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Pharmacy Daily Monday 17th September 2012 T 1300 799 220 W

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P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M . A U Monday 17 Sep 2012

PD comp winner
winner of last Fridays Bosistos
Lavender competition, Patrick
Robinson of Ranbaxy Australia.
For more chances to win, see
page two for the first installment in
this weeks Sukin competition.
Guilds students of the year
A TRIO from the
University of South
Australia has taken out
this years Pharmacy
Guild of Australia
National Student
Business Plan
The competition is an
challenge promoting
among students preparing for a career in community pharmacy, with
entrants in the competition asked to produce business plans, answer online
quizzes, complete several essay questions and participate in an investor
The winners were announced over the weekend at the Guilds Pharmacy
Business Network conference in Canberra with first place going to
Complete Care Pharmacy, University of South Australia: made up of Ling Na
Yan, Chris Braithwaite (NAPSA President), and Jessica Dawson, whose
winning business model was centred on pharmacy-based cancer services.
Meanwhile second place was awarded to Cairns Community Chemist,
Queensland University of Technology: Caitlyn Fletcher, Andrew Gill, Emma
Shallcross, and Linda Wallin; and third place went to Sydneys Breathe Easy
Pharmacy team, made up of Sahand Imani, Clara Leung, Melinda Ho, and
David Tadros.
Doncaster does it again
AMCAL Max in Doncaster East,
Melbourne, has been awarded the
Amcal/Amcal Max Store of the Year
for the fourth year running.
More access to cheap meds
SEVENTY-five percent of
Australians think that the
Government should offer a price
discount to consumers who choose
generic medicines.
The figure is derived from a
national survey undertaken by the
Generic Medicines Industry
Association, which looked at
responses from over 1,000
The survey also found that 89% of
Australians rated generic
prescription medicines as a
product I know and trust; whilst
the majority of Aussies said they
trust their pharmacist (86%) and
their doctor (84%) to help direct
them regarding which medicine to
The community should use a
generic medicine whenever
possible, as generic medicines drive
affordability of medicines for the
consumer, the taxpayer and the
economy, said Chairman of the
GMiA, Dr Martin Cross.
This helps ensure the
sustainability of the PBS, he
Responding to the results of the
survey, Cross argued that on most
occasions consumers are not
incentivised to opt for generic
GMiA advocates that consumers
who are struggling financially the
most (concession card holders and
consumers who purchase
prescription medicines frequently)
could do with access to more
affordable medicines, he said.
There is a significant opportunity
to reduce the financial burden of
medicine expenditure for
concession cardholders and
consumers using medicines
frequently, he added.
According to the survey, 40% of
respondents believe the discount
should be up to $1.00, whilst 26%
support a discount of $1.50 and
20% think the discount should be
up to $2.00.
For many consumers, a $1 saving
on every medicine adds up and
makes a difference, said Cross.
Generic Lexapro
THE US FDA has approved Lupin
Pharmaceuticals escitalopram
tablets (escitalopram oxalate) 5mg,
10mg, and 20mg.
The tablets are the generic
equivalent of Forest's Lexapro
Tablets, for acute and maintenance
treatment of major depressive
disorder in adults and adolescents.
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P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M . A U Monday 17 Sep 2012
Weekly Comment Weekly Comment
Weekly Comment
Welcome to PDs
weekly comment
feature. This weeks
contributor is Paul
Rowe, Chief
Executive, Razor
Business Solutions.
Boots the Chemist
Phormocy Dolly ls o ubllcotlon for hoolth rofosslonols of Phormocy Dolly Pty Ltd AN 7 124 04 04. All contont fully rotoctod by coyrlqht. Plooso obtoln wrltton ormlsslon from tho odltor to roroduco ony motorlol. Whllo ovory coro hos boon
tolon ln tho roorotlon of Phormocy Dolly no lloblllty con bo occotod for orrors or omlsslons. nformotlon ls ubllshod ln qood folth to stlmuloto lndoondont lnvostlqotlon of tho mottors convossod. Rosonslblllty for odltorlol ls tolon by ruco Plor.
EDITORS Bruce Piper and Amanda Collins EMAIL [email protected] ADVERTISING Magda Herdzik EMAIL [email protected] page 2
You may have seen the news
discussing the sale of 45% of
Alliance Boots to US rival
Walgreens. What does this sale
18,000 kms away have to do with
pharmacy in Australia?
