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INTRODUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Industry training means guided practice based on a theory or learned before. Industry training specifically means university students undergoing training in the relevant industry, in more formal settings outside the classroom to develop students' potential for the labor market. The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance to the students of the University in order to undergo industrial training program that is more organized and effective. Industry Training is considered as an important and valuable exposure for students. Industry training is a compulsory course which has been listed in the curriculum, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and must be followed by each student in Diploma and Degree as a condition for graduation.

GOALS OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING i. Placing students in industry / organization related to providing exposure, experience and professional skills to students in various aspects of engineering and computer science. ii. iii. Produce engineers who are competent, responsible and high attitude Give industrial training trainees opportunities to be absorbed as workers in industry training.


Development and Property Management Office, UTHM established as the main function a help to the development of a dynamic center of education and sophistication. Improvement in various areas of technology and service development requires a strong and vibrant structure. Requirements in preparing the development, maintenance and appropriate services is essential for the success and realizing excellence in teaching and learning system, In addition, the provision of learning needs and effective maintenance is needed to ensure that constructed facilities and infrastructure is always at an optimal level of consumption and will achieve a satisfactory life.


Among the basic functions of the Property Management and Development Office UTHM are: Maintenance Preserve, protect, recognize and regulate buildings, WWW, equipment, services and environments to meet current standards, utility and value of defense facilities and secure facilities i. . Maintenance Service

- Maintenance Damage Prevention > Following the program / plan established planning

- Maintenance Repair Damage. > Based on customer reports of damage or were found during the inspection.


. Maintenance Operations

- Normal - Services - Cleaning / Washing Building - Repairs - Replacement - Extension of - Modification - Upgrade


. Maintenance Areas

- Maintenance of Building & Area - Public - Electrical - Mechanical - Cleaning - Landscape - Maintenance of Facilities and Equipment - Teaching Aid

- Furniture - Phone


This office is responsible for providing some space and facilities for teaching and learning of students and programs or event organized by students and the University itself. Activities are as tests, examinations, meetings, courses or workshops and events held by the University. Accordingly, responsibility and management of office space involved is the General Assembly UTHM, Lotus Hall, Orchid Square and Concourse (front Lecture Hall 3) This office provides space and facilities in accordance with the requirements of the General Assembly UTHM application. Scheduling use, the House of Lotus, Orchid Square and Concourse (front DK3) is under the responsibility of this office. Adjustments will be made to ensure that there is no overlap, especially the use of tables for holding the tests, examinations, meetings, exhibitions and so on. Use of the General Assembly UTHM for official functions hosted by the University requires a sketch of the layout to facilitate the provision of related equipment. Use of equipment such as canopies, chairs / tables, equipment and teaching aids and PA system are available to meet the needs of the success of the activities, especially activities of students. Hire from outside is at the discretion of the Director of Development and Management Hartabina, although the number of rental from outside is limited to the minimum rate to ensure that the needs of the institution.


The main duties of the Planning and Development Division are: Planning and property development plans of the University in order to meet the future needs of the University. Planning and providing physical facilities and infrastructure including transportation plans to meet the development needs of the University at a cost that is economical, in the immediate term, good appearance and good quality. Consultation & planning for project management technical expertise to provide physical facilities and infrastructure. Be a local authority on campus

FUNCTION OF FACILITIES AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION Among the functions of Facilities and Property Management Division is: Manage the maintenance of physical facilities, assets and existing infrastructure of the University to keep in good condition to ensure uninterrupted operation of the University. Manage the maintenance of physical facilities, assets and infrastructure of the University that are in good condition and working.



Planning, Implementing, Managing And Development and Asset Services Quality to realize the Mission and Vision of the University


Providing Infrastructure Facilities And facilities of Conductive For Excellence in University












Figure ii : UTHM Development Project Operated by PPH,UTHM





Pengarah Prof. Madya Dr. Abd. Halid bin Abdullah

Setiausaha Pejabat Misliza bt. Mohamad Ihs Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Perancangan & Pembangunan Ir. Alias bin Mohd Zin Setiausaha Pejabat Nor Faezah bt. Zainudin Setiausaha Pejabat Nor Faezah bt. Zainudin


