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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

Executive Summary
Organization culture has gained a lot of importance now days. Because of its impact on employee performance and satisfaction. Organization means a complex whole, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morale, custom and other capabilities and habits acquired by men in a society. The culture of an organization is reflected in its norms and values, its traditions and what is expected from its employees. Through the survey conducted, I have highlighted some things which are critical and which has to be corrected. Communication Pattern 72% of the employees/ workers believe that always the work groups in the organization interact effectively. Around 56% of the employees/workers believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top management passed on the lower level at the right time Throughout the survey, it has been found that important things are communicated in the organization through meetings, face to face and supervisors etc. 24% of the employees/workers say that sometimes the management shares information in such a way that makes them feel included as partners in business, but at the same time 38% of the employees/workers say that management does not share information. Reward System 68% of the employees /workers say that only sometimes they have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working 72% of the employees/ workers agree that the growth opportunities in the organization linked to performers 52% of the employee/ workers strongly agree that the organization provides opportunities to utilize their abilities Staffing and development 56% of the employees/ workers agree that the organization has an effective program for training and development of them Page 1

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 52% of the employees / workers agree that the training programs conducted to them meets the training needs Almost everyone knows the values of the organization .Some of the values are honesty, integrity and responsive etc 56% of the employees/ workers agree that values provide a platform for strengthening the organization Conflict tolerance 40% of the employees/ workers make their opinion known in a disagreement with their superior 58% of the employees/ workers integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a dispute with their supervisors 42% of the employees/ workers avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss a disagreement 78% of the employees/ workers try to use supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems Motivation 52% of the employees/ workers always believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ motivates them. 70% of the employees / workers sometimes believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among them and that helps to achieve the goals of them and organization When asked to rank the most effective motivating factors, majority of the employees have ranked challenging job as the most effective motivating factors followed by achievement , recognition for accomplishment, growth and development, money, position, acceptance and social status. Risk tolerance 50% of the employees/ workers say that only sometimes they are given opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved 64% of the employees/ workers agree that they are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk Page 2

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 60% of the employees / workers say that only sometimes mistakes are treated with understanding and they have been given opportunity to learn from their mistakes Identify Around 74% of the employees/ workers feel that others should identify them by their organization 76% of the employees/ workers say that only sometimes personal commitments come in the way of their professional responsibilities 50% of the employees/ workers agree that their personal go along with the organizational goals. Integration 58% of the employees/ workers always feel that their coworkers are stimulating, loyal, fast and responsible. 52% of the employees/ workers are sometimes encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization 54% of the employees/ workers say that sometimes they approach any person for help in the organization and at any time Almost everyone feel proud working for this organization Around 80% of the employees/ workers can discuss with their supervisors openly and freely 56% of the employees / workers agree that they get support from top level to perform the job Around 72% of the employees / workers are satisfied with their performance related to their job 50% of the employees / workers are able to meet the standards given by the organization and rest 50% are not. Around 76% of the employees / workers get opportunity to attend the meetings Almost everyone given an opportunity to suggest in case of any conflicts 62% of the employees/ workers say that sometimes they get opportunity to correct their mistakes Page 3

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Organization Culture Organization culture has gained a lot of importance now days. Because of its impact on employee performance and satisfaction. Organization means a complex whole, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morale, custom and other capabilities and habits acquired by men in a society. The culture of an organization is reflected in its norms and values, its traditions and what is expected from its employees. Organization culture may be defined as the philosophies, ideologies, values, assumptions, beliefs, expectations, attitudes and norms that knit an organization together and shared by its employees. Culture has impact on control, normative behavior, innovation and number performance and satisfaction. The relationship that exists between culture and performance is strong. Culture must be changed, particularly when it is not conducive for organizational effectiveness. Reactive Organization Culture The reactive organization cultures are slightly better than passive culture. Here organization reacts to every knock be that from internal or external environments. No attempts are made to avoid conflicts instead attempt to diffuse them after they have arisen, are seriously made. The here and now attitude to any aspect of organizational functioning has in built weakness. Long term, system based solutions are just not available. Proactive Organization Culture The proactive organization cultures do have any of the weaknesses of the passive and reactive cultures. These are organization that has culture born out of farsighted, progressive

The nature of the organization culture can be better understood by the following characteristics. Page 4

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

1. Individual Initiative Organization culture reflects the degree of responsibility, freedom and interdependence that individuals have in an organization. It reflects how the individuals behavior. 2. Risk Tolerance Organization culture reflects the degree to which employees are encourages being aggressive, innovative and risking seeking 3. Direction Organization culture reflects the degree to which the organization creates clear objectives and performance expectations. 4. Integration Organization culture reflects the degree to which units within the organization are encouraged to operate in a coordinated manner. 5. Management Support Organization culture reflects the degree to which managers provide clear communication assistance and support to the subordinates. 6. Control Organization culture reflects the number of rules and regulations and the amount of direct supervision that is used to oversee and control employee behavior. 7. Identity Organization culture reflects the degree to which members identity with the organization as a whole rather than with their particular work group of field of professional expertise. 8. Reward System

