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Philip B. Bedient, Ph.D., P.E.


PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Books or Related Chapters 1. Lindner, J., Schwertz, D., Bedient, P. B., and Fang, Z., Flood Prediction and Flood Warning Systems. In Chapter 4, Severe Storm and Hurricane Prediction and the Impacts in the Gulf Coast, Ed. by Philip B. Bedient and Jim Blackburn (2010 in Review). 2. Rifai H.S., Borden R.C., Newell C.J. and Bedient P.B., Modeling Remediation of Chlorinated solvent plumes In Situ Remediation of Chlorinated solvent Plumes, Chapter 6, H.F. Stroo, C.H. Ward Editors, Springer, N.Y. 2010, 145 pp. 3. Bedient, P. B. and Huber W. C., Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, 4th Ed. Prentice-Hall Publishing Co., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2008, 795 pp. 4. Fang, Z., Safiolea, E., Bedient, P.B. Enhanced Flood Alert and Control Systems for Houston. In Chapter 16, Coastal Hydrology and Processes, Ed. By Vijay P. Singh and Y. Jun Xu, Water Resource Publications, LLC, 2006, pp. 199-210 5. Capiro, N.L. and Bedient P.B. "Transport of Reactive Solute in Soil and Groundwater" The Water Encyclopedia 2005, 524-531 pp. 6. Horsak, R.D., Bedient, P.B., Thomas, F.B., and Hamilton, C. "Pesticides, Environmental Forensics, 2005 7. Thompson, J.F. and Bedient, P.B. Urban Storm Water Design and Management, The Engineering Handbook, Chapter 94, CRC Press, 2004, 21 pp. 8. Bedient, P. B., Rifai H. S., and Newell C. J., Ground Water Contamination: Transport and Remediation, 2nd Ed. PTR Publ., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999, 605 pp. 9. Charbeneau, R. J., Bedient, P. B. and Loehr R. C., Groundwater Remediation, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, PA 1992, 188 pp.

B.Peer Reviewed Journal Publications 1. Ray, T., Stepinski, E., Sebastian, A., Bedient, P.B. Dynamic Modeling of Storm Surge and Inland Flooding in Texas Coastal Floodplain , Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 137, No.10, October 2011, ISSN 0733-9429/2011/10-1103-1110 2. Fang, Z. Bedient, P. B., Guven, B. Long-term performance of a flood alert system and upgrade to fas3: a Houston Texas case study, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 16, No. 10, October 1, 2011, ISSN 1084-0699/2011/10-818-828.

3. Fang, Z. Bedient, P. B., Guven, B. Performance of an Operational Flood Alert System with
Floodplain Map Library for Houston, Texas. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. (2011 in Press).

