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20 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 1

The Concise Essence Sutra Ritual of

Bhagavan Medicine Buddha called
The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel
composed by Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyältsen
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition translated by David Molk
Education Services
2 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 19
Notes regarding this practice:
Altar and Gompa Set-up
· When performing this puja extensively, it is best to set out 108 sets of offering bowls. If
this is not possible, then 8 sets will suffice. The offerings for this puja are set out in a
unique fashion: Starting toward the back of the altar and working forward, one places a
row of 8 argham, followed by a row of 8 padhyam, then 8 pushpe, and so on, rather Colophon:
than consecutive rows of all 8 offerings. Composed by the Omniscient Panchen Lama Losang Chökyi Gyältsen. The original exten-
· One should also prepare and offer 8 tormas made from the 3 whites and the 3 sweets
(milk, butter, yoghurt, sugar, molasses, and honey) in the shape of tear drops.
sive Medicine Buddha Sutra came from Shakyamuni Buddha himself.
English translation by David Molk in March 1993, 2537 years since Buddha Shakyamuni’s
· Other offerings of food, flowers, etc. are optional. parinirvana, in accordance with an explanation by Venerable Geshe Tsülga of Sera Monas-
· It is recommended by Lama Zopa Rinpoche to also have on the altar, if possible, a repre-
sentation of the Medicine Buddha mandala (obtainable from FPMT Education Depart-
tery, now resident at Kurukulla Center of Boston, Massachusetts.
Lightly edited for distribution to FPMT centers and students in May 1998. Further editing
ment) in a mandala house and above that, a copy of the Medicine Buddha Sutra completed by Ven. Constance Miller, FPMT Education Department in September 2000.
Revised edition, August 2001. Additional revisions to the translation and the translitera-
wrapped in five-colored cloth. tion of the mantras, October 2002.
NOTE: When seating monks and nuns in the front, it is customary to seat monks on the left Section title page line drawing of Medicine Buddha, courtesy of Robert Beer.
side of the throne (when facing the throne) and nuns on the right. Line drawings of the Medicine Buddhas included throughout The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel,
courtesy of Andy Weber.
During “big pujas” (these are defined as self-initiations or long pujas and pujas with extensive
offerings, etc.) one can offer a stick of incense for the lama or geshe to hold during the verses of
Ritual implements
One should have both dorje and bell, but no damaru or inner offering.
NOTE: Throughout the preceding text, small symbols of bells or other instruments and
hand mudras appear in the margins to help the practitioner know when one should play these
instruments or when to do certain mudras. It is hoped that these small indications will be
helpful to those not yet familiar with these aspects of tantric practice. Other symbols and their
meanings are: lotus mudra prostration mudra show the dorje
Practice tips
· Because this is a practice belonging to Action Tantra, it is best not to eat black foods the
day one performs the puja. After the puja, one can eat whatever one wishes, but before
doing the puja, avoid black foods.
· According to the instructions of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, before commencing the actual
practice, begin with preliminary prayers (found in the “Morning Prayers” section of Es-
sential Buddhist Prayers, vol. 1), including the Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral
Downfalls and the General Confession prayer.
18 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 3
During the teachings’ decline for protectorless beings
Who were untamed by other sun-like conquerors,
Through the auspiciousness of all collected good qualities
Of those seven sugatas, protectors during degenerate times, The Concise Essence Sutra Ritual of Bhagavan
May all negativity and degeneration be ended,
And, bliss and goodness increasing like a waxing moon, Medicine Buddha called
May it be auspicious to enjoy the glory of perfection.
Arising well from the broad lotus-like tongue
The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel
Of the lord of the able ones,
Especially exalted even in the later days of the Shakya’s teachings
Such that, if performed, one gains
The essence of immortality’s ambrosia:
Through the auspiciousness of all collected good qualities
Of that king of the vast and profound sutra pitaka,

Woodblock print
Medicine Buddha
May all negativity and degeneration be ended,
And, bliss and goodness increasing like the waxing moon,
May it be auspicious to enjoy the glory of perfection.
Through the auspiciousness of all collected good qualities
Of those children of the lineage performing the sutra ritual
By simply reciting the names of the kings of doctors
Of all realms’ ten directions
And through the especially extensive prayers of the teacher Buddha and
the sugatas:
May all negativity and degeneration be ended, The river of merely hearing your names
And, bliss and goodness increasing like the waxing moon, Makes even Avici’s hell-fires cool as a lotus pond.
May it be auspicious to enjoy the glory of perfection. Protectors in degenerate times, seven sugatas
And head of the Shakyas, to your feet I bow.
