencies if any. 2. Vestibule Training: In this method a training centre called vestibule is set up a actual job conditions are duplicated on simulated in it. Expert trainers are employed to provide training with the help of equipment & machine which are identical with those in used at the workplace.
3. Apprenticeship

Training: In this method, theoretical instruction & Practical learning are provided to trainees in training institutes. Under this method, training is provided in company class room or in educational institutions, lectures, case studies, group discussions &

4. Classroom Training :


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP audiovisual are used to explain knowledge & skills to the trainees.
5. Internship Training:

it is a joint program of training in which, educational institution & business firms cooperate. Selected candidates carry on regular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills. This method helps to provide a good balance between theory & practice. But involves a long time period due to slow process.

Training effectiveness : is the degree to which trainees are able to learn & apply the knowledge & skills acquired in the training program. Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation of training effectiveness is the process of obtaining information on the effect of a training program & assessing the value of training in the light of that information. Evaluation involves controlling & correction the training program. The basis of evaluation & made are determined when the training program is designed. According to Hamblin training effectiveness can be measured in terms of the following criteria: (i) Reaction (ii) Learning (iii) Behaviors (iv) Result Methods of Evaluation: Several methods can be employed to collect data on the outcomes of training some of these are:(i) (ii) The opinion & judgments trainers, superiors & peers. Using a questionnaire to known the reactions of trainees. (iii) Giving oral & written tests to trainees to ascertain how for they have learnt. (iv)Arranging structured interview with the trainees.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP (v) Comparing trainees performance on the job before & after training. (vi)Studying profiles & career development charts of trainees.

Training Policy in RSP: Training is a major aspect of HRD, in order to accelerate the place of changes in competitive environment, training should address itself to: Induction & orientation of new entrants following standard of training Inputs. Directing all efforts towards creating a culture of excellence & commitment. Developing & strengthening the effectiveness of all training program. Achievement of business goals by linking of training to actual improvement in performance on the job.

Keeping above objective of training into consideration, RSP set up a training institute in 1959. This institute imparts training to new entrants like Graduate. Identification of training need is based on 3 types of need i.e. Organization need Professional need Individual need. Conventional 'training' is required to cover essential work-related skills, techniques and knowledge, and much of this section deals with taking a positive progressive approach to this sort of traditional 'training'. RSPs training policy is based on the realization that the development of human resources is crucial to the success of era organization. The company is also aware of the changing environment with respect to continuously updating technologies, skills request attitudinal change growth strategies & future plans.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP In RSP Planning program for training starts in April & each program is given duration as mentioned in the HRD program directory. All trainees are sponsored from their respective department. Sequence of training program take in RSP is in the following manner (i) Training need analysis (ii) Design of the training (iii) Training audit (iv)Training documentation (v) Evaluation training The companys policy is dynamic & flexible & follows for focusing of our approach for training & development The major emphasis areas thus focused for training are as follow. Attitudinal changes
Development human

resources for impending expansion

projects. Enhancing efficiency Safety & pollution control Improvement in quality of products with a view to come to international standard. Improvement in quality of product with a view to come to international standard. Improvement in productivity of machines material & labor Reduction in energy consumption Reduction in cost of production Better environment & pollution control.

Attitude includes qualities that require different training and learning methods. Attitude stems from a person's mind-set, belief system, emotional maturity, self-confidence, and experience. These are the greatest training and development challenges faced, and there are better ways of achieving this sort of change and development than putting people in a classroom, or indeed by delivering most sorts of conventional business or skills training, which people see as a chore. This is why training and learning must extend far beyond conventional classroom training courses. Be creative, innovative,

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP and open-minded, and people will discover learning in virtually every new experience, whether for them, their team, or their organization. If someone wants to make a difference, think about what really helps people to change. Types of Training Program Following are the standard training program conducted in RSP (i) Management Trainees (Tech) 18 months (ii) Management Trainees (Admn) 18 Months (iii) Engineers Trainee 6 Months (iv) Senior Operative Trainees 6 Months (v) Technician Apprentice 12 Months (vi) Trade Apprentice 12 Months There is also some training given in collaboration with RSP. This training period from 3 weeks to 3 months. (i) Vocational Trainees (ii) Post graduate Trainees (iii) Quality improvement for Faculties member 2 Months 3-8 Weeks 4-12 weeks

Some other training programs are as follows:Training for line managers for E-1 to E-4 2 Days (ii) Manual writing program for L-7 to E-2 6 Days (iii) Action leadership Program for E-4 & above 4 Days (iv)Basic engineering skills 6 Days (v) Key fitting for L-2 to L-7 - 6 Days (vi) Gas & Are welding practices for L-2 to L-7 6 Days (vii) Training on TIG & MIG welding for L-2 6 Days


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Coupling fitting & Plant alignment for L-2 to L-7 6 Days (ix) Bearing fitting for L-2 to L-7 6 Days (x) Basic Pneumatic for E-0 to E-4 5 Days (xi) Basic Hydraulics for L-2 to L-10 9 Days (xii) An approach to digital electronic for L-3 to L-8 3 Days (xiii) Management Development Program for 5 days E-1 to E-2 (xiv) Management Development program days E-3 to E-4

Training Method: The methods for training adopted in RSP are as follows: Lecture: The standard training method which is frequently followed in training in RSP is lecture method. In this a large group of trainees can be trained in a short time. (b) Conference: - A conference is a basic to most participant group centered method of training. In RSP the instructor introduces the topic in the group & invites view points from the group in this method.
(a) (c) Group discussion: This method is also frequently used by RSP. The

group discussion method utilizes exercise to stimulate real life situation in the classroom to help participant to develop managerial skills.
(d) Case Study: This method is very commonly used in supervisory &

executive training is RSP. A case is has actually happened.

