FCE Overview

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FCE: Exam overview

What's in the exam?

Marks (% of total)
20% 20% 20%

Reading (1 hour) Writing (1 hour 20 minutes) Use of English (45 minutes) Listening (about 40 minutes)

3 parts/30 questions 2 parts 4 parts/42 questions 4 parts/30 questions

Shows you can deal confidently with different types of text, such as fiction, newspapers and magazines. Requires you to be able to produce two different pieces of writing, such as letters, reports, reviews and short stories. Your use of English will be tested by tasks which show how well you can control your grammar and vocabulary. Requires you to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials, such as news programmes, presentations and everyday conversations. Tests your ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face situations. You will take the Speaking test with one or two other candidates.


Speaking (14 minutes per pair of candidates) 4 parts


Exam format
Reading Available as a paper-based test Available as a computer-based test Download a free pack of sample papers (zip file) Whats in the Reading paper? The Cambridge English: First Reading paper has different types of text and questions. In one part, you may have to read one long text or two or more shorter, related texts. Summary
Time allowed: Number of parts: Number of questions: Marks: Lengths of texts: 1 hour 3 30 20% of total 550700 words per text: about 2,000 words to read in total newspaper and magazine articles, reports, fiction, advertisements, letters, messages, informational material (e.g. brochures, guides, manuals, etc.)

Texts may be from:

Parts 13
Part 1 (Multiple choice)
A text with some multiple-choice questions. Each question has four options (A, B, C or D) and you have to decide which is the correct answer. What's in Part 1? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How to understand the details of a text, including opinions and attitudes. 8

How many marks do I get?

Two marks for each correct answer.

Practise Part 1 Now try Part 1 from the sample Cambridge English: First Reading paper.

Part 2 (Gapped text)

A text with some empty spaces (gaps). After the text there are some sentences taken from the text. You have to choose the correct sentence for each gap. What's in Part 2? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks do I get? How to understand the structure and follow the development of a text. 7 Two marks for each correct answer.

Practise Part 2 Now try Part 2 from the sample Cambridge English: First Reading paper.

Part 3 (Multiple matching)

A series of questions and a long text or several short texts to read. For each question, you have to decide which text or part of the text mentions some specific information. What's in Part 3? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks do I get? How to find specific information in a text or texts. 15 One mark for each correct answer.

Practise Part 3 Now try Part 3 from the sample Cambridge English: First Reading paper.

DOs and DONTs

DOs 1. Read the sources, titles and subtitles of the texts where given; they are there to help you. 2. Read each text carefully before you answer the questions to get an overall impression and understanding of it. This includes Part 3, the multiple matching task. 3. Remember, the missing word(s) may be forming part of an idiom, fixed phrase or collocation, so always check the words around the gap carefully. (Part 2) 4. Remember, the missing sentence must fit the context of the passage, so always check that the completed paragraph makes sense in the passage as a whole. (Part 2) 5. Keep an overall idea of the development of the text. You will need to check that the sentences chosen to fit the gaps in the base text fit the progression of the argument or narrative as a whole. (Part 2)

6. Read the questions carefully and check each option against the text before rejecting it. (Part 2) DON'Ts 7. Don't try to answer any questions without referring carefully to the text. 8. Don't spend too much time on any one part of the paper. 9. Don't forget to record your answers on the separate answer sheet. 10. Don't assume that if the same word appears in the text as well as in an option, this means you have located the answer.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What aspects of reading are tested in this paper? You will need to show that you can understand specific information, main idea, text organisation and structure, tone, gist, opinion, attitude, detail and purpose. You will also need to be able to deduce meaning (work out the meaning of unknown vocabulary). How many marks is the Reading paper worth? Reading, Writing, Listening, Use of English and Speaking are each worth 20% of the total score for theCambridge English: First exam. How long should I spend on each part? There is no time limit for each task; some tasks may take longer than others and you should be aware of how long you need for different tasks. However, remember that each part (13) is worth approximately the same number of marks overall. How do I answer the Reading paper? In this paper, you need to put the answers on an answer sheet by filling in a box in pencil. What is the range of text types in each part of the paper? It is possible for any of the text types listed above to appear in any part of the paper. Make sure you are familiar with any text type that might appear in the exam and with the different test focuses for each part. Appropriate tasks are selected to suit the individual text. What if I make a mistake on the answer sheet? If more than one lozenge has been completed for one question, the computer rejects the answer sheet, which is then dealt with on an individual basis. Checks are in place to identify incomplete answer sheets, which are also then checked. Cases where all the answers have been entered incorrectly, e.g. by putting answer 1 to question 2, answer 2 to question 3, etc., cannot be identified. You should be careful when filling in your answer sheet.