Page 5

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Organization culture reflects the degree to which reward allocation are based on employee performance criteria in contrast to seniority, favoritism etc 9. Conflict Tolerance Organization culture reflects the degree to which employees are encouraged to air conflicts and criticisms openly 10. Communication Pattern Organization culture reflects the degree to which organizational communications are restricted to the formal hierarchy of authority. Culture dimensions Some of the dimensions of culture can be as follows a) mechanistic and Organic Culture The mechanistic organizational culture exhibits the values of bureaucracy and feudalism. Here organizational work is conceived as a system of narrow specialism. The organic culture is the contrast of mechanistic culture. b) Authoritarian and Participative Culture In this authoritarian culture, power is concentrated on the leader and obedience to orders and discipline is stressed. Here the basic assumption is that the leader knows what is good for the organization and he/she always acts in its interests. Participative culture is premised on the notion that people are more are committed to the decisions that are participative made than to those which are imposed on them. c) Strong and Weak Culture In an organization having strong culture, the core values are both intensely held and widely shared by its members. One benefit of strong culture is reduced turnover and positives employee attitude.

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. A strong culture demonstrates high agreement among members about what the organization stands for. Such unanimity of purpose builds cohesiveness and organizational commitment. The opposite will happen when culture is weak. Developing your Organizations Culture View on developing a high performance culture It must be a cost effective way of optimizing how your organization meets its business objectives. In developing high performance, some organizations risk over emphasizing the task at the expense of its people. This is often associated with a climate of mistrust, cynicism, isolation, de-motivation or low creativity. Other organizations develop a culture which is highly supportive of people, but which is soft in talking issues, problems, poor performance or poor quality. A using framework of 4 elements for rapid understanding and description of an organizations culture Organizational values Heroes Rites and rituals Cultural network Heroes Heroes are the people who personify the organizations values and about whom stories are told. They are often the founders of the organization and others who have had a big impact on the running of the organization. Rites and Rituals Ceremonies and programmed routines help define the organizations expectations and underlying values. Recognition dinners; certificates for length of service, or achievement, training graduation ceremonies; formal introductions of new or promoted staff; uniforms, special clothing and identification badges; are all elements of ritual. Data about rituals can be collected using participant. Page 7

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Cultural Network A strong culture requires a network of informal communication to maintain and spread the culture. The people and the ways they interact are the carriers and embodiment of the organizational culture. Participant observation and interviewing can reveal how members of an organization meet, greet, interact and leave each other; how they show agreement and disagreement over what is talked about and what is not talked about. Creation of Culture Culture is essentially learnt. Norms and belief arise around the way members respond the way members respond to critical incidents. Something emotionally charged or anxiety producing may happen such as an attack by the member on the leader. Because everyone witnesses it and because tension is high when the attack occurs, the immediate next set of behaviors tend to create a norm. Another mechanism of culture creation is the modeling by leader figures that permits group members to identify with them and internalize their values and assumptions. The organizations culture results from the interaction between: The founders biases and assumptions What the original members who the founders initially employ learn subsequently from their own experiences. Sustain Culture Once a culture is created there are practices within the organization that help keep it alive. There are 3 practices basically are Selection The main of selection process is to hire right people for right jobs. When for a given job two or more candidates with identical skills and abilities are available, final selection is influenced by how well the candidate fits into the organization. By identifying candidates who can culturally match the organizational culture, selection helps sustain culture considerably. Page 8

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Top Management The action of top management also has a major impact on the organization culture Socialization People who already in the organization are well known about the organization culture new employees are potentially more likely to disturb the beliefs and customs that are in place. The organization therefore should help the new employees to help adopt the new culture, the beliefs, norms, etc Culture is learned by employees by, Stories Rituals Materials Symbols Language

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Profile Jinabakul Forge Pvt Ltd was incorporated in the year 1981. The company is located at Belgaum on National highway No 4, joining commercial capital of India. Mumbai to south Indian Commercial capital Bangalore. The company manufactures quality steel forgings in forged as well as fully machined condition for supply to leading bearing Industries. The company is endowed with dedicated quality assurance set-up. The company with the team of its well-qualified managers and engineers has achieved ISO 9002 certification [both RAB USA and UKAS, UK]. it has also qualified quality system audits of leading multinational bearing manufactures. Company Quality policy The company dedicates to the concept of customer satisfaction by providing products of specified quality through appropriate process control at optimum cost and timely delivery. Objectives Pursue continuous improvement in technology Train to ensure In-depth knowledge to achieve specified quality Care for employees welfare through congenial environment to motivate them for customer satisfaction Facilities available Sophisticated material testing laboratory and well identified storage area Well equipped tool room for die sinking Well equipped forge shop Spheroidise annealing furnaces Shot blasting machine Page 10

