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M Yaqub*, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan Q U Zaman, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan A R Ghumman University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan Jawad H., University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan

30th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES: 23 - 24 August 2005, Singapore

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30th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES: 23 24 August 2005, Singapore


M Yaqub*, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan Q U Zaman, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan A R Ghumman University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan Jawad H., University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan

Abstract This paper presents the result of mix design developed for pump concrete. Pump concrete is that concrete whose slump is 125mm or more. Pump concrete can be placed in areas that are difficult or impossible to reach by other placement methods. Pumping often results in manpower and equipment cost and time. Pump concrete generally has little more sand and little less stone than normal concrete so it can be smoothly pumped from a distant place. Pump concrete needs more cement per cubic meter to achieve the right strength .In this research work a mix design for pump concrete is developed using local materials. Seven sets of cylinders are made with seven mix ratios. Each set contains nine cylinders; three are tested after three days, three after 7-days and three cylinders after 28-days. The mix ratios 1:0.5:1.5, 1:0.6:1.2, 1:1:1.5, 1:1:2, 1:1.5:3, 1:2:4 and 1:2.25:4.5 are used to obtain maximum compressive strength with different water cement ratios. The water cement ratio varies between 0.37 to 0.67.Superplasticizer was used as admixture in the concrete. The main purpose of using super plasticizer is to produce flowing concrete with slump in the range of 150mm to 180mm.The ability of super plasticizers is to increase the slump of concrete depends on factors such as the type, dosage and time of addition of super plasticizer, water cement ratio and the nature or amount of cement .It is found that maximum compressive strength is achieved at 0.37 water cement ratio with slump of 150mm.The ratio at which the maximum strength is achieved is 1:0.6:1.2.It is observed that this method of mix design for pump concrete is very useful and beneficial for contractors and practicing engineers working in construction industry.
Keyword: Mix design, slump, pump concrete, water cement ratio super plasticizer.



ACI defines pumped concrete as concrete that is transported through hose or pipe by means of a pump. Pumping concrete through metal pipelines by piston pumps was introduced in the United States in Milwaukee in 1933. This concrete pump used mechanical linkages to operate the pump and usually pumped through pipelines 150 mm or larger in diameter.

Many new developments have since been made in the concrete pumping field. These include new and improved pumps, truck mounted and stationary placing booms, and pipe line and hose that with stand higher pumping pressure. As a result of the innovations concrete placement by pump has become of the most widely used practices of the construction industry. Pumping may be used for most concrete construction but in especially useful where space for construction equipment is limited. A steady supply of pump able concrete is necessary for satisfactory pumping [1]. A pump able concrete, like conventional concrete, requires good quality control i.e. uniform, properly graded aggregate materials, uniformly batched and mixed thoroughly [2]. Concrete 3 pumps are available with maximum output capacities ranging from 15 to 250 yd /hr. Maximum volume output and maximum pressure on the concrete cannot be achieved. Simultaneously from most concrete pumps because this combination requires too much power. Each foot of vertical reduces the horizontal pumping distance about 3 to 4 feet because three to four times more pressure is required per foot of vertical rise than is necessary per foot of horizontal movement. Pumped concrete moves as a cylinder riding on a thin lubricant film of grout or mortar on the inside diameter of the pipe line [3, 4, 5]. Before pumping begins, the pipeline interior diameter should be coated with grout. Depending upon the nature of material used, this initial pipe line coating mixture may or may not be used in the concrete placement. Once concrete flow through the pipe line is established, the lubrication will be maintained as long as pumping continues with properly proportional and consistent mixture. Concrete pumping is so established in most areas that most ready mixed concrete produces can supply a concrete mixture that will pump readily if they were informed of the concrete pump volume capacity and its pressure capability, pipeline diameter and horizontal and vertical distance to be pumped. The shape of coarse aggregate, whether angular or rounded, has an influence on the mix properties, although both shapes can be pumped satisfactory. The angular per unit volume as compared to rounded pieces and this require more mortar to coat the surface for pump ability. The extent to which attention must be given to the mortar (cement, sand and water) and to the amounts and sizes of aggregates will depend on the capability of the pump to be used, and the height and / or distance the concrete is to be pumped. Dependability of concrete pumping is affected by the capability of the pumping equipment the control and consistency of all the ingredients in the mixture, the batching and mixing operations and the knowledge and experience of the personnel involved. The principle of proportioning are covered else where [6, 7, 8, 9]. 2. Objective of Research

The main objective of this research work was to develop mix design for pump concrete using local materials under local environment of Pakistan. 3. Experimental Program

The experimental work has been carried out to develop mix design for pump concrete. Three basic ingredients were used in this experimental work. The coarse aggregate was collected from Margallah Hills and the type used was CRUSHED having maximum size (3/4) 20mm. The fine aggregate was Lawrancepure sand. Ordinary Portland cement was used as binding material. The maximum size of angular coarse aggregate was limited to one third of the smallest inside diameter of the pump. For well rounded aggregate, the maximum size should be limited to two fifth of these diameters. The grading of sizes of coarse aggregate was done according to the requirements of ASTM C33 which is shown in table 2 The properties of fine aggregate or sand play a much important role in the proper training of pump able mixes. Together with cement and water, the fine aggregate provides the mortar or fluid which conveys the coarse aggregate in suspension, thus rendering a mixture pump able. The