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4. Teague, A., Bedient, P. and Guven, B. Targeted Application of Seasonal Load Duration Curves
using Multivariate Analysis in Two Watersheds Flowing into Lake Houston (JAWRA-10-0003P.R1). Journal of American Water Resources Association. (2010 accepted.) 5. Fang, Z, Zimmer, A., Bedient, P. B, Robinson, H., Christian, J., and Vieux, B. E., Using a Distributed Hydrologic Model to Evaluate the Location of Urban Development and Flood Control Storage. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. Vol. 136, No. 5, September 2010, ISSN 0733-9496/2010/5-597-601. 6. Fang, Z., Bedient, P. B., Benavides J.A, and Zimmer A. L. (2008). Enhanced Radar-based Flood Alert System and Floodplain Map Library. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 13, No. 10, October 1, 2008, ISSN 1084-0699/2008/10-926-938. 7. Gomez, D. E., De Blanc, P. C., Rixey, W., Bedient, P.B., Alvarez, P. J.J. (2008), Evaluation of Benzene Plume Elongation Mechanisms Exerted by Ethanol Using RT3D with a General Substrate Interaction Module Water Resource Research Journal, Vol. 44, May. 8. Rifai, H.S., Borden, R. C., Newell, C. J., and Bedient, P.B. Modeling Dissolved Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater and Their Remediation, in SERDP monograph on Remediation of Dissolved Phase Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater, (accepted) 2007. 9. Bedient, P. B., Holder, A., and Thompson, J. F., and Fang, Z. (2007). Modeling of Storm water Response under Large Tailwater Conditions Case Study for the Texas Medical Center. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 1, 2007. 10. Capiro, N.L., Stafford, B.P., Rixey, W.G., Alvarez, P.J.J. and Bedient, P.B. "Fuel-Grade Ethanol Transport at the Water Table Interface in a Pilot-Scale Experimental Tank" Water Research, 41(3), pp. 656-654, 2007. 11. Bedient, P.B., Rifai, H.S., Suarez, M.P., and Hovinga, R.M. Houston Water Issues Chapter in Water for Texas. Jim Norwine and J.R. Giardino, Eds. pp. 107-121, 2005. 12. Characklis, G.W., Griffin, R.C., and Bedient, P.B. "Measuring Long-term Benefits of Salinity Reduction" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 30 (1) (2005): 69-93. 13. Bedient, P.B., Horsak, R.D., Schlenk, D., Hovinga, R.M., and Pierson, J.D. "Environmental Impact on Fipronil to Louisiana Crawfish Industry" Environmental Forensics (2005): 289-299. 14. Characklis, G. W., Griffin, R.C., and Bedient, P.B. "Measuring the Long-term Benefits of Salinity Reduction" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 30(1), pp.69-93, 2005. 15. Vieux, B.E. and Bedient, P.B. Assessing urban hydrologic prediction accuracy through event reconstruction Journal of Hydrology, 299(3-4), pp. 217-236. Special Issue on Urban Hydrology, 2004. 16. Thompson, J.F. and Bedient, P.B. Urban Storm Water Design and Management The Engineering Handbook, Chapter 94, CRC Press, 2004, 21 pp. 17. Capiro, N.L. and Bedient P.B. Transport of Reactive Solute in Soil and Groundwater The Encyclopedia of Water, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA pp. 524-531, 2005. 18. Bedient, P.B., Holder, A., and Benavides, J. Advanced Analysis of T.S. Allisons Impacts submitted to Jn. of American Water Resources Assn., 2004. 19. Bedient, P. B., A. Holder, J. Benavides, and B. Vieux Radar-Based Flood Warning System applied to TS Allison, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 8(6), pp 308-318, Nov, 2003. 20. Glenn, S., Bedient, P.B., and B. Vieux Ground Water Recharge Analysis Using NEXRAD in a

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GIS Framework submitted to Ground Water, October 2002. 21. Bedient, P.B., Vieux, B.E., Vieux, J.E., Koehler, E.R., and H.L. Rietz Mitigating Flood Impacts of Tropical Storm Allison accepted by Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 2002. 22. El-Beshry, M., Gierke, J.S., and P.B. Bedient Practical Modeling of SVE Performance at a JetFuel Spill Site ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering pp. 630-638, (127) 7, July 2001. 23. El-Beshry, M.Z., Gierke, J.S., and P.B. Bedient Modeling the Performance of an SVE Field Test in Chapter 7, Vadose Zone Science and Technology Solutions, Brian B. Looney and Ronald W. Falta, editors, Vol. II, pp. 1157-1169, (2000). 24. Rifai, H.S., Brock, S.M. Ensor, K.B., and P.B. Bedient "Determination of Low-Flow Characteristics for Texas Streams" ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, (126)5, pp.310-319, September-October 2000. 25. Bedient, P.B., Hoblit, B.C., Gladwell, D.C., and B.E. Vieux NEXRAD Radar for Flood Prediction in Houston ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 5(3), pp. 269-277, July 2000. 26. Hamed, M.M., Nelson, P.D., and P.B. Bedient A Distributed Site Model for Non-equilibrium Dissolution of Multicomponent Residually Trapped NAPL Environmental Modeling and Software, (15), pp. 443-450, September 2000. 27. Holder, A.W., Bedient, P.B., and C.N. Dawson FLOTRAN, a Three-dimensional Ground Water Model, with Comparisons to Analytical Solutions and Other Models Advances in Water Resources, pp. 517-530, 2000. 28. Rifai, H.S., Bedient, P.B., and G.L. Shorr Monitoring Hazardous Waste Sites: Characterization and Remediation Considerations Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2(3), pp. 199-212, June 2000. 29. Hoblit, B.C., Baxter, E.V., Holder, A.W., and P.B. Bedient Predicting With Precision ASCE Civil Engineering Magazine, 69(11), pp. 40-43, November 1999. 30. Bedient, P.B., Holder, A.W., Enfield, C.G., and A.L. Wood Enhanced Remediation Demonstrations at Hill Air Force Base: Introduction Innovative Subsurface Remediation: Field Testing of Physical, Chemical, and Characterization Technologies, Mark L. Brusseau, et al., eds., pp. 36-48, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1999. 31. Holder, A.W., Bedient, P.B., and J.B. Hughes Modeling the Impact of Oxygen Reaeration on Natural Attenuation Bioremediation Journal, 3(2): 137-149, June 1999. 32. Characklis, G.W., Griffin, R.C., and P.B. Bedient Improving the Ability of a Water Market to Efficiently Manage Drought Water Resources Research, (35)3, 823-831, March 1999. 33. Vieux, B.E. and P.B. Bedient Estimation of Rainfall for Flood Prediction from WSR-88D Reflectivity: A Case Study, 17-18 October 1994 Weather and Forecasting, 1998 American Meteorological Society, 13:2, 407-415, June 1998. 34. Bedient, P.B. Hydrology and Transport Processes Subsurface Restoration, C.H. Ward, J.A. Cherry and M.R. Scalf, editors, Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, MI, 59-73, 1997. 35. Hamed, M.M. and P.B. Bedient On the Performance of Computational Methods for the Assessment of Risk from Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water, 35(4), 638-646, JulyAugust 1997. 36. Hamed, M.M. and P.B. Bedient On the Effect of Probability Distributions of Input Variables in Public Health Risk Assessment Risk Analysis, 17(1), 97-105, 1997.

