Kesten Chapter 9 10.24

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Elasticity and Fracture

9-3 Shear Stress and Strain 9-4 Elasticity and Fracture

9-1 Tensile Stress and Strain 9-2 Volume Stress and Strain

Although most small water pumps produce what appears to be a continuous stream (left), illumination with a strobe light (right) reveals that the pump actually expels discrete pulses of liquid. The human heart works in much the same way, ejecting blood into the aorta for about 300 ms and then resting for about 500 ms. Yet blood flow to tissues is continuous and not pulsatile. As the heart forces blood into the arteries, not all of it moves forward down the vessel; some pushes against the arterial walls causing them to stretch. Even when the heart relaxes, blood keeps moving because the walls of the arteries spring back to their original diameter, pushing the blood along through the vessels. In this chapter, we explore the physics of stretching and squeezing.

n Chapters 18, we treated force as an agent that changes the speed and direction of an object. Applying a net force to an object can result in linear acceleration. Applying force to an object that is free to rotate can result in torque which in turn causes angular acceleration. However, it is complicated to apply these physical relationships to a lump of taffy as it is pulled and stretched (Figure 9-1). Parts of the taffy move, but its unlikely that we can simply apply Newtons second law to understand the motion. Certainly the law applies to each small mass element of the taffy, but finding the net response of the entire mass would require a complex calculation. Moreover, the stretching and deformation of the taffy as it is pulled are the most interesting aspects of the motion. Some materials, such as taffy, exhibit a permanent change of shape when stretched. Other materials, such as your ear lobes or the tip of your nose, will snap back to their original shape after being stretched. Of course, even an elastic material such as rubber could remain irreversibly deformed, or even break apart, if a large enough force were applied. In this chapter, we examine the physics of stretching and materials.

9-1 Tensile Stress and Strain

Anyone who follows sports has probably heard of an athlete felled by a tornanterior cruciate ligament or ACL. The ACL, shown in Figure 9-2, is one of four ligaments that stabilize the knee joint by preventing one of the lower leg bones (the tibia) from sliding forward or twisting during jumping or rapid accelerations. A ligament is like an elastic band of tissue that connects one bone to another. The ACL connects the upper leg bone (the femur) to the tibia. As the bones rotate around the axis passing through the knee, long lever arms can exert large forces on the ACL. How does the ACL respond? In Chapter 6, we encountered Hookes law: s s F = -k x (6-16)
Figure 9-1 How does taffy respond to a stretching force? Does it exhibit a permanent change of shapewhen stretched or does it snap back to its original shape? In this chapter we focus on the physics ofstretching, squeezing, and compressing materials. (Dennis MacDonald/ PhotoEdit.)


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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

Torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

s which relates the force F applied to the end of a spring s and the distance x it stretches. Hookes law applies equally well both to springs and to materials and objects that can stretch like a spring, as long as x is small compared to the unstretched length of the spring, material, or object. The spring constant k in Hookes law, which has SI units of newtons per meter 1N>m2, is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. Particularly for solid objects that can stretch, this constant depends not only on the material from which the object is made but also on the objects length and cross-sectional area. The longer an object is, the more it stretches for a given force. So when two objects made from the same material have the same cross-sectional area, k is smaller for the longer of the two. The thicker an object (that is, the larger the cross-sectional area) the less it stretches in response to a given force, which results in a larger value of k (Figure 9-3).

Figure 9-2 The ACL is one of four ligaments connecting leg bones together at the knee. It stabilizes the joint by preventing one of the lower leg bones from sliding forward or twisting during jumping or rapid accelerations.

The larger the cross-sectional area, the less an object stretches for a given force, so k is larger for thicker objects.






Stretched Force The longer an object is, the more it stretches for a given force, so k is smaller for longer objects.



Figure 9-3 For an object that can stretch, the change in length is proportional to the magnitude of the applied force, as long as the change in length is small. The proportionality constant k depends on the material that makes up the object as well as its length and cross-sectional area.



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9-1 Tensile Stress and Strain


The mathematical relationship that describes the observations drawn from Figure 9-3 is k A L0

where L0 is the unstretched length and A is the cross-sectional area. The proportionality constant between k and A>L 0 is the Youngs modulus (elastic modulus) Y. So A L0 The magnitude of the Hookes law force is then k=Y F=Y A L L0 (9-1)

where DL is the change in length of the spring or object. The specific value of Youngs modulus depends on the material; Y for various materials is given in the second column of Table 9-1. The SI units of Y are newtons per square meter 1N>m2 2. A material that has a small Youngs modulus is easily stretched; when Y is small, the force required to cause any particular change in length DL is less than when Y is large. Youngs modulus for a typical rubber band (which is easily stretched) is around 5 106 N>m2 while the Youngs modulus for steel (which is hard to stretch) is about 2 1011 N>m2. That Y for steel is so large compared to Y for a rubber band means that much more force is needed to stretch a band of steel as far as a rubber band of the same length and cross-sectional area. Measured values of Youngs modulus for a human ACL are on the order of 1 108 N>m2; so, an ACL is about 20 times less stretchable than a rubber band, but about 2000 times more stretchable than steel.

Table 9-1 Youngs Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Bulk Modulus of Various Materials
Aluminum Brass Concrete Iron Nylon Rubber band Steel Air Ethyl alcohol Water Human ACL Human lung Pig endothelial cell

Youngs Modulus (109 N/m2)

70 100 30 190 3 0.005 200 0.1

Bulk Modulus (109 N/m2)

70 80 13 70 140 1.01 105 N/m2 1.0 2.0 1.59.8 103 N/ m2

Shear Modulus (109 N/m2)

25 40 15 65 4.1 0.003 78 2 104 N/m2

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

Two rods, which have identical cross sections, are made of different materials and have different lengths. The same stretching force is applied to both. One rod, made of material A, stretches 1 cm while the other, made of material B, stretches 2 cm. Can you identify which material has the greater Youngs modulus? Hint: Consider the quantities on which Youngs modulus depends.

? Got the Concept 9-1

Two Different Rods

Example 9-1 ACLs and Steel

A human anterior cruciate ligament that has a length equal to 2.7 cm and a steel rod that has a length equal to 54.0 m are subjected to the same stretching force. Both have the same cross-sectional area. Find the ratio of the change in length of the ACL to the change in length of the steel rod. Use YS = 2 1011 N>m2 and YACL = 1 108 N>m2. SET UP The change in length of an object put under tension F is proportional to its initial length L0 and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area A. The proportionality constant is Youngs modulus Y; we can rearrange Equation 9-1 to represent this change in length: L = 1 L0 F Y A

The change in length of the ACL is then 1 L 0, ACL L ACL = F YACL AACL ACL Similarly, the change in length of the steel rod is 1 L 0, S L S = F YS AS S SOLVE When the ACL and steel rod have the same cross-sectional area and are subjected to the same stretching force, the ratio of the change in lengths is L ACL YS L 0, ACL = L S YACL L 0, S Using the numbers given in the problem statement, 2 1011 N>m2 L ACL 0.027 m =a ba b =1 8 2 L S 54.0 m 1 10 N>m

REFLECT Although Youngs modulus for the ACL is much smaller than for steel (that is, the ACL is far more elastic than steel), both objects experience the same change in length in this example. Thats because the Youngs modulus for steel is 2000 times larger than the Youngs modulus for the ACL, but the steel rod is 2000 times longer in the beginning. Practice Problem 9-1 A typical cross-sectional area of a human ACL is 4.4 10-5 m2. What applied stretching force is required to cause a 0.10% change in the length of an ACL?