Bahagian Penguru

Prof. Madya Sr. Dr. Wa

Bahagian Kampus Bandar Ir. Mohd. Norazam bin Yasin (cuti belajar) Unit Perancangan & Pemantauan Projek Suprihartati Murni Lestari bt Sutekno Unit Kejuruteraan Elektrik Mohd Rosli bin Haron Unit Kejuruteraan Awam Roszaidi bin Ali Unit Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Zamri bin Mat Emrin Unit Senibina & Lanskap Mohd Fadlullah bin Gimat Unit Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan Bahagian Pentadbiran Azlan bin Wanti Unit Kewangan & Perolehan Radin Muhammad Hilman bin Abu Bakar Unit Pentadbiran & Sumber Norsyalina bte Idris Unit Pra-Kontrak Unit Tempahan Ruang, Perabot & Upacara) Sahran bin Amzah Unit Pasca Kontrak Bahagian Kontrak & Ukur Bahan Mohd Fairulnizam bin Norman Unit Perundingan & Dokumentasi


Un Z

Un Y


Unit ICT

Unit M





At first day I come to office, I was introduced to all staffs. There are many staffs as there are many departments at the PPH, UTHM. The departments are civil engineering unit, mechanical engineering unit, electrical engineering unit and others. As a civil engineering student, I was under civil engineering unit supervised by En. Roszaidi bin Ali, the engineer of the unit. However, as the unit is too small to placed practical students, so we are placed under landscape and senibina unit and there, I was supervised by Prof Madya Sri Dr Wan Zahari, the Deputy of the . Then, I was taken to the MOA site. There, we were asked to observe and study about the formwork and scaffolding.


What is Formwork?

Formwork is the moulds that concrete is poured into so that it retains its shape as it sets. The concrete is poured into the formwork and the formwork remains until the concrete is fully set and is capable of supporting itself. The formwork can be either temporary or permanent. It is important that the formwork is strong enough to support the concrete otherwise "blowouts can occur. This is when the formwork bends or breaks, allowing the

concrete to escape before it is fully set. It must also be left on for the specified time in the case of temporary or removable formwork.


Types of Formwork

There are different types of formwork:

Timber formwork - this formwork is constructed on the building site and it is made from timber and plywood or moisture-resistant particleboard. It is easy to make but can be time consuming and it should be noted that the plywood or particleboard used has a relatively short lifespan.

Engineered formwork - this consists of premade modules that have a metal frame and are covered on the concrete side with a material such as timber or aluminium. The metal frame is usually steel or aluminium. The advantage of engineered formwork is that it is modular in nature, so you can simply join it together, making it fast to erect. Because it can be reusable, it is also cost effective.

Reusable plastic formwork - are made up of lightweight, strong formwork panels that are interlocking and modular in nature, so you can easily construct the formwork for your concrete.

Insulated formwork - also known as insulated concrete formwork or ICFs, the formwork itself is made out of expanded polystyrene, ad it stays in place once the concrete is set, making it a permanent type of formwork. These formwork systems are very energy efficient.

Permanent formwork - this type of formwork is designed to stay in place (be permanent). It is put together on the site and it remains even after the concrete is fully set, giving the concrete extra strength and also protecting it.


Advantages of Timber Formwork


Cost Timber formworks can be constructed at a lower initial cost than steel due to higher availability and cheaper production costs. The cost of timber varies depending on the quality and treatment of the wood.


Handling People new to building formworks typically choose timber because it requires neither special tools nor a high level of construction experience. It is also easier to handle due to its light weight.


Aesthetics An aesthetically pleasing architectural effect can often be achieved using a timber formwork. Painted timber formwork not only adds colour and a finished look, but oil or epoxy treatments can double the number of times the formwork may be reused.


What is Scaffolding?

Scaffolding is a temporary platform constructed for reaching heights above arms' reach for the purpose of building construction, maintenance, or repair. It is usually made of lumber and steel and can range from simple to complex in design, depending on its use and purpose. Millions of construction workers, painters, and building maintenance crews work on scaffolding every day, and due to the nature of its use, it must be properly constructed and used to ensure the safety of those who use it.