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37. Hamed, M.M., Bedient, P.B., and J.P. Conte Numerical Stochastic Analysis of Groundwater Contaminant Transport and Plume Containment Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 1996, 24 pp. 38. Hamed, M.M., Bedient, P.B., and C.N. Dawson Probabilistic Modeling of Aquifer Heterogeneity Using Reliability Methods Advances in Water Resources, 19(5), 277-295, 1996. 39. Sweed, H., Bedient, P.B., and S.R. Hutchins "Surface Application System for In-Situ Bioremediation: Site Characterization and Modeling" Groundwater Journal, 34(2), 211-222, 1996. 40. Hamed, M.M., Conte, J.P., and P.B. Bedient "Uncertainty Analysis of Subsurface Transport of Reactive Solute Using Reliability Methods" Groundwater Models for Resources Analysis and Management, CRC Press, Inc., Chapter 8:123-135 1995. 41. Hamed, M.M., Conte, J.P., and P.B. Bedient "Probabilistic Screening Tool for Groundwater Contamination Assessment" ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 121(11): 767-775, (1995). 42. Rifai, H.S. and P.B. Bedient "A Review of Biodegradation Models: Theory and Applications" Groundwater Models for Resources Analysis and Management, CRC Press, Inc., Chapter 16:295312 (1995). 43. Rifai, H. S., Newell, C. J., Bedient, P.B., Shipley, F.S., and R.W. McFarlane, The State of the Bay, The Galveston Bay National Estuary Program, Webster, TX, 232 pp. (1994). 44. Rifai, H.S. and P.B. Bedient "Modeling Contaminant Transport and Biodegradation in Ground Water" Advances in Environmental Science Groundwater Contamination, Volume I: Methodology and Modeling, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY (1994). 45. Bedient, P.B. and H.S. Rifai "Modeling in Situ Bioremediation" In Situ Bioremediation, When Does It Work? National Academy Press, pp. 153-159 (1993). 46. Rifai, H. S., Bedient, P.B., Hendricks, L.A., and K. Kilborn "A Geographical Information System (GIS) User Interface for Delineating Wellhead Protection" Ground Water, 31:3, pp. 480-488 (1993). 47. H. S. Rifai, Newell, C. J., and P.B. Bedient "Getting to the Nonpoint Source with GIS" Civil Engineering, June, pp. 44-46 (1993). 48. H. S. Rifai, Newell, C. J., and P.B. Bedient "GIS Enhances Water Quality Modeling" GIS World, August, pp. 52-55 (1993). 49. Bedient, P.B., Schwartz, F.W., and H.S. Rifai "Hydrologic Design for Groundwater Pollution Control" Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw Hill, pp. 29.1-29.47 (1993). 50. Wise, W.R., Robinson, G.C., and P.B. Bedient "Chromatographic Evidence for Nonlinear Partitioning of Aromatic Compounds Between Petroleum and Water" Ground Water, 30(6): 936944. (Nov. - Dec. 1992). 51. Charbeneau, R.J., Bedient, P.B., and R.C. Loehr, Groundwater Remediation, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, PA, 188 pages (1992). 52. Bedient, P.B. and H.S. Rifai "Ground Water Contaminant Modeling for Bioremediation: A Review" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 32:225-243 (1992). 53. Kilborn, K., Rifai, H.S., and P. B. Bedient "Connecting Groundwater Models and GIS" Geo Info Systems, pp. 26-31, (February 1992).

