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EDC is receiving lot of inquiries and queries in respect of students industrial training.

In this respect NTPC Dadri employees who are becoming surety responsibility takes of surety of student may kindly contact EDC on or after 15th May-2012 along with following documents. 1. Marksheet photo copy of 5th Sem(for Engg.)/3rd Sem.(for MBA) respectively along with original college request letter. 2. Photo copies of I-Card of surety employee and College I. Card of Student 3. Photo copy of Insurance minimum one lac sum assured of student under Nagrik Surksha Insurance Policy covering of training slot duration. 4. An affidavit on Rs. 10/- non Judiciary stamp as per enclosed format. EDC hope for your cooperation pl. Regards


Format for Affidavit (on Rs. 10/- Non-Judicial stamp)

1. I, __________________________________S/o Shri ______________________________a

student from Institute/ College ____________________________________ studying in Branch _________________________ year_______________ Semester ___________. 2. As per written request dated____________ , NTPC has agreed to allow vocational within year 2012 at Dadri plant area from _________to ___________.. 3. I shall follow all the safety rules while under going in the training. In this connection I undertake to indemnify and agree that NTPC shall not be responsible for any compensation or damages. 4. I also agree if any loss/ damage to NTPC by way of accident / mis-happening by me during my stay in company, I further undertake to pay the amount of loss / damage to NTPC on demand. Sign. of student with Dt. __________________ Name of Student:________________________ Address :________________________________ 1. Sign.______________ Name ___________________________ Address :_____________________________ Witness: 2. Sign.__________ Name :_______________________________ Address::______________________________

deZpkjh fodkl dsUnz

1. The student will not receive any salary / allowance/ stipend for this Training. 2 The permission for training can be withdraw by giving notice of twenty four hour without assigning any reason. 3 Any information document, drawing data etc. if any made available to them during the period of training shall not be passed on transferred or conveyed to any other party. 4 NTPC Ltd. shall not in any way, under any obligation to offer employment to them. 5 The students will themselves make their own arrangements of stay and boarding. 6 The students will make their own arrangement for transport for coming from place of their stay to work and for going back after the working hours. 7 The students will have no objection to being posted in various shifts. This may become necessary as sometime large number of students wishes to have their training here and it is not possible to accommodate all the students in one shift. Summer trainee will have to purchase and submit proof of minimum One lac coverage insurance under Nagrik Suraksha Policy at the time of registration. 8 The company will in no way held responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may be caused to them due their being attached to this organization for training either during working hours inside the factory or while on their way from their residence to the factory and back. 9 The students attached for training will rigidly confirm to the discipline of the company and will no way associate themselves with either any undesirable element or join any activity which may be prejudicial and subversive to discipline and orderliness in the plant. 10 The student will not be entitled to any free medical treatment from companies Hospital excepting for usual facilities of outdoor consultation and will have to bear expenses of the medicines that may have to be prescribed to them excepting for ordinary first aid treatment. 11 Any student will not found violating the discipline of the company in any manner or exciting other Workers to indiscipline and work of the company or if he is found to be irregular in training, the training of such student will be liable to be terminated forth with out assigning any reason and an intimation to this effect will be forwarded to the institution sponsored his training after intimating to them the back ground leading to the termination of training. 12 The student may be advised to bring a) three copies of their latest Pass Port size Front-pose Photograph, c) Fifth Semester marks sheet, c) College recommendation letter when they report for summer training, d) affidavit as per annexure-D 13 Surety should be a NTPC-Dadri Employee and he will submit photocopy of NTPC I Card duly his signed by him alongwith request letter. 14 Safety helmet if given by NTPC should be returned by the concerned trainee in good condition. In case of Loss/ damage fo helmet, the cost fo the helmet will be recovered from the suretys salary. 15 Safety helmet & Gatepass are to be strictly returned back to EDC immediately after the completion of training. Incase of failure no training certificate will be issued to the concerned trainee. We hereby jointly agree to abide all the above said terms & conditions of summer training. (Sign.of Summer Trainee)

(Sign. of Surety ) _________ Name:______________ Emp.No.___________ Design._____________Deppt. -__________ Mob.No.:_____________


deZpkjh fodkl dsUnz

Ref.: 08/HR/EDC/12/

deZpkjh fodkl dsUnz ,u-Vh-ih-lh-&nknjh es fnukWd 01 twu 2012 ls xzh"edkyhu@O;olkf;d@vkS/kksfxd(Summer/Vocat ional/Industrial Trg.)izf'k{k.k djkus gsrw ,sls bPNqd Nk=@ Nk=kvks ls (,u-Vh-ih-lh-deZpkjh ds ek/;e ls) vkosnu&QkeZ Lohdkj fd;s tk;saxs] tks bzftfu;fjax**(r`rh; o"kZ)@eSustesSV*(f)`rh; o"kZ)fMxzh dkslZ esa v/;;ujr gS] rFkk ,u-Vh-ih-lh-&nknjh esa igys ,slk izfk{k.k ugha fy;k gksA mijksDr izfk{k.k gsrw deZpkjh] dkfyt ds ewy i= ds vk/kkj ij Nk=@Nk=k dk uke fy[kkdj deZpkjh fodkl dsUnz ls vkosnu&QkeZ 15 ebZ 2012 ls izkIr dj ldrs gSA ftls fuEufyf[kr layXudksa lfgr iw.kZ Hkjdj deZpkjh fodkl dsUnz esaa tek djuk gksxkA 1 dkfyt@laLFkk dk gLRkk{kj;qDr ewy i=] 2 5 Sem(for Engg.)/3 Sem(for MBA) vadi= ;k ijh{kk izos'k i= dh izfr]a 3 Nk=@Nk=k dk 1 dyj QksVks QkeZ ij fpidk gqvk 4 Nk=@Nk=k dh 1 yk[k :-dh dojst ukxfjd lqj{kk chek ;kstuk dh izfr 5 QkeZ ds lkFk yxk layXu uewuk kiFk i= ewy
th rd

Date: 10/05/2012

6 deZpkjh(Surety) ds ifjp; i= dh Lo;a gLrk{kfjr izfr ,u-Vh-ih-lh-&nknjh esa bl izf'k{k.k gsrq dksbZ 'kqYd ugha gS] rFkk izf'k{k.k dk cSp igys vkvks igys ikvks ds vk/kkj ij lqfuf'pr fd;k tk;sxkA ,d deZpkjh(Surety) }kjk (,d gh Nk=@Nk=k dk) vkosnu&QkeZ ekU; gksxkA vU; tkudkjh gsrw deZpkjh fodkl dsUnz esa laEidZ dj ldrs gSA forj.k% & lHkh (izrki flag) & lHkh lwpukFkZ foHkkxk/;{k lwpuk iV @vuqHkkxk/;{k @Ifji=

QkbZy dh

miizca/kd(deZ-fo-dsUnz) & vij egkizca/kd(ekuo



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