Suspended Scaffolding

Suspended scaffolding is a platform for temporary access created by hanging from above, rather than supporting from below or at the height of the scaffold. It can be used for everything from window washing on high rises to construction projects. In many regions, the building department regulates the use of scaffolding and requires a permit before people can install it. The permit may need to include proof that authorized installers and operators will be on site to supervise the use of the scaffolding, in the interest of worker safety. There are a number of different designs for suspended scaffolding, each with its own benefits, limitations, and safety concerns. Some designs are multi-level for access from a number of heights. The two-point suspension design is the most common, although single and multi-point systems are also available for special applications. The height is typically adjustable with hoists and other equipment to raise and lower workers. Adjustability may also be necessary to allow people to get onto the platform at some work sites.


Independent Tied Scaffolds

An independent scaffold consists of a double row of standards, with each row parallel to the building. The inner row is set as close to the building as is practicable. The distance between the lines of standards should be the minimum necessary to accommodate the required number of boards and toe boards. A variation may be adopted in which the row of standards nearest to the building can be set back about 300 mm from the building face. This means that one of the boards of the platform can be laid between the inside row of the standards and the building face. The standards should be connected with ledgers parallel to the building and fixed with right angles couplers. Transoms are then fixed to the ledgers with putlog couplers to support the recommended platform widths. Sole boards and base plates should be used under each

standard as recommended. Ledger bracing is generally fixed to alternate pairs of standards. Sway bracing is required at intervals not exceeding 30 M. The scaffold should be tied into the building at the frequency recommended.

Figure 1.1: Independent Tied Scaffolds Diagram


Putlog Scaffolds

A putlog scaffold consists of a single row of standards, parallel to the face of the building and set as far away from it as is necessary to accommodate a platform of four or five boards wide, with the inner edge of the platform as close to the wall as is practicable. The standards are connected by a ledger fixed with right angle couplers and the putlogs are fixed to the ledgers using putlog couplers.The blade end of the putlog tube

(or putlog adaptor) is normally placed horizontally on the brickwork being built, taking care to use the maximum bearing area.

Figure 1.2: Putlog Scaffolds Diagram


Roof Saddle & Stack Scaffolds


Roof Saddle Generally agreed to mean the foundation for a scaffold erected on a pitched roof, when chimneys are to be repairs. Roof saddles are generally erected when minor repairs are made, e.g. replacing chimney pots, or repointing etc. A safe means of access or egress must always be provided, and this will usually comprise an access tower with walkway onto scaffold.



Roof Stack (illustrated below) This type of scaffold, because of the position of the chimney, requires an access scaffold.Roof stacks are erected where more substantial repairs are required i.e. demonstration and/or rebuilding of chimney in situation where the stack is in such a position as to make the erection of a saddle scaffold impracticable.





Introduction UTHM have two projects under construction which are MOA and swimming

pool. En.Roszaidi, engineer of PPH, UTHM take the practical students to both sites to learn about the R.C piles that installed at both sites. As the RC Piles is installed before we come, so En Roszaidi just explain to us about the RC Piles. He explained us about the installation procedures for RC Piles and the safety during piling work.


The Installation Procedures for R.C. Piles. Step 1: A Licensed Surveyor will be chartered to set out the position of each pile and to establish two number of Temporary Benchmarks (TBM) on site for determine the cut-off levels of piles. The Temporary Benchmarks will be tied back to the existing benchmark. Step 2: Establish and locate all lines and level. Step 3: Piling shall be carried out by competent person. Operators and Site Agent/Foreman thoroughly experienced with piling operations shall carry out the piling work. Piles shall be driven accurately in the correct location true to the line both laterally and longitudinally as indicated on the drawings. Pile shall be guided by the leader and spirit level to check the verticality of the pile. No pile, which has been deflected from its course or has been wrongly aligned, shall be forcibly brought back to the correct alignment except with the written approval of the Engineer or Clerk of Work.

2.2 i. ii.

The Safety Procedures for R.C. Piling Works. . All underground service facilities have been surveyed and marked. Heavy machinery access inspection has been certified.

iii. iv. v.

