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Visions faithfulness
FCC Vision Statement First Christian Church is... Welcoming Worshipping Growing Giving in Christ.

Pastoral Thought
By Owen Cayton Dear Members and Friends of First Christian Church, I give thanks to God every single day for you: for your strength, for your generosity of Spirit, and especially for your faithfulness to the gospel! It can be said that faithfulness is about two things: knowing whose we are, and becoming who we are. This, I think, is where our vision leads us. Worshipping and Welcoming are about knowing whose we are. We worship the God to whom we belong, the God who throws arms around us when we hurt and lifts us in celebration when we experience joy. Each week we gather to celebrate all that God is and has done for us! We welcome one another in the name of God, who has first welcomed us. We offer hospitality to the stranger because we are no longer strangers to God, but welcomed guests and friends in the household of God. Growing and Giving are about becoming who we are. To grow is to learn more about who God has made us to be, to listen to each other, to scripture, and to God in prayer. It is to discover and become just that: who we are made to be. It is also about reaching out and helping others to discover and live who they are. Giving is certainly a part of who we are individually and collectively. As I said in a recent newsletter article, Generosity is a part of this congregations DNA. We are a generous people of a generous God! Shalom, Pastor Owen


2013 Pledge Commitment

Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ We would like to support the ministries of First Christian Church, Stillwater, OK with a pledge to the 2013 General Budget in the amount of ( ) $_________________ as a one time gift, or ( ) $ _________________ per month x 12 months, or ( ) $ _________________ per week x 52 weeks ( ) We would like information about automatic payment of our pledge ( ) We would like offering envelopes for 2013 ( ) We are unable to commit to a financial pledge at this time.

We hope you enjoyed reading how we are already creating Visions of Faithfulness here at First Christian Church, Stillwater, OK. Please consider the ways you can be faithful to this vision with your time, talent and treasure. Share your decision with us by filling out this pledge form, and the form on page 6 and return them in the enclosed envelop, or bring them by the church office by Sunday, September 30, 2012. Thanks for all the ways you support Stillwater FCC.

encourage you to read the rest of this newsletter with an eye toward the future, and how we can be faithful to this By Jim Rutledge vision. You will learn how volunteers are helping make the church a welcoming environment; see how our music minOur vision is a Christian church that is welcoming isters to us and the musicians too; and learn how our youth growing. But what does that are both growing in faith and giving in response to their mean? I have pondered that since JoAnn Seamans comown faith.. mittee presented their report in the fall of 2011. One of my I hope you will feel called to be faithful to this conclusions is that it can mean a lot of different things dechurch and this vision with your time, talent and treasure. pending on where we are in our faith, how we see the Your financial support is essential to our ability to fulfill our church universal and how we see our church. This vision vision. Your time to be present in our fellowship is also very challenges us to seek out the ways that we can be faithful important, and your talents are needed to serve on official to Gods calling. We are charged to follow Christ Jesus and committees as well as our many other service opportunities keep his commandments to love God and to love each that are listed on page 6. Please join me in being faithful to other. We are charged to be FAITHFUL. the vision. We are part of a most fantastic church family, and I Jim Rutledge, Board Chair feel blessed every day to be part of this fellowship. I

Visions of Faithfulness


Building Matters
By Ashley Nance A welcoming building and church environment are part of our Vision. Presenting a pleasant, attractive, and clean facility is important, both to ourselves and to visitors. Our Stewardship Campaign is essential in two ways towards helping achieve that goal. First, financial resources are needed for maintenance and utilities. Just like a residence, money is needed for heating/air conditioning, electricity, gas, water and so on. While we have saved thousands of dollars by reducing consumption and being more efficient with use, utility bills are a constant expense. Not only do we provide a facility for church services, but our church is also host to the Life Center and the Pre-School, and our building is kept clean and comfortable for them, as well. Another way our Stewardship Campaign impacts our church building and environment is through the Service Ministry Opportunities. Just as people have chores to do at home, volunteers are needed to garden, Visiting after worship in the lovely Narthex clean, build, fix, paint, and more. are Norm Filtz, Gary Varnell, Ray Sharp When put together, all of these and Gina Mayo efforts make a beautiful facility. We are dependent on the involvement their pledges and their volunteer serof members for the continuing upkeep vice to clean, mow, mop and decorate. of our church home. When you make your pledges, please Stewardship encompasses both consider both aspects of sharing your money and time. We give thanks for resources. those that have been faithful in their support of our building, through both