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54. Rifai, H. S. and P. B. Bedient "Modeling Contaminant Transport and Biodegradation in Ground Water" To be published in Textbook: Advances in Environmental Science Groundwater Contamination, Volume I: Methodology and Modeling, Springer Verlag, (In Press) (September 1991). 55. Newell, C.J., Rifai, H.S., and P.B. Bedient "Characterization of Non-Point Sources and Loadings to Galveston Bay" Galveston Bay National Estuary Program, Houston, Texas, 150 pp (October 1991). 56. Rifai, H.S., Long, G.P., and P.B. Bedient "Modeling Bioremediation: Theory and Field Application" In Situ Bioreclamation Applications and Investigations for Hydrocarbon and Contaminated Site Remediation, Ed. by R. E. Hinchee and R. F. Olfenbuttel, Battelle Memorial Institute, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, (1991). 57. Kilborn, K., Rifai, H.S., and P.B. Bedient "The Integration of Ground Water Models with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)" 1991 ACSM/ASPRS 10 Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, In Technical Papers, vol. 2, pp. 150-159, (March 1991). 58. Wise, W.R., Chang, C.C., Klopp, R.A., and P. B. Bedient "Impact of Recharge Through Residual Oil Upon Sampling of Underlying Ground Water" Ground Water Monitoring Review, pp. 93-100 (Spring 1991). 59. Rifai, H.S. and P.B. Bedient "Comparison of Biodegradation Kinetics with an Instantaneous Reaction Model for Ground Water" Water Resource. Res. 26:637-645 (1990). 60. Newell, C.J., Hopkins, L.P., and P.B. Bedient "A Hydrogeologic Database for Ground Water Modeling" Ground Water 28:703-714 (1990). 61. Newell, C.J., Haasbeek, J.F., and P.B. Bedient "OASIS: A Graphical Decision Support System for Ground Water Contaminant Modeling" Ground Water 28:224-234 (1990). 62. Chiang, C.Y., Wheeler, M.F., and P.B. Bedient "A Modified Method of Characteristics Technique and Mixed Finite Elements Method for Simulation of Ground Water Contaminant Transport" Water Resource. Res. 25:1541-1549 (1989). 63. Todd, D.A., Bedient, P.B., Haasbeek, J.F., and J. Noell "Impact of Land Use and NPS Loads on Lake Water Quality" ASCE J. Environmental Engr. Div. 115:633-649 (1989). 64. Borden, R.C., Lee, M.D., Thomas, J.M., Bedient, P.B., and C.H. Ward In Situ Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Oxygen Limited Biotransformation" Ground Water Monit. Rev. 9:83-91 (1989). 65. Rifai, H.S., Bedient, P.B., Wilson, J.T., Miller, K.M., and J.M. Armstrong "Biodegradation Modeling at an Aviation Spill Site" ASCE J. Environmental Engr. Div. 114:1007-1019 (1988). 66. Satkin, R.L. and P.B. Bedient "Effectiveness of Various Aquifer Restoration Schemes under Variable Hydrogeologic Conditions" Ground Water, 26:488-498 (1988). 67. Todd, D.A. and P B. Bedient "Stream Dissolved Oxygen Analysis and Control" (Closure), ASCE J. Environmental Engr. Div. 113:927-928 (1987). 68. Freeberg, K.M., Bedient, P.B., and J.A. Connor "Modeling of TCE Contamination and Recovery in a Shallow Sand Aquifer" Ground Water 25:70-80 (1987). 69. Borden, R.C. and P.B. Bedient "In Situ Measurement of Adsorption and Biotransformation at a Hazardous Waste Site" Water Resour. Bull. 23(4): 629-636 (1987). 70. Borden, R.C., Bedient, P.B., Lee, M.D., Ward, C.H., and J.T. Wilson " Transport of Dissolved