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Magnetic particle inspection unit to detect surface cracks for 100 percent products Well-equipped machine shop. Product range Type Outside dia in M.M Min Max Taper roller bearing 40 160 races Cylindrical roller 40 30 180 150 Thickness M.M Min Max 12 160 12 06 160 15 Input weight Min Max 0.15kg 5.00 kg 0.15kg 0.090kg 5.00kg 2.00kg

bearing races Thrust bearing races

Jinabakul forge is capable of forging and rolling special types and shapes Customers Antifriction bearings corporation ltd Asian bearings ltd FAG bearings India lid HMT bearings lid National engineering industries ltd NRB bearings ltd SKF bearings India ltd SKF Brand name ABC ABL FAG HMT NBC NRB

TATA iron and steel company ltd (bearing division) TATA

Objectives To study the organizational culture aspects prevailing in the organization Page 11

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. To study the organizational culture dimensions like communication pattern, reward system, staffing and development, motivation, risk tolerance, integration and conflict tolerance To discuss the problems and suggest suitable recommendations in creating a favorable environment. Scope of study The study of organization culture covers only the permanent employees. Methodology The technique that I have adopted is questionnaire, which involves certain various aspects of the organization culture. The questionnaire is designed for both management staff and workers Sample Size A sample of 20 staff people and 80 workers in taken for the study. The collection of data is primary in nature and the data had been collected by personally approaching the concerned person. Sampling method adopted was random sampling among the workers during the change of the shifts. Secondary Data The secondary data is mainly based upon the net assessing, certain reports etc. Sample Unit The unit consists of the both staff and workers of the organization Analysis Technique

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. The data is collected and worked on the excel sheet and analysis is done based on the charts. Time required Time required for the survey was 10 weeks Limitation of the study Most of the employees were hesitant to answer the questionnaire because of the fear that the information will be disclosed to the top management that will hinder their progress. Most of the members of the organization were biased in answering the questions As the workers were accessible only during the change of shifts, so it was problem in extracting the information from workers.

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

Table No 1 Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization is timely Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 56% always Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 36% sometimes Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 8% never


Always 36% Sometimes 56% Never

Observation About 56% of the employees / workers believe that the communication in the organization is always timely, 36% are sometimes timely and where as only 8% of the employees/ workers say never timely.

Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization is accurately Page 14

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 54% always Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 34% sometimes Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 12% never




Always Sometimes Never

Observation 54% of the employees/ workers say that the communication in the organization is always accurate, 34% of the employees/ workers say that it is sometimes accurate and 12% say that it is never accurate

Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization is open

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 66% always Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 34% sometimes Workers/ employees who believe that communication in the organization 0% never

0% 34% Always Sometimes Never 66%

Observation 66% of the employees/ workers say that the communication in the organization is always open, 34% of the employees/ workers say that it is sometimes open and 0% says that it is never open

Table No -2 Workers in the organization interact effectively - always Workers in the organization interact effectively -sometimes Workers in the organization interact effectively -never 42% 54% 4% Page 16

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Always Sometimes Never

Observation 42% of the employees/ workers say that interaction is always effective, 54% of the employees/ workers say that it is sometimes effective and 4% says that it is never effective

Table No 3 The information is accessible freely in the organization strongly agree The information is accessible freely in the organization agree The information is accessible freely in the organization undecided The information is accessible freely in the organization disagree 42% 54% 4% 0% Page 17

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Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 42% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that the information is accessible freely in the organization, 54% are agree that the information is accessible freely in the organization and 4% disagree to the information is accessible freely in the organization

Table No 4 Workers who believe that the relevant information, which has been given by 56% the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time- always Workers who believe that the relevant information, which has been given by 40% the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time -sometimes Workers who believe that the relevant information, which has been given by 4% Page 18

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time -never


40% 56%

Always Sometimes Never

Observation 56% of the employees/ workers who always believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time, 40% says sometimes they believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time and 4% says that never believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time

Table No 5 Things communicated around the organization- meetings Things communicated around the organization- E-mails Things communicated around the organization- Face to Face Things communicated around the organization- Others 28% 0% 62% 10%

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10% 28% Meetings E-mail F2F Others



Observation 28% of the employees/ workers say that things communicated around the organization is trough meetings, 62% are communicated trough face to face and 10% are through supervisors etc.

Table No 6 The management share information in a way that makes you feel included as 38% partners in business - always The management share information in a way that makes you feel included as 24% partners in business -sometimes The management share information in a way that makes you feel included as 38% Page 20

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. partners in business -never



Always Sometimes Never


Observation 38% of the employees/ workers say that always management share information in a way that makes you feel included as partners in business, 24% say it is sometimes management share information in a way that makes you feel included as partners in business and rest 38% says it is never

Reward System Table No 1 Workers have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of 24% working - always Workers have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of 68% working -sometimes Workers have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of 8% Page 21

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. working -never

8% 24%

Always Sometimes Never


Observation 24% of the employees/ workers always have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working, 68% says sometimes they have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working and rest of the 8% says never

Table No 2 Workers achievements recognized and rewarded - always Workers achievements recognized and rewarded -sometimes Workers achievements recognized and rewarded -never 16% 80% 4%

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Always Sometimes Never


Observation 16% of the employees/ workers always their achievements recognized and rewarded, 80% of the employees/ workers say sometimes their achievements recognized and rewarded and rest 4% says never

Table No 3 Growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers strongly 12% agree Growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers agree Growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers undecided 72% 16% Page 23

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers disagree 0%




Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 12% of the employees/ workers strongly agree growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers, 72% of the employees/ workers agree that growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers, and rest 16% are undecided

Table No 4 The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the 66% employees strongly agree The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the 30% employees agree The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the 4% employees undecided The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the 0% Page 24

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. employees disagree

4% 30%



Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 66% of the employees/ workers strongly agree the promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the employees, 30% agree to the promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the employees and rest 4% are undecided.