(e) Role Playing: It trains by having

written in accordance which

members engaged in a game & evaluate the performance of the actor in the game.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

(f) Demonstration: In demonstration method the trainer describes &

displays something to the teacher & employees how to something by actually performing the activities himself.
(g) Management Areas:


A management area is a dynamic training exercise utilizing a method of business. It illustrates the value of analytic technique. Laboratory education: In RSP this method is used effectively to help participant explore their own personality as well as interpersonal skills. Induction Training: Induction Training is especially important for new starters. Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. Induction training is more than skills training. It's about the basics that seasoned employees all take for granted: what the shifts are; where the notice-board is; what the routine is for holidays, sickness; where the canteen is; what the dress code is; where the toilets are. New employees also need to understand the organizations mission, goals and philosophy; personnel practices, health and safety rules, and of course the job they're required to do, with clear methods, timescales and expectations. Managers must ensure induction training is properly planned - an induction training plan must be issued to each new employee, so they and everyone else involved can see what's happening and that everything is included. These induction training principles are necessarily focused on the essential skills and knowledge for a new starter to settle in and to begin to do their job. However there is great advantage in beginning to address personal development needs, wishes, opportunities, particular strengths, abilities, talent, etc., during or very soon after the induction process. People's personal strengths and capabilities - and aims and desires and special talents (current and dormant) - also need to be assessed, so as to understand, and help the person understand, that the opportunities for their development and achievement in the organization are not limited by the job role, or the skill-set that the organization inevitably defines for the person.



Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

MODERN METHOD OF TRAINING: There are some modern methods of training which are rapidly growing their popularity in organization. Some of them are: Mentoring Coaching Counseling The provision of mentoring and facilitative coaching which is very effective in producing excellent people. Mentoring and proper coaching should be used alongside formal structured training anyway, but this type of support can also greatly assist 'wholeperson development', especially where the mentor or coach is seen as a role-model for the person's own particular aspirations. MENTORING: Linking mentoring with objectives and project tasks or activities is a highly productive and effective modern method of training and developing people in organizations, especially for staff in teams and departments, and for developing organizations themselves. The approach builds on management by objectives (MBO's) principles, but is more participative, voluntary and inclusive. Well-facilitated 'activity focused mentoring' is consensual, team-orientated, with a personal development and team building focus, across multiple organizational interfaces, particularly to and between management/subordinate/peer levels. The activity-mentoring approach uses several integrated techniques which produce more reliable and relevant training and learning outputs, in terms of individual skills, attitudinal development, and direct job and organizational performance improvement. The approach is facilitative rather than prescriptive, and broadly features:


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

strategic assessment of organizational and department priorities and 'high-yield' training needs interpreted discussion with line-managers of training delegates and strategic managers of the organization pre-training skills/behavioral needs-analysis - all training delegates - and pre-training preparatory work small groups - practical workshops - short sessions - highly participative and situation/solution-based - focused on practical job issues, individual personality/learning style and organizational priorities individually agreed tasks and assignments - focused on practical priorities and individual needs (SMART and WIIFM factors) follow-up coaching and mentoring one-to-one support giving high accountability and reliable deliverables ongoing feedback and review with line-managers and strategic managers - coaching/task notes for line managers The process works on several different levels: individual, team, task, organizational and strategic. Activity focused mentoring also gives strong outputs in skills, behavior and job priority areas, as well as being strongly motivational and where necessary resolving conflict and attitudinal issues.

Mentoring can be provided in various ways and programs take a variety of shapes. Mentoring can be external, where the mentoring is essentially provided by external people, or an internal activity, using mentors within the organization. The main elements of a mentoring program that carry quantifiable cost would be:

Training of mentor(s) - comfortably achievable for Rs1,000/head - it's not rocket science, but selection of suitable mentor is absolutely critical - good natural mentors need little training; other people who are not ready or able to help others can be beyond any amount of training. Mentor time away from normal activities - needs to be a minimum of an hour a month one-to-one or nothing can usefully be achieved, up to at most a couple of hours a week


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP one-to-one, which would be intensive almost to the point of overloading the mentoree. That said, there may be occasions when the one-to-one would necessarily involve a whole day out for the mentor, for instance client or supplier visits. Say on average a day a month including the associated administration work, particularly where the mentoring is required to be formalized and recorded. Overseeing the program, evaluating and monitoring activity, progress and outputs - depends on the size of the program, ie., number of mentors an number of 'mentorees' if the mentoring is limited to just a single one-to-one relationship then it's largely self-managing - if it's a program involving several mentors an mentorees then estimate an hour per quarter (3 mths) per one-to-one mentoring relationship - probably the responsibility of an HR or training manager. Mentoree time away from normal activities - effective mentoring ideally integrate with the mentoree's normal activities, and enhance productivity, effectiveness, etc., so this is arguably a credit not a debit.)

The mentor's role is to help the mentoree to find his/her own true self; to experience their own attempts, failures and successes, and by so doing, to develop his/her own natural strengths and potential.

COACHING: Coaching is a development strategies that a manager uses to help individual manages; there are some essential differences between the two. The foremost is that the decision and initiative for coaching usually comes from the manager, although the managee can also ask for coaching- genuine request for coaching appropriately. Coaching helps a managee to improve knowledge or skills, or attitudes to perform his role or tasks. Coaching is less formal than training.