Proposed 2013 General Operating Budget

Now that you have seen some of the many ways our church is faithful in responding to Gods call, its time to consider how we might be faithful in our giving. Please complete the pledge form on the back side of this page, and return it in the enclosed envelop or return it to the church office by Sunday, September 30, 2012.
Today we ask you to make a pledge toward the 2013 General Operating Budget. This is the part of our total church budget that supports the overall church operation, including ministerial and staff salaries, building upkeep, weekly worship services, and part of the cost of outreach, missions and youth programs. If we looked at the entire church budget, you would also see what we now call the Project and Capitol Budgets. Project Budgets support specific ministries and outreach programs, including many of our programs for children and youth. Capitol budgets support the renovation and maintenance of our building, which is one of the most striking and beautiful in the community. Our trustees have approved a tentative general operating budget of $481,214 to cover the items shown in the table below. This represents a 2.46% increase in our budget over the 2011 budget. You may be asking why does so much of the budget go to the trustees, or why does so little go to worship? Or you may be asking wheres the budget for children and youth? The reality is that the trustees get the largest share of the general operating budget because their budget includes the salaries and wages for everyone on the payroll. This budget does support the minister, the director of children and youth, the music program and the utilities and upkeep on the church building. The majority of the Trustees budget is salaries; the Administration budget is mostly utilities, insurance and office operations; Disciple Development is children and youth, outreach, WNF, and Sunday School curriculum; and finally Worship is printing bulletins, purchasing music and communion supplies. In addition to this budget, we will have an average annual Project Budget of around $400,000 depending on such things as the number and location of youth programs, mission trips, outreach efforts, and special bequests and memorials which come in during the year. For the past several years our capitol budget has been about $100,000, making our total church budget close to One Million Dollars. In reality only about half of our budget is represented by the general operating budget, but without that we dont have staff or a building for all the excellent ministries that we support. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you will be faithful to Gods calling through the work of First Christian Church, Stillwater, when you complete the pledge form on the next page.

Welcoming Watoto
By Owen Cayton In February FCC welcomed the Watoto Childrens Choir from Uganda to Stillwater. What a great night it was! We heard and danced to Children from Watoto danced and sang for some marvelFCC members and the community during a ous music and lively performance held at FCC in Feb. were energized and inspired by stories of hope and healing. The real joy, however, was being able to offer hospitality to these wonderful young people. What an experience to share your special places with someone from another culture everything from church to home. It was a great opportunity to, even if briefly, enjoy one anothers company and play together. All of us were enriched by our experience with this choir! We grew in our understanding of the world. We experienced the joy of laughter and singing. We shared in celebration of the ways that God is at work in the world. Thats the way it is with hospitality. We find that in welcoming others we are opened to new possibilities of life, in sharing ourselves with others we are enriched. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2) Certainly in our welcoming the Watoto Childrens Choir we entertained angels, and we are all the better for it! My favorite part was when we got have them sleep over! Mattai Cayton, Elementary School student

Total $481,214 100%

Administration $112,615 23.4%

Disciple Development $49,560 10.3%

Trustees $309,414 64.3%

Worship $2,690 2.0%

Opportunities For Service

On page 6 you see the Opportunities For Service at First Christian Church. These ministries multiply the monetary gifts of the church and allow us to do so much more with the money we give. This creates a way for us to present a total package of ways that you can be faithful in your response to Gods calling. Please take time to read the list and consider the ways you are being called to commit your energy and skills to the work of the church. There are two columns of boxes to allow at least two members of your household to share a list. Please make additional copies or stop by the office if you need additional copies of the form. If you would like to know more about the various ministries, you may call the church office or stop by for a look at the Service Opportunities Notebook.

CWF Hosts Successful May Luncheon

By Tracy Freeman Once again the Christian Womens Fellowship (CWF) ladies hosted a beautiful May Luncheon for the women in our community. We had over 120 attendees from Stillwater and beyond at FCC for the much loved tradition. This year the theme was Late Bloomers, which emphasized finding 2 new passions late in life. As several FCC ladies volunteer at Elite Repeat, we were treated to a fun fashion show with models such as Sondra Ladd, Idamae Mattheyer, and several of the hard working volunteers at Elite Repeat. Well done, CWF!