Table No 5 Organization provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities strongly 52% agree Organization provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities agree Organization provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities undecided Organization provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities disagree 48% 0% 0%

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0% 0%



Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 52% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that the organization provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities , and rest 48% agree to the organization provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities

Staffing and Development Table No 1 The organization has an effective program for the training and development of 36% employees strongly agree The organization has an effective program for the training and development of 56% employees agree The organization has an effective program for the training and development of 8% Page 26

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. employees undecided The organization has an effective program for the training and development of 0% employees disagree

8% 0%


Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 36% of the employees/ workers strongly agree the organization has an effective program for the training and development of employees , 56% agree that the organization has an effective program for the training and development of employees and rest 8% are undecided

Table No 2 The training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees 36% strongly agree The training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees 52% agree The training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees 8% undecided The training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees 4% disagree Page 27

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Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 36% of the employees/ workers strongly agree the training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees, 52% agree to the training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees, 8% are undecided and rest 4% disagree to it.

Table No 3 The company has continual training and development plans The company has continual training and development plans The company has continual training and development plans The company has continual training and development plans strongly agree agree undecided disagree 32% 42% 26% 0%

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0% 26% 32% Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 32% of the employees/ workers strongly agree the company has continual training and development plans, 42% agree that the company has continual training and development plans and rest 26% are undecided.

Table No 4 The company believes training employees across level The company believes training employees across level The company believes training employees across level The company believes training employees across level strongly agree agree undecided disagree 42% 50% 8% 0%

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8% 0%



Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 42% of the employees/ workers strongly agree the company believes training employees across level, 50% agree to the company believes training employees across level and rest of the 8% is undecided.

Values Value provide a platform for strengthening the organization- strongly agree Value provide a platform for strengthening the organization agree Value provide a platform for strengthening the organization undecided Value provide a platform for strengthening the organization disagree 44 56 0 0%

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0% 0%

44% 56%

Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 44% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that the value provide a platform for strengthening the organization and rest 56% agree to the Value provide a platform for strengthening the organization

Conflict Tolerance Table No- 1 Workers blend their ideas with their supervisors to create new alternatives for 34% resolving a disagreement strongly agree Workers blend their ideas with their supervisors to create new alternatives for 42% resolving a disagreement agree Page 31

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Workers blend their ideas with their supervisors to create new alternatives for 12% resolving a disagreement undecided Workers blend their ideas with their supervisors to create new alternatives for 12% resolving a disagreement disagree

12% 12% 34%

Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 34% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they blend their ideas with their supervisors to create new alternatives for resolving a disagreement, 42% are agree to they blend their ideas with their supervisors to create new alternatives for resolving a disagreement , 12% are undecided and rest 12% are totally disagree to it.

Table No-2 Workers make their opinion known is a disagreement with their supervisor 40% strongly agree Workers make their opinion known is a disagreement with their supervisor 22% agree Workers make their opinion known is a disagreement with their supervisor 32% undecided Workers make their opinion known is a disagreement with their supervisor 6% Page 32

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. disagree




Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 40% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they make their opinion known is a disagreement with their supervisor, 22% agree to that they make their opinion known is a disagreement with their supervisor, 32% are undecided and rest of the 6% disagree to it.

Table No- 3 Workers suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in 26% discussions of disagreements strongly agree Workers suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in 36% discussions of disagreements agree Workers suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in 32% discussions of disagreements undecided Workers suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in 6% discussions of disagreements disagree

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6% 26% Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree



Observation 26% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in discussions of disagreements, 36% agree to that they suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in discussions of disagreements, 32% are undecided and rest of the 6% disagree to this.

Table No- 4 Workers integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a 4% dispute with their supervisor strongly agree Workers integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a 58% dispute with their supervisor agree Workers integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a 20% dispute with their supervisor undecided Workers integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a 18% dispute with their supervisor disagree

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20% 58%

Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 4% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a dispute with their supervisor, 58% agree to that they integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a dispute with their supervisor, 20% are undecided and rest of the 18% disagree to it.

Table No- 5 Workers avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss 10% a disagreement strongly agree Workers avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss 42% a disagreement agree Workers avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss 36% a disagreement undecided Workers avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss 12% a disagreement disagree

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Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree

Observation 10% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss a disagreement, 42% agree to this that they avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss a disagreement, 36% are undecided and rest of the 12% disagree to this.