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9-1 Tensile Stress and Strain


Notice that the right-hand side of Equation 9-1,

A F=Y L L0 3L F could be written in terms of a dimensionless fraction L>L 0. This quantity, the tensile strain, is a measure of how much an object stretches as a 2L fraction of its total length. As noted above, the longer an object, F the more it stretches for a given force, but the fractional 3L0 change in length L>L 0 of any object remains the same as L 2L0 long as the ratio of F to A remains constant as shown in L0 Figure 9-4. So, it makes more physical sense to describe stretching in terms of the ratio F>A and the tensile strain: Unstretched Stretched Unstretched Stretched Unstretched Stretched F L =Y (9-2) Figure 9-4 Tensile strain is a A L0 measure of how much an The quantity F>A is the tensile stress. The units of tensile stress are the units of objectstretches as a fraction force divided by the units of area, that is, ofits total length. Although a N longer object stretches more 3 tensile stress 4 = 2 m fora given stretching force, Tensile stress, sometimes labeled s, is a measure of both how much force is exerted thefractional change in length on an object and also the area over which that force is applied, when caused by a L>L 0 remains the same as small increase in force. Consider, for example, how it feels to stand on a floor comlong as the ratio of the pared to how it might feel to stand on a nail. In both cases, the force of the supportstretching force F to the ing surface on you is equal to your weight, so the force is the same. However, when cross-sectional area remains that force is applied over the surface area of your feet you will be comfortable, constant. while it will likely hurt to stand on the nail because the force exerted on you is applied over a much smaller area. The units of both Youngs modulus and tensile stress are newtons per square meter 1N>m2 2. Tensile stress is defined as the force on an object divided by the area over which the force is applied, and while the definition of Youngs modulus does not explicitly depend on force or area, it must arise from similar considerations to tensile stress. Indeed, we will encounter other quantities in our study of elasticity that carry the same units and that are related to force divided by area. In general, aforce divided by the area over which it is applied is pressure. We will look more carefully at pressure in Chapter 11. Finally, Equation 9-2 can be written Tensile stress = constant tensile strain (9-3) This equation is referred to as Hookes lawit is a more general form of the relationship we have used to describe the stretching of a spring. Hookes law applies only when the tensile strain is small; that is, it only applies when the change in length is small relative to the overall initial length. Compressive strain, in which an object is subjected to a force that squeezes rather than stretches it along a single direction, and compressive stress both follow Hookes law.

Watch Out
The scientific definitions of stress and strain are slightly different than those in common usage.

Stress is force divided by the area, or cross-sectional area, over which it is applied. Strain describes the change in length (or volume or shape) of an object as a result of stress. It is therefore possible for an object to undergo stress without strainyou pull on the end of a rod without it stretching in a measurable waybut not possible for an object to experience strain without stress.

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

Youngs modulus Y is a measure of how easy it is to stretch an object. The change in length relative to the initial length, L>L 0, is a dimensionless measure of an objects stretchability called the tensile strain. Tensile stress is the force exerted on an object divided by the area over which that force is applied. Compressive stress and compressive strain are analogous terms that describe the response of an object to a force that squeezes rather than stretches it in a single direction.

Whats Important 9-1

9-2 Volume Stress and Strain

A scuba diver who ascends to the surface too quickly risks decompression sickness, a potentially fatal condition commonly known as the bends. The physics of gases dissolved in liquids explains both the problem and its treatment. The deeper a person dives, the more gases dissolve in his body fluids. If the diver then ascends too quickly, gases pop out of solution and form bubbles, a process not too different from what happens when you open a bottle of your favorite carbonated beverage. The bubbles can be large enough to block blood vessels, which is one cause of the painful symptoms associated with the bends. Fortunately, a treatment exists. Victims of decompression sickness are placed in a sealed chamber, such as the one shown in Figure 9-5, which can be pressurized by pumping in air. The increased pressure in such a hyperbaric chamber squeezes on the person inside, causes the bubbles to shrink, and restores blood flow in the persons body. With the slow release of the excess air from the hyperbaric chamber, the person is able to exhale the excess gas that had been dissolved in his body before the bubbles formed. The physics behind the shrinking gas bubbles is similar to that of tensile stress andstrain.

Figure 9-5 Victims of decompression sickness are placed in a sealed, hyperbaric chamber which can be pressurized by pumping in air. The increased pressure squeezes on the person and causes the gas bubbles in his body to shrink. (U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Andrew Breese)

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9-2 Volume Stress and Strain 339

In the last section, we saw that for objects that dont stretch too much when a stretching or tension force is applied, there is a linear relationship (Equation 9-3) between the tensile stress and tensile strain: tensile stress = constant tensile strain The proportionality constant is Youngs modulus Y, so we also wrote this as Equation 9-2: F L =Y A L0 Both equations apply when a net force is applied to an object along one dimension, and when the object changes shape (length) in that same dimension. Neither condition is true of the gas bubbles in the divers body. In the hyperbaric chamber, the bubbles experience a force squeezing in from every direction and change shape in three dimensions. With only a slight modification to the concepts of stress and strain, however, we can also describe the physics of the forces acting on the bubbles. First, when an object experiences a force from all directions, and in particular, when that force always acts in a direction perpendicular to the surface, the ratio of force to area is called the volume stress. A material that experiences a volume stress and is compressible undergoes a change in volume (rather than in length as for a tensile stress), so we define volume strain as the change in volume divided by the initial volume. Hookes law still holds, that is, there is a linear relationship between the volume stress and volume strain: volume stress = constant volume strain The proportionality constant is the bulk modulus B, and we can express the physics of this type of compressibility as F V = -B A V0 (9-4)

The minus sign indicates that as the force increases the volume decreases. Also, in the same way that the quantity F in tensile stress is the net stretching force, the force F in Equation 9-4 is the net compression force. In the case of volume stress, because any volume must necessarily have an inside and an outside, the net force is the difference between the force pushing in and the force pushing out. However, note that when a system experiences a volume change due to a net compression force, by definition the net compression force is zero once the new, equilibrium volume is reached. In Equation 9-4, the area A is the surface area over which the compression force is applied. The units of volume stress are newtons per square meter 1N>m2 2, the same as those for tensile stress. Volume strain, the change in volume divided by initial volume, is clearly dimensionless, so bulk modulus also carries units of N>m2, or pressure. Values of the bulk modulus for some materials are given in the fourth column of Table 9-1. By rearranging Equation 9-4, we can more clearly see how the change in volume of an object is related to the bulk modulus: 1 F V BA 0 For the given applied force F, initial volume V0, and surface area A, the larger B is, the smaller the change in volume. Thus, a material that has a relatively large bulk modulus is relatively incompressible; in other words, its volume doesnt change much even when it experiences a large volume stress. Said another way, the bulk modulus relates the fractional change in the volume of a substance as the pressure it experiences changes. Again, pressure is the application of a force over the surface area of an object or substance. V = -

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

From the entries in Table 9-1 you can see that materials such as iron and concrete have relatively large bulk moduli; they are hard to compress, which makes them ideal materials with which to construct buildings. Likewise, air, which has a bulk modulus more than a million times smaller than that of steel, is relatively easy to compress. Under physiologic conditions, the bulk modulus of the human lung varies between about 1.5 103 and 104 N>m2 in young adults and increases with age.

Two balloons are filled to the same sizeone with water and one with air. When the balloons are subjected to the same volume stress (the same force per unit surface area pushing in on the balloon), which of the two will exhibit the largest change in volume?