Carolyn Crank and guests enjoying visiting before the luncheon began. Visions

We give so much more than our money in response to Gods Vision for FCC. We give our time and talent to fulfill so many of the ministries of the Christian church.
Visions 7

Service Ministry Opportunities

We have provided boxes for two members of a household to share this list. If you would like another copy, please print from the website, or come by the church office. A Ministry Catalog with descriptions of these opportunities is on the website:

Chancel Choir Nurtures the Community through Worship
By David Hughes

Name1 : ________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ ________________________________ Youth Christian Education Ministries

Name1 : ________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ ________________________________ Data & History Processing Ministry
Attendance Date Entry (171) Church History Team (172)

Worship Ministries
Traditional Service (2a) Greeters - Traditional Service (2b) Trad. Worship & Communion Deacons (3) Communion for Shut-ins, etc. (4) Contemporary Worship Team Leader (5) Contemporary Worship Team Member (6)

Snack Providers (81) Social Events Host/Hostess (82) High School Wednesday Lunch Team (83) Youth Trip Chaperones (84) Football/Basketball Parking Team (88)

Property Ministries
Work Day Team (175) Landscape Team (176) Mowing and Lawn Care Team (177) Van Drivers (178a) Van Care Team (178b) Parking Lot Monitoring Team (179b)

Worship Support Ministries

Traditional Worship leaders for Scripture, Prayers, Call to Give (8) Communion Meditation Trad. Elder(former and current Elder) (9) Contemporary Worship Leaders (12a) Communion Meditation Leader - Cont. (Current or Former Elder) (12b) Decorations Team - Both Services (13)

College Ministry
College Activity Hosts (91) College Care Package Team (126)

Public Relations & Communications

Photographers (183) Bulletin Board Display Team (186)

Children Christian Education

Sunday School Helpers PreK 1st (101) Jr. Youth Fellowship Co-Leaders (103) Childrens Transportation Team (104)

Stewardship Ministries
Financial Pledge Team (189) Service Pledge Team (190) Stewardship Education Team (191)

The Chancel Choir and the Dobson pipe organ provide music for the 9:00 a.m. service on a weekly basis. The music ministry nurtures not only the congregation, but also the musicians themselves. The Choir contains people of every generation, from high school through senior adults. Choir members commit to a weekly rehearsal and strive for the highest quality in their musical leadership. Not only do they sing together, but they also pray together, and together they learn about music and worship. Over the years, the music ministry at FCC has been blessed with the involvement of many music students from OSU. Some of these students receive scholarships; many serve on a volunteer basis. Numerous alumni have gone on to become church music ministers, high school band and choir directors, college music professors, and professional opera singers. The music ministry at The FCC FCC receives support from Choir, both the general budget and photo from designated project funds. taken These funds are used to mainduring tain and build the churchs Wed. music library, to support singrehearsal. ers and instrumentalists, and to maintain the churchs musical instruments, including the Dobson pipe organ which is considered one of the finest instruments in North Central Oklahoma. Praise Team includes Talented Musicians and Singers
By Christopher Firey

Being a member of the choir at First Christian Church has helped me grow both as a musician and a follower of Christ. I have learned so much by being a member of the choir. It is such a blessing to be able to worship God every week with such a wonderful group of people while doing something that I love. Lauren Blakeburn, OSU Sophomore and 2nd year choir member

Shepherding Ministries
Pastors Class Mentors (127) Hospital Visitation Team (128) Church Flower Delivery Team (131) Telephone Prayer Chain Team (135) Transportation (136) Greeting Card Team (129) Rummage Sale Participants (168) Funeral Luncheon Assistants (169)

Music, Drama, and Technical

Special Music - Contemporary Service (18) JuBELLation Ringers - Both Services (19) Piano Accompanists (23) PowerPoint Tech Contemp. Service (30) Sound & Light Tech - Funerals (33)

Miscellaneous Ministries
Wherever the church needs me (194) Other (195) Describe Interests: __________________________________ __________________________________

Outreach Ministries
Local Benevolence Allocation (142) 1st Sunday Food Delivery (144) Outreach Expo Mission Expo Participants (148) Helping Hands Allocation Participant (151) Christmas in July Coordinator (152) Christmas in July Shopping Team (153) CROP Walk Coordinator (154) Celebration Stillwater Coordinator (156) Celebration Stillwater Participant (157) Global Missions Project Coordinator (161) Global Missions Project Participants (162) Reception Co-chairs (163) Reception Participants (164)

