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Appendix A Programming in MATLAB

This appendix provides a quick reference on the fundamental of MATLAB, which is used in the examples, applications, and implementation of adaptive algorithms in this book. This appendix also covers useful topics related to digital signal processing (DSP) in MATLAB, including Signal Processing Toolbox and Filter Design Toolbox. A more detailed description is documented in the MATLAB and toolboxes user guides. These user guides are accessible from the on-line help browser of MATLAB using the helpwin command.

A.1 MATLAB Fundamentals

MATLAB stands for MATrix LABoratory and it has become a widely-used technical computing language in engineering and scientific fields, especially for DSP research and development. It allows users to perform numerical computation, simulation, acquisition and visualization of data for algorithm design, analysis, and implementation. Unlike other high-level programming languages such as C, MATLAB provides a comprehensive suite of mathematical, statistical, and engineering functions. The functionality is further enhanced with interactive and flexible graphical capabilities for creating two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) plots. Furthermore, various toolboxes are available for working under the MATLAB environment. These toolboxes are collection of algorithms written by experts in their fields that provide application-specific capabilities. These toolboxes greatly enhance

MATLAB functionality in signal processing, data analysis and statistics, mathematical modeling, control systems design, etc.

A.1.1 Starting MATLAB

To start MATLAB, double click on the icon on the desktop. The MATLAB

Desktop appears as shown in Figure A.1, which provides an integrated environment in developing and testing MATLAB programs. Note that this Desktop is based on Version 7.0, and has some minor differences with other versions of MATLAB. In this appendix, we use Version 7.0 to illustrate basic MATLAB programming concepts. The Command Window (at the right side of Desktop) is the main window that allows the user to enter MATLAB commands after the prompt >>. Some commonlyused commands are listed as follows: 1. help To display help text in Command Window by listing topics that are available. In addition, it shows a list of toolboxes and add-on programs installed under the MATLAB environment. 2. help function To display the usage of a particular MATLAB function. Alternatively, we may use helpwin to see the output of help displayed in the Help browser window instead of the Command Window 3. whos To display a list of variables, together with their sizes and types, currently loaded into the workspace. Alternatively, we may use who to just display the list of variables. 4. what dir To display the files in the directory dir. 5. which function To displays the full pathname of function used. This command is particularly useful to ensure that the right version of M-file is called.

6. clear all To clear all the variables in the workspace. It is always a good practice to have this command at the beginning of an M-file so that unrelated variables used earlier are removed from the workspace. 7. clear x To clear the variable x from the workspace. 8. save('result.mat','x','y') To save variables x and y to the binary disk file result.mat, which can be retrieved with the load function. 9. load('result.mat','x') To load variable x from the disk file result.mat. If the variable name is not specified, all variables are loaded and overwriting existing variables in the workspace. 10. addpath 'c:\project\common' To add a specific directory to MATLAB search path. In many MATLAB programs given in the companion CD, we use this command to add the folder Common that contains commonused functions and data files to MATLAB search path. Use the path command to see the current MATLAB search path. 11. clc To clear the Command Window and homes the cursor. This command is useful to clear up the Command Window when it becomes too messy. 12. quit To exit MATLAB and returns all allocated memory to the system. Besides the Command Window, there is Command History window located at the bottom left of the Desktop as shown in Figure A.1. The Command History window records all the executed commands, and the date and time when these commands were executed. This is a useful feature in recalling what commands have been executed previously. At the upper-left of the Desktop, there are two defaulted windows: Current Directory and Workspace windows. The Current Directory window keeps track of the files inside the current directory. The Workspace window is used to organize the loaded variables, which also displays the size of variables, bytes, and

class. Located at the bottom-left corner, the Start button provides access to tools, toolboxes, demos, and MATLAB documentation. A set of toolbars at the top of the Desktop performs the following functions: New file, open file. Cut, copy, paste. Undo last action, redo last action. Simulink library browser. Open help browser.

Figure A.1 MATLAB Desktop (Version 7.0) using default layout.

MATLAB Desktop also includes the following features under the File pull-down menu: 1. Import data from a file directory into the MATLAB workspace. 2. Save MATLAB workspace to a file. 3. Set path allows commonly-used files in the set directory to be searched. 4. Preferences allows the user to specify the windows color and font size, number display formats, editor used, print options, figure copy options, and many others.

A.1.2 Constructing and Manipulating Matrices

MATLAB uses simple programming notations to execute mathematical statements. MATLAB syntax is expressed in a matrix-style operation. In MATLAB, a matrix is an array of numbers. A scalar is a 1-by-1 matrix, and a matrix with one column or row is a vector. The user can represent and manipulate scalars, vectors, and matrices in the MATLAB workspace as examples summarized in Table A.1. MATLAB does not require any data-type declarations, and we even dont need to specify the dimension of the matrix or vector. When MATLAB encounters a new variable, it automatically creates the variable in the Workspace with appropriate amount of storage. MATLAB is case sensitive, it differentiates between variable names with upper from lower cases. If we type a statement listed in the table and press Enter, MATLAB automatically displays the results on screen. (In this sense, MATLAB is like a calculator with advance functionality). To suppress the display, we can simply end a statement with a semicolon. In this case, MATLAB performs the computation, assigns the results to variables and does not display the output. This is particularly useful when we generate large matrices and execute MATLAB programs with many variables and intermediate results. Table A.1 Basic MATLAB commands for constructing and manipulating matrices. Input x = [1 2 3]; Comment x is defined as a row vector with 3 elements. The elements in a row vector are separated with blanks (or alternatively, commas) and surrounded with squared brackets. A semicolon ; is use to indicate the end of a statement and to suppress the display of vector x. y is defined as a column vector with 3 elements. The elements in a column vector

y = [1; 2; 3];

are separated with semicolons. y = [1 2 3]; We can transpose a real-valued row vector using an apostrophe operator to convert a row vector into a column vector. The apostrophe operator performs a Hermitian transposition (i.e., complex-conjugate y = [1 2 3].; transposition). The apostrophe-dot operator . transposes a matrix without affecting the signs of the imaginary parts of complex numbers. X = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; X is defined as a 3-by-3 matrix. A semicolon inside the brackets [] indicates the end of each row. x*x Inner-product operation (assume x is a 1-byN row vector, thus x is an N-by-1 column vector). x.*x Element-by-element (of the vector x) multiplication. x+x Element-by-element addition. X+1 MATLAB allows addition between matrix and scalar, where all elements in matrix X are added by 1 in the example. X*x Matrix-vector multiplication (Note: their dimensions must compatible. For example, if X is an N-by-N matrix, then x must be an Nby-1 column vector). z = 1:10; z is defined as a row vector with 10 elements [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]. The colon operator : separates the start and end values. The default increment is 1. z = 0:2:10; Z is defined as a row vector with 6 elements [0 2 4 6 8 10] by using a skip value 2 in the statement. X(1,:) Select the first row of X. X(:,1) Select the first column of X. X(end,:) Select the last row of X. X(:,end) Select the last column of X. The keyword end refers to the last row or column. X(1:2,1:2) Select the upper 2-by-2 submatrix of X. X^2 Perform X2 (i.e., X*X of the square matrix X). X.^2 Perform element-by-element square. In general, the operator ^ performs exponentiation. [x, x] Concatenate the row vector. [x; x] Place the vector in the next row. [x; X] Place the matrix in the next rows. ones(2,3) Create a 2-by-3 vector of all elements = 1. zeros(4,3) Create a 4-by-3 matrix of all elements = 0.