Got the Concept 9-2

Two Balloons

Example 9-2 Bubbles Rising

A scuba diver who is 10 m below the surface releases a spherical air bubble 2.0 cm in diameter and watches it rise to the surface. The air in the bubble initially pushes out on the surrounding water with the same force as the weight of all the water above the bubble pushing in. When the bubble has risen to the surface, however, the volume stress on the bubble decreases by 1.0 105 N>m2 due to the decreasing amount of water above the bubble. This decrease causes the bubble to expand. What is the radius of the air bubble as it breaks the surface? Would the diver be able to detect the change in the bubbles size? SET UP The relationship between volume stress and volume strain, Equation 9-4, gives the change in volume versus initial volume. Volume stress is determined by the difference between the force pushing in on the bubble and the force pushing out. Because the bubble is sealed as it rises (air neither gets in nor escapes), the amount of trapped air doesnt change. Thus, the change in volume of the bubble is due only to the change in the volume stress, which in turn is due to the change in the inward force exerted by the weight of the water above the bubble. The volume stress F>A is therefore equal to the change in inward force of 105 N>m2. We want the change in radius, so we must rewrite Equation 9-4 in terms of radius. The volume of a sphere is V = 4 r 3, so the change in volume from the 3 initial volume V0 to the final volume Vf is

See the Math Tutorial for more information on Geometry

V = Vf - V0 = The volume strain is then

4 1r f 3 - r 03 2 r f 3 - r 03 3 V = = V0 4 r 03 r 03 3 From this expression, we should be able to determine the final radius of the bubble. SOLVE Using Bair as the bulk modulus of air, Equation 9-4 becomes r f 3 - r 03 F = -Bair A r 03

4 4 4 r f 3 - r 03 = 1r f 3 - r 03 2 3 3 3

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9-2 Volume Stress and Strain 341

or rf3 F = -Bair 3 + Bair A r0 r f 3 = r 03 a 1 rf = r0 a 1 F 1 b A Bair



We can now substitute numbers into the final equation. The bulk modulus of air from Table 9-1 is 1.01 105 N>m2 and the volume stress is given as F>A = -1.0 105 N>m2. (The volume stress is negative because the volume stress on the bubble decreases as it rises.) Thus, rf = r0 a 1 - 1-1.0 105 2
1>3 1 b = 12.0 cm2 11.262 = 2.5 cm 1.01 105

F 1 1>3 b A Bair

The bubbles radius grows from 2.0 cm to 2.5 cm as it rises 10 m. The change in radius of the air bubble, half of a centimeter, is certainly easily measured, although it would probably be hard for the scuba diver to see it from 10 m away. REFLECT Consider the implications of these results on decompression sickness. When a diver ascends too quickly, not only do bubbles form, they get bigger as the person rises to the surface. Practice Problem 9-2 A balloon filled with air to a volume of 0.03 m3 is attached to a rock and thrown into a lake. When it sinks to the bottom the balloon experiences a volume stress of 0.33 105 N>m2. What is the volume of the balloon at the bottom of the lake?

Estimate It! 9-1 Scuba Tank

The scuba diver in Figure 9-6 carries a cylindrical air tank filled with compressed air. The volume stress on the walls of the cylinderthe force per unit areais about 2 107 N>m2, or about 200 times what it would be if the tank were opened to the environment above the water. Using the photo to estimate sizes, to about what volume will the air in the tank expand if the tank is opened at the surface? SET UP The change in the volume DV of the air depends on the initial volume V0 and bulk modulus Bair of air, as well as the volume stress F>A, a relationship that can be obtained from Equation 9-4: V = V0 F B A

To use the relationship above we need to know the initial volume of the air, that is, the volume of the tank. Yes, we could look up the exact size of the tank. Because we are making an estimate, however, we only need to use big, round numbers, as long as theyre reasonable. We can estimate the volume of the tank by comparing its dimensions to the height of the diver. His height H is about nine tank diameters,

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

Figure 9-6 A scuba diver carries a cylindrical air tank filled with compressed air. (Sami Sarkis/ Getty Images)

or alternatively, about three tank lengths; that is, the diameter D of the tank is about H>9 and the length L of the tank is about H>3. SOLVE The initial volume of the air is the volume of the tank:

See the Math Tutorial for more information on Geometry

An average person is about 2 m tall to one significant figure, so the volume of the tank is about V0 a 2m 2 2m b a b = 0.026 m3 18 3

V0 = a

H>9 2 D 2 b L a b 1H>32 2 2

The bulk modulus of air, from Table 9-1, is about 1 105 N>m2. The volume stress on the air decreases by about a factor of 200 when the tank is opened at the surface, so it goes from 2 107 N>m2 to 1 105 N>m2 (atmospheric pressure). The change is about -2 107 N>m2. So then V = V0 F 0.026 m3 =1 -2 107 N>m2 2 = 5.2 m3 B A 1 105 N>m2

To one significant figure, the air in the tank expands to a volume of about 5 m3 when the tank is opened at the surface. REFLECT Based on our estimate of tank height and diameter, the volume of the tank is about 3 10-2 m3. This value is small compared to the volume of the air which has been squeezed into the tank, about 5 m3 at sea level by our estimate. We should have expected this result, of course, given that the force the air exerts on the walls of the tank is so large compared to the force of the air in the atmosphere at the surface of the water.

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When an object experiences a force from all directions, the ratio of force to area 1F>A2 is called the volume stress. Volume strain is the change in volume of an object divided by its initial volume 1V>V0 2 when it experiences a volume stress. Volume stress equals the product of the volume strain and a proportionality constant, the bulk modulus B.

Whats Important 9-2

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9-3 Shear Stress and Strain 343

9-3 Shear Stress and Strain

Physical activity increases blood flow to active muscles. One mechanism by which the increase occurs is triggered by the deformation of cells lining the inside surfaces of arteries. The force of blood pushing on the exposed surfaces of the cells deforms them in the direction of blood flow. The change in shape is neither a stretch nor a compression, the kind of deformations that result from the tensile, compressive, and volume stresses that we have already discussed. Instead, the cells deform in a way similar to a cube of Jell-O being pushed parallel to its top surface, as in Figure 9-7. In response to deformation, endothelial cells release nitric oxide gas which diffuses to muscle cells in the arterial walls, causing them to relax. This is a classic physiological control mechanism. When the muscle cells relax the diameter of the artery increases; this immediately reduces the deformation of the endothelial cells, the original stimulus to release nitric oxide, so that the release of nitric oxide subsides. At the basis of this process is shear stress, a phenomenon caused by a force applied parallel (tangential) to the face of an object. An object is said to experience shear when one face is made to move or slide relative to the opposite face. Shear stress can also cause an object to twist. Like the other types of stress weve encountered, shear stress is defined as a force, the shear force, per unit area. A shear force is parallel to the surface that s moves and the area is of the surface in line with the force. In Figure 9-8, a force F s is applied to the top surface of an object. It is the component of F parallel to the s top surface, labeled F } , that causes shear stress. Notice that unlike our treatments of tensile stress and volume stress, in which we only needed to consider the magnitude of the applied force, here we explicitly treat the force as a vector because the physics depends on a component of the force. The units of shear stress are newtons per square meter 1N>m2 2. Like tensile stress and volume stress, shear stress obeys Hookes law. In other words, shear stress is proportional to a strain, in this case shear strain: shear stress = S shear strain (9-5) As we have seen, strain is a measure of the extent to which an object is deformed. The change in length divided by initial length defines both tensile strain and compressive strain; the change in volume divided by initial volume defines volume strain. Similarly, the deformation of an object in response to a shear stress is quantified by the displacement of one surface relative to the other, compared to the distance between the surfaces. The proportionality constant in Equation 9-5 is the shear modulus S, a measure of the rigidity of a material. The more rigid a material is, the larger its shear modulus. For example, concrete, which has a shear modulus of 15 109 N>m2 (Table 9-1), is about 5000 times more rigid than rubber, the shear modulus of which is 0.003 109 N>m2.

Figure 9-7 When pushed from one side, a cube of Jell-O deforms so that the top surface moves relative to the bottom surface. The Jello-O is experiencing shear. (Courtesy David Tauck)

An object before it experiences shear...

...and after it experiences shear.




The component of the force parallel to the surface that slides (here the top surface) is the shear force.

The area in the definition of shear stress is the area of the top surface.

Figure 9-8 The component of s force F parallel to the surface that slides results in shear stress.

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

F F x x shear strain = h h

We define shear strain using the notation in Figure 9-9: x represents the relative displacement of the surfaces and h is the distance between them. The deformation is then characterized by shear strain = x h (9-6)

Figure 9-9 Shear strain quantifies the deformation of an object in response to a shear stress. Shear strain is characterized by the relative displacement (x) of one surface with respect to the other and the distance (h) between them.