Table No- 6 Workers keep quite about their views in order to avoid disagreement 28% strongly agree Workers keep quite about their views in order to avoid disagreement agree 46% Workers keep quite about their views in order to avoid disagreement 10% undecided Workers keep quite about their views in order to avoid disagreement disagree 16%

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16% 28% 10% Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 28% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they keep quite about their views in order to avoid disagreement, 46% agree to this that they keep quite about their views in order to avoid disagreement, 10% are undecided and rest of the 16% disagree to it.

Table No- 7 Workers try to use their supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems 16% strongly agree Workers try to use their supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems 78% agree Workers try to use their supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems 6% undecided Workers try to use their supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems 0% disagree Page 37

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0% 6% 16%

Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 16% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they try to use their supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems, 78% agree that they try to use their supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems and rest of the 16% are undecided.

Motivation Table No -1 Workers feel that the organization believes in motivating employees - always 28% Workers feel that the organization believes in motivating employees 56% -sometimes Workers feel that the organization believes in motivating employees -never 16%

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16% 28% Always Sometimes Never


Observation 28% of the employees/ workers always feel that the organization believes in motivating employees,56% are sometimes feel that the organization believes in motivating employees, and rest of the 16% says never.

Table No -2 Workers believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ 52% motivates employees - always Workers believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ 44% motivates employees -sometimes Workers believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ 4% motivates employees -never

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Always Sometimes Never

Observation 52% of the employees/ workers always believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ motivates employees, 44% sometimes believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ motivates employees and rest of the 4% feel never.

Table No -3 Workers believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among the 30% employees that helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization always Workers believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among the 70% employees that helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization -sometimes Workers believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among the 0% employees that helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization Page 40

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. -never

0% 30% Always Sometimes Never 70%

Observation 30% of the employees/ workers always believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among the employees that helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization, and rest of the 70% sometimes believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among the employees that helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization Risk Tolerance Table No -1 Organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved - 46% always Organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved 50% -sometimes Organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved -never 4%

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46% 50%

Always Sometimes Never

Observation 46% of the employees/ workers always feel organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved, 50% are sometimes feel organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved and rest of 4% feel its never.

Table No-2 Workers are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk strongly 24% agree Workers are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk agree 64% Workers are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk undecided 8% Workers are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk disagree 0%

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8% 0% 25% Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree 67%

Observation 25% of the employees/ workers always feel they are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk, 67% are sometimes feel that they are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk and rest of the 8% are undecided.

Table No -3 Workers mistakes are treated with understanding and people given opportunity 40% to learn from the mistakes - always Workers mistakes are treated with understanding and people given opportunity 60% to learn from the mistakes -sometimes Workers mistakes are treated with understanding and people given opportunity 0% to learn from the mistakes -never

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Always Sometimes Never

Observation 40% of the employees/ workers always feel their mistakes are treated with understanding and people given opportunity to learn from the mistakes and rest of the 60% are sometimes feel that their mistakes are treated with understanding and people given opportunity to learn from the mistakes.

Identity Table No -1 Workers feel that others should identify them by their organization - yes Workers feel that others should identify them by their organization -no 74% 26%

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Yes No


Observation 74% of the employees/ workers feel that others should identify them by their organization and rest of the 26% say that they dont feel that others should identify them by their organization

Table No -2 Workers feel that it is important for them to be identified by their occupation - 48% always Workers feel that it is important for them to be identified by their occupation 44% -sometimes Workers feel that it is important for them to be identified by their occupation 8% Page 45

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. -never


48% 44%

Always Sometimes Never

Observation 48% of the employees/ workers always feel that it is important for them to be identified by their occupation, 44% say sometimes they feel that it is important for them to be identified by their occupation and rest of the 8% say never.

Table No -3 Workers feel that their personal commitments come in the way of their 12% professional responsibilities - always Workers feel that their personal commitments come in the way of their 76% professional responsibilities -sometimes Workers feel that their personal commitments come in the way of their 16% professional responsibilities -never Page 46

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Always Sometimes Never


Observation 12% of the employees/ workers always feel that their personal commitments come in the way of their professional responsibilities, 72% sometimes feel that their personal commitments come in the way of their professional responsibilities and rest of the 16% says never.

Table No-4 Workers feel that their personal goals go along with the organizational goals 24% strongly agree Workers feel that their personal goals go along with the organizational goals 50% agree Workers feel that their personal goals go along with the organizational goals 26% undecided Workers feel that their personal goals go along with the organizational goals 0% Page 47

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. disagree

0% 26% 24% Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Observation 24% of the employees/ workers strongly agree that they feel that their personal goals go along with the organizational goals, 50% agree to that they feel their personal goals go along with the organizational goals and rest of the 26% are undecided.

Integration Table No -1 Workers from other departments cooperate and coordinate while working with 54% each other - always Workers from other departments cooperate and coordinate while working with 38% each other -sometimes Workers from other departments cooperate and coordinate while working with 8% each other -never Page 48

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.




