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The Outlook

an edition of

The United Methodist Reporter

Two Sections

New Music and More | 8A

Your Bible and the Election | 8A

Section A

Another Fun Rally Day | 4A

909160 Vol. 159 No. 22 September 28, 2012

Playground Destroyed by Fire

chalk talk

Random Acts of Programming (RAP) are social, educational or inspirational events that a non-staff individual wishes to experience and share with others. If you have an event or program you would like to host, pick up a RAP Submission form in the church officethe form is simple.

With regularity, and ready for it or not, the seasons change. The slight, mid-September tint to the leaves on the trees indicates that summer is fading fast. Some say there is no fading about it: Summer is over. Deal with it. None of us will find it to be news that there are seasons in our lives, too. And, while this is not news, the realities of the seasons of our lives can be, on some days, more apparent than on others. When summer is over and winter is on the way, how will we deal with it? Yesterday, my mom made the decision to move into hospice care. So, for all our family, the reality of lifes winter season is rattling the windows with sustained winds of significant force. I know that many of you have experienced the reality of lifes seasonal changea reality made evident to me by my moms decision. In this way, as in many others, we are a faith family sharing burdens as well as joys. None of us can stop the seasons of life from changing. We can, however, nurture the indwelling Spirit of God within each other so that we can face the change of seasons. Most importantly of all, we can nurture the indwelling Spirit of God within one another, so that we trust in the truth that, for every winter, spring will come again. This spiritual truth has enormous consequences in how we live our individual lives and how we live with purpose, power and passion in our world. Continued on back page

In the early morning hours of Monday, August 27, a fire erupted in the childrens playground on our property to the east side of our parking lot. The blaze was confined to equipment, sparing the nearby fence and bench. The Fire Department ruled that the cause of the fire was spontaneous combustion created within the thick mulch. Security video footage did not reveal any malicious activity in the parking lot prior to the fire. Our Board of Trustees will address how we follow up with this incident.

If youre a UCUMC youth, youre invited to join in this years fun! Each SundayOK, not the first one of the monththe Middle School (grades 68) and High School (grades 912) Youth Groups meet in the south second-floor youth rooms during worship, where youll have fun times, meaningful discussions, Bible study, prayer support and a chance to plan some great outreach projects. On the first Sunday of each month, both groups attend worship. In addition to our meetings, check out these special happenings:
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September 30Middle School Youth serve Neighborhood Lunch October 21Youth Trip to Cedar Point. All 6th-12th graders are warmly welcomed and encouraged to join us for our Annual Trip to Cedar Point. Detailed Information Sheets and Permission Slips are available in the church office. The cost is $30 and permission slips are due by October 14th. Join us for the fun!! November 1618Middle School & High School Retreat at Camp Wanake

Sunday, October 7, marks the day when all Christian denominations recall each year that we are one in Christ and that the table from which communion is received is Gods table, not our own. Following worship, we join together in the Great Hall for food, fun and fellowship.

Hope youll plan to be a part of it all! If you have any questions, please contact High School Coordinators Dawn & Fred McElrath ([email protected]) or Middle School/Confirmation Coordinator Sharon Seyfarth Garner ([email protected]) .

The United Methodist Reporter (USPS 954-500) is published weekly by UMR Communications, 1221 Profit Dr., Dallas Texas, 75247-3919. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas Texas. and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The United Methodist Reporter, P Box 660275, Dallas, Texas 75266-0275. .O.

Event Leader: Jim Hogg When: Saturday, September 29, 2012; 10am3:30pm (Rain Date: October 6) Where: Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Brecksville Station, 13512 Station Rd., off of Riverview Road at Route 82 Cost: Biking the trail is free. Bikers can ride the train back to car location for $2.00 by flagging down the train. Sign Up: Email to Jim at hoggwriter@ or call 440759-3558. Deadline for signup is Wed., September 26 (Outlook will probably be delivered by then) Description: Enjoy the fall beauty of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park by biking from Brecksville to Peninsula with church members and friends! Explore the Ohio and Erie Canal locks along the way, stop in the Boston Mill store and finish in Peninsula for lunch at the Winking Lizard. After checking out Deep Lock Quarry nearby or shopping local stores, climb aboard the 3pm train with your bike ($2) and ride the train back to your car. This 7-mile bike trip follows the Ohio & Erie Canal and the Cuyahoga River south and is not very strenuous. Water and helmets are highly recommended. Non-bikers can meet us for lunch. If you like riding trains, tickets are $17 ($12 for kids age 312); purchase online and print out. Go to for more information.