The net forces on objects that are fixed in place, such as the cells lining walls of arteries, are zero. Notice that the object in Figure 9-8 experiences a force tangential to its lower surface, and that this force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force along the upper face. The net force on the object in the tangential direction is therefore zero. Water and other fluids cannot sustain a force applied tangentially to their surfaces. Instead of deforming like the cube of Jell-O (Figure 9-7), a liquid experiencing a force tangential to its surface flows rather than deforms. Because liquids (and also gases) cannot sustain a shear force, the shear modulus is only defined for solids.

Example 9-3 Endothelial Cells and Shear

Endothelial cells lining the inside surface of an artery experience shear stress as a result of blood flow. In an in vitro study of arterial endothelial cells from pigs, the shear strain was proportional to the shear stress when the stress was 8.6 103 N>m2. The shear modulus of a typical endothelial cell is 2.0 104 N>m2. At what angle w does one surface of a cell move relative to the opposite surface? A normal endothelial cell (left) and a cell experiencing shear (right) are shown in Figure 9-10; the angle w is labeled. SET UP The shear strain is defined by Equation 9-6 as shear strain = x h

using the same notation as in Figure 9-9. Notice that the fraction x>h is also tan w. Because shear stress is proportional to shear strain (Equation 9-5), we can therefore write

See the Math Tutorial for more information on Trigonometry

shear stress = S tan w where S is the shear modulus. This expression can be solved for w.

Figure 9-10 A cell experiencing

no shear is shown on the left; a cell experiencing shear is shown on the right. (American Journal of
Pathology, 2004, 164: 12111223, Assembly and Reorientation of Stress Fibers Drivers Morphological Changes to Endothelial Cells Exposed to Shear Stress, Sabrena Noria, Feng Xu, Shannon McCue, Mara Jones, Avrum I. Gotlieb and B. Lowell)

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9-3 Shear Stress and Strain 345

SOLVE Solving for w gives

Using the values given in the problem statement, w = tan-1 a 8.6 103 N>m2 2.0 104 N>m2 w = 23

w = tan-1 a

shear stress b S


b = tan-1 10.432

REFLECT Endothelial cells in arteries are highly sensitive to shear stress due to fluid flow. Thecells can undergo dramatic shape changes, as shown in Figure 9-10. Moreover, these changes in shape stimulate the cells to release nitric oxide, which causes theunderlying muscle cells to relax as the gas diffuses. This classic negative feedback mechanism enlarges the diameter of the artery, reducing shear and increasing blood flow.

Example 9-4 Earthquake Damage

The dedication plaque mounted at the base of a building was originally 0.80 m high, 0.50 m long, and 0.10 10-2 m thick. During an earthquake the plaque is deformed so that its top surface is shifted 0.08 m relative to the bottom surface. What shearing force did the plaque experience during the earthquake? It was made from a metal alloy of shear modulus 0.40 1011 N>m2. SET UP As with other forms of stress, the shear stress is defined by the shear force divided by area F shear stress = A For shear stress A is the area of the object parallel to the shear force, as indicated in Figure 9-8. In addition, shear stress is proportional to shear strain (Equation 9-5), so F = S shear strain A Shear strain can be written in terms of the height of the plaque (h) and the relative shift of the two surfaces (x) according to Equation 9-6, so F x =S A h We can solve the equation for the force applied to the plaque. SOLVE Solving for F yields x h Using the values given in the problem statement, F=SA

F = 10.40 1011 N>m2 2 10.50 m 0.10 10-2 m2 a

0.08 m b = 2.0 106 N 0.80 m

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

REFLECT The shear force required to deform the dedication plaque is 2.0 106 N. This force is about the same as the weight of the Statue of Liberty. Thats a lot of force! Practice Problem 9-4 A plaque mounted to the base of a building was originally half as high and half as thick, but the same length as the dedication plaque described in the previous problem. It was made from a metal alloy of shear modulus 0.40 1011 N>m2. If the plaque experienced a shearing force of 2.0 106 N during an earthquake, by how far would the top surface be shifted relative to the bottom surface?

Shear stress occurs when a force is applied parallel to the face of an object and causes that face to move relative to the opposite face. The shear modulus is a measure of the rigidity of a material and is only defined for solids. Shear strain describes the extent to which an object is deformed by shear stress.

Whats Important 9-3

9-4 Elasticity and Fracture

Many structures of your body, such as your arteries and skin, are stretchable. Some, such as your ears and nose, are bendable. After you stretch your earlobe or bend the end of your nose by applying a modest force, it quickly returns to its original shape. The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) of the human knee is stretchable, too. Its not as stretchable as a rubber band, of course, but the ACL is elastic enough to accommodate the forces the knee typically experiences. For the typical forces that structures in our bodies experience, the tensile (or compressive) strain is small enough that Hookes law (Equation 9-3) applies. The applicability of Hookes law means that a stretched object returns to its initial shape (much like a spring) when the force is removed, so the change in shape that results from tensile stress is reversible. It is possible, however, for the force on an object such as the ACL to exceed the normal range. When the force is large enough, the object deforms in a way from which it cannot recover; this almost always results in tearing. As long as the strain is relatively small, the relationship between stress and strain obeys Hookes law. An object subjected to a tensile or compressive stress that results in a relatively small strain will deform, but only temporarily. After the stress is removed, the object returns to its initial shape. In a graph of stress versus strain, the corresponding portion of the curve is called the elastic regime and is linear. An idealized stress versus strain curve is shown in Figure 9-11; the elastic regime, where stress equals a constant multiplied by strain, is drawn in blue. Stretchable biological tissue such as the connective tissue that supports and connects structures in the body does not initially respond linearly to stress. These tissues get their rigidity from the protein collagen and their elastic properties from the protein elastin (Figure 9-12). Elastic fibers are formed from a jumble of elastin molecules. So when a stress is applied to soft tissue, the process of the collagen fibers uncrimping and the elastic fibers aligning initially results in a nonlinear regime in the stressstrain relationship. This so-called toe region is evident in the idealized stress versus strain curve for biological tissue shown in Figure 9-13. If the stress on an object is increased so that the change in length becomes large relative to the objects initial length, the deformation of the object becomes irreversible. This plastic regime is drawn in green on the stress versus strain curve in

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9-4 Elasticity and Fracture


Figure 9-11 An idealized stress

Plastic When the change in length is large relative to the objects initial length, deformation becomes irreversible. Stress Failure In failure, the structure of the object loses integrity and it breaks apart. Elastic When the strain is relatively small, the relationship between stress and strain is linear, that is, it obeys Hookes law. Strain

versus strain curve shows how a system responds to a tensile or compressive stress.

Figure 9-11. A spring stretched only a small distance from equilibrium returns to its original length, but when stretched into the plastic regime, as was the spring shown in Figure 9-14, it is permanently deformed and can no longer return to its original shape. Notice that once an object enters the plastic regime, a small increase in stress can result in a large increase in strain. In other words, a small increase in applied force can result in a large change in length. When the stress on an object is large enough so that its deformation can be described by the plastic regime, the structure of the material starts to lose its integrity. This characteristic is the onset of failure, which eventually leads to the object breaking apart. In biological tissues, failure may be referred to as fracture, rupture, or tearing. Although some biological tissue can enter the plastic regime, structures in the body typically undergo partial or complete failure once a stress is applied that exceeds the ability of the tissue to spring back to its initial shape. In the idealized stress versus strain curve for biological tissue (Figure 9-13), once the tissue can no longer be described by the linear, elastic regime it experiences failure. This region of the stress versus strain curve is drawn in red in the figure. In the ACL, for exam-

Short section of a collagen fibril

50 nm

Collagen molecule

300 1.5 nm

Failure 1.5 nm (a) Elastic fiber Stretch Relax (b) Strain Single elastin molecule Cross-link Stress Elastic

Toe region

Figure 9-13 When a stress is applied to biological

Figure 9-12 Connective tissues get their rigidity from the protein

collagen and their elastic properties from the protein elastin.

tissue, the collagen fibers initially uncrimp and the elastic fibers align, resulting in a nonlinear toe region in the stress versus strain curve.