Evangelism Ministries (Welcome and Hospitality)

Caf Bistro/Welcome Center Hosts

Not available for ministry this year (196)

Kitchen Ministries
Asst. CooksWNF (49) Meal PrepWNF (50) Beverage PrepWNF (51) Table PrepWNF (52) Clean Up CrewWNF (53) ServersWNF (54) Special Fellowship Events Team (55)

The Contemporary Worship Service features the musical talents of the praise team. The team is made up of 5-6 singers and the praise band. Most of the musicians are completely volunteer and exhibit a great deal of commitment to creating a quality worship experience every Sunday. The Praise Team is always looking to embrace the wonderful new music being written today, as well as showcase the great musical repertoire that has been used in worship over the years at FCC. The Praise Team and Praise Band, leading worship At the heart of everything the praise band does is a desire during the Contemporary Service to share the abundant talent found in our congregation to the glory of God. Instrumental and vocal pieces of every genre are encouraged to be performed, and any member of the congregation is encouraged to contribute his or her talents to the worship experience. The praise team is deeply committed to creating a vibrant, friendly, modern, and fun worship experience that FCC can be proud of. JuBELLation Rings in Praise
By David Hughes

Adult Christian Education Ministries

Library Team (73) Resource Room Team (74)

Remove this page and return completed Service of Opportunities and 2013 Pledge Commitment Form to the church office in the provided envelope.
JuBELLation sharing one of their beautiful pieces in worship. Visions Visions

One of First Christian Churchs prized musical traditions, JuBELLation provides a beautiful way for ringers to glorify God through music. FCC owns a five-octave set of handbells, along with chimes and accessories. First Christian Churchs handbell ringers rehearse every week and share music in worship about once per month. JuBELLation brings together people of all ages, from youth and college students through senior adults. In addition to ringing during worship services, the group also periodically performs outside the church. 3

Missions Matter To Youth
By Sondra Ladd Mission has long been a priority of youth ministry at FCC, for numerous reasons. Jesus instructed us to be doers of the word, and not hearers only. It is through service opportunities that youth realize the value of their faith. The funds for mission trips are earned by volunteering at church. The general budget provides a place for the apple pies to be assembled, use of the parking lot available for fundraising and the childrens and youth ministry staff who plan and organize mission opportunities. This summer Chi Rho youth attended Global Challenge; a program sponsored by Heifer International, where they had a learning opportunity to go beyond classroom education and actually experience poverty first-hand. Our high school students traveled to Costa Rica where they worked for Roblealto Childrens Foster Care Facility and Fundavida ministries. Projects included laying sod, painting, digging trenches, cleaning and preparing walking trails. The group also was asked to do a prayer walk on the streets of San Jose, at which they realized first hand the power and effectiveness of prayer. Our group attended Mission Camp in El Reno, OK. Mission El Reno is an extension of the efforts started by our here at Mission Camp 2010. These efforts help youth to gain the skills and confidence to come home and serve in their own community. When church members called on the congregation for assistance large numbers of youth have answered the call. Many have plugged into various programs and organizations within the community because of the awareness gleaned during a mission opportunity. William Andrews, SHS student, working hard while on mission trip in Costa Rica.

Be the Church:
Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers By Jessica Ley During the Week of Compassion, FCC organized a week-long local mission project in which we went into the community and served the Stillwater Humane Society, the Saville Center, Mission of Hope, The Life Center, Payne County Youth Services, Habitat for Humanity, Habitat Restore, and Wings of Hope. Participants of all ages stocked shelves, walked dogs, held cats, deep cleaned, laid bricks, moved furniture, organized donations and supplies, raked leaves, and painted several rooms. In all, FCC provided over 411 hours of service to these 8 agencies and the people they serve.

Reaching out to our community By Leila Beeby Help finding jobs, computer assistance, support groups and more: these are the requests from people in need in our community, and our challenge as a church who wants to help. Our church has always been a leader in aiding those who are less fortunate, both here in our community and throughout the world. Since the 1980s, generous givers have donated to the Helping Hand fund which provides assistance to thousands of area residents in emergency circumstances. We are enjoying on-going relationships with some Helping Hand recipients who wish to stabilize their lives. We are partnering with managers of local businesses who are giving some folks a chance to prove themselves. Within the past three months, these relationships have resulted in eight jobs for people who were losing hope. We meet with local agencies and churches to plan for a future one-stop shop, a place where impoverished Stillwater residents can find various kinds of help they need in one location and where the agencies and churches coordinate their assistance and share their resources and documentation. All of these efforts are impossible without volunteers. Will you work with us?