Workers on-site have been briefed on all the essential safety precautions. Piling Frame Operators shall put on hearing Protectors. The vicinity of working area has been properly barricaded and warning signboards displayed. Before lifting the pile by the machine, the assistants are required to stand back from the pile being lifted. Safety area to stand is approximately one meter away from the operator's cabin. So that there will be no contact between the rig assistants and the pile being lifted. Before lifting the pile from the ground, the operator is to ascertain that nobody is doing work or standing nearby. When the pile driver is not in use, the hammer shall be blocked in the leads or lowered to the ground. Horns will be sounded twice to warn others of pile lifting is in commencement. When the pile is in the vertical position, the toe of the pile is rested on the ground. After the toe of pile is rested on the ground, the Rig Operator assistant will secure the pile to the leader using a wire rope. The assistant will also use a proper guide tool to hold the pile steady. This will prevent the swing of the pile when the rig on the move. The Rig Assistant will than move away from the piles before signaling to the Rig Operator to position the piles on the piling location. After the pile has been positioned on the intended pile location and rested on the ground, the assistant will approach the pile and rotate the pile using a guide tool to the required orientation. When driven with two or three hammer the secured wire rope around the pile during the vertical position will be removed. Piling works will restart as normal. The same procedures shall be adopted for lifting the second length of pile.











All R.C. piles shall be in good condition before installation to ensure no cracking during driving. Pile rejection will induce compensating cost to contractor.

Figure2.1: Circular type R.C Piles





What is Geotextiles?

Geotextiles are permeable fabrics which, when used in association with soil, have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain. Typically made from polypropylene or polyester, geotextile fabrics come in three basic forms: woven (looks like mail bag sacking), needle punched (looks like felt), or heat bonded (looks like ironed felt). Geotextile composites have been introduced and products such as geogrids and meshes have been developed. Overall, these materials are referred to as geosynthetics and each configuration like geonets, geogrids and others. It can yield benefits in geotechnical and environmental engineering design.


Application of Geotextiles

Geotextiles and related products have many applications and currently support many civil engineering applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, bank protection, coastal engineering and constructionsite silt fences. Usually geotextiles are placed at the tension surface to strengthen the soil. Geotextiles are also used for sand dunearmoring to protect upland coastal property from storm surge, wave action and flooding. A large sand-filled container (SFC) within the dune system prevents storm erosion from proceeding beyond the SFC. Using a sloped unit rather than a single tube eliminates damaging scour. Erosion control manuals comment on the effectiveness of sloped, stepped shapes in mitigating shoreline erosion damage from storms. Geotextile sand-filled units provide a "soft" armoring solution for upland property protection. Geotextiles are used as matting to stabilize flow in stream channels and swales. Geotextiles can improve soil strength at a lower cost than conventional soil nailing. In addition, geotextiles allow planting on steep slopes, further securing the slope. Geotextiles have






fossil hominid footprints

of Laetoli

in Tanzania from erosion, rain, and tree roots. In building demolition, geotextile fabrics in combination with steel wire fencing can contain explosive debris.


Design Consideration

To use geotextiles to reinforce a steep slope, two components have to be calculated: the tension required for equilibrium the appropriate layout of the geotextile reinforcement.

Figure 3.1 : Types of Geotextiles






A geogrid is geosynthetic material used to reinforce soils and similar materials. Geogrids are commonly used to reinforce retaining walls, as well as subbases or subsoils below roads or structures. Soils pull apart under tension whereas geogrids are stronger in tension. This fact allows them to transfer forces to a larger area of soil than

would otherwise be the case. Geogrids are commonly made polymer materials, such as polyester or polystyrene. They may be wovern or knitted from yarns, heat-welded from strips of material, or produced by punching a regular pattern of holes in sheets of material, then stretched into a grid.


Types of Geogrid


Polyester, high tenacity multifilament yarns that are woven into a stable network. These high strength polyester yarns are coated with a PVC material.


Extruded polypropylene grid composed of two and three layers of high strength polypropylene, biaxially oriented. . The layers are designed to accommodate find-grained, cohesive and non-cohesive fills as well as small sized random fill.


Function of Geogrid


Soil Stabilization: When base material is compacted over geogrids (or geotextiles) the base material is seated locking the aggregate together in a fixed position.

ii. iii.

Base Reinforcement & Confinement: Geogrids keep the fill material where it belongs and aids interlocking of granular base. Stress Transfer: Geogrids do this by distributing applied loads over a greater area and thus reducing vertical pressure on the sub-grade.


Figure 4.2 : Types of Geogrid






Differential levelling is the term applied to any method of measuring directly with a graduated staff the difference in elevation between two or more points.