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

Figure 9-14 When a spring is

stretched too far it becomes irreversibly deformed. (Tom


ple, fibers begin to break apart, resulting in a partial tear. A large enough stress on the ACL causes it to break into two separate pieces. We quantify the point at which a material under tensile stress fails by its tensile strength, the maximum tensile stress it can withstand before it either irreversibly deforms or breaks. The strength of a material is often quantified by three similar but slightly different values. The yield strength is the tensile stress at which the material enters the plastic, permanent deformation regime. The ultimate strength is the maximum tensile stress the material can withstand without breaking apart. The breaking strength is the tensile stress which does result in the material breaking apart, called failure. For certain materials, for example, ductile metals (metals that can be drawn out into wires), the cross-sectional area decreases as tensile force is increased. The total amount of metal must remain the same, so the decrease in cross-sectional area (referred to as necking) results in an additional contribution to the change in length. As a result, the curve of stress versus strain plateaus and then decreases before breaking occurs. So for materials such as metals, the ultimate strength is larger than the breaking strength. This result is evident in Figure 9-15, an idealized stress versus strain curve for a ductile metal.

Ultimate strength

Plastic Failure

Figure 9-15 The transition from the elastic

Breaking strength Yield strength Stress

to the plastic region of the stress versus strain curve determines the yield strength of a material. Yield strength is the tensilestress for which results the material becoming permanently deformed. For ductile metals, thestress versus strain curve plateaus; the ultimate strength marks the peak ofthe stress strain curve.



Example 9-5 Maximum Force for a Human ACL

The ultimate strength of a young persons ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is, on average, 3.8 107 N>m2. A typical cross-sectional area of the ACL is 4.4 10-5 m2. What is the force exerted on the ACL when the tensile stress is maximum? SET UP Stress is defined as the tensile force applied to an object divided by the objects cross-sectional area. The ultimate stress is therefore the maximum force divided by the cross-sectional area: Fmax A We can rearrange this equation to solve for the maximum force. ultimate stress = SOLVE Rearranging the equation gives Fmax = A ultimate stress

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9-4 Elasticity and Fracture


Using the values given in the problem statement, the maximum force is

REFLECT On the surface of Earth, an object that has a weight of 1700 N has a mass of more than 170 kg. Thats about the size of an adult female grizzly bear. By the way, the heaviest professional American football players, those who play offensive tackle, have an average mass of about 150 kg. So a knee ligament can withstand a sizeable force. Practice Problem 9-5 What is the ultimate stress of a ligament if its cross-sectional area is 2.1 10-5 m2 and the maximum force it can withstand is 1.3 103 N?

Fmax = 14.4 10-5 m2 2 13.8 107 N>m2 2 = 1.7 103 N

Example 9-6 ACL Breaking Strain

At the point of failure, the tensile strain on the ACL of a young person is approximately 60% beyond its unstretched length. If the typical length of an ACL is 2.7 10-2 m, how far can it stretch before breaking? SET UP For an object experiencing a tensile stress, tensile strain is defined as how much an object stretches as a fraction of its total length. The strain at the point of failure is therefore the maximum change in length divided by the initial length or breaking strain = L max L0

We can rearrange this equation to solve for the maximum change in length. SOLVE The rearrangement gives L max = L 0 breaking strain Using the values given in the problem statement, L max = 2.7 10-2 m 0.60 = 1.6 10-2 m REFLECT The ACL stretches 1.6 cm before it tears completely. If that seems like a large stretch, it is1.6 cm is 60% of the original length of the ACL. Of course, this number shouldnt be a surprise as it comes directly from the measurement of maximum strain of 60% before failure. Practice Problem 9-6 A relatively inelastic connecting rod of unstretched length 20 cm can only be stretched to a length of 21 cm before breaking. What is the breaking strain of the connecting rod?

Example 9-7 The Point of No Return

The yield strength of a young persons ACL is approximately 3.3 107 N>m2. By what percentage of its initial length can the ACL stretch before it will no longer return to its original length intact? Use YACL = 1.1 108 N>m2 as the value for Youngs modulus for an ACL.

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

SET UP The yield strength is the stress on the ligament described by the upper end of the linear part of the stress versus strain curve. We can therefore apply the linear relationship of Hookes law (Equation 9-2) F L =Y A L0 where F>A is the tensile stress and L>L 0 is the tensile strain. The strain at which the ACL begins to deform irreversibly is then defined by F L b =Ya b A yield L 0 irreversible We can rearrange to solve for the strain beyond which the ACL cannot recover. SOLVE Rearranging the above equation gives a a

Using the values given in the problem statement, a

REFLECT Yield strength is the stress below which an object obeys the small stretch limit of Hookes law. When an object experiences a stress below the yield strength it should return to its initial shape undamaged. Here, we have found that the human ACL is elastic enough to withstand being stretched by a factor of 30% while still being able to return undamaged to its normal length. In the previous worked example, wediscovered that a human ACL tears completely when stretched beyond about 60% of its initial length. For strains in between 30% and 60% some damage, for example, a partial tear, can occur.

L 1 b = 13.3 107 N>m2 2 = 0.30 = 30% L 0 irreversible 1.1 108 N>m2

L 1 F b = a b L 0 irreversible Y A yield

9-1 4.4 N 9-2 0.02 m3 9-4 0.08 m

When an object is subjected to a stress that results in a relatively small strain, it deforms but returns to its initial shape after the stress is removed (the elastic regime). If the stress on an object is increased so that the change in length becomes large relative to the objects initial length, the deformation of the object becomes irreversible (the plastic regime) and represents the onset of failure, which eventually leads to the object breaking apart.

Whats Important 9-4

Answers to Practice Problems

9-5 6.2 107 N>m2 9-6 0.05

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Summary 351

Answers to Got the Concept Questions

9-1 No! The amount that an object stretches when put under tension depends on its original length. Although the rod made from material B stretches farther, its initial length could have been long enough to allow it to stretch more than the rod made from material A, even if Y for material A is smaller. According to Equation 9-1, when the applied force is the same, YA so A A L A = YB L B L 0, A L 0, B L B = YA L 0, B L A YB L 0, A DLB will be larger than DLA when YAL0, B is larger than YBL0, A. This result can be true even when YB is larger than YA, depending on the relative initial lengths of the rods. 9-2 The volume of the balloon filled with air will change the most. From Table 9-1 you can see that the bulk modulus of water is about 2 104 times larger than that of air. Water is therefore about 2 104 times less compressible than air.

breaking strength bulk modulus

Breaking strength is the tensile stress which results ina material breaking apart. The bulk modulus B is the proportionality constant betweenthe fractional volume change V>V0 an objectexperiences and the force F, spread out over theobjects surface area A, that results in that volume change. The bulk modulus is a measure of the compressibility of a material. Compressive strain is the equivalent of tensile strain for an object that is subjected to a force that squeezes it, rather than stretches it, along a single direction. Compressive stress is the equivalent of tensile stress for an object that is subjected to a force that squeezes it, rather than stretches it, along a single direction. Elastic modulus is another name for Youngs modulus. An object subjected to a tensile or compressive stress in the elastic regime deforms but then returns to its initial shape after the stress is removed. The relationship between stress and strain is linear in the elastic regime. Failure occurs when the stress on an object is so large thatthe material starts to lose its structural integrity. When an object experiences stress in the plastic regime, the change in its length becomes large relative to its initiallength and the deformation of the object becomes irreversible. The shear modulus S is a measure of the rigidity of a material.

