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Tiltproof Incorporated Document No.

Effective Date Revision Date Approval

Fraud Email Routing

05/22/2008 SM

1.0 Purpose:

This document establishes how to route fraud emails internally in Kana.

2.0 Persons Affected:

1) Fraud Analysts

3.0 Forms, Checklists, Flowchart:

1) Printable version: \\tpfs1nw\workflow$\HANDBOOK-FRAUD\Print Versions\Fraud Handbook\Fraud Email Routing.doc

4.0 Policy:

1) 2)

The Fraud Analyst assigned to this duty routes emails from the General Pool for Fraud Investigation Root to the appropriate queues in Kana. Emails about the following situations should be escalated and handled immediately: Trapped accounts with a balance of $1,000 or more. Trapped accounts with players registered in tournaments. Hoax victims. Compromised accounts. Stolen credit cards or payment processor information should be treated as compromised accounts. Players with excessive emails on the same issue. If a player has sent 3 or more emails on the same subject, review the case to see the email warrants an immediate response. Players strongly complaining about a lack of response. Emails from Fraud or Security Departments of other poker sites. Any other situation you feel warrants immediate attention. Situations involving scamming. High profile cases. Cases involving pros and high stakes players.

Tiltproof Incorporated 3) Emails from law enforcement agencies, lawyers, legal entities, or financial institutions should be dealt with as per Emails from FBI, Lawyers, Legal Authorities, and Banks. 4) All emails should be routed as per 2.9.12 Routing Emails. Fraud Investigation Root 1) [FRAUD] Escalated - Case Ownership. For emails about cases already being handled by another Fraud Analyst. Every Fraud Analyst has their own personal Escalated - Case Ownership Kana queue. [FRAUD] Escalated-Adam H Email Traffic Analysts and email agents should not route emails to the Case Ownership queues. H1 - Hacked Accounts. For emails complaining about compromised accounts. My account was compromised. I cant log in to my account, it seems like my password has been changed without my consent. My email address was changed and I dont know why. There is someone else playing on my account. My accounts been scammed and I cant access it. Theres money missing from my account. Im worried about my account security and funds being missing for no reason. My credit card was used without my consent. I think someone else is using my processor account. H2 - Hoax Investigations. For emails about hoax sites. Reporting a hoax site. Asking about a hoax site. People claiming to be victims of a hoax site. H3 Seizures/Reinstatements. For emails from players informing us theyve deposited funds to repay a chargeback/NSF. H4 Unsuccessful Login Alert Issues. For emails from players inquiring about the Unsuccessful Login Alert pop-up window.



4) 5)

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6) I1 ID Requests/Processing. For emails about documentation sent following a request from a Fraud Analyst. Identification that has been provided for reasons not related to fraudulent activity should be routed to the T2 Fax Identification queue. Check withdrawals. Multiple accounts. Age verification. Name changes. 7) J1 - Instant eChecks Issues. For emails about fraud or descriptor related issues with Instant eChecks. 8) J2 Escalated Instant eCheck Issues. For emails about Instant eChecks issues that are waiting for a response from Intabill, Pocket Kings, or Fraud Management. 9) K1 - Credit Card Disputes. For emails from players complaining about charges, chargebacks or descriptor issue inquiries with Credit Cards. 10) L1 - Other Processor Issues. For emails about fraud or descriptor related issues with processors other than Credit Cards, ELV and Instant eChecks. 11) L2 - ELV Issues. For emails about fraud or descriptor related issues with ELV. 12) M1 - Trapped Accounts. For emails from players who are trapped for being guilty of collusion/fraud or due to associations with players who are guilty of collusion/fraud. Emails from players trapped due to chargebacks/NSFs should be routed to the appropriate payment processor queue. K1 Credit Card Disputes. L2 ELV Issues. All other trapped account situations should be routed to the appropriate email/cashier queue. T2 Account Suspended. 13) N1 - Poker (Collusion). For emails about collusion. Complaints about collusion. Inquiries about collusion. Ongoing collusion investigations. 14) N2 Poker (Collusion)-Email Poker Reviewed. For poker (collusion) emails that have been reviewed by a member of the Poker team.

Tiltproof Incorporated

15) O1 - Bot Cases. For emails about bots. Complaints about bots. Inquiries about bots. Ongoing bot investigations. 16) O2 Escalated Bot Cases. Emails should only be routed to this queue if approved by Fraud Management. Used to organize emails from players about ongoing bot investigations. Regular bot complaints should still be routed to 01 Bot Cases.

5.0 Procedure:

1) 2) 3)



In WAT, review the players account to determine the issue. Review the players email history as per 2.9.2 Customer History and determine if the player has a pending email about the same issue. If the player has a pending or duplicate email about the same issue, no answer the most recent email as per 2.9.7 No Answering Emails in Kana. The oldest email should be left in the appropriate queue pending a response. If the email needs to be handled immediately: a) If there is no Fraud Analyst handing the associated queue, download the email and address the players concerns. b) If a Fraud Analyst is handling the associated queue, route the email to them. If a player writes in about a new hoax site, route the email to the Fraud Analyst assigned to that duty. c) Notify the Fraud Analyst youve routed an email directly to them for an escalated issue that needs to be handled right away. d) If the players issue needs to be handled by the Fraud POC listed on their account in WAT: i) Create a new email as per 2.9.1 Starting an Outgoing Kana Email. ii) Using the newly created email, send the player iii) Route the original email to the Fraud POCs Escalated queue. [FRAUD] Escalated-Daffy D Route the email to the appropriate queue in Kana. N1 Poker (Collusion). H4 Unsuccessful Login Alert Issues.

Tiltproof Incorporated

6.0 Definitions:

7.0 Revision History:

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