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Hydrocarbons Influenced by Oxygen Limited Biodegradation: 2. Field Application" Water Resour. Res. 22:1983-1990 (1986). 71. Borden, R.C. and P.B. Bedient "Transport of Dissolved Hydrocarbons Influenced by Reaeration and Oxygen Limited Biodegradation: 1. Theoretical Development" Water Resour. Res. 22:19731982 (1986). 72. C.H. Ward, Tomson, M.B., Bedient, P.B., and M.D. Lee "Transport and Fate Processes in the Subsurface" In R. C. Loehr, and J.F. Malina, Jr., eds., Land Treatment, A Hazardous Waste Management Alternative, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas, Austin, TX, pp. 19-39. (1986). 73. Wilson, J.T., McNabb, J.F., Cochran, J.W., Wang, T.H., Tomson, M.B., and P.B. Bedient "Influence of Microbial Adaptation on the Fate of Organic Pollutants in Ground Water" Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 4:721-726 (1985). 74. Bedient, P.B. "Overview of Subsurface Characterization Research" In Ward, C.H., Giger, W., and P. L. McCarty, eds., Ground Water Quality, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, pp. 345347 (1985). 75. Bedient, P.B., Flores, A., Johnson, S., and P. Pappas "Floodplain Storage and Land Use Analyses at the Woodlands, Texas" Water Resour. Bull. 21:543-551 (1985). 76. Hutchins, S.R., Tomson, M.B., Bedient, P.B., and C.H. Ward "Fate of Trace Organics During Land Application of Municipal Wastewater" CRC Crit. Rev. Environ. Control 15:355-416 (1985). 77. Todd, D.A. and P.B. Bedient "Stream Dissolved Oxygen Analysis and Control" ASCE J. Environmental Engr. Div. 111:336-352 (June 1985). 78. Chiang, C.Y. and P.B. Bedient "PIBS Model for Surcharged Pipe Flow" ASCE J. Hydraulics Div. 112:181-192 (1985). 79. Bedient, P.B., Borden, R.C., and D.I. Leib "Basic Concepts for Ground Water Transport Modeling" In Ward, C.H., Giger, W., and P.L. McCarty, eds., Ground Water Quality, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, pp. 512-531, (1985). 80. Bedient, P.B., Rodgers, A.C., Bouvette, T.C., and M.B. Tomson "Ground Water Quality at a Creosote Waste Site" Ground Water 22:318-319 (1984). 81. Bedient, P.B. and P.G. Rowe, eds., Urban Watershed Management: Flooding and Water Quality, Rice University Studies, 205 pp. (March 1979). 82. Bedient, P.B., Huber, W.C., and J. Heaney Environmental Model of the Kissimmee River Basin ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 103, No. WR2, (1977). Conference Proceedings and Other Technical Publications 1. Christian, J. K., Fang, Z., and Bedient, P. B. (2011). Probabilistic Floodplain Delineation, 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Palm Springs, CA. May 23-25 2. Fang, Z., Juan, A., Bedient, P. B., Kumar, S., and Steubing, C. (2011). Flood Warning Indicator: Establishing a Reliable Radar-Based Flood Warning System for the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed, ASCE/TFMA, TFMA 2011 Annual Conference, Sugar Land, Texas, April 11- 14.

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3. Bedient, P. B., Fang, Z., and Vieux, B. E. (2010). Radar-based Flood Warning System for the Texas Medical Center and Performance Evaluation, National Flood Workshop, Houston, Texas, October 24-26. 4. Bedient, P. B. and Fang, Z. (2010). "Advanced Radar-based Flood Warning System for Hurricane-prone Urban Areas and Performance during Recent Events", 2nd International Conference on Flood Recovery, Innovation and Response (FRIAR), Milano, Italy, May 26-28. 5. Fang, Z., Juan, A., Bedient, P. B., Kumar, S., and Steubing, C. (2010). "Flood Alert System for Upper Oyster Creek Watershed in Sugar Land, Texas using NEXRAD, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and GIS", ASCE/TFMA, TFMA 2010 Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, June 7- 10. 6. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P. B. (2010). "Radar Applications in Flood Warning System for an Urban Watershed in Houston, Texas", Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium - Special Session on Flood Forecasting and Management with Remote Sensing and GIS, Jackson Hole, WO, September 27 -30. 7. Bedient, P. B., Fang, Z., and Vieux, B. E. (2010). "Radar-based Flood Warning System for the Texas Medical Center and Performance Evaluation", National Flood Workshop, Houston, Texas, October 24-26. 8. Teague, A. and Bedient, P. (2010.) Distributed Modeling of Water Quality in Cypress Creek Watershed, Houston, Texas. 21st Century Watershed Technology: Improving Water Quality and the Environment, EARTH University, Costa Rica, February 21-24, 2010. 9. Teague, A. and Bedient, P. (2010). Visualization of Hydrologic Simulations in Support of Water Quality Applications for Cypress Creek, Houston, Texas. Conference Proceedings. Annual Water Resources Conference, American Water Resources Association. November 1-4, 2010, Philadelphia, PA. 10. Teague, A. and Bedient, P. (2010.) Distributed Water Quality Modeling for a Drinking Water Source Watershed for the City of Houston, Texas. Conference Proceedings. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. May 16-20, 2010, Providence, RI. 11. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Radar-based Flood Warning System for Houston and Its Performance Evaluation. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2009 Fall Meeting, December 14-18, San Francisco, CA. 12. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Radar-based Flood Alert System for Coastal Area and Collaborated Efforts for Disaster Prevention and Risk Management. IRCD 34th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop Hazards and the Economy: Challenges and Opportunity, July 15-18, Boulder, CO. 13. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Flood Inundation Prediction and Performance during Hurricane Ike. Proceedings of World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2008, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Kansas City, Missouri, May 1721. 14. Robinson, H., Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Distributed Hydrologic Modeling of the Yuna River Watershed in the Dominican Republic. Proceedings of World Environmental & Water

