F4 Lim Rubric-Referenced Oral Production Assessment

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Perceptions on the Use and Actual Use of Rubrics in Oral Production Assessments of High School Students of St.

Scholasticas College, Manila

Rubric-Referenced Oral Production Assessments

Presented by:

Jonna Marie A. Lim

Background of the Study

Critical Role of Assessment in Instruction

Effective assessments are indivisible from instruction

(Black & William, 1998)

Background of the Study

Critical Role of Assessment in Instruction

Assessments as mere evaluation of learning?

Background of the Study

Critical Role of Assessment in Instruction

Diagnose students needs Inform T of Ss progress Establish Ss level of accomplishment Serve as a gauge of effectiveness of instruction

Background of the Study

Performance Assessments facilitating transfer of learning

Performance Assessments are ways in which the teacher observes and makes a judgment about the students demonstration of a skill or competency in creating a product, constructing a response, or making a presentation
(McMillan, 2007, p. 229).

Background of the Study

Uses of Rubrics

Understand teachers expectations Promotes self-assessment/ reflection Lowers anxiety Supports consistent and objective grading Provides sound justification Allows T to plan instruction Communicates clearly Ss performance to parents

Background of the Study

Role of Rubrics in Enhancing & Supporting Learning

Instructional value of rubrics in writing? In oral production?

Research Aim
Explore the perceptions of students on the uses of rubrics and present the actual use of students of these rubrics in their oral production assessments

1. What are the perceptions of students on the uses of rubrics? 2. How do the participants use rubrics in:
understanding teachers expectations; planning for the assessment; process of delivering the speech; reflecting on the oral production performance; grading; and in dealing with speech anxiety?

3. How do students use rubrics in oral production assessments? 4. What are the limitations of the rubric based on students perceptions? 5. What are students suggestions on how to make rubric more useful for their learning?

Research Design & Method
Qualitative/ Focus Group Discussion

St. Scholasticas College, Manila High School Unit

Ten (10) 4th Year High School Students

Students Perceived Uses of Rubrics

Ss recognized the value and use of rubrics in understanding teachers expectations, justifying the grades, and in reflecting on the oral production performance
For me, rubrics are like guides for both the student and the teacher. For the students, so they know what they should do and for the teachers, they know what they look for in the performance of the student. (Student # 6)

Rubrics are not used by students in planning for their oral prod. assessments
Actually no, the lessons do. Its more of what we learned in class rather than the rubric, which helps us plan for our debate. Because usually, when we plan for our debate, we just assign roles, right?, and then do the arguments, and then, you do this, you do that. We dont really look at the rubric coz if you look at the rubric, youd be too scared and too anxious to actually execute what we have planned. (Student # 9)

Rubrics are also not used during the delivery of the speech
Kasi feeling ko kaya hindi helpful din sa 4th year kasi diba debate, mas aalalahanin mo yung arguments mo kesa yung sa rubric. (Student #10)
I feel that rubrics are not that helpful for year 4 because we have debates you will not really think of the rubric because you will be too pre-occupied with your arguments to remember it.

Rubrics aiding teachers in evaluating performance Rubrics as a subjective measure Rubrics triggering anxiety

Actual Use of Rubrics

Very little attention
is given to rubrics before, during, and after oral production performances

All Ss considered rubrics as an effective tool in evaluating learning

Understanding Ts Expectations

Rubrics are not really used in understanding Ts expectations (triggers anxiety) Lengthy descriptors discourage students from reading the rubric Issues on Clarity & General Comprehensibility of rubric descriptors (mastery of skills, involvement in rubric creation, provision of models)

Reflecting on the Performance

Reflection takes place after they have received the grade; to be utilized in the succeeding oral performances Personal comments were deemed necessary

Justifying the Grade

Students issue on the score range Lack of general understanding of the descriptors

Underutilized Elements
Planning for the assessment Process of delivering the speech Improving overall performance

Perceived Limitation
Rubrics acting as straitjackets

Students Suggestions
Include personal comments Use short and concise descriptors Use a specific score for each performance level Involve Ss in rubric creation

Make Ss understand the value and uses of rubrics as instructional and grading tools Provide models of strong & weak oral production performances

Use the rubric in multiple oral production assessments Encourage Ss to engage in a reflection of their performance

That in all things, God may be glorified!

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