Equation or Symbol

F V = -B A V0


compressive strain

compressive stress

elastic modulus elastic regime

failure plastic regime

shear modulus

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

shear strain

Shear strain is measure of how much an object deforms under a shear stress, specifically how far one face moves relative to the opposite face of an object, relative to the distance h between the faces. Shear stress results when a force F is applied parallel (tangential) to the face of an object, causing one face of theobject to move or slide relative to the opposite face. Shear stress can also cause an object to twist. The tensile strain, a dimensionless fraction, is a measure ofhow much an object stretches (DL) relative to its initiallength (L0). The tensile strength is the maximum tensile stress a materialcan withstand before it begins to irreversibly deform. Tensile stress is a measure of how much force F is exerted onan object relative to the area A over which that force is applied, when the length of the object changes as a result ofthe force. The units of tensile stress are N>m2. The proportionality constant between tensile stress and tensile strain is Youngs modulus Y. The toe region is the regime in which the change in length, often of biological tissue, initially does not grow linearly as stress is increased. The ultimate strength is the maximum tensile stress the material can withstand.

shear strain =

x h


shear stress

tensile strain

tensile strain = L>L 0

tensile strength

tensile stress

F L =Y A L0


toe region

ultimate strength volume strain

Volume strain, a dimensionless fraction, is a measure ofhow volume strain = V>V0 much the volume of an object changes (DV) relativeto its initial volume (V0). Volume stress is a measure of how much force F is exerted on an object relative to the area A over which that force is applied, when the volume of the object changes as a result ofthe force. The units of volume stress are N>m2. The proportionality constant between volume stress and volume strain is the bulk modulus B. The stressstrain relationship includes a minus sign because an increase in applied force results in a decrease in volume. Yield strength is the tensile stress at which the material becomes permanently deformed. A The distance an object stretches under an applied force is, k=Y under the right conditions, proportional to force. The L0 proportionality constant k is itself proportional to the ratio of the cross-sectional A area of the object and its unstretched length L0. Youngs modulus Y is the proportionality constant between k and A>L 0. Youngs modulus is a measure of the stretchability of a material or object. F V = -B A V0 (9-4)

volume stress

yield strength Youngs modulus

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Questions and Problems



In a few problems, you are given more data than you actually need; in a few other problems, you are required to supply data from your general knowledge, outside sources, or informed estimate. Interpret as significant all digits in numerical values that have trailing zeros and no decimal points. For all problems, use g = 9.81 m>s 2 for the free-fall acceleration due to gravity. Neglect friction and air resistance unless instructed to do otherwise. Basic, single-concept problem Intermediate-level problem, may require synthesis of concepts and multiple steps Challenging problem SSM Solution is in Student Solutions Manual 11. Calc When working with the compression of a gas, it is often convenient to define a related quantity known as the compressibility, . The compressibility is the inverse of the bulk modulus: = 1>B. What is the equation for compressibility of a gas in terms of volume (V) and pressure (P)? Write your answer as a derivative and as a ratio of finite differences. SSM 12. (a) Describe some common features of strain that were defined in this chapter. (b) We encountered three types of strain (tensile, volume, and shear). What are some distinguishing features of these quantities? 13. With regard to metals, why is the ultimate strength larger than the breaking strength? 14. Why are tall mountains typically shaped like cones rather than a straight vertical columnlike structure? 15. The shear modulus (S) is sometimes known as the rigidity. Can you explain why rigidity is an appropriate synonym for this physical quantity? SSM 16. Is it possible, when tightening the lug nuts on the wheel of your car, to use too much torque and break off one of the bolts? Explain your answer. 17. What can cause nylon tennis racket strings to break when they are hit by the ball? 18. Human skin is under tension like a rubber glove that has had air blown into it. Why does skin acquire wrinkles as people get older? 19. Biology The leg bone of a cow has an ultimate strength of about 150 106 N>m2 and a maximum strain of about 1.5%. The antler of a deer has an ultimate strength of about 160 106 N>m2 and a maximum strain of about 12%. Explain the relationship between structure and function in these data.

Conceptual Questions
1. (a) What is the difference between Youngs modulus and bulk modulus? (b) What are the units of these two physical quantities? 2. Define the term yield stress. 3. Is it possible for a long cable hung vertically to break under its own weight? Explain your answer. SSM 4. Define the following terms: tensile strength, ultimate strength, and breaking strength. 5. Devise a simple way of determining which modulus (Youngs, bulk, or shear) is appropriate for any given stressstrain problem. 6. Give a few reasons why Hookes law is intuitively obvious and a few reasons why it is counterintuitive. 7. In Figure 9-15, there are two strain values that correspond to the breaking strength. Can you explain how a single metal sample can have two different strain values for one breaking strength? SSM 8. In some recent studies, it has been shown that women are more susceptible to torn ACLs than men when competing in similar sports (most notably in soccer and basketball). What are some reasons why this disparity might exist? 9. Describe the small stretch limit of Hookes law for a spring. 10. A 2 4 pine stud is securely clamped at one end to an immovable object. A heavy weight hangs from the free end of the wood causing it to bend. (a) Which part of the plank is under compression? (b) Which part of the plank is under tension? (c) Is there any part that is neither stretched nor compressed?

Multiple-Choice Questions
20. The units for strain are A. N>m. B. N>m2. C. N. D. N # m2. E. none of the above. 21. The units for stress are A. N>m. B. N>m2. C. N. D. N # m. E. N # m2.

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

22. When tension is applied to a metal wire of length L, it stretches by DL. If the same tension is applied to a metal wire of the same material with the same cross-sectional area, but of length of 2L, by how much will it stretch? A. DL B. 2 DL C. 0.5 DL D. 3 DL E. 4 DL 23. A steel cable lifting a heavy box stretches by DL. If you want the cable to stretch by only half of DL, by what factor must you increase its diameter? A. 2 B. 4 C. 22 D. 1>2 E. 1>4 SSM 24. A wire is stretched just to its breaking point by a force F. A longer wire made of the same material has the same diameter. The force that will stretch it to its breaking point is A. larger than F. B. smaller than F. C. equal to F. D. much smaller than F. E. much larger than F. 25. Two solid rods have the same length and are madeof the same material with circular cross sections. Rod 1 has a radius r, and rod 2 has a radius r>2. If a compressive force F is applied to both rods, their lengths are reduced by DL1 and DL2, respectively. The ratio L 1 > L 2 is A. 1>4 B. 1>2 C. 1 D. 2 E. 4 26. A wall mount for a television consists in part of a mounting plate screwed or bolted flush to the wall. Which kinds of stresses play a role in keeping the mount securely attached to the wall? A. compression stress B. tension stress C. shear stress D. bulk stress E. A, B, and C 27. When choosing building construction materials, what kinds of materials would you choose, all other things being equal? A. materials with a relatively large bulk modulus B. materials with a relatively small bulk modulus

C. either materials with a large or a small bulk modulus D. it doesnt matter as long as the building is not too tall E. materials with a relatively small shear modulus SSM 28. A book is pushed sideF ways, deforming it as shown fs in Figure 9-16. To describe the relationship between stress and strain for the book in this situation, you would use A. Youngs modulus. B. bulk modulus. Figure 9-16 Problem 28 C. shear modulus. D. both Youngs modulus and bulk modulus. E. both shear modulus and bulk modulus. 29. A steel cable supports an actor as he swings onto the stage. The weight of the actor stretches the steel cable. To describe the relationship between stress and strain for the steel cable, you would use A. Youngs modulus. B. bulk modulus. C. shear modulus. D. both Youngs modulus and bulk modulus. E. both shear modulus and bulk modulus.