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15. Ray, T., Fang, Z., and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Assessment of Flood Risk Due to Storm Surge in Coastal Bayous Using Dynamic Hydraulic Modeling. Proceedings of World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2008, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Kansas City, Missouri, May 17-21. 16. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Advanced Radar-based Flood Forecasting Systems for a Highly Urbanized Coastal Area and SSPEED Center, ASCE/TFMA Flood Awareness and Flood Response Workshop, April 29, San Marcos, TX. 17. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2009). Flood Warning Systems for Urban Flooding. Grand Challenges in Coastal Resiliency I: Transforming Coastal Inundation Modeling to Public Security, January 20-21, Baton Rouge, LA. 18. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2008). NEXRAD Radar-based Hydraulic Flood Prediction System for a Major Evacuation Routes in Houston. American Geophysical Union 2008 Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, CA. 19. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2008). Advanced Flood Alert System with Hydraulic Prediction for a Major Evacuation Route in Houston. Proceedings of American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual Conference 2008, New Orleans, Louisianan, November 17-20. 20. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2008). Flood Inundation Prediction and Performance during Hurricane Ile. Proceedings of Severe Storm Prediction and Global Climate Impact in the Gulf Coast Conference 2008, Houston, Texas, October 28-31. 21. Bedient, P.B. and Fang, Z. (2008). Predicting and Managing Severe Storms in the Gulf Coast through University Research. Proceedings of Severe Storm Prediction and Global Climate Impact in the Gulf Coast Conference 2008, Houston, Texas, October 28-31. 22. Robinson, H., Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2008). Distributed Hydrologic Model Development in the Topographically Challenging Yuna River Watershed, Dominican Republic. Proceedings of Severe Storm Prediction and Global Climate Impact in the Gulf Coast Conference 2008, Houston, Texas, October 28-31. 23. Ray, T., Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2008). Assessment of Flood Risk Due to Storm Surge in Coastal Bayous Using Dynamic Hydraulic Modeling. Proceedings of Severe Storm Prediction and Global Climate Impact in the Gulf Coast Conference 2008, Houston, Texas, October 28-31. 24. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. (2008). Floodplain Map Library (FPML): Innovative Method for Flood Warning System for Urban Watershed in Houston, TX. Proceedings of World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2008, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 13-16. 25. Bedient, P.B., Foresight Panel on Environmental Effects Houston-Galveston Area Council, Houston, Texas, February 5, 2008 26. Bedient, P.B., Fang, Z., Hovinga, R,M., Flood Warning System (FAS2) Rice University

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Training, Houston, Texas, January 15, 2008 27. Bedient, P.B., Fang, Z., Hovinga, R,M., SSPEED Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 16, 2007

28. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. Real-time Hydraulic Prediction Tool FloodPlain Map Library (FPML). American Water Resources Association 2007 Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 12-15, 2007 29. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. Enhanced NEXRAD Radar-based Flood Warning System with Hydraulic Prediction Feature: Floodplain Map Library (FPML). American Geophysical Union 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 10-14, 2007 30. Fang, Z. and Bedient, P.B. The Future of Flood Prediction in Coastal Areas Severe Storm Prediction, Evacuation, and Education from Disasters Conference, Rice University, Houston Texas, May 8-10, 2007 31. Bedient, P.B. and Fang, Z. Radar-based Flood Warning System Using Dynamic Floodplain Map Library. Proceedings of World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2007, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Tampa, Florida, May 15-19, 2007 32. Bedient, P.B., and C. Penland A Radar Based FAS for Houstons Texas Medical Center IDRC Conference, Davos, Switzerland, Aug, 2006. 33. Safiolea, E. and P.B. Bedient "Comparative Analysis of the Hydrologic Impact of Land Use Change and Subsidence in an Urban Environment" Proceedings of AWRA GIS Conference, Houston, TX, May 8-10, 2006. 34. Bedient, P.B., Fang, Z., and R. Hovinga "Prediction for Severe Storm Flood Levels for Houston Using Hurricane Induced Storm Surge Models in GIS Frame" Proceedings of AWRA GIS Conference, Houston, TX, May 8-10, 2006. 35. Fang, Z., Safiolea, E., and P.B. Bedient "Enhanced Flood Alert and Control Systems for Houston" Proceedings of 25th American Institute of Hydrology Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, May 21-24, 2006. 36. Gordon, R. and P.B. Bedient "Rice University Engineers Without Borders: An Exercise in International Service Learning" Proceedings of the ASEEducation Conference, Chicago, June 1821, 2006. 37. Gordon, R., Benavides, J.A., Hovinga, R., Whitko, A.N., and P.B. Bedient "Urban Floodplain Mapping and Flood Damage Reduction Using LIDAR, NEXRAD, and GIS" Proceedings of the 2006 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: GIS and Water Resources IV, Houston, TX, May 8-10, 2006. 38. Fang, Z. and P.B. Bedient "IP2 Houston Flood Alert and Response-2006" CASA Meeting, Estes Park, Co, October 16-17, 2006.