Precise levelling is a particularly accurate method of differential levelling which uses highly accurate levels and with a more rigorous

observing procedure than general engineering levelling. Itaims to achieve high orders of accuracy such as 1 mm per 1 km traverse.

A level surface is a surface which is everywhere perpendicular to the direction of the force ofgravity. An example is the surface of a completely still lake. For ordinary levelling, level surfaces at different elevations can be considered to be parallel.


A level datum is an arbitrary level surface to which elevations are referred. The most common surveying datum is mean sea-level (MSL), but as hydrological work is usually just concerned with levels in a local area, we often use:


An assumed datum, which is established by giving a benchmark an assumed value (e.g. 100.000 m) to which all levels in the local area will be reduced. It is not good practice to assume a levelwhich is close to the actual MSL value, as it creates potential for confusion.


A reduced level is the vertical distance between a survey point and the adopted level datum. A bench mark (BM) is the term given to a definite, permanent accessible point of known height above a datum to which the height of other points can be referred.


Equipment of Levelling

The level, its tripod, the staff and the staff bubble are all precision items of equipment upon which the accuracy of the work is highly dependent. They shall be kept correctly calibrated, and be used and stored with care. Levels shall be carried in vehicles in a padded box, case or shelf in addition to the normal case, and staves shall be kept in a canvas or plastic sleeve to prevent damage to the face and entry of dirt.



A level is basically a telescope attached to an accurate levelling device, set upon a tripod so that it can rotate horizontally through 360. Normally the levelling device is a bubble, but modern ones incorporate a pendulum. There are three basic types of level, shown in figure 6.1 (from MWD, 1981) and described below: a) Dumpy Levels These are more basic levels often used in construction work. The telescope is rigidly attached to a single bubble and the assembly is adjusted either by means of a screwed ball-joint or by footscrews which are adjusted first in one direction, then at 90.

b) Tilting Levels This type of level is fitted with a circular bubble for preliminary approximate levelling and a main bubble which is attached to the telescope. For each observation (not setup) the main bubble is viewed through an eyepiece and the telescope tilted by a fine screw to bring the two ends of the bubble into coincidence.

c) Automatic Levels This more modern type of level is now in general use. It has a compensator which consists of an arrangement of three prisms. The two outer ones are attached to the barrel of the telescope. The middle prism is suspended by fine wiring and reacts to gravity. The instrument is first leveled approximately with a circular bubble; the compensator will then deviate the line of sight by the amount that the telescope is out of level.


Figure 5.1: Dumpy Level

Figure 5.2: Tilting Level


Figure 5.3: Automatic Level


Staves The levelling staff is a box section of aluminium or wood, which will extend to 3 or 5 m in height by telescoping, hinging or addition of sections. One face has a graduated scale attached for reading with the cross-hairs of the level telescope. These faces can vary in pattern and graduation; 5mm graduations should be the maximum for accurate levelling of gauging stations. Many staves used these days are of aluminium because of its durability. However aluminium has a coefficient of thermal expansion of : 0.000023m/metre of length/C and this can cause some potential inaccuracies. For instance, "Survey Chief" and "Brookeades" staves are standardised at 27C, and in very cold weather these staves could be as much as 3mm too short over their full length. For low temperature work consult the temperature table for each staff which should be with its "instruction manual" or printed on the staff itself.


Staff Bubbles

These are generally a small circular bubble on an angle plate which is held against one corner of the staff to ensure that the staff is held in a vertical position. If the staff is not held vertical, the reading will be too large and may be significantly in error. A staff bubble shall be used at all times. If one is not available, the "chainman" (staff operator)shall rock the staff slowly back and forth about the vertical in a line towards the instrument. The observer notes the smallest reading which will occur when the staff is vertical.