Estimation/Numerical Analysis
30. Estimate the Youngs modulus for (a) a rubber band and (b) a wooden pencil. 31. Estimate the Youngs modulus for a strip of paper. SSM 32. Estimate the shear modulus for a chilled stick of butter taken from a refrigerator. Describe how this value would change as the butter warms to room temperature. 33. Estimate the force needed to break a bone in your arm. 34. Estimate the force needed to bend a bar of 1-in. 2 rebar. (Rebar is made from iron and is used to reinforce concrete.) 35. Estimate the force needed to puncture a 0.5-cmthick sheet of aluminum with a 1-cm-diameter rivet. 36. Estimate the shear strain for a typical athletic shoe in a basketball game. 37. The following data are associated with an alloy of steel. Plot a graph of stress versus strain for the alloy. What are (a) the yield strength, (b) the ultimate strength, (c) the Youngs modulus, and (d) the point of rupture for the material? SSM

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Questions and Problems


Strain (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Stress (109 N/m2)

0 125 250 230 230 235 240 250 260 270 300 325 350 375 400 375 350 325 300

43. A physicist examines a metal sample and measures the ratio of the tensile stress to the tensile strain to be 95 109 N>m2. What material might the sample be made from? 44. A 10-m-long copper wire is pulled with a force of 1200 N and it stretches 10 cm. Calculate the radius of the copper if the value of the Youngs modulus is 110 109 N>m2. Assume the cross section of the wire is circular. 45. (a) Calculate the ratio of the tensile strain on an aluminum bar to that on a steel bar if both bars have the same cross-sectional area and the same force is applied to each bar. (b) Does the original length of each bar affect your answer to part (a)? SSM 46. The elastic limit of an alloy is 0.6 109 N>m2. What is the minimum radius of a 4-m-long wire made from the alloy if a single strand is designed to support a commercial sign that has a weight of 8000 N and hangs from a fixed point? To stay within safety codes, the wire cannot stretch more than 5 cm. 47. A piece of steel piano wire is 1.60 m long and has a diameter of 0.20 cm. What is the magnitude of the tension required to break it? The strength of steel is 5.0 108 N>m2. SSM 48. Biology What is the compressive stress on your feet if your weight is spread out evenly over both soles of your shoes? Assume your mass is 55 kg and each shoe has an area of 200 cm2. 49. Biology Compare the answer to Problem 9-48 to the case where each of your shoes only has an area of 10cm2 in contact with the floor (as is the case for high heeled shoes). 50. Medical The anterior cruciate ligament in a womans knee is 2.5 cm long and has a cross-sectional area of 0.54 cm2. If a force of 3000 N is applied longitudinally, how much will the ligament stretch? The Youngs modulus is YACL = 0.1 109 N>m2. 51. Medical One model for the length of a persons ACL (LACL, in millimeters) relates it to the persons height (h, in centimeters) with the linear function LACL = 0.4606h - 41.29. Age, gender, and weight did not significantly influence the relationship. If a basketball player has a height of 2.29 m, (a)approximately how long is his ACL? (b) If a pressure of 10 106 N>m2 is applied to his ligament, how much will it stretch? 52. Medical An artery has a Youngs modulus of 16.8 103 N>m2. (a) If the tensile strain on the artery is 0.952, what is the pressure on the artery? (b) Do you think this is diastolic pressure or systolic pressure? Express your answer in mm Hg; 760 mm Hg is equivalent to 101.3 103 N>m2.

38. Biology A galloping horse experiences the following stresses and corresponding strains on its front leg bone. Plot a graph of the stress versus strain for the bone and identify (a) the elastic region, (b) the yield strength, and (c) the Youngs modulus for this type of bone. Stress (106 N/m2)
35 70 105 140 175

Strain (%)
0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.5

9-1: Tensile Stress and Strain
39. A cylindrical steel rod is originally 250 cm long and has a diameter of 0.254 cm. A force is applied longitudinally and the rod stretches 0.85 cm. What is the magnitude of the force? 40. A solid band of rubber, which has a circular cross section of radius 0.25 cm, is stretched a distance of 3 cm by a force of 87 N. Calculate the original length of the cylinder of rubber. The Youngs modulus for rubber is 0.005 109 N>m2. 41. A bar of aluminum has a cross section that is 1 cm 1 cm and has a length of 88 cm. What force would be needed to stretch the bar to 100 cm? What is the tensile strain of the bar of aluminum at that point? SSM 42. The tensile stress on a concrete brick is 0.52 109 N>m2. What is its tensile strain under this force?

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

9-2: Volume Stress and Strain

53. A rigid cube (each side is 0.1 m) is filled with water and frozen solid. When water freezes it expands about 9%. How much pressure is exerted on the sides of the cube? Hint: Imagine trying to squeeze the block of ice back into the original cube. SSM 54. A cube of lead (each side is 5 cm) is pressed equally on all six sides with forces of 100,000 N. What will the new dimensions of the cube be after the forces are applied (B = 46 109 N>m2 for lead)? 55. A spherical air bubble has a radius of 4 cm when it is 8m below the surface of a freshwater lake. What is the radius of the bubble immediately before it reaches the surface? 56. A sphere of copper that has a radius of 5 cm is compressed uniformly by a force of 2 108 N. Calculate the change in volume of the sphere and the final radius. The bulk modulus for copper is 140 109 N>m2.

59. A force of 5 106 N is applied tangentially at the center of one side of a brass cube. The angle of shear w is measured to be 0.65. Calculate the volume of the original cube. 60. Medical, Biology In asthmatic patients, an increased thickness of the airways causes a local reduction in stress through the airway walls. The effect can be as much as a 50% reduction in the local shear modulus of the airways of an asthmatic patient as compared to those of a healthy person. Calculate the ratio of the shear strain in an asthmatic airway to that of a healthy airway. 61. Medical In regions of the cardiovascular system where there is steady laminar blood flow, the shear stress on cells lining the walls of the blood vessels is about 20 dyne>cm2. If the shear strain is about 0.008, estimate the shear modulus for the affected cells. Note 1 dyne = 1 g # cm>s 2 and 1 N = 105 dyne. SSM 62. An enormous piece of granite that is 200 m thick and has a shear modulus of 50 109 N>m2 is sheared from its geologic formation with an earthquake force of 275 109 N. The area on which the force acts is a square of side x as shown in Figure 9-19. Find the value of x if the shear force produces a shear strain of 0.125.

9-3: Shear Stress and Strain

57. A brass nameplate is 2 cm 10 cm 20 cm in size. If a force of 200,000 N acts on the upper left side and the bottom right side (Figure 9-17), find the shear strain 1x>h2 and the angle w. SSM
200,000 N x

x 275 109 N

200,000 N

Figure 9-17 Problem 57

200 m

58. A steel door is slammed shut when an earthquake occurs. There are shear forces acting on the door (Figure 9-18). If the shear strain is 0.005, calculate the force acting on the door with dimensions 0.044 m 0.81 m 2.03 m.

275 109 N

Figure 9-19 Problem 62

9-4: Elasticity and Fracture

63. Steel will ultimately fail if the shear stress exceeds 400 106 N>m2. Determine the force required to shear a steel bolt that is 0.50 cm in diameter. 64. The stressstrain graph for an idealized spring with a spring constant of 100 N>m is shown in Figure 9-20. If the spring is composed of steel wire that is 0.1 cm2 in cross-sectional area with a length of 12 cm, identify the different points on the graph. Note that point D should be a numerical value (with units of N>m2) and assume that point E corresponds to a strain of 1.00 (100%).

Figure 9-18 Problem 58

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Questions and Problems



Stress (N)

strands would be needed to make a rope 9.0 m long that would stretch only 1.00 cm when supporting a pair of 85-kg mountain climbers? (b) Assuming that there is no appreciable space between the parallel strands, what would be the diameter of the rope? Does the diameter seem reasonable for a rope that mountain climbers might carry? SSM 70. A brass sphere that has a radius of 6 cm sinks 2000 m to the bottom of the ocean. By how much does the volume shrink due to the enormous pressure atthat depth and what is the new radius? Neglect any temperature changes. 71. A 2.8-carat diamond is grown under a high pressure of 58 109 N>m2. (a) By how much does the volume of a spherical 2.8-carat diamond expand once it is removed from the chamber and exposed to atmospheric pressure? (b) What is the increase in the diamonds radius? One carat is 200 mg and the density of diamond is 3.52 g>cm3. The bulk modulus for diamond is 200 109 N>m2. 72. A glass marble that has a diameter of 1 cm is dropped into a graduated cylinder that contains 20 cm of mercury. (a) By how much does the volume of the marble shrink while at the bottom of the mercury? (b) What is the corresponding change in radius associated with the compression? The bulk modulus of glass is 50 106 N>m2. 73. Sports During the 2004 Olympic clean-and-jerk weight lifting competition, Hossein Rezazadeh lifted 263.5 kg. Mr. Rezazadeh himself had a mass of 163 kg. Ultimately, the weight is all supported by the tibia (shin bone) of the lifters legs. The average length of a tibia is 385 mm and its diameter (modeling it as having a round cross-section) is about 3.0 cm. Youngs modulus for bone is typically about 2.0 1010 N>m2. (a) By how much would the lift compress the athletes tibia, assuming that the bone is solid? (b) Does this seem to be a significant compression? (c) Is it necessary to include the lifters weight in your calculations? Why or why not? SSM 74. When a house is moved, it is gradually raised and supported on wooden blocks. A typical house averages about 120,000 lb (54,000 kg). The house is supported uniformly on six stacks of blocks of Douglas fir wood (which has a Youngs modulus of 13 109 N>m2). Each block is 25 cm by 75 cm. (a) If the wood is stacked 1.5 m high, by how much will the house compress the supporting stack of blocks? (b) Can the blocks with stand the compression? 75. (a) What diameter is needed for a steel cable to support a large diesel engine with a mass of 4000 kg? (b)By how much will the 10-m-long cable stretch once the engine is raised up off the ground? Assume the ultimate breaking strength of steel is 400 106 N>m2. 76. Sports A runners foot pushes on the ground as shown in Figure 9-22. The 25-N shearing force is distributed over an area of 15 cm2 and a 1-cm-thick sole. If the