Whats in the Writing paper? In the two parts of the Cambridge English: First Writing paper, you have to show that you can write different types of text in English. Summary
Time allowed: Number of parts: 1 hour 20 minutes 2 Part 1: one compulsory question Part 2: one question from a choice of five 20% of total article, email, essay, letter, report, review, story

Number of questions: Marks: Types of task:

Parts 12
Part 1
Some material to read (up to 160 words). You have to write a letter or email using the information in this material. What's in Part 1? Writing a letter or email. You may have to apologise, compare, describe, explain, express opinions, justify, persuade, recommend, and/or suggest something. One compulsory question. 120150 words

What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How much do I have to write?

Practise Part 1 Now try Part 1 from the sample Cambridge English: First Writing paper.

Part 2
A choice of five questions. The answer you have to write will be one of the following: an article, essay, letter, report, review or story. What's in Part 2? If you read one of the set books and want to write about it, you may decide to try Question 5. You have a choice of two tasks 5 (a) or 5 (b) for this question. Writing different types of text: articles, essays, letters, reports, reviews. Depending on the question, you will have to advise, compare, describe, explain, express opinions, justify and/or recommend something. One task to be selected from a choice of five. 120180 words

What about Question 5?

What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How much do I have to write?

Whats in the Use of English paper? The Cambridge English: First Use of English paper has four parts with different types of tasks which test grammar and vocabulary. Summary
Time allowed: Number of parts: Number of questions: Marks: 45 minutes 4 42 20% of total

Parts 14
Part 1 (Multiple-choice cloze)
A text in which there are some missing words or phrases (gaps). After the text there are four possible answers for each gap and you have to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). What's in Part 1? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there? Vocabulary words with similar meanings, collocations, linking phrases, phrasal verbs, etc. 12 One mark for each correct answer.

Practise Part 1 Now try Part 1 from the sample Cambridge English: First Use of English paper.

Part 2 (Open cloze)

A text in which there are some missing words (gaps). You have to find the correct word for each gap. What's in Part 2? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there? Grammar and vocabulary. 12 One mark for each correct answer.

Practise Part 2 Now try Part 2 from the sample Cambridge English: First Use of English paper.

Part 3 (Word formation)

A text containing ten gaps. Each gap represents a word. At the end of the line is a prompt word which you have to change in some way to make the correct missing word and complete the sentence correctly. What's in Part 3? What do I have to practise? Vocabulary word building: the different words which you can make from a base word, e.g. compete becomes competition, competitor, competitive, competitively or

uncompetitive. How many questions are there? How many marks are there? 10 One mark for each correct answer.

Practise Part 3 Now try Part 3 from the sample Cambridge English: First Use of English paper.

Part 4 (Key word transformations)

A sentence followed by a key word and a second sentence which has a gap in it. You have to use the key word to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. What's in Part 4? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there? Grammar and vocabulary rewriting sentences with different words so that they mean the same thing. 8 Up to two marks for each correct answer.