Care of Equipment

ensure that tripod screws and hinges are kept tight. always transport the level in a padded box. when removing from the box lift it by the centre and not by the eyepiece or objective end of the telescope. screw it firmly onto the tripod, whilst holding it in one hand (make certain that it is not cross-threaded and that threads are compatible). when carrying the level tripod assembly in the field, support it over the shoulder or, in bush, crooked over an arm with the telescope unclamped (i.e. free to rotate).

automatic levels should not be carried in a vertical or near-vertical position, as the compensator will swing about and be prone to damage.

staves are too much of a precision item of equipment to be used in place of a slasher, vaulting pole, etc. staves shall be transported in their protective cases to protect the face from damage. wooden staves which become wet should be dismantled and dried out before storing away. any moisture which is evident in an instrument must be allowed to disperse by storing the level out of its case in a warm room. Should it persist after several days the instrument may require specialist



Checking Level Accuracy

Levels can move out of adjustment so that their line of sight (line of collimation) is not truly horizontal. This will cause errors in readings which become greater as the viewing distance increases. However if a backsight and a foresight are exactly equi-distant from the instrument, the error in each sighting will cancel each other out. This feature can be used to check the accuracy of a level by the following simple method: install three pegs or marks firmly in the ground at distances of 30 m apart in a straight line; the centre peg is only to mark the distance, but the outside two shall be firm enough for reliable change points set up the level over the centre peg and read the staff on each of the outside pegs in turn. Book these values and calculate the height difference. This will be a true height difference, as the distances are equal and any errors will be self-compensating

set up the level about 4 m to the far side of one of the outside pegs. Read the staff on the peg 4m away and then on the one 64 m away. Book these values and calculate the apparent height difference. compare the two height differences; if the instrument is in adjustment (i.e. its collimation is true) they will be within 5 mm.

Figure 5.4: A method for checking the level accuracy 5.8 Levelling Procedures

(a) Setting up Backsight and foresight distances should be approximately equal to avoid any errors due to collimation, refraction or earth curvature. Distances must not be so great as to not be able to read the graduations accurately. The points to be observed must be below the level of the instrument, but not lower than the height of the staff. (b) Elimination of parallax Parallax is the apparent movement of the image produced by movement of the observer's eye at the eyepiece. It is eliminated by focusing the telescope on infinity and then adjusting the eyepiece until the cross-hairs appear in sharp focus. The setting will remain constant for a particular observer's eye.
(c) Booking level books or loose-leaf levelling sheets shall be numbered and indexed

in a register.

details of the site, work, date, observer, chainman, booker, weather, wind, instrument and any other relevant items shall be entered. enter the first observation (which is on a known point) in the Backsight column, and sufficient detail in the Remarks column to identify it. Enter the point's R.L. zero from the site register or plate on the BM, etc.

enter all other points on subsequent lines as intermediates except the point chosen as the foresight. Identify them in the Remarks column as above. Enter the foresight on a further line in the Foresight column.

change the instrument to the next setup. Enter the following backsight on the same line as the previous foresight but in the Backsight column. repeat the above procedure at each setup on the outward run then reverse it to work back to the starting point on the return run. The furthest point out is treated as for all other change points.



Reducing the Levels

Two methods are in general use; the "rise and fall" method and the "height of collimation" method. The latter reduces levels relative to the instrument height. As it has inferior in-built checks it should not be used and will not be covered here. The "rise and fall" methods shall be used for reduction of all site levelling. Reduction shall be carried out on site before packing up to ensure that the levelling has been done correctly.

calculate the rises and fall between successive points and book them in the appropriate column (one can determine whether each shot is a rise or fall by the following rule of thumb: a higher value on top denotes a rise; a higher value on the bottom denotes a fall) add up the backsight and foresight columns for the entire traverse and note the difference between them; this is the close add up the rises and falls for the entire traverse, and compare the difference between them with the difference between the backsights and foresights; they should be the same carry the reduced levels in the R.L. column down the page by adding or subtracting the appropriate rise and fall values to the successive values of R.L. The final value of the original starting point will differ from the original value by the amount of the close.


Figure 5.5: I am holding the staff and take the reading around the civil unit of PPH, UTHM





Design is the checking the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and Serviceability Limit State of a building that want to construct. This work is purposely done by design engineer. Before the engineer start to design the building, he/she will redraw the architectural plan into structural plan. First, the work will begin by construct the column and determining the slab to be design. As I am study this during semester 5 and 6 in Reinforced Concrete I and II, there are two general types of slab which are one-way slab and two-way slab. Two-way slab is economical compare to one-way slab. However, during the practical, I found that engineer mostly design the slab into one-way slab as it is easy to design. In addition, it is also depends on the budget of the client.


