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UNTITLED SCHOOL PROJECT By Story By: JACOB SANMARTIN Adaptation by: Nathan, Keith, Frank, Agusto



INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT A television lights an otherwise dark apartment. On the television, a news report plays. REPORTER (O.S) How does it feel? JOHN Not having a mind? REPORTER (O.S) Some people identify with that as a sign of insanity. JOHN Me? Crazy? No, Ive lost my mind. REPORTER How is that any different? JOHN Its strange, as if my mind is someplace, though Im not entirely sure it can find how you used to be. Theres a change in me, like Im corrupted. REPORTER (O.S) Right. How do you deal with that? JOHN Heh. I dont think I am, Its like Im watching my life, I cant change how I act, how I shrivel into nothing. A shrouded figure sits in the shadows observing the news report. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT C.U Hand KNOCKING LONG SHOT - HALLWAY An older woman frantically KNOCKS on apartment door. MOTHER Can you open the door? Please?


INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT M.S A womanly figure, veiled in a cloak of shadows, steps across the shrouded figure. WOMAN Are you going to let her in? No response. M.S of shrouded figure Woman puts a blanket over the shrouded figure sitting. She leans in to kiss the top of his head. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT M.S The mirror medicine cabinet opens CUT TO: C.U A pill bottle drops a single pill into a battered palm. M.S Unaware of his surroundings, JOHN pops the pill into his mouth. He turns the faucet handle, water POURS into the sink. CUT TO: C.U JOHNS FACE John breaks the calm layer of clarity as he submerges his face under water. Bubbles float up and out from his nose. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT JOHN sits glued to his chair, the tv plays a romance between a couple. Caren fixes Johns bed, mops, and sweeps.




CAREN Do you ever have this place not filled with trash? M.S Caren turns to gaze at John, perplexed. An unresponsive John remains fixated on the tv, his mouth gaping. INT. KITCHEN - MORNING The cramped kitchen weighs in on the screen, the counters cluttered with objects that do no present any use. Somehow, Caren cooks up scrambled eggs with Ketchup battered on. She plops a plate in front of John sitting at the table. He plucks his fork and plays with his food. CAREN Stop playing with your food. He looks up. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Caren and John sit on the bed, Caren brushes Johns hair. CAREN Look how handsome you are. JOHN You know that movie we saw, with the old man. CAREN The weird one? Sure, go on. JOHN What do you think of it? CAREN He was never afraid. JOHN He was afraid of something?




CAREN The clock? Thats just a bunch of hooey. JOHN He was afraid of time. If the clock stopped, so would he. CAREN Yes, but he was in control, so what is the point of being afraid. JOHN Maybe he didnt know. Sometimes not knowing what you control makes the boring interesting. Caren sets the brush aside. John turns to her. He leans in for a kiss, Caren turns her cheek to avoid. Upset, John grabs her by the shoulders and leans for another kiss. Caren SLAPS John. John hurtfully storms away towards the tv, plopping on the chair. Caren slithers from behind, her arms engrossing around Johns neck as she lay her head on top of his. JOHN Do you enjoy doing this? CAREN Im trying to help you John. He turns the TV onto the interview. JOHN its like im living this one episode over and over again. REPORTER Is there a reason for it? JOHN I havent found one yet. The words I LOVE YOU are played backwards.


INT. KITCHEN - MORNING M.S Johns shoulders John lies his head on the table, his eyes closed. A cup of coffee is set next to him. His eyes open, he sits up to watch Caren fix the kitchen. DOLLY OUT: M.S The kitchen appears less cluttered. JOHN Youre cleaning me out. CAREN It needs a fixing. JOHN Do you want to go out for breakfast? CAREN Dont be so obnoxious, did you take your pills this morning? JOHN Yeah. John runs his fingers through his hair, he lifts his cup of coffee to his lips, a bit of it spills on the table. He analyzes what appears to be a Rorschach made of coffee. Abruptly a swift hand wipes the table clean. CAREN Cmon John, dont be sloppy. Remember what we talked about. JOHN Youre cleaning everything.


INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT W.S John lies wide awake. He slips from under covers onto the floor. He gazes at the door, taped up. M.S His hand strokes against the tape. He plucks the tape on one end. M.S CAREN (O.S) What are you doing? JOHN Sorry, I just was curious. CAREN You arent ready to go out there. JOHN How do you know that? CAREN Excuse me? JOHN You always tell me what to do, how to do it, always trying to read me like a symptom. Im not some disease Caren, Im hurt, and I want to go somewhere where it doesn t hurt. CAREN How can you expect to go anywhere in your condition? Where will you go? Hm? Do you even know what lies beyond that door? JOHN No. CAREN What you need to do is listen. Listen to me. Okay? JOHN Okay.




CAREN I want you to go take your medicine, sit down, and behave. Okay? Caren points to the behind her. JOHN Yes. John walks to the Bathroom. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT The pill rolls in Johns hand. He examines the shape with his fingers. He chooses to stuff the pill into his pocket. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Caren lies in bed. John joins her. CAREN Did you take your medicine? Johns hand slides alongside Carens arm. He leans in to kiss her neck. She turns around. CAREN What do you think youre doing? John turns around. JOHN Sleeping. INT. KITCHEN - MORNING John fiddles with the pill in his pocket. Caren makes breakfast. On the table, two coffee mugs sit as usual. John quickly pulls the pill out from his pocket, dropping it into Carens mug. Carens eye look up. She turns around, setting the sunny side eggs on the table.




Her hand raises the drugged coffee mug up to her lips, the pill surfaces at the top. She smiles. She drinks her coffee. CUT TO: The two munch on their eggs. Suddenly, Caren collapses onto the floor. John stares at her motionless body. He rises from his seat, picking up Caren and dropping her on the couch. He sits himself next to her, brushing her hair with his hand, stroking the bare skin of her arm. He feels her collarbone, and leans in for a kiss. He hovers over her as her eyes seem vacant. John twists his head to the door, looking at the tape. He lifts himself off of Caren and makes his way to the taped door. Caren sluggishly pushes herself up. CAREN Lets lie down John. She unbuttons her shirt. John turns around, glimpsing at Caren as she unbuttons her shirt. JOHN There is a place for me out there. Isnt there? CAREN Theres a place for everyone John, yours is here. JOHN I cant stay here anymore. It hurts to much. John rips the tape off the door, throwing the bands aside. Gripping the door, he hesitates, turning once more to see Caren, lifeless, like a doll, sit there. The door opens. MATCH CUT TO:


INT. THERAPIST OFFICE - DAY Johns eyes open. JOHN My head feels less pressured. CAREN(O.S) Good, youre getting your emotions out. JOHN Is this over yet? CAREN Its over whenever you want it to be over. John looks up at the clock. JOHN I think its over then. CAREN Youve made amazing progress over the last few months John. Youve really opened up. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Elevator doors slide open. John steps into the Elevator. He presses the down button. Caren smiles gently towards him. CAREN Everything will work out for you John, like I said you made amazing strides. John smiles. JOHN I know. The doors close as the last shot focuses on a medium shot of John smiling. END!

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