rand(2,3) randn(2,3) x(1) = []; X(2,:) = []; flipud(X) fliplr(X) diag(X) diag(x)

Eye(2,3) foo = sum(X); foo = sum(X,1); foo = sum(X,2); foo = sum((sum(X)); mean(X,dim) var(X,dim) std(X,dim)

foo = eye(3);


size(X,dim) foo = randn(size(X)); ones(4,1)*randn(1,4)

repmat(randn(1,4),4,1) y*diag(y) y.*y

Create a 2-by-3 matrix of uniformly distributed random numbers. Create a 2-by-3 matrix of normally distributed random numbers. Remove the first element of vector x. Remove the second row of matrix X. Flip the matrix X in up/down direction. Flip the matrix X in left/right direction. Return a vector that contains the main diagonal of matrix X. Construct a diagonal matrix (i.e., a matrix with all its off-diagonal elements equal zero) with its diagonal elements given by vector x. Create a 2-by-3 matrix with ones on its main diagonals. Sum all columns of X. The variable foo is a row vector. Same as sum(X). Sum all rows of X. The variable foo is a column vector. Sum all elements of X. foo is a scalar. These three functions returns the average (mean), variance (var) and standard deviation (std) of each column (if dim = 1) or row (if dim = 2) of X. The syntax is similar to the function sum. foo is a 3-by-3 identity matrix. The command eye(N) creates an N-by-N identity matrix. Return a 2-element row vector [M N], where M indicates the number of rows while N indicates the number of columns in the Mby-N matrix X. Return the number of columns (if dim = 1) or rows (if dim = 2) in X. foo is a random matrix which has the numbers of columns and rows as in X. ones(4,1) returns a 4-element column vector of all ones and randn(1,4) returns a 4-element random vector (row). Multiplication of these two vectors results in a 4-by-4 matrix with the first random vector duplicated in each row of the matrix. Use repmat (replicate and tile an array) to create the same random matrix. Element-by-element multiplication (y is a column vector as used in previous example)

A.1.3 The Colon Operator

The colon operator : is one of the most useful MATLAB operators. In Table A.1, we use the colon operator to construct vectors and to access submatrices. The general syntax of using colon operator is z = StartValue:IncrementValue:EndValue; For example, in Table A.1, we use z = 0:2:10; to generate vector z that contains six elements: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Note that if the increment is 1, it can be skipped as z = StartValue:EndValue. For example, In Table A.1, we use z = 1:10 to creates a vector that contains 10 elements from 1 to 10. In signal processing, the colon operator can be used to implement a decimator (or down-sampler) for multirate signal processing. A decimator with a decimation factor D, where D is a positive integer, reduces the sampling rate of an input sequence (see Section 2.1 for more details) by a factor of D. The decimator is implemented by keeping every Dth samples of the input sequence, while removing other samples. For example, this operation can be easily implemented in MATLAB as x = randn(1,1000); D = 4; x_D = x(1:D:end); In this example, the row vector x represents a random signal with 1000 samples. We then select every Dth samples of x using [1:D:end], where D indicates the incremental step and the keyword end indicates the end of the row vector x. We do not explicitly specify the sampling rate in this example. Consider that both x and x_D span the same duration, the sampling rate of signal in vector x_D is therefore

(1/D)th of that of the input sequence x since the number of random samples in x_D is (1/D)th of the original sequence x. The keyword end is particularly useful to access a specific sample relative to the end of a vector. For example, x = randn(1,10); y = x(end-1); The second last element of vector x is assigned to variable y, which is a scalar. The colon operator works for both column and row vectors. However, in most situations, we work on column vectors. (For example, we always define the tapweight vector and input signal vector in adaptive filters as column vectors. See Section 1.2 for details). This can be accomplished with the colon operator as follows: y = x(:); The variable y is defined as a column vector regardless of whether x is a column or row vector. If x is a matrix, y is then a column vector obtained by concatenating columns of x.

A.1.4 Data Types

The data types used in defining variables will affect the precision, dynamic range, and arithmetic errors in computation. By default, all MATLAB computations are carried out in double-precision floating-point format (64-bit). Nevertheless, data can also be stored in single precision (32-bit) or integer (8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit). Lower precision requires less memory, but it introduces larger quantization errors in the computation. In some cases, we might deliberately reduce the precision, not to ease the memory requirement, but to analyze the effects of quantization errors on a given algorithm in finite word-length implementation. Table A.2 lists data formats supported in MATLAB.


Table A.2 Data types supported in MATLAB. Precision single double int8, uint8 int16, uint16 int32, uint32 Description Single precision floating-point (32-bit). Double precision floating-point (64-bit). Signed, unsigned integer (8-bit). Signed, unsigned integer (16-bit). Signed, unsigned integer (32-bit).

The precision of variables can be specified using the data type as prefix. For example, x = [1 2 3]; % a double precision row vector y = single(x); % convert to single precision z = uint8(x); % convert to unsigned int (8-bit) Note that we can find the number of bytes used in representing an array by looking at the Workspace window. Besides storing numbers in the required precision, we can also change the displayed numeric format without affecting the data. This can be done by specifying the display format in File Preferences (select Command Window, Text display, Numeric format). Alternatively, we can use the format function to control the numeric format of the values displayed in the Command Window. Type helpwin format in the Command Window to see available display formats.