Coaching can be undertaken effectively by ensuring that some of the following key issues are systematically attended to: Problem identification


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Parameter setting Strategy development Increased participation Monitoring

COUNSELLING: Counseling is a dyadic relationship between two persons i.e. a counselor and a counselor and a counselee. A counselor offers help to the counselee in related issues like problem solving, target achievement etc. Counseling may be formal or informal. FORMAL COUNSELING: is a planned and systematic way of helping the subordinates by experts. INFORMAL COUNSELING: is concerned with day-to-day relationship with the manager and the subordinate where the help is offered but is not as per plan. Training & Development center of RSP Being a vast organization RSPs development depends upon the trained manpower. The necessity & advantages of training center in RSP was realized from beginning. To meet the immediate demand for trained manpower, both executive & non-executive grade, the technical institute was set up in 1959. It was renamed as Trained & development center in 1983. Today the center has grown to position where it can cater to a wide of development needs & to other organization, both on India & abroad. Facilities: The center is well equipped with all types of facilities required for conduction different types of training with all types of facilities required well furnished classroom, galleries, conference rooms, auditorium, laboratories, audiovisual aids, workshops & library.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Training Aids: All the latest equipments required for different purposes like tape recorders. Film strip projector, over had projector, slide projectors, movie projectors tape recorders etc are available. Hostel facility: A big hostel complex has been provided under training department for trainees in which about 1000 trainees are living. There are different sizes of rooms for different categories of trainees with provision for single & other recreational activities are provided free of cost to the trainees. TRANING AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN ROUKELA STEEL PLANT Year wise persons trained in R.S.P YEAR Executive NON EXECUTIVE TOTAL 1997-1998 1596 6972 8568 1998-199 1296 8054 9350 1999-2000 1462 7093 8555 2000-2001 1820 6809 8629 2001-2002 1976 7753 9729 2000-2003 1525 7361 8886 2003-2004 1561 7498 9059 2004-2005 1423 7720 9743 2005-2006 2140 8903 9052 2006-2007 1845 8706 10551 2007-2008 1895 8803 10698 2008-2009 2043 7642 9685 2009-2010 2124 8923 11047 2010-2011 2136 8952 11088


11 SL.NO Area training 1 Induction training HRDC





Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP 2 Competence enhancement
4850 920 5770

3 4 3. 4. 5.

Specific Area Foreign & exte Specific area Foreign & external training Other Areas Total

4450 4485 3920

75 840 75 0 25 1020

4525 5325 3995 0 425 11200

400 10180

Training Plan Summary of RSP 2010-2011 NonExecutive


Area of Trg New entrants: Central Induction Orientation , of SSW(T) Management Trainees Trg of STOTs/Tr. App TOTAL Modernization Total



25 30 -

__ 200 __ 350

25 200 30 350



55 15 15

550 100 100

605 115 115


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP 90 150 Skill & Efficiency Enhancement Action leadership Enhancing management Effectiveness Management development Program Total team trg. Refresher trg for executive Statistical process control Value Engineering 3. Micro Planning Cost effectiveness Computer Post promotion Supervisory development Program Tools & Techniques (SIG) Const control Functional 150 160 -50 35 ---180 1050 150 180 160 180 1100 As Per Promotion to JO cadre 130 70 40 100 70 90 8.0 100 30 -----140 95 150 130 100 40 100 70 90 80 240


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

-Basic engineering skills -Unit training officer) -TOTO Projects -Dept Scientific Total 1150 7053855 640640 5. Safety & Pollution 30 70 100 650 50 870 750 -1150 1225 6090 100 100 700 50 950 75 50 1230 150 1505 7670 Control Environment Mgt. -Gas Safety Fire control 50 Management Total 6. Special Areas Energy conservation Foreign Training TQP/ISO Workshop/ Seminars Total Grand Total -50 130 100 280 1530 -80 20 120 465 30 30 320 500 50 30 440 -TOTO-8 (Trg of, training -


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

DEVELOPMENT Development is a long- term educational process utilizing a systematic and organization procedure by which managerial personnel get conceptual and theoretical knowledge. In other words it refers not to technical knowledge and skills in operation but to philosophical theoretical educational concepts. It involves broader education and its long, term development. Management development includes the processes by which managers and executives acquire not only skills and competency in their present jobs but also capacities for future managerial tasks. Management development is a systematic process of training and growth by which individuals gain and apply knowledge, skills, insights and attitudes to manage orientation effectively. Need for Management Development A business organization has to develop the potential of all- those who are in management positions or who are fresh from management institutions and have the potential for development. This development is necessary because of the following reasons. 1) Society is facing a rapid rate of technological and social change Management. Personnel need to be developed as they have to tackle problems arising out of introduction of automation, intense market competition, growth of new markets, enlarged labour participation in management . 2) Business and industrial leaders are increasingly recognizing their social and public responsibilities which call for a much broader outlook on the part of management. 3) Management has to be developed for handling problems arising out of increasing size and complexity of the organizations. 4) Management complex labour relations are becoming increasingly

5) To understand and adjust to changes in socio- economic forces, including changes in public policies and concepts of social justice, industrial democracy, problems of ecology (smog or pollution), ekistics (the problem of human settlements), ergonomics (the problem of working environment) and cultural anthropology (the problem of fitting machines to men).


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP 6) Many organizations face the challenge of developing greater confidence, initiative, solutions-finding, and problem-solving capabilities among their people. Organizations need staff at all levels to be more self-sufficient, resourceful, creative and autonomous. This behavior enables staff can operate at higher strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive. People's efforts produce bigger results. It's what all organizations strive to achieve.

OBJECTIVE OF MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Any program of management development must aim at achieving the following objective: 1) To assure the organization of availability of required numbers of managers with the required skills to meet the present and anticipated future needs of the business. 2) To encourage managers to grow as persons and in their capacity to handle greater responsibility. 3) To improve the performance of managers at all levels in the jobs that they, hold now. 4) Provide learning and experiences that they'd like for their own personal interest, development and fulfillment. 5) To system good performance of managers throughout their careers, Management development most relate to all managers in the organization. It must lead to growth and self, development of the organization. It should be on future requirements rather than those of today Management development must be dynamic and qualitative, rather than static replacement based on mechanical rotation. 6) Performance and capability are ultimately dependent on people's attitude and emotional maturity. Help them to achieve what they want on a personal level, and this provides a platform for trust, 'emotional contracting' with the organization, and subsequent skills/process/knowledge development relevant to managing higher responsibilities, roles and teams.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP


Top Management To improve thought processes and analytical ability in order to uncover and examine problems and take decisions in the best interests of the country and organization. To broaden the outlook of executive in regard to his role, position and responsibilities in the organization and outside. To think through problems which may confront by the organization now or in the future? To understand economic, technical and institutional forces in order to solve business problems. To acquire knowledge about the problems of human relations.