Growing Up In The Lord By Sondra Ladd Our Children and Youth programs are always changing to meet the needs of the families and youth. Spiritual growth is always a priority. During the school year, children and youth gather with their families and others in this community for Wednesday Night Fellowship. Following a meal, there are a variety of classes, each providing an opportunity for spiritual development and growth. The opportunities for children and youth are open to the community and are highlighted during weekly lunch visits to the middle school and the junior high. SHS students are all invited here for lunch on Wednesdays where they can find out about FCC programs, activities and events. Children ages 3-12 are invited to Worship and Wonder on Sunday morning, where they get a hands-on opportunity to experience the sacred stories. Each Spring, children practice and perform a childrens musical incorporating song, dance and theatre with spiritual truths. Summer is packed full of camps, mission trips and events all designed to aid spiritual development and growth in an age appropriate manner. Growing in faith is a priority in every aspect of childrens and youth ministry at FCC. Ask our kids and they will confirm that growing in faith can be loads of fun and learning about God takes place through a variety of incredible experiences. Elders In Action By Nancy Trench Elders worship and care for each other as the basic building blocks of our meetings. We build skills to plan and lead worship, we share joys and concerns, we pray for each other and we pray for each of you. Elders are regular worship leaders. We share our interpretation of the scriptures, and preside at the Communion Table each Sunday. Elders provide various opportunities to explore spiritual practices. At the Easter prayer vigil, we had the prayer stations in the sanctuary to provide new ways to offer praise, and focus on talking to our Friend, our God. Elders encourage spiritual practices as part of daily living through the Daily Worship found in the Chalice Hymnal. The Elders have promoted this practice through posting it on the church website and the First Aid (for your soul) Station in the narthex. Elders also lead prayer groups and Bible studies during Wednesday Night Fellowship which offer spiritual development. Elders are part of the pastoral Visions care team lead by our Senior Minister, Owen. James 5: 13-14 says: Are any of you in trouble? Then you should pray. Are any of you happy? Then sing songs of praise. Are any of you sick? Then send for the elders of the church to pray over you. This Biblical call for Elders to pray over the FCC flock is the heart of our call to ministry.

Going to Dry Gulch is a fun way to learn about God. My counselors made it easy to talk about God. Jackson Meyer, elementary school student Ive become more aware of the people in our community that co uld use some extra help. Dayne Bruce, Middle School student This summer my relationship with God grew so much stronger. I am so grateful for the opportunities that have been provided by FCC they are life changing. I know that God has a calling on my life and I am committed to doing what I can to living the life He has called me to live. Alex Sefcik, High School student I was reading the daily booklet and suddenly, something inside me just clicked. Like I finally understood an extremely hard calculus problem. That same cheesy thing everyone had been preaching all week had just happened to me. If I thought I believed in God and his love before, it was nothing compared to the feelings I had at that moment. Right then I finally was able to say that I completely believe that God exists and is out there listening to and supporting us every day of our lives. My faith grew so much stronger, just because of this little connection. I actually was telling my mom this and I found myself crying because I was so happy, which for me is pretty weird because it takes a lot to make me cry, happy or sad. (Excerpts from a letter regarding the Costa Rica mission trip) Audrey Memmott, SHS 2012 grad

Your assistance in cleaning the old facility was incredible and we cannot thank you enough.
Sharon Wright, co-chair of the Be the Church event, said, Working on this event was an all-around great experience. We had a great idea and leadership from our pastor, a great co-chair to shape the project with me, absolutely great team leaders and team members. It was fun to see it come together, because everyone involved was so invested and so reliable. Participants were given a devotional to use daily during the week as a guide for prayer and discussion, focusing on the agencies, people they serve, and related social issues, problems, and strengths. Participants were encouraged to explore how the work done during the week connected with their faith. Jon Baker, Hard at work serving at Wings of Hope, as part of Be The Church.

Elders claim Colossians 3:12-17 as their call to action as they live out Welcoming, Worshiping, Growing, Giving in Christ:

Leila Beeby and April Traylor enjoying Karaoke with neighbors at a Helping Hands Dinner held Aug. 24, 2012. Visions

Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

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