A.1.5 Working with Strings

Strings are sequences of characters. For example, we might use a string to keep an account on the name of the algorithm used in an experiment. A string can be entered in MATLAB using single quote. For example, the statement s = 'Subband'; creates a character array with seven elements. Individual elements of s can be accessed via s(1), s(2),, s(7), similar to that for numeric arrays. A larger string can be formed by concatenating shorter strings as follows:


saf = [s, 'adaptive filter']; Alternatively, we can use the sprintf function to construct string from shorter strings and numeric scalars as follows: year = 2009; saf_year = sprintf('%s, %d', saf, year); In the above statement, %s and %d are the conversion specifiers. The first %s indicates that saf is a string, while the second %d indicates that year is a numeric scalar. The sprintf function (write formatted data to string) is frequently used in the MATLAB programs. For example, in SYSID.m (see Chapter 1), we use the following statement disp(sprintf('LMS, step size = %.5f',mulms)); to display the algorithm and step size been used by the program at run time. We also use it to display some important simulation results such as disp(sprintf('Total time = %.3f mins',toc/60)); In some cases, we can convert a string to number as follows: year_string = '2009'; year_number = str2num(year_string); We create a character array year_string. To assign the value to a numeric scalar year_number, we convert the string to number using the str2num function.

A.1.6 Cell Arrays and Structures

MATLAB allows data to be grouped under a single variable known as the cell array. For example, we can group three different variables as an array A, and specify the cell array using the curly braces {} as follows: A = {50, 'Smith', eye(3)}; In the above statement, we create a 1-by-3 cell array. To access the contents of cells, we use subscripts in curly braces. (Note: subscripts always start from 1 in MATLAB).

The first cell A{1} is a scalar, the second cell A{2} contains the string of character, and the third cell A{3} is a 3-by-3 identity matrix (see Table A.1 for more MATLAB commands for constructing and manipulating matrices). It should be mentioned that cell arrays are not pointers since it contains exact copies of matrices or strings assigned to it. Cell array can be used to store a sequence of matrices or character strings of different sizes. For example, A = {'LMS','NLMS','SAF'}; for k = 1:length(A) disp(sprintf('Algorithm: %s',A{k})); end The cell array A contains three [given by length(A)] character strings (i.e., name of algorithms LMS, NLMS, and SAF) of different sizes. Storing those strings in a cell array simplify the programming. For example, a for loop can be use to access the individual cell in A one by one. Similar to C language, the for loop is commonlyused to repeat statements a specific number of times. The general form of a for statement is for variable = expression statement; ... statement; end In the following example, A is a cell array containing four 4-by-4 random matrices. Alternatively, we may store the random matrices using a three-dimensional matrix B (Note: this may not be possible if A contains matrices of different sizes). A = {randn(4,4),randn(4,4),randn(4,4),randn(4,4)}; for k = 1:length(A) B(:,:,k) = A{k}; end


The 3-dimensional matrix B (and all other numeric arrays) is stored in contiguous block in computer memory. On the other hand, cell elements of A are stored as separate contiguous blocks in the memory. In other words, with cell array, we could split a 3-dimensional matrix into three parts to be stored at different locations in memory. This is particularly useful for handling large matrices as the size of the largest contiguous block (and therefore largest matrix) are capped by a certain value in MATLAB depending on the operating systems (Windows, Linux, etc.). An alternate form in specifying the above cell array A by name is to use the structure array as follows: = 'Smith'; S.age = 50; S.matrix = eye(3); % X{2} % X{1} % X{3}

S is a structure array with three fields: name, age and matrix. We may also initialize a structure with the following single statement: S = struct('name','Smith','age',50,'matrix', eye(3)); To access individual fields in S, simply type, S.age, or S.matrix. We might expand the structure for a new entry as follows: S(2).name = 'Rebecca'; S(2).age = 33; S(2).matrix = randn(3); Similar to cell array, a structure array provides additional flexibility in writing MATLAB programs. For example, we can access individual entries and fields of a structure with simple indexing: for k = 1:length(S) disp(sprintf('Name: %s, Age: %d',... S(k).name,S(k).age)); end Notice that we may use ellipsis to break a statement into smaller parts when it becomes too long to fit into a single line.

A.1.7 MATLAB Scripting with M-files

We can directly enter and execute MATLAB commands presented earlier in the Command Window. Since we usually need to perform similar task repeatedly, and use several commands in sequence for a specific task, a better way is to write those commands in a text file as a MATLAB program. We call these text files that contain sequence of commands (or statements) in MATLAB language as M-files with filename extension .m. The M-file editor (or other text editors) can be use to write and save MATLAB commands into an M-file with an .m extension. The M-file editor can be activated by clicking on either the New M-file icon . There are two kinds of text M-files: scripts and functions. A script M-file has no input and output arguments, and contains a sequence of MATLAB statements that use the workspace data globally. To execute a MATLAB script, simply type in the name of the M-file (without extension) in the Command Window and press Enter (or Return). MATLAB executes the commands in the file in a sequential order. The user can interrupt a running program by pressing Ctrl-C or Crtl+Break at any time. Since MATLAB scripts share a global workspace, scripts can operate on existing variables in the workspace, or they can create new variables on which to operate. Any variable that they create remain in the workspace (unless it is cleared by the clear command), which can be used in subsequent computations. A MATLAB function accepts input arguments and returns output arguments. A function M-file must contain the keyword function (must in lower case) in the first line of the file. The general syntax of the function definition is
function [OutputVariables] = FunctionName (InputVariables)

, or the Open File icon


The function name FunctionName should be identical to the filename of function M-file, without the .m extension. (For the case where the function name is not the same with the filename, MATLAB uses the later). For example, a function getstat.m is listed as follows: function [mu,sig,sig2] = getstat(x) % getstat Computes mean, variance, and std deviation % x Row or column vector of numbers % mu Mean of the elements in vector x % sig Standard deviation of the vector x % sig2 Variance of the vector x % if nargin ~= 1 error('Number of input argument must be one'); end if nargin ~= 3 error('Number of output arguments must be three'); end mu = mean(x); sig = std(x); sig2 = var(x); % Compute mean of x % Compute standard deviation of x % Compute variance of x

As shown in the example, the function getstat contains three output arguments mu, sig, and sig2, which are enclosed in square brackets. The input argument x is enclosed in parentheses. The next several lines start with a percent sign %, after the first line and up to the first blank or executable line, are comments that provide the help text. That is, if we type help getstat in the Command Window, and the getstat.m file is in the search path, MATLAB displays those help text. Comments can also be inserted anywhere inside an M-file by starting with %. It is a good programming practice to document the code with help text and comments. The first few lines of code check the number of input and output arguments using the nargin and nargout (number of arguments provided as input and output, respectively) variables in function M-files. These variables come in handy during


programming, when we want to make sure right number of input and output arguments are given by users. Different from script M-files, all variables inside the function M-file are created in local workspace, and are not shared with the calling script M-file in global workspace. As such, variables used in a function M-files will never be messed up with those in the global workspace.