Middle Line Management To establish a responsibilities. picture of executive functions and

To bring about an awareness of the broad aspects of management problems, and an acquaintance with, and appreciation of, inter- departmental relations. To develop the ability to analyze problems and to take appropriate action. To maculate knowledge of human motivation and human relationships. To develop responsible leadership.


Middle Functional Executive and Specialists


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP To increase knowledge of business functions and operations in specific fields in marketing, production, Finance, personal. To increase proficiency in management techniques such as work study, inventory control, operations research, quality control. To stimulate creative thinking in order to improve methods and procedures. To understand human relations performed in a company. To understand human relations problems. To develop the ability to analyze problems in ones area or functions. Most popular techniques are: 1. The case study 2. Project 3. Role playing 4. In basket method 5. Business or Management game 6. Simulation 1. The case study In this method, an actual business situation is described, in writing, in a comprehensive manner. The trainees are asked to appraise and analyze the problem- situation and suggest solutions. The actual decision taken in the subject case is known only to the trainer and is disclosed only at the end of the session when it is compared with the various solutions offered by the group. Case study can provide stimulating discussions among participants as well as excellent opportunities for individuals to defend their analytical and judgmental abilities. 2. Project


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP A project is a planned undertaking, a proposed schema, a definitely formulated piece of research or a mental projection. This is an excellent method of learning. Employees are assigned a specific problem area, depending on their specialization and professional work. Each participant studies a problem of the organization, studies the facts and makes recommendations in the light of his theoretical learning in the classroom and his experience in business. He prepares a report, which is evaluated in a viva voce examination to test the depth of his understanding. This method is useful in reinforcing learning and in exposing employees to various problems of business organization, and teaches them how to tackle them. 3. Role playing The role assuming closely approximate a real situation and affords the participants the sensational experiences that enhance their sensitivity, growth and development. 4. In Basket Method In this method, each team of the trainees is given a file of correspondence bearing on a functional area management. Each individual studies the file and makes his own recommendations on the situation. If further information is required by him, it is supplied by the members of team. Later, the observations of each individual member are- compared and conclusions on different functional areas reached. 5. Business or Management Game Business games are classroom simulation exercises in which teams of individuals compete against one another or against an environment in order to achieve a given objective. These games are designed to be representative of real life conditions. Under these, an atmosphere is created in which the participants play dynamic role. And enrich their skills through involvement and simulated experience. Business games are intended to teach trainees how to take management decisions in an integrated manner. The participants learn by analyzing problems and by making trial and error decision. Such games illustrate the existence of various group processes, including communication, the resolution of conflicts: the emergence of leadership, and the development of ties of friendship. 6. Simulation It is a training technique which indicates the duplication of organizational situations in a learning environment. It is a mock up of a real thing. This technique has been used for developing


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP technical and interpersonal skills. The advantages to simulation are the opportunities to attempt to create an environment similar to real situations. The disadvantages are that it is difficult to duplicate the pressures and realities of actual decisions making on the jobs. An individual often act differently in real life situations when do in acting out simulated exercise TECHNIQUE FOR DEVELOPMENT Participative workshops work well in beginning this type of attitudinal development. Involve people right from the start. Focus on what they want. Use a personal development questionnaire to begin to set the scene and provide examples of 'alternative' learning opportunities. It starts with the person, not the skills. It's about attitude and emotional maturity. The Emotional Intelligence principles and methodologies fit very well with modern approaches to developing people's belief, maturity and attitude. When people develop confidence, integrity, emotionally, they automatically become more proactive, solutions-focused, responsive, etc., which across a whole team has a cumulative effect. Johari is a useful model too. So many people at work are simply 'going through the motions', acting in a 'conforming' state, often because they feel insecure, lack confidence to do what they think is right, or are nervous about being bold, whereas boldness is absolutely required for self-sufficiency, initiative, greater responsibility; in fact all of the behaviors that organizations strive to encourage. The rewards must be there too, or people have no reason to stick their necks out. And not just the prospect of financial reward. More importantly the Herzberg-type motivators - real extra responsibility,

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP recognition, and involvement in new successful and interesting projects. This is the fuel of people's growth and change.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN RSP 1. Training Vision & Strategy Training Vision SAIL believes that training facilitates the development of employee knowledge and skills so that the resultant growth of competence contributes to attaining of organizations goals and objectives and moves towards the Vision of the organization. All the activities carried out by the HRD Centre is aimed at building and reinforcing employees skill and competence and is based on the following guiding principles: Every employee has potential for growth and should be given opportunity to develop All new entrants are imparted the requisite training to enable them to acquire necessary skill and competence before being put on the job. Training is continuous to meet the emerging technological changes and challenges. The training system is coordinated with personnel system as a part of total HRD system. Training resources and professionals are continually updated. At last 33% of the total employees are trained every year.