Design the Surau Semerah Option 2 using Esteem Plus

En.Roszaidi, the engineer of PPH, UTHM has divided the students practical into three groups. As there are three plans to be design which are Surau at Semerah option 1 and 2, and SFV Pagoh. I was given to design Surau Option 1. The Architectural Plan referred to the appendix. En. Roszaidi ask us to follow the column and some others part in the architectural plans. He said not to change so many.


Figure 6.1: The beam and column of Surau option 2 for Roof Beam by using Esteem Plus

Figure 6.2: The beam and column of Surau option 2 for Groung Floor Beam by using Esteem Plus


Figure 6.3: Detailing for column Surau Option 2

Figure 6.4: Detailing of Continuous Roof Beam (RB9)


Figure 6.5: Detailing of Simply Roof Beam (RB2)

Figure 6.6: Detailing of Continuous Ground Floor Beam (GF5)


Figure 6.7: Detailing of Simply Ground Floor Beam (GF2)

Figure 6.8: Key plan of pile cap foundation


Figure 6.9: Detaling of pile cap foundation


Summation of Individual beam Loadings and Reactions from Esteem Plus for Ground Floor Beam

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Beam Name | LL/DL | Loadings,kN | Reactions,kN | Difference,kN |Width |Depth |Ten% |Com% |Shear | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GF1 | LL | 75.6 | 80.6 | -5.0 | 300 | 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.23 | | GF1 | DL | 104.3 | 104.3 | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | 300 | GF2 | LL | 14.4 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.19 | GF2 | DL | 19.9 GF3 | LL | 122.9 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.89 | GF3 | DL | 178.7 | | | | 14.4 19.9 134.1 178.7 | | | | 0.0 0.0 -11.2 -0.0

300 |


| | | | | |

300 |

GF4 | LL | 14.4 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.19 | GF4 | DL | 19.9 GF6 | LL | 0.0 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.04 | | DL | 8.6 |

| | |

14.4 19.9 0.0

| | |

0.0 0.0 0.0

300 | GF6

8.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| 0.0 8.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


| 0.0 0.0

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

300 |

GF7 | LL | 0.0 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.04 | GF7 | DL | 8.6 GF9 | LL | 61.2 550 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.20 | GF9 | DL | 105.9

68.2 105.9 14.4 19.9 14.4 19.9 68.2 105.9 125.2 174.7 39.6 67.6 210.0 249.7 200.0 249.7

-7.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0 -7.0 0.0 -9.5 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -35.2 0.0 -25.1 -0.0

350 |

GF11 | LL | 14.4 300 | 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.19 | GF11 | DL | 19.9 GF12 | LL | 14.4 300 | 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.19 | GF12 | DL | 19.9 GF14 | LL | 61.2 350 | 550 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.20 | GF14 | DL | 105.9 GF5 | LL | 115.6 450 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 1.29 | GF5 | DL | 174.7 GF8 | LL | 39.6 500 | 0.7 | 0.4 | 0.58 | GF8 | DL | 67.6

250 |

300 |

GF10 | LL | 174.8 300 | 500 | 0.4 | 0.2 | 1.14 | GF10 | DL | 249.7 GF13 | LL | 174.8 300 | 500 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 1.03 | GF13 | DL | 249.7


|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | SUM OF ABOVE | Loadings,kN | Reactions,kN | Difference,kN | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | LIVE LOAD, kN | 883.4 | 983.4 | -100.1 | | DEAD LOAD, kN | 1333.3 | 1333.3 | 0.0 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------|

Table 6.1: Summation of Individual beam Loadings and Reactions for Ground Floor Beam


Sum of Key Plan Load Input from Esteem Plus for Ground Floor Beam

-------------------------------------------------------------| Element | Load Type | Dead Load,kN | Live Load,kN | -------------------------------------------------------------| Slab | Area load | 908.4 | 840.6 | | Slab | Internal UDL | 0.0 | 0.0 | | Slab | Edge UDL | 0.0 | 0.0 | | Slab | Point load | 0.0 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| Slab | SUM of Above | 908.4 | 840.6 | -------------------------------------------------------------| Beam | SelfWeight | 372.9 | 0.0 | | Beam | UDL | 0.0 | 0.0 | | Beam | Point load | 0.0 | 0.0 | | Beam | VariableLoad | 0.0 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| Beam | SUM of Above | 372.9 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| S: SUM of KEYPLAN INPUT| 1281.3 | 840.6 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Column | Point load | 0.0 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| Wall | Point load | 0.0 | 0.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------