A.1.8 Plotting in MATLAB

MATLAB is known for its outstanding graphics capabilities. Both 2-D and 3-D graphics can be plotted and manipulated using some commonly-used commands summarized in Table A.3. The most common-used and flexible graphic function is plot, which create a 2-D line plot. The general syntax is plot(x, y, 'styleOption'); which plots vector y versus vector x, and the styleOption specifies the various colors, line types, line markers, etc. These options are summarized in Table A.4. For example, plot(x,y,'-.g*'); where -. specifies dashdot line, g specifies green color, and * specifies star mark on those sample points on the line curve. In addition, MATLAB supports the following legend(string1,string2,string3, ...); to put a legend on the current plot using the specified strings as labels. For example, in SYSID.m, the following statements plot(0:iter-1,MSElms,0:iter-1,MSEnlms); legend('MSE(LMS)','MSE(NLMS)');


to identify the first line plot is the MSE of the LMS algorithm, and the second line is for the NLMS algorithm. Table A.3 MATLAB commands and examples for 2-D and 3-D plots. Input t = 0:0.001:1; x = exp(-10.*t); plot(t,x); plot(t,x,'ro'); figure; stem(t,x); stem(t,x,'filled'); subplot(M,N,I); Comment Set up the time index in vector t, start from 0 to 1 with an incremental step of 0.001. Create a vector x using the exponential function exp. Line plot of vector x versus vector t. Line plot using red color of line with circle to indicate each data point. Create a new figure plot. Discrete sequence plot terminated with empty circle or full circle with option filled. Divide the figure window into M (rows) x N (column) smaller figure windows, and select the Ith figure window for display. Divide the figure window into 2 smaller windows in a row, and plot the first one with x1 versus t1 Plot the second figure (on the right side) with x2 versus t2 Close the current active figure. Close all the figures. X-axis index from 0 to 50 with an incremental step of 1. Generate sinewave sequence in vector y1 Generate cosinewave sequence in vector y2. Plot sine and cosine waves in the same plot. Plot sine (with red color) and cosine (with blue color) waves, one at a time in the same plot. Set the display limits for the x-axis and yaxis using the general syntax axis([x_min x_max y_min y_max]). Show grid lines. Annotate the x-axis as Time. Annotate the y-axis as Amplitude.

subplot(1,2,1); plot(t1,x1); subplot(1,2,2); plot(t2,x2); close; close all; x = 0:1:50; y1 = sin(2*pi*x/8); y2 = cos(2*pi*x/8); plot(x,y1,x,y2); plot(x,y1,'r'); hold on; plot(x,y2,'b'); hold off; axis([0 10 -1 1]);

grid on; xlabel('Time') ylabel('Amplitude')

title('Two sine waves') t = 0:pi/50:5*pi; plot3(sin(t),cos(t),t); axis square; grid on;


Specify the title of plot as Two sine waves. Prepare the time-index values. Perform 3-D plot whose coordinates are elements given in x, y, and z vectors. Change to a square plot with grid. Transform the vector into an array X and Y that can be used for 3-D surface plots. Generate another array Z. Mesh surface plot. Surface plot. Surface plot with contour beneath. Surface plot with curtain. Pseudo-color plot. 3-D shaded surface with lighting.

Z = X.*exp(-X.^2-Y.^2); mesh(X,Y,Z); surf(X,Y,Z); meshc(X,Y,Z); meshz(X,Y,Z); pcolor(X,Y,Z); surfl(X,Y,Z);

Table A.4 Style options available for MATALB plots. Colors b g r c m y k w Blue Green Red Cyan Magenta Yellow Black White . o x + * s d Line types Point Circle x-mark Plus Star Square Diamond Line markers : -. -Solid Dotted Dashdot Dashed

In Example 1.1 of Chapter 1, we plot a 3-D plot using the meshc function. We first define the indices for the x and y axes as follows: x = 0:0.1:4; y = -4:0.1:0; For each pair of x (corresponding to the first tap-weight) and y (the second tapweight) indices, we compute the corresponding MSE value and save it in the respective element of matrix Z for the z-axis as follows:


Z = zeros(length(x),length(y)); for m = 1:length(x) for n = 1:length(y) w = [x(m) y(n)]'; Z(m,n) = 3-2*[0.5272; -0.4458]'*w... + w'*[1.1 0.5; 0.5 1.1]*w; end end The first for loop iterates through each element of vector x, while the second for loop do the same for vector y. The 3-D plot is created using the following command meshc(x,y,Z'); The generated 3-D MSE plot is shown in Figure A.2. We can change the orientation (viewing angle) using the view command to obtain Figure 1.4. The general syntax is given as view(az, el); where az is the azimuth (or horizontal) rotation and el is the vertical elevation in degrees. For example, az = 0 and el = 90 is directly overhead which is the same as a 2-D view; az = el = 0 looks directly up the first column of the matrix, and az = 180 is behind the matrix.

Figure A.2 An example of three-dimensional plot.


Figure A.3 An example of graphic editing.

More recent versions of MATLAB (version 6 and higher) provide a set of powerful editing tools to edit the graphics. It supports a point-and-click editing mode to modify the plots. Graphical objects can be selected by clicking on the object, and multiple objects can be selected by shift-click. Several editing and navigating features are highlighted in Figure A.3. (Select View Plot Edit Toolbar and Figure Toolbar to display the toolbars). Notably, the Data Cursor allows users to look at the values at specific points on the plot. The Pan tool moves (by click and drag) the graph within a MATLAB figure window. Besides selecting, moving, resizing, changing color, cutting, copying, and pasting the graphic objects, MATLAB also provides tools for zoom-in, zoom-out, basic data

fitting and displaying data statistics. These tools can be executed from the Tools pulldown menu. Once the diagram has been edited, the user can export the diagram into different graphical file types such as bmp, tiff, etc, or save as a MATLAB fig file. A more detailed explanation can be found in the MATLAB help.

A.1.9 Other Useful Commands and Tips

There are many useful MATLAB functions that are commonly used for performing linear algebra operations and Fourier analysis of data. These functions are summarized in Table A.5. More signal processing functions will be discussed in the section on Signal Processing Toolbox. Table A.6 listed some useful MATLAB tips and commands. Table A.5 MATLAB functions for linear algebra and Fourier analysis. Functions norm rank det trace null orth eig fft ifft abs angle unwrap Comments Matrix or vector norm. Matrix rank. Determinant of matrix. Sum of diagonal elements. Null space. Orthogonalization. Eigenvalues of matrix. Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Inverse FFT (IFFT). Magnitude. Phase angle. Unwrap phase angle in radians. Table A.6 Some useful MATLAB tips and commands. Commands clear all; Comments It is advisable to start a script M-file to clear all variables created earlier in the workspace by other M-files, if these variables are not required anymore. Find indices and values of nonzero elements. For