Training Strategy: All activities of the HRD Center is directed towards People who are our number one resource: and Customer Needs which is the purpose of all our activities

RSP training strategies are: The organizational needs and corporate goals identify the thrust areas of training. Initiative is taken to identify the individual and occupational needs within each thrust area.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Organizing specific HR interventions to bridge the gaps in competence ad skill Developing Competence of employees to adapt to state-of the art- technology Building capability multitasking of employees for multiskilling and

Enhancing Managerial Skills of executives at different levels Evaluating the effectiveness of all in- house technical modules Continuously improving the quality of training Creating an ambience where employees feel motivated to learn Building a Learning Organization

2. Training Plan / Calendar 2010-11:

Annual training Plan & Fulfillment 2009-10(upto December 2009 ) S Areas of Training L. 1 2 3 4 Introduction Training Competence Enhancement Specific Areas Foreign & External Training Other Areas Total HRDC Plan 370 3740 2908 192 Actual 159 4187 3854 287 % Fulfillment 42.97 112 132.53 149.48 CPTI Plan 0 555 90 0 Actual 0 768 126 0 % Fulfillment --138.38 140 ----

178 7388

136 8723

132.58 114.56

25 670

59 953

236 142.24


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP


Training Infrastructure:(details of facilities and resources )

The HRD Center of Rourkela Steel Plant has the distinction of being the first HRD Department of SAIL which is certified to ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. During the past few years, the HRD Center has redefined its role, being the center-stage of the turnaround and transformation initiatives of Rourkela Steel Plant. Its horizons are expanding and its involvement in the process of taking the organization forward has increased by leaps and bounds. Our major activities at the HRD Center are directed towards: Implementing training interventions : - Training Need Identification through Training Need Analysis, Competency Mapping Exercise & Skill Gap analysis

Conducting training programs Evaluating the Effectiveness of training programs

Encourage a culture of Learning Organizing Learning Forums Learning after duty hours Experience sharing

Continuously Improving the quality of Training Up gradation of training Infrastructure facilities Continuous Faculty development Spreading a culture of knowledge sharing and learning

The training activities of Rourkela Steel Plant are organized at: Human Resource Development Center Central Power Training Institute

The Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) of RSP was set up in the late 1950s and named technical institute to cater mostly to the technical training require for new entrants. In line with changing focus of the organization it was christened as present


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP name. Now HRDC conducts Management Development Programs in addition to technical programs for the regular employees (both Nonexecutives of all the levels and Executives up to Senior Manager Level) of all the departments of RSP in operational and maintenance areas. In view of the massive expansion project currently being implemented to enhance the capacity of RSP to 4.5 MT Hot metal by 2012, HRD centre has reoriented its goal to develop the knowledge, skill, attitude and values of the employees to the optimum level. Our primary motto is to reinvent ourselves, to learn new skills, to do Thinks differently, to assume new roles and responsibilities and to adapt to the new situations to meet the current challenges. Central Power Training Institute (CPTI) CPTI has been set up to provide training to SAIL personnel engaged in Captive Power Plants, in the field of Operation and Maintenance of Thermal Power Plants, Power Instrumentation, Power Management, Transmission and distribution. It indentifies and assesses special training needs and to fulfill obligation under IE Rules regarding mandatory qualification of power Plant operators. The institute was recognized with Category-I certificate by Central Electrical Authority (CEA), Govt. of India in 1995. The institute also got the winner award of Golden Peacock Quality Award for Services (Small) category in 1996. During this period, the Category-I certificate has been renewed twice by CEA. conducting national workshop; MDs Mass Contact number of participants is large. a) Facilities at HRD Center Located inside the works premises closed to the Main Gate, the HRD Centre has sprawling green lawns bordered with seasonal flowerbeds and encircled by lush green trees. The centre is well equipped with modern facilities required for conducting different types of training programs. Classrooms: There are spacious well-furnished Classrooms equipped with the white board, Overhead Projector, Flip Chart Board, LCD Projector, for conducting the lecture session, syndicate discussions, seminars, Communication Meetings and other Management Development activities.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Gopabandhu Auditorium: The Gopabandhu Auditorium has a capacity for seating 500 persons. This fully air-conditioned hall is widely used for Hydraulics & Pneumatics Laboratory : This Laboratory was commissioned in 1993 with the assistance of Word Bank and is equipped with Hydraulics & Pneumatics Working Bench, Component Modules, Electronic Seniors, Pump Testing Stand, Polarized Vision System, Slide Projector, Video Programs, Magnetic Symbols, Industrial Application Package, Computerized Simulation, Transparent Components, Computerized Fault Trouble Shooting, Air Logic System and Programmable Controllers.

Electronics Laboratory: This laboratory was also commissioned in the year 1994 with World Bank under Technical Assistance Loan by the Supplier M/s Feedback, UK. The major objective of the laboratory is to train the employees of RSP in the Electronics, Electrical and Automation areas to suit the present plant requirement. The laboratory is equipped with Electronic Constructor Kit, DC Drive Control Kit, S7 300U PLC, Micro master DC Drive, Common Electronic Measuring Instruments and related accessories.

Computer Hall : The Computer Hall installed in 1989 is equipped with 22 PCs (Windows Vista and Office 2007 loaded )and an LCD projector for conducting training programs on various Common Software Packages.

Workshop Facilities : All skill development / multi technical training programs are carried in the Workshop of HRDC._ Apart from regular employees and Trade Apprentices, new entrants like Technician cum Operator (Trainees) and Senior Technician cum- Operator (Trainees) are trained in the following workshops of HRD Centre:

Machine Shop The shop is equipped with Lathe Machines, CNC Lathe Trainer, Shaping Machine, and Slotting machine, Radial Drilling Machine, Universal Milling Machine, Horizontal Milling Machine, Boring Machine, Double ended Pedestal Grinder, Surface Grinder and Power Sow Mental Cutting Machine.

Welding Shop The Welding shop has welding Transformers having 6 regular generators, 1 MIG/MGA CO2 Welding Machine, 1 TIG Welding machine with Plasma coating, 1 Pedestal Grinding Machine and Gas Cutting and Welding facilities.

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Fitting Shop- The electrical Shop has 70 Bench vices, Pillar type Drilling Machine , Hydraulic Press, Bending machine, Sharing machine, pedestal grinding machine & Bench Drilling machine. Other facilities in the Fitting Shop include Material Handing Demonstration Equipment, Eldro Brake etc.

Electrical Shop The electrical Shop has various AC/DC drives installed for training purpose. Beside this, there are Transformer Panel, Crane Circuits Panel, Battery Panel, Resistance Boxes and common measuring instruments.