SEPTEMBER 28, 2012


Volunteer Opportunities
Willow School Needs Tutors
Willow Elementary School has received assistance in many forms from our church community for more than a decade. And again this school year, they need our tutoring assistance. These young people urgently need attention and assistance in order to grow into productive lives. If you would like to learn more about how to reach out and help, please contact the church office or Dan Maly: [email protected] or 440.235.2614.

Fueling Life-Change
Autumn brings cooler temperatures, beautiful colorsorange, red and gold leavesshorter days, harvest festivals and costumed trick-or-treaters. At UCUMC, autumn brings new fall programming events, a return to the 11am worship time, and reconnecting with friends after summer absences. Autumn at UCUMC also brings about everyones favoritethe annual STEWARDSHIP DRIVE! Yes, October is traditionally the month in which budgets for the new year are drafted and communicated to the church family, followed by requestseven pleasfor pledge support. Why, you might ask, during this beautiful season of transition, must we be reminded of something as mundane as giving to our church? Why, when the nation is dealing with enormous economic challenges, must our church be added to the list of places clamoring for money? One of our spunky, deeply faithful Finance Committee members said at a recent meeting, People need to understand that this church cant run on air! In fact, this committee constantly discusses how to explain to our faith family that this church cannot run on air. They question how to inspire people to give if they arent giving, or how to encourage greater giving if people are able. They look for better ways to make clear the churchs financial needs in ways people can relate to personally. They search for simple language and visual graphs to explain complex monetary realities and budgets. They struggle to find campaign themes and activities that inspire every person to give as much as possible to support this church. Some of us might have a concern about what happens to the money that is given; totally fair. As this years stewardship campaign unfolds, you will have opportunities and be encouraged to ask your church-elected Finance Committee members and your program leaders any questions you might have about your churchs budget. You should know that, every single month, the churchs income and expenses are reviewed and balanced by an independent accounting firm. Then, our Finance Committee reviews these reports to track progress against the budget. Additionally, the Finance Committee audits all procedures and actual transactions to make certain every precaution is taken to safeguard all monies received and expended by the church. Giving is an essential part of being a Christian. We believe that we are called to be good stewards of all Gods gifts, including something as mundane as money. A Phoenix, Arizona church has a category on its website called, Why Give? Included in this section are these words: [Giving to this church] fuels life-change. It is only through the financial generosity of everyday people in our community that [we] are allowed to lead the community to loving God and loving others. We believe that money given to [us] is to be spent aggressively in areas where we see God moving and we will make no apologies for taking risks to follow where God is leading us. Perhaps our Finance Committee would agree that these words do a pretty good job of expressing how they feel about why its really important to give to this church...your church. Autumn is a beautiful time of year. The landscape will change in strikingly marvelous ways. And, our new 2013 financial campaign unfolds as well. Please be open to the information and requests presented by your Finance Committee. Please be positive about the ways your pledge, your contributions can make beautiful things happen, here and beyond our walls. Please carefully consider how you can help University Circle Church your church fuel life-change that will lead our community toward loving God and loving otherswithout apology. Theres nothing mundane about that! Kay Hogg, Director of Administration

Neighborhood Lunch Program Needs Help, Food

The last Sunday of each month, our Neighborhood Lunch Program serves a free meal in the Great Hall to those in our city in need of food. Whether you contribute menu items or your time, your help with this caring and rewarding effort will be greatly appreciated. Contact Jennifer Bier at 216-707-0329 or [email protected] for more information.