exist wavread





delete round, ceil, floor, fix Ctrl+c Ctrl+x Ctrl+v Ctrl+r

example the command length(find(X>0)) finds the number of positive elements in the matrix X. Generate linearly spaced vectors. Similar to that using the colon : operator, but gives direct control over the number of points. Check if variables and functions are defined. We may also use exist to check if a file exist. Read a Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file. Note that the command [y,Fs,Nbits] = wavread(FileName); also returns the sample rate Fs in Hz and the number of bits per sample Nbits used to encode the data samples in the wavefile. Write a Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file. The general syntax is wavwrite(y,Fs,Nbits,FileName); which writes sound samples in vector y to a Windows WAVE file FileName with a sample rate of Fs Hz and Nbits number of bits per data sample. Convert vector into sound and send to the sound card. The general syntax is sound(y,Fs), which sends the signal in vector y with sample frequency Fs to the sound card on computers that support sound. Values in y are assumed to be in the range -1.0 <= y <= 1.0. Values outside that range are clipped. soundsc scales the data before plays the data as sound. This command avoids clipping by using sound. Output the signal in vector y with sample frequency of Fs Hertz to the Windows wave audio device. Standard audio rates are 8,000, 11,025, 22,050, and 44,100 Hz. Delete files. It is different from clear, which deletes variables from workspace. Round toward nearest integer, infinity, negative infinity, and zero. Copy selected text in M-file editor. Cut selected text in M-file editor. Paste text in M-file editor. Comment selected text in M-file editor. This comes in handy when we wish to temporarily comment a large piece of code. Uncomment selected text in M-file editor. Decrease indent in M-file editor.

Ctrl+t Ctrl+[

Ctrl+] Ctrl+z Ctrl+y

Increase indent in M-file editor. Undo previous action in M-file editor. Redo previous action in M-file editor.

A.2 Signal Processing Toolbox

As we develop more M-files, we can organize them into different folders. Such collections of M-files for solving some application-specific problems are referred to as toolboxes. As mentioned earlier, MATLAB comes with a comprehensive ranges of toolboxes (though MATLAB toolboxes are sold separately) written by experts in their field. Commonly used DSP-related toolboxes include Signal Processing Toolbox, Filter Design Toolbox, Wavelet Toolbox, Communication Toolbox, and Image Processing Toolbox, etc. This section summarizes some useful signal processing functions and tools in the Signal Processing Toolbox. These functions can be categorized in the following DSP groups:

Digital filter design, analysis, and implementation Analog filter design, analysis, and implementation Linear system transformations Windowing functions Spectral analysis Transforms Statistical signal processing Parametric modeling Linear prediction


Multirate signal processing Waveform generation

Readers can refer to the user guides, available through MATLAB help browser (type helpwin in the Command Window) and website, for more details.

A.2.1 Quick Fact about the Signal Processing Toolbox

The Signal Processing Toolbox contains many functions for performing DSP operations. In addition to these DSP functions, the toolbox also contains several useful interactive (graphical user interface) tools include (1) Signal Processing Tool (SPTool) which provides interactive tools in analyzing and filtering signals, (2) Filter Design and Analysis Tool (FDATool) which provides advanced filter design tools for designing digital filters, quantizing filter coefficients, and analyzing the quantization effects, and (3) Window Design and Analysis Tool (WINTool) that supports design and analysis of windows. These tools will be explained in the following sections. Table A.7 lists some commonly used signal-processing functions in the toolbox. For examples, fir1, filter, upfirdn, remez, and fft are used frequently in this book. This list is grouped under different categories. To learn the detailed usage of these functions, simply type help functionName; in Command Window to display the help text for that particular function. The Signal Processing Toolbox further provides an interactive tool that integrates the functions with the graphical user interface, which will be introduced in the next section. The signal processing functions summarized in Table A.7 together with the powerful graphical tools provide a comprehensive tool for signal processing.


Table A.7 Some commonly-used function provided in Signal Processing Toolbox. Filter analysis freqz freqzplot grpdelay impz unwrap zplane Filter implementation conv deconv fftfilt filter filtfilt latcfilt medfilt1 sgolayfilt upfirdn FIR filter design convmtx cremez fir1 fir2 firls firrcos intfilt kaiserord remez IIR filter design bilinear butter cheby1 cheby2 Description Frequency response of digital filter. Plot frequency response data. Group delay of filter. Impulse response of digital filter. Unwrap phase angle. Zero-pole plot. Description Convolution and polynomial multiplication. Deconvolution and polynomial division. FFT-based FIR filtering using overlap-add. FIR or IIR filter filtering. Zero-phase digital filtering. Lattice and lattice ladder filtering. 1-D median filtering. Savitzky-Golay filtering. Upsample, FIR filtering, and downsample. Description Convolution matrix. Complex and nonlinear phase equiripple FIR. Window-based FIR filter design. Frequency sampling-based FIR filter design. Least square linear-phase FIR filter design. Raised cosine FIR filter design. Interpolation FIR filter design. FIR filter design using Kaiser window. Parks-McClellan optimal FIR filter design. Description Bilinear transformation. Butterworth filter design. Chebyshev Type I filter design. Chebyshev Type II filter design.


ellip impinvar maxflat prony yulewalk Windows bartlett barthannwin blackman bohmanwin boxcar chebwin

Elliptic filter design. Impulse invariance method. Generalized digital Butterworth filter design. Pronys method for IIR filter design. Recursive digital filter design (least-square). Description Bartlett window. Modified Bartlett-Hanning window. Blackman window. Bohman window. Rectangular window. Chebyshev window. Gaussian window. Hamming window. Hann (Hanning) window. Kaiser window. Triangular window. Tukey window. Description Permute input into bit-reversed order. Chirp z-transform. Discrete cosine transform. DFT matrix. 1-D FFT. 2-D FFT. Move zero-th lag to center of spectrum. Inverse discrete cosine transform. 1-D IFFT. 2-D IFFT. Description Complex cepstral analysis. Inverse complex cepstrum. Real cepstrum, minimum phase reconstruction.

gausswin hamming hann Kaiser triang tukeywin Transforms bitrevorder czt dct dftmtx fft fft2 fftshift idct ifft ifft2 Cepstral analysis cceps icceps rceps

Statistical and spectrum analysis cohere corrcoef corrmtx cov csd pburg

Description Estimate magnitude square coherence function. Correlation coefficients. Autocorrelation matrix. Covariance matrix. Cross spectral density. PSD (power spectral density) estimate using Burg's method. PSD estimate using covariance method. PSD estimate using eigenvector method. PSD estimate using periodogram method. PSD estimate using modified covariance method. PSD estimate using Thomson multitaper method. PSD estimate using MUSIC method. Plot PSD data. PSD estimate using Welch's method. PSD estimate using Yule-Walker autoregressive method. Frequency & power estimation using MUSIC algorithm. Cross-correlation function. 2-D cross-correlation. Covariance function. Description Autocorrelation sequence to reflection coefficients. Autocorrelation sequence to prediction polynomial. Inverse sine parameters to reflection coefficients. Log area ratios to reflection coefficients conversion. Levinson-Durbin recursion. Linear predictive coefficients using autocorrelation. Line spectral frequencies to prediction polynomial. Prediction polynomial to autocorrelation sequence. Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies. Prediction polynomial to reflection coefficients.