The answer is - more than you think!
Alliance Boots is a leading
international, pharmacy-led health
and beauty group delivering a
range of products and services to
customers. This is the opening
line of their web-site which goes on;
Boots is in 25+ countries
Operates 3,330+ health and
beauty stores
Dispense 260 million items
Annual turnover for the 12
months to 31st March 2012 was 23
billion pounds
This business started life as
Boots the Chemist in 1939 and
grew into one of the largest
community pharmacy groups in
the UK, initially generating most
sales from dispensary.
Concern at the highly regulated
govt system drove them to begin
the difficult move into
emphasizing front of shop retail
sales. 20 years on, they have
become a major global player
manufacturing and selling a range
of goods from packaged
sandwiches to cosmetics.
But have they sold their soul to
the devil?
Boots is still focused on its role in
the provision of Primary Health
Care and works closely with
providers to serve their
community. They just understand
that the sales need not
compromise quality.
I am asking you to embrace
selling, but selling quality advice,
quality products and quality care is
a real need in our community.
Its your decision and its your
future but much can be learnt from
history. What will you do?
Massive negligence
TEANNE Last of Bunbury in WA
has this month been awarded one
of the states biggest ever medical
negligence settlements.
Lasts multi-million dollar suit was
settled with the King Edward
Memorial Hospital, and centred
around hospital staffs failure to
expedite her sons birth despite
clinical signs indicating that prompt
delivery was vital.
As a result, her son was left with
severe physical and intellectual
I want to emphasise that this is
not a multi-million dollar windfall
for our client, it is merely providing
for the future of her son and
recognising that his injuries were as
a result of the admitted negligence
of the hospital, Lasts lawyers said,
adding that the funds will be held
by a Trustee for the Lasts sons
Has AAT taken TGAs teeth?
THE Consumers Health Forum has
hit out at the Administrative
Appeals Tribunal (AAT), questioning
the process whereby the
committee can over-ride the
independent scientific and clinical
views of the dedicated national
medicines regulator, the TGA.
The comments come in response
to steps Aspen has taken to appeal
to the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal (AAT) the decision of the
TGA to cancel the registration of
two painkillers containing
dextropropoxyphene (DPP)
Doloxene and DiGesic (PD 13 Sep).
Whilst the CHF welcomed the
TGAs confirmation of its original
decision to remove the DPP
painkillers following the AAT review,
the forum said that the AAT process
undermines patient safety.
The confirmation by the TGA
that this drug compromises patient
safety and should not be available
to the public again highlights a
major flaw in our medicines policy,
said Consumers Health Forum CEO
Carol Bennett.
How can we allow a
pharmaceutical company to use an
administrative appeals process to
prolong the sale of a product that
the TGA has found could be causing
harm to Australian health
This situation must be rectified,
not just for this drug, but for all
drugs found to be unsafe by the
TGA, she added, saying that the
bottom line is that Government
has a responsibility to ensure the
regulatory framework
operates effectively.
And if this is not a failure, what
is?, she added.
FEAR the drop bear.
The adrenalin was pumping in
one Adelaide household last
Friday evening, when its
inhabitants heard a heavy footed
prowler stalking about their roof
in the wee hours.
The Paradise household called
the authorities at 3.30am after
listening fearfully to the night
stalker going about his business.
Police arrived shortly after, and
set up cordons around the
property to ensure the perp
would not escape their clutches.
It did not take the police long to
find and arrest the culprit, a
rotund three year old koala, out
for a night stroll.
The furry friend was questioned
and formally cautioned by
attending officers before being
released without charge, a
police spokesman quipped.
MMR accreditation
FROM 01 October The Society of
Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
will recognise National Alliance for
Pharmacy Education credentialing
as a pre-requisite for accreditation
to perform medication
management reviews under the
SHPA system- see
Every day this week Pharmacy
Daily is giving two lucky readers
the chance to win a skincare pack,
courtesy of Sukin.
Flaunt your sensitive side with the
introduction of Sukins mini-range
pack valued at RRP $30. Including
two soap-free cleansers and a non-
greasy facial moisturiser, offering
long-lasting hydration and a soft,
nurtured and smooth complexion.
What are the three
key oils found in the
Sukin Sensitive Facial
For your chance to win, be the
rst person to send in the correct
answer to the question below to
[email protected]
Hint! Visit
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