E Strain (%)

Figure 9-20 Problem 64

65. A theater rigging company uses a safety factor of 10 for all its ropes, which means that all ultimate breaking strengths will be overestimated by a factor of 10 just to be safe. Suppose a rope with an ultimate breaking strength of 10,000 N is tied with a knot that decreases rope strength by 50%. (a) If the rope is used to support a load of 1000 N, what is the safety factor? (b) Will the rigging company be able to use the rope with the knot? SSM

General Problems
66. A 50-kg air-conditioning unit slips from its window mount, but the end of the electrical cord gets caught in the mounting bracket. In the process the cord (which is 0.5-cm in diameter) stretches from 3.0 m to 4.5 m. What is the Youngs modulus for the cord? 67. Medical The largest tendon in the body, the Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the heel bone of the foot. This tendon is typically 25.0 cm long, 5.0 mm in diameter, and has a Youngs modulus of 1.47 109 N>m2. If an athlete has stretched the tendon to a length of 26.1cm, what is the tension (in newtons and pounds) in the tendon? 68. Two rods have the same diameter and are welded together as shown in Figure 9-21. The shorter rod has a Youngs modulus of Y1, the longer one has a Youngs modulus of Y2. Calculate the combined Youngs modulus for the system.
L1 L2

Figure 9-21 Problem 68

69. Biology Spiders spin their webs from silk, one of the strongest naturally occurring materials known. Each thread is typically 2.0 mm in diameter and the silk has a Youngs modulus of 4.0 109 N>m2. (a) How many

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Chapter 9 Elasticity and Fracture

shear angle q is 5.0, what is the shear modulus of the sole?

much compressive force can it withstand before breaking? Assume the ultimate strength of the bone to be 1.7 108 N>m2. 81. Biology, Medical At its narrowest point the femur bone in the human leg resembles a hollow cylinder that has an outer radius of roughly 1.1 cm and an inner radius of just about 0.48 cm. Assuming that the ultimate strength of the bone is 1.7 108 N>m2, how much force will be required to rupture it?

25 N

25 N

Figure 9-22 Problem 76

77. Sports A runners foot pushes off on the ground as shown in Figure 9-23. The 28-N shearing force is distributed over an area of 20 cm2 and a 1-cm-thick sole. If the shear modulus of the sole is 1.9 105 N>m2, what is the shear angle q?

82. A beam is attached to a vertical wall with a hinge. The mass of the beam is 1000 kg and it is 4 m long. A steel support wire is tied from the end of the beam to the wall, making an angle of 30 with the beam (Figure 9-24). (a) By summing the torque about the axis passing through the hinge, calculate the tension in the support wire. Assume the beam is uniform so that the weight acts at its exact center. (b) What is the minimum cross-sectional area of the steel wire so that it is not permanently stretched? Recall the important values for steel: the Youngs modulus is 200 109 N>m2, the shear modulus is 78 109 N>m2, the bulk modulus is 140 109 N>m2, the yield stress (elastic limit) is 290 106 N>m2, and the ultimate breaking strength is 400 106 N>m2.

28 N

28 N

Figure 9-23 Problem 77

78. Biology A particular human hair has a Youngs modulus of 4.0 109 N>m2 and a diameter of 150 mm. (a) If a 250-g object is suspended by the single strand of hair that is originally 20.0 cm long, by how much will the hair stretch? (b) If the same object were hung by an aluminum wire of the same dimensions as the hair, by how much would the aluminum stretch? (Try to do this part without repeating the previous calculation, but use proportional reasoning instead. Also, see Table 9-1.) (c) If we think of the strand of hair as a spring, what is its spring constant? (d) How does the hairs spring constant compare with that of ordinary springs in your physics laboratory? 79. Astro The spherical bubbles near the surface of a glass of water on Earth, where the atmosphere exerts 1.0 105 N>m2 over the surface of each bubble, are 2.5 mm in diameter. If the glass of water is taken to Mars, where the atmosphere exerts 650 N>m2 over the bubble surface, what will be the diameter of the bubbles? (See Table 9-1.) SSM 80. Biology, Medical The femur bone in the human leg has a minimum effective cross section of 3.0 cm2. How


1000 kg

Figure 9-24 Problem 82

83. Biology A representative average of cortical bone properties for humans and cows are presented in Table 9-2. (a) From the data, calculate which species (human or cow) will most likely sustain a transverse break in a bone. Explain your reasoning. (b) From the data, explain how a cows bones are much more capable of supporting their extreme weight in comparison to a humans bones. (c) Are the data consistent with the fact that the maximum running speed of a cow is about 7.5 m>s while a human can run at about 10 m>s? (d) A bone in a womans leg has an effective crosssectional area of 3 cm2. If the leg is 35 cm long, how much

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Questions and Problems


Table 9-2
Elastic modulus transverse Elastic modulus longitudinal Shear modulus Tensile yield stress longitudinal Tensile ultimate stress longitudinal Tensile ultimate stress transverse Compressive yield stress longitudinal Compressive yield stress transverse Compressive ultimate stress longitudinal Compressive ultimate stress transverse Tensile ultimate strain Compressive ultimate strain

Human Value
17.4 109 N/m2 9.6 109 N/m2 3.5 109 N/m2 115 106 N/m2

Bovine Value
20.4 109 N/m2 11.7 109 N/m2 4.1 109 N/m2 141 106 N/m2

(a) the forces on the upper surface of the slab parallel and perpendicular to the plane, (b) the tensile stress and the shear stress at that plane, (c) the angle qmax for which the tensile stress is a maximum value, and (d) the angle qmax for which the shear stress is a maximum value.
F q









m2 Figure 9-25 Problem 84

51 106 N/m2

50 106 N/m2

85. Poissons ratio is defined as the induced strain divided by the primary strain: The primary stress acts along the longitudinal axis 12 of an object and the induced stress is found along the axes perpendicular to that direction. Consider a rectangular object made from a material that has a Youngs modulus of Y and a bulk modulus of B (Figure 9-26). The original dimensions of the object are , w, and t. After it is stressed, these dimensions are - , w + Dw, t + Dt.

182 106 N/m2

196 106 N/m2

n= -

w>w t>t => >









95 106 N/m2

237 106 N/m2

133 106 N/m2

178 106 N/m2

2.93.2% 2.24.6%

0.670.72% 2.55.2%

t + t Original object O O Stressed object

F w

w + w

compressive force can it withstand before breaking? How much will the bone compress if it is subjected to a force one tenth the magnitude of the force that breaks it?

Figure 9-26 Problem 85

Challenge Problems
84. Calc A bar with a square cross-sectional area is subject to a constant tensile stress (Figure 9-25). Consider a thin slab within the bar making an angle of q with the horizontal. Find the following:

When the object is immersed in a fluid and symmetrically stressed (in the manner described above), prove that the following relationship is true: SSM B= Y 3 11 - 2n2

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