APUSH Chapter 10 Terms

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Sarah Pearlman Marrongelli APUSH, Period 5 21 September 2012 Chapter 10 Terms 1.

John Jay was a United States diplomat and jurist who helped construct Federalist documents, negotiated peace treaties with Britain, and served as the first chief of the Supreme Court. 2. Citizen Edmond Gent was a Frenchman who tried to recruit American help in attacking Florida and Canada. 3. Anthony Wayne was a general who defeated the Miami Indians at the Battle of the Fallen Timbers. 4. Talleyrand was a crafty French foreign minister who refused to meet with American envoys in Paris in 1797 (XYZ Affair) and later let it be known that if the Americans would send a new minister, he would be received with proper respect because the French could not afford another foe. 5. Little Turtle was Chief of the Miami who led a Native American alliance that raided U.S. settlements in the Northwest Territory. He was defeated and forced to sign the Treaty of Greenville and later became an advocate for peace. 6. Funding at par- The federal government would pay off its debs at face value, plus accumulated interest, which, at the time had a total of $54 million. This included the federal government taking on the debts by the states and paying for it as a country. Hamilton's establishment of this act gave the country much needed unity because it brought the states together under the centralized government; however it made paper money essentially useless do to inflation. 7. Assumption- The economic policy of Alexander Hamilton where the central government would assume the debts of all the states, therefore tying the states closer to the federal government. 8. Implied powers- Powers that congress has that are not stated explicitly in the constitution 9. Protective tariff- A tariff designed to shield domestic producers of a good or service from the competition of foreign producers. 10. Excise tax- a tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate). 11. Compact theory- The idea, advanced by Rousseau, Locke, and Jefferson, that government is created by voluntary agreement among the people involved and that revolution is justified if government breaks the compact by exceeding its authority. 12. Impressments- The British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service. 13. Jays Treaty was made up by John Jay and said that Britain was to pay for American ships that were seized in 1793. It also said that Americans had to

pay their debts owed to British merchants from before the revolution and Britain had to agree to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley. 14. The Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 proclaimed the U.S. government to be neutral in the widening conflict, but sternly warned the American citizens to be impartial toward both armed camps. It proved to be a major prop of spreading the isolationist tradition of America. 15. The Convention of 1800 was an agreement, which freed America from its alliance with France, forgave French $20 million in damages, and resulted in Adams' losing a second term as president. 16. The Whiskey Rebellion was in 1794 when farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, causing the deaths of several federal officers in the riots when they attempted to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion. 17. The Pinckney Treaty, in 1795, was the treaty between the U.S. and Spain, which gave the U.S. the right to transport goods on the Mississippi River and to store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans. 18. The Battle of the Fallen Timbers was where the U.S. Army defeated the Native Americans under Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket and ended Native American hopes of keeping their land that lay north of the Ohio River. 19. The Judiciary Act of 1789 was passed by Congress to create the federalcourt system. The act managed to quiet popular apprehensions by establishing a federal district court, in each state, that operated according to local procedures. 20. The Treaty of Grenville was a treaty between the Americans and the Native Americans in which Anthony Wayne was the American representative. In exchange for some goods, the Indians gave the United States territory in Ohio. 21. The XYZ Affair was an insult to the American delegation when they were supposed to be meeting French foreign minister, Talleyrand, but instead they were sent 3 officials, whom Adams called "X, Y, and Z", that demanded $250,000 as a bribe to see Talleyrand. 22. The Miami Confederacy was an alliance of eight Indian nations who terrorized Americans and were given firearms by the British.

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