Accomplished through the compassion mantra of the sugatas,
Through faith, samadhi, and words of truth, construction of jewels, Distracted by activities of varying importance,
Abode of the Three Jewels beyond the three realms, To benefit myself and those with faith in the life stories
Through the auspiciousness of all collected good qualities Of these seven buddhas for degenerate times,
Of that supreme buddha-field equal to Sukhavati: I’ll condense the ambrosia sutra ritual to its molten essence.
May all negativity and degeneration be ended,
And, bliss and goodness increasing like the waxing moon, Because of the infallibility of Arya Buddha’s proclamation that the power and blessings of the
May it be auspicious to enjoy the glory of perfection. Medicine Buddhas are greater and swifter in degenerate times, we accept it. Having already
made preparations as described in the sutra ritual, one who wishes to perform this quintessen-
tial ritual for invoking the heart commitment of the protectors during degenerate times, the
seven sugatas, should recite as follows, fully infusing the mind with refuge and bodhichitta:
4 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 17
Refuge and Bodhichitta Dedications
Nature incorporating the entire body, speech, mind, qualities, and Just as the brave Manjushri and Samantabhadra, too,
activity of all the tathagatas of the three times and ten directions , source Realized things as they are,
of 84 thousand collections of Dharmas, lord of all arya Sangha, I seek I too dedicate all these merits in the best way,
refuge in the kind and glorious holy root and lineage gurus. That I may follow their perfect example.
I seek refuge in the completely enlightened lord buddhas.
I seek refuge in the holy Dharma. I dedicate all these roots of virtue
I seek refuge in the arya Sangha. With the dedication praised as the best
I seek refuge in the eight brothers gone to bliss, the lord Medicine By the victorious ones thus gone of the three times,
Buddhas with their hosts of retinue deities. So I might perform good works.
I seek refuge in the glorious holy protectors, Dharma protector guardians
Here one can do the multiplying mantras to increase the merits created (see Dedications
endowed with the wisdom eye. (3x)
section of Essential Buddhist Prayers, vol. 1.)
I go for refuge until I am enlightened
To the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Supreme Assembly. Auspicious Verses
By my merit from giving and other perfections The hosts of Medicine Buddha deities
May I become a buddha to benefit all sentient beings. (3x) Pervading all directions of the round of space with perfection –
Some raining down multicolored lotuses,
The Four Immeasurables Some singing songs requesting goodness,
All sentient beings who, although self and all appearances are dharmadhatu Some acting to conquer maras and obstructors,
by nature, have not realized it thus, I shall endow with happiness and the And all bestowing on you supreme good fortune:
causes of happiness, I shall separate from suffering and the causes of suf- Know this full well and be very joyful
fering, I shall make inseparable from happiness without suffering, and I And I shall voice sweet melody expressing auspiciousness.
shall set in equanimity, the cause of well-being, free from attachment,
aversion, and partiality. (3x) Supreme teacher of humans and gods,
Touching my crown to your feet of jeweled moonlight
The Power of Truth Grants the glory of good fortune of kumuda flowers’ blossoming;
To Munindra, moon of expounders, I prostrate.
Through the power of the supreme truth of the buddhas’ and
bodhisattvas’ blessings, Manjushri and great abbot Shantarakshita,
The might of the two collections, and the purity of the dharmadhatu, Trisong Detsen, Atisha father and sons,
May this realm’s beings and environment be enriched like Sukhavati Second conqueror Losang Dragpa, and so on:
With all the desirable perfections of both samsara and nirvana. Through the auspiciousness of all collected good qualities
Of the supreme root and lineage gurus,
Offerings May all negativity and degeneration be ended,
Jeweled ground adorned with trees and with ponds And, bliss and goodness increasing like the waxing moon,
Whose bottoms are covered with gold, silver, and pearl dust; May it be auspicious to enjoy the glory of perfection.
Flowers strewn and sandalwood fragrance rising;
Human and divine enjoyments: Samantabhadra’s offerings everywhere. Accomplishing a supreme ocean of prayers invoking truth
16 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 5
To the compassionate ones who liberate destitute beings, There, in the center of a charming jeweled palace
To the seven sugatas, Buddha Shakyamuni, and the holy Dharma, On lotuses and lion thrones, buddhas and bodhisattvas abide.
To Manjushri, Kyab Dröl, Vajrapani, Brahma and Ishvara, May [everywhere] be filled with oceans of clouds of offerings, which
And the maharajas and yakshas, I prostrate. they enjoy,
Born through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
I make every collection of offerings, actually arranged and emanated
Visualize extensive offerings here. Invocation (with burning incense)
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
I confess all downfalls and negativities, Compassionate protectors in degenerate times, seven sugatas,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech, Buddha Shakyamuni, holy Dharma, bodhisattvas, and guardians,
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment. Invited as the support and protector refuge to protect others and
Request for Forgiveness May you come here, gather, and grant your blessings.