| Transfer Column load | 0.0 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| Transfer Wall load | 0.0 | 0.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| T: SUM of ALL THE ABOVE| 1281.3 | 840.6 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A: SUM BEAM TAKE-OFF | 1333.3 | 883.4 | | B: SUM COLUMN TAKE-OFF | 0.0 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| C: SUM LOAD TAKE-OFF | 1333.3 | 883.4 | -------------------------------------------------------------| D: SUM COLUMN REACTIONS| 1281.3 | 940.7 | | E: SUM SYMTRY REACTIONS| 0.0 | 0.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------| DIFFERENCE, F = D - E | 1281.3 | 940.7 | --------------------------------------------------------------

Table 6.2: Sum of Key Plan Load Input for Ground Floor Beam





This software is important in PPH. It not only used by engineer and architect, but it is also used by auditor that need to audit the space of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM). During second week, I am following Irsalina Suria Bt Ismail, auditor in PPH to audit space around the UTHM. We are going to audit Faculty of civil engineering (FKAAS), Faculty of management (FPTV) and Library. Then, we have a meeting on 13 July 2012 from 9.30 am to 5.00


pm for inserting the data audit to spreadsheet. The letter invitation is at appendix 6.



Spreadsheet is actually from Microsoft Excel. We are typing all the data and inserting the formulae in the Microsoft Excel. Then, we save it in order to be reuse in the future. This is called spreadsheet. By using the software, the works become easier and faster. All the spreadsheet related is save by PPH to be reuse in the future.


Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is using during the writing of letter and report. Obviously, the PPH is using the Microsoft Word almost the time as it easier to format and edit. In addition, PPH is the one that need to write the report relating to most issued relating the facilities and building in the UTHM. Nor Faezah Bt Zainudin, the PPH assistant is always using this software to write the report and letter. I am also using this software to type the report. For example, I was asked to write the MASMA report by En. Johari in the civil unit. The report can be referred appendix 7.


Google Sketch Up

This software was used almost by architect. Pn Yusnorsyazana Bt Mohd Yunos, the architect in PPH is always using this software before she makes it into AutoCAD. This software is to make a person imagine the

building that will be constructing. What is interesting is this software is able to us to see the all site of the building including the section.


Esteem Plus

In semester 5 and 6, I was learned Esteem Plus Software in Reinforced Concrete Design I and II in order to checking the manual calculate of the building. During practical session, we are free to choose the software we want to use so that we are able to finish the design work. Esteem Plus is the famous software in Malaysia. There are others software that can be used like Orion, Procon and etc.



I was so happy Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) gives us students of civil engineering opportunities to do our practical. This practical give many information and experiences about our work in the future. As civil engineering student, Industrial training is completing the course as the course taken need to be applied in practice.

In PPH, UTHM I got many experiences related my field. I have many chances to see all the engineers like site engineer, design engineer, soil engineer and structural engineer. Here, I realize that all software that I learned at university will be important in my future work. The software is like AutoCAD, Esteem Plus and etc. training is completing the course as the course taken need to be applied in practice.

There are some problems during doing my practical session. However, these problems do not interrupt my work here. For example, the engineers in PPH are using Malay during their communication. This makes problem because I am majority using English during my studies. The words that are using are like papak, tiang asas and tetulang. I can solve this problem as there are also others students from politeknik taking practical here. So, I can learn from them.

Lastly, thank you for all peoples that giving helps during my practical session. I am also thanks to my university, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) for setting up the Subject Industrial Training to civil engineerings students. I am also wanting to congrate them as Industrial Training for this semester was held successfully. I hope this programme will be held continuously and more effective than this semester.




British standards Structural use of concrete, Parts 1,2 and 3 Design loading for buildings

BS 8110 BS 6399



A.W. Beeby and R.S. Narayanan, Designers Handbook to EuroCode 2. Thomas Telford, London, 1995. J.H. Bungey and S.G. Millard, The Testing of Concerete in Structures, 3rd edn. Chapman & Hall London, 1995. R. Hulse and W.H. Mosley, Reinforced Concrete Design by Computer. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1986.




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