pcov peig periodogram pmcov pmtm pmusic psdplot pwelch pyulear rootmusic xcorr xcorr2 xcov Linear prediction ac2rc ac2poly is2rc lar2rc levinson lpc lsf2poly poly2ac poly2lsf poly2rc rc2ac


rc2is rc2lar rc2poly rlevinson schurrc

Reflection coefficients to autocorrelation sequence. Reflection coefficients to inverse sine parameters. Reflection coefficients to log area ratios. Reflection coefficients to prediction polynomial. Reverse Levinson-Durbin recursion. Schur algorithm.

Multirate signal processing decimate downsample interp interp1 resample spline upsample Waveform generation chirp diric gauspuls gmonopuls pulstran rectpuls sawtooth sinc square tripuls vco

Description Resample at lower sampling rate (decimation). Downsample input signal. Resample data at higher sample rate (interpolation). General 1-D interpolation. Change sampling rate by any rational factor. Cubic spline interpolation. Upsample input signal. Description Swept-frequency cosine. Dirichlet or periodic sinc function. Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal pulse. Gaussian monopulse. Pulse train. Sampled aperiodic rectangle. Sawtooth (triangle) wave. Since function. Square wave. Sampled aperiodic triangle. Voltage controlled oscillator.

Table A.7 lists seven functions that support multirate signal processing. Two functions, decimate and downsample, are used for reducing the sampling rate of discrete-time signals (as discussed in Chapter 2). For example, the following statement


y = decimate(x,D); resamples the input sequence in vector x at 1/D times the original sample rate. The resulting vector y is D times shorter. By default, decimate function filters the data with an 8th-order Chebyshev Type I lowpass filter before resampling. Similar, interpolation can be implemented using two functions: interp and upsample.

Figure A.4 SPTool provided under the Signal Processing Toolbox.

A.2.2 Signal Processing Tool

The Signal Processing Tool (SPTool) provides several tools for the user to analyze signals, design and analyze filters, filter the signals, and analyze the spectrum of signals. The user can open this tool by typing sptool;


in the MATLAB Command Window. The SPTool main window appears as shown in Figure A.4. There are four applications that can be accessed via the SPTool main GUI (graphical user interface). These applications are list below.

Figure A.5 Import to SPTool GUI allows the user to select data from file or workspace.

A.2.2.1 Signal Browser The Signal Browser is used to view the input signals. Signals from the workspace or file can be loaded into the SPTool by clicking on File Import. An Import to SPTool GUI appears (as shown in Figure A.5), which allows the user to select the data from the file or workspace. Figure A.5 shows that the SpeechSample.mat file contains one variable with name un (the MAT file can be found in the common folder on the companion CD). Set the sampling frequency to 8000 and let MATLAB know that un is imported as a signal by selecting the Signal option in the list box at the upper-right corner. Click OK to import the data to MATLAB workspace. To view the signal, simply highlight the signal, and click View. The Signal Browser window is shown in Figure A.6, which allows the user to zoom-in and zoom-out the signal, read

the data values via markers, display format, and even play back the selected signal using the loud-speakers.

Figure A.6 Users can zoom-in and zoom-out the signal, read the data values via markers and even play back the selected signal.

A.2.2.2 Filter Designer The Filter Designer is used for designing digital FIR and IIR filters. The user simply clicks on the New button for a new filter, or Edit button for an existing filter under the Filter column in the SPTool (the first window that appears after we type in the sptool in the Command Window) to open the Filter Designer as shown in Figure A.7. The user can design lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters using different filter design algorithms. In addition, the user can also design a filter using the Pole/Zero Editor to graphically place the poles and zeros in the z-plane. The Pole/Zero Editor can be activated by making selection in the Algorithm list box. The Filter Designer also provided a useful feature, which overlay the input spectrum

onto the frequency response of the filter by clicking on the frequency magnitude/phase icon (as indicated in Figure A.7).

Figure A.7 The Filter Designer available under the SPTool. We set the sampling frequency to 8,000 Hz in this example.

A.2.2.3 Filter Visualization Tool Once the filter has been designed, the frequency specification and other filter characteristics can be verified by using the Filter Visualization Tool. Selecting the name of the designed filter, and clicking on the View icon under the Filter column in the SPTool will open the window as shown in Figure A.8. Users can analyze the filter in terms of its magnitude response, phase response, group delay, zero-pole plot (as shown in the figure), impulse response, and step response. When the filter characteristics have been confirmed, users can then select the input signal and the designed filter. Click on the Apply button to perform filtering and

generate the output signal (appears in the Signals column of the SPTool window). The Apply Filter GUI is shown in Figure A.9, which allows users to specify the variable name of the output signal. The Algorithm list provides a choice of several filter structures.

Figure A.8 The Filter Visualization Tool available under the SPTool.

Figure A.9 The Apply Filter tool available under the SPTool.


A.2.2.4 Spectrum Viewer The final GUI is the Spectrum Viewer as shown in Figure A.10. Users can view the existing spectra by clicking on file names, followed by the View button. Select the signal and click on the Create button to enter the Spectrum Viewer window. User can also select one of the many spectral estimation methods, such as Burg, covariance, FFT, modified covariance, MUSIC, Welch, Yule-Walker autoregressive (AR), etc. for the spectrum estimation. In addition, the size of FFT, window functions, and overlapping samples can be selected to complete the power spectrum density (PSD) estimation. SPTool also allows exporting the signals, filter parameters, and spectra to the MATLAB workspace or files. These saved parameters are represented in MATLAB as a structure of signals, filters, and spectra.

Figure A.10 The Spectrum Viewer available under the SPTool.


A.2.3 Window Design and Analysis Tool

Signal Processing Toolbox also provides two graphical user interface tools, Window Visualization Tool (WVTool) and Window Design and Analysis Tool (WINTool), to design and analyze windows. In MATLAB command window, the following command wvtool(WinName(N)); opens WVTool with the time and frequency domain plots of the N-length window specified in WinName, which can be any window in the Signal Processing Toolbox.

Figure A.11 The WINTool GUI with a default 64-point Hamming window.