Whatever I have done or caused to be done If one wishes, one can insert an extensive bath offering here.
That was unprepared or degenerated
Or done with my deluded mind, The Seven-Limb Practice
Please be patient with all of these. Prostrations
Whatever the beings of this degenerate age have done Root guru whose kindness is without equal,
Of lesser merit mixed with ignorant delusions King of the Shakyas, Manjushri, Shantarakshita, and so on,
That did not fulfill the aryas’ wishes, Holding in their hands this profound sutra:
Please be patient with these as well. To the direct and lineage gurus, I prostrate.
Under the influence of miserliness, lacking in skill, To the compassionate ones who liberate destitute beings –
Having made bad offerings or faulty arrangements, Seven sugatas, Buddha Shakyamuni, and holy Dharma,
O protector endowed with great compassion, Manjushri, Kyab Dröl, Vajrapani, Brahma and Ishvara,
Please be patient with these as well. And the maharajas and yakshas – I prostrate.
Whatever was superfluous or left undone,
Degeneration in parts of the ritual, I make every collection of offerings, actually arranged and emanated
Or whatever was forgotten, Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
Please be patient with these as well. I confess all downfalls and negativities,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech,
Request to Remain And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment.
By remaining here together with this image Beseeching
For the sake of all migrators, Great bhagavan assembly, pray listen!
Seven sugatas, just as you promised,
May you grant us long life without illness, Your previous prayers will be fulfilled
Power, and supreme attainment. During the final period of Shakyamuni’s teachings:
OM SUPRATISHTHA VAJRA YE SVAHA Pray, show me in actuality it is true!
6 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 15
Prayers to the Individual Medicine Buddhas Pray, manifest all of them for me here and now.
And to the worldly protector yaksha leaders as well,
To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha Renowned As you promised to do before previous teachers –
Glorious King of Excellent Signs (Suparikirti-tanamasriraja) To stop enemies, harmers, and epidemics,
I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x) Pacify all conflict, and increase physical and mental bliss,
Increase wealth, power, property, crops, and life span –
Golden in color with mudra of granting refuge; Accomplish these desired goals as we wish
Who accomplished eight prayers; And always protect us without break.
Majestic with the glory of two accumulations;
Glorious one of the buddha-field Unconquered by Others:
To Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs, I prostrate. Mantra Recitation
In flowers of the major marks flourishing and pure, RAJAYA / TATHAGATAYA / ARHATE SAMYAKSAM BUDDHAYA /
Anthers of minor signs, such a beautiful body: TADYATHA / OM BHAISHAJYE BHAISHAJYE MAHA BHAISHAJYE
One who sees, hears, or thinks of you is glorified. [BHAISHAJYE ]** / RAJA SAMUDGATE SVAHA
To Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs,
I prostrate. Common pronunciation:
I make every collection of offerings actually YA / TATAGATAYA / ARHATAY SAMYAKSAM BUDDHAYA / TA YA TA /
Visualize extensive offerings here. SAMUDGATAY SOHA
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, Thus, recite the long mantra, or the short mantra as follows:
and aspiration.
I confess all downfalls and negativities, TADYATHA / OM BHAISHAJYE BHAISHAJYE MAHA BHAISHAJYE
+H,-<SJ-F-!J-SJ-F-!J-3@-SJ-F-!J- SJ-F-!J ,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech, [BHAISHAJYE] / RAJA SAMUDGATE SVAHA
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment.
[ ]**
Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name,
Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering,
May all sentient beings such as ourselves be freed
From epidemics, execution, criminals, and spirits; Common pronunciation:
Have faculties fully complete; have the continuum of suffering and TA YA TA / OM BEKANZAY BEKANZAY MAHA BEKANZAY [BEKANZAY] /
negativities cut; RADZA SAMUDGATAY SOHA
Not fall to lower realms; and experience the happiness of humans
**Syllables in brackets [ ] are optional. They may be included when reciting the mantra or
and gods.
not, as one wishes.
With hunger, thirst, and poverty pacified, may there be wealth.
Without torments of body such as bindings and beatings; Root guru whose kindness is without equal,
Without harm of tigers, lions, and snakes; with conflict pacified; King of the Shakyas, Manjushri, Shantarakshita, and so on,
Endowed with loving minds and relieved from fear of flood as well, Holding in their hands this profound sutra:
May we pass to fearless bliss. To the direct and lineage gurus, I prostrate.