Practise Part 4 Now try Part 4 from the sample Cambridge English: First Use of English paper. Whats in the Listening paper? The Cambridge English: First Listening paper has four parts. For each part you have to listen to a recorded text or texts and answer some questions. You hear each recording twice. Summary
Time allowed: Number of parts: Number of questions: Marks: about 40 minutes 4 30 20% of total

Parts 14
Part 1 (Multiple choice)
A series of short, unrelated recordings of approximately 30 seconds each. You have to listen to the recordings and answer one multiple-choice question for each. Each question has three options (A, B or C). What's in Part 1? Listening for general meaning (gist), detail, function, purpose, attitude, opinion, relationship, topic, place, situation, genre, agreement, etc. 8 One mark for each correct answer.

What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there?

Practise Part 1 Now try Part 1 from the sample Cambridge English: First Listening paper.

Part 2 (Sentence completion)

A monologue (one person speaking), or a recording with two or more speakers lasting approximately 3 minutes. To answer the questions, you have to complete the sentences on the question paper with information you hear on the recording. What's in Part 2? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there? Listening for detail, specific information, stated opinion. 10 One mark for each correct answer.

Practise Part 2 Now try Part 2 from the sample Cambridge English: First Listening paper.

Part 3 (Multiple matching)

A series of statements and short related monologues of approximately 30 seconds each. You listen to the recordings and choose which statement best matches what each speaker says. What's in Part 3? Listening for general gist, detail, function, purpose, attitude, opinion, relationship, topic, place, situation, genre, agreement, etc. 5 One mark for each correct answer.

What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there?

Practise Part 3 Now try Part 3 from the sample Cambridge English: First Listening paper.

Part 4 (Multiple choice)

A monologue or recording with two or more speakers which lasts approximately 3 minutes. You have to listen to the recording and answer seven multiple-choice questions. Each question has three options (A, B or C). What's in Part 4? What do I have to practise? How many questions are there? How many marks are there? Listening for opinion, attitude, gist, main idea, specific information. 7 One mark for each correct answer.

Practise Part 4 Now try Part 4 from the sample Cambridge English: First Listening paper.

Whats in the Speaking paper? The Cambridge English: First Speaking test has four parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners conducts the test (asks you questions, gives you paper with things to talk about, and so on). The other examiner listens to what you say and takes notes. Summary
Time allowed: Number of parts: Marks: 14 minutes per pair of candidates 4 20% of total with the examiner with the other candidate on your own

You have to talk:

Parts 14
Part 1 (Interview)
Conversation with the examiner. The examiner asks questions and you may have to give information about yourself, talk about past experiences, present circumstances and future plans. What's in Part 1? What do I have to practise? How long do I have to speak? Giving information about yourself and expressing your opinion about various topics. 3 minutes

Practise Part 1 Now try Part 1 from the sample Cambridge English: First Speaking paper.

Part 2 (Long turn)

The examiner gives you a pair of photographs to talk about and you have to speak for 1 minute without interruption. The questions you have to answer about your photographs are written at the top of the page to remind you what you should talk about. When you have finished speaking, your partner then has to answer a short question from the examiner about your photographs. What's in Part 2? What do I have to practise? How long do I have to speak? Talking on your own about something: comparing, describing, expressing opinions. 1 minute per candidate

Practise Part 2 Now try Part 2 from the sample Cambridge English: First Speaking paper.

Part 3 (Collaborative task)

What's in Part 3? Conversation with the other candidate. The examiner gives you some pictures and a decision-making task to do. You

have to talk with the other candidate and make a decision. Exchanging ideas, expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing, suggesting, speculating, evaluating, reaching a decision through negotiation, etc. 3 minutes

What do I have to practise? How long do we have to speak?

Practise Part 3 Now try Part 3 from the sample Cambridge English: First Speaking paper.

Part 4 (Discussion)
Further discussion with the other candidate about the same topic as the task in Part 3. What's in Part 4? What do I have to practise? How long do I have to speak? Expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing. 4 minutes

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