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Philip B. Bedient, Ph.D., P.E. Publications

39. Safiolea, E., Bedient, P.B., and B.E. Vieux "Assessment of the Relative Hydrologic Effects of Land Use Change and Subsidence Using Distributed Modeling" (July 2005). 40. Holder, A.W., Hoblit, B., Bedient, P.B., and B.E. Vieux Urban Hydrologic Forecasting Application Using the NEXRAD Radar in Houston Proceedings of the Texas Section American Society of Civil Engineers, Austin, TX, pp. 279-288, April 5-8, 2000. 41. Benavides, J.A., Pietruszewski, B., Stewart, E., and P.B. Bedient A Sustainable Development Approach for the Clear Creek Watershed Proceedings of the Texas Section American Society of Civil Engineers, Austin, TX, pp. 269-278, April 5-8, 2000. 42. Bedient, P.B., Rifai, H.S., and C.W. Newell "Decision Support System for Evaluating Pump-andTreat Remediation Alternatives" Pollution Modeling: Vol. 1, Proceedings for Envirosoft 94, November 16-18, 1994, San Francisco, CA, Edited by P. Zannetti, Computational Mechanics Publications, Wessex Inst of Technology, Southampton, UK. 43. Hamed M.M. and P.B. Bedient Uncertainty Analysis of Natural Attenuation in Groundwater Systems, Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1997, 1:43-48. 44. Hamed, M.M., Holder, A.W., and P.B. Bedient Evaluation of Reaeration Using a 3-D Groundwater Transport Model Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1997, 1:75-80. 45. Holder, A.W., Bedient, P.B., and J.B. Hughes TCE and 1,2-DCE Biotransformation Inside a Biologically Active Zone Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA, May 18-21, 1:219-224, 1998. 46. Hamed M.M. and P.B. Bedient Uncertainty Analysis of Natural Attenuation in Groundwater Systems Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1997, 1:43-48. 47. Hamed, M.M., Holder, A.W., and P.B. Bedient Evaluation of Reaeration Using a 3-D Groundwater Transport Model Proceedings of the In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1997, 1:75-80. 48. Hamed, M.M., Bedient, P.B., and J.P. Conte Probabilistic Modeling of Contaminant Transport in the Subsurface Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference Solutions 95, Edmonton, Canada, June 4-10, 1995. 49. Bedient, P.B., Rifai, H.S., and C.W. Newell "Decision Support System for Evaluating Pump-andTreat Remediation Alternatives" Pollution Modeling: Vol. 1, Proceedings for Envirosoft 94, November 16-18, 1994, San Francisco, CA, Edited by P. Zannetti, Computational Mechanics Publications, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK. 50. Burgess, K. S., Rifai, H. S., and P. B. Bedient "Flow and Transport Modeling of a Heterogeneous Field Site Contaminated with Dense Chlorinated Solvent Waste" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Houston, TX (Nov. 10-12, 1993).

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Philip B. Bedient, Ph.D., P.E. Publications