Model Room: The Model Room of HRDC has a wall mounted 3-D layout of the city of Rourkela, a lay-out of the plant, an electronic 3-D Model showing the flow of material at RSP, dynamic models of the Blast Furnaces, Steel Melting Shop and OBBP and a board displaying all the product range of the plant. The Model Room is used to explain the plant processes to all new entrants to the company and also to visitors.

Library: HRD Centre maintains a library of about 20,000 books on various subjects and several journals and periodicals. The entire library system is computerized which enables the members to search for and located any book within minutes. The library provides a comfortable reading environment for the employees, trainees and faculty members.

Trade Testing Centre : This section conducts trade tests and job test as per plant requirement according to laid down and approved norms.

Customer Care Call: This section coordinates all training programs conducted in HRD Centre. The primary responsibilities of this cell is regular upkeep of all Audio-Visual Aids and Photo copiers providing stationeries to the program in- charges, organizing tea/ lunch etc., sending attendance of participants to Attendance Recording Cell (ARC) and attending to the general requirements of all the programs.

Documentation Cell: This section computerizes the entire training documentation in the SUN System (Train9ng Management System). All the departments are connected through this network. Training Bio-data feeding, updating the records, Preparation of Highlights, Training Need Identification of all employees etc. are performed here on regular basis.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

Trainees Hostel Complex: The Trainees Hostel Complex house seven Hostels out of which Hostels No 2, 3& 7 are being used for accommodating trainees of RSP. The Hostel Complex also houses a Training Hall, Dining Hall, Gymnasium, Indoor Badminton court, Volleyball court, Basketball Court, a big playground and a Recreation Hall. Area in the inmates, like an STD Booth , barbers shop, etc. b) Facilities at CPTI: Located inside the Projects and Modernization Complex, close to the Traffic Gate Central power Training Institute reflects an ambiance befitting a learning centre. Equipped with state of art infrastructure facilities and a small team of dedicated workforce, CPTI continues to contribute steadily toward enhancing the HRD functions in the organization as well as in other power related organizations within the country. The Institute was accorded the highest (category -1) recognition by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) during 1996, empowering it to train Personnel Thermal Power Plants with unit size up to 500 MW. Recipient of the Golden Peacock Award (1999), CPTI has been providing to power plants in India. During February 2007, CPTI was also certified under ISO 9001 Quality Assurance System.

Operator Training Simulator: It has replica operator training simulator of the 60 MW Coal fired Captive Power Plant of Rourkela Steel Plant (Presently M/s. NSPCL). It is the first of its kind in India with indigenous technology and the only one in nonutility sector. The application Software ensures high degree of fidelity in reproducing the exact response of the actual power plant to various operator actions. It consists of simulator computer station, control panels; Microprocessor based input / output system, field device terminals, Instructor station and Data Acquisition System (DAS) to simulate both local and remote operations. However, CPTI is in the process of reviving the existing simulator.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

Lecture Halls and Simulator Hall: The Institute is centrally air-conditioned. Main sessions are conducted in the three Lecture halls and one screening room well equipped with audiovisual aids. Information Centre: The information Centre has a large collection of books, handbooks, journals and courseware from Indian / foreign publishers on all areas of power engineering and management. Documentation and drawing related to all SAIL power plant operation and control are also available. It has a collection of more than books and 49 manuals on power plant engineering and allied subjects. It also subscribes to 5 journal /magazines, 5 newspapers and 10 house magazines. Syndicate Rooms: Syndicate discussion is a regular feature in problem solving workshops and other action plan oriented programs, particular for executives. CPTI has three well designed syndicate rooms for smooth conduct of workshops. Auditorium: CPTI has an auditorium with a seating capacity of 82 and fitted with captive public address system and attached projection facility. All corporate programs, programs conducted by outside agencies and other dignitaries are held here. An Additional Conference Room is also available. Modern training tools & video screening facility: CPTI has a network of 8 PCs, which are used in preparation of training manuals, reading material and teaching notes. Further, LCD projector, OHP, TV, VCR, Electronic copy board, Document binder, photocopy machine, laminator, color ink-jet printer and Laser printer are used for enriching the programs. The Institute has a number of DVDs which are extensively used in the programs.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Facilities for audio / video recording of proceeding and syndicate discussions are hired whenever needed. For screening, there is an exclusive screening room adjacent to the lecture halls with VCR & DVD player and a permanently installed TV.

Model Room: Large number models of power plant equipment, exhibits and schematic drawings are on display in the Institute. Exclusive model room for housing working models and mimic display boards also exist.

4. Steps taken to align Training Strategies with organizational goals/business plan Rourkela Steel Plant adopts a systematic approach to align training strategies with organizational goal / business plan. All the training programs conducted are need based in keeping with the priority and focus areas of the plant. With the plant poised for massive modernization and expansion, the priorities are to; 1. Timely completion of the new projects 2. Achieving profitability and productivity through the existing units 3. Adapting employees to new technology and systems of working.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP The thrust areas for training therefore are :
1. Conduct programs on Project Management

2. Prepare employees to adapt to modern technology Computer training in HI - TECH areas such as Electronics, PLC, Drives, Hydraulics & Pneumatics and other automation areas etc. 3. More trust on multi -skilling & Unit Training 4. Benchmarking with the best (e. g visit to sister units for learning & sharing best practices, visit to Foreign Steel Plants and dissemination of learning points , Specialized , ASCII , Hyderabad , MDI , Gurgaon , IIT , Kharagpur etc 5. Implementing the new scheme of HRPE (Human Resource Planning for Expansion ) at Workplace. 5. What are the focus areas of Training? During the past years HRD activities have been given special thrust and directed towards growth and market leadership of Rourkela Steel Plant. We have embarked on a massive expansion plan to more than double the production capacity in hot metal, crude steel and saleable steel and saleable steel. While the need of the hour is to ensure that the projects under the expansion plan are commissioned on time, the existing units have to enhance their production levels to sustain the path profitability. During the past few years we have witnessed a steady rise in our production, productivity and our profitability. However, the current financial turmoil and China turning out to be the net exporter has affected the economies across the globe and is a major challenge for us too. This is a time for adopting a responsive and proactive approach and a time that calls for us to maximize our contribution and to reaffirm our commitment towards Organizational priorities.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP This is possible only through the dedication, competence and commitment of employees at all levels. Keeping this in view, the focus of training and development activities are on: Preparing employees for the expansion projects Bridging gaps in skill and competence in Key Competency Areas Leadership Development Training of Multiskill Working on the Shop floor Encouraging innovation and creativity in employees Up gradation of Training Infrastructure to suite the present requirements Enhancing Computer Literacy Evaluating the effectiveness of training at Shop floor Talent Management (ensuring retention of new entrants )