Womens Shelter Has Real-Life Needs

With the help of member Barbara Williams, former director of Clevelands four homeless shelters under the auspices of former First Church, those who find themselves in Clevelands homeless women shelter are receiving food for body as well as soul. Along with her words of encouragement, she provides welcomed leftover bakery items she picks up from a local restaurant. If you have a few hours one evening a week you could give to this outreach effort, please contact Barb at 216-231-8573.

Gourmet Hot Dog Extravaganza: Another Fun Rally Day!

For more than a decade, on the Sunday we rally back to church after a summer of vacations and activities, our Men Engaged in Needed Services (MENS) group has put their considerable talents to work each September to prepare a fantastic feast of franks. If you had any doubt about how gourmet a hot dog could be, the amazing spread of condiments, accompanied by beans, chips and extras, surely transformed your impressions of this all-American culinary favorite. As if this wasnt enough, this is the first year a photo booth was available for children and adults alike to strike a pose and take home some fun photos. As always, this Rally Day proved enjoyable and satisfying, with much fellowship and conversation. Thanks to the MENS group for preparing and serving their culinary delights and for collecting contributions in support of their outreach efforts in the city.

Financial Consultants Offer Sound Advice

In response to a request from our Finance Committee, member Jeffrey H. Day and Sean T. OReilly, CFP, have presented a practical and insightful two-part class on financial fundamentals. Jeff is an Associate/Owner of Financial Education Services and has been in the financial services industry since 1970. He presented information about how to make sound financial decisions. Sean is a Senior Vice-President Investment Officer with Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. He has been an Investment Advisor since 1996 and a Certified Financial Planner since 2006. His presentation dealt with the basics of personal investments and offered advice about maintaining a balanced approach. Much appreciation to these highly qualified financial advisors for their time and consultation. Those who attended have become better able to invest, to inspire and to imagine how they as individuals and we as a church family can better face our financial futures.



SEPTEMBER 28, 2012


n October 7, 9:30amMarc S. Byrnes, Chairman and CEO of employee-owned Oswald

Director of Music & Arts

Companies, one of the 60 largest insurance companies in the U.S., joins us to share his compelling story of adoption as an infant, growing up in a foster home, reconnecting with his birth family and the formation of his life and faith through these experiences.
n October 14, 9:30amSponsored by UCUMCs Gay-Straight Alliance, Marianne

Buccini, a counselor/associate professor at Tri-C, will share her familys personal story of her sons coming out and their subsequent journey. Marianne is an active advocate of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). PFLAG is an all-volunteer, non-profit self-help organization founded nationally in 1981 and in Cleveland in 1985. For more than 25 years, PFLAG volunteers have worked to foster an environment of understanding and acceptance within families in the Greater Cleveland community. As a long-time fan of Dr. Chalker, Marianne has always appreciated his support of the LGBT community. She explains that many PFLAG members struggle with the negative messages regarding LGBT issues they receive from faith communities, and she greatly admires Dr. Chalkers willingness to speak out on equality for all people.
n October 21, 9:30amOur MENS groups quarterly Cleveland Speaks

Well, were off and running! After a really successful Rally Day service and all our ensembles back with the start of the church year, we have a fall schedule full of exciting worship experiences and musical presentations. Here are just a few: Sept. 30MUSIC THEATRE SUNDAY: Join us as we find spiritual meaning in a musical genre that can provide so many uplifting moments. Music will include songs from West Side Story, Fiddler on the Roof, Rent, Anyone Can Whistle, South Pacific, Annie, The Sound of Music and Carousel. Oct. 7WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY: Well celebrate communion with the entire world! Featuring drums, flute, choirs, dancers and more, this worship service will help you feel a part of the worldwide celebration of this

important part of our faith. Oct. 14RECONCILIATION SUNDAY: We honor our commitment as a reconciling congregation through music, liturgy, and affirmation. This service will speak to our gratefulness for human love, respect for all Gods children and our devotion to standing with those who stand in the face of discrimination. AND LATER All Saints Day, Folk Sunday, Thanksgiving Sunday and, of course, the Season of Advent and our annual Cantata! Finally, we hope that youll consider being a part of one of our ensembles. Bell and Chancel Choirs have moved their rehearsal dates to WEDNESDAY NIGHTS! We hear that this will make it possible for more programming opportunities and for more people to participate in these groups. Come on out! All are welcome, all the time!