14 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 7
Body majestic as a golden Mount Meru: And when we pass away from this life,
I prostrate to the king of the Shakyas. May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete,
Become a vessel for transmitting the teachings of conquerors such as
I make every collection of offerings actually arranged and emanated Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs,
Visualize extensive offerings here.
And cause them delight.
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
I confess all downfalls and negativities,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech,
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment. To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha King of
Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of Skill, Adorned with Jewels, Moon,
Pray, bless us and all beings who lack a protector and Lotus (Svaragosaraja)
To receive here immediately, without exception, I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x)
The benefits as taught by the supreme teacher
In the extensive sutra ritual of Medicine Buddha. Yellow in color with mudra of granting the
Prostration and Prayer to the Holy Dharma Who accomplished eight prayers;
Majestic with the glory of two accumulations;
Supreme lamp dispelling the darkness of ignorance, Glorious one of the buddha-field Endowed
Foremost of medicines alleviating suffering and disease, With Jewels:
To the entire sublime jewel of Dharma, I prostrate to King of Melodious Sound.
I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (3x)
Well adorned with jewelled moon and lotus,
I make every collection of offerings, actually arranged and emanated Wisdom expanded in mastery of all knowable objects,
Visualize extensive offerings here. Endowed with a mind as deep as the ocean:
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration. I prostrate at the feet of King of Melodious Sound.
I confess all downfalls and negativities,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech, I make every collection of offerings actually arranged and emanated
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment. Visualize extensive offerings here.
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
Through the blessings of the truth of the holy Dharma jewel I confess all downfalls and negativities,
May I and all others, henceforth in all our lives, Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech,
Practice the Buddha’s teachings in their entirety And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment.
Exactly as the buddhas intended.
Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name,
Requesting the Benefits of the Practice Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering,
The conquerors’ heart commitments were invoked For all sentient beings such as ourselves
By thirty-six thousand sons of sugatas, May the distracted flourish in the Dharma;
Including Manjushri, Kyab Dröl, and Vajrapani. Have wealth and goods of humans and gods;
Thus requested, they proclaimed this sutra’s benefits. Without torment at conception, be always born human;
Never be separated from bodhichitta; increase in virtuous Dharma;
8 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 13
Purify obscurations; and attain the happiness of humans and gods. May each and every sentient being such as ourselves
May we be freed from being separated from the spiritual guide, All become, like you, graced with marks and signs.
From dark ages, spirit harm, death, and enemies, May the light dispelling darkness, the enjoyment of wisdom, and skillful
And from the dangers of isolated places. means be inexhaustible.
May we have enthusiasm for making offerings and performing ritual May those attracted to mistaken and lesser paths enter Mahayana paths,
services. And all be beautified by their vows.
May lesser beings have samadhi, mindfulness, strength, May we be free from pain caused by immorality,
The dharani of non-forgetfulness, and attain supreme wisdom. Be complete in faculties and without disease, and have abundant goods.
May tormenting fires be cooled. May those disillusioned with the weakest conditions always have
And when we pass away from this life, powerful faculties,
May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete, And may we be freed from Mara’s noose and perverse viewpoints.
Become a vessel for transmitting the teachings of conquerors such as May those tormented by kings gain bliss, and those who,
King of Melodious Sound, Out of hunger, support themselves through negativity
And cause them delight. Be satisfied with food received in accordance with the Dharma.
May hardships of heat and cold be pacified and all good wishes be
Endowed with morality that pleases the aryas, may we be liberated.
To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha Stainless And when we pass away from this life,
Excellent Gold, Great Jewel Who Accomplishes All Vows May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete,
(Suvarnabhadradravimala), Become a vessel for transmitting the teachings of conquerors such as
I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x) Medicine Guru, King of Doctors,
And cause them delight.
Golden in color, like the River Tsambu, with Dharma teaching mudra;
Having accomplished four prayers;
Majestic with the glory of two accumulations;
Glorious one of the buddha-field Incense Filled:
I prostrate to Stainless Excellent Gold. To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened
Buddha Glorious Conqueror Shakyamuni
Paramount among golds like the gold of the I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x)
River Tsambu,
Blazing with more radiance than a thousand suns, Golden in color with earth-pressing mudra,
Body like a stainless golden stupa: Who through the force of unique great
I prostrate to Stainless Excellent Gold. compassion and enthusiasm
Became the glorious one of this, the fearless
I make every collection of offerings actually arranged and emanated world system:
Visualize extensitve offerings here. I prostrate to the supreme leader, head of
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration. the Shakyas.