The major focus areas for training are : THRUST AREAS :

1. Induction Training:

All executives and non- executives recruited for Rourkela Steel Plant are trained in the Human resource Development Centre before being posted to the various departments. Specific training schemes have been prepared for each of the category of trainees and training is imparted accordingly. Some induction training Modules are: Management trainees Junior Manager (Finance)/ Junior Manager (Projects) Post promotion training for Junior Executives Senior Technician cum Operative (Trainees) Trade Apprentices Technicians cum Operator (Trainees) Semi Skilled Worker (Trainees)


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

2. Competence Building :

The major areas under competence

building are a. Technical Training

b. Managerial Training Technical Training: Different types of training conducted under this category are:
Enhancing Engineering Skill Programs like Key and Coupling

Fitting, Machine Alignment, Testing and Maintenance of AC/DC Motors etc. Training in Hi-tech areas like Electronics, PLC, Hydraulics, Computer App.etc. Unit Training conducted at the shop floor by an identified and trained Unit Trainer

Department Specific Programs based on specific problems and

competence requirement of the department

Equipment Specific Programs conducted for meeting skill gaps in

specific equipment like Microprocessor Based Drives, Programming and Troubleshooting Techniques of PLC, CNC Roll Grinding Machine Operation & Programming etc.
Technology awareness Programs the programs are designed to

impart necessary theoretical inputs to the participants and integrate the theories with their practical experience. The programs also provide substantial reinforcement of Knowledge and skill of the participants. Performance Improvement Workshops Multiskill Training Managerial Training The broad objectives of the managerial training are to help managers to become aware of the changing

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP business scenario and appreciate individual role in meeting organizational priorities. This includes general Management Programs like: a) Enhancing managerial Effectiveness b) Management Development Programs c) Supervisory Development program d) Presentation Skills e) Business Communication etc. ; and Functional / Cross functional Training programs like : a) Finance for Non- Finance Executives, b) HR for Line Managers, c) Training Techniques for Occasional Trainers etc. 3. Training in Specific Areas : This includes training programs having special focus on thrust areas of the organization. Following are some of the Programs included in this group Safety Environment Fire Control Management Cost Control Energy Conservation ISO 9001 QMS & 14001 EMS Statistical Process Control & Quality Control Tools

4. Foreign and External Training : All training programs for which employees are sponsored abroad are covered here under the sub- heading Foreign Training and all outstation programs conducted by agencies other than SAIL and its units, for which employees are sponsored outside Rourkela, are covered under External Training. 5. Other Areas :


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP This covers all miscellaneous workshops / seminars and Hindi Training. This also includes the training activities conducted for employees of sister units of SAIL. 6. Policy and system for Assessing Training Needs: Human Resource Development Centre strives to fulfill the following three objectives: Organizational Objectives Assist the Organization with its primary objective by building individual skill and competence Functional Objectives Maintain the departments contribution at a level suitable to the organizations needs Individual Objectives Help employees in achieving their personal goals , which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization

Keeping in view the organizational priorities, the requirement of the department and the need of the individual employees is identified and fulfilled during a particular year. Identification of training need is carried out at Rourkela Steel Plant through the following:

Training Need Analysis :

The training need of employees is identified every year by the line managers based on the observation of performance and keeping in view the existing and future requirement of the department. The training need arising out of the recently introduced online EPMS (Executive Performance Management System) also become a part of the nee
Competence Mapping:

Competence Mapping is carried out in certain select departments were the employees are assessed based on their present level of competence vis-a-vis the requirements of the job position. The gaps in competence level also determine the training need.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

Skill Gap Exercise : Critical and urgent skills are identified for each department and skill level of the employees and their retirement pattern is analyzed and decision is taken to bridge the skill gap. During 2008-09, 21 critical skills were identified across the plant where training is being imparted to bridge the skill gap.

Additional Skill :

In view of expansion plans of RSP and the new equipments that are being commissioned in existing departments to upgrade the currently installed facilities, the skill of employees is assessed and training need identified. Through workshops and other communication exercises: Through Interactive Workshops, communication meetings and Mass Contact Exercise training needs are also identified:

Other : Training needs sometimes also emerge from discussions with Senior Officers, participants feedback, Trade Test Results, Repetitive break-downs, etc. Organizational thrust such as need for multiskill working, change in technology, organizational priories such as preventives maintenance, safety, redeployment etc also leads to identification of training needs. All the above sources assessing training need are considered before making the Annual Training Plan for the subsequent year.

7. What is the Training Evaluation policy and systems? Evaluation of effectiveness of training is carried out at following three levels:


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

Level 1 Level ll

Reaction Level Learning Leve Application Level

How did the participants react the Program? To what extent did participants improve knowledge and skills and change attitudes as result of the training? (Assessment is done through Pre & Post Training Tests) To what extent did participants change their behavior back in the workplace as a result of the training?