gradation of fine aggregate was done confirming to the requirements of ASTM C-33. The fineness modulus as shown in table 1 was 2.76 which lies between 2.3 and 3.10 according to ASTM C-33 specification. The specific gravities of cement, sand and coarse aggregate were found 3.07, 2.7 and 2.68 respectively. The specific gravity of super plasticizer was 1.170 at 20 0C. To check the workability of concrete slump test was used to establish the optimum slump resulting from water content for a slump mixture and to maintain control of that particular slump through course of job are both extremely important factors. Experiences indicate that slumps from 150 to 180mm are most suitable for pumping. In mixture with higher slumps the aggregate will separate from mortar and paste that may cause pipeline blockage .Overly wet mixtures exhibit excessive bleeding loss of entrained air and increased shrinkage. In this research work the slump was maintained in the range 150 mm to 200mm using super plasticizers. Seven sets of cylinders (150m x 300mm) were cost with seven mix rations. Each set contains nine cylinders. The concrete was poured into the moulds in three layers each layer being compacted by 25 strokes of a 16mm (5/8 in) diameter steel rod with a rounded end. The top surface of cylinders, finished by a trowel, was not plane and smooth enough for testing. The top surfaces of cylinders were caped with a mixture of sulpher before testing. After remaining 24 hours in the moulds, the specimens were removed and placed in water tank for 3 days, 7 days, and 28 days. The curing conditions for the standard test cylinders are specified by ASTM C-192. Three cylinders are tested after three days, three after 7-days and three cylinders after 28-days. The mix ratios 1:0.5:1.5, 1:0.6:1.2, 1:1:1:5, 1:1:2, 1:1.5:3, 1:2:4, and 1:2.25:4.5 were used to obtain maximum compressive strength with different water cement ratios. The water cement ratio varies between 0.37 to 0.67 & total 63 cylinders were cast. The results of tested specimens are shown in table 3. 4. Result and Discussion

The properties of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate have most important role in the development of pump concrete. The maximum size of angular coarse aggregate was limited to one third of the smallest inside diameter of the pump. The maximum size of round aggregate should be limited to two fifth of the diameter of the pumps otherwise blockage of the pumps will take place. The fine aggregate combines with cement and water and provides the mortar or fluid which conveys the coarse aggregate in suspension which increase the pump ability of concrete mix. With the increase in cement content the compressive strength of concrete was increased. The maximum strength of mix ratio (1:0.6:1.2) at 0.38 water cement ratio shows good results for pumping concrete. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate plays important role in pump ability of concrete. The fineness modulus of 2.76 gives good results for pump ability of concrete. Table 1 BS (mm) 10 5 2.36 1.18 600 m 300 m 150 m <150 m ASTM 3/8 4 8 16 30 50 100 <100 Gradation of Fine Aggregate % Retained 0 .61 10.00 17.75 24.18 35 9.59 Cumulative % Passing 100 99.39 89.39 71.64 47.46 12.46 2.87 Cumulative % Retained 0 .6 10.61 28.36 52.54 87.54 97.13

Mass Retained 0 6 98 174 233 343 94 32 Total = 980


= 276.79

Fineness modulus = 2.76

Table 2 BS (mm) 25 20 10 5 ASTM (inch) 1 3/8 3/16

Gradation of Coarse Aggregate % Retained 0 4.87 68.26 25.34 1.5 Cumulative % Passing 100 95.13 26.87 1.53 Cumulative % Retained 0 4.87 74.13 98.47

Mass Retained 0 244 3420 1270 76

Table - 3 Mix ratio Water cement ratio 0.37 0.38 0.45 0.42 0.51 0.65 0.67

Results of the Tested Specimen Cylindrical Compressive Strength Slump Cement content kg/m3 679 711 573 525 390 305 279 Density of concrete 3 kg/m 2290 2262 2265 2323 2346 2335 2351 3days compressive strength Mpa 19 21 18 33 13 7 5 7days compressive strength Mpa 33 34 27 35 22 15 13 28 days compressive strength Mpa 40 43 36 39 36 27 23

1:0.5:1.5 1:0.6:1.2 1:1:1.5 1:1:2 1:1.5:3 1:2:4 1:2.25:4.5

150 150 180 140 150 150 150



In this research work local material of Pakistan was used to develop pump able concrete. Properties of fresh and hardened concrete were examined. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The slump from 150 to 180 mm is most suitable for pumping of concrete. When the flow of concrete is over 200 mm the coarse aggregate will separate from mortar and paste which causes pipeline blockage. Overly wet mixes shows excessive bleeding. 2. The maximum compressive strength was achieved at 1:0.6:1.2 mix ratio. 3. The density of concrete at which the maximum strength achieved is 2262 kg/m3. 6. [1] [2] [3] References U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1981 concrete manual, 8th ed, U.S. Bureau of reclamation, Denver, pp. 286 292. Pumping concrete, concrete construction V.13, No. 11, 1968, pp 413-426. Alekseev, S.N. on the calculation of resistance in the pipes of concrete pump, 1952 (in Russian, translated as library communication No. 450 by the building research station, Garston, UK, 1963. Dawson, O, pumping concrete friction between concrete and pipeline magazine of concrete research (London) V.1, No. 3 Dec. 1949, pp. 135 140. Weber, R, Transport of concrete by pipeline C & CA library translation No. 129, cement and concrete association, London 1967, 90pp. American concrete pumping association, boom inspection book, American concrete pumping association, Galena, Ohio, 1992, p-6. American concrete pumping association safety manual American concrete pumping association, Galena, Ohio 1992, 88pp. Crepas, R.A and the editors of concrete construction magazine, pumping concrete: Techniques and applications, 2nd ed., Aberdeen Group, Addison, IL, 1991. Chapters 4 & 13. Design and control of concrete mixtures, Portland cement association, Skokie 111, 1990 pp, 63-75.

[4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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