I confess all downfalls and negativities,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech, Born in the Shakya lineage out of skillful means and compassion,
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment. Unchallenged by others, conqueror of Mara’s forces,
12 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 9
Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name, Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name,
Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering, Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering,
For all sentient beings such as ourselves For all sentient beings such as ourselves
May the distracted be free of malice and rich in goods. May the short-lived gain longevity, the poor, full wealth;
May those on evil paths to lower realms attain the ten virtues. May combatants come to have loving minds.
May those controlled by others gain perfect independence, May we not be without training and fall to the lower realms
And all have long life, hear the names, and be virtuous. But be bound by our vows and never without bodhichitta.
And when we pass away from this life, And when we pass away from this life,
May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete, May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete,
Become a vessel for transmitting the teachings of conquerors such as Become a vessel for transmitting the teachings of conquerors such as
King of Clear Knowing, Stainless Excellent Gold,
And cause them delight. And cause them delight.
To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha Medicine
Guru, King of Lapis Light (Bhaisajyaguru) To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha Supreme
I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x) Glory Free from Sorrow (Asokottamasriraja)
I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x)
Blue in color with mudra of granting the supreme;
Who accomplished twelve prayers; Light red in color with mudra of meditative equipoise;
Majestic with the glory of two accumulations; Who accomplished four prayers;
Glorious one of the buddha-field Lapis Light: Majestic with the glory of two accumulations;
I prostrate to Medicine Guru, King of Doctors. Glorious one of the buddha-field Without Sorrow:
I prostrate to Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow.
Bhagavan with equal compassion for all,
Whose name, when merely heard, dispels Passed beyond sorrow, attained to supreme bliss,
the suffering of lower realms, Pacifier of sentient beings’ three poisons
Dispeller of disease and the three poisons: and sufferings,
I prostrate to Medicine Buddha Lapis Light. Protector of beings of the six realms,
To the glorified one, Supreme Glory Free
I make every collection of offerings actually arranged and emanated from Sorrow, I prostrate.
Visualize extensive offerings here.
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration. I make every collection of offerings actually arranged and emanated
I confess all downfalls and negativities, Visualize extensive offerings here.
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech, Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment. I confess all downfalls and negativities,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech,
Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name, And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment.
Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering,
10 Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual Medicine Buddha Sutra Ritual 11
Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name, Through the force of hearing the conqueror’s name,
Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering, Expressing it, remembering, prostrating, and offering,
For all sentient beings such as ourselves For all sentient beings such as ourselves
May sorrow and the like always be pacified, and life be long and happy. May we always have perfect view and faith,
May the conquerors’ light increase bliss and joy in the hells. Hear the sound of Dharma, and be enriched with bodhichitta.
May we have brightness, beauty, and wealth, unharmed by spirits; For the sake of resources may we give up negativities;
May we have love for each other; and may there be no disease. May wealth increase.
And when we pass away from this life, May we abide in love, have long lives, and be content.
May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete, And when we pass away from this life,
Become a vessel for transmission of the teachings of conquerors such as May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete,
Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow, Become a vessel for transmission of the teachings of conquerors such as
And cause them delight. Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma,
And cause them delight.
To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha Melodious
Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma (Dharmakirtisagara) To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, fully enlightened Buddha Delightful
I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x) King of Clear Knowing, Supreme Wisdom of an Ocean of Dharma
Pink in color with mudra of teaching the Dharma; I prostrate, offer, and go for refuge. (7x)
Who accomplished four prayers;
Majestic with the glory of two accumulations; Coral colored with mudra of granting the supreme;
Glorious one of the buddha-field Victory Banner of Dharma: Who accomplished four prayers;
I prostrate to Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma. Majestic with the glory of two accumulations;
Glorious one of the buddha-field Ocean of Jewels:
Great sound of Dharma conquering adversaries, I prostrate to King of Clear Knowing.
Endowed with speech as deep as the ocean,
Pacifier of beings’ suffering without exception: Mind of profound Dharma wisdom, difficult to
I prostrate to Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed fathom,
Dharma. Sporting in the pure sphere of truth,
One who sees all knowable objects directly:
I make every collection of offerings actually I prostrate to King of Clear Knowing.
arranged and emanated
Visualize extensive offerings here. I make every collection of offerings actually arranged and emanated
Through the force of mantra, samadhi, Visualize extensive offerings here.
and aspiration. Through the force of mantra, samadhi, and aspiration.
I confess all downfalls and negativities, I confess all downfalls and negativities,
Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech, Rejoice in virtues, (Meditate strongly on rejoicing here.) request and beseech,
And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment. And dedicate such virtues as these to the great enlightenment.

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