Always Sometimes Never

Observation 54% of the employees/ workers always from other departments cooperate and coordinate while working with each other, 38% are sometimes from other departments cooperate and coordinate while working with each other and rest of the 8% says never.

Table No -2 Workers feel that their coworkers are stimulating loyal, responsible - always 58% Workers feel that their coworkers are stimulating loyal, responsible 30% -sometimes Workers feel that their coworkers are stimulating loyal, responsible -never 12%

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Always Sometimes Never

Observation 58% of the employees/ workers always feel that their coworkers are stimulating loyal, responsible,30% are sometimes feel that their coworkers are stimulating loyal, responsible and rest of the 12% are never feel that their coworkers are stimulating loyal, responsible

Table No -3 Is everyone encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization - 44% always Is everyone encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization 52% -sometimes Is everyone encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization 4% -never Page 50

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.


44% 52%

Always Sometimes Never

Observation 44% of the employees/ workers always feel everyone encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization, 52% are sometimes feel everyone encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization and rest of the 4% are never.

Table No -4 Workers approach any person for help in the organization and at any time - 42% always Workers approach any person for help in the organization and at any time 54% -sometimes Workers approach any person for help in the organization and at any time 4% -never

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Always Sometimes Never

Observation 42% of the employees/ workers always approach any person for help in the organization and at any time, 54% are sometimes approach any person for help in the organization and at any time, and rest of the 4% never.

Table No -1 Workers discuss with your superiors openly and freely - agree Workers discuss with your superiors openly and freely -uncertain Workers discuss with your superiors openly and freely -disagree 80% 20% 0%

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

0% 20%

Agree Uncertain Disagree


Observation 80% of the employees/ workers agree to discuss with your superiors openly and freely are rest of the 20% are uncertain to discuss with your superiors openly and freely.

Table No -2 Workers get clear instructions from the authority regarding their job - agree 84% Workers get clear instructions from the authority regarding their job 16% -uncertain Workers get clear instructions from the authority regarding their job -disagree 0% Page 53

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.



Agree Uncertain Disagree


Observation 84% of the employees/ workers agree to get clear instructions from the authority regarding their job, and rest 16% is uncertain to get clear instructions from the authority regarding their job.

Table No -3 There is always a support from top level to perform the job - agree There is always a support from top level to perform the job -uncertain There is always a support from top level to perform the job -disagree 56% 40% 4%

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40% 56%

Agree Uncertain Disagree

Observation 56% of the employees/ workers agree that there is always a support from top level to perform the job, 40% are uncertain that There is always a support from top level to perform the job and rest of the 4% disagree to it.

Table No -4 Workers satisfied with their performance related to their job - agree Workers satisfied with their performance related to their job -uncertain Workers satisfied with their performance related to their job -disagree 72% 20% 8%

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20% Agree Uncertain Disagree 72%

Observation 72% of the employees/ workers agree that they are satisfied with their performance related to their job, 20% are uncertain that they are satisfied with their performance related to their job and rest of the 8% disagree to it.

Table No 5

Workers able to meet the standards given by the organization - yes Workers able to meet the standards given by the organization -no

50% 50%

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.



Yes No

Observation 50% of the employees/ workers are able to meet the standards given by the organization and rest of the 50% is not able to meet the standards given by the organization

Table No -6 Authority appreciates the effect put forth by workers/ employees - agree Authority appreciates the effect put forth by workers/ employees -uncertain Authority appreciates the effect put forth by workers/ employees -disagree 68% 32% 0%

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

0% 32% Agree Uncertain Disagree 68%

Observation 68% of the employees/ workers agree that the authority appreciates the effect put forth by workers/ employees and rest of the 32% are uncertain that the authority appreciates the effect put forth by workers/ employees.

Table No 7

Workers able to meet the standards given by the organization - yes Workers able to meet the standards given by the organization -no

76% 24%

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.


Yes No


Observation 76% of the employees/ workers are able to meet the standards given by the organization and rest of the 24% is not able to meet the standards given by the organization

Table No -8 Workers feel that they get a chance to share your observations with your co- 72% workers- agree Workers feel that they get a chance to share your observations with your co- 24% workers -uncertain Workers feel that they get a chance to share your observations with your co- 4% workers -disagree Page 59

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

4% 24% Agree Uncertain Disagree 72%

Observation 72% of the employees/ workers agree that they feel that they get a chance to share your observations with your co-workers, 24% are uncertain that they that they get a chance to share your observations with your co-workers and rest of the 4% disagree to it.

Table No -9 In case, of being committed a mistake are you given an opportunity to correct 38% it - always In case, of being committed a mistake are you given an opportunity to correct 62% it sometimes In case, of being committed a mistake are you given an opportunity to correct 0% it never

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38% Agree Uncertain Disagree


Observation 38% of the employees/ workers agree that in case, of being committed a mistake is you given an opportunity to correct it and rest of the 62% are uncertain that in case, of being committed a mistake are you given an opportunity to correct it.