forum welcomes Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald. Before becoming Cuyahoga Countys first County Executive, Mr. FitzGerald served as a Congressional staff member, FBI Special Agent, Assistant County Prosecutor, City Councilman and Mayor of Lakewood, Ohio. He will speak in the Great Hall about his experience as the countys first Executive and his plans for the future.

chalk talk
Continued from front page

path motivates our building up and developing of life, not burning things down. Being on such a path leads to dwelling in the house of the Lord forever. At one point yesterday as preparations were underway to get Mom settled in her room at hospice, my brother and I asked Mom what she was thinking about. Her reply was immediate. I think that God is taking care of me. Paying attention to Mom always has its lessons. It is so very important to trust, no matter the reality of winter, in the coming of spring.
n Dont Be A Christian VoterFollow Jesus Instead is the topic of

Being invested in the spiritual truth that spring will come again as well as preparing for its arrival is, for me, a far more compelling faith reality of Gods presence in life than being consumed, as so many thousands appear to be, by a spirit of anger, resentment and outrage. Whether we are in the streets screaming in outrage over an offended prophet, or living in perpetual bitterness over an injustice in our personal lives, we are choosing to remain stuck in a dry season. A faith reality that God is present in our lives assures us of hope and spring in the face of lifes fall and winter seasons, motivating all sorts of life-enriching endeavors. Again, screaming in the streets, burning flags, killing people and tearing down buildings in the name of defending the honor of an ancient prophet whose sacred memory has been sullied, is just one more example of nothing more than being stuck in a season of drought. Following in the way of Jesus is to be on a path that leads to green pastures, still waters as well as ever-flowing streams. Being on this

Dr. Chalkers Wednesday, October 3 pre-election class at 6:30pm. He will share his views on how the Bible has been misused in political statements during this presidential election. The class will not focus on candidates; instead, it will debunk published Biblical interpretations that promote narrow religious agendas designed to instruct people how to vote as Christians. The class will end by 8pm so participants can get home in time to watch the first presidential debate! Please register your attendance with the church office.
n Obama and Romney: Religion, Ethics, Citizenship and Community

Dance, Dance
I praise the dance, for it frees people from the heaviness of matter and binds the isolated to community. St. Augustine, 4th Century AD As we gather as a community of faith on October 7, World Communion Sunday, may our spirits dance with the UCUMC dancers as they lead the procession to begin our worship. If you have an interest in being a part of the UCUMC Liturgical Dancers, join us at 9:00am on Sundays in the Great Hall as we prepare for participation in worship during our Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas Eve services. We sang before we talked. We danced before we walked. Lets keep dancing. It strengthens the body and nourishes for the soul! Edna Duffy, Director, UCUMC Liturgical Dancers

Wednesday, October 11, at 6:30pm, Dr. Kenneth Vaux, Presbyterian minister, author, teacher and founder/director of the Ethics Center at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in Illinois, is our guest lecturer for this thoughtprovoking look at how the faith practices of both presidential candidates informs their political theology, social ethics and political programs. Dr. Vaux states that, in this election, religion and politics will address each other in unprecedented ways, and a rumble is to be expected. Not wedded to either candidate, but as a man of God, he seeks to find a truth and goodness that transcends partisan interests.

With Nathan Motta, Director of Music and Arts, Norine Sharp is recognized by Dr. Chalker during worship for singing with the Chancel Choir and supporting the churchs music program for 68 years.


printed every four weeks as an edition of THE UNITED METHODIST REPORTER for University Circle United Methodist Church Dr. Kenneth W. Chalker, Senior Pastor 1919 E. 107th St., Cleveland, OH 44106; 216/421-1200 Outlook Editor: Jim Hogg [email protected] Photographers: Jeff Day, David Hughes, Brian Misch Editorial Staff: K. Shamp, E. Prince, C. Day, M. Abele

Deadline for the next Outlook issue is Monday, October 15, 2012 [email protected]

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