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Kitesurng 101

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Basics
Kitesurng & Kiteboarding are the same sport theyre often referred to differently based on location Kitesurng uses wind to pull a rider through the water on a small surfboard or kiteboard A kite surfer uses a board with or without straps with a large, inatable kite to move across the water In 2006, the number of kitesurfers was estimated to be around 150,000 114,165 inatable kites were sold in 2006 to support the number of kitesurfers
By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

History of Kitesurng
The Chinese are credited with being the rst people to use kites to propel themselves in the 13th century The Legaignoux brothers, from France, patented a kite design in 1984 By 1998, kitesurng had become a mainstream sport The rst competition was held in Maui in 1998 and was won by Flash Austin

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Techniques
Turning: You can turn by putting the kite into neutral, stopping, sinking backwards and then turning the kit in the opposite direction Controlled Flying and Jumping: Controlled ying is when the momentum of the surfer pulls the kite Board Grabs: Occurs when the surfer is in the air and grabs the board with one hand

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng and Wind Conditions

Kite surfers change the kite size and/or line length from the harness to the kite depending on wind strength Stronger winds call for a smaller kite It is important to avoid using too large a kite Newer kites have a depower option to reduce the power in the kite Kite surfers shouldnt go into water in direct offshore winds

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Locations
Any location with consistent, steady side-onshore winds, large bodies of water, and good launch areas are good for kite surng Most kitesurng takes place along ocean shores It can also take place on lakes, inlets, and occasionally rivers The Outer Banks (OBX) in North Carolina has the most consistent wind and has become popular for kitesurng The Dominican Republic has become popular for the World Championships

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Equipment
Kite Flying Lines Control Bar Kite Harness Kiteboard Wetsuit Helmet Board leash

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Safety Precautions
Always check the weather before you go out Avoid kitesurng in crowded areas Try to ride with side-shore winds Wear a helmet and impact vest Wear appropriate exposure clothing Avoid riding overpowered Carry a safety knife Notify the Coast Guard if you lose a board
By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Terminology
Air time: The amount of time spent in the air while jumping Boost: To suddenly become airborne Downwind: The direction the wind is blowing towards Offshore: Wind blowing at the water from the shore Re-launch: Getting your kite back up in the air after crashing

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Records
Sebastien Cattelan became the rst sailor to break the 50 knots barrier in 2008 in Namibia Alex Caizergues then broke this record the following day The current speed record held over a 500 meter course is held by Rob Douglas, which is the outright World Speed Sailing Record

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Kitesurng Online
There are multiple kitesurng communities since the sport has become more popular Provides a wealth of information about kitesurng The website for the magazine index.html: Provides an online registration solution for kitesurng, windsurng and regattas

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

Content Credits

Image Credits
Josiah Mackenzie

By Compete-At: Online Registration Solutions & Member Management Software for Kitesurng, Windsurng and Regattas

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