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September 17, 2012

677 BROADWAY, S UITE 1101 A LBANY, NY 12207 (518) 427-9700 J OHN S . H A R R I S DIRECT: (518) 701-2748 F AX : (518) 427-0235 JHARRIS@HARRISBEACH . COM

Honorable Jaclyn A. Brilling Secretary New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment 3 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223

RE: Case 12-F-______: Application of Cape Vincent Wind Power, LLC, for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need to Construct an Approximately 200-285 Megawatt Wind Electric Generating Facility in the Town of Cape Vincent, New York. Dear Secretary Brilling: Pursuant to Section 1000.4 of the rules of the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board), Cape Vincent Wind Power, LLC (CVWP), a subsidiary of BP Wind Energy North America, Inc., hereby submits its public involvement program (PIP) for review. CVWP seeks a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need to construct an approximately 200-285 megawatt wind electric generating facility in the Town of Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, New York (the Project). The Project is the merger of the BP Wind Energys Cape Vincent Wind Farm and Acciona Wind Energys St. Lawrence Wind Farm (SLWF). In February 2012, BP Wind Energy acquired the assets and development rights of the SLWF from Acciona. For the past several years, both projects have been under local review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. By copy of this letter to the Chairman of the Siting Board, CVWP hereby elects, pursuant to Public Service Law 162(5), to be subject to the provisions of Article X. Please address all communications to the following representatives for CVWP and BP Wind Energy: John S. Harris, Esq. Steven D. Wilson, Esq. Harris Beach PLLC 677 Broadway, Suite 1101 Albany, NY 12207 Tel: (518) 427-9700 Fax: (518) 427-0235 [email protected] [email protected] Michael Rigo, Esq. Richard Chandler BP Wind Energy North America, Inc. 700 Louisiana Street, 33rd Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: (713) 354-2100 Fax: (713) 354-2120 [email protected] [email protected]

Honorable Jaclyn A. Brilling September 17, 2012 Page 2 Method of Service Forms are enclosed. CVWP looks forward to working with the Siting Board, Department of Public Service Staff and interested stakeholders to certify a project which will further New Yorks renewable energy goals as well as deliver much needed revenue to the region, local landowners, and the residents of the greater Cape Vincent community.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ John S. Harris


Hon. Garry Brown, Chairman of the Siting Board Michael Rigo, Esq. Richard Chandler

NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE METHOD OF SERVICE FORM This form should be filed with all new petitions and applications that require action by the Commission. It will allow us to serve you with the Commission decision using the method you select. Name: Your Company/Organization: Mailing Address: Company/Organization you represent, if different from above: E-Mail Address: Case/Matter # (if known) Richard Chandler BP Wind Energy North America 700 Louisianna St, 33 Floor BP Wind Energy Cape Vincent Wind Project [email protected]

If you consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents electronically. If you do not consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents by mail. Check the box(es) in A or B, below: A. I am authorized by the party I represent to grant consent to receive electronic-only service of Commission-issued orders, AND I, on behalf of myself or the party I represent, knowingly waive the right specified in Public Service Law 23(1) to be served personally or by mail with orders that affect me or the party I represent and consent to receive service of Commission-issued orders by electronic means only. This consent remains in effect until revoked. B I do not consent to receive electronic service and instead request that the DPS mail Commission-issued document(s) to me.

Signature: /s/

Date: 9-17-12

Please note that this form applies to this filing only. To the extent possible, please file this form in .pdf format.

NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE METHOD OF SERVICE FORM This form should be filed with all new petitions and applications that require action by the Commission. It will allow us to serve you with the Commission decision using the method you select. Name: Your Company/Organization: Mailing Address: Company/Organization you represent, if different from above: E-Mail Address: Case/Matter # (if known) John S. Harris Harris Beach PLLC 677 Broadway, Suite 1101 BP Wind Energy Cape Vincent Wind Project [email protected]

If you consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents electronically. If you do not consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents by mail. Check the box(es) in A or B, below: A. I am authorized by the party I represent to grant consent to receive electronic-only service of Commission-issued orders, AND I, on behalf of myself or the party I represent, knowingly waive the right specified in Public Service Law 23(1) to be served personally or by mail with orders that affect me or the party I represent and consent to receive service of Commission-issued orders by electronic means only. This consent remains in effect until revoked. B I do not consent to receive electronic service and instead request that the DPS mail Commission-issued document(s) to me.

Signature: /s/

Date: 9-17-12

Please note that this form applies to this filing only. To the extent possible, please file this form in .pdf format.

NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE METHOD OF SERVICE FORM This form should be filed with all new petitions and applications that require action by the Commission. It will allow us to serve you with the Commission decision using the method you select. Name: Your Company/Organization: Mailing Address: Company/Organization you represent, if different from above: E-Mail Address: Case/Matter # (if known) Michael Rigo BP Wind Energy North America 700 Louisianna St, 33 Floor BP Wind Energy Cape Vincent Wind Project [email protected]

If you consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents electronically. If you do not consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents by mail. Check the box(es) in A or B, below: A. I am authorized by the party I represent to grant consent to receive electronic-only service of Commission-issued orders, AND I, on behalf of myself or the party I represent, knowingly waive the right specified in Public Service Law 23(1) to be served personally or by mail with orders that affect me or the party I represent and consent to receive service of Commission-issued orders by electronic means only. This consent remains in effect until revoked. B I do not consent to receive electronic service and instead request that the DPS mail Commission-issued document(s) to me.

Signature: /s/

Date: 9-17-12

Please note that this form applies to this filing only. To the extent possible, please file this form in .pdf format.

NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE METHOD OF SERVICE FORM This form should be filed with all new petitions and applications that require action by the Commission. It will allow us to serve you with the Commission decision using the method you select. Name: Your Company/Organization: Mailing Address: Company/Organization you represent, if different from above: E-Mail Address: Case/Matter # (if known) Steven D. Wilson Harris Beach PLLC 677 Broadway, Suite 1101 BP Wind Energy Cape Vincent Wind Project [email protected]

If you consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents electronically. If you do not consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents by mail. Check the box(es) in A or B, below: A. I am authorized by the party I represent to grant consent to receive electronic-only service of Commission-issued orders, AND I, on behalf of myself or the party I represent, knowingly waive the right specified in Public Service Law 23(1) to be served personally or by mail with orders that affect me or the party I represent and consent to receive service of Commission-issued orders by electronic means only. This consent remains in effect until revoked. B I do not consent to receive electronic service and instead request that the DPS mail Commission-issued document(s) to me.

Signature: /s/

Date: 9-17-12

Please note that this form applies to this filing only. To the extent possible, please file this form in .pdf format.

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