A more powerful tool for designing and analyzing window is WINTool, which can be launched as Wintool; It opens with a default 64-point Hamming window as shown in Figure A.11. As shown in Figure A.11, WINTool has three panels: Window Viewer displays the time-domain and frequency-domain representations of the selected window(s). Three window measurements are shown below the plots: (1) Leakage factor indicates the ratio of power in the sidelobes to the total window power. (2) Relative sidelobe attenuation shows the difference in height from the mainlobe peak to the highest sidelobe peak. (3) Mainlobe width (-3dB) is the bandwidth of the mainlobe at 3 dB below the mainlobe peak. The second panel called Window List lists the window functions available for display in the Window Viewer. Highlight one or more windows to display them. The four Window List buttons are: (1) Add a new window allows user to add a default Hamming window with length 64 and symmetric sampling. We can change the information for this window by applying changes made in the Current Window Information panel. (2) Copy window copies the selected window(s). (3) Save to workspace saves the selected window(s) as vector(s) to the MATLAB workspace. The name of the window in WINTool is used as the vector name. (4) Delete removes the selected window function(s) from the window list. Current Window Information displays information about the currently active window. The active window name is shown in the Name field. Each window is defined by the parameters in the Current Window Information panel. We can change the current windows characteristics by changing its parameters and clicking Apply. The first parameter Name shows the name of the window. We can either


select a name from the menu, or type the desired name in the edit box. The parameter Type presents the algorithm for the window. Select the type from the menu. All windows in the Signal Processing Toolbox are available. The parameter Length indicates the total number of samples. For example, click on Add a new window button at the Window List panel, select Kaiser from the Type menu in the Current Window Information panel, and click on Apply. Both time-domain and frequency-domain representations in the Window Viewer panel are updated. Highlight both window_1 and window_2 from the Window List panel, the time- and frequency-domain representations of both windows are displayed. After verifying the designed window, we can use Export from the File menu to export window coefficients to the MATLAB workspace as a text file or a MAT-file.

A.3 Filter Design Toolbox

The Filter Design Toolbox is a collection of tools that provides advanced techniques for designing, simulating, and analyzing digital filters. It extends the capabilities of the Signal Processing Toolbox presented earlier by adding filter structures and design methods for complex DSP applications. This toolbox also provides functions that simplify the design of fixed-point filters and the analysis of quantization effects.

A.3.1 Quick Fact about the Filter Design Toolbox

Filter Design Toolbox provides the following key features for digital filter designs. a. Advanced FIR filter design methods The advanced equiripple FIR design automatically determines the minimum filter order required. It also provides constrained ripple, minimum phase, extra ripple, and maximal ripple designs. In


addition, the least P-th norm FIR design allows the user to adjust the trade-off between minimum stopband energy and minimum order equiripple characteristics. b. Advanced IIR filter design methods Allpass IIR filter design with arbitrary group delay enables the equalization of nonlinear group delays of other IIR filters to obtain an overall approximate linear phase passband response. Least P-th norm IIR design creates optimal IIR filters with arbitrary magnitude, and constrained least P-th norm IIR design constrains the maximum radius of the filter poles to improve the robustness of the quantization. c. Quantization It provides quantization functions for signals, filters, and FFT. It also supports quantization of filter coefficients, including coefficients created using the Signal Processing Toolbox. d. Analysis of quantized filters Analysis of frequency response, zero-pole plot, impulse response, group delay, step response, and phase response of quantized filters. In addition, it supports limit cycle analysis for fixed-point IIR filters. e. Adaptive filter design, analysis, and implementation It supports LMS-based, RLS-based, lattice-based, frequency-domain, fast transversal filter, and affine projection algorithms. These functions will be introduced in Section A.3.3.

A.3.2 Filter Design and Analysis Tool

The Filter Design Toolbox includes a GUI tool called the Filter Design and Analysis Tool (FDATool). This interactive tool allows the user to design optimal FIR and IIR filters from scratch, import previously designed filters, quantize floating-point filters, and analyze quantization effects. In addition to the existing functions listed in Table A.6, the FDATool contains additional filter design functions listed in Table A.8.


Table A.8 Additional filter design functions in FDATool. Filter design function Description firlpnorm Design minimax FIR filters using the least-Pth algorithm. gremez iirgrpdelay iirlpnorm iirlpnormc Design optimal FIR filters (Remez exchange). Design IIR filters (specify group delay in the passband). Design minimax IIR filters using the least-Pth algorithm. Design minimax IIR filters using the least-Pth algorithm, which restricts the filter poles and zeros within a fixed radius.

The FDATool can be activated by typing fdatool in the Command Window. The FDATool GUI shown in Figure A.12 is similar to the Filter Designer (see Figure A.7) in the SPTool. The design steps and features to view the filter characteristics are also similar. However, the FDATool is a more advanced filter design tool that includes additional filter types such as differentiator, Hilbert transform, multiband, arbitrary magnitude and group delay. The FDATool also has an additional option in converting (Edit Convert Structure) the default filter structure to different structures, such as direct-form, state-space structure, and its lattice equivalents.


Figure A.12 The FDATool GUI.

A.3.3 MATLAB Functions for Adaptive Filtering

Introduction of adaptive filtering algorithms, applications, and MATLAB implementation are presented in Chapter 1. However, the MATLAB programs listed in this book (discussed in details in Appendix B and available in the companion CD) are written without using adaptive filtering functions provided in the Filter Design Toolbox so the user can run those programs with MATLAB only. This section introduces the implementation of adaptive filtering algorithms for readers with the toolbox. The MATLAB functions in the Filter Design Toolbox support adaptive FIR filter structure using the LMS-based, RLS-based, and AP algorithms. The toolbox also


provides functions to implement frequency-domain and lattice filter structures. The general syntax of function adaptfilt for implementing adaptive filters is ha = adaptfilt.algorithm(arguments); This function returns an adaptive filter object ha of type algorithm. The LMStype adaptive algorithms based on FIR filters include LMS, NLMS, etc. are summarized in Table A.9. For example, we can construct an adaptive FIR filter with the LMS algorithm object as follows: ha = adaptfilt.lms(l,step,leakage,coeffs,states); Table A.10 describes the input arguments such as filter length, step size, etc. available for the adaptfilt.lms. The adaptive FIR filter with the LMS algorithm can be implemented as follows: hlms = adaptfilt.lms(32,mu); [yn,en] = filter(hlms,un,dn); The first statement constructs an adaptive filter object hlms using the LMS algorithm with length 32 and step size mu. The second statement performs the adaptive filtering with the input arguments un and dn that represent the signal vectors for the u(n) and d(n), respectively, and produces two output vectors yn and en that are filter output y(n) and error sequence e(n), respectively. The RLS-type adaptive algorithms based on FIR filter structures are summarized in Table A.11, and the AP-type adaptive algorithms based on FIR filters are summarized in Table A.12. For example, the syntax for the direct-form RLS algorithm is ha = adaptfilt.rls(l,lambda,invcov,coeffs,states); The forgetting factor () lambda is a scalar in the range (0, 1], and it default value is 1. The argument invcov is the inverse of the input signal covariance matrix.