Table No -10 Workers are given an opportunity to try out what they have learnt- agree Workers are given an opportunity to try out what they have learnt- -uncertain Workers are given an opportunity to try out what they have learnt- -disagree 52% 40% 8%

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Agree Uncertain Disagree

Observation 52% of the employees/ workers agree that they are given an opportunity to try out what they have learnt, 40% are uncertain that they are given an opportunity to try out what they have learnt and rest of the 8% disagree to this.

Findings and analysis Communication Pattern 72% of the employees believe that always the work groups in the organization interact effectively. Around 56% of the employees believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top management passed on the lower level at the right time Throughout the survey, it has been found that important things are communicated in the organization through meetings, face to face and supervisors etc. Page 62

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 24% of the employees say that sometimes the management shares information in such a way that makes them feel included as partners in business, but at the same time 38% of the employees/workers say that management does not share information. Reward System 68% of the employees say that only sometimes they have been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working 72% of the employees agree that the growth opportunities in the organization linked to performers 52% of the employee strongly agree that the organization provides opportunities to utilize their abilities Staffing and development 56% of the employees agree that the organization has an effective program for training and development of them 52% of the employees agree that the training programs conducted to them meets the training needs Almost everyone knows the values of the organization .Some of the values are honesty, integrity and responsive etc 56% of the employees agree that values provide a platform for strengthening the organization

Conflict tolerance 40% of the employees make their opinion known in a disagreement with their superior 58% of the employees integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a dispute with their supervisors 42% of the employees avoid their supervisor when they suspect that he/she wants to discuss a disagreement Page 63

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 78% of the employees try to use supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems Motivation 52% of the employees always believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ motivates them. 70% of the employees sometimes believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among them and that helps to achieve the goals of them and organization When asked to rank the most effective motivating factors, majority of the employees have ranked challenging job as the most effective motivating factors followed by achievement , recognition for accomplishment, growth and development, money, position, acceptance and social status. Risk tolerance 50% of the employees say that only sometimes they are given opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved 64% of the employees agree that they are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk 60% of the employees say that only sometimes mistakes are treated with understanding and they have been given opportunity to learn from their mistakes Identify Around 74% of the employees feel that others should identify them by their organization 76% of the employees say that only sometimes personal commitments come in the way of their professional responsibilities 50% of the employees agree that their personal go along with the organizational goals. Integration 58% of the employees always feel that their coworkers are stimulating, loyal, fast and responsible. 52% of the employees are sometimes encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization Page 64

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 54% of the employees say that sometimes they approach any person for help in the organization and at any time Almost everyone feel proud working for this organization Around 80% of the employees can discuss with their supervisors openly and freely 56% of the employees agree that they get support from top level to perform the job Around 72% of the employees are satisfied with their performance related to their job 50% of the employees are able to meet the standards given by the organization and rest 50% are not. Around 76% of the employees get opportunity to attend the meetings Almost everyone given an opportunity to suggest in case of any conflicts 62% of the employees/ workers say that sometimes they get opportunity to correct their mistakes

Organizational Culture at Jinabakul -described by the employees Employees have described the organizational culture at Jinabakul as very good with admirable values. They say that here people are co-operating with each other in solving problems. Some of the employees are of the opinion that knowledge, experience etc. are not counted for up gradation. Employees are also unhappy with the culture prevailing in the organization due to lack of openness, transparency, improper communication, untimely promotion and lack of motivation Page 65

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

Though good system has been proposed at Jinabakul, but its implementation has not so effective. Employees / workers value has not been recognized in time and their abilities have not been tapped properly. Essential for a Business Success According to the employees at Jinabakul, the most essential things for a success of business are, Identifying the right person for the job and motivating him accomplish tasks A feeling of belongingness, dedication, sincerity and loyalty should be created among the employees There should be good cooperation between the managers and workers It is essential to make aware of each employees goal and achievement from time to time and give them higher responsibility with proper training Promoting the sales of the product through proper market survey is also essential Continually maintaining good quality of the product and improving the satisfaction level of the customers Lastly the basic value of the organization is the most essential for the basic success.

Recommendations Every employee should know the companys basic value. This common vernacular makes communication easier, which in turn makes organized activity feasible. These can be implemented by making aware the employees about the values when they join the company. Employees should be highly motivated using effective motivating factors. As most of the employees have ranked in challenging job as the most effective motivating techniques such as job enrichment program should be used. Page 66

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. The way people act towards you today is often a result of the way you trained them yesterday. To make training programs highly interactive, employees should be fed with cases tailoring their own jobs. The organization should make the employee feel that it believes in motivating them. So that work will be done in best possible manner to achieve the organizational goals. And the organization should give the opportunity to all the workers to take decisions where risk is involved. Employees should be given good facilities to work so that they can meet the standards given by the organization. And also the authorities should appreciate the work done by the workers. Workers should get an opportunity to attend meetings where it would be beneficial to workers to understand more about the organizations practices, strengths, weaknesses and decision patterns.