Level llI

While assessment of effectiveness of training at the reaction level is carried out for the program, the assessment at learning and application level is carried out only for technical program. In case of some specific issue-based problem solving workshop result level assessment is also carried out. The assessment of inhouse training is carried out for faculty competence& program content as well as the support services provided (reaction level) on the basis of a program evaluation proferma filled up by the participant at the end of each program. The feedback information is analyzed using statistical method. The summery of each program feedback is reviewed by head of training and necessary corrective and preventive measures are taken. Pre and post-training test are carried out for all technical programs and the learning levels of the participants are assessed in case of some select number of all technical program t5he assessment is conducted three month after completion of the training at HRDC Application levels feedback is carried out three month after the training for each participant through specific format. In this format, against the key learning point mentioned, the employees are assessed by the line manager at shop floor. He also indicates any specific benefit accrued. However, if the assessment is not up to the mark, then the participant is nominated for either retraining or hands on training at shop floor which is again facilitated by HRDC. 8. The various methodologies / multiple channels used for training &development of employees A variety of training method and aids and aids are used for imparting at HRD centre and CPTI. A combination of several methods is used in the same program. Apart from presentation using LCD or OHP, some of other methods used are: Induction training:- All induction training include visit to the model room, plant visit , visit to township etc . Film show on RSP is also organized for this group of trainees. Hands-on demonstration.
1. 59

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP Skill development activities, preparation of project reports are also included in different induction training programs. Technical programs - HRDC workshop facilities including computer training hall, electronics and hydraulics training rigs are used for hands on training. Some programs also include site visits for observing jobs being performed.

In all managerial program the case study method, training games and activities are extensively used for driving home key learning points.

All safety, fire and other awareness programs are mainly focused on real life case studies and film shows. Demonstration of the use of personal protective device, use of fire extinguishers, Tec are done in the concerned programs.

5. Self-help package have been installed in the PCs in the computer hall and employees are encouraged to use them in their free time. Multimedia facilities are being increasingly used in most training programs. Reading materials are also given in all programs.

9. No. of employees sponsored outside the organization for training (national & abroad) Apart from regular in-house program and program conducted onside with the expertise from different agencies, every year employees are also sponsored for training to other institutes with in India and abroad. During 2009-2010, sponsorship for foreign and external training was as follow: Category At SAIL,MT Executives 192 Non-Executives Total 192


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP National Foreign Training Total 193 33 418 104 9 113 297 42 531

Module/area a. Technical





Technology enhancement 2days Systematic maintenances 2days management Department specific 2days b. Managerial Managerial C. Specific areas (HRDC) fire control mgt QC tools C. specific area (CPTI) Safety management Fire prevation,protection & safety Disasters mgt D. Other areas(HRDC) Vigilance awareness Hindi training Workshop & seminars D. Other areas (CPTIU) Other areas ONE DAY DURATION PROGRAM A. SPECIFIC AREAS (a) Safety Safety awareness Gas safety

25 53 0

320 375 245

345 428 245

2days 2days 2days

11 0 0

0 432 64

11 432 64

2days 2days 2days 2days 2days 2days 2days

0 0 29 71 134 193 31

98 55 0 28 102 104 56

98 55 29 99 236 297 87

1day 1day

129 0

2160 87

2289 87

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP (b) (c) (d) (e)
(f) (g)

Environment mgt. system health awareness energy conservation cost control

1day 1day 1day 1day

0 0 0 0 111 33

112 69 91 122 1202 114

112 69 91 122 1313 147

ISO 9001:2000 ver. awareness 1day ISO 14001:2004 ver. 1day awareness B. OTHER AREAS 1 day

training program/workshop/seminar GRAND TOTAL

39 2037

67 9571

106 11612

Some tips to make training (and learning, coaching, mentoring) more enjoyable and effective in RSP.

Keep instructions positive ('do this' rather than 'don't do this'). Avoid jargon - or if you can't then explain them and better still provide a written glossary You must tailor training to the individual, so you need to be prepared to adapt the pace according to the performance once training has begun Encourage, and be kind and thoughtful - be accepting of mistakes, and treat them as an opportunity for you both to learn from them Focus on accomplishment and progress - recognition is the fuel of development Offer praise generously Be enthusiastic - if you show you care you can expect your trainee to care too Check progress regularly and give feedback Invite questions and discussion Be patient and keep a sense of humors.

Psychometric tests (and even graphology - handwriting analysis) are also extremely useful for training and developing people, as well as

Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP recruitment, which is the more common use. Psychometric testing produces reliable assessments which are by their nature objective, rather than subjective, as tends to be with your own personal judgment. Rourkela Steel Plant is using systems of one sort or another, so seek advice. Some of these systems and tools are extremely useful in facilitating whole-person learning and development.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

HRD is a relatively young field in the world and there are significant challenges to its future. The development process at RSP has the potential to make a strong positive impact on the performance of individuals, teams and the organization as a whole. Very few organizations started to implant concepts of a learning organization and most of the companies are around the formalized approach to T&D. RSP being a forerunner in the same has participation in learning. Human resource development is contested by all kinds of situational aspects, such as power relationships, status, and sticking to old habits. Confusion about desired learning outcomes may not be supportive for investments in the learning potential of the workplace and in training and informal learning activities. Therefore these action steps can be used for building the organization capacity at RSP to learn in order to change the present situation: Transform the individual and organizational image of learning. Create knowledge-based partnerships. Develop and expand team learning activities. Change the role of managers. Encourage experiments and risk taking. Create structures, systems, and time extract learning. Build opportunities and mechanisms to disseminate learning. Empower people. Push information throughout the organization to external associates (customers, vendors, suppliers, and so forth). 10. Develop systematic thinking. 11.Create the culture of continuous improvement. 12.Develop a powerful vision for organizational excellence and individual fulfillment. 13. Root out bureaucracy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Challenges of future will increasingly marginalize HRD within organizations and it will be left on the sideline. They speak about that the world has raised challenge for HRD to become a more accountable and integrated part of the organizational life and to become more concerned with the short-term and long-term well-being of a global society than with internal HRD definitional and turf issues.


Training & Development in a Learning Organization- An Empirical Study at RSP

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