Table A.9 Summary of LMS-type adaptive algorithms for FIR filters. algorithm lms nlms dlms blms blmsfft ss se sd filtxlms adjlms Description Direct-form LMS Direct-form normalized LMS Direct-form delayed LMS Block LMS FFT-based block LMS Direct-form sign-sign LMS Direct-form sign-error LMS Direct-form sign-data LMS Filtered-X LMS Adjoint LMS

Table A.10 Input arguments for adaptfilt.lms. Input arguments l step leakage coeffs states Description Filter length (defaults to 10) Step size (defaults to 0.1) Leaky factor (defaults to 1) Initial filter coefficients (defaults to 0) Initial filter states (defaults to 0)

Table A.11 Summary of RLS-type adaptive algorithms for FIR filters. algorithm ftf hrls hswrls qrdrls rls swrls Description Fast transversal filter Householder RLS Householder sliding window RLS QR-decomposition-based RLS Direct-form RLS window RLS

Table A.12 Summary of AP-type adaptive algorithms for FIR filters. algorithm ap apru bap Description Direct matrix inversion Recursive matrix updating Block affine projection


A.3.4 A Case Study: Adaptive Noise Cancellation

The application of adaptive filtering for noise cancellation is introduced in Section, and its block diagram is shown in Figure 1.8. This section illustrates the usage of adaptive filtering functions from the Filter Design Toolbox introduced in Section A.3.3 for adaptive noise cancellation. We implement the adaptive noise canceller using an FIR filter with the normalized LMS (NLMS) summarized in Tables A.9 and A.10. The script M-file can be modified to use RLS-type and AP-type algorithms listed in Tables A.11 and A.12, respectively. A.3.4.1 Principle of Adaptive Noise Cancellation As shown in Figure A.13, the adaptive noise canceller has two inputs: the primary signal d(n) from the primary sensor (which is placed close to the signal source) and the reference signal u(n) from the reference sensor. Ideally, the reference signal u(n) contains noise only. The primary signal d(n) consists of the desired signal s(n) plus noise v(n) , i.e., d (n) = s ( n) + v(n) . The noise v(n) is highly correlated with u(n) since they are coming from the same noise source with adequate distance between the primary and reference sensors. The objective of the adaptive filter W(z) is to compensate the amplitude and phase of the reference signal u(n) to estimate the noise
v(n) . The filter output y(n), which is an estimate of noise v(n) , is then subtracted

from the primary signal d(n), producing e(n) as the desired signal s(n) plus reduced noise. Therefore, the ANC output e(n) contains enhanced signal. Note that in Figure A.13, the delay of samples is inserted in the primary channel to produce d(n), which can guarantee causality of adaptive FIR filter W(z).


To apply the adaptive noise cancellation effectively, the reference noise picked up by the reference sensor must be highly correlated with the noise components in the primary signal. This can be achieved by placing the primary and reference sensors closely. Unfortunately, it is also critical to avoid the desired signal from the signal source being picked up by the reference sensor. This crosstalk problem may be eliminated by using an acoustic barrier between the signal source and reference sensor to reduce the desired signal been picked up by the reference sensor.

Figure A.13 Adaptive noise cancellation using NLMS filter.

A.3.4.2 MATLAB Implementation and Simulation The script M-file that implements the adaptive noise cancellation shown in Figure A.13 using the adaptive filtering function adaptfilt.algorithm provided in Filter Design Toolbox is listed as below. This MATLAB script shows adaptive FIR filtering can be easily implemented using functions available in Filter Design Toolbox.
% DelayANC.m Performs Adaptive Noise Cancellation % % Noise : radio or music % Signal: breathing sound


% % Delay is inserted in the primary channel to guarantee causality % of adaptive FIR filter W(z) Fs = 24000; N = 512; D = 10; % Read primary signal load PrimaryMIC.txt -ascii; tn = PrimaryMIC'; L = length(tn); tn = tn - mean(tn); % Load data file, primary channel % Sampling frequency % Length of adaptive FIR filter % Number of delay samples

% Length of data file % Compensate for the DC offset caused % by data acquisition system dn=[zeros(1,D) tn(:,1:L-D)]; % Insert delay into the primary channel % to produce d(n) plot(dn); % Plot the primary signal title('Time waveform of primary signal'); xlabel('Time index'); ylabel('Amplitude'); % soundsc(dn,Fs); % Listen to the sound pause; % spectrogram(dn,1024,256,1024,Fs); % Display spectrogram of primary signal pause; % Reference channel load ReferenceMIC.txt -ascii;% Load data file, reference channel tn = ReferenceMIC'; % u(n) un = tn - mean(tn); % Compensate for the DC offset % plot(un); % Plot the reference signal % soundsc(un,Fs); % Listen to the sound % pause; mu = 1; h = adaptfilt.nlms(N,mu); [yn,en] = filter(h,un,dn); % Step size % Normalized LMS algorithm % Adaptive filtering

% Users are encouraged to try different algorithms listed in % Tables A.11 and A.12 for comparing performance of algorithms plot(en); % Plot error signal e(n) title('Time waveform of error signal'); xlabel('Time index'); ylabel('Amplitude'); pause; spectrogram(en,1024,256,1024,Fs); % Display spectrogram of error signal % soundsc(en,Fs); % Listen to the sound % save enSig.txt en -ascii; % Save enhanced signal in data file

The noisy primary signal is shown in Figure A.14, where its spectrogram is given in Figure A.15. The following statement

spectrogram(en,1024,256,1024,Fs); computes and displays spectrogram using a short-time Fourier transform of the signal specified by vector en using a default Hamming window. Both the time-domain waveform and the frequency-domain spectrogram show the primary signal is a very noisy signal, and is very difficult to detect the desired breathing sound from the background noise generated by a radio talk show.

Figure A.14 Time waveform of primary signal d(n).


Figure A.15 Spectrogram of the primary signal.

As shown in the MATLAB script, the adaptive noise canceller using the NLMS algorithm to enhance the desired breathing sound. The enhanced output signal e(n) is displayed in Figure A.16, and its spectrogram is shown in Figure A.17. The performance of adaptive noise cancellation can be evaluated by comparing the primary signal d(n) and error signal e(n) in both time domain and frequency domain.


Figure A.16 Enhanced (error) signal e(n).

Figure A.17 Spectrogram of enhanced breathing signal.


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