Conclusion According to research conducted the organization culture at Jinabakul is quite satisfactory and motivates the members of the organization. The communication pattern at Jinabakul is not restricted to particular level. The reward system is effective and has a quite an effective training and development programs. The inter departmental relations at the organization are quite good and are required to be maintained. The members of Jinabakul are not given opportunity to participate in other meetings and are not given more opportunity to suggest in case of conflicts. So this should be considered

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. In total the communication has to be done in time and the members are to motivated in giving suggestions during conflicts and attend other meetings.

Bibliography Organization culture Ashwathappa Corporate culture Charles Hampden turner Internet

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Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

Questionnaire Communication pattern 1. Do you believe that communication in the organization is Timely Accurate Open Two- way Always [ ] Always [ ] Always [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Sometimes [ ] Sometimes [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Never [ ] Never [ ] Never [ ]

2. Do you believe that work groups in the organization interact effectively? Page 69

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

3. the information is accessible freely in the organization Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

4. Do you believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top management passed on to the lower level at the right time Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

5. How are things communicated around the organization in meetings [ ] E-mails [ ] Face to-face[ ] Others (Specify)--------------

6. Does the management share information in a way that makes you feel included as patterns in business? Always [ ] Reward System 1. Have you ever been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

2. Are your achievements recognized and rewarded? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

3. Growth opportunities in the organization are linked to performers Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

4. The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the employees Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

5. Organization provides the opportunities to utilize your abilities Page 70

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Strongly agree [ ] Staffing and Development 1. The organization has an effective program for the training and development of employees Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

2. The training programs conducted meets the training needs of the employees Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

3. The company has continual training and development plans Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

4. The company believes training employees across the level Strongly agree [ ] Values 1. Are you aware of the organization values? Yes [ ] No [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

2. If Yes, mention some of the values you know ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Values provide a platform for strengthening the organization Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

Page 71

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Conflict Tolerance 1. You blend your ideas with your superiors to create new alternatives for resolving a disagreement Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

2. You make your opinion known in a disagreement with your superior Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

3. you suggest creative solutions that combine a variety of view points in discussions of disagreements Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

4. You integrate arguments into a new solution from the issues raised in a dispute with your supervisor Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

5. You avoid your supervisor when you suspect that he/she wants to discuss a disagreement Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

6. You keep quiet about your views in order to avoid disagreement? Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

7. you try to use your supervisors ideas to generate solutions to problems Strongly agree [ ] Motivation 1. Do you feel that the organization believes in motivating employees Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

Page 72

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 2. Do you believe that the environment in the organization encourages/ motivates employees Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

3. Do you believe that the organization fosters a climate of trust among the employees that helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

4. What according to you are the most effective motivating factors? Please rank the following factors ( 1 for highest 8 for lowest) Money [ ] Acceptance [ ] Recognition for accomplishment [ ] Position [ ] Risk Tolerance 1. Does the organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Achievement [ ] Social status [ ] Growth and development [ ] Challenging job [ ]

2. We are encouraged to experiment new methods and take risk Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

3. Are mistakes treated with understanding and people given opportunity to learn from the mistakes Always [ ] Identity 1. Do you feel that others should identify you by your organization? Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

2. Do you feel that it is important for you to be identified by your occupation? Page 73

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

3. Does you personal commitments come in the way of your professional responsibilities? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

4. Your personal go along with the organizational goals Strongly agree [ ] Integration 1. Do people from other departments co-operate and co-ordinate while working with each other? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] Disagree [ ]

2. Do you feel that your co-worker are stimulating loyal, fast and responsible? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

3. Is everyone encouraged to contribute to problems solving in the organization Always [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Never [ ] 4. Can you approach any person for help in the organization and at any time?

1. Do you feel proud working for this organization? Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. You can discuss with your superiors openly and freely Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

3. Do you agree that you get clear instructions from the authority regarding your job? Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

Page 74

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited. 4. Do you feel organization provides you an opportunity to use your knowledge and skill? Yes [ ] No [ ]

5. Are you clear about the organizations rules and regulations? Yes [ ] No [ ]

6. There is always a support from top level to perform the job Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

7. Are you satisfied with your performance related to your job? Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

8. Are you able to meet the standards given by the organization? Yes [ ] No[ ] If No, what are the reasons -----------------------------------9. Are you clear about the task you are expected to perform? Yes [ ] No [ ]

10. Authority appreciates the effect put forth by you Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

11. Are you given an opportunity to attend meetings Yes [ ] No [ ]

12. Do you feel that you get a chance to share your observations and your co-workers Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

13. Are you given an opportunity to attend meetings? Yes [ ] No [ ] Page 75

Organization culture at Jinabakul Forge Pvt Limited.

14. Does the existing environment motivate you to perform well? Yes [ ] No [ ]

15. What according to you are the important factors for motivation? 16. Are you given an opportunity to suggest in case of any conflicts? Yes [ ] No [ ]

17. In case, of being committed a mistake, are you given an opportunity to correct it? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]

18. Are you given an opportunity to try out what you have learnt? Agree [ ] Uncertain [ ] Disagree [ ]

19. How would you describe the organization culture at Jinabakul? 20. What do you think is essential for business success? 21. Do you believe that an organization culture is crucial to business success?

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