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DEC 6, 1995

TO: All Regional Program Review Staff

FROM: Keith Kistler, Acting Chief, IRB/IMD

RE: Target Numbers and Reviewer Discretion

Several of you have expressed some uncertainty about the

target numbers that are used in the program review process.
Specifically, over the past few weeks, IRB/IMD has received
questions about its policy that reviewers should look at 15
files per award year; its policy that reviewers should
examine 34 separate focus items; and its policy that a 10%
error rate is a prerequisite for file reconstruction
findings. This memorandum will provide further guidance and
clarification on these target numbers, as well as the use of
reviewer discretion in interpreting them.

As all of you know, formal IRB guidance indicates that

reviewers should examine 15 student files per award year
reviewed. Nonetheless, while 15 files is the goal, reviewers
are not strictly required to look at 15 files in every
instance. There may be situations in which it will not be
necessary to look at all 15 files; likewise, there may be
situations in which a reviewer will need to look at more
than 15 files.

For instance, after identifying a set of 15 files to review,

a reviewer might peruse the first 10 files and discover no
significant problems. At that point, the reviewer might
determine that it would be more efficient to skip the
remaining 5 files and proceed to some other task. In this
way, the reviewer, exercising his or her professional
judgment, has elected, based on the entirety of the
circumstances, to examine only 10 of the 15 files for that
award year.1

Likewise, there may be situations where the reviewer might

decide that looking at 15 files per award year would be
insufficient to make a determination about whether Title IV
funds are being administered properly. For instance, the 15
files that the reviewer examined might not have included a
sufficient number of students participating in a particular
program. Concerned about that program, the reviewer might

As explained later in this memorandum, any deviation from formal IRB
procedure must be supported by adequate documentation.
then decide to expand the number of files that he or she
explores, so that the particular program can be examined.2

An analogous situation concerns how reviewers are to treat

the 34 focus items. Again, while examining 34 items is the
goal, it is not an absolute requirement. There can be
situations where the reviewer decides, in the exercise of
his or her professional judgment, that it would be neither
necessary nor efficient to look at the full 34 items.
Likewise, the fact that 34 focus items are specifically
identified does not and should not preclude the reviewer
from examining additional areas if a problem is detected.

Finally, IRB/IMD has also received several inquiries about

its policy of requiring file reconstructions for findings
where the error rate exceeds 10%.3 Once again, 10% is a goal
that reviewers should follow, but it can be over-ridden in
specific situations by reviewer discretion. For example, the
error rate might be 9%, but there may be other factors that
lead the reviewer to decide that a file reconstruction is
nonetheless warranted. Similarly, the error rate might be
11%, but the reviewer might decide that the overall
situation does not warrant a file reconstruction.

Please note that, in each of the examples cited above, the

details about the specific factors that would inform the
reviewers’ discretion have been left vague. For example,
although I have indicated that there may be factors that
would lead a reviewer to require a file reconstruction
despite an error rate of only 9%, I have deliberately not
tried to provide anything like an exhaustive list of what
those factors might be. The point is that any such

If a reviewer does decide to look at files beyond the 15 that were
randomly selected by the IPOS Statistical Sampling System, the
additional files should at least be chosen from the full statistical
sample. Please see the Statistical Sampling Handbook for further
Observe that the principles of professional judgment described in this
memorandum can also apply to situations other than the ones specifically
identified here. For example, IRB Procedure Memorandum 95-6 states the
general rule that if a school fails to meet the deadline for responding
to a Program Review Report, the reviewer is to assess liability for all
Title IV funds received by the institution for the pertinent time
periods. Here again, however, reviewers’ professional judgment may come
into play. To illustrate: A reviewer might decide that, based on the
specific situation involved, requiring the school to repay all Title IV
funds would be too harsh a penalty, and might therefore grant the school
an extension. The central point here is that the principles of
professional judgment detailed in this memorandum are applicable to
situations other than the ones specifically identified.
determination must be based on the specific facts of the
case and the best professional judgment of the reviewer (and
his or her supervisors). To attempt a comprehensive list of
the factors that might influence the reviewers’ discretion
would be futile.

Although reviewers are encouraged (and, in fact, required)

to use their best professional judgment in a variety of
situations, I do not intend for this memorandum to serve as
a license for reviewers to ignore formal guidance from IRB
Headquarters.4 IRB policies are carefully developed over
time with an eye towards making the entire review process
legally supportable in the event of an administrative
hearing. Therefore, reviewers must understand that they are
expected to abide by IRB procedure, even though such
procedure may occasionally be over-ridden based on the
unique circumstances of a particular case.

By way of illustration: It should be clear from the above

discussion that a reviewer might decide, based on all the
relevant circumstances and using his or her professional
judgment, to examine only 10 files for a given award year at
a particular school. This would be an example of an
appropriate use of professional judgment. However, if that
same reviewer were to decide to look at 10 files for every
award year at all schools that he or she examines, this
would be inappropriate and an abuse of discretion.
Naturally, reviewers may feel free to call upon their
supervisors, or upon IRB Headquarters, for advice and
guidance on the appropriate use of professional judgment.

One final point: Whenever a reviewer does make the decision

to digress from formal IRB procedure, that reviewer must
thoroughly document the reason(s) for that deviation. What
constitutes adequate documentation will of course depend on
the particular circumstances of the case. Among the factors
to be considered might be: the extent of the deviation from
formal policy; the likelihood of an eventual administrative
appeal; and the monetary value of contested issues. The
weightier these factors become, the more detailed an
explanation of the reasons for deviation from formal
procedure will be expected. Bear in mind that if a reviewer
fails to document the reasons for deviation from formal
guidance, the Department may have difficulty supporting the
reviewer’s conduct in the event of an administrative
hearing. In fact, the reviewer’s failure to document may be
grounds for finding that the employee has been derelict in
the conduct of his or her duties.
Of course, all IRB procedures reflect input from both Headquarters and
regional staff. Therefore, the procedures are truly a collaborative
effort, not simply fiat from IRB Headquarters.
Thank you all for your attention to this memorandum. If you
have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact
me at (202) 708-8701.

cc: Marianne Phelps, Director, IPOS

Howard Fenton, Acting Director, IMD
Bonnie LeBold, Director, ROD
Mary K. Muncie, Deputy Director, ROD
Phillip “Radar” Brumback, ROD

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