51. Hamed, M., Conte, J., and P. B. Bedient "Reliability Approach to the Probabilistic Modeling of Ground Water Flow and Transport" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Houston, TX (Nov. 10-12, 1993). 52. Rifai, H.S. and P.B. Bedient "Ground Water Contaminant Modeling for Bioremediation: A Review" Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Ground Water: The Problem and Some Solutions, The Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, 101-121 (April 2-3, 1992). 53. Thomas, J.M., Duston, K.L., Bedient, P.B., and C.H. Ward "In Situ Biorestoration of Contaminated Aquifers and Hazardous Waste Sites in Texas" Proceedings for the Petro-Safe 92, 3rd Annual Environmental and Safety Conference for the Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Industries, Houston, TX, Vol. 3, pp. 889-898 (1992). 54. Bedient, P.B., Long, G.P., and H.S. Rifai "Modeling Natural Biodegradation with BIOPLUME II" Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Solving Ground Water Problems with Models, Dallas, Texas, pp 699-714. (February 11-13, 1992). 55. Robinson, G.C. and P.B. Bedient "Modeling a Time-Variant Source of Contamination" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Houston, Texas, pp. 531-540. (November 20-22, 1991). 56. Chang, C. and P. B. Bedient "Multiphase Unsaturated Zone Flow and Transport Model for Ground Water Contamination by Hydrocarbon" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Houston, Texas, pp. 515-529 (November 20-22, 1991). 57. Bedient, P.B., Vance, L.A., and H.S. Rifai "Implementation of Wellhead Protection Programs Utilizing Geographical Information Systems" Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, University of Central Florida and The American Society of Civil Engineers, Orlando, Florida, pp. 87-90 (October 1990). 58. Rifai, H.S., Bedient, P.B., and C.J. Newell "Review and Analysis of the Toxicity Characteristics Composite Landfill Model" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection and Restoration, The Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers (NWWA), Houston, Texas, pp.143-157 (October 1990). 59. Rifai, H.S. and P.B. Bedient "A TC Model Alternative for Production Waste Scenarios" Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Waste Management Practices, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, New Orleans, LA, pp. 955-965 (September 1990). 60. Chang, C.C., Wise, W.R., Klopp, R.A., and P.B. Bedient "In Situ Source Release Mechanism Study at an Aviation Gasoline Spill Site: Traverse City, Michigan" Proceedings of the Fourth National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 459-473 (May 1990). 61. Hopkins, L.P., Newell, C.J., and P.B. Bedient "A Hydrogeologic Database for the Hazardous Waste Regulatory Modeling" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic

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Philip B. Bedient, Ph.D., P.E. Publications

Chemicals in Ground Water Conference, National Water Well Association, Houston, TX, pp. 265-279 (November 1989). 62. Alder-Schaller, S.E. and P.B. Bedient "Evaluation of the Hydraulic Effect of Injection and Pumping Wells on In Situ Bioremediation" Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water Conference, National Water Well Association, Houston, TX, pp. 191-201 (November 1989). 63. Smythe, J.M., Bedient, P.B., and R.A. Klopp Cone Penetrometr Technology for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations Proceeding of the Second National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Geophysical methods, Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 71-94 (1989). 64. Rifai, H.S. and P.B. Bedient "Biorestoration Modeling of a Pilot Scale Field Experiment" Proceedings of the National Water Well Association on Solving Ground Water Problems with Models, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 1187-1203 (1989). 65. Wheeler, M.F., Dawson, C., and P.B. Bedient "Numerical Modeling of Subsurface Contaminant Transport with Biodegradation Kinetics" Proceedings of the NWWA Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Houston, TX, pp. 47l-489 (1987). 66. Newell, C.J. and P.B. Bedient "Development and Application of a Ground Water Modeling Database and Expert System" Proceedings of the NWWA Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Houston, TX, pp. 559-578 (1987). 67. Rifai, H.S. and P. B. Bedient "BIOPLUME II - Two Dimensional Modeling for Hydrocarbon Biodegradation and In Situ Restoration" Proceedings of the NWWA Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Houston, TX, pp. 431-450 (1987). 68. Wheeler, M.F., Dawson, C.N., and P.B. Bedient "Numerical Simulation of Microbial Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in Ground Water" Proceedings of the NWWA/IGWMC Conference on Solving Ground Water Problems with Models, Denver, CO, February 10-12, Vol. 1, pp. 92-109 (1987). 69. Chiang, C.Y. and P.B. Bedient "Simplified Model for a Surcharged Stormwater System" Proceedings of the Third Int'l Conf. on Urban Storm Drainage, Goteborg, Sweden, pp. 387-396 (1985). 70. Wang, T.H., Curran, C.M., Bedient, P.B., and M.B. Tomson "Ground Water Contamination at Conroe Creosote Waste Disposal Site" Proceedings of the Second Int'l Conf. on Ground Water Quality Research, OSU University Printing Services, Stillwater, OK, pp. 50-52 (1985). 71. Borden, R.C., Bedient, P.B., and T. Bouvette "Modeling Ground Water Transport at Conroe Creosote Waste Site" Proceedings of the Second Int'l Conf. on Ground Water Quality Research, OSU University Printing Services, Stillwater, OK, p. 88-90 (1985).

72. Todd, D.A. and P.B. Bedient "Use of Qual-II to Model Stream Protection Alternatives"
Proceedings of the ASCE 1984 National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 1984, pp. 60-65 (1984).

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